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Design Method of A Modular Electronic Printed Circuit Board Testing System

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Design Method of a Modular Electronic Printed Circuit

Board Testing System


David McCalib, Jr.

B.Sc., Manufacturing Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering
Oregon Institute of Technology, 2007, 2012

Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of ARCHIN E
Master of Engineering in Manufacturing OF rE=CHNOLOGY

at the NOV 12 2013

September 2013

0 David McCalib Jr, 2013, All rights reserved

The author hereby grants MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies
of this thesis document in whole or in part

Signature of Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering
August 9 '4, 2013

Certified by
Stanley B. Gershwin
Senior esearch Scientist Department of Mechanical Engineering
Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by
David E. Hardt
Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Chairman, Committee for Graduate Student
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2|1P a g c
Design Method of a Modular Electronic Printed Circuit
Board Testing System

David McCalib, Jr.

Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 9th, 2013 in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Engineering in Manufacturing


The failure rate of the printed circuit board electronic testing process is higher than acceptable
at a Lenze Americas factory. This thesis will understand the root causes of failure, and use
system engineering methods to decide what course of action should be taken. A Tradespace
analysis is used to help decompose some of the complexity into a visualization that simplifies
the decision process. The Tradespace analysis suggests that more utility can be achieved by
upgrading the design of existing test fixtures versus purchasing off of the shelf solutions.

The second phase will identify a design concept, offer specific design solutions, and finally a
fully designed system that is capable of improving the performance of the test fixtures in
electronic board test area by 50%. The system is then upgradable with in-line conveyors to run
autonomously decoupling the operator from the process.

Thesis Supervisor: Stanley B. Gershwin

Title: Senior Research Scientist Department of Mechanical Engineering

3 11P a g e
"Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible." MC Escher

On this journey at MIT, I have will never forget the time spent with Vrushank, and Joseph, as well as all
of the MEngM cohort. This was a great experience, one that I never forget. The teachers that really made
a difference for me; Professors David Hardt, Alex Slocum, Martin Culpepper, and Charles Fine. Their
instruction in and around class was extremely valuable. Professors Matt Kressy, Warren Seering, and
Steve Eppinger really expanded my MIT experience with the Product Design and Development class.

I would especially like to acknowledge Professor Daniel Whitney, who taught a special session over IAP
to educate us on all on what goes into understanding mechanical assemblies, and its role in product
development. To my adviser Stanley B. Gershwin, who is a living testament to what a consistent,
enthusiastic, mentor can really be. His guidance will echo in my life for years to come. Jonathan B.
Hopkins led me to understand his work on FACT, and changed the way I look at the design of compliant
mechanical systems - He has been a great resource, and a wealth of information.

I would like to thank my family, helping me understand the importance of hard work, and striving for the
best education in and outside of the classroom. Debora thank you for your support, and enthusiasm, you
are a light in my life that I am truly blessed to receive.

"Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles per hour, the
instant the lightning strikes the tower... everything will be fine." Dr. Emmett Brown

41 P a ge
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 4

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 5

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................. 7

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1. COM PANY BACKGROUND AND M ANUFACTURING ............................................................................. 9

1.2. CONTROL BOARDS ................................................................................................................................ 10

1.3. POW ER BOARDS...................................................................................................................................10

1.4. ELECTRONIC BOARD TEST AREA ......................................................... 11

2. PROBLEM STATEM ENT .............................................................................................................................. 11

2.1. REPAIR ISSUES AT ELECTRONIC BOARD TEST ..................................................................................... 12

2.2. PCB STRAIN DURING THE TEST..............................................................................................................12

2.3. BACKGROUND LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................... 13

3. CLASSIFICATION OF DIFFERENT ATE M ETHODS ....................................................................................... 14

3.1. IN-CIRCU IT TEST (ICT) ............................................................................................................................ 14

3.2. FUNCTIONAL TEST (FT)..........................................................................................................................14

3.3. TEST SYSTEM S ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................................. 15

3.4. COM PLIANT SPRING POGO ................................................................................................................... 15

3.5. BED OF NAILS........................................................................................................................................16

3.6. VACUUM ASSISTED TESTING ................................................................................................................. 17

3.7. IN-LINE AUTOM ATED TTEST .................................................................................................................... 17

3.8. FUTURE M ANUFACTURING FACILITY LAYOUT................................................................................... 18

3.9. PROJECT DESIGN GOALS........................................................................................................................19

4. M ETHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................................................20

4.1. NEED IDENTIFICATION...........................................................................................................................20

4.2. THE DESIGN OF FACTORY PRODUCTION TEST EQUIPM ENT................................................................ 21

4.3. THE M AKE VS. BUY DECISION ................................................................................................................ 22

4.4. ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................... 22

4.5. DESIGN VARIABLE/VECTOR: .................................................................................................................. 22

4.6. TRADE SPACE DECISION M AKING PROCESS ....................................................................................... 23

5. DESIGN CONCEPT ...................................................................................................................................... 26

6. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREM ENTS AND SYSTEM DESIGN.............................................................................. 26

5 11P a g, c
6.1. EXACT CONSTRAINT OF THE UUT: ......................................................................................................... 28

6.2. CANTILEVERED GUIDE M ECHANISM ................................................................................................... 30

6.3. ASSEM BLY DESIGN OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 31

7. KEY CHARACTERISTICS DEFINITION ............................................................................................................ 33

7.1. VARIATION ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................35

7.2. Z ACTUATION FORCE PROFILE ............................................................................................................... 37

7.3. KINEM ATIC COUPLING .......................................................................................................................... 38

7.4. TEST FIXTURE STAND-OFF PLATE ........................................................................................................... 39

8. M ATERIALS AN D COST ............................................................................................................................... 40

9. SUM M ARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 42

10. AREAS FOR FUTURE INVESTIGATION..........................................................................................................43

11. APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................................43

11.1. DIFFERENCE BETW EEN M ATES AND CONNECTIONS............................................................................43

11.2. FEATURE M ODEL OF ASSEM BLIES..........................................................................................................43

11.3. CANTILEVER CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................................. 47

11.4. LEAD SCREW AND SERVO SIZING...........................................................................................................47

11.5. KINEM ATIC COUPLING M ATERIAL SELECTION........................................................................................so

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................... 52

6 1P a g e
List of Figures
FIGURE 1: THESIS STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................................................. 9

FIGURE 2: A LENZE PCB CONTROL BOARD ........................................................................................................................... 10

FIGURE 3: A LENZE POW ER BOARD PCB W ITH CAPACITOR PLATE ............................................................................................. 11

FIGURE 4: REPRESENTATIVE M ECHANICAL FIXTURE.................................................................................................................12

FIGURE 5: FEA STRESS PLOT [3].........................................................................................................................................13

FIGURE 6: ADAPTED FROM VAN LOAN ET AL[8] .................................................................................................................... 14

FIGURE 7: SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE E [9] ................................................................................................................................. 15

FIGURE 8: PICTURE OF A COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE SPRING POGO. [10] ............................................................................. 16

FIGURE 9: AN EXAMPLE OF A BED OF NAILS PLATFORM [11]....................................................................................................16

FIGURE 10: VACUUM ASSISTED FIXTURE [12] . ...................................................................................................................... 17

FIGURE 11 - AGILENT 11000 ATE [13]................................................................................................................................18

FIGURE 12 - INLINE TESTING AGILENT 11000 [13] ................................................................................................................. 18

FIGURE 13: DEPICTION OF PROPOSED FUTURE STATE PCB MANUFACTURING LINE [16] ............................................................. 19

FIGURE 14: DATA COLLECTED BY LENZE ELECTRONIC BOARD TEST REPAIR DEPARTMENT ................................................................ 21

FIGURE 15 - TRADESPACE EXAMPLE [19].............................................................................................................................. 23

FIGURE 16 - VALUE DEPICTION SEARI [21]..........................................................................................................................23

FIGURE 17: FOCUS OF RESEARCH EFFORTS.............................................................................................................................24

FIGURE 18: PURCHASED VS. DESIGN TRADESPACE W ITH PARETO FRONTIER. ............................................................................. 25

FIGURE 19: TRADESPACE ATTRIBUTE COMPARISON HISTOGRAM. ........................................................................................... 25

FIGURE 20: DIAGRAM SHOW ING THE CONSTRAINING POSITIONS OF THE FIXTURE PINS................................................................ 29

FIGURE 21: COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE CIRCUIT BOARD GUIDE PINS [26]............................................................................. 29

FIGURE 22: SIDE VIEW OF PCB W ITH EXACT CONSTRAINT .................................................................................................... 30

FIGURE 23: ANGLED FRONT VIEW OF PROTOTYPE W ITH MISUMI GUIDE PINS .......................................................................... 30

FIGURE 24: FRONT AND ISO VIEW OF BASE PLATE ASSEMBLY................................................................................................. 31

FIGURE 25: TEST FIXTURE ASSEMBLY...................................................................................................................................31

7 Pa g c
FIGURE 26: ISO OF BASE PLATE AND TEST FIXTURE ASSEMBLED ............................................................................................. 32

FIGURE 27: FRONT VIEW OF THE VERTICAL SLIDER ASSEMBLY .................................................................................................. 32

FIGURE 28: ISO OF BASE PLATE, TEST FIXTURE, AND VERTICAL SLIDER ASSEMBLIES.................................................................... 33

FIGURE 29: DIAGRAM OF ASSEMBLY DESIGN PROCESS [27].................................................................................................34

FIGURE 30: CHAINS OF DELIVERY FOR KCS IN SYSTEM ............................. ................ ............................................ 34


FIGURE 32: PICTURE OF MONTE CARLO POSITIONAL ERROR OF PUSHER PIN ............................................................................ 36

FIGURE 33: ERROR BUDGET WORKSHEET EXCEL .................................................................................................................... 37

FIGURE 34: M INITAB CAPABILITY OF ASSEM BLY ..................................................................................................................... 37

FIGURE 35: LOADING DIAGRAM FROM PIN FORCE..................................................................................................................38

FIGURE 36: PICTURE DEMONSTRATING THE Z OFFSET FROM POGO'S .................................................................................. 38

FIGURE 37: 300MM SILICON WAFER FOU P WITH KCPL ON BOTTOM ....................................................................................... 39

FIGURE 38: SIDE VIEW OF TEST FIXTURE ASSEMBLY WITH SPRING PLATE AND UUT ..................................................................... 40

FIGURE 39: TOP VIEW OF SPRING PLATE AND UUT ............................................................................................. .... 40

FIGURE 40: A 3 REPORT PAGE 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 41

FIGURE 41: A 3 REPORT PAGE 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 42


FIGURE 43: PARTS JOINED BY A CHAIN OF FRAMES TO DELIVER A KC [27]..............................................................................46

FIGURE 44: COOPERHILL SERVOSIZER DATA INPUT PAGE FOR LEAD SCREW ............................................................................ 48

FIGURE 45: M OTOR DATA INPUT PAGE................................................................................................................................48

FIGURE 46: LENZE MCS06141 TORQUE CURVE [33] ............................................................................... ....... 49

FIGURE 47: VELOCITY AND TORQUE GRAPHS AS A FUNCTION OF TIME ....................................................................................... 49

FIGURE 48: PICTURE VIEW OF FRETTING OF SHAFT [34] ........................................................................................................... 50

FIGURE 49: PSZ WEAR AFTER 100-HOUR FRETTING TEST VERSUS D2 STEEL (50-MM AMPLITUDE, 10 LBF) [34].............................51

FIGURE 50: FRETTING WEAR VOLUMES FOR VARIOUS COUPLES (10 LB., 1.7Hz, 100 HR., 50 MM) [34] ....................................... 51

81 P ag e
1. Introduction
The purpose of this thesis is to guide the reader on the methods used to deliver a solution to a process
bottleneck at Lenze America manufacturing plant. A team of MIT Master of Engineering in
Manufacturing (MEngM) students researched this bottleneck and other areas for improvement identified
by the executive management. An upgrade to the existing electronic board test (EBT) strategy was
proposed, evaluated, designed, and presented to Lenze. The thesis is split into two stages. The first stage
was identifying the problems at the electronic board test area that caused multiple failures of test fixtures,
along with conducting a make vs. buy decision using a Trade Space analysis. The second stage is the
design of a systematic upgrade strategy to improve the reliability of the existing testing fixtures as shown
in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Thesis Structure

Other projects conducted by other MIT-MEngM students focused on plant layout optimization for current
production and discrete event simulation for future products. The research was carried out at the
Uxbridge, MA facility, which primarily manufactures electronic circuit boards, assemblies, motor inverter
drives, and servo motor drives.

1.1. Company Background and Manufacturing

Lenze America used to be formally known as AC-Tech before the acquisition by Lenze, a German
company. The portfolio includes frequency inverter drives, servo drives, and motors. At Lenze America
(Uxbridge), the main focus is the manufacture of printed circuit boards (PCB) and subsequent assembly
into electronic drives.

These are manufactured using commercially available surface mount technology (SMT) to make the
different PCB required for each product. The manufacturing of the PCB is done from vendor supplied

"Surface Mounting has become a mature process, and is implemented on a global basis. What started
out as a new name for "planarmounting" has become the industry normfor electronic assemblies.
The most obvious benefits of Surface Mount Technology (SMT) compared to older through-hole (TH)
technology is increased circuit density and improved electrical performance. Less obvious benefits
include reduced process costs, higher product quality, reduced handling costs, and higher reliability.
Most of the SMT package types also ease assembly automation, rework and repair. Because of the
complexity and density of some assemblies (e.g. intermixed components on both sides of a printed
board), proper design and process control are essential if the reduction of processing costs, rework and
repair are to be achieved". [1]
9 1Pg
Lenze aggregates different board family types into the same layout and upgrades the components to
higher power levels, when required. It has been Lenze's operational strategy to provide the quantity the
customer wants, regardless of the quantity of the order. There are a lot of instances where small orders are
run through the factory, creating additional requirements for reliability and change overs that are fast and
efficient, in EBT.

1.2. Control Boards

A control board is typically a low power board (24 Volts or less) using the same SMT process and is
assembled with the power board at drive assembly. This is considered the brains of the drive since it takes
input signals and voltages and then controls the power MOSFET [2]. The power board delivers the
appropriate power to the motor. Control boards are separated from the power boards in the drive
assembly. As a requirement for motor horsepower (HP) goes up, the same control board can be used and
the corresponding power board can be assembled to meet the requirements. These boards go through in-
circuit testing at the EBT area. Figure 2 shows a top view of a control board representation.

Figure 2: A Lenze PCB Control Board

1.3. Power Boards

One laminate layout board can service multiple different power boards. Different components are added
to handle the increased horsepower of the drive. Power boards and control boards are assembled into the
drive enclosure.

These power boards or unit under test as they are called in industry (UUT) go through functional testing
in the electronic board test (EBT) area.

The test fixtures require higher power POGO contact with the UUT. Voltage levels as high as 460V (3-
phase AC) pass through the UUT as if they were under actual loaded conditions turning an electric motor.
After the UUT pass the inspection and functional testing they are ready to be assembled into the drive
assembly. After the assembly is complete the drive is tested again under functional loaded conditions, and
a more severe load is applied. The goal is to ensure 100% product conformance within specifications, so
that the customer is given a product that will work every time. Figure 3 shows a representative top view
of a power board with capacitor plate, where capacitors are mounted. The contact points for the electrical
test are on the bottom of the UUT.

10 | 1) g e
Figure 3: A Lenze Power Board PCB with Capacitor Plate

1.4. Electronic Board Test Area

The electronic board test area is where all of the board level testing occurs. It is supported by an
engineering group that designs test fixtures, electronic circuitry, and automated test programs that are
used by the technicians to conduct in-circuit and functional tests. AC-tech the original company used very
rudimentary test fixtures to test the original product. The original design circuit density was lower than
the newer Lenze product offering. These older AC-tech drives were scheduled to be made obsolete, but
given the popularity in the market place the decision to migrate customers to newer products has been
slow. This means that some of the original test fixtures still remain in use today. This complicates
improvements efforts since there are different designs. In 2005, the company started to standardize on
using a PCB to hold POGO pin test points. The majorities of the fixtures are setup in this manner. These
are the fixtures that received the most attention, since they make up the majority on the floor. Since Lenze
used a PCB manufacturing process similar to the process used for the product, engineering data was more
available to be used in designing upgrades. The engineering data did not exist in great detail for the older
fixtures. One of the challenges presented to the company was what direction makes the most sense for
Lenze, given that additional products are manufactured in the German location. The German site has been
using more automated methods, and reporting better Mean-Time-to-Failure with German test fixtures,
than Lenze America.

2. Problem Statement
At the beginning of the MIT research internship, manufacturing engineering resources had been setup for
two years. Large improvements had been made to lead time and inventory in the PCB line up to EBT.
However, bottlenecks still remained in the EBT process, due in large part to mechanical failures and
repairs of test fixtures. These occurrences were well documented within the organization. The disruption
to the process "turns" was widely felt as variation in process velocity was attributed to this process. The
EBT is a critical quality process that ensures that the printed circuit boards (PCB) are manufactured
correctly before being assembled into drives and cannot be skipped. Lenze needed to improve the
mechanical performance of the electronic test fixture. A staff of 4-5 technicians worked to keep the over
200 fixtures up to production, and on preventative maintenance schedules. The EBT process had an
unacceptably high number of repairs that required extra resources to try and keep the equipment up.

1 I I1P a g c
2.1. Repair Issues at Electronic Board Test
The author investigated the root cause of the faults and current EBT design methodology, from concept in
Cad to production on the floor. The electronic test engineering group had experimented with two different
clamping design concepts previously, but both had never made it to production. One had been prototyped
in the lab, and the other concept was designed in CAD to demonstrate the idea. They were both done in
isolation and not in a systematic manner incorporating all of the ultimate stakeholders. Historically once a
test fixture had been qualified at the first article acceptance of a product through the process the fixture
was never upgraded to a robust design allowing 1000's of boards to run on them. In essence Lenze was
going to production with test fixtures that had been only brought up to a level of prototype. Once
production demands were placed on the fixtures, there was never a chance to go back and update the
design for more robust reliability. Even though capable of determining if a PCB was not in the specified
voltage tolerance, the reliability was not to the level that allowed for consistent throughput of WIP.

2.2. PCB Strain during the Test

The method to conduct a test is to first place the PCB on 4 guide pins, allowing it to rest on the POGO
test points. A mechanical clamp is then brought into position over the PCB, and then engaged or latched.
This resulting motion forces the PCB down into contact with the POGO's. When the clamping
mechanism is actuated during the test, mechanical strains are placed on the board. Solder bonded
components can become damaged if the PCB is subjected to loads outside the accepted range. Figure 4
shows a fixture that is used for testing. The black and white connectors at the back are used to connect the
circuits from the receiver to the fixture.

T Spacer


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Figure 4: Representative Mechanical Fixture

There is a considerable amount of research that has been done to measure strains placed on the board
during testing [3]. FEA simulation of test point and fixturing points give a method to reduce the
deflections during testing.

12 P a g e
The Global Trade Organization - IPC (IPC/JEDEC-9704A) has outlined methods for testing the amount
of stress that is placed on the boards using strain gages to experimentally verify with simulation methods.
With the current method of mechanical fixture, it becomes difficult to setup correctly to reduce these
strains. At Lenze there are fixtures that strain the PCB close to the allowable amount. It is desired to
reduce this effect in this process.

Figure 5: FEA Stress Plot 131

Currently with the existing mechanical fixturing systems it is difficult to setup the clamps correctly to
reduce the mechanical strain on the boards. Figure 5 shows FEA similar to PCB being tested at Lenze,
demonstrating the extent that some companies go to reduce the stress on PCB.

2.3. Background Literature Review

The Automated Test Equipment (ATE) industry originated from companies like Teradyne and Genrad,
filling a need to test ever greater circuit densities.

Over the last 30 years, there has been consolidation in the industry and movement of a lot of PCB
manufacturing to China [4] and other countries. A review of the history of the ATE industry can be found
in Chiu [5]. There are multiple different vendors of fixtures, testing methods, and automated test
equipment in existence, as found in the industry guide of ATE World [6]. In this industry guide, more
than 138 different suppliers were listed for various different ATE solutions. The author went through the
guide and exhaustively searched the vendor list, identifying information used later in the Tradespace
decision method. Phone conversations, request for quotes, and estimates were used to try and understand
what is available on the marketplace for solutions.

Peet [7] describes the difficulties migrating from existing ATE to newer improved systems. He says
"Fixtures,as well as A TE, age and should be better rebuilt when possible and convenient. In many
cases unfortunately this might prove not economically viable. Particularly when fixtures include active
electronic, a large part of them is part of the project or simply the bill is too high. In such cases
building a fixture adapter between the new ATE receiver and the old fixtures is the preferred solution.
Once again, the flexibility of the new A TE to provide adequate number of non-multiplexed
independently programmable analog/digital resources on every pin would greatly simplify and reduce
the cost of thefixture adapter." This was part of the difficulty early on in the research. Trying to
understand what option made the most sense to pursue given the hundreds of test fixtures that were
present, and hundreds of potential vendors. This information reinforced the difficulty given existing test
assets versus a direction to invest money in newer technology.

13 1P a eC
A comprehensive literature review was conducted to understand what technology was listed in the
protected space of the Unites States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In Van Loan et al. [8], a
system is designed that is similar to the method that Lenze employs with regards the complaint POGO
test pin. Lenze does not utilize their fixtures with a wireless configuration, as described in the patent.
Each POGO is soldered in place to a test measurement PCB, and then a connecter is present on the PCB
board. Figure 6 shows art from a patent demonstrating Spring POGO making contact to the UUT. In this
case double acting POGO are installed.

PCB Unit Under Test

14 30 28 20

26 38
22 4 24 40
341 436 3422
Spring POGO

Figure 6: Adapted from Van Loan et al [8]

3. Classification of Different ATE Methods

Early on in the research at Lenze, the author needed better understanding of what electronic test meant at
Lenze and in industry with respect to the different systems available and testing techniques. After the
comprehensive literature review and discussions with vendors from the ATE industry, the following
classifications of testing techniques and devices can be established. Different test methods exist at Lenze,
and for different reasons outlined below.

3.1. In-circuit Test (ICT)

ICT is a low power test that checks the PCB for opens, shorts, deviations from expected resistance,
voltage, and other quantities. It does not simulate loads on the board and is typically done for control
boards. Test probes make contact with the PCB under test. Most of the purchased testing solutions are for
ICT. Low cost ICT systems cost $10,000 - $30,000; with fully automatic systems costing over $100,000.

3.2. Functional Test (FT)

A low and high power FT is conducted to simulate loads on power boards, similar to what they would see
in the working environment. It consists of two steps:

1. First is to apply low power to check for non-conformance similar to an ICT.

2. Once this has passed, the power levels are increased and simulated motor loads are placed on the

14 | I a g e
The requirements are strongly related to the type of product being functionally tested. There are large
variations in voltages, logic, signals, and power requirements. The majority of functional testers are built
very specifically for the product being tested.

The possibility of eliminating ICT and FT from the process flow was investigated; but ultimately is not
achievable. There are certain tests that are not conducted at drive test that must be done at functional test.
The rework probabilities for a failed test require FT before assembly.

An assembled drive failure can mean that the unit is destroyed and not capable of being reworked. The
preferred method is to understand the quality failure early on in the process and fix problems before they
migrate down the line. This is an inherent cost of quality that the company incurs to ensure that the
product is conforming. There is a lot of focus of reducing the cycle time at this operation.

3.3. Test Systems Architecture

Test systems are comprised of different elements that make the entire architecture. At Lenze the analog
and digital instrumentation is housed in a separate enclosure from the receiver and fixture. The UUT
mates with the fixture using the spring POGO connections. Figure 8 shows a functional block diagram
outlining how the different components of the architecture are related.

Chanroe HVI


Figure 7: System Architecture [9]

3.4. Compliant Spring POGO

POGO test points are designed to be compliant and maintain electrical connectivity during displacement
that occurs during the test. The spring force is required to break through any flux residue or oxide that
forms due to standard processing from the SMT solder reflow and wave solder operations. Different tip
geometries and diameters can be selected based upon which test point is required. The POGO's are
engineered and certified to maintain a constant electrical resistance during the entire stroke of the POGO.
This is important as different POGO's are displaced differently. This is because the topography of the
UUT varies with through-hole component leads and solder pads that have natural variation. If the
resistance changed as a function of height, then test results would be affected by the natural variation
from the topography changes. Figure 8 shows one style of tip geometry of a spring POGO. Multiple
different styles are available depending on requirements of the UUT.

15 1Pa g c
D7 -. I
? UNIT:mm

Figure 8: Picture of a commercially available spring POGO. [10]

3.5. Bed of Nails

This is a traditional test method where a matrix of corresponding spring compliant test probe pins are
aligned with the test points on the PCB. The PCB is placed on the bed and then brought to make contact
with the spring pins. Care must be taken to ensure that the board is flat and that enough force is delivered
to make sure the POGO tips have broken through the oxide layer. The arrangement of the POGOs can be
done with an Epoxy Phenolic glass cloth laminate sheet or in a PCB as in the case of Lenze. When the
UUT is placed on top of the bed of nails and pressed down, the connection is made through the test points
and UUT. The POGO's are either soldered in place or wired back to the testing circuitry, enabling the
test. Figure 9 is an illustration of a guided top mounted pusher plate used to bring the UUT in contact with
the spring POGO's.

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Figure 9: An example of a Bed of Nails Platform [11]

16 |P a g e
3.6. Vacuum Assisted Testing
In the vacuum assisted testing method, the PCB-UUT is placed on a plate. A vacuum is applied to draw
the board down to make contact with the spring pins on the bottom. The UUT is placed on the top and
vacuum is applied. These test fixtures are typically manufactured by Teradyne or Agilent. Figure 10
demonstrates a vacuum fixture found in practice. Notice lack of a top mounted clamp plate. Vacuum
assisted testing is actuated from the bottom sides of the fixture.


Figure 10: Vacuum Assisted Fixture [12].

3.7. In-line Automated Test

In line automated test methods are used to automatically place the PCB into the testing fixture with the
use of conveyors. While fast and capable of removing the operator from the testing environment, these
systems are expensive. The base testing station is required along with an additional in-line conveyor. The
PCB is transferred along the in-line conveyor and then placed correct position with a board stopper. Then
the inline conveyor lowers the board into the fixture. Since there are high voltages and a motivation to
remove operator variability, these automated systems offer a solution. A truly operator decoupled setup
requires a manufacturing execution system to glue together the different process modules into one system.
For example, a PCB might come out of the wave solder process and need to move on a conveyor to a
through-hole process and then to test. A system must be in charge of the material handling of the boards
from station to station.

Figure II and Figure 12 are examples of an Agilent ilOOO ATE [13] and an inline conveyor system.
Utilizing this setup, a manufacture can start to have full automation strategies removing the operator from
the testing process. The i1000 uses 3 vertical guides to ensure the vertical, planar guided action of the
PCB into the test points.

17 1 P a g c
Figure 11 - Agilent ilOOO ATE [13]

Figure 12 - Inline Testing Agilent ilOOO [13]

3.8. Future Manufacturing Facility Layout

In discussions with the Lenze engineering team, the following high level considerations were made in
regards to a future state of continuous flow instead of the batch manufacturing system that they currently
employ. The work by Falvella [14] and Phadnis [15] outline the direction that Lenze desires to take over
the next few years. Falvella shows how to implement the migration while still keeping production going
in the factory. Phadnis works on simulation methods to understand capacities and resource utilization.

The EBT test engineering group made a decision to start using the systems that the German site uses for
test equipment for all new products. This limited the author's scope of research to methods to improve the
reliability for the existing test fixtures.

18 |1P a ) e
These existing fixtures are scheduled to be in production for the next 5-10 years, and will remain a
process bottle neck if just left alone to be obsoleted. Along with the fact that market demands seem to
extend the life based upon popularity with sales.

The Lenze teams consisted of Manufacturing Engineering, Electronic Test Engineering, and the Test
Operation leads members that were included in early reviews. Information from the group was taken into
consideration when figuring out the make versus buy decisions given the location, resources, capability,
and manufacturing processes available to Lenze for the existing test equipment.

3.9. Project Design Goals

Improve the mechanical coupling of the UUT to the fixture, with a reduction of repairs in the system by


Cost Appropriate Solution
Automatic Operation

The German plant has designed for full automation in some instances of their electronic test. Figure 13 is
representative of a continuous flowing line serving as the inspiration for Lenze's future state. While
Germany had a few automated lines, there was substantial product that remained that would be phased out
in the next 5-10 years. In these cases it didn't make sense to invest the capital to re do the testing strategy
on the previous boards. A system that could be purchased or designed that would allow for expansion into
automatic flow would be an ideal solution. Figure 13 was shown to Lenze and became a representation of
the direction that they had been working towards.


Sokier Bum-oi

printing placement 12 l defed deeotion

andl Manual
VIU00I inspection

Figure 13: Depiction of proposed future state PCB manufacturing line [16]

19 1P a g C
4. Methodology
4.1. Need Identification
The purpose of this chapter is to identify needs within Lenze to improve the test fixtures. Research
uncovers previous design guidelines from Nick De Wolf. Using these along with attributes selected by
Lenze a Tradespace analysis is conducted. Interviews with engineers, repair technicians, repair
department managers, and test technicians occurred over a two month period. In one instance time was
spent with test technicians going over the procedures line by line, so the intent of the specific test could be
identified. Efforts were placed into creating new procedures from scratch, including pictures of each step
in the process to identify the actual test requirements. After the initial research into the process, a formal
design requirements meeting was held with members of engineering, manufacturing, electronic board test
engineering in an effort to try and identify needs of the existing testing methods. One need that was
identified was in the process documentation. A separate team was created to investigate if the
documentation could be improved with the integration of outside technical writing resources. Ultimately
after interviewing many different technical writing companies, it was decided to keep the documentation
control in-house.

Observations and categorization of repair and failure modes were identified using data stored by the
repair department. Mechanical Pin and POGO failures account for the majority of percentage repairs at
23% (3 month average time interval). This became the immediate research focus for mechanical
upgrades. If the improvements could include the pins, POGO's, connector and cable, then approximately
50% of failures could be eliminated.

Failure Mode Percentage





6/ ~ /

20 1P a g e
Figure 14: Data collected by Lenze Electronic Board Test Repair department
Failure Mode Percentage






Figure 14Figure 14: Shows the histogram of failure modes. The needs identification found that
mechanical coupling and pins and POGO's were the highest failure mode that caused repair orders. This
was from data that is recorded every time a fixture went down for repair, and was supplied by the repair
department. It is stored on an Access database that correlates the incoming reason with the root cause that
was assigned.

A "NPF" code means that a repair order was issued, but when the repair technician tried to reproduce the
fault, they were not able to identify a cause. This accounted for 15% of repair codes.

A recommendation was made to have the technician respond immediately to the repair order, and try to
observe without removing the fixture from the station.

The constraints in this systematic change are the manpower resources. If the technicians are on other calls
they might not be available. The recommendation was to let the test station sit until they could get to it, so
that a true root cause could be identified.

4.2. The Design of Factory Production Test Equipment

During the prior art search materials regarding the design of production test equipment had previously
been dictated by the inventor and founder of Terradyne; Nick De Wolf [17].

1. It must be reliable.
2. It must be safe to use, and almost impossible to cause injury.
3. It must use good components and circuits.
4. It should be simple, to ease maintenance.
5. It must be easily calibrated with simple gear.
6. It must operate in a wide range of supply voltages.
7. It must operate in a wide range of temperatures.
8. It must be reproducible. If several sets are built, they must read the same thing, even if that
involves a loss in overall absolute accuracy.
9. It must be simple to maintain and accessible.
10. The operating portion of the gear at the operator's station must be small to prevent overcrowding.
11. It must test only the desired characteristics and not be responsive to other parameters, or varying
quality may result as product changes are made.
12. It must be accurate.

21 1) a g c
13. It must be stable.
14. It must be capable of a complete test in a short period of time, or testing expense will increase.
15. It must require a minimum of thought on the part of the operator.
16. It must not fatigue the operator, or mistakes will occur.
17. It should be reasonably neat in appearance. This creates confidence in the equipment.
18. It should be flexible enough to allow for specification changes that inevitably occur.
19. It must favor the rejection of bad units over their acceptance, in respect to predictable drifts and
failure. This applies particularly to automatic test equipment fail safe!
20. It should be reasonable quiet and cool and not damage tested units.
Remember the operator, who is 2/3 of the equipment.
21. It must give repeatable results.

This list is a great reference for identifying design parameters and attributes that will deliver a robust
solution. These items will be referenced in general when making design decisions, and creating the
specific functional requirements.

4.3. The Make vs. Buy decision

It was necessary to decide whether to purchase off of the shelf solutions or look for a design improvement
method. There are a host of decision making methods. The use of a trade space exploration method was
pursued, to find a visual representation of the solutions that could work for the requirements of Lenze.

Tradespace is defined as a multivariate representation of interactions between attributes and design

vectors. The ultimate goal of Tradespace exploration is to understand where tradeoffs give rise, and the
identification of the Pareto frontier in selecting between multiple different candidate options.

4.4. Attribute Definition

An attribute is defined as a decision maker-perceived metric that reflects how well a decision maker-
defines objective is met. For example an attribute could be repeatability, or cycle time. These are used to
vet different design variables when trying to make a decision. An attribute list was created that included
different categories of performance that was desired by Lenze.

* Estimated Reliability (A function of the complexity and number of power sources)

* Safety (A function of the power sources, and exposed paths for shock, pinching, or injury)
* Repeatability (The estimated repeatability of the process given the design)
* Cycle Time (Estimated based on the work envelop and number of steps to actuate)
* Ergonomic Impact (A function of mechanical force required for the operator to initiate the test)
9 Automation Upgradable (The ability to eliminate the need for an operator at a later date)

4.5. Design Variable/Vector:

Variables are defined as designer-controlled quantitative parameters, which reflect an aspect of a concept
or solution. Typically these variables represent physical aspects of a design. The set of design variables
make up the design vector, which contains all of the parameters that are explicitly traded. There is
considerable overlap in solutions on the market for fixturing methods, and each one is considered as a
discrete design vector in the Tradespace.

22 1P) a g e
4.6. Trade Space Decision Making Process
There is a real and inherent risk when making design decisions [18], the use of Multi-Attribute
Tradespace Exploration (MATE) has been a part of on-going research at the Systems Engineering
Advancement Research Initiative at MIT [19]. MATE allows for the identification of optimum boundary
spaces when designing systems.

This allows for a discussion with the stakeholders as to what is important to consider in the design.
Requirements of safety, speed, repeatability, reliability, cost, weight, and user intractability can all be
assigned certain utility values that can be combined. Figure 15 is an example of a dense Tradespace
exploration, where emergent patterns start to form as a function of different families of solutions. Figure
15 shows an example of a Tradespace exploration for selecting satellite propulsion candidates from 9930
possible different solutions [20].

"Good"Sat Case,
New Utilties, 9930 archs

07 -

0.6 - '~.AP g


40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60
Total LiftcW dp Co-I

Figure 15 - Tradespace example 1191



Concept Detail Production Uise

Development Design

Figure 16 - Value Depiction SEARI [21]

MATE can be used to help guide the make versus buy decision guided by principles established by
Whitney and Fine [22]. Once utility functions were established into an aggregate utility, the Tradespace
23 1P a g c
analysis can be made. De Neufville has eluded that the Keeney Raiffa's Multi-Attribute utility could
capture internal trade-offs performed by the decision maker regarding cost, weight, and performance [19].
Lenze is in a unique position because they have traditionally produced their own test equipment using the
resources in house. In the middle of the internship a decision was made to move forward for all new
designs with a purchased test system from Germany.

All research efforts were then focused towards improving existing test fixtures. Figure 17 shows how the
research was focused in reference to the German test fixture solution. For all the new products that were
in the pipeline, test systems would be purchased.

4--- -- -- -- -- -- - -


Figure 17: Focus of Research Efforts

Lenze has specific needs, the Tradespace analysis takes this into consideration by aggregating the
attributes. Hundreds of test fixtures are still used that have 5 or more years of age. An upgrade strategy
can be implemented instead of purchasing newer test systems, and paying to remanufacture the test
architecture. Where they can still use the existing fixtures, and use commercially available systems going
forward. Using MATE a comprehensive list of solutions was evaluated from mechanical, vacuum assisted
and automatic systems.

Tradespace analysis conducted using Trade Space Visualizer software from the Applied Research
Laboratory at Penn State applied to the analysis of Make vs. Buy for Electronic Board Test. DMCXXX is
coded for the designed system by the author. These visualizations help drive the decision that for Lenze
with its current attributes the build option is appealing. The direction vector in the middle points to the
highest function and lowest cost solution. The utility function for all attributes is normalized from 0-> 1,
with each cost estimate to implement the solution.

24 1P a g c

MTs50O C
IMTS300 - Sig O T2 *TE 55 pAMBDA

*Ml34-1 Test Hander for Agilent 3070

O.Vw__r Fixture

*bpeit-Top Fxtures

obtile Test - side by Side

oDown Gates

7W 3 181E4 e 288E4 9 394E4 250EI


Figure 18: Purchased vs. Design Tradespace with Pareto Frontier.

Design Manufacture COST z

0 25 0 13 710 1.25E5 3 9
Est Reliabiliy Safety Repeatabilty Cycle Te


0.33 1 0 0 6

Figure 19: Tradespace Attribute Comparison histogram.

The analysis of the Tradespace demonstrates a method in which decisions can be based. Defining a Pareto
Front (PF) as "the state space that has reached the point where an improvement on an individual
selection is impossible without making another one worse". In the TradeSpace above, the PF is located
at the edge of the points that are located farthest away by the direction vector. The Pareto front quickly
shows which purchased solution can be selected based upon attributes that are specific to Lenze's needs
(Figure 18). There are two important aspects of making decisions that should also be discussed. This
histogram shows where the DMCXXX option lies in comparison with different attributes (Figure 19); this
provides a quick visual snapshot of the performance of one selected solution versus others. The estimate

25 11 a ( e
for the MATE process of DMXXX values is done via best estimates, and function models. Cycle time
estimates are based upon testing the prototype fixture methods versus existing, and reported cycle time
from vendors. Every effort is made to generate realistic values in respect to the attributes. Research has
shown that the marriage of an auditor to an attribute value is biased and that two different auditors will
not objectively weight each attribute evenly [19]. An example can be made where a supervisor might
weight safety and cycle time differently than the design engineer might weight size, and repeatability. The
combined utility of the DMCXXX, is comparable with a system that is roughly 5X the cost per unit. This
is the difference from designing to an exact specification, and not having the profit margin requirement.

5. Design Concept
"Itshould be simple, to ease maintenance." Nick De Wolf - Terradyne

The focus of this design concept is in upgrading the receiver and fixture connection to the UUT. This
keeps intact the decoupled architecture and allows the company to use any solution for the
instrumentation that they want, while not having to incur the cost of new receivers and fixture for each

Given the functional requirements (FR) of the PCB during the test, a system was designed to meet each
FR. The goal is of the project was to introduce a system option that satisfies the needs of Lenze and is
cost appropriate for the functions delivered.

The functional requirements made selection of design concepts straight forward. There are only so many
ways that you can fixture a PCB on a board, and lot of variants of the different strategies:

Vacuum Assisted Mechanical Clamp

* Bottom * Clamshell
* Double Sided * Vertical Press
e Bi-Stable Clamp
From the Digital Test website the following statements address thes6 different strategies: "A large part of
the cost of testing PCBs is the test fixtures. Vacuum fixtures are expensive and double-sided vacuum
fixtures are even more expensive. "Press down "fixtures are less expensive because they do not require
fixture kits that have to provide a vacuum seal." From the product information page for the MTS 180" -
Eagle [23]

The selected design concept, removed the mechanical clamps from each fixture, and then upgraded the
fixtures to be received into a test station. A vertically guided servo actuated clamp and receiver docking
station is the employed strategy. Prior work had been done researching this method at Lenze, so it would
be lower risk for acceptance.

6. Functional Requirements and System Design

FR's were created through interviews with operators and engineers from EBT, and through multiple
different experiments and analysis of the hundreds of testing fixtures at Lenze. One experiment was done
with the guide pins from Misumi and a fixture prototype. After manufacturing the test apparatus, a PCB
was placed on the pins, and analysis was done to understand the repeatability and alignment of the PCB.
Feedback from the group was very positive. This method while improved using exact constraint required
a vertical, planar actuation of the PCB to the POGO pins.

26 1P a g e
While there are hundreds of test fixtures in existence for every product that needs to be tested, work was
done to classify each into family of fixtures. Out of this analysis it was discovered that there were four
classes of fixtures in use at Lenze.

1. CNC machined location for POGO

2. PCB test board with soldered POGO
3. Vacuum-Assisted ICT fixtures
4. Hand built, and hand wired fixtures for the larger older products.

Using engineering design concepts of design for manufacturing, assembly engineering, and exact
constraint the following FR's were created.

Functional Requirements
1. UUT held flat once placed onto guide pins.
2. UUT will be exactly constrained and have no DOF available when resting on guide pins.
3. Bottom POGO pin positional error will be 0.025" or less with respect to the UUT.
4. The Top mounted pushers:
a. Positional error will be within 0.050" or less.
b. Planar Tolerance Zone will be 0.025" or less.
5. When vertical clamping is made; only 1 vertical DOF is allowed by guide pins.
6. When the Clamping is conducted the PCB will be supported in multiple locations and out
of plane strains will be limited.
7. Minimal effort from the operator is required to actuate the clamping system.
8. When clamping is conducted no force will be exerted on any active component of the
9. The PCB will be displaced enough to ensure connectivity with all POGO, all POGO will
be set at the same initial height.
10. Any system designed would be upgradable to the future state production system as
dictated by Lenze Engineering.
11. Operator variability will be minimized.
12. No significant changes to the existing PCB test board architecture will be required.
13. POGO's will be protected during, and after use.
14. When operators change a fixture and replace with another fixture; repeatability will be
within 0.0 10" from fixture to fixture.

27 1P a g e
There exist countless different solutions to these requirements. Engineers have been known to use
innovative methods to try and understand as many options as possible using decision matrices, ideation
sessions, concept generating matrix, concept prototypes, sketches, scenarios, Role-Play ideation and
others [24]. In the end a system that was modular that could accept the existing fixtures and future
fixtures requirements using the same PCB design methods was sought. A strategy of user centric design
was used to understand what was required of the operator, and to design a system that could improve
these methods. Prototypes were made out of cardboard, and user interviews were conducted with the
operators of varying heights and body types.

Ideal Method of technician performing a test

1. Place UUT on exact constraint guide pins

2. Push a safety circuit enabled button to engage the clamp and press the PCB into the POGO test
3. Test is conducted automatically
4. Push a button to disengage the clamp
5. Remove the UUT and repeat

Although the functional requirements do not call for this, a method of operation in the manner requires a
lower amount of operator involvement, and increases the reliability. Having a servo controlled axis of
motion would allow the design to achieve later upgradability to an automatic operation where the operator
could be decoupled from the operation with the use of in-line conveyors.
Systems that accomplish this are present in the ATE industry, and two that are interesting to note are the
Terradyne Test Station series is over $150,000 when fully setup for testing. Not including the inline
conveyors used for the material handling. The design parameters must be selected so that all of the
functional requirements can be met and still be less expensive and easier than a commercially available

6.1. Exact constraint of the UUT:

"Itmust be reproducible. If several sets are built, they MUST read the same thing, even if it
involves a loss in overall absolute accuracy." Nick De Wolf - Terradyne

The purpose of this section is to discuss exact constraint methods of fixturing the UUT. The use of
complaint guide pins is central to the entire design concept and is a new paradigm for Lenze.
Investigating the current mechanical fixturing methods uncovered a case of over-constraint in the
mechanical pins that the UUT rest on. The current design uses four pins that are undersized to allow the
PCB to assemble to the fixture in an unknown position within the clearance of the Pin-Hole interfaces.
Discussions with design engineering revealed they would like a tolerance of position of 0.010" from the
PCB to POGO connection. This is not obtainable with the current design due to over constraint of the
guide pins. It would require a fixture to place the pins in the correct position and very tight tolerances
between the pin, PCB, and location of the holes in the PCB. In audits with operators it was demonstrated
multiple times that the operator could manipulate the test voltages by the manner that they placed the
UUT in the fixture. Great care had to be used when placing the UUT in the fixture to do it repeatability.

The solution was to use the principles of exact constraint and remove degrees-of-freedom (DOF) by
limiting motion with constraint devices [25]. Since the PCB is preloaded by gravity, and the holes rest on
the taper pin, the equilibrium state creates a pivot line between the two diagonal pins. The only other
281 P a ge
requirement is for one of the other pins to support in Z. Depending on the center of gravity and the
placement of the board only one pin is ever needed to support in Z. This configuration forces the
functional requirement for a parallel actuation, when clamping the PCB.

When the PCB is constrained in space in this manner it has no degrees of freedom, and is secure. Only if
the preload of the Misumi pins is overcome with a vertical component force will there be motion, and it
will be guiding only in 1-DOF. Once the preload force is overcome at any of the four posts the PCB will
displace. Since the four pins are not coupled the PCB will have 3-DOF [Z, ROT X, ROT Y], since the
only constraints are the [X, Y, ROTZ] created by the two taper pins. Figure 21 shows a commercially
available compliant spring pin. Two of these style pins were modified to create the flat pins (Z
constraint). Figure 20, Figure 22, Figure 23 all show the UUT mounted on compliant fixture guide pins
using exact constraint.


Constraint: [XY Constraint: [Z]

PCB Resting on . . . . . . . . ............ . .


Exact Constraint

...... ..... .....
Constraint: [Z]
Constraint: [ROT ZI -

Figure 20: Diagram showing the constraining positions of the Fixture Pins

Ckrcuit Board PGPUS

Guie Pns PGPU




Figure 21: Commercially Available Circuit Board Guide Pins [26]

291 P a g e

Figure 22: Side View of PCB with Exact Constraint

Figure 23: Angled front view of Prototype with Misumi Guide Pins

The placement of the PCB is much faster with this method. The lowest height the PCB can obtain is with
the two-hole in the nominal position and in the perfect diameter. There is a functional requirement to
actuate in a (Parallel to PCB) vertical motion, and ultimately the final height is created by the servo
actuated lead screw. The PCB final position will be dictated by the pusher plate and not by the Misumi
guide pins. The guide pins allow the board to be held and any deviations affect the non-sensitive DOF.

6.2. Cantilevered Guide Mechanism

FR: 5 When vertical clamping is made; only 1 vertical DOF is allowed by guide pins

There are solutions on the market that use the clamshell type as mentioned previously. In all of these
fixtures the operators must open the clamshell, place a UUT inside, close the lid, and latch the device in
the locked position. Vendor supplied cycle time estimates 20 seconds on average to cycle a UUT in and
lock the system. A vertical DOF can be achieved with a cantilever guided system to support the tooling
plate through the intended range of motion. There are vertically guided systems that have die blocks and
have 4 guide posts, similar to the Agilent i1000 system. Since the requirement is to have a total for of 10-
30 lbs., a cantilever system can maintain accuracy over this load. (See appendix 11.3 for Cantilever
moment equations).

30 1P a g e
6.3. Assembly Design Overview
The purpose of this section is to provide information about the main assemblies that interface together;
creating the system. There are three main assemblies: Base Plate, Vertical Slider, and the Test Fixture.
Only the Vertical Slider assembly has the ability to move when the rotation of the lead screw is
transmitted into linear motion using the AMCE thread drive. Figure 24 shows views of the Base Plate
Assembly. This is designed to sit flush to the table and provides the entire datum for the Test Fixture and
the Vertical Slider Assembly.

Figure 24: Front and ISO view of Base Plate Assembly

Figure 25: Test Fixture Assembly

The test fixture assembly seen in Figure 25 is designed to upgrade the existing method of electronic test;
where the POGO test point is created using a PCB. The handles are used so that the operator can easily
set the fixture into place. On the perimeter of the test fixture are commercially available tool steel pins
that interface in a kinematic coupling. This allows for the repeatable insertion of many different test
fixtures into the Base Plate Assembly.

311 P a g e
Figure 26: ISO of Base Plate and Test Fixture Assembled

In Figure 26 both the Base Plate and Test Fixture are assembled. The Test fixture sits nearly flush to the
base plate and is in a better position for the operator to place the UUT into the system. It is designed to be
later upgradeable with inline conveyors. The dashed lines represent the direction the in line conveyors
have access to the system for future upgrades. Figure 27 shows a front view of the removable assembly
that interfaces with the PCB.


Figure 27: Front View of the Vertical Slider Assembly

32 P a g
Figure 28: ISO of Base Plate, Test Fixture, and Vertical Slider Assemblies

The vertical slide assembly has the two main bearings to provide for the cantilever load. There is a quick
change design kinematic coupling and a ball locking system, so that the operator is not required to use
tools to remove the top tooling plate assembly. The top tooling plate assembly is keyed to each test
fixture. Figure 28 shows the completed assembly ready for actuation by the operator using the two safety
touch sensors.

7. Key Characteristics Definition

The purpose of this section is to cover the key characteristics of the assembly connections. A key
characteristics (KC) analysis is important to understand what deviations from nominal will cause
significant impact to final cost, performance, or safety of a product. Whitney outlines 3 steps to
engineering the design of an assembly [27]. Since there is natural variation in manufacturing processes,
care and effort must be utilized to ensure that the desired function is achieved. The design encompasses a
Type-I assembly, where all degrees of freedom are exactly constrained. In a Type-2 assembly this is not
the case; type-2 systems are under constrained and require fixtures, or measurements to add the missing

The informational content of type-i is designed internally with the intent of the delivery of the key
characteristics. In Type-2 the information is external to the design intent and thus subject to more
variation, but can become very accurate with correct calibration.

33 |) ag

Define Key Characteristics

Declare the Assembly Phis"
Type 1 or Type 2

Draw a Datun Flow Chain [Check: In Type 2 assemblies,

for Each KC the DFC may pass through fixture .]

DefIne Mates (Check: There is a chain of mates

Create Features from one end of the KC to the other.]

Ensure that Mates Analysis
Create Proper Phase

Check for KC Define an Define Contacts-

Conflict Assembly If they ada over-
Sequence That constraint, then
Builds the DFC & ensure that it
Prioritize Try Another does not affect
oitig T Asely Makes Mates
Asselny Before Contacts the DFCs.

Terances Varitedon
Add Clearance
orWWwen of Each KC to ign
Tolerances on the Mates In Its DFC
Lower Priority KCs

DFC and States

of Constraint Are
Robust to Allowed
Variations Rdekne Fatri
4P or Clearances
Analyze Each DFC
to Ensurethat Its KC
IsDelvered a High *Re"tl
Enough Percent of Try Coordiation
the Tkie Try a Type 2 Assenbly

Figure 29: Diagram of Assembly Design Process [271.

Below is a Datum Flow Chain (DFC) for the Test Fixture Base to Top Pusher that makes KC-1. KC-2 is
created when the PCB-UUT needs to be aligned with the POGO test points. This is used as a map to
understand what mates must occur to deliver the KCs.

Z-Slide .******c.
LeadKC1 Compliant Pins 4
Test Board
Motor Fixture Fixture Ref
Rods 4 Base

Figure 30: Chains of Delivery for KCs in System

34 1P a g e
Z-Sliei m

Figure 31 - Side view of Automatic Testing Fixture Design overlaid with DFC in the fully
open position
Figure 31 shows how the Datum Flow Chain is applied to the system assembly. Error transform matrices
are used to estimate the assembly position through the chain. Tolerances can be established that will
ensure that the assembly functions as expected.

7.1. Variation Analysis

Figure 32 (From Appendix) demonstrates the problem when error propagates through the chain of frames
[27]. Using the nominal and varied assemblies as chains of frames, a systematic error budget can be
calculated [28]. For every transfer frame of the transform matrix

071 (11.2-1)

An error component can be added.

ErrorTransform Matrix = [R d (7.1-1)

35 1 P a g e
A visual basic for applications excel error budget worksheet was created to analyze the error propagation
in Figure 33. The following total error motion plot is calculated from the Monte Carlo simulation of
assembly variance using the spreadsheet. This is a handy tool that shows how the tolerance decisions
create positional accuracy for the intended KC. 3D statistical tolerance has existed for years as a tool that
can use CAD data, but ultimately is too costly to be included in the author's budget to be considered an
option [27]. Of great resource was the spreadsheets found in the public FUNdaMENTALs of Design
offered by Professor Slocum [29].

The points that lie inside the inscribed circle in Figure 32: Picture of Monte Carlo Positional Error of
Pusher falls within the allowable error (X, Y) of 0.025". A Minitab capability shows that the assemblies
are in control and fall within the tolerance zone of 0.010 in Figure 34.

FR4: The Top mounted pushers

- Positional error will be within 0.050" or less
- Planar Tolerance Zone will be 0.025" or less


* 4,
,"W ,
10 004
-0 V* 0.005 o.po
9 9
9 * 9
9 * 9
___________ 9

* 9g ~
- - .3.suI...*II1I**

Figure 32: Picture of Monte Carlo Positional Errorof Pusher Pin

36 1P a g e
Order beta(DEG Tianslat. 1i
RotX 2 90 10
RoeZ 3 30 0
RotZ 4 0 1 1.0
T 1 -
RotZ 4
T 1
RoiX 2
RotY 3
Roil 4 so 10
90 10
RotX 30
so 1.0

T 3
so Io
RotX 42
RONY 30 1.0
Rotl so 10
RotX so
so 1.00~
RoIZ 4
so 1.0

Figure 33: Error Budget Worksheet Excel

Capability of Monte Carlo Simulation

(using 95.0% confidence)

Process Data -Witin
LB 0 -- Overal
USI. 0.01 Potentia Win) Capability
Sample Mean 0.00174131 CP
Sample N 534 Lower CL
StDevMlhin) 0.000884598 Upper CL
StDev(Overal) 0.00102291 CPL
CPU 3.11
Cpk 3.11
Lower CL 2.92
Upper CL 3.30
Overall Capability
Lower CL
Upper CL
PPU 2.69
Ppk 2.69
Observed Performance Exp. Within Performance Exp. Overall Performance Lower CL 2.53
PPM < LB 0.00 PPM < LB a PPM < LB Upper CL 2.86
PPM > USL 0.00 PPM > USL 0.00 PPM > USL 0.00 Cpm
PPM Total 0.00 PPM Total 0.00 PPM Total 0.00 Lower CL

Figure 34: Minitab Capability of Assembly

7.2. Z Actuation Force Profile

When the vertical stage is actuated it will encounter a resistance force generated by the springs in the
fixture. It is important to understand what this is so that the sizing of the servo motor and additional error
budget can be done to make sure that the system functions as expected. Misumi offers an assortment of
configurable components, with the PGPU-Circuit Board Guide Pin the spring rate of 1.032 L

(18.425 -), with a total travel of 0.25 In (6.35 mm). The benefit of having compliant pins is off axis
forces, if generated will be resisted by the two guide pins. To actuate the UUT a total distance of 0.20
inch we will expect to see around 11.5 lbf generated. This is well within the designed tolerance of the
Kinematic coupling shear ratio (See Appendix for Calculations). The system is capable of handling a
POGO count density around 2.5X the current UUT.

37 1P a g e
In Figure 35 the force profile sees a discontinuity, at first the UUT is exactly constrained when placed on
top of the pins, and in force balance with a preload from Gravity. As soon as the Top Pusher plate
engages the UUT the KCs see the spring preload of the 4 Misumi compliant pins, until the point at which
the POGO's start to make contact. After POGO contact the spring preload is coupled to the system and
the force profile jumps. It remains linear until the final stroke is reached.




V0 0.033 0.067 0.1 0.133 0.167 0.2



Figure 35: Loading Diagram from Pin Force

Figure 36: Picture Demonstrating the Z Offset from POGO's

7.3. Kinematic Coupling

FR14: When operators change a fixture and replace with anotherfixture; repeatability will be
within 0.010" from fixture to fixture.

There are two instances where Kinematic Couplings (KCpl) are used; in the bottom where the fixture
assembly is set into place by the operator, into the Base Plate Assembly. A KCpI design is used with
(110, and 45 degree contact). Above when the operators place the hold down plate assembly into position
a standard KCpl design (120, 45 degrees contact) is used at pitch diameter of 4 inch and 8 inch.
38 11) g c
The reasoning for two different diameters for OD is that there are many different sizes UUT that will be
used in this system. The designer has the option to use a smaller plate for the smaller boards, and can
increase the size for the larger UUT when needed. Figure 37 shows two instanced where kinematic
couplings have seen very successful use in the 300mm silicon manufacturing industry.

Figure 37: 300mm Silicon Wafer FOUP with KCpl on Bottom

KCpl offer a deterministic method of exact constraint that allows the designer to satisfy all degrees of
freedom. Using Steel ball / Ceramic contact systems have shown micro inch repeatability on the order of
0.1 ptm, in medium loaded applications (80% of allowable contact stress) [30]. With this case study the
overall repeatability worsens from the initial break in period to settle on the order of 0.10 ptm. (See
appendix 11.4 for additional information)

7.4. Test Fixture Stand-off Plate

FR13: POGO's will be protected during, and after use.

The stand-off plate was established so that the POGO's would be protecting during and after use. The
expected POGO life could be improved, and not shorted by accidental loadings, or impact. The design
team at Lenze had previously come up with a concept for how this could be done, but had never
incorporated it into a complete design. Working with this group the concept was integrated into the
fixture assembly. The design intent is to protect the POGO's from off axis loading during actuation, and
during loading and un-loading of the UUT by the operator. Using the Misumi guide pins as the guide a
piece of Acetal was designed to interface with the UUT. This will require testing with the plate to validate
that the spring plate does not change the measured resistance.

391 P a ( c
Figure 38: Side view of test fixture assembly with spring plate and UUT

Figure 39: Top view of Spring Plate and UUT

When not in use of when the fixture is going to be removed from the system a shoulder bolt can be used
to fasten the plate so that it doesn't fall out. The 2D data from the UUT can be used to generate the hole
spacing in this plate automatically using table driven geometry.

8. Materials and Cost

Full engineering Bill-of-Materials were created to estimate the part cost. These estimates were rolled up
into an A3 report that was styled similar to reports used in the Toyota Way [31]. Figure 40 and Figure 41
show A3 reports that summarized to management the current state, and proposed solution. The full BOM
at this point was included with costs estimates. Further design work included moving the motor to the
bottom, and creating ESD guards. Six manufacturing vendors were contacted in a 10 mile radius from the
factory and asked to put together estimates of manufacturing cost. In all but one case, the estimate to
produce one quantity of each part was within $20.

40 1P a g e
To: EBT Team
THEME: Improve Mechanical Performance of Electronic Board Test By: David McCalib
Date: 7.12.13
Background: I
Pins/Pogo Failures account for on average 20%of failures at EBT.
I Proposed
Counter measures:
Manufacture the automatic test system designed by David McCalib
* Typically it is the leading cause of repair * Total Cost - (7-8K), Reoccurring per fixture Cost (1K)
* Current Design allows for Pogo actuation outside of designed specifications * Have applications wire, program, and qualify automated portion
* Straining of UUT during testing * Setup manufacturing processes for the in-house assembly of systems

. MwL"1*1-W

Current Conditon: W
* Use of Non-Approved Extruded ABS (Ave 1015 Ohm-CM) as hold down
- Use of Toggle Clamp capable of 100-500lbs. of force
* Pogo's are not set to a Z datum
" Fixed Z stops bend UUT while conducting tests
e Over constraint on hole alignment

Cause Analysis:
* Premature failure of Pins/Pogo's
- Root Cause:
- Improper Loading Conditions
* Over Constraint
e Fixture Setup Variability

Goals Target:
" Reduction of Mechanical Faults
- More Consistent Testing- Standardized between operators
" A system that can be automated similar to the Agilent 3000
* A cost appropriate system

Figure 40: A3 Report Page 1

411 f) a g c
.......... .... .. ......

LUg Functional Requiremnents:

- Maintain Parallelism of 0.025'
- Cycle repeatability from Operator-Operator
" Modular Design
e Cycle Time T< 3 Sec
* Cost Less than 10K
* Be upgradeable for Automation Future State
* Have MTBF of >2,000 Hrs.
- -
I-si,. - Log Faults and performance data
* Use Lenze Products

ITEM NO. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY. Mfg. Cost Mfg. OpI Cost Mfg. Op2 Cost Mfg. Op3 Cost Total
I BASLPLATE Assy I Assy $1,411.49 - 5 - $ - $1,411.49
2 TF234 Assy I Assy $ 568.44 $ - $ - - $ 568.44
3 V.SLIDER.ASSEM Assy I Assy $3,452.10 $ - $ - $ - $3,452.10
4 MCS0616ORSOP I Servo 1 Lenze $ 400.00 $ - $. $ 400.00
5 91290A231 SHCS M5 4 McM $ 0.13 $ - - 0.54
6 70P -CAP 8975K313 I MCM $ 24.34 $ - - $ 24.34
7 P300 HfAI LENZE I Lenze $1.000.00 $ - $ - $- $ ,000.00
8 155338_BANNER Two H-ind Con 2 Banner $ 118.00 $ - - $ 236.00

Project Totol One-Tine CostI Re-Occunrig Cost

7092.90 $ 6,189.02 $ 903.88

Figure 41: A3 Report Page 2

The use of the A3 report helped provide a concise clear message to management. A decision to move
forward with the design came at the end of the internship. The A3 report was designed to bridge the gap
for engineering and management. To describe the problem, and proposed solution in a format that
everyone could discuss.

9. Summary and Conclusions

The process of understanding how to break a complex problem down has been explored. Decision
analysis using a TradeSpace exploration of a proposed design was conducted. Designing upgrades to the
existing design was the optimized utility/cost solution.

In the second phase research about the history of the ATE industry, design rules from Nick De Wolf and
functional requirements specific to solving reliability issues with the EBT at Lenze was undertaken.
Project meetings were held with executive management where the project received support and funding.
The goal of a case study in applying design for automation, modularity, and upgradeability has been

The overall strategy of breaking down complexity using a system engineering methods, using techniques
of design for manufacturing, exact constraint, precision engineering, and mechanical assembly analysis
were used to create novel upgrades to an existing testing process. In the end the project was approved to
move ahead within the test engineering group.

42 11 a g
10. Areas for Future Investigation
[1] The PCB is manufactured from engineering design data that stores the 2D information. The test-
point data is aggregated into a 2D matrix of [X,Y] locations and rotations. Future work could
include writing a program in VBA-SolidWorks, which would automate the input of 2D data into
generating full assemblies. Using a top down design methodology will work well in this situation.
This is a trend in systems engineering, where resources are used to create programs/macros that
automate the generation of full assemblies. This project is well suited for that given the modular
nature, and similarity in the geometric data.

[2] The system was designed for automation. Future efforts can be centered on including this testing
station in-line with upstream operations to create continuous flowing PCB manufacturing lines. It
is in this configuration that the work will really leverage the utility provided in the design.

[3] The requirement for other communication protocols was not included in the kick off meeting.
However the system design can be modified to include other communication protocols, which
would all for the system to be backward compatible with fixtures already in place in Germany.
This again increases the scalability, and cross performance of the system utility for the company.

[4] There are larger PCB's in use at Lenze. The system size was selected to address 90% of the PCB
sizes that are used. There are 10 fixtures that require a larger foot print than 12"x12". A larger
system could be built using the top down design methodology.

11. Appendix
11.1. Difference between Mates and Connections
A typical part in an assembly has multiple joints with other parts in the assembly. Not all of these joints
transfer locational and dimensional constraints, and it is essential to distinguish the ones that do from the
ones that are redundant with location and merely provide support or strength.

We define the joints that establish constraint and dimensional relationships between parts as mates, while
joints that merely support and fasten the part once it is located are called contacts. Hence mates are
directly associated with the KCs for the assembly because they define the resulting spatial assembly
relationships and dimensions. The DFC therefore defines a chain of mates between the parts. [27]

11.2. Feature Model of Assemblies

From the definition of our KCs the base plate defines the global coordinates as a 4x4 transform matrix in
the form of:

Transform Matrix = [ ] (11.2-1)

Where R is a 3 X 3 rotation matrix, and p is a 3 X 1 displacement vector both indicating where the new
frame is relative to the old one. Transforms first translate and then rotate, and multiplication must be done
in this order.

43 1P a g e
1 0 0 01
rOt(x,)= 0 cos0 -sinG 00 (11.2-2)
si 0
0o~,)[ CosO 00
0 0 0 1]
cos!? 0 sing 01
roty~ I 0 1 0 0 1123
rot(y,)= I-sin.8 0 cos 0 (
0 0 0 1
cosa -sina 0 0
rot(z, a) = sin a cos a 0 0 (11.2-4)
0 0 0 1

[1 0 0 Px
Trans(pxpypz) =
0 1 PZ
I (11.2-5)

0 0 0 1.

We can structure our coordinate chain to follow the liaison diagram above for the nominal dimensions.
This will be useful later on when we use variation analysis to understand our error budget. The goal will
be to move through the assembly starting at the PCB-UUT, and travel through each connection
understanding the nominal transform.

The following transforms are found through the connections of the liaison diagram.

PCB-UUT -> PCB-Test Board

1 0 0 0.0001
T1(UUT - TB) = 0 1 .0 (11.2-6)
-0 0 0 1.000

PCB-Test Board -+ Fixture Ref Plate

-1 0 0 2.47501
T2(TB -> FRP) =
T2(TB [00 10 10 1.-.09841(127
0 0 0 1.0000

Fixture Ref Plate -> Guide Hole

-1 0 0 -S.75
T3(FRP -> GH) = 0 1 0 -6. 00 (11.2-8)
-0 0 0 1
The work on design techniques for kinematic couplings is very relevant when passing a DFC through a
KC. Analytical methods have found that the displacements of KC to be relatively small in comparison to
the allowable load, and are considered stiff during the gravity preload, and cycle force [32].

44 P a g e
Guide Hole -* Z-Slide
-1 0 0 0
T4(GH -+ ZS) = 0 0 1 04. 671 (11.2-9)
0 0 1
Special consideration needs to be taken at this point. Up until now only translation frames have occurred.
In the nominal case this will be true. When the variation design analysis is done, angular error transforms
will occur since the Z-Slide is fixed by two holes and any deviation can cause angular errors.

Also the Z-slide is given one degree of freedom in the Z direction; that moves as a function of rotation of
the servo motor. Without rotation the Z-slide is locked into place since the ACME thread cannot allow
back driven motion. If the rotation of the motor is thought to be locked for analysis then the Z slide
coordinates are placed at the point where the Pusher frame couples back to the original coordinates. This
will close the loop of our KC and we should arrive back at our original destination.

Z-Slide -- Top Plate

- 0 0 5. 75
T5(ZS -> TPL)= 0 1 0.00 (11.2-10)
-0 0 0 1.00

Top Plate -- Top Pusher

-1 0 0 -2.475
T6(TPL - TPSH) = (11.2-1 1)
-0 0 0 1

1 0 0 0.000
T =T1 * T2 * T3 *T4 * TS * T6 =0 0.000 (11.2-12)
001 0.1001
0 0 1
This is the expected result. The value for Tz of 0.100 is correct since the top pusher will come in contact
with the top of the PCB. This is a valuable exercise, because now the designer knows the DFC for the
nominal values. Error components can now be calculated for each transform based upon real world
manufacturing tolerances, and an estimate of the positional error can be calculated. These errors will
come from deflections from loading, manufacturing variations, and clearances.

45 11 a g e
Figure 42 - Side view of Automatic Testing Fixture Design overlaid with DFC in the fully
open position
Figure 31 shows how the key characteristics connect via the datum flow chain. With variation analysis,
the use of transforms multiplied with error terms will accumulate through the chain of frames determining
where the final frame will end up in 3D space. From Figure 43 below we can see how the Frame F I C will
not migrate to the same position if error develops anywhere along the chain in translation or Rotation.

/1' F1F2B 1C 2B

Figure 43: Parts Joined by a Chain of Frames to Deliver a KC [271.

461 P a(g e
11.3. Cantilever Calculations
It is important to have the dimension "s" large enough to counteract the moment caused by L*P and
prevent a case of stick slip.


P = Force Being Applied

L = Distance out from shaft that P is being applied
s = Center to Center Spacing of bearings
f= friction force on each bearing
p = Coefficient of friction (about .25 when not moving, .1 when moving)

La L P


flPR1W F
2RF I nl

EM wt,= f*s=L *P
Befing Contact Area I 2.65 lInAZ2
BeanLastress 1.86 .
F= f * y
d 0.00 [1.1
1 12.00 [in] 2
D 1.00 (ln P=2F= *f*P

Substitute for P

L f 1 1
S 2 *f*M 2 *y (2 *p)

11.4. Lead Screw and Servo Sizing

An ACME thread pitch is utilized since the loading is low to moderate, and this type of thread can't be
back driven. There is no need for a brake, or potential for a crash in the event of a power outage. ROTON
provides ACME screws in 0.500" and 1/4 (in./rev.). Using commercially available software from
CooperHill; specific motor torque, inertia, and peak torque information was used to design a system.
Figure 44 demonstrates user input fields for a vertical lead screw application using ACME thread. Motor
sizing information can be input, or selection of many different motors is available.

At the time of the system design the Lenze motors database only had 2 of commercially available
selections. Figure 45 shows the manual data entry was done for the synchronous MCS06I motor series.
47 11 a o c
Figure 46 shows the torque characteristics. The ServoSizer software assumes a constant torque output
from the motor. This graphic illustrates that the peak is developed at zero RPM, and starts to trail off at
2000 RPM. The required max speed for this application is 1800 RPM, to hit the cycle time requirement of
2 seconds. Figure 47 shows the profile of the stage and corresponding torque required to move the stage
through the cycle.

- Mamacm ROTON
W Clsbowrd Conv"yW GWneIC -Product-Key 2-10

Ackmtr Screw Diamete 12.7

rek.: Roril S roi er Saew Ln 317.5 mm
maar-mar-Mahwda Dan* 7.7480
SContr d"OOM Surface Wen Pknh Leal / ---0
------ /m
?Mecanism Eticny 45 %
? Fricion oei r .0.15
Load Paramraters Fweeght o -- P-* d Torque 0,22605 Nm
Para0#4i UrA Thrud-Fonme 4.536 k
WeiW ~ 11.34 kg Tablo weigm 5.6 k9

Cowg Wnartia O.00M0521 Nm-e

Ma Velocity 0 rpm

Figure 44: CooperHill ServoSizer Data Input Page for Lead Screw

r- Load. r Rmd.xan r ubc. t ScW OCServorm Motor

Mardsactimer LENZE
Wc b0ard Zc veyor + Product Keys MCS061
.1 ||"" UU-M- a
Acato * Ratrr

4536 Nrns
Load Paamrtern lwe gh 04 -*kenrt
OVAhi Uhi IfGeat Ratio 0
Woo**1.3 kg Goarae

Figure 45: Motor Data Input Page

48 1P a g e
MCS synchronous servo motors
Technical data

Torque characteristics

w The data applies to a mains connection voltage of 3 x 400 V

W You can find further torque characteristics at

MCSO6C41- (non-ventilated}

M fNml - - - - Mmax 440 V

Mmax 400 V
------- Mmax 360 V
Mmax @ Imax= 4x 10
-.. .. ......

2 - -. Mmax @ Imax. 3x 10
Mmax @ Imax= 2x 10
- SI


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
n [r/min]

Figure 46: Lenze MCS06I41 Torque Curve 1331

wg-ki-D-f h



in/s 15

00 00
0.5 10 1.5 20

w IfO&lftUWbS AeI~

- -- -- - - -

3 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -


1 ____________________

0.0 0,5 1.0 15 20

Figure 47: Velocity and Torque Graphs as a Function of Time

49 1P a g c
11.5. Kinematic Coupling Material Selection
Fretting Definition:
"Small-amplitude oscillatory motion, usually tangential, between two solid surfaces in contact.
Fretting usually occurs only with relative motions in the range of 10 to 300 p. At rubbing
amplitudes less than 10 pm, surfaces usually accommodate the relative motion by elastic
deflection of contacting asperities." [34]

Figure 48: Picture view of fretting of shaft [341

From this dissimilar materials should be chosen for either the ball or cylinders. There is no oxidation in
some metal/ceramic systems [34]. In this design case, precision turned steel balls are easily sourced from
vendors like Carr Lane, or McMaster Carr. The use of Wear-Resistant Zirconium Ceramic for the
cylinders is selected for the high compression strength of 280,000 PSI, Possions Ratio of 0.31, and
hardness of 77A (Approximately HRC 54-56) and recent work identifying it as a leading candidate for
wear resistance vs. other ceramics [35]. They can easily be cut to size using a diamond saw. The
variation on the diameter of a " rod is ±0.008". If care is taken and the cylinders are kept in a matched
set, the KC will experience slight Z shifts; however the instant center will remain.

50 1P a g e


-WIDTH = 28,900 -in. ~ AVG. DEPTH = 260- in.

= 0.0289" ~MAX. DEPTH = 340- in.

~WIDTh = 28,9o0.AIn.~ '-AVG. DEPTH = 270.uIn.

= 0.0289. ~MAX. DEPTH = 330 -in.

-WIDTH = 29,200..'. 'AVG. DEPTH = 250

= 0.0292" -MAX. DEPTH = 300-in.

Figure 49: PSZ wear after 100-hour fretting test versus D2 steel (50-stm amplitude, 10 lbf) 1341.

D2 WC/Co

D2 C'20 3



-I-I-I-I A1203
02 'S3N4
D2 'I-I-I-I
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Volume oss x 10 exp-2 cumm. Volume Ioms x 10 exp-2 cu.mm.
Rider E Counterface

Figure 50: Fretting wear volumes for various couples (10 lb., 1.7Hz, 100 hr., 50 pm) 1341.

This choice of a hardened chrome plated polished tooling ball from Misumi and the Zirconia work
without fretting. Life calculations equate to roughly 612,000 cycles in the test fixture setup before roughly
7 microns of wear would develop.

511 Pa &c

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541 P a g e

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