0097 - Primary - Science - ProgressionGrids - tcm142-595381
0097 - Primary - Science - ProgressionGrids - tcm142-595381
0097 - Primary - Science - ProgressionGrids - tcm142-595381
Thinking and Working Scientifically
Science in Context
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This worksheet contains 4 tables, one for each sub-strand of Thinking and Working Scientifically, and each comprising 6 columns (for Stages 1 to 6). 5 pages.
No data 2TWSm.02 Make and use 3TWSm.02 Make and use 4TWSm.02 Use models to 5TWSm.02 Use models, 6TWSm.02 Use models,
a physical model of a physical models. show relationships, including diagrams, to including diagrams, to
familiar system or idea. quantities or scale. represent and describe represent and describe
scientific phenomena and scientific phenomena and
ideas. ideas.
No data 2TWSm.03 Describe the 3TWSm.03 Draw a diagram 4TWSm.03 Draw a diagram No data No data
difference between a to represent a real world to represent a real world
diagram and a picture. situation and/or scientific situation and/or scientific
idea. idea.
No data No data 3TWSp.02 Know that there 4TWSp.02 Know that there 5TWSp.02 Know the 6TWSp.02 Know the
are five main types of are five main types of features of the five main features of the five main
scientific enquiry (research, scientific enquiry (research, types of scientific enquiry. types of scientific enquiry.
fair testing, observing over fair testing, observing over
time, identifying and time, identifying and
classifying, and pattern classifying, and pattern
seeking). seeking).
1TWSp.02 Make 2TWSp.02 Make 3TWSp.03 Make a 4TWSp.03 Make a 5TWSp.03 Make 6TWSp.03 Make
predictions about what predictions about what they prediction describing some prediction describing some predictions, referring to predictions, referring to
they think will happen. think will happen. possible outcomes of an possible outcomes of an relevant scientific relevant scientific
enquiry. enquiry. knowledge and knowledge and
understanding within understanding within
familiar and unfamiliar familiar and unfamiliar
contexts. contexts.
No data No data No data 4TWSp.04 Identify variables 5TWSp.04 Plan fair test 6TWSp.04 Plan fair test
that need to be taken into investigations, identifying investigations, identifying
account when doing a fair the independent, dependent the independent, dependent
test. and control variables. and control variables.
No data No data 3TWSp.04 Identify risks and 4TWSp.05 Identify risks and 5TWSp.05 Describe risks 6TWSp.05 Describe risks
explain how to stay safe explain how to stay safe when planning practical when planning practical
during practical work. during practical work. work and consider how to work and consider how to
minimise them. minimise them.
No data No data No data 4TWSc.02 Use keys to 5TWSc.02 Complete a key 6TWSc.02 Complete a key
identify objects, materials based on easily observed based on easily observed
and living things. differences. differences.
1TWSc.02 Use given 2TWSc.02 Use given 3TWSc.02 Choose 4TWSc.03 Choose 5TWSc.03 Choose 6TWSc.03 Choose
equipment appropriately. equipment appropriately. equipment from a provided equipment from a provided equipment to carry out an equipment to carry out an
selection and use it selection and use it investigation and use it investigation and use it
appropriately. appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.
No data No data No data 4TWSc.04 Describe how 5TWSc.04 Decide when 6TWSc.04 Decide when
repeated measurements observations and observations and
and/or observations can measurements need to be measurements need to be
give more reliable data. repeated to give more repeated to give more
reliable data. reliable data.
1TWSc.03 Take 2TWSc.03 Take 3TWSc.03 Take 4TWSc.05 Take 5TWSc.05 Take 6TWSc.05 Take
measurements in non- measurements in non- measurements in standard measurements in standard appropriately accurate appropriately accurate
standard units. standard units. units, describing the units, describing the measurements. measurements.
advantage of standard units advantage of standard units
over non-standard units. over non-standard units.
1TWSc.04 Follow 2TWSc.04 Follow 3TWSc.04 Carry out 4TWSc.06 Carry out 5TWSc.06 Carry out 6TWSc.06 Carry out
instructions safely when instructions safely when practical work safely. practical work safely. practical work safely. practical work safely.
doing practical work. doing practical work.
1TWSc.05 Collect and 2TWSc.06 Collect and 3TWSc.06 Collect and 4TWSc.08 Collect and 5TWSc.08 Collect and 6TWSc.08 Collect and
record observations and/or record observations and/or record observations and/or record observations and/or record observations and/or record observations and/or
measurements by measurements by measurements in tables and measurements in tables and measurements in tables and measurements in tables and
annotating images and annotating images and diagrams. diagrams. diagrams appropriate to the diagrams appropriate to the
completing simple tables. completing simple tables. type of scientific enquiry. type of scientific enquiry.
No data 2TWSa.02 Identify simple 3TWSa.02 Describe simple 4TWSa.02 Describe simple 5TWSa.02 Describe 6TWSa.02 Describe
patterns in results, e.g. patterns in results. patterns in results. patterns in results, including patterns in results, including
increasing and decreasing identifying any anomalous identifying any anomalous
patterns. results. results.
No data No data 3TWSa.03 Make a 4TWSa.03 Make a 5TWSa.03 Make a 6TWSa.03 Make a
conclusion from results and conclusion from results and conclusion from results conclusion from results
relate it to the scientific relate it to the scientific informed by scientific informed by scientific
question being investigated. question being investigated. understanding. understanding.
No data No data No data No data 5TWSa.04 Suggest how an 6TWSa.04 Suggest how an
investigation could be investigation could be
improved and explain any improved and explain any
proposed changes. proposed changes.
This worksheet contains 3 tables, one for each sub-strand of Biology, and each comprising 6 columns (for Stages 1 to 6). 6 pages.
Structure and function
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1Bs.01 Recognise and No data 3Bs.01 Describe the No data 5Bs.01 Know that not all No data
name the major parts of function of the major parts plants produce flowers.
familiar flowering plants of flowering plants (limited
(limited to roots, leaves, to roots, leaves, stems
stems and flowers). and flowers).
1Bs.03 Recognise and 2Bs.02 Identify the 3Bs.03 Identify some of 4Bs.01 Identify some of 5Bs.04 Describe the 6Bs.01 Describe the
name the major external different types of human the important organs in the important bones in human digestive system, human circulatory system
parts of the human body. teeth, explain how they humans (limited to brain, the human body (limited including the functions of in terms of the heart
are suited to their heart, stomach, intestine to skull, jaw, rib cage, the organs involved pumping blood through
functions and describe and lungs) and describe hip, spine, leg bones (limited to mouth, arteries, capillaries and
how to care for teeth. their functions. and arm bones). oesophagus, stomach, veins, describe its function
small intestine, large (limited to transporting
intestine and anus), and oxygen, nutrients and
know that many waste) and know that
vertebrates have a similar many vertebrates have a
digestive system. similar circulatory system.
No data No data No data 4Bs.02 Know that bones No data 6Bs.02 Describe the
move because pairs of human respiratory system
muscles that are in terms of oxygen from
attached to them the air moving into the
contract and relax. blood in the lungs and
know that many
vertebrates have a similar
respiratory system.
No data No data No data 4Bs.04 Know that some No data 6Bs.03 Name the parts of
animals have an the human reproductive
exoskeleton. system.
Life processes
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1Bp.01 Identify living No data 3Bp.01 Describe No data No data No data
things and things that differences between
have never been alive. things that are living, that
were once alive and that
have never lived.
No data 2Bp.01 Know that 3Bp.02 Know that life 4Bp.04 Describe the No data No data
humans need to manage processes common to importance of movement
diet, maintain hygiene and plants and animals include in maintaining human
move regularly to be nutrition, growth, health.
healthy. movement and
1Bp.03 Know that plants No data 3Bp.03 Know that plants No data 5Bp.04 Describe seed No data
need light and water to need appropriate germination and know that
survive. conditions, including seeds, in general, require
temperature, light and water and an appropriate
water, to be healthy. temperature to germinate.
No data 2Bp.02 Describe what No data 4Bp.01 Know that No data 6Bp.02 Know that some
illness is and describe the medicines can be used diseases can be caused
common signs of illness in to treat some illnesses, by infection with viruses,
humans. and describe how to use bacteria, parasites or fungi
them safely. that can be passed from
one host to another.
1Bp.04 Describe how 2Bp.03 Describe how the No data No data No data 6Bp.01 Describe the
humans are similar to and offspring of animals, physical changes that take
different from each other. including humans, change place during puberty in
as they become older. humans.
No data 2Bp.04 Know that 3Bp.04 Describe and No data No data No data
animals, including compare how the offspring
humans, produce of different animals grow
offspring that have a into adults, including
combination of features humans, birds, frogs and
from their parents. butterflies.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
No data 2Be.01 Know that an No data 4Be.01 Know that 5Be.01 Describe how No data
environment in which a different animals are plants and animals are
plant or animal naturally found in, and suited to, adapted to environments
lives is its habitat. different habitats. that are hot, cold, wet
and/or dry.
No data 2Be.03 Identify similarities No data No data 5Be.03 Describe the No data
and differences between common adaptations of
local environments in predator and prey
terms of hot, cold, dry, animals.
wet, many plants, few
plants, many animals and
few animals.
No data No data 3Be.01 Identify and 4Be.03 Describe food No data 6Be.01 Interpret food
describe simple food chains as being made of webs and identify food
chains, where plants are producers and chains within them.
producers and animals consumers, and classify
are consumers of plants consumers as
and/or other animals. herbivores, omnivores,
carnivores, predators
and/or prey.
This worksheet contains 3 tables, one for each sub-strand of Chemistry, and each comprising 6 columns (for Stages 1 to 6). 4 pages.
Materials and their structure
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1Cm.01 Identify, name, 2Cm.01 Understand that No data 4Cm.02 Understand the 5Cm.02 Understand that No data
describe, sort and group some materials occur difference between substances can be
common materials, naturally and others are materials, substances gaseous and know the
including wood, plastic, manufactured. and particles. common gases at room
metal, glass, rock, paper temperature (limited to
and fabric. oxygen, carbon dioxide,
water vapour, nitrogen
and hydrogen).
1Cm.02 Understand the No data 3Cm.01 Know that 4Cm.01 Describe the 5Cm.01 Use the particle No data
difference between an materials can be solids, particle model for solids model to describe solid,
object and a material. liquids or gases. and liquids. liquids (including
solutions) and gases.
Properties of materials
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1Cp.01 Understand that 2Cp.01 Describe a 3Cp.01 Describe 4Cp.01 Use the particle 5Cp.02 Know the main 6Cp.02 Know that gases
all materials have a property as a differences in the model to explain the properties of water (limited have properties, including
variety of properties. characteristic of a material properties of solids and properties of solids and to boiling point, melting mass.
and understand that liquids. liquids. point, expands when it
materials can have more solidifies, and its ability to
than one property. dissolve a range of
substances) and know
that water acts differently
from many other
No data No data 3Cp.02 Understand that 4Cp.02 Describe and No data No data
materials, generally, retain explain how some solids
their properties within a can behave like liquids
mixture. (e.g. powders), referring
to the particle model.
1Cp.02 Describe common 2Cp.02 Explain why No data No data No data No data
materials in terms of their materials are chosen for
properties. specific purposes on the
basis of their properties.
Changes to materials
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1Cc.01 Describe how 2Cc.01 Know that some No data 4Cc.03 Know that some No data 6Cc.04 Understand that
materials can be changed changes can turn a substances will react chemical reactions involve
by physical action, e.g. material into a different with another substance substances, called
stretching, compressing, material. to produce one or more reactants, interacting to
bending and twisting. new substances and this form new substances,
is called a chemical called products.
No data No data No data No data 5Cc.02 Understand that 6Cc.01 Identify and
dissolving is a reversible describe physical changes
process and investigate that are reversible.
how to separate the
solvent and solute after a
solution is formed.
No data No data No data 4Cc.02 Understand that No data 6Cc.03 Describe the
the change of state of a difference between boiling
substance is a physical and evaporation.
This worksheet contains 3 tables, one for each sub-strand of Physics, and each comprising 6 columns (for Stages 1 to 6). 5 pages.
Forces and energy
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1Pf.01 Explore, talk about 2Pf.01 Know that forces No data No data 5Pf.02 Know that an 6Pf.04 Describe the effect
and describe the can change the movement object may have multiple of different forces on an
movement of familiar of an object. forces acting upon it, even object at rest and in
objects. when at rest. motion.
No data No data 3Pf.01 Know that forces No data 5Pf.03 Use force 6Pf.03 Use force
can be measured with a diagrams to show the diagrams to show the
forcemeter. name and direction of name, size and direction
forces acting on an object. of forces acting on an
1Pf.02 Describe pushes 2Pf.02 Know that forces No data No data 5Pf.01 Identify a range of No data
and pulls as forces. can change the shape of forces (limited to gravity,
an object. applied forces, normal
forces, upthrust, friction,
air resistance and water
No data No data 3Pf.02 Know that gravity No data No data 6Pf.02 Describe the effect
on Earth is a force that of gravity and know that
pulls towards the centre of when gravity changes, the
the Earth. weight of an object
changes but the mass
does not.
No data 2Pf.03 Recognise that 3Pf.03 Know that friction No data No data No data
things will only speed up, is a force created between
slow down or change surfaces when they move
direction when something against each other and it
else causes them to do makes this movement
so. harder.
1Pf.03 Explore that some No data No data No data No data 6Pf.05 Recognise that the
objects float and some mass and shape of an
sink. object can affect if it floats
or sinks.
No data No data No data 4Pf.04 Know that not all No data No data
energy is transferred
from one object to
another, but often some
energy during a process
can be transferred to the
environment and this
can be detected as
sound, light or
temperature increase.
1Ps.02 Explore that as No data No data No data 5Ps.03 Investigate how to No data
sound travels from a change the volume and
source it becomes quieter. pitch of sounds.
No data 2Ps.02 Know that 3Ps.03 Investigate how No data No data No data
darkness is the absence the size of a shadow is
of light. affected by the position of
the object and the position
of the light source.
No data No data 3Ps.02 Know that 4Ps.01 Know that light No data No data
shadows are formed when travels in straight lines
light from a source is and this can be
blocked by an object. represented with ray
No data No data No data 4Ps.02 Know that light No data 6Ps.01 Describe how a
can reflect off surfaces. ray of light changes
direction when it is
reflected from a plane
No data 2Pe.02 Recognise the No data 4Pe.04 Know some No data No data
components of simple materials are good
circuits (limited to cells, electrical conductors,
wires and lamps). especially metals, and
some are good electrical
No data 2Pe.03 Explore the No data 4Pe.03 Describe how No data 6Pe.02 Make simple
construction of simple changing the number or circuits and compare the
series circuits (limited to type of components in a brightness of lamps in
cells, wires and lamps). series circuit can make a series and parallel circuits.
lamp brighter or dimmer.
1Pe.02 Explore, talk about No data 3Pe.01 Describe magnets No data No data 6Pe.01 Use diagrams and
and describe what as having a north pole conventional symbols to
happens when magnets and a south pole. represent, make and
approach and touch compare circuits that
different materials. include cells, switches,
lamps and buzzers.
No data No data 3Pe.03 Investigate how No data 5Pe.01 Know the No data
some materials are difference between a
magnetic but many are magnet and a magnetic
not. material.
This worksheet contains 3 tables, one for each sub-strand of Earth and Space, and each comprising 6 columns (for Stages 1 to 6). 4 pages.
1ESp.02 Describe land as 2ESp.01 Describe and No data No data No data 6ESp.01 Know that rocks
being made of rock and soil. compare different types of can be classified as
rock. metamorphic, igneous and
sedimentary, and describe
the identifying features of
each type of rock.
No data 2ESp.02 Know rocks are 3ESp.01 Know that planet No data No data No data
extracted from the Earth Earth is the source of all
in different ways, the materials we use and
including from quarries, that many useful materials,
mines and riverbeds. including oil, natural gas
and metals, come from or
are found in rocks.
No data 2ESp.03 Know that No data No data 5ESp.03 Understand that No data
human activity can affect pollution is the introduction
the environment. of substances by humans
that harm the environment
and identify examples of
No data No data 3ESp.02 Know that fossils No data No data 6ESp.02 Describe the way
are impressions, or fossils can form in
remains, of things that sedimentary rocks.
were once alive.
Cycles on Earth
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
No data No data No data No data 5ESc.01 Describe the water No data
cycle (limited to
evaporation, condensation
and precipitation).
Earth in space
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1ESs.01 Know that Earth is No data No data No data No data No data
the planet on which we live.
No data No data 3ESs.01 Describe the No data No data 6ESs.02 Observe and
regular change in the describe the changes in the
position and appearance of appearance of the Moon
the Moon. over its monthly cycle.
No data No data 3ESs.02 Describe the 4ESs.01 Explain why the 5ESs.01 Describe the orbit 6ESs.01 Describe the
relative movement of the spinning of the Earth on its of the Earth around the Sun relative position and
Earth and Moon. axis leads to the apparent (limited to slight ellipse, movement of the planets,
movement of the Sun, anticlockwise direction and the Moon and the Sun in the
night and day, and the duration). Solar System.
changes in shadows.
No data No data 3ESs.03 Describe the 4ESs.02 Name the No data No data
Earth, Sun and Moon as planets in the Solar
approximately spherical. System.
This worksheet contains 1 table for the Science in Context strand comprising 6 columns (for Stages 1 to 6). 2 pages.
Science in Context
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
1SIC.01 Talk about how 2SIC.01 Talk about how 3SIC.01 Talk about how 4SIC.01 Describe how 5SIC.01 Describe how 6SIC.01 Describe how
some of the scientific some of the scientific some of the scientific scientific knowledge and scientific knowledge and scientific knowledge and
knowledge and thinking now knowledge and thinking now knowledge and thinking understanding changes understanding changes understanding changes
was different in the past. was different in the past. now was different in the over time through the use of over time through the use over time through the use
past. evidence gained by enquiry. of evidence gained by of evidence gained by
enquiry. enquiry.
1SIC.02 Talk about how 2SIC.02 Talk about how 3SIC.02 Talk about how 4SIC.02 Describe how 5SIC.02 Describe how 6SIC.02 Describe how
science explains how science explains how science explains how science is used in their local science is used in their science is used in their
objects they use, or know objects they use, or know objects they use, or know area. local area. local area.
about, work. about, work. about, work.
No data No data No data 4SIC.03 Use science to 5SIC.03 Use science to 6SIC.03 Use science to
support points when support points when support points when
discussing issues, situations discussing issues, discussing issues,
or actions. situations or actions. situations or actions.
1SIC.03 Know that 2SIC.03 Know that 3SIC.03 Know that 4SIC.04 Identify people who 5SIC.04 Identify people 6SIC.04 Identify people
everyone uses science and everyone uses science and everyone uses science and use science, including who use science, including who use science, including
identify people who use identify people who use identify people who use professionally, in their area professionally, in their area professionally, in their area
science professionally. science professionally. science professionally. and describe how they use and describe how they use and describe how they use
science. science. science.
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