Ibps Po 2022 Prelims Exam Memory Based PDF 58

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Direction: (1-5) Read the following 3.E was born in which of the following
information carefully and answer the year?
questions given below it: A. 1990
B. 1980
Five people A, B, C, D, and E were born C. 1987
in different years i.e., 1980, 1987, D. 2000
1990, 1994 and 2000 but not E. None of these
necessarily in the same order
considering the base year as 2022.
They all like five different fruits. All the
information is not necessarily in the 4.What is the difference between the
same order. age of A and the one who likes Orange?
Difference between the age of E and A. 12
the one who likes Apple is 10. E is elder B. 4
than the one who likes Apple. A was C. 6
born just before the one who likes D. 10
Apple. Two people were born between E. None of these
A and the one who likes Litchi. B’s age
is the half of the sum of the ages of the
one who likes Litchi and the one who
likes Papaya. Difference between the 5.What is the sum of the ages of C and
age of C and the one who likes Mango the one who likes Mango?
is 7. D neither likes Litchi nor Orange. A. 60
B. 54
1. What is the age of the one who likes C. 77
Orange? D. 64
A. 35 E. None of these
B. 22
C. 32
D. 42 Direction: (6-10) Read the following
E. None of these information carefully and answer the
questions given below it:
Seven people i.e., A, B, C, D, E, F, and
2.Who likes Litchi? G are sitting in a straight line. Some of
A. B them face towards north and some of
them face towards south. Two people
B. E sit between G and A. C sits second to
the right of A. A faces north. Four
C. A people sit between C and F. D sits
second to the right of F. E sits second
D. C to the left of D. E and F faces opposite
direction. People sit at the extreme
E. None of these ends face opposite directions to each
other. B and C faces opposite direction.
C faces same direction as G.


10.How many people face the north

6. Who sits to the immediate left of D? direction?
A. E A. Four
B. A
C. B B. Three
D. F
E. None of these C. One

D. None

7.How many people sit to the right of E. Two

A. Five
B. Three
C. One 11.If a meaningful word can be formed
D. Two using 1st, 5th, 6th and 8th letters of
E. None PENDULUM. What will be the second
letter from left of the newly formed
word? If no such words can be formed
mark X as your answer. If more than
8.How many people sit between F and one such word can be formed mark Z
G? as your answer.
A. Three A. L

B. One B. U

C. Two C. M

D. None D. X

E. More than three E. Z

Direction: (12-14) Read the

9.What is the position of A with respect sentence to find out whether there is
to C? an error in it. The error, if any, will be
A. Second to the left in one part of the sentence. The
number corresponding to that part will
B. Third to the right be your answer. If the given sentence
is correct as it is, mark the answer as
C. Second to the right ‘No error’. Ignore the errors of
punctuation, if any.
D. Immediate left 12.

E. None of these


Ben started (A)/ to chased his friend Rights (PPR) license

(B)/ down the hall, but the (C)/ teacher before screening (E) the film.
told him to stop running. (D) A. A-B
A. A B. B-E
B. B C. C-E & A-D
C. C D. C-D & A-B
D. D E. No exchange required
E. No error
16.A soldier that does not built (A) out
13.Recovery from (A)/ the mysterious their promoted (B) to the letter is not
illness (B)/ took a weeklong hospital likely to be orders, (C) since armies
(C)/ stay and several round of are carry (D) on obedience (E) to
antibiotics.(D) high command.
A. A A. A-E
B. B B. B-C
C. C C. C-D & A-B
D. D D. B-C & A- D
E. No error E. No exchange required

14.Although the (A)/ bank allowed the ###COMMON###17###18###Dire

(B)/ debtor to renew the loan, (C)/ the ction: In the given question, a
renewal fee were extremely high.(D) statement has been divided into five
A. A segments, each of which is denoted by
B. B (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all
C. C the segments to form a coherent
D. D statement.
E. No error 17.
A) arteries, the unhealthy
Direction: (15-16) In the given B) weight and get fit
question, five words are printed in bold C) with several clogged
and are numbered A, B, C, D and E . D) motive to lose
The positions of some highlighted E) man had a serious
words may be incorrect and need to be A. AEDCB B. CBEDA
exchanged with another highlighted to C. CAEDB D. CDEAB
make the sentence correct. Find the E. CADEB
words that need to be exchanged. In
case the given sentence is correct, your 18. A) news anchor had
answer is (E), i.e. 'No exchange B) to improvise the
required'. C) last portion of the broadcast
15. D) stopped working, the
If you advertise (A) a campus E) when the teleprompter
film showing (B) with a flyer A. EACDB B. EDCBA
or poster,(C) you'll probably need C. EDACB D. EDABC
to purchase (D) a Public Performance E. EBCDE


Direction: (19-21) A sentence with given sentence is correct, your answer

one blank is given, indicating that will be option (E), i.e., "No correction
something has been omitted. Choose required".
the word that best fits in the blank
making the sentence grammatically 22. The company promised two-day
correct and meaningful. shipping, but is now saying the
19. package will not be arrive
I needed more __________ working until Friday.
with children, so I decided to volunteer A. Will not be arrived until
at a local after-school program. B. Will not arrive unless
A. Limelight C. Will not be arriving after
B. Exploration D. Will not arrive until
C. Experience E. No correction required
D. Training
E. Tenure 23.I think mother will be glad to make
the dress for you, and when you
20.The document outlines how the should wear it you will look as pretty
organization will be run and how as a rose.
research tasks will be A. When you will be wear it
_______________. B. What you wear it
A. Recorded C. When you wear it
B. Declared D. Then you wear it
C. Carried E. No correction required
D. Assigned
E. Dropped Direction: (24-28) Given below are
six statements A, B, C, D, E and F,
21.Vulnerability to develop psychosis which when arranged in the correct
was measured using a clinical interview order, form a coherent and meaningful
____________ the level of psychotic paragraph. The sentence marked D is
symptoms. fixed and would fit in the fourth
A. Accessing position. Rearrange the other
B. Assessing statements in a proper sequence to
C. Decreasing form a meaningful paragraph and then
D. Increasing answer the questions that follow.
E. Limiting A. Observing the facts and figures, it
was found that by 2050, municipal solid
waste generation globally will increase
Direction: (22-23) In the given roughly by 70% and reach 3.4 billion
question, a part of the sentence is metric tons.
printed in bold. Below the sentence, B. However, the main reason is that
alternatives to the emboldened part the global waste management sector is
are given as (A), (B), (C) and (D), lagging and fighting tough against poor
which may help improve the sentence. waste management tactics because of
Choose the correct alternative out of the less acceptance of new
the given five options. In case the technologies.


C. Gradually, with the increasing D. E

awareness regarding automating waste E. F
sorting, recycling and management, we
may encounter more brands 28.Which of the following will be the
integrating the latest technologies to LAST statement after rearrangement?
combat environmental pollution and A. A
waste issues in future. B. B
D. Varied factors are accountable C. C
for this constant rise, like D. E
urbanization, population growth, E. F
economic growth and consumer
shopping habits. Direction: (29-32) What should
E. With the increasing population come in place of the question mark (?)
worldwide, waste generation is in the following number series?
multiplying uncontrollably. 29.
F. Municipalities find it challenging to 4000, ?, 500, 375, 375, 468.75
manage such wastes for further A. 1450
separation, recycling, transformation B. 1600
and more. C. 1525
D. 1000
24. Which of the following will be the E. 1075
FIRST statement after rearrangement?
A. A 30.367, 367, 374, 400, 463, ?
B. B A. 602
C. C B. 587
D. E C. 592
E. F D. 656
E. 732
25.Which of the following will be the
THIRD statement after rearrangement? 31.13, 53, 213, 853, 3413, ?
A. A B. B A. 25302
C. C D. E B. 14504
E. F C. 13653
D. 10525
26.Which of the following will be the E. 9375
FIFTH statement after rearrangement?
A. A B. B
C. C D. E
E. F
27.Which of the following will be the
SECOND statement after
A. A
B. B
C. C


32.363, 120, 39, 12, ?, 0 The given below bar graph shows the
A. 5 number of tables and chairs sold by a
B. 1 company from 2007 to 2010.
C. 7
D. 3
E. 10

33.In 20 litre mixture of milk and

water, the ratio of milk and water is 4
: 1. If this entire mixture is mixed with
36 litre of pure milk, find the difference
between the quantities of milk and
water in the final mixture?
A. 48 litre
B. 35 litre 36.
C. 28 litre Number of tables sold in 2007 is what
D. 45 litre percent more than the number of
E. None of these chairs sold in 2010?
A. 12.5%
34.Present age of A is 52 years. 4 years B. 25%
ago the ratio of age of A to the age of C. 18.75%
B at that time was 12 : 7. If C is 16 D. 20%
years older than B, find the present age E. 6.25%
of C.
A. 42 years 37.In 2011, the number of chairs sold
B. 48 years is 12% more than the number of tables
C. 56 years sold in 2010 and the number of tables
D. 33 years sold is 15% less than the number of
E. None of these chairs sold in 2009. What is the
difference between the number of
35.Marked price of two articles A and B tables and chairs sold in 2011?
is 50% more than their cost price. A. 18
Selling price of article B is Rs. 540 and B. 11
it is sold at a discount of 40%. If the C. 24
sum of cost prices of A and B is Rs. 960, D. 20
what is the marked price of A? E. None of these
A. Rs. 480
B. Rs. 660 38.What is the average number of
C. Rs. 624 tables sold from 2007 to 2010?
D. Rs. 540 A. 62
E. Rs. 475 B. 75
C. 95
Direction: (36-40) Study the D. 72
following information carefully and E. 80
answer the given questions.


5. Ans. C.
1. Ans. C.

6. Ans. B.
2. Ans. D.

7. Ans. A.

3. Ans. A.

8. Ans. E.

9. Ans. C.

4. Ans. B.


10. Ans. B. The correct order is CAEDB

18. Ans. D.
The correct order is EDABC.
19. Ans. C.
The correct answer is C.
20. Ans. D.
The correct answer is option D.
11. Ans. E.
21. Ans. B.
The correct answer is B.
Two meaningful words: LUMP and
22. Ans. D.
The correct answer is D.
12. Ans. B.
23. Ans. C.
The correct answer is B. After the
The correct answer is C.
infinitive ‘to’ we need to place the verb
24. Ans. D.
in its first form. SO, it should be ‘chase’
The correct order is EFADBC.
instead of ‘chased’.
25. Ans. A.
13. Ans. D.
The correct order is EFADBC.
The determiner ‘several’ is present,
26. Ans. B.
which takes plural noun, but the
The correct order is EFADBC.
sentence uses singular noun ‘round’ in
27. Ans. E.
the 4th part of the sentence. Thus, the
The correct order is EFADBC.
error is in D part.
28. Ans. C.
14. Ans. D.
The correct order is EFADBC.
We are talking about a particular fee
29. Ans. D.
which is a renewal fee, which is
The pattern of the series is:
singular. Hence, we need to use the
4000 × 0.25 = 1000
singular verb here. Thus, it should be
1000 × 0.5 = 500
‘was’ instead of ‘were’.
500 × 0.75 = 375
15. Ans. B.
375 × 1 = 375
‘Film showing’ is incorrect here. At E we
375 × 1.25 = 468.75
need a verb in ing form because the
Hence, the missing number is 1000.
preposition ‘before’ is placed. Of the
30. Ans. B.
highlighted words, Showing and
The pattern of the series is:
Screening, if exchanged, makes the
367 + 13 – 1 = 367
sentence grammatically and
367 + 23 – 1 = 374
contextually correct.
374 + 33 – 1 = 400
16. Ans. D.
400 + 43 – 1 = 463
A-D and B-C needs to be exchanged
463 + 53 – 1 = 587
here. As we have the word ‘out’ after
Hence, the missing number is 587.
A, we need the word ‘carry’ with it, to
31. Ans. C.
form the phrase carry out.
The pattern of the series is:
At B, the use of verb is incorrect.
13 × 4 + 1 = 53
Instead we need a noun here. B needs
53 × 4 + 1 = 213
to be exchanged with C.
213 × 4 + 1 = 853
17. Ans. C.
853 × 4 + 1 = 3413


3413 × 4 + 1 = 13653 Requiredpercentage =

Hence, the missing number is 13653.
32. Ans. D.
The pattern of the series is:
37. Ans. A.
363 ÷ 3 – 1 = 120
Number of chairs sold in 2011 =
120 ÷ 3 – 1 = 39
39 ÷ 3 – 1 = 12
12 ÷ 3 – 1 = 3
Hence, the missing number is 3. Number of tables sold in 2011
33. Ans. A.

Quantity of milk = = 16 litre =

Quantity of water = 20 – 16 = 4 litre Required difference = 102 – 84 = 18
Required difference = 16 + 36 – 4 = 48 38. Ans. E.
litre Total number of tables sold from 2007
34. Ans. B. to 2010
Let the age of A and B, 4 years ago be = (160 – 65) + (120 – 50) + (200 –
12x and 7x respectively. 120) + (155 – 80)
So, 12x + 4 = 52 = 95 + 70 + 80 + 75 = 320
⇒ 12x = 48 Average number of tables sold from
Present age of B = 7x + 4
Present age of C = 7x + 4 + 16 = 7x + 2007 to 2010 =
= 7 × 4 + 20 = 48 years
35. Ans. D.
60% of marked price of B = Rs. 540

Marked price of B =
150% of cost price of B = Rs. 900

Cost price of B =
Let the cost price of A be Rs. x.
Then, 600 + x = 960
⇒ x = 360
Marked price of A =
36. Ans. C.
Number of tables sold in 2007 = 160 –
65 = 95
Number of chairs sold in 2010 = 80


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