Summary of - An Angel Whispered
Summary of - An Angel Whispered
Summary of - An Angel Whispered
Here, I will only choose short sentences from each section of the book. But,
I see that I was searching for what I was meant to be “doing” rather than trying to
figure out who I was mean to “be”. Of course, now I realize the “doing” does not
Dadi Janki said: “We spend our lives filling our heads with knowledge, but if our
And in other cases, she corrected me, pointing out that if I really wanted to
change the world I had to change “myself” – not convince others to change
As for the structure of the book, Part One focuses on the Wisdom of Happiness
of mind. Part Two focuses on the Practice of Happiness, which describes how I am
shifting the way I think, speak, and act so I can bring love back into my heart.
My teacher often says happiness is experienced when you have peace of mind and
Pain and suffering are different. Pain is of the body while suffering is up in the
mind. Pain is inevitable from which there is no escape while suffering is optional,
it is from the thought you create (for example, you are living in the past or fearing
the next day; you are dreading what is; you are clinging or resisting; when you are
hanging on, suffering tells you to let go; suffering is necessary to push you to
It was not until I learned that our thoughts make us suffer, and not what is
actually happening around us, that I began to see how suffering could be
My teacher has said, “If you look at saints and sages, they do not suffer. No
matter what they face – even physical pain – they do not suffer. This is because
they are said to be “friendly with the inevitable”. They do not resist what is. They
do not wish for things to be different than they are. They are in a state of
You are meant to be happy. To be able to do this, two things you must find: Love
in your heart and peace in your mind. So that is your purpose. Learn to be happy.
If people were happy to the centre of their core, would there be conflict? Would
there be war? Mahatma Gandhi said: “You must be the change you wish to see in
the world”. Unfortunately, most people do not try to change the self. Instead they
try hard to change everyone else! This causes pain and makes people suffer. The
Happiness is experienced when we can bring peace into our minds and feel love
from anyone. When we can do this, and are completely content, we want the best
for ourselves and everyone. Then we become truly generous, not in terms of
giving other people our money, but in terms of giving other people permission to
be who they are. In this state, we give everyone the gift they long for, which is the
Brahma Baba said: “People only hurt other people when they are unhappy.” When
we cannot bear the pain within, we seek to release it and, inevitably, someone is
I thought we need to fix everything “out there” so we could be happy “inside”. But
in fact, we cannot fix anything out there until we are happy on the inside.
The constitution of UNESCO states: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in
the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.” I can see now
that if we want peace in the world, then we must learn how to bring peace into
our minds.
Dalai Lama said: “I believe the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That
is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believe in this
religion or that religion, we are all seeking something better in life. So, I think, the
My happiness was not my own. For the most part, happiness was something I
took from the outside and brought inside. [Watching TV: good news would make
me happy and bad news would make me miserable; on day to day life: positive
people would make me happy and negative people would make me miserable.] …
… … But I soon learned that we feel according to the thoughts we have. We only
feel disappointed, insulted, hurt, or angry when someone has not done as we
certain way, and he or she failed to do so. This is what made us lose our
happiness – our expectation – not what the other person actually said or did. And
need them to act so we can be happy. And when they do not, we lose our
My teacher said: “Like asking an apple merchant for oranges; like asking
miserable person for love; … … …; they just do not have what you want them to
give. … … … Instead, take responsibility for yourself and do not blame others for
not giving you what you wanted. Recognize you misjudged their capacity and
Why was I asking someone else to give me something that I need to learn to give
Martha Washington said: “I have learned from experience that the greater part of
[Only the body dies and become dust. Only the body knows birth and death cycle.
The soul is eternal, not and never subject to birth and death cycle. The soul
moves from one life to another, from one body to another. Who you truly are is
not your fleeting temporary mortal body but who you truly are is your eternal
soul. So do not worry, no one really dies – just bodies die. So do not worry, you
Now I see, as my teacher often says, that we never cry for others. We may think
we cry for others, but really, we only cry for ourselves. I was not crying for him,
but for me, for my loss, for my need to have him with me, and for my own fear of
what was to become of me after I died. My tears came from my own needs, my
own emptiness.
we can love and enjoy others while they are with us and then let them go when it
is time for them to move on. We need to recognize that other souls come to us for
a period of time and then move on when their time comes. It is as if we are riding
on a train to a certain destination and various passengers will get on and off along
the way. When they get on, we enjoy their company or learn what we must from
them. But when they get off, we need to let them continue on their own journeys
This capacity to sustain the self does not come from knowing about death, but
from knowing about life. … … … It is only once we understand this and move into
a state of acceptance that we can begin to become “friendly with the inevitable”.
Norman Cousins said: “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is
Lesson 5: Who Am I?
There are many analogies that clarify what it means to be a soul. One is that, the
soul is the driver while the body is the car. The soul drives the body, giving it
directions, and the body does as the soul commands. Another analogy is that, the
soul is an actor and the body is the costume the actor wears. The soul is not the
employee, of a certain race, nationality, and gender – but that is not “who it is”. …
… … So, rather than knowing who we are – souls playing a role – we begin to
believe we are the roles we play. And believing we are something we are not is a
is none of these things. These are all ways we describe our bodies and the state of
within this point is the record of every thought, word, and deed of the soul while
it has played its parts on earth. The original nature of the soul is divine and
virtuous. Therefore, at our core, we are good, the embodiment of all of the
virtues. The difference among us lies in the depth and strength of our virtues and
the extent to which the vices have entered us. Happiness lies in uncovering and
The 5 main virtues are: purity, peace, love, happiness, and wisdom.
The 5 main vices are: lust, greed, attachment, ego, and anger.
When we are coming from a place of virtue, we are free and light. Our
from others. All fears and desires fade because our happiness depends on no one.
This enables us to give freely of the self, without the slightest thought of
state, we realize that we already have everything we need and need not search for
Stephen R Covey said: “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are
I was in such a state I could not see what I needed to do, but instead occupied my
But my standard of perfection was quite different from “true” perfection. “True”
perfection is when our happiness does not depend on anyone or anything, when
we can sustain ourselves no matter what. Anything short of that and there is room
for improvement.
Now I know we lose our happiness when we try to project an image of the self and
others do not see us as we want to be seen. We are trying to take support from
the roles our bodies play to boost ourselves up, but these supports regularly
A more subtle way we lose our happiness is connected to our beliefs and the way
we conduct ourselves. We tend to think that the way we think, believe, and act is
better than other ways. … … … But then, when things do not happen as we hope,
When I think I am a body I will think “I am this profession, this nationality, this
gender, this … … ….” Everything associated with this “I” opens me up to feeling
But as a soul, I simply think, “I am a peaceful soul.” In this true awareness of “I”, I
and virtues. … … … In truth, a soul owns nothing and so it cannot lose anything.
It comes into the world with nothing and will leave with nothing. So, to think I
possess anything is a state of falsehood that simply breeds the fear of loss.
Over time I have come to believe the state of the human condition, both
myself up to the idea of a soul living more than one life and the law of karma
[which will be explained later], I could see that I had chosen the circumstances I
In truth, every thought, word, and deed we have had determines our state of
being and the state of the world. As Buddha said: “We are what we think. All that
we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
Lesson 7: Who Is God? What Does God Do?
[To summarize it] God is a living Being, a Soul, Who is the embodiment of all
virtues. It is only due to the limitations of the English language that we use
masculine pronounce to refer to God, but He is both our spiritual mother and
father. And, as our parent, He wants the best for us. He does not want us to
But His role is not to wave a magic and make right every wrong. It is we who must
where would our self-respect come? From where would our love for the self
come? How would we learn to take responsibility for ourselves, for our actions, if
God fixed everything we broke? But knowing this, we know we cannot do it on our
Leighton Ford said: “God loves us the way we are, but too much to leave us that
[I just want to add that different people will always believe in different ways and
forms, in this very complex subject like many other subjects, and that is
absolutely fine and natural because people have different cultural and educational
backgrounds and they have different levels of understanding and different etc. But
the most important thing is for people to be free to choose whatever
understanding they like and people to be let free to be the way they want. Be and
let others be. Peace, Love, Mercy, Charity, Respect and Tolerance for all regardless
[In Summary, always remember: “You reap what you sow”. This is also called the
Law of Karma. Karma means action. All your thoughts, words and deeds come
back to you sooner or later, in this life time or in another life time. Therefore, sow
what is good, positive, peaceful and pure so that you get it back. Sow peace, love
and happiness so that you get them back. Sooner or later, in this life time or in
another life time, you will face the consequences of your thoughts, words and
[We cannot change the past – what we have done before whether in in this life
time or in a previous life time – but we have the full choice at the present time, we
have the full choice and the full control over our present thoughts, words and
actions. Thus, you can start a fresh. You can open a completely new page and new
chapter. After we have paid the debt, we can build up credit in our account. At
every present moment you have the full freedom to choose what to think, what to
say and what to do. Therefore, be wise and think, speak, and act peacefully
lovingly positively and constructively and consequently your life will change
[We pay for our thoughts, words and actions either immediately or after a while
(after days, weeks, months, years, decades, in this life time or in a future life
time). No matter when we must pay for our thoughts, words and actions. This is
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross said: “I believe that we are solely responsible for our
choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word and
For me the most compelling evidence for rebirth are accounts given by children of
previous lifetimes. In the film, “Life, Death, and Rebirth: The Story of
Reincarnation”, there were numerous accounts of past lives given by small
am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring
from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.” And Voltaire said:
“It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is
In spite of the evidence for rebirth, I simply embraced it because it was essential
I do not like the idea of even the most depraved killer being eternally damned to
suffer. I much prefer to believe every soul will have a chance – at least a chance –
Understanding and accepting rebirth and karma also makes me act responsibly,
as I no longer think I can get away with anything. I know that somehow, in some
way, all I do will come back to me. So, I make sure that I treat myself, others, and
reality by means of which Indian thought surmounts difficulties which baffle the
thinkers of Europe.”
Always remember: “You reap what you sow”. This is the law of karma.
The law of karma – if used benevolently – helps and does not harm in every aspect
of time.
Past – for the past, Karma helps me to move into acceptance. Whatever has
happened, I need to take responsibility for it, as somehow, in some way, I sowed
those seeds. I cannot hang onto anything or blame others for how they treated
me. If there is some lesson for me to learn, I must learn it and then let go, as the
Present – in the present, karma helps keep me from feeling sorrow about what is
happening now. I used to suffer whenever I heard a sad story about someone
souls are settling their accounts and it does not help others to suffer with them. It
also means I can have mercy on those who sow negative seeds, as I know
Future – for the future, karma helps me check my actions now to make sure I do
everything with good intention. I do not want to sow any more bad seeds, because
I know they will bring bitter fruit. Therefore, I need to learn to treat myself and
others with love and respect, as that is what I would like to come back to me!
used to judge or condemn. We also must not think that the bad things that
Wayne Dyer said: “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”
Happiness occurs when there is love in the heart and peace in the mind.
Pleasure is sought from outside. There is physical pleasure like food, drink, sex,
etc. and psychological pleasure like getting appreciation, approval and regard
from others.
[Pleasure leads to addiction and dependency. It will not make you feel good at all
time. In fact it is usually fleeting and short leaving you suffer for long until next
[Happiness is not dependent on anyone or anything outside you. Happiness is
Confucius said: “The superior man thinks always of virtue; the common man
thinks of comfort.”
My teacher often says the quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our
and positive thoughts. One kind of positive thoughts called “right thoughts” –
these are thoughts based on wisdom. Try to increase positive thoughts especially
right thoughts. Use practical thoughts when necessary. Get rid of waste and
When your happiness decreases, always remember the followings:
not take anything from others because I am full. I do not require anything from
anyone. And if I am lacking something, then let me give myself what I require.”
we are reaping the fruit of the seeds we have sown in the past. There is no reason
clear our karmic accounts. Everything passes and in the end, everything will be
Third, “A soul owns nothing and so it cannot lose anything. As a soul, I came into
this world alone and I will leave on my own. I am a child of God and belong to Him
alone. Everyone else is also a child of God and therefore my sibling. Let me have
Dadi Janki said: “It is the duty of other people to insult and defame you. It is your
When Nelson Mandela was asked why he was not bitter about spending 27 years
of his life in prison, he replied with a gentle laugh: “In a way, it was good. It gave
me a chance to think.” If only we could all use our thoughts in such a way that no
Albert Einstein said: “The problems that we have today cannot be solved with the
… … … I was very aware of what everyone else needed to do. I could spot
Now I spend a lot less time thinking about the faults, defects, and shortcomings
within yourself.
When we decide we want to change the self, and not others, we need to turn our
attention inward and follow the path my teacher describes as an ART: Awareness,
Realizations occur when we become aware of what was behind whatever we were
The problem with dwelling on others’ defects is that we taste the negativity of
doing so. My teacher often says when we think negatively about someone “it is
like drinking poison and hoping the other will die. When we think negatively, we
thinking, but we will feel anger or jealousy or whatever it is that we keep in our
have a realization, we can make a shift within and transform the self. To be able
to do this successfully requires great honesty. My teacher believes that honesty –
Francois de la Rochefoucauld said: “If we had no faults of our own, we would not
And certainly, I had respect for myself as long as others had respect for me. But
when others did not give me respect I sought, the respect I had for myself
… … … . But true self-respect is not derived from what we have accomplished. …
one day and gone the next. It occurs when we realize we do not need to be seen
as special or as a celebrity, because in God’s eyes, we are all celebrities, we are all
First, identifying with the body and thinking in terms if “I” and “mine”. For
seeking revenge.
A – Remember who we are. I am a soul who is worthy, eternal, and special. Realize
no two souls are alike; we are unique and already have everything we need. [God
loves all of us equally exactly as a mother loves her children equally without
B – Recognize we have an important role to play. God needs us and cannot do His
work on earth without us lending Him the purity of our minds, thoughts, words,
and actions.
C – Take responsibility for our state of being and blame no one for it. We need to
accept that our thoughts create our feelings and that our karma has drawn certain
people and experiences to us, so no one else is to blame for our happiness or
D – Focus on strengths and have the highest vision of the self and others. While
we may think that we have, or someone else has, 99 negative qualities, we must
find and focus on the one good quality within us and others.
E – Shift within to stop our suffering by thinking, speaking, and acting in a new
way. When we change our state of being through our effort, we feel a sense of
I now know self-respect is essential for happiness. But it does not occur after
“receiving” respect; it arises after “giving” it. Only when we give respect, to all
people at all times in all circumstances, can our minds become peaceful and our
Mahatma Gandhi said: “They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it
to them.”
But if you were truly wise, you would never pick a side.
Or else what will happen? You’ll root for one over another.
But the one you root against is God’s child and your brother.
Will you cheer his defeat? Will you relish his downfall?
Will this bring peace of mind and make you feel love for all?
Jesus said: “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” I was quite
happy to divide the world into those whom I loved and those whom I did not.
Essentially, I loved those who did as I liked and I did not love those who did
My teacher says the first step toward becoming truly loving towards all is to let go
of the false identities associated with the body and remember who we are. A soul
My teacher’s teacher said: “If you have hatred, or even the slightest trace of
dislike, for even one of God’s children, you cannot experience God’s love.” This is
how clean our hearts must be. This is how loving we must become. G. K.
Chesterton said it well when he said: “Love means to love that which is unlovable;
or it is no virtue at all.”
Learning to love all is not just about being in a state of forgiveness, it is about
True love is for all, not just a few. It does not fluctuate, and so there is no
rather a treasure we have within that is shared effortlessly with all, at all times. So,
love is given, not taken. In a state of love, we are so full we do not need anything
from anyone. All neediness has finished and we are truly able to give to anyone.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: “Love does not cause suffering: what causes it is
… … … But restoring our happiness is actually the greatest gift we can give, not
only to the self, but to others. When we feel happy, we are generous.
When we are happy, we are not only generous, but allowing and forgiving. We do
not take things personally. We can let things go. But when we are not happy, the
My teacher often says, “You will know your intentions were not pure when you
4 – I have an abundance and share with everyone. This is the highest form of
giving, when there is not even a consciousness of giving. It is when we are so full
that our urn is overflowing and then all others receive from us.
You need to give with happiness. Everything you do must be done with happiness.
My teacher recommends thinking that God Himself has asked you to do
something for one of His children. This helps make us more light-hearted, happy,
When we make a shift, we feel good, so we do good. This contrasts with what I
The path to happiness is about moving into a place of unlimited love, where
giving is natural, a part of who we are. When we give from this place, a place of
receive appreciation, praise, and love, or indifference, scorn, and criticism, it does
not matter, because we were not doing to take, we were simply doing, and
My teacher often says, “You cannot be happy if you have desires.” This is because
our minds cannot be peaceful, as they are wanting, and our hearts cannot be
convince you to “save yourself … and this will save the world.”
within, when you know you have done the best you can.” When we strive for
upon us, this is true freedom from desires. If we all strived for inner satisfaction,
rather than external success, we would begin to see real progress in the world.
but they are more subtle and are usually about how other people “should” think,
The moment my teacher hears anyone says “should,” she immediately says, “Stop
with this word “should.” Delete it from your vocabulary.” Then she explains
… … … understand and accept that different people have different ways of doing
things. There is no need to take it personally or become upset about it. It is what
it is.
All of these “shoulds” and “should nots” put other people in charge of our
everyone else has been appointed warden. If our desires and expectations are
fulfilled, then we may enjoy some free time in the yard. But if they are not, then
we are back in the dark hole of unhappiness. If, however, we let go of how things
“should” be or how people “should” behave, then we are free. No one and nothing
Aristotle said: “It is the nature of desire not to be satisfied, and most men live
… … … . When a doctor sees a patient, he or she cannot absorb the pain of the
patient. The doctor must observe the patient to give the proper diagnosis. My
teacher often jokes, “What if you went to a dentist, opened your mouth to show
him an abscess, and then he screamed and passed out? What help could he give
I have heard Dadi Janki say: “Souls are so weak nowadays, most people cannot
meet an angry person without becoming angry themselves. But what does an
angry person need? More anger? Or peace? We need to be spiritual fire fighters,
putting out the fires of anger with the cool water of peace.”
The lesson for me in this is to have the love and understanding of a mother with
underlying reason why someone is acting a certain way, whether the reason is
known or not.
Observing is not just about observing other people or situations, it is also about
then we can greatly reduce, if not eliminate, our suffering in the face of the
suffering of others. When we realize that somehow in some way at some time –
often unknowingly – a soul has sown the seeds that reaped bitter fruit, then there
When we no longer absorb other people’s pain and suffering, we can truly be of
service to them. We will be able to visit a hospital and not absorb all of the fear,
but, rather, radiate love. And we will be able to encounter an angry person and
not become angry, but, rather, radiate peace. … … … . This is one of the greatest
Sufi Master Hazrat Inayut Khan said: “The one who sees all things and yet rises
above them is the one who will walk over the sea.”
[Sit with yourself and God everyday = meditate everyday. There are different kinds
of meditation; choose the one you like or more than one. The most important
around you.]
Beyond this, my teacher also describes meditation as a way of being, not
have within, so we can connect to something greater. When this state is achieved,
then it is as if we have plugged our soul into the ultimate battery charger and we
can experience and fill ourselves with the limitless supply of virtue God has and
Dadi Janki said: “To become like the Father means that whatever qualities, virtues,
My teacher, who has faced many challenges throughout her life, said Dadi Janki
once told her, “Tests come that are just a bit beyond our capacity so we’ll expand
our capacity in facing them.” My teacher also says she expresses gratitude for all
that happens, because she knows she is being pushed to perfection with each
test. Giving thanks is also a way of blessing a situation and removing any
… … … . I would give thanks for the challenges in life, because I know everything
I would give thanks for having enough faith, courage, and love to make an effort
each day to reach that glorious state where my happiness depends on no one and
I could continue writing and writing about all the things for which I am grateful.
But if you have made it this far in this book, it shows that you have at least a drop
of love for yourself. And with wisdom and practice, you can turn that drop into an
ocean of love for yourself, God, and everyone else. Then, no one and nothing will
Cicero said: “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all
My teacher said: “Take the achievement, but renounce the arrogance over the
achievement. … … … .”
With that, I wish you the best in bringing peace back into your mind and love into
It is only by changing ourselves that we can change the world. When you change
yourself, then you become an angel, an angel that is doing God’s work by
Confucius said: “To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in
order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the
family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must set our hearts