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University of Anbar

Department of chemical Engineering

Material Resistance lab
Second year

Deflection of simply supported beam

Material Resistance

Report done by (group A)

Ahmad Abdul Razzaq Abdullah Mohamed

Russell Aqeel Sahar Salahuddin

Experiment supervised by
Dr. Ali Mansi

Experiment date: 8/03/2022

Submission date: 15/03/2023
Structural deflection refers to deformations or movements of a structure and its components (i.e.
beam, trusses) from their original positions. A simply supported beam generally is one of the
simplest structures which consists of a beam that has pinned support at one end and roller support
at the other end. Depending on the load applied, the beam will deflect as it undergoes shearing and

The objective of this experiment is:
 To examine the deflection of a simply supported beam subjected to an increasing
point load.
1. Metal beam (aluminium)
2. Knife-edge hanger
3. Weights
4. Frame with movable knife-edge support

Figure 1. the test frame Figure 2. The structures frame for deflection test
1. The width and the height of the aluminium test beam is measured using Vernier
gauge and is recorded.
2. The moment of area, I is calculated based on the values.
3. The length between supports, L is set to 600mm, and the beam is set up.
4. The digital dial test indicator is slid into position on the beam and lock it using
thumbnut at the rear. A knife-edge hanger is slid to the position shown. The frame is
tapped lightly and the digital dial test indicator is zeroed using the ‘origin’ button.
5. Masses are applied to the knife-edge hanger in the increment. The digital dial test
indicator reading is recorded each increment of mass.
6. The theoretical deflection is calculated.

Figure 3. Simply supported beam set up and schematic

According to John Case (1999) when a body is under stress, then that stress tries to change its
shape and dimensions. Change is shape of the body is called deflection and change in the
dimensions is called strain. Following is the equation which can be used for calculating deflection in
F = force
L = length of beam
K = constant based on the position
E = elastic modulus
I = second moment of area
∑𝑴𝑨 = (𝒘𝟏)(𝒂) + 𝒘𝟐 (𝑳 − 𝒃) − 𝑹𝟐 (𝑳) = 𝟎
∑ F y =0
L = 600 mm
a =150mm
b =150mm
R1 =w1+w2-R2
Error = (𝑹𝟏+𝑹𝟐)
× 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

When w 1=2 / w2=0

R1=2+0 -

R1 =1.5
R2 =

R2 =0.5
Material Aluminum
Length (mm) 600
Thickness (mm) 4.86
Width (mm) 19.36
Moment of inertia (mm4) 185.1966
Modules young (N/mm2) 70,000

No. W1 R1(N) R2(N) R1(N) R2(N)

W2 (Practical) (Practical) (Theoretical) (Theoretical)
(N) (N) Error
1 2 0 1.5 0.25 1.5 0.5 12.5
2 4 0 3 0.65 3 1 8.75
3 5 0 3.6 0.9 3.75 1.25 9
4 0 2 0.3 1.2 0.5 1.5 25
5 0 4 0.8 2.85 1 3 8.75
6 0 1.38 4.25 1.5 4.5 6.1
7 2 1 1.6 1 1.75 1.25 13.3
8 4 3 3.50 3.15 3.75 3.25 5
9 6 5 5.50 5.15 5.75 5.25 3.1
Figure 4. data about aluminum beam

Figure 5. results of different loads on the deflection of aluminum beam

Theoretical deflection − Experimental deflection

𝑒% = ⋅ 100%
Theoretical deflection
(1.5 + 0.5 ) − (1.5 + 0.25)
𝑒% = ⋅ 100%
(1.5 + 0.5)

𝒆% = 𝟏𝟐. 𝟓
Fig 6



12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Exper Theory Linear (Exper) Linear (Theory)

Figure 6. Plot of deflection against varying loads for aluminum beam

Fig 7




9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

W1+W2 Exper

Fig 7. Analysis Between weight and error ratio .

A simply supported beam is one that rests on two supports and is free to move horizontally, its
mostly used in bridges, beams in buildings, and beds of machine tools.

Results have shown that there is a miniscule difference between Theoretical and Experimental
deflection. It shows that there were reasons they differ, such as human error while taking
measurements, or perhaps the weight wasn’t centered correctly or even that the device was faulty.
Based on the plot of deflection against applied mass in figure 6, we can say with certainty that the
deflection increases as the applied mass increases in a simply supported beam, and this shows that
the applied load is proportional to the experimental deflection. There could be a relation between
beam length and deflection but the experiment lacked further experimentation.

Simply supported beams are used in different ways in real life, such as bridges, beams in buildings,
and beds of machine tools, its used because its quick and simple to install and require no complicated
connection to the supporting member.

Historically beams were squared timbers but are also metal, stone, or combinations of wood and metal.
They are used to carry vertical gravitational forces and horizontal loads as well.

Some real-life examples:

1. Pin Joint- steel structure 3. Box girder bridge

4. Roller support in steel girder

2. roller support in concrete girder

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