Punjab Bord 1
Punjab Bord 1
Punjab Bord 1
(MS Access and C)
• Features of DBMS
• Advantages of DBMS
• Disadvantages of DBMS
• The data of student may consist of Roll Number, Student Name, and marks of
different subjects
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• Processed data
• Organized
• Meaningful
• Useful
• Used for making possible
decisionsto perform mathematical operation on character values
• Data is used as input for processing and information is the output of this processing
• The data of student can be processed to produce useful information such as:
• Total Marks
• Grade
• Find the number of passed and failed students etc.
Data Data
Capturing Manipulation
• Example - The total marks of student are calculated to find the grade
• Storage - The process of retaining data on storage media such as hard disk for
future use
possible to perform mathematical operation on character values
• Example - The student data is stored on the hard disk
• Calculation - The process of accessing or fetching the stored data
• Example - Student data can be retrieved from the hard disk any time to prepare result card
• Communication - The process of transferring data from one location to another
• Example - The result can be sent to the students via email
• Reproduction - The process of copying or duplicating data
• Data can be reproduced if different users need data at different locations
• A collection of related fields used as single unit
• Example - An Employee’s record includes a set of fields that contains EmployeeID,
• Files are stored on different storage media such as hard disk, USB flash drive or
optical disc (CDs and DVDs)
possible to perform mathematical operation on character values
• Employee file may contain the
records of hundreds of Employees
• Permanent file
• The data can be recovered from backup files if any data file is lost or damaged
• Backup files are mostly created by using specific software (utility program)
1. Sequential Files
• Synonym problem→ If the same address is calculated to store two or more records
• Storage media for direct file organization are hard disk , optical discs( CDs, DVDs)
Suppose that two files are used in a college. The Students file contains the data such
as RollNo, Name, Address, Phone and other details of the students. The Library file
contains the same data of the students who borrow books from library along with the
information about the book. The data of one student appears in two files. It causes
wastage of storage and creates many problems.
Data Inconsistency Two files many contain different data about the same thing.
The address of a student must be updated in all files if any change occurs. It is
possible that it is changed in Students file but not in Library file. The data becomes
inconsistent in this situation.
Program Dependence The application program has to be changed if the format of file is
If there is a change in the length of postal code, it requires change in the program. The
changes may be costly to implement.
Suppose a students report is required in the college. The data will be collected from
various files to prepare the report. It requires a lot of time and effort to write program
for such types of reports in file processing system.
RollNo and Marks of the students should be numeric value. It is very difficult to apply
these constraints on files in file processing system.
Lack of Data Security It is not possible to define different access levels for different users.
A data entry operator should only be allowed to enter data. The chairman of the
organization should be able to access or delete the data completely. Such types of
security options are not available in file management system.
Limited Data Sharing The file processing system provides a limited data sharing
It is very difficult for one application program to access the data from a
file that is created by other application program.
The file processing system also provides very limited data sharing among
different users.
3. Data Independence
• Data and application programs are separate from each other
• User can change data storage structure without changing the application program
• The user can also modify programs without affecting data
possible to perform mathematical operation on character values
• Maintain data
• To Process data
• Used to perform different tasks such as input, output, storage and processing
possible to perform mathematical operation on character values
• Example of Hardware components
• Secondary storage
• I/O devices
• Processors
• Main memory
• Use to create possible to performamathematical
and manage database in operation on character
database system values
• Application Program
• Used to access and process the data stored in database
• Operating System
• Manage all hardware components
• Enables all other software to run on the computer
possible to perform mathematical operation on character values
Types of
Relational Network
Model Model
Convenient Data is stored in such a way that the user can use this data easily
2. Availability
• Accuracy of Data
Data Dictionary
Query Language
possible to perform mathematical operation on character values
Report Generator
Access Security
• Data Definition is the process of describing the properties of data to be included in a database table
• Properties (field size, format of the field, allowable range, if field is required, etc.)
• Used for data access authorization (Password, etc) for database users
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Features of DBMS
2. Utilities
• Some of these programs are also used for backup and recovery of data
3. Query Language
possible to perform mathematical operation on character values
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a popular query language that allows users to manage,
update, and retrieve data
6. Advanced Capabilities
• Provides advance capabilities
• Online access - Access data through Internet
• Programming
• Application development
• Database administrator