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Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emermed-2017-206592 on 24 May 2018. Downloaded from http://emj.bmj.com/ on April 13, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
survey of UK practice with emphasis on the role of
standardisation and checklists
Mark R Burgess,1,2 Kate Crewdson,3,4 David J Lockey,2,4 Zane B Perkins2,4
Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emermed-2017-206592 on 24 May 2018. Downloaded from http://emj.bmj.com/ on April 13, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
An online survey was designed with questions relating to the
incidence of PHEA, and the use of and governance structures
surrounding PHEA SOPs and checklists. Survey content was
informed by expert knowledge and relevant literature,10 11 and
was piloted with clinicians experienced in PHEA.
Study population
PHEA may only be performed by a physician in the UK. Prehos-
pital services that include a physician were identified from those
providers registered with the British Association of Immediate
Care Services (BASICS)12 and UK Helicopter Emergency Medical
Services (HEMS).13 Three prehospital teams who operate from
an ED but who are not affiliated with either a BASICS or HEMS
service were identified in Scotland (personal communication
with an active prehospital clinician in Scotland, March 2014).
Between March 2014 and May 2014, the lead clinicians from
each service were invited to participate by email or post and
were also asked to provide a copy of preinduction checklists used
by their service. Reminder emails were sent weekly for 4 weeks, Figure 1 Flow chart showing number of services contacted, number
after which a telephone call was made. If no response was then who responded, the number who provide prehospital emergency
received, we deemed that service had declined to participate. All anaesthesia (PHEA) and the number who provided annual PHEA data.
data included in this study was returned by 30 May 2014.
Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emermed-2017-206592 on 24 May 2018. Downloaded from http://emj.bmj.com/ on April 13, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2 Number of times prehospital PHEAs are performed each year by UK prehospital care teams. RSIs and PHEAs, prehospital emergency
Checklist development and governance ‘standard’ checklists were printed on a single sheet of paper and
Of the 25 services that use preinduction checklists, 19 (76%) 12 (63%) featured black letters on a single-colour background.
regularly employ training methods such as simulation or group Thirteen checklists (68%) were divided into distinct sections (eg,
discussion to enhance familiarity with the equipment and proto- equipment, drugs) and six (32%) consisted of a list of continuous
cols for PHEA. In addition, 10 services (40%) routinely audit checks.
clinical compliance with the use of checklists. All services review ‘Crash’ PHEA checklists were either printed on a separate page
and/or revise the content and layout of their preinduction check-
(four of five) or incorporated into the ‘standard’ checklist with
lists, with 11 services (44%) routinely seeking feedback from
the specific checks highlighted in colour (one of five). Word and
clinicians with regards to checklist length, content, layout and
logistics of utilisation. The methods used to develop the check- number of checks counts are shown in table 2. Crash-induction
lists are shown in online supplementary appendix B. checklists contained a median of 16 (range: 15–17) words and
Checklist analysis
Nineteen (76%) ‘standard’ checklists and five (50%) crash-in-
Table 2 PHEA checklists in the UK; utilisation of standard and ‘crash’
duction checklists were provided for analysis. Also, 16 (84%)
induction checklists, total word counts and number of checks required,
stratified for high-volume and low-volume services
Table 1 Prehospital emergency anaesthesia in the UK; incidence, Prehospital services (n=30)
proportion of annual case loads and proportion performed following High volume Low volume*
traumatic injury SOP for PHEA 10 (100%) 11 (70%)
Prehospital service PHEA checklist use mandatory 10 (100%) 13 (65%)
High volume Low volume PHEA checklist optional 0 (0%) 2 (10%)
Number of services 10 15* PHEA checklist not used 0 (0%) 5 (25%)
Annual case load (median) 975 (564–1800) 400 (76–2500) Separate checklist for peri-arrest patients 7 (70%) 3 (15%)
PHEA per year (median) 109 (65–400) 16 (0–40) Same PHEA used for all patients 2 (20%) 9 (45%)
PHEA rate (%) 11.9 (5–32) 3.2 (0–16) No checklist used for peri-arrest patients 1 (10%) 3 (15%)
Proportion of PHEA 80.6 (51–100) 78.6 (63–100)† Median word count (standard checklist) 172 129
performed for trauma Median number of checks (standard 41 39
indications (%) checklist)
Data presented as median (range) or % (range) as indicated. Data presented as number (%) or median as stated.
*Data displayed for those services that supplied PHEA data only. *Number of low-volume services identified=15 (data on checklist/SOP usage also
†Data displayed for 14 low-volume services. included for those five services not providing number of PHEAs performed).
PHEA, prehospital emergency anaesthesia. PHEA, prehospital emergency anaesthesia; SOP, standard operating procedure.
Table 3 Specific content analysis for 19 ‘standard’ prehospital emergency anaesthesia (PHEA) checklists used in the UK
Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emermed-2017-206592 on 24 May 2018. Downloaded from http://emj.bmj.com/ on April 13, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Safety check included? Other comments RE-specific checks
Optimisation of patient /conditions
Plan for difficult/failed airway verbalised? 8 (42%) ►► Reminder to state difficult airway plan n=1
►► Reminder to verbalise predicted difficult airway n=1
Patient position (eg, trolley at correct height)? 3 (16%)
Patient physiology 8 (42%) ►► Reminder to ‘optimise pre-oxygenation’ n=1
►► Check that ‘pre-oxygenation’ occurs n=8
Reminder to consider if thoracostomy required? 5 (26%)
Standard equipment
Oxygen store check? 15 (79%) ►► Back-up O2 cylinder n=7
Patient monitoring 19 (100%) ►► BP/O2 sats monitoring=15
►► BP/O2 sats/continuous ECG n=6
►► Rapid cycling of BP measurement n=3
►► Check just stating for ‘monitor’ and/or ‘baseline obs’ n=4
Capnography available? 18 (95%) ►► Verification of working capnopgraphy n=1
►► Verification that capnography is ‘ready/connected’ n=17
Stethoscope 11 (58%)
Suction available? 19 (100%) ►► Verification of working suction n=7
►► Reserve suction available n=9
Nasal cannulae for apnoeic oxygenation? 1 (5%)
Portable ventilator? 8 (42%) ►► Verification of working ventilator n=1
►► Verification that ventilator settings checked n=2
Circuit equipment? 12 (63%) ►► Filter/HME n=12
►► Catheter mount n=5
Airway equipment
Laryngoscope check? 19 (100%) ►► Verification of working bulb n=17
Alternative laryngoscope available? 10 (53%)
Mention of tracheal tube? 18 (95%) ►► Correct tube size selected n=14
►► Verification of cuff working n=14
Alternative tube available? 12 (63%)
Tube tie and/or holder 17 (89%)
Syringe for cuff 15 (79%)
Airway adjuncts (eg, oropharyngeal airway) 15 (79%)
Rescue/difficult airway kit available? 18 (95%) ►► Specific supraglottic airway available n=15
►► Airtraq device available n=1
Intravenous access/drugs
Drugs? 19 (100%) ►► Specific drug(s) dose chosen n=13
►► Specific drug(s) volume chosen n=3
Intravenous access 19 (100%) ►► 2 intravenous lines cited n=15
►► Verification that lines patent n=14
Emergency/resuscitation drugs check? 7 (37%) ►► Specific drug(s) mentioned n=3
►► Drug class mentioned (eg, alpha agonist) n=1
Maintenance of anaesthesia post-PHEA check 6 (32%) ►► Specific drugs mentioned n=0
Team brief
Team brief check? 19 (100%) ►► MILS briefed n=12
►► Drug giver briefed n=9
►► Cricoid pressure/airway assistant briefed n=17
Data presented as number of checklists that included specific check (%).
HME, heat moisture exchange; MILS, manual inline stabilisation.
Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emermed-2017-206592 on 24 May 2018. Downloaded from http://emj.bmj.com/ on April 13, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
required to improve procedural safety and so compensate for
checklists analysed
human fallibility.
Is a check of this item included? All services use either simulation, didactic lectures, written
Safety check Yes Other comments information or a combination of methods to improve familiarity
Oxygen 4 (80%) with SOPs and preinduction checklists. In particular, patient
Tracheal tube 4 (80%) ‘Cuff tested’ n=2 simulation or moulage is widely recommended as a technique
Specific size stated n=3 for both familiarising clinicians with medical checklists and to
Intubating bougie 5 (100%) facilitate checklist revision.10 11 All services revise their check-
Suction 4 (80%) Check to verify working n=1 lists but fewer than half do so regularly or seek feedback from
Laryngoscope 5 (100%) ‘2 available’ n=1 clinicians. This is vital to ensure they are consistent with current
Check to verify that bulb is working n=1 best practice.10
Syringe for cuff 4 (80%) From a qualitative study involving ‘high-reliability organisa-
Capnography 5 (100%) Check to verify that capnography working tions’, Thomassen et al concluded that limiting the length of a
n=0 checklist is crucial for feasibility and practicality.10 Equally, Hales
Drugs 4 (80%) Specific drug(s) dose stated n=1 et al recommended that the length of a medical checklist should
Post-PHEA drugs mentioned n=1 be limited so as to not interfere with the administration of
PHEA, prehospital emergency anaesthesia. patient care.12 While the aim is to reduce the cognitive demand
on the user, a longer checklist may either unnecessarily delay an
intervention or cause ‘checklist fatigue’ to occur. Consequently,
of services performing >50 PHEAs per annum has doubled the user may skip over important steps to complete the check-
from 5 to 10. However, the authors had identified different list sooner. One strategy sometimes used in aviation to mitigate
numbers of HEMS and BASICS services, and thus direct data against ‘automaticity’ (where checks are performed with limited
comparisons cannot be made. No previous data reporting the attention to the detail) is to vary the order of the checks them-
availability of PHEA in a given 24-hour period were identi- selves18; only a few UK prehospital services do this.
fied, and we showed that only one-quarter of services could Critically ill patients may require immediate definitive airway
provide this service 24 hours per day. However, the implemen- management, permitting brief preparation time. Almost half of
tation of subspecialty training in prehospital emergency medi- the services require their clinicians to complete a standard checklist,
cine in 201215may increase its availability. Physicians working containing an average of 38 checks, regardless of clinical urgency.
in low-volume services may conduct PHEA infrequently. Given Mandatory, laborious checklists in a peri-arrest scenario may cause
the correlation between the frequency of ongoing experience the omission or rushing of critical checks, resulting in unnecessary
and predicted difficult intubation16 and first-pass success,17 such harm.
physicians may need to supplement such experience with time Hales et al recommended that checklist writers should consider
delivering in-hospital anaesthesia. the intended setting where it will be used when determining check-
Furthermore, between 2009 and 2014, the proportion of UK list content and structure.11 PHEA checklists that include long,
services using a preinduction checklist has risen from 65% to open questions may ultimately present a greater cognitive burden
83% overall.14 PHEA is a complex procedure, and these patients than that which the checklist was intended to reduce. Some authors
are often severely injured and severely physiologically deranged. advocate that medical checklists should use simple, short unam-
They should, therefore, be considered to be at high risk of biguous checks,19 although the evidence supporting this over more
complications. Moreover, human memory recall is finite and elaborate, multifaceted checks is lacking.
will be further impaired in cognitively overwhelming and chal-
lenging environments. A well-designed checklist should remind
Recommendations for prehospital PHEA safety checklists
Based on the clinical experience of the authors, the available
Table 5 Examples of differences in style and language complexity literature and the current PHEA checklists in use, we make the
between different prehospital prehospital emergency anaesthesia following recommendations:
(PHEA) checklists used in the UK ►► Regular training with all clinical staff who use PHEA check-
lists, preferably using simulation.
Bullet point checks/ Sentences containing multiple
►► Regular review of the length, content and format of the
closed questions checks or as open questions
checklist using feedback from the clinicians, formerly and
Equipment/drugs ‘Bougie and KY’ ‘Lifepak 12 from aircraft attached to
‘20 mL syringe’ patient and visible with continuous
‘Monitor visible’ ECG, SaO2, NIBP (on automatic cycle
►► Limit the length of checklists to the absolute minimum,
‘Suction’ repeating every 1 min) and CO2 excluding any non-vital information, ensuring that each
‘Surgical airway ready’. check increases the safety of the procedure.
available’? ‘Intubation agent drawn up and ►► Keep language simple, direct and unambiguous, avoiding
‘Two working IVs’? labelled, dose selected’. complex and challenging questions.
‘Suction develops vacuum, rigid
and fine tubes. Under patients right
shoulder’. Study limitations
‘Is there any additional rescue airway We attempted to minimise the inherent bias of survey studies
equipment needed?’ by extensively piloting the survey among senior clinicians
‘Is there adequate vascular access?’ involved in the delivery of PHEA. The incidence of PHEA
Patient positioning ‘Patient position ‘360° access, on stretcher, good in the UK may be higher due to non-responders and missing
optimised?’ lighting, cover, check other hazards/ data. The majority of non-responders and those who provided
inadequate data were BASICS services who we believe tend to
536 Burgess MR, et al. Emerg Med J 2018;35:532–537. doi:10.1136/emermed-2017-206592
Original article
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Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
12 British association for immediate care. www.basics.org.uk (accessed 1 Mar 2017).
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
13 Helicopter emergency medical services UK. www.uk-hems.uk/ (accessed 1 Mar
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