June 16 Worksheet
June 16 Worksheet
June 16 Worksheet
Youth Day, as it is popularly known, is a day in which South Africans honour the youth that was ambushed by the
apartheid regime police in Soweto on 16 June 1976. On the day over 500 youths were killed.
On the morning of June 16, 1976, thousands of black students went on a protest rally from their schools to Orlando
Stadium. They were protesting against an official order which made Afrikaans compulsory in black township schools
throughout the country. The use of local languages was prohibited in these schools whilst the constitution supported
that Afrikaans and English be made the official languages of the country.
The rally was meant to be a peace protest with the intentions to plea with government not to make Afrikaans
compulsory in schools. Things got out of control when the police were called in to disperse the crowds and riots
broke out. Hundreds of students were killed as a result.
The events of the day highlight a few individuals who took part in the protest. Among those killed, was Hastings
Ndlovu, the first child to die from the shootings and 12-year-old Hector Pieterson. We also remember Tsietsi
Mashinini, who lead the students in protest.
Hector was one of the casualties of the 1976 uprising. He was killed by
a shot fired directly at him, contrary to police claims that he was killed
by a bullet 'ricocheting off the ground'. Pieterson was rushed to a
nearby clinic where he was pronounced dead.
Although the media reports named Hector as the first child to die on
16 June 1976, Hastings Ndlovu was in fact the first child to be shot
according to police records. Ndlovu's death did not become as iconic as Hector Pieterson's because no photographer
was present to record it and his name was not immediately known. The picture above was taken by Sam Nzima and
shows Hector Pieterson carried by fellow student Mbuyisa Makhuso and his sister Antoinette. The journalist said: “I
saw a child fall down. Under a shower of bullets I rushed forward and went for the picture. It had been a peaceful
march, the children were told to disperse, they started singing Nkosi Sikelele. The police were ordered to shoot."
Tsietsi Mashinini was born on 27 January 1957 in Central Western Jabavu, Soweto. Mashinini became a historic icon
for his contribution in student politics that led to the protests of 16 June 1976. On 13th June 1976, about 500 Soweto
students met at the Orlando Donaldson Community Hall to discuss ways and means of confronting and challenging
the Department of Bantu Education.At the time that the peaceful protest march was agreed upon, Mashinini was the
president of Soweto Students Representative Council (SSRC). The horrific events of 16 June resulted in Mashinini
becoming the most wanted man in the country. The police offered a R500 reward for anyone with information that
would lead to his arrest. In August 1976 Mashinini left South Africa for Botswana and later proceeded to the West
Coast of Africa. He finally settled in Liberia where he was met by his death in 1990.
Although the protests of 16 June 1976 resulted in a number of casualties, the youth of 1976 played a role in fighting
and overcoming the inequality and oppression caused by apartheid.
Today, 16 June is a South African public holiday. There are Youth Day celebrations which are held country wide in
order to empower individuals of all ethnicities in South Africa and to remember those who lost their lives.
“We can only succeed as a nation if we build one another and build our country together.” Nelson
Mandela on South Africa Youth Day, 1995.
2- Unscramble the letters to find the missing word in each sentence. Then, write down the corresponding
letter above each number to decode the secret message.
Things got out of control when _____ were called in to disperse crowds.
The Hector Pieterson ___________ and Museum was later opened nearby.
_________ Day celebrations are held to remember those who lost their lives.