Mid Current Account

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Undertaking for opening a Current/CC/OD Account in HDFC Bank Ltd.

To, Date: ___________________

The Branch Manager
HDFC Bank Limited, (_____________________________ Branch)
………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………(name of Individual/ Entity) with PAN ………………………….
request HDFC Bank limited to open a Current Account / Collection Account / Cash Credit (CC) Account / Overdraft (OD) Account / Escrow Account.
This is to certify that I/ we has/have;
Sr Other Bank
Scenarios Bank is Bank has Account opening to be processed or denied
No. - CC / OD
lender CC / OD
a) No Exposure In banking system
b) Total Banking exposure is below Rs. 5 Crores (Including / Excluding
1 CC / OD) Account to be opened
c) Exposure is ONLY with HDFC Bank Ltd. (Including / Excluding CC /
OD) (Sole Lender)
A) Exposure with HDFC Bank > = 10% of the aggregate exposure-
Account to be opened as per below criteria.
I/We would like to appoint HDFC Bank as designated bank to
open & maintain Current/CC/OD Account
Yes Yes Yes
Total Banking exposure is Rs.
5 Crore or more and having B) Exposure with HDFC Bank < 10% of the aggregate exposure
2 I/We would like to open Collection Account only
CC/OD account in banking
ONLY Collection account to be opened
Yes No Yes
Note: Neither Collection nor Current account to be opened in such
No No Yes
Total Banking exposure is Rs.
Yes No No Current Account to be opened
5 Crores or more but less
than Rs. 50 Cr & No CC/OD in
No No No Only Collection account can be opened.
Banking system
I/We would like to appoint HDFC Bank as escrow managing bank
to open current account
Total Banking exposure is Yes No No I I/We would like to open Collection Account with HDFC Bank as we
4 Rs.50 Crores or more & No have already appointed other lending bank as Escrow Managing
CC/OD in Banking System Bank.
Note: Neither Collection nor Current account to be opened in such
No No No
*Please fill up bank details where cash credit/ Overdraft (OD) facility is availed where overall exposure is 5 Crores or more
No. Bank Name and Branch Type of facility Amount (Rs. Lacs)

Further, I/we undertake to inform the following to the Bank:

• I/We confirm that the details provided are true and correct as per my knowledge and that HDFC Bank reserve rights to reject the account opening
application in case of any discrepancies.
• We further confirm that as and when there is any change in bank exposure, I/We will inform the same to HDFC Bank. Accordingly, HDFC Bank
may take requisite action in compliance with the RBI guideline for Current Accounts by Banks - Need for Discipline
• I/We understand that the bank reserves the right to block or close our account in the event of the above information shared subsequently found
to be factually incorrect/untrue through the bank’s independent validation procedures.
• I/We hereby voluntarily give my/our consent to extract the information available in Credit Information Companies (CICs), National E-Governance
Services Ltd (NeSL) etc. to compute my/our aggregate exposure for the purpose of opening of CA/OD/CC as per RBI Guidelines.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Individual/Karta/Authorized Signatory/Director/Proprietor/Partner/Trustee)

# “Exposure” for the purpose of these instructions shall mean sum of sanctioned fund based and non-fund-based credit facilities availed by the borrower.
# “Banking System” for the purpose of these instructions, shall include Scheduled Commercial Banks and Payments Banks only.

Version-July 2023

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