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Grade 12 - Life Science - Part A - Test 1 - 8 Feb 2024

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Grade: 12


Name of assessment: PART A: CYCLE TEST 1
Date: 8 FEBRUARY 2024
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Signature: _________________________________

Time: 1 hour Total: 65 marks
Examiner: Tammy Wallace Moderator: Nicole Jansen van Vuuren

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Page 2 of 15

1.1. Select the term in Column B which best matches the description in
Column A. Write the letter of the term in the answer column provided.
Each letter may be used only once.

Answer Column A Column B

Discovered the molecular
1.1.1 A. Karyotype
structure of DNA.
Technology used in criminal
1.1.2 B. Mendel
DNA that does not provide
1.1.3 instructions for making C. Deoxyribose
Used to identify chromosomal
1.1.4 D. Chromosomes
Makes many copies of a small
1.1.5 E. Chiasmata
section of DNA.
Type of sugar molecule found in F. Polymerase chain
DNA. reaction
Thread-like structures containing
1.1.7 G. Watson and Crick
Type of sugar molecule found in
1.1.8 H. DNA profiling
Cell division which halves the
1.1.9 I. Mitosis
chromosome number
Points at which crossing over
1.1.10 J. Noncoding DNA
K. Meiosis
L. Ribose

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1.2 Five multiple-choice questions are given below. Choose the most
correct option for each question and write the letter of your choice in
the space provided in the table below.

Question 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5


1.2.1 The phase of meiosis depicted in the diagram below is: (1)

A metaphase 1
B metaphase 2
C prophase 1
D anaphase 2

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1.2.2 In a rape investigation, skin cells from under the victim's fingernails (1)
were analysed and a DNA profile was produced. Three suspects were
brought in for questioning and their DNA profiles were determined
using blood samples. The results of the DNA profiles were as follows:

Which suspect was possibly the rapist?

A Suspect 1
B Suspect 2
C Suspect 3
D None of the suspects

1.2.3 The following feature makes mitochondrial DNA suitable for studying (1)

A It remains unaltered from generation to generation.

B It is only passed down through the paternal lineage.
C It mutates easily.
D It is found in all living organisms.

1.2.4 The following sequence of events in protein synthesis is correct: (1)

A Translation → Transcription →Peptide bond formation

B Peptide bond formation → Translation → Transcription
C Transcription → Translation → Peptide bond formation
D Transcription → Peptide bond formation → Translation

1.2.5 The role of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is to: (1)

A make large quantities of DNA in short time periods.

B separate the bands in "DNA Fingerprinting".
C cut out relevant sections of DNA.
D modify crops to increase yields.

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1.3 Study the infographic below on Down syndrome.

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The seven statements in the table below refer to the infographic on the
previous page. For each statement decide whether:

A: The statement is supported by the information in the infographic.

B: The statement is contradicted by the information in the infographic.
C: The statement is neither supported nor contradicted by the information in
the infographic.

Statement A, B or C
1.3.1 Down syndrome is also known as trisomy 21.

1.3.2 In South Africa, 0,5% of children born have Down


1.3.3 There are 46 chromosomes in the nucleus of the

somatic cells of a Down syndrome person.

1.3.4 The life expectancy of people with Down syndrome has


1.3.5 All people with Down syndrome experience cognitive

delays and cannot be schooled.

1.3.6 People with Down syndrome are at increased risk for

heart conditions.

1.3.7 Nondisjunction during meiosis causes all cases of

trisomy 21.


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2.1. The following sequence of nitrogenous bases of a strand of DNA

codes for part of a protein molecule:


2.1.1 Write down the mRNA codon sequence that reads from left to right (3)
using the DNA sequence above.


2.1.2 Use the mRNA codon table below to write down the amino acids (3)
coded for by the mRNA in the correct order.



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2.2. Study the information and diagram below and answer the questions
that follow:

When an entire chromosome is missing (deletion) or doubled (duplicated) in
humans, various disorders result. Some examples of this are:

• Down syndrome, where there are 3 number 21 chromosomes,

• Turner syndrome, where 1 X chromosome is missing in females and
• Klinefelter’s syndrome, where there is an extra X chromosome in males.

The diagrams below show the sets of chromosomes of two human individuals.

2.2.1 Give the correct scientific name for the diagrams represented above. (1)


2.2.2 Is the individual represented in diagram A above a male or a female? (2)

Give a reason for your answer.



2.2.3 Identify which individual (A or B) has an abnormal number of (2)

chromosomes. Give a reason for your answer.



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2.2.4 Name the genetic disorder that the individual, identified in question (1)
2.2.3 above, is suffering from.



2.2.5 Name the process that happens during meiosis, resulting in the (1)
abnormal number of chromosomes in the individuals mentioned



2.3. Read the information below and answer the questions that follow.

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2.3.1 Give the term for the single unit of a nucleic acid that consists of a (1)
sugar molecule, a base and a phosphate molecule.

2.3.2 There are four nitrogenous bases in DNA. Provide the name of the
base that is complementary to:

a) Thymine: _______________________________________________ (1)

b) Guanine:________________________________________________ (1)

2.3.3 Compare TWO ways in which Watson and Crick's incorrect model in (4)
Figure 7 differs from the accepted model of the structure of DNA.





2.3.4 Do you consider the use of Franklin's crystallography photos by (2)

Watson and Crick to be ethical? Explain your answer.






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2.4. Study Figure 8 below that shows a stage in protein synthesis and use
it to answer the questions that follow.

2.4.1 Name the stage of protein synthesis shown in Figure 8. (1)

2.4.2 Give the letter that represents:

a) A section of the protein molecule being constructed______________ (1)

b) mRNA____________ (1)

2.4.3 What is the role of tRNA in protein synthesis? (2)


2.4.4 Name the bond that forms between parts numbered 4 and 5. (1)



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3.1 The diagrams below (A to F) show the various phases of meiosis in a

generalized animal cell. The diagrams are placed in a random order
and do not show the correct order of the phases.

Select the letter (A, B, C, D, E or F) that best matches the description

of the phases in the table below. Letters may be used more than

Description Letter
3.1.1 Phase in which homologous chromosomes move to
opposite poles of the cell.
3.1.2 Phase in which the homologous chromosome pairs line
up at the equator.
3.1.3 Phase in which the centromeres split to separate the
3.1.4 Phase in which crossing over occurs.
3.1.5 The final phase of meiosis that will result in the
formation of gametes.
3.1.6 The first phase of meiosis 1.

Page 13 of 15
3.2 Figure 6 below depicts the four cells that are produced at the end of
telophase II of meiosis in a cell. Refer to these diagrams and your
own knowledge to answer the questions that follow.


3.2.1 Give ONE piece of evidence that is visible in the cells that shows that (1)
meiosis has taken place.




3.2.2 Label a centromere on any cell in Figure 6. (1)

3.2.3 Explain ONE reason why meiosis is important in sexual reproduction. (2)




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3.2.4 In the space provided below, draw a diagram to represent the parent (5)
cell at the end of prophase I that gave rise to the four cells seen in
Figure 6.

• The chromosome number must be correct and the

chromosomes must be clearly visible in the diagram.
• No heading is required.


[Total: 65 Marks]

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