Understand the core technologies, theories, and dilemmas that face next generation
network engineers in this field.
Understand best practices about how to design, deploy, and troubleshoot next generation
Utilize multivendor, vendor neutral (bare metal), and commercial equipment (such as
Arista, Brocade, Dell, HP, Pica8, and Raspberry Pi) to prepare for real-world scenarios in
TLEN 5838 covers these topics and achieves these objectives through hands-on lab exercises
built around real-world applications and theories presented in the lectures. The course is split
into the following units of study:
Introduction to SDN
Control Plane and Data Plane
OpenFlow Fundamentals
SDN in Business and Key Players
Cloud and Data Center Architecture
Network Functions Virtualization
Students successfully completing this course should gain a much greater appreciation of the
technologies and procedures required in designing, deploying, and troubleshooting next
generation networks. The complex interactions among these aspects are shaping the future of
this critical sector of network engineering. The resulting understanding should enhance
employment or promotion opportunities in the network engineering sector and enhance the
student’s ability to participate in the public discourse regarding the future of the next generation
Upon successfully completing this course, the students will be able to expand upon the
knowledge learned and apply it to SDN/NFV specific industry certifications, such as the ONF-
Certified SDN Associate/Engineer. In the competitive job market, understanding the future of
networking is necessary. The knowledge and skills gained from this course, when combined
with the core ITP courses, will provide a well-rounded, highly desirable network engineer.
Dr. Levi Perigo
Scholar in Residence | Professor of Network Engineering, Interdisciplinary Telecom Program
Office Hours
Time: Monday and Wednesday 10:00 – 10:45 a.m., as well as by appointment.
Location: ECOT 312
Course Prerequisites
A thorough understanding of data internetworking, Linux, and programming, subject to
instructor approval, is required.
Pop Quizzes and Class Participation 10%
Homework Labs and Assignments 55%
Midterm 15%
Final (15%) & Final Project (5%) 20%
To do well in this course, you will need to be prepared for each class by being ready to discuss
and engage in critical thinking on issues covered in the readings. Be forewarned: pop quizzes
will often be given at the start of class on the assigned reading material for the class.
All labs, assignments, and homework are due based on the due date on the syllabus. No
exceptions to deadlines for course work will be made. Classroom absence may be permitted
either for an emergency or prior notification to the professor stating the date and reason for the
classroom absence two weeks in advance.
Grading Scale
100 – 93% A
92 – 90% A-
89 – 87% B+
86 – 83% B
82 – 80% B-
79 – 77% C+
76 – 71% C
70 – 0% C-
Class Readings
There is not a required textbook for the course; however, students will be expected to have read
the class readings noted in the course syllabus before attending the class.
Many of the readings will be posted on the Desire2Learn web site. To access Desire2Learn, go
to: You can login using your IdentiKey username and password.
Once you login, click on the course name to go into the course 1 .
1Please visit to watch videos and learn more about using D2L. If you run into
any problems using Desire2Learn, contact the help desk at: or at (303) 735-HELP.
9/15/2016 Lecture: OpenFlow Fundamentals: Part 2
Required Reading:
Lab 3
9/22/2016 Lecture: Mininet and Controllers: Floodlight, ODL, ONOS, Ryu, POX
Required Reading:
Lab 4
9/29/2016 In Class Lab
12/1/2016 Lecture: Final Review
Challenge Lab – (In Class)
12/12/2016 Homework:
(Finals Final Lab Report Due (12:00 p.m. Noon)
Week) Extra Credit Due (12:00 p.m. Noon)