Adapting Agriculture To Climate Change in Kenya

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Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35

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Adapting agriculture to climate change in Kenya: Household strategies and

Elizabeth Bryan a, *, Claudia Ringler a, Barrack Okoba b, Carla Roncoli c, Silvia Silvestri d, Mario Herrero d
International Food Policy Research Institute, Environment and Production Technology Division, 2033 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA
Kenya Agricultural Research Institute-Kabete, P.O. Box 14733-00800, Waiyaki Way, Nairobi, Kenya
Emory University, Emory University Mailstop 1599-001-1BY, 1599 Clifton Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
International Livestock Research Institute, P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi 00100, Kenya

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable to climate change, given dependence on
Received 23 September 2011 agricultural production and limited adaptive capacity. Based on farm household and Participatory Rural
Received in revised form Appraisal data collected from districts in various agroecological zones in Kenya, this paper examines
24 September 2012
farmers’ perceptions of climate change, ongoing adaptation measures, and factors influencing farmers’
Accepted 3 October 2012
Available online 30 November 2012
decisions to adapt. The results show that households face considerable challenges in adapting to climate
change. While many households have made small adjustments to their farming practices in response to
climate change (in particular, changing planting decisions), few households are able to make more costly
Climate change
investments, for example in agroforestry or irrigation, although there is a desire to invest in such
Adaptation measures. This emphasizes the need for greater investments in rural and agricultural development to
Kenya support the ability of households to make strategic, long-term decisions that affect their future well-
Agriculture being.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction capacity to adapt. The development challenges that many African

countries face are already considerable, and climate change will
Climate change is expected to adversely affect agricultural only add to these through losses in farm profits (Kurukulasuriya
production in Africa. A range of climate models suggest median et al., 2006). These impacts are particularly important for coun-
temperature increases between 3  C and 4  C in Africa by the end of tries such as Kenya, where the poverty rate is 52 percent and 73
the 21st Century, roughly 1.5 times the global mean response. This percent of the labor force depends on agricultural production for
will likely result in significant yield losses of key staple crops, such their livelihood (FAOSTAT, 2010). Because agricultural production
as maize, sorghum, millet, groundnut, and cassava, of between 8 remains the main source of income for most rural communities in
and 22 percent by 2050 unless key investments are made to the region, adaptation is imperative to enhance the resilience of the
improve agricultural productivity under climate risk (Schlenker agriculture sector, protect the livelihoods of the poor, and ensure
and Lobell, 2010). In East Africa, there are very few places where food security. At the national level, this will require greater
rainfall means are likely to decrease; however, increases in rainfall investments in drought and heat tolerant varieties, irrigation
are unlikely to increase agricultural productivity as a result of systems, disaster relief, insurance and social protection programs,
unfavorable spacing and timing of precipitation. Because of this and integrated strategies to reduce livelihood risks (Howden et al.,
variability, coupled with an expected increase in evapotranspira- 2007; Schlenker and Lobell, 2010). It also requires adjustments at
tion due to higher temperatures, Kenya is expected to experience the farm household and community scales.
country-wide losses in the production of key staples, such as maize Adaptation to climate change at the farm level includes many
(Herrero et al., 2010). possible responses, such as changes in crop management practices
Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable to (e.g. choice of fields, planting dates, planting densities, crop varie-
adverse impacts from climate change, because of their limited ties), livestock management practices (e.g. livestock choice, feeding
and animal health practices, transhumance timing and destina-
tions), land use and land management (e.g. fallowing, tree planting
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 202 862 5605. or protection, irrigation and water harvesting, soil and water
E-mail address: (E. Bryan). conservation measures, tillage practices, soil fertility management)

0301-4797/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35 27

and livelihood strategies (e.g. mix of crops or livestock produced, Data collection relied on a mixed-method approach, including
combination of agricultural and non-farm activities, temporary or household surveys and participatory rural appraisals (PRAs) in each
permanent migration) (Brklacich et al., 1997; Bryant et al., 2000; site. Within the study sites, 710 farm households were interviewed
Smit and Skinner, 2002; Kabubo-Mariara, 2008). by IFPRI and KARI between July 2009 and February 2010 (Table 1).
Adaptation can greatly reduce vulnerability to climate change While initially 96 households were to be sampled per district,
by making rural communities better able to adjust to climate survey teams were unable to complete that number of question-
change and variability, moderate potential damages, and cope with naires in some districts due to budgetary and logistic constraints
adverse consequences (IPCC, 2001). A better understanding of (e.g. difficulty in locating pastoralist households for interviews in
farmers’ perceptions of climate change, ongoing adaptation Garissa). Enumerators used to carry out the survey were selected
measures, and the decision-making process is important to inform from each district so that they were familiar with local customs and
policies aimed at promoting successful adaptation of the agricul- could speak the local language. The household survey collected
tural sector. Adaptation will require the involvement of multiple information on demographic characteristics; socioeconomic status
stakeholders, including first and foremost, farmers, but also poli- (e.g. wealth status, income sources, etc.), social capital (e.g. orga-
cymakers, extension agents, NGOs, researchers, communities and nizational links), land tenure, crop and livestock management,
the private sector. input use and expenses, productive investments, food consumption
Recent micro-econometric studies have examined the links patterns and expenditures, access to information, extension, tech-
between adaptation and agricultural productivity and net income nology, markets, and credit, coping responses to climate shocks,
from agricultural production under climate change (Kurukulasuriya perceptions of climate change, adaptation options undertaken
et al., 2006; Seo and Mendelsohn, 2008; Di Falco et al., 2011; Di Falco today, and constraints to adaptation.
et al., 2012). Others have focused on the factors influencing adoption PRAs were conducted in late OctobereNovember 2009 in one
of adaptation strategies and have highlighted ways in which poli- community in each district. These consisted of focus groups, con-
cymakers can support adaptation through the provision of credit, ducted separately for men and women and including a total of 69
information, inputs, and extension services among other measures men and 71 women. Older (over 50) women and men predominated,
(Maddison, 2007; Nhemachena and Hassan, 2008; Gbetibouo, adding to almost half (46 percent) of the participants, with most of
2009; Bryan et al., 2009; Deressa et al., 2009; Hisali et al., 2011; the other half (39 percent) being composed of adult participants
Tambo and Abdoulaye, 2012). For a review of the literature on micro- between 30 and 50 years of age. Younger people were less numerous
level adaptation to climate change see Below et al. (2010). (15 percent) with most of those being women. In all sitesdexcept
This study focuses on the factors that influence farmers’ adop- Garissadbetween 80 (Siaya) and 100 (Mukurwe-ini) percent of the
tion of adaptation strategies at the household level in Kenya participants had at least primary education, with some having
building on previous work by Bryan et al. (2009) in Ethiopia and attended secondary school. By contrast the large majority (92
South Africa. This study expands on previous research by inte- percent) of Garissa participants had no formal education.
grating both qualitative and quantitative methods (similar to A PRA protocol was developed to guide the group discussions
Thomas et al., 2007) and emphasizing differences in adaptation based on a thorough review of published literature, online searches,
choices across agroecological zones (AEZs). and expert consultations. The protocol was used flexibly,
The article is composed of four sections. Section 2 describes the responding to conditions in the field and to the ways different
study sites and outlines data collection and analytical methods. groups of farmers responded, rather than as a rigid framework for
Section 3 presents the results and is divided into two parts. The first eliciting and organizing information. The PRAs included two pha-
part discusses climate change perceptions and compares these with ses: a) freelisting, in which participants brought up issues and ideas
actual climate trends. The second part examines adaptation to on a variety of topics (causes, indicators, and effects of climate
perceived climate change focusing on strategies undertaken by change, adaptations and needed resources to implement them, and
households, desired adaptation strategies, and the determinants of additional fears and worries besides climate); b) scoring and
adaptation. Conclusions and policy implications are discussed in ranking of key concerns and resources needed for adaptation.
Section 4. Participants also discussed indigenous climate forecast knowledge
and their perceptions of relative reliability of indigenous and
2. Methodology scientific forecasts.

2.1. Data collection 2.2. Description of study sites

To identify and assess current and potential household-level Kenya contains a wide range of climate and ecological condi-
adaptation strategies available to rural communities, data were tions. The country experiences a bimodal seasonal pattern of
collected from case study sites within 7 districts in Kenya (Fig. 1). rainfall as it lies astride the equator. The long rains fall between
Site selection took into account agro-ecological zones (AEZs), March and June, with a peak in April and May. Short rains typically
production systems (crop, mixed and pastoralist systems), agri- fall from late September to November. Mean annual rainfall ranges
cultural management practices, policy and institutional environ- from less than 250 mm in the arid and semi-arid areas to 2000 mm
ments, and the nature and extent of exposure and vulnerability to in humid areas. Mean temperatures are closely related to altitude.
climate change. The study sites were selected to cover communities Only 12 percent of land area is considered ideal for farming or
where World Bankesupported projects on agricultural mitigation intensive livestock production; the reminder consists of arid and
and adaptation were operating, as well as comparable control sites. semi-arid lands (ASALs) (Kabubo-Mariara and Karanja, 2007).
The selected sites are drawn from a range of AEZ, including arid, Based on the Farm Management Handbook of Kenya (Jaetzold and
semi-arid, temperate, and humid areas. The study sites in Garissa, Schmidt, 1982) the country can be divided into seven AEZs. These
Mbeere, and Njoro are representative of semi-arid and arid areas zones are based on temperature belts (maximum temperature
with a predominance of pastoralists and agro-pastoralist systems. limits within which the main crops of Kenya can flourish) and
The study sites in Mukurwe-ini, Othaya, Gem, and Siaya districts climatic yield potential (probability of meeting the temperature
are representative of humid and temperate intensive crop and and water requirements of the leading crops) in order to provide
livestock production areas. a framework for ecological land-use potential.
28 E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35

Fig. 1. Map of study sites.

Our study sites come from four of these AEZs. The study site in the fertile soils along the riverbank use irrigation to produce fruits
Garissa District (Northeastern Province) is located in the very arid and vegetables for sale in urban markets. The district borders
zone of the country where average rainfall is less than 500 mm per Somalia to the west and is populated by ethnic Somalis. Garissa is
year. The bulk of the area is low lying (100e800 msl) and consists of one of the fastest growing towns in Kenya and one of the largest
plains at various levels. Floodplains and low terraces are found cattle markets in East Africa. The area also hosts the largest refugee
along Tana River, which has been recently subject to severe camps in the world (Daadab), which is home to about half a million
seasonal flooding. Most households are pastoralists and migrate in people and exerts enormous pressure on local natural resources
search of pasture for most of the year. Households with access to and food supplies.
Sites in Mbeere South (formerly under Mbeere District), in the
Eastern Province, and Njoro (formerly under Nakuru District), in
Table 1
Study sites. the Rift Valley Province, are located in semi-arid areas of the
country. The terrain in Mbeere South is hilly and different crops are
District Agroecological zone No. of households
cultivated at different altitudes: at elevations over 1000 msl, maize,
Garissa Arid 134
banana and fruits are cultivated; at elevations of 750e1000 msl,
Mbeere South Semi arid 97
Njoro Semi arid 104
millet, sorghum, drought resistant maize, and legumes are
Mukurwe-ini Temperate 95 grown; and below 750 msl, livestock production prevails (Roncoli
Othaya Temperate 88 et al., 2010). Average rainfall varies from 550 mm to 1100 mm,
Gem Humid 96 but is highly unpredictable. Most parts receive less than 600 mm of
Siaya Humid 96
rainfall. Njoro District is located near the eastern edge of the Mau
Total 710
forest. Njoro District spans several different AEZs from the humid
E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35 29

highlands to the semi-arid area in which our study site is located. The MNL model requires that perceptions are independent of
Rainfall averages 800e1000 mm (Walubengo, 2007), but with other alternative perceptions within the household. That is, the
considerable variability: the area experienced a severe drought in response choices are mutually exclusive so that if farmer i perceives
2009. The main livelihoods of the people of Njoro are saw-milling, that the temperature has increased, he or she would not also
cattle-keeping and farming. In the semi-arid areas, maize, beans, perceive that the temperature has not changed.
potatoes are cultivated and crop production often relies on road To examine the factors influencing adaptation strategies,
runoff water harvesting. At the time of the research, food resources a binary response model was used. In order to choose to adapt to
in the area were also strained by an influx of internally displaced climate change, households must first acknowledge that the
persons from the 2008 political strife. climate is changing and perceive that this change poses a risk to
Mukurwe-ini and Othaya districts (both formerly part of Nyeri their well-being that warrants a response, whether it be proactive
District) are located in the Central Province, in the fertile highlands or reactive. Following previous studies, we consider that a farm
southwest of Mt. Kenya. Rainfall averages between 800 and household will chose to implement climate change adaptation
1600 mm per year. The area is inhabited by Kikuyu smallholders strategies if adoption increases perceived net benefits
and has several permanent rivers that are not exploited for irriga- (Mendelsohn, 2000; Di Falco et al., 2011). These benefits may
tion due to the rugged nature of the terrain and adequate rainfall. include increased net income from agricultural production or
Fragmentation of land holdings and increasing soil erosion are also reduced production risk under climate variability (Kato et al.,
constraints to food security and agricultural development. Today 2011). That is, expected benefits from adaptation are equal to
the main cash crop is coffee (and to a lesser degree, tea), produced A*, where:
by smallholders organized in semi-private cooperatives that
process and market the coffee. The main food crops are maize,
A*i ¼ Xi a þ 3 i
legumes (beans and peas), tubers (potatoes), and vegetables
(tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, kale). There is also some dairy milk
production. In this equation, A* is the unobserved, or latent variable; which
Siaya and Gem (formerly under Siaya district) are located in the indicates that household i will chose to adapt to climate change
Nyanza Province in the western part of Kenya, bordering the shores of (Ai ¼ 1) if expected benefits are greater than zero (A* > 0), and
Lake Victoria. The main crops are cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, green zero otherwise. 3 is the error term and X denotes the set of
vegetables, beans, bananas, sweet potatoes, and cassava. The area explanatory variables or factors that influence the expected
hosts several rivers, streams, and wetlands but they are not widely benefits of adaptation. These factors include the physical charac-
used for irrigation. Rainfall averages 1100e2700 mm per year. The teristics of the farm (e.g. soil type, soil fertility), characteristics of
humidity is relatively high with mean evaporation being between the farm household (e.g. gender of the household head, farming
1800 mm and 2000 mm in a year. Despite the more favorable climate experience, social capital, family size, assets, and non-farm
conditions, a recent survey in the Siaya, Vihiga, and Kakamega income), and access to services and safety nets (e.g. various
districts of Western Kenya found that between 58 and 68 percent of types of extension services, credit and food or other aid received).
the population lived below the poverty line (Place et al., 2007). Local Because climate conditions (rainfall and temperature) did not
farming systems are characterized by very small landholding size (an vary much across households within each of the district sites, we
average of 0.5e1 ha), low external input use and land productivity, use district fixed effects to control for any differences in climate
declining soil fertility, and exodus of able-bodied men to secure conditions as well as any other unobservable differences across
jobs in urban areas (ibid.). High rates of HIV-AIDS, malaria, and other districts.
illnesses also affect labor resources and productivity. While other studies have used a multinomial logit (MNL)
model to assess farmers’ decisions to adapt as a choice between
multiple adaptation decisions (e.g. Nhemachena and Hassan,
2.3. Analytical methods
2008; Gbetibouo, 2009; Deressa et al., 2009; Hisali et al., 2011),
we feel that this modeling approach is not warranted in this case,
We analyze farmers’ perceptions of climate change using binary
given that most households reported adopting several adaptation
and multinomial choice models. A binary choice model is used to
options simultaneously and the number of response categories
estimate the factors influencing farmers’ perceptions of long-term
was too great to perform a MNL, even after grouping similar
changes in rainfall variability:
responses. Moreover, grouping adaptation responses into artifi-
cial categories such as “livelihood diversification” or “change
R*i ¼ Xi a þ 3 i
planting decisions,” would confound the analysis of the factors
influencing farmers’ decision to adopt key strategies and
Where R* is the latent variable, 3 is the error term, and X denotes would necessitate creating combinations of responses such as
the set of explanatory variables or factors that influence farmers’ “change planting decisions þ agroforestry” or “soil and water
perceptions of rainfall variability. The binary outcome is equal to conservation þ change planting decisions,” which we felt would
one (Pi ¼ 1) if farmer i perceives a change in rainfall variability over not enable meaningful analysis of adoption decisions. In addition,
the past 20 years and 0 otherwise (Pi ¼ 0). the set of explanatory variables differs for each adaptation
Because perceptions regarding long-term change in average option. For example, we would not expect livestock-related
temperature and precipitation fall into several categoriesdperceived extension services to influence whether or not farmers chose to
increase, perceived decrease, and no changeda multinomial logit plant a new crop variety. Therefore, we use a logit model to
(MNL) model is used to analyze the factors affecting these percep- determine the factors that influence farmers’ decisions to adopt
tions. This model permits the analysis of multiple responses over each particular adaptation option.
a chosen base category (in this case, no change was used as the base Information collected through PRAs was written on flipchart
category). The probability that a household i with characteristics X, sheets, which were then compiled, transcribed, coded thematically,
has climate perception Pj is specified as: and analyzed quantitatively in an Excel spreadsheet. The data were
analyzed in terms of differences based on gender and agro-
Pij ¼ Xi aj þ 3 ij ; j ¼ 0; 1.j ecological zone (humid/temperate and arid/semi-arid). The
30 E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35

results from the analysis of PRA data were used to interpret the While farmers perceived long-term changes in temperature and
quantitative analyses described above. precipitation, actual climate data1 for the period from 1957 to 1996
from weather stations closest to the surveyed sites show no
3. Results and discussion significant trends in terms of average yearly temperature or
precipitation, with the exception of Mukurwe-ini/Othaya where
3.1. Climate change perceptions temperature showed a declining trend. However, Ogutu et al.
(2007) show that minimum temperatures rose during 1960e
A number of studies have underscored the importance of 2003 in the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem of Kenya and Tanzania,
farmers’ perceptions of climate change in choosing to adapt particularly during the wet season. Temperature increases have
(O’Brien et al., 2006; Maddison, 2007; Adger et al., 2009; Jones and a significant impact on water availability, thus exacerbating the
Boyd, 2011). Farmers’ behavior is shaped more by their perceptions effects of drought. Therefore, farmers’ perceptions may be based on
of climate change and climate risk, rather than by the actual a decrease in water availability (which is also affected by other
climate patterns as measured by scientific methods (Adger et al., environmental and social drivers such as changes in soil conditions
2009; Mertz et al., 2009). More recent studies have emphasized or population density). Perceptions may also be influenced by the
that risk perceptions and socio-cognitive processes of decision- prolonged and severe droughts and higher temperatures experi-
makers are also important for motivating adaptation decisions enced in recent years (Ogutu et al., 2007).
(Grothmann and Patt, 2005; Frank et al., 2011). While farmers’ The analysis of the factors influencing farmers’ perceptions of
perceptions are based in part on past observation, several studies climate change confirmed the findings of previous studies
have suggested that farmers place greater emphasis on recent (Maddison, 2007; Gbetibouo, 2009)dthat observation over time
climate events in forming their perceptions of climate risk and in shapes farmers’ climate change perceptions. The results in Table 2
making decisions about adaptive behavior (Maddison, 2007; show that farmers with more farming experience were more
Gbetibouo, 2009). likely to perceive long-term changes in rainfall variability, an
In this study, we define climate change as perceived changes in increase in average temperature, and a decrease in average rainfall.
average temperature, average rainfall or rainfall variability over Those households that did not receive visits from extension agents
the last 20 years. Respondents were asked about their perception were more likely to perceive a decrease in temperature. This
of long-term changes in climate. Separate questions asked suggests that households without access to extension services are
whether farmers had noticed any long-term changes in the less familiar with the general discourse in the country that
average temperature, average rainfall and rainfall variability over temperatures are increasing. Female-headed households were
the last 20 years. We define rainfall variability as pertaining to the more inclined to perceive an increase in rainfall than male-headed
temporal and the spatial distribution of rainfall as well as the households. Households in the humid AEZ (districts Gem and Siaya)
frequency of extreme events, such as drought or flood. To were more likely to perceive a decrease and less likely to perceive
distinguish between responses to long-term climate change and an increase in rainfall compared to households in arid Garissa.
climate shocks, the survey also asked respondents about experi- Households in semi-arid Mbeere South were also more likely to
ence with recent climate shocks and coping strategies (results not perceive a decrease in rainfall compared to households in Garissa.
shown). The main concern expressed by PRA participants centered on
The results show that an overwhelming majority of farmers changes in rainfall variability. Farmers often expressed concern
perceived an increase in average temperatures (94 percent) and about greater variability and seasonal changes, which hindered
a decrease in average precipitation (88 percent) over the last 20 their ability to predict rainfall patterns and plan their farming
years while only 2 and 6 percent of households observed activities accordingly. In addition, many farmers reported that the
a decrease in temperature and an increase in rainfall, respectively, shortening of the rainy seasons has led to longer dry periods in
over the recall period. When asked whether they had perceived between seasons, which result in greater pressure on their ability to
a long-term change in rainfall variability, 91 percent of farmers produce enough food. In Siaya and Garissa, farmers reported that
responded positively. These perceptions were consistent across an increase in rainfall intensity has exacerbated the problems of
the surveyed districts despite differences in agroecological flooding and soil erosion. While farmers largely focused on changes
conditions. in rainfall variability (partly a function of the timing of the PRAs,
With regard to rainfall variability, farmers specified which which coincided with a delayed onset of the short rains), many also
changes they had noticed. These perceptions tended to vary more acknowledged increases in temperature over the long term
by district. Overall, 75 percent of farmers who reported a change in (Roncoli et al., 2010). Some participants, particularly in Garissa,
rainfall variability noted that rainfall had become more erratic. reported increased wind intensity, while a few mentioned other
Eighty-six percent of farmers observed a change in the timing of parameters (snow cover on Mt. Kenya and occurrence of fog, frost
rainfall with 71 percent reporting that rains are coming later than and hail).
expected and 15 percent reporting that rainfall was occurring While these PRA results do support the findings of the house-
earlier than expected. Farmers also noted increasingly prolonged hold survey, they also help explain the discrepancy between
periods of drought or dry spells between rainy seasons over the farmers’ perceptions and scientific data pertaining to climate
past 20 years (51 percent). Changes reported less frequently change. These findings suggest that farmers’ perceptions of long
included an increase in the number of floods (10 percent) and term decreases in rainfalldrecorded by the household sur-
heavier rains (7 percent). veydmay be based on their experiences with rainfall variability,
The main change reported by households in Garissa, was a later
onset of the rains, especially the long rains which leads to a short-
ening of the rainfall season. In the other districts, farmers reported 1
Precipitation data is from the “Global Historical Climatology Network” (GHCN)
more erratic rains, later onset of rains, and longer periods of database available at Daily temperature data is
drought or dry periods between rainfall seasons as the main from the “Global Surface Summary of Day” database built based on data exchanged
under the World Meteorological Organization, (WMO) World Weather Watch
changes in rainfall variability. In only one district, Mukurwe-ini, Program, which is made available online through the National Climate Data Center
was a greater incidence of flooding reported by many households of the United States (NCDC), available at
as an important change in rainfall variability. page¼gsod.html.
E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35 31

Table 2
Factors influencing farmers’ perceptions of climate change, marginal effects.

Variable Perceive change Perceive change in average temperature Perceive change in average rainfall
in rain variability (base: no change perceived) (base: no change perceived)

Perceive temperature Perceive temperature Perceive rainfall Perceive rainfall

increase decrease increase decrease
Gender of hh head 0.025 0.012 0.021 0.047* 0.022
Education of hh head 0.004 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.001
Years involved in farming 0.004** 0.002* 0.000 0.001 0.002*
Irrigation 0.011 0.022 0.013 0.004 0.015
Extension field visits 0.004 0.000 0.029* 0.008 0.004
Extension (ffs and ffe) 0.041 0.060 0.035 0.058 0.094
Extension (frg and cig) 0.025 0.020 0.011 0.012 0.006
Weather forecasts 0.045 0.003 0.001 0.016 0.025
Seasonal forecast 0.006 0.400 0.369 0.029 0.007
Early warning 0.024 0.038 0.001 0.016 0.041
Drought in the last 5 years 0.031 0.026 0.008 0.040 0.025
Flood in the last 5 years 0.036 0.020 0.014 0.109 0.545
Gem (base Garissa) 0.126* 0.076 0.004 0.133*** 0.177***
Mbeere South (base Garissa) 0.075 0.044 0.002 0.079 0.165**
Mukurwe-ini (base Garissa) 0.087 0.554 0.051 0.082 0.765
Njoro (base Garissa) 0.602 0.014 0.024 0.710
Othaya (base Garissa) 0.596 0.003 0.036 0.718
Siaya (base Garissa) 0.074 0.042 0.020 0.152*** 0.184***
N 503 691 691 691 691

*p < .1; **p < .05; ***p < .01.

Abbreviations: household (hh), farmer field schools (ffs), farmer-to-farmer exchange (ffe), farmer research group (frg), and common interest group (cig).

and particularly shifts in timing and distribution of rainfall, rather exhausted the range of adaptation possibilities. In fact, the total
than average quantities of annual rainfall. This may explain why number of measures reported by households in Garissa was far less
farmers perceive a decrease in rainfall associated with climate than in the other sites (10 different strategies compared to over 20
change despite the fact that actual climate data have not shown different measures in the other sites). Second, households in Gar-
a significant trend. issa were also much less willing to engage with the enumerators
during the household survey. The lack of reported adaptation,
3.2. Adaptation to climate change therefore, may also reflect cultural sensitivities about sharing
personal information. In the other sites, where adaptation is more
The study aimed to uncover household responses to perceived common and the range of possibilities greater, it is likely that those
long-term climate change, as opposed to short-term climate households that did not adapt either do not view climate change as
shocks. Often these responses are ex-ante strategies aimed at a livelihood risk or are constrained due to lack of resources or
preventing or mitigating future climate risks. However, in many information.
cases these responses are built on tried-and-proven adaptations to The main adaptation measures adopted by farmers varied across
short-term variability and the relationship between the latter and AEZs. Changing planting decisionsdchoosing a new crop or crop
climate change is generally understood by local farmers more as variety and changing planting datesdwas the key adaptation
a continuum rather than a dichotomy. measure in all but the arid zone. In this zone, moving animals,
presumably to regions with lower temperature and more rainfall to
3.2.1. Household adaptation strategies and priorities support grazing, was the key adaptation strategy, followed by
The household survey results showed that farmers adopted changing the crop or the variety (but not planting date) and
a range of practices in response to perceived climate change. The changing livestock feed. In the semi-arid zone, farmers have also
most common responses included changing crop variety (33 increasingly switched from cropping systems to mixed crop/live-
percent), changing planting dates (20 percent), and changing crop stock systems and have planted trees to adapt to climate change.
type (18 percent). Other responses included planting trees (9 Changing fertilizer application was a primary strategy in the
percent), decreasing the number of livestock (7 percent), diversi- temperate and humid zones, while changing livestock feeding
fying, changing, or supplementing livestock feeds (7 percent), regimes and increasing cultivated land, respectively, were also re-
changing fertilizer application (7 percent), and soil and water ported as key strategies.
conservation practices (5 percent). While the number of farmers It is notable that most of the surveyed farmers did report
who did not adjust their farming practices in response to perceived adaptations to perceived climate change that, apart from planting
climate change (19 percent) may seem high, this figure is relatively trees, require little investment to implementdsuch as purchasing
low compared to similar data collected from Ethiopia and South new varieties or crop types, or seeking training or information on
Africa, where 37 percent and 62 percent of farm households, soil and water conservation. When farmers’ actual adaptations are
respectively, did not adapt (Bryan et al., 2009). compared with those changes that farmers would like to imple-
A key finding is that households in the arid district of Garissa are ment, we find that the latter require greater investments. In other
much less likely to report any adaptation to climate change words, farmers would like to make more significant changes to
compared to the other AEZs. The low rate of reported adaptation in their farming practices but are unable to do so due to constraints,
Garissa may be due to several factors. First, many households in the including lack of money needed for the investment, lack of
arid zone are already practicing livelihood strategies that may be resources (water or land), lack of inputs, and lack of information.
considered climate resilient (for example, migrating over longer Among desired adaptations, almost half of the farmers
distances, irrigating crops, and diversifying into non-climate mentioned that they would like to invest in irrigation (49 percent)
dependent income sources like petty trade) and may have and agroforestry (39 percent). These changes require greater initial
32 E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35

investment by farmers; and, in the case of irrigation, access to latter is essential to ensuring that goods, animals, and humans can
water is also crucial. Despite the relatively lower cost of imple- circulate safely and people are confident enough to access services
mentation, about one third of farmers (32 percent) also responded and invest in economic ventures.
that they would like to change crop variety, suggesting that access Echoing survey respondents, PRA participants identified lack of
to improved varieties may be problematic for many farmers. resources as the most significant constraint to adaptation. Poverty
During the PRAs, participants discussed potential adaptation or lack of resources was ranked highest by both men and women
strategies to climate change. These included both actual as well as regardless of AEZ. However, men also stressed political factors
desired adaptations, given that it was difficult to distinguish (governance and leadership) particularly in arid and semi-arid
between the two in a group setting, where actual adaptations for areas, where conflict and insecurity were more prevalent. Health
some farmers may be desired but unfeasible adaptations for others. problemsdwhich resulted in poor labor productivity and addi-
Feasibility was, however, assessed by eliciting information on tional strain on household financial resourcesdwere also
constraints to adoption. During group discussions, livelihood mentioned among constraints (ranking second in humid and
diversification (including integrating crop and livestock production temperate areas and third in arid and semi-arid areas).
and seeking off-farm income sources, such as jobs, trade, food-for-
work, and even illegal activities, such as smuggling, commercial 3.2.2. Determinants of adaptation
sex, theft, etc.) emerged as the most common adaptation strategy The results from the logit regressions (marginal effects) on the
(Roncoli et al., 2010). This was true for both men and women, and determinants of adaptation are presented in Table 3. We find that
all agro-ecological zones, though in the humid zone tree planting only a limited number of factors influence the decision to adopt any
and agro-forestry were also very important. Livelihood diversifi- adaptation strategies or not. Only access to food aid or other
cation received less attention during the household survey due to assistance and weather forecasts increase the likelihood of adap-
an emphasis on changes in farming practices as a result of climate tation while all other factors are not statistically significant. It is
change, rather than the whole range of possible adaptations. difficult to draw any conclusions from this result given that the
Consistent with the household survey results, changing planting individual adaptation choices underlying this aggregate variable for
decisions was frequently mentioned by PRA participants, particu- adaptation are vastly different. Therefore, it is unlikely that the
larly women. This includes planting more drought resistant crops factors that influence one adaptation strategy, say changing crop
(for example, cassava, sweet potatoes, pigeon peas, dolichos) as well variety, will be the same or similar for an entirely different strategy,
as planting early-maturing varieties to cope with a shortened rainy such as tree planting. In fact, when we look at adoption of indi-
season and hybrid seed to improve crop productivity. Farmers also vidual adaptation strategies, it appears that the analysis of farmers’
reported planting more napier grass rather than maize, shifting decision to adapt or not masks important differences in the factors
toward more livestock production, and adopting more drought influencing adoption of particular strategies.
resistant livestock breeds (Roncoli et al., 2010). Among constraints to Only a few factors influence whether farmers change crop type
implementation, farmers in most of the PRA sites complained about or planting dates. However, there are some noteworthy findings
the poor quality of seed and inputs and unreliability of packaging with respect to planting decisions. Access to irrigation is a signifi-
information, which they attributed to a lack of quality controls by the cant determinant of changing crop type. This suggests that farmers
government and fraudulent business practices by traders. that have access to irrigation are switching to high value crops,
Irrigation and water harvesting schemes were ranked at the top which other studies have suggested is essential for moving out of
among priority adaptations during the PRAs regardless of gender or poverty (Krishna et al., 2004; Kristjanson et al., 2005, 2009). With
agro-ecological area, although typically as desired rather than regard to changing planting dates, having access to social safety
actual adaptations. In fact, the household survey indicated that nets (i.e. food emergency relief, food subsidies, or other farm
while many farmers are interested in irrigation and water har- support2), access to extension services (in particular, farmer
vesting, few actually invested in these practices. Among priorities research groups or common interest groups), and access to seasonal
for adaptation, PRA participants also pointed to the need for viable, climate forecasts were important determinants.
accessible, and affordable seed for drought resistant and high Similarly, food or other aid and extension services (including
yielding varieties, and seedlings for agro-forestry. This is true involvement in on-farm research or common interest groups) influ-
especially among women, for whom it ranked second, and for enced farmers’ decision to change crop variety. While food aid is likely
farmers (of both genders) from humid and temperate areas, for targeted to poorer farmers who are unable to make large productive
whom it ranked third. Women in particular prioritized supports for investments in their farms, it appears to enable these households to
improving the quality and obtaining good prices for their crops, take more moderate risks, such as changing planting dates or
over having access to credit (which ranked second for men and for adopting a new crop variety. In addition, farmers with access to fertile
farmers from humid and temperate zones). This was explained in soils, larger land holdings, and those engaged in both crop and live-
terms of lack of collateral and, in some cases, previous negative stock production, were more likely to change crop variety. It is
experiences with unscrupulous lenders. interesting that membership in associations (i.e. the number of
In addition to technical responses, PRA participants in each of associations to which members of the household belong) negatively
the sites emphasized the need for investments in human and influences the likelihood of changing crop variety. This is likely due to
organizational capacity building, which was ranked first (tied with the fact that most of the associations reported by surveyed house-
water infrastructure) by men and third by women. This included holds were women’s associations. These networks are often respon-
access to literacy and numeracy programs and to technical training sible for storage and sharing of seeds and therefore may be less likely
on entrepreneurship, processing for value added, and marketing as to purchase seed from external sources, including improved varieties.
well as support for group formation and management. These Given that planting trees is a larger financial investment than
capacities were seen as instrumental for farmers’ ability to diversify changing planting decisions, it is not surprising that those who are
their livelihoods by undertaking profitable non-climate dependent more likely to adopt this practice are wealthier householdsdthat is
enterprises. Furthermore, participants highlighted the crucial role
of good governance (ranked third by men) in improving marketing
of agricultural commodities, enforcing quality controls on seed and 2
Only a few households reported receiving aid from food for work or cash for
input distribution, and upholding the rule of law in rural areas. The work programs.
E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35 33

Table 3
Determinants of adaptation, marginal effects.

Variable Adaptation Change Change Change Plant Destocking Change Change Soil and water
variety type planting dates trees feeds fertilizer conservation
Gender of hh head 0.022 0.033 0.027 0.049 0.014 0.007 0.070* 0.016 0.024
Education of hh head 0.001 0.000 0.007 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003
Years involved in farming 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.002** 0.000 0.001*
Household size 0.001 0.006 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.000 0.007*
Access to electricity 0.062 0.023 0.005 0.035 0.060* 0.013 0.043** 0.045 0.005
Food or other aid received 0.088*** 0.055** 0.036 0.069*** 0.038* 0.030* 0.039** 0.003 0.001
Associations membership 0.042 0.077** 0.033 0.002 0.050* 0.016 0.041 0.028 0.008
Soil fertility high (base poor) 0.055 0.112** 0.021 0.021 0.003 0.019 0.006 0.019 0.043
Soil fertility moderate (base poor) 0.064 0.025 0.005 0.023 0.035 0.008 0.032 0.008 0.007
Land title 0.010 0.046 0.025 0.016 0.003 0.016 0.077*** 0.055* 0.017
Land area 0.005 0.008* 0.000 0.004 0.004** 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003*
Mix crop and livestock production 0.022 0.095** 0.062 0.042 0.007 0.011 0.030 0.110** 0.030
Irrigation 0.054 0.134 0.244*** 0.196 0.052 0.042 0.007
Extension field visits 0.049
Extension (ffs and ffe) 0.018
Extension (frg and cig) 0.042
Crop extension field visits 0.008 0.028 0.012 0.067*** 0.007 0.055***
Crop extension (ffs and ffe) 0.050 0.056 0.066 0.074*** 0.040* 0.018
Crop extension (frg and cig) 0.142*** 0.022 0.080** 0.050* 0.032 0.029
Livestock extension field visits 0.020 0.038*
Livestock extension (ffs and ffe) 0.006 0.004
Livestock extension (frg and cig) 0.003 0.002
Weather forecasts 0.079** 0.051 0.026 0.016 0.032 0.014 0.008 0.036 0.011
Seasonal forecast 0.001 0.090** 0.024 0.077* 0.008 0.010 0.041 0.026 0.022
Early warning 0.003 0.021 0.020 0.051 0.009 0.011 0.003 0.026 0.003
Formal credit 0.017 0.017 0.029 0.012 0.011 0.002 0.007 0.001 0.014
Informal credit 0.014 0.047 0.036 0.050 0.016 0.039* 0.050** 0.012 0.021
Nonfarm income 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000* 0.000 0.000 0.000** 0.000*
Gem (base Garissa) 0.151 0.256 0.224* 2.042 0.131 0.017 0.033 0.819 0.716
Mbeere South (base Garissa) 0.357*** 0.631*** 0.246** 2.198 0.200** 0.146 0.079 0.738 0.817
Mukurwe-ini (base Garissa) 0.689*** 0.919*** 0.175 2.061 0.006 0.065 0.003 0.898 0.790
Njoro (base Garissa) 0.287*** 0.680*** 0.234* 2.189 0.096 0.084 0.011 0.780
Othaya (base Garissa) 0.359*** 0.747*** 0.097 1.873 0.200** 0.123 0.005 0.791 0.702
Siaya (base Garissa) 0.378*** 0.479*** 0.295** 2.179 0.003 0.007 0.043 0.853 0.705
N 657 657 657 657 595 657 657 595 559

*p < .1; **p < .05; ***p < .01.

Abbreviations: household (hh), farmer field schools (ffs), farmer-to-farmer exchange (ffe), farmer research group (frg), and common interest group (cig).

households with access to electricity (an indicator of wealth), non- households from reducing the number of livestock (Watson and
farm sources of income, and larger land holdings. By contrast, van Binsbergen, 2006). Pastoral households may also be more
access to food emergency relief and other sources of aid (which are reluctant to sell livestock because those with large herd sizes and
usually targeted to the poorest) is shown to negatively influence greater mobility have been shown to have increased resilience to
the decision to plant trees. Access to crop extension services of all drought (Little et al., 2008).
types is also a significant determinant of whether a farmer plants Households that are more likely to change livestock feeds tend
trees in response to perceived climate change. Unlike the case of to be male-headed and more experienced in farming. This may be
changing crop variety, membership in associations increases the partly explained by the fact that women may have more limited
likelihood of planting trees. This is likely because engaging in ability to purchase supplemental feed than men (because they have
agroforestry requires new knowledge and significant investment, less money) or need (because they have smaller herds and smaller
which may be facilitated by group membership. In addition, agro- livestock). In addition, both male-headed households and more
forestry is often implemented by groups within the community, for experienced farmers may have greater awareness of and access to
example, through the establishment of communal tree nurseries, or alternate sources of feed. Livestock extension, specifically field
through NGO-supported projects, which also tend to work with visits, encourages farmers to change or supplement livestock feeds.
farmers by organizing them into groups. As opposed to the case with destocking, it appears that poorer
Several factors influence farmers’ decision to adjust their live- households (characterized by lack of electricity and dependence on
stock practices in response to perceived climate change. As with food aid) and households without formal land titles are more likely
planting trees, farmers that appear to be better off financially (i.e. to change livestock feeds. Lack of electricity and lack of a formal
they do not receive food or other sources of aid) are more likely to land title may indicate that many of the households changing
reduce the number of livestock as an adaptation strategy. This may livestock feeds are pastoralists. Having access to informal sources of
be an indication that households that engage in destocking have credit is an important determinant of both destocking and
other livelihood sources or investment alternatives they can rely changing livestock feeds.3
on, while poorer households may hold on to their livestock as their
only investment option (Silvestri et al., 2012). In addition, when
livestock is transformed into cash, poor households may find that
cash is quickly dissipated by their many needs, while wealthy Access to credit is captured by a dummy variable for whether the household has
borrowed from formal or informal sources over the previous year. This is an
households may be better able to hold on to the capital and reinvest imperfect proxy for access to creditdnot all households that did not borrow are
it productively. Cultural and social factors, such as the strong value necessarily credit-constrained. Rather some farmers may chose not to borrow
placed on large herds by pastoralists, may also prevent some because they feel it is too risky or for other reasons.
34 E. Bryan et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 114 (2013) 26e35

Farmers with mixed crop and livestock systems, access to non- adapted to the various agroecological zones of Kenya to capacity
farm sources of income, and access to extension (specifically building and knowledge dissemination through public and private
farmer-to-farmer exchange programs or farmer field schools) were extension services, to ensuring that viable and suitable seeds are
more likely to adjust fertilizer applications. Wealthier households available in remote rural regions. Public and private sector support
(using access to electricity as proxy) are also more able to change for the design and construction of irrigation infrastructure is also
fertilizer applications in response to climate change. important for adaptation and livelihood resilience. In particular,
Finally, households with more household members, more access to irrigation is shown to be an important determinant of
farming experience, large land holdings, and greater access to non- whether farmers change crop types, suggesting that investments in
farm income and to extension services (specifically field visits) are irrigation infrastructure would help farmers switch to higher value
more likely to implement soil and water conservation practices. crops, thereby increasing farm revenues.
Overall, we found access to extension services, credit, and In general, the results emphasize the need for greater invest-
diversified sources of income to be supportive of adaptation. The ments in rural and agricultural development to support the ability
results also indicate that the deteriorating land base of many of households to make strategic long-term decisions that affect
farming households due to population growth, appropriation of their future well-being. Autonomous adaptation is insufficient to
lands, and the practice of subdividing farms among heirs (Klopp, address the threats posed by climate change. The rural poor need
2000) is a serious constraint to adaptationdparticularly with more support from the government, NGOs, and the private sector to
regard to changing crop varieties, planting trees and soil and water enable them to move beyond short-term coping measures in
conservation. Furthermore, the results suggest that efforts to response to climate shocks and to invest in long-term, anticipatory
reduce poverty throughout the country would also enable many strategies that enhance resilience to climate change through the
farmers to adapt to climate change. This is particularly important as accumulation of assets, livelihood diversification, and the adoption
poverty has been increasing in recent years (Krishna et al., 2004; of agricultural technologies that allow for increased productivity
Kristjanson et al., 2009). In particular, many farmers expressed and profitability.
interest in agroforestry and changing crop variety, yet were unable This is particularly true in arid areas, where households face
to adopt these measures. greater constraints in adapting to climate change and have limited
options to increase resilience to future climate change. Numerous
4. Conclusions and policy implications NGOs and government agencies are already operating in these
areas. Much assistance is provided in the way of emergency relief,
Climate change is expected to have a significant impact on such as food aid. However, in addition to providing a safety net
Kenya, including increases in average temperature and rainfall. following major climate shocks, more should be done to build the
However, there is considerable uncertainty surrounding rainfall resilience of these communities to withstand future climate crises.
projections and indications that there will be a great deal of In particular, drought management and drought preparedness
regional variation in precipitation across the country. Moreover, plans should be integrated into rural development efforts. In
little can be said about future changes in the frequency of extreme addition, plans to address flood risks and soil erosion will also
events such as drought and flood (Herrero et al., 2010). Smallholder become increasingly important, as rainfall intensity and volume is
producers, therefore, must make decisions in an environment of set to increase across the country.
great uncertainty. This research shows that despite limited While the household survey data provide compelling evidence
evidence of climate change, farmers and pastoralists do indeed to support these results, they are further substantiated by the
perceive the climate to be changing and are particularly concerned qualitative methods employed. Additionally, participatory methods
with perceived changes in rainfall variability. Perceptions of climate were instrumental in broadening the original focus on the agri-
change appear to be mainly based on farmers’ experiencedthose cultural sector and in illuminating the need for investments and
who had been involved in farming longer were more likely to adaptations in livelihood diversification, human and organizational
perceive long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and capacity, and improved governance.
rainfall variability.
Farmers are taking measures to protect their livelihoods against
perceived changes in climate. However, many households face Acknowledgments
considerable challenges in adapting to climate change. While
farmers have made adjustments to their farming practices in This work was supported by the World Bank through the Trust
response to climate change (in particular, changing planting deci- Fund for Environmentally & Socially Sustainable Development
sions), few of them are able to make large investments to reduce (TFESSD). This research was conducted under the CGIAR Research
their vulnerability, for example in agroforestry or irrigation, Program on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security
although there is a desire to invest in such measures. In the case of (CCAFS).
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