Shape Memory Polymer

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Shape Memory Polymer Research

Patrick T. Mather,1,2 Xiaofan Luo,1,2 and Ingrid A. Rousseau3

Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2009.39:445-471. Downloaded from by University of Patras on 10/26/11. For personal use only.

Syracuse Biomaterials Institute, 2 Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244; email:,

General Motors Corporation, R&D Center, Warren, Michigan 48090; email:

Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2009. 39:44571 The Annual Review of Materials Research is online at This articles doi: 10.1146/annurev-matsci-082908-145419 Copyright c 2009 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved 1531-7331/09/0804-0445$20.00

Key Words
shape memory polymers, networks, thermomechanical properties, smart materials

The past several years have witnessed signicant advances in the eld of shape memory polymers (SMPs) with the elucidation of new compositions for property tuning, the discovery of new mechanisms for shape xing and recovery, and the initiation of phenomenological modeling. We critically review research ndings on new shape memory polymers along these lines, emphasizing exciting progress in the areas of composites, novel recovery triggering, and new application developments.



Shape memory polymers (SMPs) are a class of smart materials that offer mechanical action triggered by an external stimulus. More specically, SMPs are able to remember one or more shapes, each determined by network elasticity, but can be stored in temporary shapes by material immobilization, commonly by vitrication or crystallization. As a simple example, a complex three-dimensional SMP shape can be compacted into a slender form (suitable for catheter delivery to the body or to t into an otherwise compact space) by a cycle of heating, deforming, cooling, and unloading. Later, application of heat, light, or solvent exposure can trigger a return to the equilibrium, complex shape through network chain mobilization. At rst glance, those familiar with polymer physics will immediately recognize the potential of manyif not mostpolymeric materials to exhibit such a shape memory (SM) effect. However, what lies beneath the surface of this deceivingly simple SM cycle is a plethora of polymer chemistry and physics that seeks to test our understanding of structure-property relations and our capacity to tune properties at will. Several excellent reviews (17) have appeared on this topic, ranging from broadly scoped (1) to focused views on structure-property relationships (2) to medical applications (5) and nally application-specic molecular, structural, and geometrical design for optimization of SMPs (7). Herein, we present and critically address the multitude of signicant developments that have recently occurred in the eld of SMP research during the past several years, revealing signicant innovations and scientic progress. We hope to show that research in the eld of SMP materials is quite active, innovative, and expanding into a large number of application areas that exploit their unique properties. We begin with a description of the principal SM cycle. The evolution of stress (or force), strain, and temperature during thermomechanical cycling of an SMP is referred to as the SM cycle. It can be plotted as shown in Figure 1 for cross-linked poly(cyclooctene) (8), a semicrystalline network polymer. Initially, at a temperature (Td ) higher than the SMP transition temperature (Ttrans ), at which the material exists in a rubbery, elastic state, the material is deformed to a certain strain. Subsequent cooling under constant stress (or strain) to a temperature (Tf or Ts < Ttrans ) causes the material to adopt a more rigid state, in this case the semicrystalline state, therein immobilizing the constituent polymer chains and allowing xing or freezing of the deformation as latent strain energy. Therefore, upon unloading at Tf , a minor instantaneous recovery may occur. The shape recovery is achieved by heating the material without any stress (unconstrained) to a temperature generally greater than Ttrans . The stored strain energy is then released owing to the regained chain mobility. The primary driving force for shape recovery is entropic in nature; it is energetically favorable for the material to return to its most disordered conformation. The abilities of SMPs to x a temporary shape and to recover an original shape in a controlled fashion through use of external stimuli (i.e., heat, electric eld, magnetic eld, irradiation) distinguish them from most conventional polymeric materials. Shape xing and shape recovery reect the various microstructural transformations and determine the extent to which SMPs can be practically used, and are, therefore, of both fundamental and practical importance. Clearly a variety of gures of merit, including the quality of xing and recovery, can be conceived in addition to the sharpness of the recovery event and the work capacity, among others. These are discussed throughout our review. Shape xing, or xity, refers to the ability of an SMP to retain a temporary state, and thus store strain energy, by cooling below a transformation temperature. Thermodynamically, shape xing results from a transition between a state in which changes in conformational entropy are dominant (entropic rubber) and a state with limited chain mobility. Shape xing can be quantied by use of the measure, R f (%) = u /m 100, where u represents the strain after unloading, m is the temporal

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Coo ling /Fix ing

200 180 (iii) 160 140

lo Un
Recove ry



Strain (%)

120 100 80
atio for m

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40 20


Temp 40 eratu re (
Figure 1




* 80 0

700 600 500 400 300 200 100

Thermomechanical cycles for an example of a shape memory polymer (SMP), cross-linked poly(cyclooctene). A heated, unloaded sample (asterisk) is deformed to state i and cooled through a xing temperature to state ii, followed by unloading (revealing the degree of strain xing) to state iii, and nally by unloading to the original state (iv) if the strain recovery is complete. Three consecutive cycles are shown, revealing excellent repeatability. Redrawn with permission from Reference 8.

strain achieved after deformation, and Rf may depend on the SM cycle number, N. At the molecular level, xing can be designed into a SMP by designing the constituent chains to crystallize or vitrify at a targeted temperature or otherwise immobilize the chains, for example, by the establishment of a secondary and labile cross-linked network. The permanent, memorized shape of a SMP can be recovered from its temporarily xed shape by applying a specic stimulus. The recovery, i.e., the stress/strain evolution over time and temperature, is of primary importance in the studies of SMPs. Free recoverythat is, recovery at no mechanical loadis the most commonly employed method to characterize shape recovery. In this manner, various measures of recovery have been described. The most common measure employed is Rr (%) = (u p )/(m p )100, where u , p , and m represent the xed strain after unloading, the permanent strain after heat-induced recovery, and the temporal strain achieved by deformation, respectively. Other gures of merit that include the SM ll factor (2) and the shape recovery sharpness (9) complement Rf with measures of the sharpness or rate of the recovery event.


Shape memory polyurethanes (SMPUs) remain one of the main classes of SMPs studied. Their attractiveness mainly lies in their ease of processing and low cost. Ratna & Karger-Kocsis (6) recently reviewed current advances in terms of the chemical structure/composition of SMPUs. These researchers found that optimized SM effects were obtained at a hard-segment content of 35 to 40 wt% for glassy thermoplastic SMPUs and at a soft-segment molecular weight of 50006000 g mol1 for semicrystalline SMPUs. In addition, the importance of molecular Shape Memory Polymer Research 447

St re ss (kP a)


design was highlighted. The authors reported that the incorporation of rigid aromatic structures and/or of more planar molecules supported higher SM performances owing to stronger molecular interactions. More recent studies aimed at counteracting some of the intrinsic disadvantages of SMPUs such as their low thermal conductivity, lower mechanical properties, and reduction in SM performance over the rst several thermomechanical cycles and high-thermal-expansion coefcients. Generally, thermal conductivity is enhanced by adding conductive inorganic llers to the polymer matrix. Recently, Razzaq & Frormann (10) used aluminum nitride (AlN) particles to improve the thermal conductivity of their commercial SMPU. At a 40 wt% loading of AlN, the authors measured an increase in thermal conductivity from 0.12 to 0.44 W (Km)1 . Unfortunately, the inclusion of AlN also led to a large decrease in the shape recovery from 97% to 70%. Although slightly improved, the shape xity remained low, at 45%. Ratna & Karger-Kocsis (6) reviewed other examples of inorganic llers that have been used to increase the thermal conductivity of SMPs. Such inorganic llers include glass bers, Kevlar bers, and SiC particles. Other groups have attempted to use carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for improving the thermal conductivity of their SMPUs, with only limited success. However, the incorporation of CNTs was proven useful for enhancing the mechanical properties of the pristine polymer (11, 12) as well as for widening the range of alternate SMtriggering mechanisms such as electric current (12). By improving the mechanical properties of SMPs, researchers aim to increase the recovery forces of their materials. Meng & Hu (11) described the benet of reinforcing their SMPU bers with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). By varying the loading of MWNTs from 1 to 3 wt%, they witnessed an increase in shape recovery (Rr > 80%) as well as in recovery stresses from 0.12 to 0.27 cN dtex1 at the expense of a slight reduction in shape xity (Rf 80%) compared with the pristine SMPU bers. In contrast, they showed that a higher percentage of MWNTs rendered ber processing difcult, which led to decreased physical properties of the bers and hence to a degradation of their SM properties. Other studies have used alternate routes to improve the mechanical properties of their SMPUs. Xu et al. (13) synthesized a hybrid diol containing hydrolyzable Si-OEt groups as a cross-linker. The creation of covalent cross-linking in addition to the inorganic nature of the resulting Si-O-Si bonds provided these researchers materials with increased modulus, especially above Tg , where E increased from 3.85 to 16.34 MPa. The shape recovery was increased as well. Moreover, the authors claimed stability of the SM properties over the initial 50 thermomechanical cycles. Because the thermal expansion coefcients of polymers are generally one to two orders of magnitude larger than those of SM alloys and SM ceramics (14), their effect (usually considered negative) on the SM behavior may become non-negligible. One way to reduce the thermal expansion is to incorporate inorganic llers into the SMP matrix. Gunes et al. (14) evaluated the abilities of four different inorganic llers in lowering the coefcient of linear thermal expansion (CTLE) of a chemically cross-linked semicrystalline SMPU. They found that the addition of nanosized llers was more efcient at decreasing the CLTE. In addition, high-aspect-ratio llers such as organoclay and carbon nanobers (CNFs) performed better than spherical llers. However, care must be taken because inorganic llers having a strong interaction with the matrix polymer may disturb its crystallization behavior, hence resulting in reduced SM performance. Because SMPs exhibit physical properties similar to those of human tissues, they are thought of as ideal candidates for many medical applications, a topic we discuss in detail below. Although many SMPUs offer biocompatibility, many groups are attempting to develop new SM materials that offer a combination of the following characteristics: biocompatibility, bioresorbability, biodegradability, and low cytotoxicity, among others. In one study, Pierce and coworkers (15) reported on a thermoplastic poly(ester urethane) that incorporated novel, in-house-synthesized,
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amorphous oligomeric diols based on aliphatic diols and aliphatic diacids or substituted anhydride as soft segments. In addition to exhibiting low cytotoxicity, their new poly(ester urethane)s showed an extraordinary high elongation at break of 2106%. Biodegradable SMPUs have been developed by Knight et al. (16), who reported on POSS (polyhedral oligosilsesquioxane)-based biodegradable SMPs exhibiting a well-dened Tg for poly(d,llactide) soft segments and hard segments containing the POSS moiety. Excellent phase separation was observed with a sharp soft-segment Tg largely independent of POSS loading in the hardsegment phase. Also observed was an increase in latent heat of melting of the hard-segment phase from 0.35 to 1.5 J g1 with increasing POSS loading at a relatively constant Tm of 115 C. Consequently, the rubber elastic plateau increased in atness and breadth with POSS hard-block content. The SM performances included near-perfect xing (>99%) and strain recovery that increased with each cycle: 71%, 89%, and 93% for the rst through third cycles for a tensile strain of 30%. The materials were proven to be biodegradable, opening the potential for resorbable medical implants with SM characteristics. Recognizing the importance of good phase separation for high-quality strain xing in thermoplastic polyurethanes, Chen et al. (17) studied the addition of low-molecular-weight additives and end-cappers to common polyester diol-based thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs), including those based on poly(1,4-butylene adipate) and poly(hexamethylene adipate). Strain xing improved by 20% upon end-capping such TPUs with octadecanol (HO-C18 H37 ). Employing a different approach to the same end, Meng & Hu (18) and Ji et al. (19) studied the impact of heat treating SMP bers of poly( -caprolactone) (PCL)-based and poly(ethylene adipate)-based polyurethanes, respectively. In both cases, signicant improvements in xing but small impacts on recovery were witnessed. Future work should involve similar studies on polyurethanes with substantially lower hard-segment contents because this will engender higher elasticity and concomitant elastic strain xing and recovery. We expect that improvements in SMP textiles will lead to diverse applications ranging from wound care to fabrics. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA)-based systems exhibit SM behavior in addition to being biocompatible, biodegradable, and bioresorbable. Aiming at increasing the inertness of PLA-SMPs to the human metabolic processes, Zini & Scandola (20) developed a novel synthesis method for PLA-SMPs that uses a zirconium complex as the initiator instead of the common but more toxic stannous complex. To increase the SM properties of their PLA-SMPs, Zhou et al. (21) incorporated hydroxyhapatite (HA) particles into their synthesis. They claimed that the hydrogen bonding taking place between the PLA chains and the HA particles was responsible for the higher shape recovery (98% compared with 80.5% for the pristine PLA). In this case, the H bonds constituted the physical cross-links of the permanent (equilibrium) shape of the SMP, whereas the crystallization of the PLA chains was the basis of its reversible phase. Similar reinforcement strategies have been used with other polymer matrices. For instance, Zhang et al. (22) described the synthesis of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based SMPs incorporated with PEG--cyclodextrin of varying polarities and hydrophilicities. At 60% loading, shape recovery increased to 97%. The authors observed that the higher the ratio of storage moduli below and above Tg (E g /E r ), the better the shape xing and the shape recovery were. Interestingly, two of their formulations showed high modulus at approximately plateau 1 GPa. These values could translate to extremely high recovery stresses, although this property was not evaluated in this study, compared with commonly reported values. Another group has worked on biodegradable poly(l-lactide) (PLLA) (23) prepared by ringopening polymerization of l-lactide monomer. Modest SM behavior was observed for lms tested in bending, with 8% bending allowing near-100% recovery but 20% bending showing a reduced recovery of 70% and recovery decreasing with each cycle. Elasticity above Tg was likely Shape Memory Polymer Research 449

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compromised by the high level of crystallinity typical of PLLA materials. Thus, deformations being xed for subsequent recovery likely featured a signicant plastic component related to a crystalline phase rearrangement that was unrecoverable upon heating. For semicrystalline thermoplastics to exhibit the elasticity necessary for desirable SM, an optimally low level of crystallinity is required. As an approach to achieving optimal crystallinity in poly(l-lactide), Lu et al. (24) copolymerized l-lactide with varying levels of -caprolactone (CL), up to 40%. The samples prepared in the range of 0 to 30 mol% CL showed decreased crystallinity from 29% to 8.7%, with Tm and Tg decreasing from 174 C to 125 C and from 62 C to 25 C, respectively. Crystallinity was lost completely for 40% CL. Shape recovery increased monotonically from 65% to 99% over the range of 0 to 40 wt% CL. That the recovery was high for the amorphous sample (40%) suggests that the elasticity is derived from entanglements in that particular sample. Tm -based SM was witnessed for another biodegradable polymer: microbe-synthesized poly(3-hydroxy butyrate)-co(3-hydroxy valerate) (PHBV) polymer prepared with a uniquely high 3-hydroxy-valerate content (35%) by use of the Pseudomonas sp. HJ-2 organism (25). In a manner similar to strain-induced crystallization of synthetic polyurethanes for SM (26), the PHBV polymer demonstrated strain xing at a temperature below or within the complex melting transition. The measured strain recovery was quite complete and ostensibly derived from entanglements. Because PHBV materials are well established as biocompatible and biodegradable polymers (27), exploitation of the SM effect of the type shown by Kim et al. (25) for medical applications is likely. However, the very broad and complex melting behavior of this natural polymer, which renders the xing relatively poor, presents challenges to actual utilization in medical devices. New thermosetting and biodegradable Tg -based SMPs were conceived and studied by Alteheld and coworkers (28) to feature star-shaped PLGA triols and tetra-ols (four-arm stars) cross-linked with aliphatic diisocyanates. Variation in network composition allowed for the systematic variation in Tg over the range of 48 C to 66 C. This work built upon prior work from the same group on semicrystalline networks that incorporated PCL dimethacrylates as cross-linker copolymerized with a low-Tg -forming butyl acrylate comonomer (29). In the newer, PLGA-based networks, a combination of good properties was achieved: optical transparency, good strain xing (Rf 95%), near-complete recovery (Rr > 98%), and relatively fast degradation kinetics compared with PCL networks. Although the strain xing and recovery in the new materials were excellent, the very broad recovery eventsas large as 40 Cmay hamper the ability to use such materials in medical applications for which a restrictive operating window of 40 C to 50 C exists. Along similar lines, Kelch et al. (9) prepared conetworks of PLGA-dimethacrylate and two alkyl acrylates, with an aim at achieving an elastomeric yet Tg -based SMP akin to the SMPs of Rousseau & Mather (30). (Ordinarily, Tg -based SMPs feature glassy tensile moduli in excess of 1 GPa.) As such, Kelch et al. (9) sought an interpenetrating network structure of PLGA glass and alkyl acrylate elastomer, which was achievable for compositions incorporating the hexyl acrylate monomer. Tensile moduli in the range of 10 to 300 MPa were achieved, and good SM characteristics of xing and recovery were observed. A useful measure of shape recovery sharpness was utilized: vr = Rr / T, where T is the temperature window of recovery so that large values of r indicate sharper recovery events. For the materials studied, this gure of merit ranged from 1.8% C1 to 4.2% C1 . Recent studies performed by Yakacki et al. (31, 32) aimed at developing acrylates-SMPs as potential candidates for biomedical applications. The authors described the cross-linking reaction of t-butyl acrylate with poly(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate). Increasing the cross-linker amount from 10% to 40% led to SMPs with Tg ranging from 48 C to 52 C, rubbery moduli increasing from 1.2 to 8.5 MPa, and decreasing strain-to-failure. As is discussed in more detail below, the

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authors introduced a new SMP testing method for optimizing the response of SMPs (32). Keeping with the trend of SMP property tuning, Liu and coworkers (33) ingeniously adjusted the Tg of an otherwise high-Tg network by adding a plasticizing miscible polymer to yield a single-phase interpenetrating network (IPN). In particular, a hydrogen-bonding network from copolymerization of methyl methacrylate, N-vinyl pyrrilidone, and crosslinked with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate was blended with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) to yield an attractive Tg of 50 C. Near-perfect xing and recovery (>99%) were achieved for the IPNs. The same materials will likely be moisture sensitive and may allow for water-triggered SM, as discussed in reference to the Jung et al. work (34). In a closely related effort, Yakacki and coworkers (35) prepared a family of covalent networks involving the copolymerization of methyl methacrylate with PEG dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) macro-cross-linkers of varying molecular weight. By varying both the incorporation level and the PEGDMA molecular weight, the researchers were able to independently vary the Tg of this miscible system [PEGDMA plasticizing poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)] and the rubber elastic modulus for T > Tg . Using a range of quantitative SM characterization methods, Yakacki et al. (35) reported excellent shape recovery and xing and found that the constrained recovery stress increased with increasing cross-linking density, as expected. The sharpness of the shape recovery event was quite variable but uniformly broad, among the compositions with reasonably low Tg . Because medical applications were targeted by such compositions, biocompatibility testing was conducted. Unfortunately, the results of this testing were not detailed in the publication (35). SMPs have also found use in structural applications in which epoxy-based materials are often used owing to their intrinsically high mechanical properties, chemical resistance, thermal stability, and tunable transition temperatures. Elastic memory composites (EMCs) recently developed by Composites Technology Development, Inc. are an example of such materials (36). However, little information regarding their synthesis and curing kinetics is available. Merline et al. (37) investigated the cross-linking reaction and curing kinetics of an epoxy resin with an amine telechelic polytetramethylene oxide (PTMO). They claimed rst-order kinetics. Variation in network composition led to transformation temperatures ranging from 77 C to 110 C. The authors reported that the better crystallization and/or dipolar interactions afforded by cross-linking with PTMO improved the SM properties. The shape recovery reached 99%, and the recovery times ranged from 12 to 30 s for simple bending deformations. Chung and coworkers (39) reported surprising reversible actuation for semicrystalline and covalently cross-linked poly(cyclooctene) (38) when thermally cycled about the melting transition under a constant tensile load. The researchers observed that crystallization of this polymer under an applied tensile stress of 1.0 MPa resulted in an incremental tensile strain above that of the isotropic elastic strain in the range of 20% to 40%. Upon heating at the same load, this incremental strain was reversed nearly completely (>98%) as the melting transition was surpassed. Dispersing the same materials with a uorescent, chromogenic oligo(p-phenylene vinylene) dye, Kunzelman et al. (8) revealed reversible color changes during one-way SM cycling about the materials melting transition. Using large, nonpolar (C18 H37 ) endgroups for the dye design imparted it with signicant solubility; however, the solubility was restricted to the amorphous phase whose volume fraction decreased during crystallization. Consequently, the same phenomena responsible for shape xingnamely, crystallizationcaused dye aggregation and excimer formation so that the uorescing color of the polymer under UV illumination dramatically changed from green to orange. So, transient strain xing and color change occurred simultaneously. Conversely, heating such samples above Tm led to strain recovery together with a uorescent color change back to green, with seemingly high spatial resolution.

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Shape Memory Polymers with New Fixing Mechanisms

Researchers have unveiled new macromolecular design concepts that engender unique shape xing mechanisms. In one approach, Merline et al. (40) used improved intermolecular interactions through H bonding as the strategy to improve SM behavior of their PTMO/poly(acrylic acid coacrylonitrile) [P(AA-co-AN)]-complexed gel. They measured an increase in E g /E r with increasing H bonds and observed that the SM properties varied linearly with the content of H bonds. The enhanced SM performance resulted from the enhanced coupling between the reversible phase (PTMO complex) and the xed phase [cross-linked P(AA-co-AN)] achieved through H bonding. H bonding by the self-complementary H-bonding group ureidopyrimidinone (UPy) (41) was proven capable of strain xing in a covalently cross-linked butyl acrylate elastomer (42). Using lightly cross-linked networks with only 2% UPy groups, Li et al. proved that xing levels of 90% were achievablemuch greater than for the comparable photoxing approach discussed elsewhere (43)and that strain recovery was nearly complete, although very broad. For such materials, the secondary reversible network (in this case established by H bonding) set for one shape competes with the primary covalent network with a distinct equilibrium shape. Above any separate vitrication or crystallization event, xing should be determined by the relative cross-link densities of the primary and secondary networks, although this aspect was not investigated. Lendlein and coworkers (43) elaborated an exciting concept of photo-triggered xing and recovery in two distinct covalently cross-linked networks. Soft copolymer networks consisting of thermally polymerized n-butyl acrylate (BA) and hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) (Tg < 20 C) were cross-linked with a dimethacrylate compound and further copolymerized with a cinnamic acid (CA) terminal to a hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) monomer. Such networks enabled a new, reversible irradiation-based SM effect functional without external heating or cooling (Figure 2). Shining intense light ( > 260 nm) on the stretched elastomers caused [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction between adjacent CA groups that served as temporary cross-links in addition to the original cross-links. Thus, releasing the load following 1 h of light exposure yielded stable strain xing in the range of 10% to 30%, increasing with CA amount. Subsequent exposure to higher energy light ( < 260 nm) reversed the cycloaddition reaction and prompted good recovery of the original strain over the course of 1 h. Although this process is quite slow, the functionality of this concept is attractive through its enabling of remote and room temperature operation. This approach appears restricted to elastomers owing to the innate competition between primary covalent cross-links and labile photoaddition cross-links. Thus, the mechanical function of the xed state will likely limit applications to those typical of elastomers. In another approach toward reversible but covalent cross-linking, Ishida et al. (44) reported on reversible networks consisting of furan-terminated telechelic polyesters of poly(1,4-butylenesuccinate-co-1,3-propylene succinate) reacted by Diels-Alder (DA) addition with a trifunctional maleimide (Figure 3). Depolymerization of the network structure occurred at an elevated temperature of 140 C, but repolymerization could occur above or below the polyester melting temperature, resulting in dramatically different elastomer stiffnesses. Although the potential for SM characteristics of these materials was not discussed, it is apparent that this chemistry represents a very attractive approach toward recongurable, Tm -triggered, SM elastomers. Covalent networks combining network strands with distinct xing temperatures and even distinct mechanisms (Tg and Tm ) enable sequential xing of two shapes and subsequent recovery (on heating) of the same shapes in reverse order (45). Three shapes are witnessed upon heating: twice xed, once xed, and equilibrium, and thus the materials are referred to as triple shape. One system (of two) reported combined Tg - and Tm -based SM of widely separated transition temperatures, whereas the other system combined two Tm -based SM mechanisms quite close in proximity.

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Stretching and photofixing UV > 260 nm

Removing external stress Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 2009.39:445-471. Downloaded from by University of Patras on 10/26/11. For personal use only.

Photocleaving UV < 260 nm

Figure 2 Photoxing and photocleaving scheme to achieve light-activated shape memory. Adapted with permission from Reference 43.

O O N H O O O O O O n O O N O N N O O N O N O N O O O O O O N m H O



M3 T < 100 C T > 100 C





Figure 3


DA adduct

Reversible cross-linking scheme via Diels-Alder (DA) chemistry enabling thermal resetting of a covalent network structure. PBPSF2, furyl-telechelic poly(1,4-butylene succinate-co-1,3-propylene succinate. Reproduced with permission from Reference 44. Shape Memory Polymer Research


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The former case was accomplished by conetwork formation of a PCL crystalline phase and a poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) amorphous phase, whereas the latter was enabled by copolymerization of PEO comb chains (graft copolymer of mPEG-methacrylate) with PCL dimethacrylate. In both embodiments of such triple-shape materials, the rst xing event (on cooling) was generally worse than the second xing event. Demonstrations revealed unique sequential SM functionality, including opening of a large-diameter tube from a at shape, followed by shrinking of the tube diameter (xed initially to be large) to a smaller equilibrium size. It appears that the only requirement for such materials is a conetwork system with two interpenetrating phases (that are mechanically percolating), so it is likely that numerous other examples will come forth in the future and that applications will abound. Most recently, molecular interactions in ionomers have been exploited to produce novel SMPs. Weiss et al. (46) described the inclusion of fatty acid salts within a sulfonated ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM), a thermoplastic elastomer that was developed by Exxon in the mid1970s. The materials exhibited SM, although not optimal, properties. Variation of the fatty acid salt (i.e., melting temperature) allowed for systematic variation of the transformation temperature of the SMP from 20 C to 120 C. The fatty acid salts, while acting as a plasticizer at higher temperatures, also acted as physical cross-links and llers at lower temperatures when crystallization occurred. The authors postulated that the xed phase of the SMP resulted from the nanophase separation of the elastomeric ionomer, whereas the reversible phase was due to the melting and crystallization of the fatty acids. By comparison, Han et al. (47) developed semicrystalline multiblock copolymers containing sulfonate groups in one block, revealing Tm -based SM behavior that benets from ionic physical cross-linking. Testing revealed relatively slow xing [owing to limiting crystallization kinetics of the poly(butylene adipate) block] and good shape recovery, with Rr increasing with each SM cycle from 80% to 90% and then to 95%.

Nanocomposite Shape Memory Polymers

Most areas of polymer research have seen the impact of nanoscale reinforcement, and SMPs are no exception. In one example, Auad and coworkers (48) took the unique approach of lling a polyester-based thermoplastic polyurethane with nanocellulose whiskers, seeking enhancement of material stiffness. Accordingly, nanocellulose whiskers were dispersed using a solvent method [dimethyl formamide (DMF)] at loadings up to 1 wt% in a semicrystalline polyurethane with Tm (for xing and recovery) of 41 C. Poor strain xing (<50%)despite an enhancement of the degree of crystallinityand modest strain recovery (90%) were reported, with very little impact on these characteristics in response to nanocellulose addition. An impressive 50% increase in room temperature tensile modulus was observed at 1% loadinga reection of the nanoscale reinforcement approach utilized. In another approach to nanocomposite SMPs, Gunes et al. (49) investigated the preparation and performance of PCL-based TPUs incorporating a variety of inorganic llers, most notably the organically functionalized aluminosilicate clay Cloisite 30B. The base resin featured a hard-block content of 33 wt% and relatively poor SM performance in the unlled state: Rf = 93% and Rr = 80% (for 100% strain). The dispersion of clay within the TPU maintained these SM performances, whereas other llers disrupted the soft-segment crystallization and hampered strain xing. Importantly, clay increased the recovery stress exhibited during constrained recovery through Tm from 2.4 to 3.12 MPa for 100% strain xed. By comparison, Kim et al. (50) prepared and studied Tg -based, amorphous SMP nanocomposites through use of an intercalated polymerization initiator within sodium montmorillonite (MMT) clay galleries and polymerization of ethyl methacrylate. The resulting materials featured a Tg in the range of 55 C to 72 C (increasing with MMT content) and a modest rubber elasticity above Tg . The shape xing
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was in excess of 90%, whereas the shape recovery improved with cycling, more so with increased clay loading, although Rr values were not reported. As a bottom-up nanocomposite approach, Lee et al. (51) reported covalent nanocomposite networks combining PCL and POSS to yield a Tm -based SMP. In particular, a crystallizable POSS diol was utilized as a ring-opening polymerization initiator of CL, and the nanostructured/hybrid POSS was architecturally placed precisely in the center of each chain and then end-capped with the acrylate groups. SM networks were then achieved by cross-linking with a tetrathiol crosslinker in the presence of a photoinitiator. For a series of compositions ranging from 22 to 49 wt% POSS, the materials exhibited phase behavior dominated by either PCL crystallization or POSS crystallization, depending on composition. A particular composition exhibiting crystalline POSS with a sharp melting transition (42 wt% POSS; Tm = 86 C) and amorphous PCL was examined for SM characteristics, revealing excellent xing (>99%) and recovery (99%) with an associated modulus plateau below Tm that is quite at, thus enabling very sharp recovery.

Thermomechanical Conditioning of Shape Memory Polymers

Recent studies have found that the performance of an SMP can be dramatically impacted by the applied thermomechanical cycling conditions. In other words, the desired SM properties of a given composition can be obtained by thermomechanical conditioning. Hu et al. (52) comprehensively investigated the effect of various thermomechanical conditions on strain recovery. These researchers revealed the existence of optimum deformation temperature, leading to recoverable strains greater than 80%, which ranged from Tg 10 C to Tg + 50 C. Furthermore, recovery began most dramatically at the prior deformation temperature. In addition, time-dependent viscoelastic effects such as stress relaxation may also inuence the recoverable strain. Hu et al. (52) observed, in particular, that shape recovery decreased as strains increased from 100% to 300% and as strain rate was decreased. Morshedian et al. (53) conducted a similar experimental study on a lightly cross-linked low-density polyethylene (LDPE) system and found good correlation between occurrences of stress relaxation and irrecoverable strain. This nding led these investigators to develop a viscoelastic model (discussed in Shape Memory Modeling, below). Tobushi et al. (54) systematically studied the irrecoverable strain of a SMPU as a function of strain holding time, th , and deformation temperature, proposing an empirical relationship describing irrecoverable strain relative to holding strain, S, as S = SP 1 e ((th ts )/c ) , 1.

where SP , ts , and c are the saturated value of S, the critical time before irrecoverable strain appears, and a time constant, respectively. SP , ts , and c are determined experimentally and vary with the irrecoverable strain, the holding strain, and the holding time at a given deformation temperature. In addition, Tobushi et al. (52) proposed to control the amount of irrecoverable strain so as to obtain a desired new shape different from both the permanent and the rst temporary shape, a technique termed secondary shape forming. Similarly to recoverable strain, the recovery stress may also be affected by thermomechanical conditions. Here, the recovery process, termed constrained recovery, involves heating under conditions of xed strain while stress evolution is observed (6466). Gall et al. (55) studied the SM behavior of an epoxy-based SMP and found that the recovery stress depends largely on the deformation temperature of the sample. The sample deformed at a higher temperature (Td = 1.25 Tg ) showed a simple sigmoidal increase of stress upon heating, whereas the sample deformed at a lower temperature (Td = 0.75 Tg ) exhibited a peak in recovery stress with a much higher magnitude than that expected for the nal stress as dictated by the modulus at T > Tg . Similar Shape Memory Polymer Research 455

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observations of a recovery stress peak during constrained recovery have been reported for SMPs under compression (65, 67), tension (56), three-point bending (55, 57), and shear (57). In contrast to Tobushi et al. (54), this phenomenon was explained in terms of thermal expansion (56) and structural relaxation during the glass transition (58). The recovery temperature was also found to depend on thermomechanical conditions, especially the deformation temperature. As reported by Gall et al. (55), the recovery temperature of a highly cross-linked epoxy (Tg -based) SMP deformed at Td = 0.75 Tg was substantially lower than that of the same material deformed at Td = 1.25 Tg . Yakacki et al. (31) applied this principle to a series of SMP stents. They achieved almost complete recovery at 37 C by deforming the stent at room temperature even though the Tg of the materials ranged from 52 C to 55 C. Khonakdar et al. (59) observed a similar phenomenon for a Tm -triggered SMP. In this case, they explained the phenomenon in terms of the thinner crystallites formed at a lower temperature, which in turn melt at a lower temperature. Yakacki et al. (32) introduced the notion of a deformability peak in an attempt to maximize the SM response of polymers. Their new protocol for SMP testing is based on the understanding of the relationships between strain-to-failure, temperature, and polymer structure. The deformability peak corresponds to the peak in the strain-to-failure envelope of a material at varying temperature. In the deformability peak region, the material has optimal resistance to microcracking, owing to viscoelastic toughening, as well as the highest achievable strains. Therefore, an optimum deformation temperature should be selected within the temperature window of the deformability peak. For their acrylate-SMPs, the authors found the deformability peak was located at the glass transition onset.

Triggering Mechanisms
Although direct heat remains the main trigger of SM behavior in polymers, such an approach is not always practical. This opened the door to searching for alternative triggering mechanisms. Irradiation [UV, solar, infrared (IR)], electrical current, or magnetic eld have been used. Another method involves a shifting of an SMP transformation temperature during usage via molecular interaction with a surrounding solvent. For example, Yang and coworkers (60) effectively activated shape recovery of their ether-based SMPU at room temperature by immersion in water. By disrupting the intramolecular H bonding and acting as a plasticizer, water depressed Tg by 35 C and hence effectively allowed for room temperature actuation. Concurrently, however, the width of the transition increased from approximately 10 C to 40 C, thus leading to a decrease in shape recovery as well as recovery stresses. A similar approach was adopted by Lv et al. (61), who used DMF to trigger the SM response of a commercial styrene-based SMP. Although these solvation techniques effectively reduce Tg , allowing for room temperature actuation, the use of solvents may be undesirable for most applications. Moreover, the repeatability over consecutive cycles becomes questionable because xing of a temporary shape would require solvent removal from the SMP. By modifying chitosan (85% deacetylized) with PEG plasticization and diepoxide cross-linking, Chen and coworkers (62) unveiled a unique composition capable of strain xing through crystallization and rapid strain recovery by hydration. Focused on the vascular stenting application, the researchers processed spiral coils of chitosan/PEG strands that were then chemically xed by cross-linking to set the equilibrium shape. A subsequent exposure to water led to rapid hydration and concomitant radial expansion in a short period of 150 s with a 1-N expansion force. Although it is unlikely that water swelling of the samples was able to be completed in this timeframe, the spiral geometry may have allowed expansion as a consequence of surface hydration alone, although the authors did not offer an explanation for the rapid kinetics. Also in the area of solvent-induced
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strain recovery, Jung and coworkers (34) collaborated with one of us (P.T.M.) to demonstrate waterinduced shape recovery in a PEO-based polyurethanes bearing the strongly hydrophobic POSS moiety in the hard segment (16). Hard-segment contents of 30 to 50 wt% and a PEG molecular weight of 10 kDa were utilized. Bending strains that were xed by crystallizing the PEO soft phase were recovered incompletely (6585%) over the course of 300 s at 30 C. Improvements in this recovery are expected for TPUs with smaller hard-segment content or larger PEG molecular weight. Researchers have reported more promising triggering mechanisms that involve indirect heating through the application of an external stimulus. Small et al. (6365) used IR activation to allow safe in vivo deployment of SMP stents or SMP foams. For this purpose, these investigators studied the SM behavior of a commercial SMPU doped with various laser-absorbing dyes [e.g., indocyanine green (ICG) or Epolight 4121]. Their study of the ICG-doped SMPU in air showed promising results with full recovery in 5 s under irradiation at 800 nm and 900 to 1100 mW. They found that the optimum concentration of ICG in this case ranged from 0.08 to 1.56 M (64, 65). Yu & Ikeda (66) recently reviewed the various classes of polymeric systems developed for photo-actuation. They discussed the UV activation of polymer gels as a result of a change in osmotic pressure and the visible and IR activation of polymer gels as a result of indirect temperature changes. The UV-Vis activation of photochromic amorphous systems such as monolayer, gels, and lms was also reviewed. In this case, the isomerization of incorporated chromophores leads to molecular shape changes and/or dipole moment changes that translate into macroscopic shape changes. Yu & Ikeda (66) discussed research conducted on active liquid crystalline elastomers responding to irradiation through isomerization of embedded chromophores or to temperature gradients resulting from limited photon absorption. Finally, these researchers also reviewed the recent study by Lendlein et al. (43) that showed photoresponsiveness of polymer networks incorporating functionalities that covalently bond or debond upon irradiation at specic wavelengths in the UV or visible range. The use of electric currents as a triggering means for SM effect has also proven successful and was recently reported by Sahoo et al. (12, 67). Their initial work involved the use of a conductive polymer [polypyrrole (PPy)] as a coating layer of their in-house thermoplastic SMPU. At the percolation threshold of the PPy layer (10% loading), the electrical conductivity increased from 0.053 to 0.09 S cm1 . At 20% loading under a 40-V electric potential, 85% to 90% recovery was achieved in 25 s. A lower loading led to higher shape recovery with a slight rate penalty. This was explained by the combination of increased soft-segment crystallinity, tensile strength, and elongation at break at lower PPy content and the loss of integrity of the PPy network during deformation. Later, the authors investigated the effect of incorporating a combination of MWNTs and/or PPy (12). The highest electroconductivity (0.098 S cm1 ) and highest shape recovery (90% to 96%) were achieved for the samples containing 2.5 wt% of PPy (coating layer) and 2.5 wt% of dispersed MWNTs within the SMP matrix. Recovery was achieved within 20 s after application of the electric eld. Interestingly, although not discussed by the authors, the relatively high rubbery modulus of this material (110 MPa) may support higher recovery stress applications. Ratna & Karger-Kocsis (6) reviewed other conductive llers, such as vapor-grown carbon bers and carbon black, among others, used for electroactuation of SMPs. Using styrene-based thermoset SMPs, Leng et al. pursued the possibility of an electrically conductive SMPs suitable for resistive heating for the triggering of recovery (68). A combination of carbon black nanoparticles and short carbon bers was used, leading to an impressive electrical conductivity of = 2.3 S cm1 with 5% carbon black and 2% short carbon bers. Unfortunately, no electrically stimulated shape recovery was reported. It is hoped that research like this will persist to the desirable outcome of an electrically triggered SMP. Signicant progress was made in the preparation of partially conductive SMP blends through the dispersion of micrometer-scale nickel particles in a commercial SMP, Diaplex MS-5510 (69). Ni particles (57 m) were dispersed in Shape Memory Polymer Research 457

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the SMP using a solvent process in conjunction with magnetic-eld alignment that led to particle chaining and adequate resistive heating capacity. Joule heating of samples containing 10 vol% Ni raised the specimen temperature above Tg , inducing strain recovery (in exure) in 90 s for samples of a particular dimension. At this signicant loading, there is likely a compromise on strain limit of elastic response above Tg , though this aspect was not investigated. Additionally, there is certainly a benet to the thermal conductivity of the SMP composite, even for thermal triggering. Finally, electromagnetic actuation appears to have attracted the most interest recently. In this phenomenon, heat is generated through power losses of a magnetic ller. Reports have mostly focused on the actuation of SMPs targeting medical applications; however, in many cases, the eld strengths and frequencies largely exceed those applicable in medical applications. Indeed, recent reports show magnetically driven actuation using high frequencies and power ranging from 258 to 1400 kHz and 5 to 14 W, respectively (5860). The strategies involved in material development are the incorporation of magnetically responsive llers such as terfenol-D particles (70), Fe2 O3 /silica particles (71), Ni-Zn ferrite particles (6), and Fe3 O4 (i.e., magnetite) particles (72) within an SMP matrix. For instance, although incomplete, fast recovery for both the magnetite-lled acrylateSMP (tr = 20 s) developed by Schmidt (72) and the terfenol-D-lled commercial SMPU (tr = 90 s) prepared by Hazelton et al. (70) was achieved. Better shape recovery (91%) was achieved by Mohr et al. (71), who effectively triggered SM under varying eld strengths of their Fe2 O3 /silica particle-lled SMPU with a shape xity ranging from 98% to 118%. Thermal triggering of a SM polyurethane (Diaplex MP5510) (erroneously stated to be Tm based) was achieved by inductive heating of samples lled with nickel zinc ferrite at levels of 10 and 20 wt% (73). Interestingly, the particles selected were designed to feature inductive heating through the mechanism of magnetic hysteresis (instead of Eddy current) so that control of temperature at the Curie temperature, TC , could be assured. Although autonomous temperature control like this is an attractive concept, the temperatures achieved during exposure to 10 MHz electromagnetic elds were far below TC , and modest temperature rises of 11 C and 7 C in 45 s at 20 wt% and 10 wt%, respectively, were observed. In principle, this method of noncontact thermal triggering is very attractive for surgical deployment of SMPs; however, signicant improvements are needed in efciency of inductive heating and at frequencies safe for human tissue, or 50100 kHz, as noted by the authors. Razzaq et al. (74) more recently reported on a more viable electromagnetic actuation mechanism of a microsized magnetite-lled SMPU, using a lower frequency and eld strength (50 Hz and 4.4 kA m1 ). Actuation was possible at lower eld frequencies owing to the heat generation mechanisms involved with microsized magnetite. The SM response, however, was much slower than in other reports, with initiation of recovery at 4 min and full recovery at 20 min. Progress is still needed in the area of triggering mechanisms to develop viable solutions for a wide range of applications with targeted SM properties such as response speed, shape xing, and shape recovery.

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The majority of the research efforts on SMPs carried out in the past have concentrated on experimental work, including developing new chemical compositions, characterizing SM performance, and designing SMP-based devices for novel applications. Relatively few studies have committed to mathematically modeling the SM behavior. Among those studies using mathematical modeling, two approaches have generally been used. The rst approach utilizes standard linear viscoelasticity. It models the SMP with a combination of elastic and viscous units with temperature-dependent parameters. Using this approach, Morshedian et al. (53) developed a three-element model consisting of a Voigt unit (E and 1 ) and a single dashpot (2 with 2 1 ) connected in series to
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predict the relationship between stress relaxation and irrecoverable strain for a lightly cross-linked LDPE system. During stress relaxation at Th (Th > Ttrans ), the Voigt unit, initially bearing the total deformation strain, gradually transfers the strain to the single dashpot 2 while the total strain is held constant, following the derived equation: 1 1 + 1 d 2 + E = 0 t , dt 1 + 1 + 2 2.

where , t, and 0 are the strain of the Voigt unit, the strain holding time, and the initial stress before relaxation, respectively. is the system relaxation time with = 2 /E. Because the strain transferred to 2 is dissipated in the viscous process, it becomes irrecoverable. Using the same model, Khonakdar et al. (59) simulated the complete shape recovery process by introducing temperature dependency to 1 . Buckley et al. (75) adopted a generalized Voigt model with temperaturedependent retardation times and relaxed compliance. The model was able to predict Tmax , the temperature at which the maximum recovery rate is achieved, and T, the temperature window, and thus the sharpness of the recovery transition, on the basis of normalized retardation spectra obtained from experimental creep curves. Variation in cross-link density and cross-linker led to variation in retardation times and hence in Tmax and T, as the model predicted. The second general approach is based on the perspective of thermodynamics associated with SM behavior. Here, the SM behavior is believed to be due primarily to a transition from an entropic rubbery state (above the transition temperature, either Tm or Tg ) to an internal energydominated state (below the transition temperature, either glassy or semicrystalline). In the rubbery state, the deformation mainly causes a change in entropy, and the resulting stress can be determined by the entropic rubber theory. In the glassy (or semicrystalline) state, the entropic change is locked owing to a decreased mobility of individual polymer chains by a decrease in free volume or the presence of crystalline domains. Any resulting stress (at small strain levels; i.e., not considering yielding) is due primarily to changes in internal energy. Therefore, the entropic stress generated in the rubbery state is frozen, or stored, and can only be released by heating above Ttrans to reactivate the entropic changes. Under this general concept, various researchers have undertaken a mixture or biphasic approach, in which an SMP is represented as a mixture of two phases: a hard, internal energydominated frozen phase and a soft, active phase dominated by entropy changes. A rule of mixtures is applied, and the transition of state is modeled as a change of relative volume fractions of the two phases, with the use of a state variable (usually the fraction of one phase). The constructed model is then loaded with a prescribed thermomechanical setting and material properties input and used to represent the SM response by solving of the derived constitutive equations. Liu et al. (56) based their work on a biphasic mixture model similar to that described above. The strain of both phases is decomposed into three parts: = S + m + T , 3.

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where S , m , and T are the elastic strain stored in the frozen phase, the mechanical strain, and the thermal strain, respectively. Both the frozen and the active phases were modeled as linear elastic solids following the generalized Hookes laws, that is: = ( f Si + (1 f )Se )1 : ( S T ), 4.

where f , Si , and Se are the frozen-phase fraction, the elastic compliance tensor for the frozen phase (internal energy), and the elastic compliance tensor for the active phase (entropic change), respectively. During the phase transformation (glass transition), it is assumed that the newly formed frozen phase inherits the elastic strain of the active phase at that moment (m of the active phase Shape Memory Polymer Research 459

transfers to s ), and the temperature derivative of S can be obtained by dS d f = Se (T) : ( f Si + (1 f )Se )1 : ( S T ) . dT dT 5.

Finally, the glass transition process, characterized by f (T), is given by a phenomenological function: 1 f = 1 . 6. 1 + c f (Th T )n The two variables cf and n are determined experimentally via data tting. By use of two internal state variables, the frozen-phase fraction ( f ) and stored entropic strain (S ), the glass transition and the simultaneous strain storage/release process can be mathematically represented. The authors found that the one-dimensional equations derived from Equations 3 to 6 for uniaxial deformations reasonably represented the small strain SM response of an epoxy-based SMP in compression, in tension, or under no strain. They also demonstrated the applicability of the model for predicting the SM response under different exible external constraints. Qi et al. (58) developed a constitutive model based on a similar biphasic mixture assumption. The rubbery phase and the glassy phase were modeled with (a) a hyperelastic spring (Arruda-Boyce eight-chain model) and (b) a parallel combination of a hyperelastic spring and a viscoplastic component, respectively. The glass transition was treated similarly as did Liu et al. (56) by introducing temperature dependences of the rubbery and glassy phase fractions using a phenomenological function. The temporary shape is xed by the newly formed glassy phase, which takes the current conguration of the rubbery phase as its initial conguration. The model also considered the redistribution of the deformation in the material due to the evolving phase composition. The model can predict well the different stress-strain behaviors at different temperatures (above and below Tg ) as well as the unconstrained recovery response of a Tg -activated SMP under compression. However, discrepancy between the model and the experimental results was observed for constrained xing and recovery. Experimental results revealed stress decay well below Tg during shape xing and a distinct peak during constrained recovery. The model failed to capture either feature. This was rationalized by the authors (58) by delayed heat transfer and structural relaxation events during the glass transition. Another model, arguably more physically meaningful, was developed by the same group of authors by incorporating the time-dependent effects of both structural relaxationusing a nonlinear Adam-Gibbs modeland stress relaxation (76). A better prediction of stress evolution during constrained recovery process of a compressed SMP plug was achieved, as shown in Figure 4 for the case of a cross-linked poly(t-butyl acrylate) SMP. The authors also analytically evaluated the individual effects of structural relaxation and stress relaxation on shape recovery and found that they mainly affect the onset of strain recovery and recovery time (sharpness), respectively. In another work conducted by Diani et al. (77), a more thermodynamically driven framework was constructed. The transition from an entropic rubbery state to an internal energydominated glassy state was modeled by considering a heterogeneous material, represented as a Zener model, having two different deformation mechanisms, represented by an elastic component (for entropy) and a viscoelastic component (for internal energy). The deformation gradient, therefore, split into an elastic part and a viscous part, the evolution of which was determined on the basis of thermodynamic requirements (satisfying Clausius-Duhem inequality). The model favorably predicted the experimentally measured stress evolution during constrained shape xing and recovery steps (56). Chen & Lagoudas (78) developed another constitutive theory in the framework of classical nonlinear thermoelasticity for large deformations. The history dependency of the material was incorporated into the model by using the frozen reference conguration concept with the use of
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Experiments Simulations


Normalized stress


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Deform 100

Temperature (C)
Figure 4 Comparison of simulation and experiment for the stress resulting from constrained recovery of a cross-linked, glassy shape memory polymer. The sample was compressed at 100 C and then cooled and reheated at constant platen separation, leading to a complex stress response that was well modeled. Adapted with permission from Reference 76.

an internal state variable describing the volume fraction of the frozen phase. Chen & Lagoudas (78) also derived a linear constitutive model from the nonlinear theory by assuming small deformations and examined the model by comparing it with the experimental data from Liu et al. (65, 72). The models discussed above were all applied to Tg -activated SMPs. Relatively fewer studies have focused on Tm -activated SMPs, even though similar thermodynamic approximations could hold. Barot & Rao (79) employed a widely used framework known as multiple natural congurations to model SM response in Tm -activated SMPs. Within this framework, the amorphous and crystalline components of the SMP have their own natural congurations, or stress-free states. For the amorphous phase, regarded as an entropic rubber, the stress-free state would be the undeformed state corresponding to maximum entropy. For the crystalline phase, the assumption is that all crystals are formed in a stress-free state. In other words, the natural state, or the state corresponding to the lowest free energy of a crystal, is the state when the crystal is formed under strain during cooling. The tendency of each phase to return to its natural conguration represents the basis of the SM behavior in this approach. The model, with prescribed crystallization and melting kinetics equations, was applied to qualitatively represent typical SM cycles under both uniaxial deformation and circular shear. The model was able to capture most of the features exhibited by Tm -based SMPs. This model predicted an increase of strain during cooling under constant tensile stress (cooling-induced elongation), a somewhat counterintuitive phenomenon. However, this was observed experimentally by others and was utilized for two-way SM (39). In a later paper (80), Barot et al. extended the model to t a full thermodynamic framework and derived constitutive equations that are invariant of mechanical stress and strain states, e.g., multiaxial and uniaxial, among others. Kafka (81) took a different, meso-mechanical approach. His model considered an SMP as composed of two different continuous substructural components: a resistant component that Shape Memory Polymer Research 461

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maintains elasticity with a constant Youngs modulus and a compliant component that deforms in a time/temperature-dependent elastic-plastic-viscous manner. The internal variables, which describe the mechanical properties as well as the volume fractions of the two substructures, were estimated on the basis of experimental data and an approximation scheme. The model was demonstrated in a small strain SM system, but the concept appeared promising for future applications to large strain systems. Because SMPs represent a class of polymeric materials having a large variety of chemical compositions, triggering mechanisms, and thermomechanical responses, developing a mathematical model, especially a generalized model for SMPs, is intrinsically difcult. Nevertheless, some progress has been achieved, as we hope we have shown. The interplay among thermodynamics, viscoelasticity, heat transfer, chain dynamics, phase transition, and other factors often results in complexity difcult to capture in tractable models, rendering a thorough analysis difcult. Given that most models are phenomenological in nature and only focus on certain aspects (e.g., thermodynamics versus viscoelasticity) while ignoring others for simplicity, the broad applicability of the models to predict experimental results under different conditions remains questionable. In fact a majority of the models discussed above were only applicable or tested for specic materials and/or a specic set of thermomechanical conditions (e.g., small strain). However, the ever-growing interest that SMPs have witnessed in the past several years and the ongoing research efforts that focus more on a fundamental phenomenological understanding of SMPs are signs that better, more in-depth understanding and modeling of SMPs is on the horizon.


Researchers have proposed a myriad of potential applications for SMPs that include smart clothing, space and medical applications, smart structural repair, recongurable tooling (3), microelectromechanical systems, actuators, self-healing, health monitoring, biomedical devices (82), self-repairing auto bodies, kitchen utensils, switches, sensors, intelligent packing, heat-shrinkable tubes, and biosensors (6). Specic examples from recent works are detailed below.

Medical Applications
In a recent review, Dietsch & Tong (3) reported that 50% to 70% of the patents covering SMP technology target medical applications. Some of the current commercial sources that provide minimally invasive surgery solutions such as New Ortho Polymers, MnemoScience, and MedShape Solutions were cited. Also cited was All Fit China, which provides custom-tted perforated medical casts. Although some commercial SMP solutions for applications in the medical eld already exist, researchers are investigating new ways of using SMPs. Ortega et al. (83) developed and studied an ingenious dialysis needle adapter wherein a compacted (xed) SMP tube is threaded through the dialysis needle and expanded thermally (through blood contact) to yield an equilibrium shape that diverges in cross section. Following dialysis, the SMP adapter can be retracted through the needle. This ow geometry was designed to reduce intimal hypertension and stenotic lesions by reducing vascular wall shear stress through reduction of ow separation and associated ow oscillations. Model experiments and complementary simulation results clearly demonstrated the benecial impact of using the SMP adapter on the streamlines from the needle shows the schematic design. Many of the magnetically triggered SMPs discussed above targeted medical applications; they avoid the use of direct heat. Schmidt (72) discussed an interesting application in tumor therapy.





Dialysis needle (0.16-cm ID, 0.18-cm OD)

AV graft

SMP adapter


0.6 cm

1.7 cm

1.7 cm

7.3 cm

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Jet impingement
Figure 5 A shape memory polyurethanebased dialysis needle adapter. Shown is (a) the shape memory polymer (SMP) adapter design with the tubular adapter deployed and experimental ow visualizations (b) without and (c) with use of the SMP adapter, revealing desirable ow control. Adapted from Reference 83. ID, inner diameter; OD, outer diameter; AV, arteriovenous.

The magnetite-lled SMP could be inserted via minimally invasive surgery where needed. After deployment near the tumor, localized treatment is afforded, thus preventing unwanted heating of the surrounding healthy tissues as opposed to current techniques. Sharp et al. (84) described the use of a commercial epoxy as a self-deploying neuronal electrode. Their aim was to nd a solution to minimize tissue damage during brain implantation (e.g., astrocytosis) that rapidly renders the probe decient after implantation as well as to increase the compliance of the electrodes. Extremely slow rates of implantation have been promising in reducing postimplantation tissue damage. Although such rates are surgically impractical, SMPs would offer appropriate in vivo, postsurgical deployment rates. Although the shape recovery was low (35% after 20 h), Sharp et al. (84) believe that adequate design may account for such small value. The measured recovery forces indicated that sufcient force up to 300 m insertion depth could be achieved. Although such a device has not optimized, it certainly proved feasibility for this concept. Several published reports have proposed the use of SM technology for thrombus removal. The main benet lies in the fact that such SMP devices would replace the use of clot-dissolving drugs. Specically, Small et al. (64, 65) described preliminary in vitro studies of a indocyanine greendoped SMPU that can be activated by IR irradiation. Fast recovery response in air (tr 5 s) was demonstrated. Preliminary calculations appeared to indicate that deployment in blood would require approximately 11 times more laser power. Also, Small et al. (85) developed an interesting prototype that uses the SM effect of both SMAs and SMPs. Here, the SMP served as a means of maintaining the straightening stress for endovascular delivery of the device as well as relaxing the stress to allow for actuation of the underlying NiTi. An electrical current provided for Joule heating of the SMA and, consequently, heating of the surrounding SMP. The SMP, adopting its low-modulus state, allowed for the NiTi phase transformation and hence for recovery from the straight shape to the corkscrew shape with tr = 5 s in water at 0.8 A current. Another medical application of SMP involves the treatment of endovascular embolization of fusiform aneurysms. Small et al. (63) developed a prototype that uses a combination of an SMP Shape Memory Polymer Research


stent and an SMP foam. There, the purpose of the stent was to maintain the lumen open in the parent artery while the foam activated the embolization of the aneurysm. This technique would provide a treatment solution of non-necked fusiform aneurysms as well as an alternative to the stent- and balloon-assisted coil embolization of wide-necked aneurysms. The triggering strategy involved photothermal actuation via laser irradiation of the IR-dye-doped commercial SMPU as allowed by the presence of the diffuser. Light can be used to trigger the shape recovery of a vascular SMP stent through a photothermal effect wherein the light absorbed by a dye in a host polymer leads to heat production. Baer and coworkers (86) developed and studied a prototype vascular stent and deployment testing system that utilized a Tg -based thermoplastic SMPU, Diaplex MM5520, doped with a light-absorbing Pt-based dye. The equilibrium (stress-free) state was chosen to be that of an expanded diameter, and this stent was crimped with SM xing on a ber optic and combined light diffusion/SMP foam. Studies of light-activated deployment of the crimped state toward the expanded diameter were conducted in a unique artery model (silicone rubber tube) with and without blood simulant (water). The expansion was quite effectivepossibly avoiding the need for balloon-aided expansionbut only at high power and without any water ow (convective cooling). The effect of the added dye on the biocompatibility of the system was not examined. We expect similar work to be pursued in the future with biodegradable and biocompatible polymers, ideally with built-in photothermal absorption capacity. Sokolowski et al. (87) discuss a similar approach in their review of medical applications of SMPs. They showed encouraging in vivo testing of CHEM (cold hibernated elastic memory) foams for treating aneurysms. In addition, other benets of SMP technology for biomedical applications were reviewed. First, SMPs offer a wide range of easily manufactured forms such as tubular mesh, foams, tubes, and coils. Second, SMP medical devices intrinsically would offer improvements to current technologies such as avoidance of arterial wall injury, custom tting, and cost reduction. Similarity in mechanical properties (tan ) of SMPs and of human skin would provide for a natural feel if SMPs were used as smart degradable bandages/wound closures, articial skin, or implants. When used as stent materials, they could be designed to release embedded drugs, resulting in a decrease in restonesis and thrombosis after implantation. Sokolowski et al. (87) also discussed the possible use of SMPs as deployable elements of implants such as vascular grafts, cardiac pacemakers, and articial hearts. Finally, these authors foresaw that CHEM foams or composites would be good candidates for the replacement of diseased arteries or scaffolds for tissue engineering especially for bone. Zheng et al. (88) also reported similar applications (i.e., orthopedics, bone implants, dental reparation). SMP stents have been largely investigated in the past because they would allow for minimally invasive surgery and controlled deployment at body temperature. Yakacki and coworkers (31, 32) reviewed their advantages, such as the possibility of embedding drugs within stents to reduce rejection responses. Interestingly, they discussed the promises of SMPs for pediatric stenting in which the stent would grow with the patient, offering an evident competitive advantage over metal stents.

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Space Applications
Sokolowski & Tan (36) provided an overview of conventional and SMP-based deployable structures for space applications. The authors reviewed the CHEM technology by describing their structure, advantages, and possible improvements. They described the benet of using uniformly and evenly distributed micrometer-sized cells so as to enhance the mechanical properties and isotropy of properties of the resulting SMP. Moreover, they considered using solar blankets with
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high ratio of solar absorptivity to IR emissivity as a new SM means. Some of the main applications discussed include nano-rover wheels for Mars applications, spring-lock truss elements for large boom structures, and solar sails that involve the use of CNT-loaded CHEM microfoams. The main advantage of using SMPs for space applications is that they would represent a large reduction in volume, weight, and cost compared with traditional self-deploying techniques. Interestingly, such SM systems could potentially be made of any form so as to produce systems and/or subsystems such as packages, tanks, rods, tubes, boom, wheels, and chassis (3). Another application involves the use of SMPs for aircraft morphing skins (3). Here, the SMP would provide for a continuous skin material that effectively transferred ight loads to the underlying structural members. Furthermore, upon activation the SMP would allow the internal structures to change shape and/or conguration. After activation the SMP would return to its high-modulus state, resume normal operation, and again bear structural load.
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Recently, interest has grown for smart textiles, as evidenced by increased reporting on the processing and characterization of SM bers. Meng & Hu (11, 89) reported on the processing of PCLbased polyurethane melt-spun bers. They showed that reinforcing the polymer with MWNTs proved useful for increasing the mechanical properties and hence the recovery stresses of the bers, as well as for increasing shape recovery. Also discussed was the effect of hot versus cold drawing as deformation means in an attempt to mimic the deformation that occurs in textiles at room temperature upon creasing. Vili (90) reviewed the use of SMAs and SMPs for interior smart textile applications, especially for use as room partition, wall hanging, and window treatments. Although the author largely focused on manufacturing considerations, she indicated possible triggering mechanisms, such as temperature changes, sunlight, or electric currents. Moreover, she briey reviewed commercial technologies that use SMPs for smart clothing. For example, she discusses the auto-sleeve-shortening shirt that was developed by Corpo Nove and the line of sports clothing by DiAPLEX (a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries), also mentioned by Dietsch & Tong (3). In the latter case, the activation resulted in opening of the fabric microstructure upon an increase in the surrounding temperature. SMP ber electrospinning, as an alternative to melt spinning, has also been investigated. Zhuo et al. (91) described the synthesis of electrospun SMPU bers that reached 80% shape xity and 98% shape recovery at equilibrium. Interestingly, these bers also exhibited changes in optical properties, hydroabsorbency, and water vapor permeability. As foreseen by the authors, this could open the door for applications as smart lters or membranes (i.e., novel temperature-sensitive membranes for water vapor permeability) if such bers are assembled as nonwoven mats.

Structural Applications
As mentioned above, Dietsch & Tong (3) in a recent review discussed commercial sources of smart structural repair solutions based on SMP technology. These are manufactured under the trade names RecRepairTM and Rubbn RepairTM by Cornerstone Research Group. Advantageously, these offer good conformability during application above their transformation temperature and higher resistance to peeling as well as higher structure integrity (compared with tape) after cooling to the service temperature (<Ttrans ). Other structural applications have been reported; for example, Schmidt (72) indicated the possibility of using their magnetite-lled SMP as a hot melt glue using microwaves as the triggering mechanism. Furthermore, Xie & Xiao (92) developed a self-peeling reversible adhesive that was based on epoxy-SMP and that, when combined with a Shape Memory Polymer Research 465

Adhesive bonding (heat and preload)

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Figure 6 (a) Reversible adhesion through combination of a pressure-sensitive adhesive (gray) and shape memory polymer (SMP) (blue). (b) In the SMP xed state, good adhesion is possible (60 kPa). (c) Because the SMP equilibrium shape is designed to be curved, thermally induced recovery allows facile peeling. Adapted from Reference 92.

pressure-sensitive adhesive, showed features similar to those of a gecko foot. Assembling the conguration shown in Figure 6, with a curved equilibrium SMP shape, and applying pressure above Tg yielded high pull-off strength (60 kPa). Heating above Tg triggered SMP recovery and self-peeling. The entire process can be repeated and thus offers a new paradigm in dry adhesives.

On the basis of our study of the recent research activity regarding SMPs, we can say with certainty that research in this area is ourishing with a high level of innovation (from molecular to device levels) and continued improvement in our understanding of underlying mechanisms at work. However, the eld is far from mature, and we have observed a need for further research in a number of areas. In the area of SMP compositions, we see the need for new SMPs that allow precision tailoring of triggering breadth and recovery rate. Biodegradable SMP nanocomposites will require the incorporation of nanoscale llers that are biocompatible or even resorbable. More attention is needed in the area of thermal and mass diffusivity enhancements and understanding for thermal- and solvent-triggered SMPs, respectively. The small thermal diffusivity of polymers remains a limitation, and improving thermal diffusivity without compromising elasticity presents a substantial challenge. Continued research in mechanics modeling is needed, particularly research focusing on accurate modeling of time-dependent and nite-strain SM phenomena. The current research trends point toward continued application development and innovations in the medical
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arena. We anticipate with excitement similar efforts in the elds of architecture, sensors, and robotics.

SUMMARY POINTS 1. Research in the area of shape memory polymers (SMPs) is quite active and continuing to grow at a rapid rate. 2. Many new SMP compositions have been introduced and studied to reveal structureproperty relationships and new shape memory mechanisms. 3. Signicant attention is being placed on creative xing and recovery mechanisms, including photo-activated and noncovalent or reversible covalent network formation.
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4. Development and study of SMP nanocomposites have revealed signicant advantages to be gained by polymer reinforcement at the nanoscale. 5. Application developments for SMPs are diverse, from vascular stents and neuronal probes to reversible adhesives and smart textiles. 6. The future for SMPs is bright, and we anticipate further expansion in the breadth of materials and the depth of our fundamental understanding and a diverse utilization of SMPs in a range of application areas.

The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

P.T.M. acknowledges support of the National Science Foundation under DMR-0758631. LITERATURE CITED
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Annual Review of Materials Research Volume 39, 2009

Materials Advances for Next-Generation Microelectronics Molecular Electronics James R. Heath p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1 Phase Change Materials Simone Raoux p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25 Porous pSiCOH Ultralow-k Dielectrics for Chip Interconnects Prepared by PECVD Alfred Grill p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p49 Thin-Film Organic Electronic Devices Howard E. Katz and Jia Huang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p71 Immersion Lithography: Photomask and Wafer-Level Materials Roger H. French and Hoang V. Tran p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p93 Materials for Optical Lithography Tool Application Harry Sewell and Jan Mulkens p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 127 Nanoimprint Lithography Materials Development for Semiconductor Device Fabrication Elizabeth A. Costner, Michael W. Lin, Wei-Lun Jen, and C. Grant Willson p p p p p p p p p p p 155 High-/Metal Gate Science and Technology Supratik Guha and Vijay Narayanan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 181 Strain: A Solution for Higher Carrier Mobility in Nanoscale MOSFETs Min Chu, Yongke Sun, Umamaheswari Aghoram, and Scott E. Thompson p p p p p p p p p p p p p 203 Size-Dependent Resistivity in Nanoscale Interconnects Daniel Josell, Sywert H. Brongersma, and Zsolt T kei p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 231 o Carbon Nanotube Interconnects Azad Naeemi and James D. Meindl p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 255 Materials for Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory J.M. Slaughter p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 277

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Current Interest Chameleon Coatings: Adaptive Surfaces to Reduce Friction and Wear in Extreme Environments C. Muratore and A.A. Voevodin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 297 Doped Oxides for High-Temperature Luminescence and Lifetime Thermometry M.D. Chambers and D.R. Clarke p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 325 Plasticity of Micrometer-Scale Single Crystals in Compression Michael D. Uchic, Paul A. Shade, and Dennis M. Dimiduk p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 361
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Recent Progress in the Study of Inorganic Nanotubes and Fullerene-Like Structures R. Tenne and G. Seifert p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 387 Recent Progress in Theoretical Prediction, Preparation, and Characterization of Layered Ternary Transition-Metal Carbides Jingyang Wang and Yanchun Zhou p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 415 Shape Memory Polymer Research Patrick T. Mather, Xiaofan Luo, and Ingrid A. Rousseau p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 445 Solid-Surface Characterization by Wetting Abraham Marmur p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 473 Index Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 3539 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 491 Errata An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Materials Research articles may be found at



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