The Living Word

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THE NETHERLANDS International School of the Golden Rosycross Bakenessergracht n-15,

Haarlem, The Netherlands Translated from the Dutch: Het Levende Woord Rozekruis
Pers, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 1989 ISBN 90 673 245 8 � 2001 Rozekruis Pers,
Haarlem, The Netherlands Contents Preface 9 1 Daily walking with God 11 2 The
fourth dimension 16 3 The three fundamental rays of the Seven-Spirit 23 4 The
seventh seal 29 5 John on Patmos 35 6 The mission of the Spiritual School 40 7 0
death, where is thy victory? 44 8 The kingdom of the sons of the serpents 49 9 The
birth of the caduceus 53 10 The resurrection of the human temple 54 11 The
struggle, the purpose and the realisation of 59 life 12 The three fires of grace 67
13 A journey through the Morning Land of the Spirit 75 14 The voice of the silence
79 15 The Triple Alliance of the Light 83 16 Any change has to begin in the blood
88 17 The Apocalypse and the mission of the Spiritual 97 School 18 The secret of
gnostic magic 102 19 The travellers to Emmaus ro8 20 The central position of the
etheric body 21 Human respiration I2 3 22 Hermes' song of praise 126 23 The birth
of the mental body 131 24 The fundamental principle of good 137 25 The endocrine
system and its significance in the 141 course of human development 26 Jesus and
John I45 27 From nature birth to Divine birth 149 28 Kundalini: the power of
eternity 155 29 Intelligence and intellect 165 30 A new Shamballa 170 31 Mode of
life 176 32 The teachings, the life and the way of the cross of 180 Christ 33 The
responsibility of the worker 185 34 The mysterof the Sphinx and the Pyramid 187 35
Blessed are they yearn for the Spirit 196 36 The good that does not perish 203 37
Transfiguration in the time of the end 207 38 The fire of the Holy Spirit 214 39
Prepare yourself for the great Day of the Lord 220 40 What should I abstain from?
228 41 The coming of God's people on earth 233 42 The first and the second path 241
43 The time has come 246 44 Inner enlightenment 253 45 Unity-responsibility-
directedness 259 46 Women's calling 264 Preface T he mission of this book
containing forty-six sepa.rate, unrelated chapters is to bring the message of the
Living Salvation -that can be found in the Gno.sis -to all who are yearning to lift
themselves up from their physical soul state to the state of the Spirit-Soul human
being by a process of transmutation. However, the path of the liberation of the
soul must be rea.lised by everyone individually. How and in what way the path of
the liberation of the soul must be walked, has been described extensively in this
book. May the content of this book become a Living Word for every reader! CATHAROSE
DE PETRI 1 Daily walking with God T he question of whether God is far, far away
from us or whether he is so close that we can feel his touch is one that is
centuries old and has stirred many emo.tions during human existence. The practice
of life has cer.tainly proven that for one person God is infinitely far away, as in
a distant future, while for another person God is so close that he feels like a
child in God's house. No matter how divergent these two ways of experiencing God
may be, in fact they give both types of people the same perspective and the same
result. We shall try to approach this urgent question as closely as possible. What
could be meant by the expression 'walking with God'? As the human being is equipped
with a respiratory system we could immediately conclude that every human being
with.out exception partakes of God's love, God's light and God's power, even though
he may not be aware of this. You probably know that mystics know for a fact that inhaling it is not only oxygen that comes in, but that also spiritual and
etheric forces enter the human system. In addi.THE LIVING WORD tion, improbable as
it may seem, a person can spread God's power, God's light and God's love through
his exhalation. If a person were able to allow the inhaled divine forces to be
properly active via his blood stream, then thinking focused on love, a purified
will, and just actions would emanate from him. And as far as inhaling and exhaling
are concerned, is equally close to Him. The only difference is that spreads Him in his own way according to his state of inner development.
Everyone breathes Him out in accordance with the nature of his more or less
purified blood system. Hence the important words of the Bible: 'Not what goes into
the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth', for that determines his
current state of life. God ap.proaches us all, and without any hesitation we take
Him up into our damaged system. And with our hearts, chilled to a greater or lesser
extent, and with our brains, degenerated to a greater or lesser extent, we want to
spread God, we want to walk with God, daily if possible. In the world of mystics
the term 'walking with God' is used a great deal. With his heart the sensitive
mystic seeks the hidden communion with divine forces. With his 'I' he ex.periences
his fellowship with God, which gives rise to the thought that there is a harmonious
link between him and his Creator, and so he tries to accomplish that link in this
way. When we as thinking people focus on this, it turns out that such daily walking
with God is impossible and at best can only be a daily reflection about God. I2
This subject concerns everyone, both men and women. Women are just as important as
men are. In the Spiritual School the important thing is that female pupils, just
like the holy women in the Holy Scriptures of all ages, acquire understanding of
and insight in their enormous power and their priestly calling. This is a work in
the service of God's Hierarchy and all who understand the laws of the divine light
are called to this. When the New Jerusalem descends from heaven, then know that all
who belong to the Kingdom of the Light have worked for the establishment of the New
Era. Accordingly both men and women, in the past as well as the present, are called
to this task. The present shows them breaking through and shaking off all inferior
limitations, thus enabling them to raise their inner Christ into the unwa.vering
light. Whether you are indeed standing in the Light of Truth, you can check for
yourselves in all your actions by looking at the results of your activities: do the
results create fetters? Or are they liberating? If the effect of your action
creates fetters to this nature order, it is the dynamism of your natural desires
that is oper.ating. If the results of your activity are liberating, it is the
prin.ciple of Life -the Light of Jesus the Christ -that is doing its work in you
and you will be working on a totally new refor.mation of life. Then you will be
entering a totally new structure of life. Then you will be co-operating in the
realisation of the new THE LIVING WORD soul human being within you. Then you are a
fellow builder in the realisation of a new Heaven-Earth. As every activity takes on
a concrete form, a new struc.ture can be built up within you by the activity of the
element of the free will that is borne by the Holy Spirit. It is above all this
element of the renewed free will that aims for the realisation of a radiant new
soul life and that will take you from there to the all-encompassing wisdom,
en.abling you to manifest yourself totally in the present. In this way you will
build up the structure of the imper.ishable soul human being within you, in your
purified ether field, after your old natural state has been broken up comple.and
through you -His work which has no other aim but to link you to God. Because
someone who is reborn as to the soul cannot work in a place that still reeks of the
waste products of the decadent human being, we hope that it is clear to you why
your body must meet the requirements of a renewing life be.fore it can serve as a
temple. Once you have declared yourself to be ready, once you realise the radiant
soul life, once you penetrate to the divine allow the' I of your self' to decrease;
as you know yourself to be less and less in this world. Then He, the One reborn as
to the soul, will be nearer than hands and feet, for He is in you. He will walk
before you, and in his footsteps you will follow the Resurrected One, the totally
Renewed One within you. On this basis you will be taken up into his daily
fellow.ship. There will no longer be any mystical, hidden faith, but a strong bond
of love between God and the human being, and there can be no separation, because
He, who was born and resurrected in you, and the Father are one. By fulfilling the
law of the light in your own life you will soon be able to walk with God, who is
light, love and power, until the Christian delusion is totally transformed into
true Christian experiencing. You will have understood by now that everyone is being
activated for this task which is so comprehensive that words cannot express it. Be
aware: the highest place in the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross manifested
sevenfold can be occupied by both men and women, provided they meet the required
conditions. May the time soon arrive that everyone will share in this and that the
dove of peace, with its new message, will over.shadow you with its imperishable
light! So be it! 2 The fourth dimension I t has appeared repeatedly that there are
still many pu.pils for whom it is very difficult to form a correct image, and hence
a correct understanding, of a microcosm which, although an eternal being, can
nevertheless be broken and damaged. This is why we would like to discuss this now.
A life wave of souls or microcosms is generated by and born out of the divine
thought irradiating the surrounding
astral original nature, in the same way as our thoughts cause the formation of
sparks in our astral body. Having been born, the microcosm goes on in a process of
self-realisation, for the divine thought drives the astral spark. Thus ethers are
re.leased in the field of manifestation of the microcosm and these concentrate
around the nucleus or rose of the micro.cosm and adopt the form of the thought
image that underlies was once cre.ated out of eternity, and he was naturally and
spontaneously linked to the Father. But the human being, who in primeval times
abused his freedom and has proven his resisting nature, knows only too well what
has become of him. The original glorified r6 body is not able to manifest itself.
It disappeared, because an etheric-physical body has the property that, if it is
not formed out of an astral mother field, it will dissipate into nothing. The
result is that the original ensouling factor, the microcosm, the soul, has then
become inactive and empty and is not able to manifest itself. And the Spirit that
caused the original miracle has withdrawn. By an earthly birth process a
personality is now born and linked with a soul. That personality is in itself
another miracle of God's love, for it should be seen as part of an emer.gency order
plan to bring the original fallen human being back to life. The calling of the
earthly personality as a tempo.rary phenomenon is to liberate its soul, its
microcosm, from its imprisonment through self-surrender and by merging, through the
endura, into the Other One, who must be resur.rected. At present the microcosm is
bound to its system of time and space, but when the Spirit, the soul and the
transfigured personality are reunited, the microcosm will be fit to re-enter the
divine state of omnipresence. Until then the microcosm remains broken and damaged.
This is why the call resounds continuously for everyone to accomplish this great
work of salvation in and through the great power of the original nature. In the
first place this great and holy light power should irradiate your entire body. The
mode of life that is required of you is that of becoming enlightened.Just like
Simeon you must become a soul that seeks the Spirit. You must bring your I7 THE
LIVING WORD whole life into harmony with that. At a psychologically suita.ble point
of time the light will make its great entry into your microcosm and be seen by you.
For this it is necessary that you place your feelings, thoughts and acts of the
will under the radiation power of the holy breath, so that the soul can come to
life in the vital body and link up with the Seven.Spirit. The inner Christ will
then take over the government of the Johannine human being and where the devoted
'I' can.not succeed, the soul will end all the difficulties in the person.ality's
existence and lead it to the victory, namely Golgotha, the prelude to the
resurrection. Then the first task of Jesus Christ in the human being will have been
accomplished. Possibly you will understand what happens when the can.didate in the
Gnostic mysteries is able to raise his soul state up to the Father and to tear
himself loose from the nature aeons, due to the urge of the call of the Spirit.
Having stepped into the temple of his deepest inner self, he beholds. He sees the
living Other One. And in experiencing this pure 'vision' he also beholds the
process of development of every fallen child of God, leading from the nature of
death into the liberating nature of this true vision. The development of the
intuition is truly the awakening of the soul, and is connected to the true birth of
the soul and the installation of the soul in the open space behind the frontal
bone. r8 Awakening in the Spirit-Soul field and entering the pure astral sphere of
the magnetic Living Body requires an abso.lutely new vision, namely seeing and
entering what we call the fourth dimension, the fourth measurement of space. We
know three dimensions: height, length and width. We experience our living space
through these three dimensions. No matter how wide we make or imagine this three-
dimen.sional space, it always has limits, it always has restrictions and it always
means imprisonment. This imprisonment is experi.enced unconsciously in our time, as
we can see in the scienti.fic attempts to reach other planets, our earth being
known completely from a three-dimensional point of view. In the in.domitable
pressure which evolution exerts on humanity, the three dimensions are becoming too
restrictive, too oppres.sive. Science reacts to this oppression in a three-
dimensional way, by trying to make the three-dimensional space as spa.cious and as
wide as possible. It is clear that the difficulties connected with this would cease
immediately if there were a fourth dimension and this were to be experienced as a
reality by science. That fourth dimension does exist! It is the dimension that
could be called the absolutely passable. We would like to de.scribe it as the
reality of Omnipresence. It is the dimension that completely eliminates time,
distance and past, present and future, the now and the soon to be. If humanity
could possess this fourth dimension, there would be absolutely no need to go to the
moon, Mars, Venus or Mercury, for example, because reflecting about the moon THE
LIVING WORD would mean, seen in the fourth dimension, being on the moon. In short,
possessing the fourth dimension means the faculty of omnipresence. It is
very curious for a human being with three-dimen.sional sight to imagine such a
faculty.Yet the fourth dimen.sion is only the door to the fifth, sixth and seventh
dimen.sions. These seven dimensions lie at the basis of the atom, which has seven
aspects. The human being, who is made up of atoms, is in principle fundamentally
omnipresent. But he is not con.scious of this, for his consciousness and his
present faculties are three-dimensional. The omnipresent consciousness bestows the
capability of being conscious anywhere it wishes to be, although it re.mains in one
particular spot. Intuition is the gate to this. The new vision is the first step in
the realisation of the fourth di.mension. After this explanation you will
understand how fatal it is to leave oneself open to the astral influences of
ordinary dia.lectical nature. The human field of life is totally polluted. The
atmosphere of human life with its astral and etheric causes and effects is totally
saturated with them. As your field of life is also your field of respiration, you
are imprisoned in this down to your very seed, down to your progeny. How true
therefore are the words in the Old Testament that the sins of the fathers are
visited upon the children to the third and the fourth generation. Why only to the
third and fourth generation? Because a cause of sin can at most ex.tend to the
third or fourth generation. But a new cause is usually implied in its results.
Whoever does not commence the changed mode of life on the basis of the awakened
soul and persevere in this, will never reach any gnostic goal. Every type of magic
is achieved by means of the breath. Whoever is incapable of protecting himself
against harmful astral influences will be victimised absolutely. To the extent that
the form of the personality is gradually extinguished by a positive new life, and
that it is changing, that it is being ruled by the soul, the fifth ray of the
Seven.Spirit will begin to carry out its task. Then the summit of the mountain has
been reached. A new, wondrous light be.gins to touch and charge the pupil. And this
light is active in a purely mental way. For the first time in his life the pupil
can truly think purely, because his mental organs have been opened up for this.
Sensory renewal is accomplished in perfect harmony with the manifestation of the
seven rays of the Seven-Spirit -provided the pupil does what the inner process
requires ofahim. He will be supported by the liberating Universal Teach.mgs.aThe
mind corresponds to the fifth ray. If you are led into the sphere of activity of
the fifth sense, you will immediately discover that the mind is much more than a
sensory organ. The mind is the vehicle for and of thinking. The mind is the vehicle
of the mental body. When the rational mind begins to be aroused, this means the
birth of the mental body which is 2I THE LIVING WORD as yet lacking in every human
being of the nature of death. It is only as a result of this birth that true human
genesis begins. In the ancient teachings a human being was sometimes referred to as
Adamas, which is related to the word Man or Manas, i.e. Thinker. The co-operation
of the pupil standing in the new mode of life, with the fifth ray of the Seven-
Spirit means nothing less than the birth, the true manifestation of the mind as
meant by God, the manifestation of the true mental body, and hence: the
manifestation of the rational mind. power present and active in your head sanctuary
to enable you to understand and grasp all this. 3 The three fundamental rays of the
Seven-Spirit T he root of the serpent-fire system, the plexus sacralis, is
connected either to the light-power system of dia.lectics, the system of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil, or to the light-power system of the universal
Seven-Spirit, the system of the tree of life. You must realise clearly that by
means of the streams of light, root substance of a particular composition is being
ra.diated to you and is entering your system. Root substance is building material,
cosmic material. The threefold serpent-fire system absorbs this building material
via its root system, draws it upward into the head sanctuary, and fills the seven
brain cavities with it. It is out of these seven elementary building materials that
a human being lives, that a human being exists as to his
or her entire state of being. They determine the density and nature of the various
vehicles of the personality. It therefore makes an enormous difference with which
spaces and states of root substance a human being is connected. When we say 'God is
light', we mean that the Logos sends building materials to us via his light, and
with the aid of these THE LIVING WORD we will be able to carry out his plan for us
and for the All.are also seven root elements out of which a human being must live.
The ancients called them the seven harmonies. The candidate in the Gnostic
mysteries must be able to react to these seven harmonies completely. He has to be
able to pos.sess them completely and to store them in the seven brain The true
human being, who possesses an active threefold serpent fire, absorbs a fundamental
threefold prana via his threefold tree of life. This threefold prana is
concentrated in the three higher brain cavities and, being fundamental, it opens up
therest of the system for the four other streams of life. In the dialectical human
being, in whom the two canals of the sympathetic cords are not connected via the
plexus sacra.lis, onlyone fundamental stream of life can enter in the way mentioned
above, with the result that the three higher brain cavities are filled with one and
the same 'breath of life'. You will be able to imagine that a disturbance in such a
fundamen.tal organism will not only make a human being abnormal, but at the same
time will make him in all respects different from what is included in the plan. The
three fundamental breaths must co-operate in the three higher brain cavities if
there is to be any question of original human genesis. These three can be
indicated, outside of the mysteries, by the numbers I -5 -7, or by the Trinity:
Father -Son -Holy Spirit. The group of dialectical people that can react to the
firsteray only shows the signature of having an ineradicable drive for a religious
mode of life. The group of dialectical people that can react to the fifth ray only
constantly strives for the expansion of the intellectual faculty, and the group
which is completely attuned to the seventh ray is constantly busy per.forming
activities with great energy. How is it possible that in such a disturbed organism
the longing for the restoration of what was violated, for the lib.eration from the
wheel of birth and death, can emerge? At a certain moment this longing rises up
from the human heart. Firstly, the heart is closely linked with the three higher
brain cavities. And secondly the heart is the seat of the spiritual Human Being, as
the Universal Teachings tell us. We know this is correct. We know about the
original atom. We know about the reflection atom and the rosebud enclosed in the
heart. For this reason the human being will at a certain moment, when he has been
beaten long enough and hard enough by the lashes of Nemesis, i.e. by the original
power, begin to hear a strange voice speaking in his heart. It is the voice of the
Sphinx that is almost buried in the desert sand; it is the voice that calls and
pleads for liberation. Whoever responds to this voice in piety and godliness and
follows the path shown to him year after year, will be able to restore the
threefold serpent fire. And from that moment on the three higher brain cavities can
be filled with the three fun.damental rays of the Seven-Spirit. This has marvellous
consequences. For example, the often THE LIVING WORD discussed pineal gland is
situated in the sixth brain cavity. As soon as this gland receives its divine
nutrients, great things begin to occur in the life of the pupil. Perhaps it is a
good idea to explain these things a little more closely. One of the functions of
the pineal gland is that of an atomic reactor. By this we mean that the pineal
gland determines the nature, the structure and the essence of the atoms which form
the foundation of the construction of the personality. The atoms the human body is
composed of pos.sess a certain quality; they correspond to a certain
crystallisa.tion factor. The pineal gland determines and produces this quality and
all its consequences. The pineal gland emits atoms with great generated force. It
will be clear that when the threefold serpent fire is re.stored and the three
fundamental rays of the Seven-Spirit can fill the three higher brain cavities with
their radiations, the pineal gland is stimulated to start a completely new
activity. The atomic generator will produce new atoms and spread them throughout
the whole being. You will realise that this must result in transfiguration The
Spiritual Testament of the Brotherhood of the Rosy.cross speaks of the sixth
candlestick that must be lit. That sixth candlestick is the sixth brain cavity
containing the pineal gland. Hence when a Rosicrucian ignites the sixth
can.dlestick this means the beginning of the transfiguration in him. A certain Dr
August Stern has written a newspaper article about the building blocks of nature.
He says: 'The building blocks of nature play a determining role in our brain. [ ...
] It is a pity for all scientists who study the human consciousness and who have no
knowledge of the physics of atoms and atomic nuclei. They will have to return to
college to learn to understand the physics underlying the mental processes
place in the brain.' To sum up: as all pupils together form a focal point of the
young Gnostic Brotherhood, they reflect the Spiritual omni.present light. With
increasing urgency you are being called, and with increasing vigour you are being
impelled towards the new creation, towards the conscious manifestation of the new
creature, by means of a conscious mode of life based on the Soul, in gnostic-magic
living, starting with the new ac.tivity of the heart in the physical body, and
ending with the extinguishing of the last vestiges of the old astral life in the
astral body. Your attention is drawn ever more urgently to the need to free the
astral body from the astral sphere of the nature of death. In the name of God you
are being prepared for the ascent of the Spirit-Soul into the electrical fire
ether, the fifth ether, released by the Holy Spirit, so that the awakened Spirit-
Soul can breathe, live and work in it. We therefore hope that very fresh impulses
will spring from the heart as a result of your gnostic directedness and your
sensitive susceptibility to the inflowing forces and radia.tions. May you receive
these as a new breath from and through THE LIVING WORD the Holy Spirit, in
harmonious attunement to the Spirit-Soul light of the field of resurrection. May
the change from an outward person to an inner Man soon be 'complete'. 4 The seventh
seal J ohn the Baptist's journey through the desert culminates in his encounter
with Jesus the Lord. There, at the Jor.dan, at the nadir of the path, the two are
confronted with each other. At that moment the nature-born con.sciousness is lost
as it were; it is erased from the personality, and the soul, the living soul, the
Jesus creation, has taken over the flame of consciousness. The soul lives and the
Spirit has entered. The voice of God speaks fully in and through the pupil. The
soul human being, while still living in the old Johan.nine dwelling, is prepared
and used for many purposes. Taken up into the Chain of the Universal Brotherhood,
he brings the message of Jesus Christ down into the very depths of the realms of
the night. Thus the Johannine human being works in the field of service, serving
the great work of libera.tion that always was and is being undertaken in this world
by the Gnosis. The Book of Revelation relates how John the Baptist, John of Patmos,
encounters 'the Other One'. At a certain moment 'the Other One', the heavenly human
being of the Chain of the Universal Brotherhood, is standing before the Johannine
THE LIVING WORD human being. At that same moment, after this confrontation, the
young brother is accepted by the Universal Gnosis. From that moment on, therefore,
he demonstrates the type of the Brother of the Order of the Perfect Ones.
Revelation, chapter r, describes how this newly born worker receives a task. He has
to address the seven churches which are in Asia. He has to send letters to the
seven churches. These letters warn, admonish, and also console. The Brother of the
Order has to begin by developing a seven.fold activity that is a preparation as it
were for and of every.thing that is to come. The concept of Asia has many meanings.
For example Asia is used to indicate all those who still live in the dialectical
nature-born body. However, it more especially refers to all those who nevertheless
possess an exceptional signature. What is spoken of here, is people who can be
classified into seven types, i.e. seven types of entities susceptible to the
Gno.s1s. Our book Dei Gloria Intacta '. in the sixth paragraph of the introduction,
emphatically states that it is directed at peo.ple who have remembrance of the lost
sonship and the lost tigate. They are searching for Light. The seven letters to the
seven churches in Asia address all the seven types living in the present field of
life. This is a pre.paration for everything that is to come later in the
dialectical '' Jan van Rijckenborgh,Dei Gloria lntacta , p.21. Rozekruis Pers,
Haarlem, The Netherlands, 1980. 30 world and for everything that has to happen with
respect to the young Gnostic Brotherhood, the Brotherhood that is to go the
path to the eternal Fatherland in order to reach its goal. Hence the Book of
Revelation contains the unveiling of everything that has to come and its genesis in
those gath.ered from the seven churches. The revelations begin with the unveiling
of a heavenly vi.sion. God, sitting on his throne in all his majesty, is praised by
his heavenly host
with exultant jubilation. In his hand is the scroll sealed with seven seals. After
the publication of Dei Gloria lntacta the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross
also continued its revela.tions. In many lessons and in the literature, the School
has for many years recorded the glorious goal of the holy future, the great goal of
the pilgrimage to the liberating Spirit-Soul field, and, what is more, has anchored
that goal wherever pos.sible in hundreds of pupils. The why and wherefore have been
explained in great detail. The scroll sealed with the seven seals was and is being
read to them in many ways. But, as you know, reading and listening is not enough.
That is only to give direction and to determine the goal. What matters is the goal
itself. What matters is the living being of the Golden Rosycross. And that is what
the breaking of the seven seals refers to. But who dares to open the scroll? What
dialectical mortal is capable of doing that? Nobody, surely? Not even the delu.sion
of that is left you. But nobody, no mortal, needs to worry, says the Book of THE
LIVING WORD Revelation, for the Son of the Father, the Son of Him who sits on the
throne, has the power to liberate you. A tremendously powerful radiation field is
thrusting you to realisation. And in addition you are being guided in a liberating
sense along every step of the way. The reborn soul which has died in Jesus the Lord
and has been resurrected with Him, that re.born soul, united with the Spirit,
precedes you, I-centred being, on the path of salvation. That is why we speak to
you of the Universal Gnosis, of that divine power of beatitude, and of the Son of
the Light. It is to that end that you must turn yourself towards the Gnosis. That
is the reason you, as a pupil of the Gnosis, have devoted yourself to the Gnosis.
That is the reason you have decided that one day you will be a Pistis Sophia. That
is the reason why the Lamb, the living soul, appears, and breaks six of the seals
one after the other. And the multitude rejoices! But because of the breaking of the
seals intense disasters are poured out over humanity. Six severances need to
develop in the inner life and in the outward life of every person. The most severe
severance is no doubt the sixth tribulation that breaks loose over the candidate.
Read the Book of Revelation for yourself and try to verify it in your own life.
This will enable you to know how far the process of genesis has progressed within
you, what you have already passed through, what you are possibly passing through
now, and what you have shrunk back from until now. Obviously every candidate of the
Gnosis stands in a pro.cess of breaking up. Thus all the six seals are being broken
for every one of us. Finally the seventh seal has to be broken too, for the last
phase is nigh. That is always a critical point in the develop.ment of every Gnostic
Brotherhood, for the breaking of the seventh seal signifies such a tremendously
dynamic process accompanied by such an enormous unleashing of power, that first all
the servants of the Lord have to be sealed upon their foreheads. Revelation,
chapter 7, tells us what the angel of the seventh ray says. He calls out:a' Wait!'
He is calling out to the six other angels who have cast the six rays over the heads
of humanity, and who now also have to realise the seventh aspect. The angel of the
trumpet says: 'Wait till we have sealed the ser.vants of our God upon their
foreheads', which is to say that the nascent soul, the basis for the new state of
consciousness, must at least be put in place in the heart and the head. The first
step to this will be the magnetic link with the gnostic-magic life, with the Holy
Spirit, with the Comforter, with the universal Christ being. This bond of Light
will have to be totally free of dialectical blemishes. Only when that tie is
established, will the absolute ascent of the Spirit-Soul human being be possible.
The yearning in the human blood will stimulate and cause a corresponding mode of
life. This longing for liberation sup.ports and simplifies the process of giving
form to the new mode of life, which is the only method of reaching purifica.THE
LIVING WORD tion of the blood and raising the level of its vibration, with the aid
of the pituitary hormone. However, you will understand that this longing of the
inner being has to be supported consciously and intelligently because it is a
magnetic state. Then the organ of intelligence in the head sends out magnetic rays
to which the radiation field of the Gnosis, the super-terrestrial field, responds.
In this way the magnetic link with the Gnostic astral field is realised firstly:
from within, via the reflection atom in the heart, and secondly: externally, via
the pineal gland in the head sanc.tuary. This magnetic link, which means' being
enlightened', and which is experienced as the highest bliss, is a link between the
nerve ether and the etheric field of immortality. It means total liberation from
matter. In this way you can consciously and immediately experience eternity in
time. 5 John on Patmos I n this chapter we will try to explain that true, absolute
life emanating from the original Spirit and from the true, absolute form of
manifestation, must be born from the totality of the seven microcosmic planes of
exis.a Seven-Spirit has vehicles that have been created out of the seven times
seven, i.e. forty-nine aspects of absolute Existence. This means that aavehicular
state born from only a few of these aspects will ne.cessarily be a caricature.
Hence an ideal dialectical body isaimpossible.aThat is why transfiguration is
concerned with the rebirth of the absolute being. What this being looks like is
symboli.cally told in the Bible in many different ways. It is, for exam.ple,
described in the Book of Revelation. We are referring to the vision of John on
Patmos. John is the brother and companion who radiates love for God and His
Brotherhood and for his fellow men. This is the love that is totally impersonal in
its radiation power and high.est potency. The sevenfold radiation power of the
Gnosis can be dis.tinguished in three forces. These three forces play a role in 35
THE LIVING WORD what is called the second sidereal birth. The achievement of this
sidereal birth can be distinguished in three stages. The first stage is called the
touch, the second the formation, and the third the fulfilment. The Holy Scriptures
call the first stage faith. The touch of the Holy Seven-Spirit creates a bridge as
it were between the pupil and the new life. When the pupil of the first stage hears
about the new life, it is as if an inner voice is speaking to him. This first stage
of the second sidereal birth immediately has a completely immunising, protective
against the violence of the things to come. This is why the Gospel says, Fear not,
your faith has saved you. Only from this faith can the touch of the Holy Spirit
develop. In the second stage the formation develops from the touch. The touch
completely alters the pupil's whole being. We can see this change as a preparation
for transfiguration. The second process brings the pupil closer to his goal. He
increases in grace with God. He increases in new life energy. This new life energy
is called hope, the hope of eternal life. It is the new astral power breaking
through into the head sanc.tuary. Fear not, your faith has saved you: the first
stage. The hope of eternal life becomes true new life to the pupil: the second
stage. Out of that new life comes the fulfilment. The second sidereal birth becomes
a fact. The process of transfiguration can begin. It is only then that the pupil
stands in love, which is the highest. His faith saved him. He began to live in
hope, but in and through love and in and through the fulfilment he re.ceived power:
the third stage. All those who enter the new life in this way receive the power to
become children of God again. Having that power means: having freedom. Having that
power means: being en.dowed with an inalienable heritage. Paul refers toa' becoming
fellow heirs of God'. As soon as the pupil has become a fellow heir of God he
possesses power. The holy flame of this posi.tive possession shines from him or her
like a light. The pupil has become a servant in the Chain of the Brotherhood, a
fel.low heir of God. Such a person was John on Patmos. He saw bodily before him the
prototype of his true, higher Soul-self that was born in God. He saw the first and
the last, who had died and is alive agam. I John, your brother, who share with you
in Jesus the tribu.lation and the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the
island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I
was in the Spirit in the Lord's day and I heard behind me a loud voice like a
trumpet (Rev 1: 9.10)a.aSeeing clearly what the liberating path required of
him,aJohn arrived on Patmos. Patmos means: nothingness, loneli.ness, complete
isolation, absolute dissociation. John had passed through the three stages of the
second sidereal birth: the touch, the formation and the fulfilment. And so there
came the moment of his complete ascent into the light, the moment he becomes a
fellow heir of God. THE LIVING WORD As a confirmation that the second sidereal
birth had com.pleted the third stage, he was confronted with his heavenly soul-
self. This climax in the development of the pupil is called means that on the Day
of the Lord the pupil celebrates the link with the light radiation of the Gnosis.
This light stream of power enters the pineal gland, con.tinues on into the
cerebellum, and, via the pituitary gland and the medulla oblongata, it goes down
through the ser.pent-fire channel, causing a fierce burning at different points of
the channel. In this way the fire of the Spirit is radiated into the pupil like
a burning sword. During this tremendous experience of the storm of the Spirit,
John hears the trumpet-like voice saying:aFear not, I am the first and the last,
and the living one; I died, and behold I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys
of Death and Hades (Rev John was permitted to receive the absolute seal of the new
genesis. This confirmed the establishment of a permanent in.In this state of being
the pupil begins to perceive in what is called 'absolute being'. He reads this like
an open book. He sees and he understands. As the power of love shines through him,
he hastens to wake up others and to etch into the human heart blood: 'Hurry, before
it is too late'. our intention to inform you as to this nature, but to point out to
you the path to life as with a fiery arrow in the night, so that you will go this
path very consciously, to your Day of the Lord, to the Seventh Day. May the Lord of
all Life, the Holy Seven-Spirit, lead you through the night of time into the
unwavering light. God be with you. 6 The mission of the Spiritual School Gnosis
without fear. the group. No doubt you have gratefully experienced the power of the
gnostic magnetic field, even more so if you view the spreading capacity of the
magnetic radiation field as being of world-encompassing significance. Weare now in
a new spiri.tual year. The manifestation of a new era has commenced and the Christ
radiation wants to reconnect humanity with the original divine order by means of a
creative synthesis of that order. This divine Spirit, not bound to three-
dimensional lim.itations, leads the soul human being to a life in the highest,
divine meaning of the word. The Spiritual School has the task of confirming the
Mys.tery School of the Young Gnostic Brotherhood in time. How.ever, we always need
to keep in mind that all our labour bears the stamp of transience. You must
consciously be aware of this. Servants of the Gnosis come and go, and return again
at set times. Hence there is a time of beginning and conse.quently, in the time-
spatial sense, a time of ending. 2 Timothy 4: 3-4 says: For the time is coming when
peopleewill not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate
for themselves teachers to suit their own lik.ings, and will turn away from
listening to the truth and wan.der into myths. But when you, as a serious pupil of
the Spiritual School, harmoniously attune yourself to the living, pulsating
radia.tion field, you will have a corresponding vibration and un.dergo the in-and
exhalation process as a life-giving, activity for the renewal of your
whole system as to Spirit, soul and body. At that psychological moment all those
who are part of the electromagnetic field of the Spiritual School will begin to
devote themselves to a totally different work. It has been known through the ages
that it is possible to work in the realms of tears and sorrow for a limited time
only, because it relates to a recurring phenomenon in time. But because of his
inner enlightenment from above, the true pupil will first of all recognise his own
self due to the spirit and the truth in his own inner depth. Indeed, the
Brother.hood of Life itself will clearly demonstrate itself to him as active light
power. THE LIVING WORD How is this power manifested? If there is a difference of
opinion about the way a certain task should be carried out on the time-spatial
plane, but one or more parties are trying to keep everyone on good terms with each
other and, above all, if by an absolute faith in the one Light that heals
everything and by a correct directedness the one high aim of the Spiritual School
is not lost sight of, the Brotherhood of Light will re.ceive the opportunity of
demonstrating itself with its light power of love to those concerned. In that light
and in that power the dialectical personality learns to see all his self-built
barriers. The irrational resistance of the personality gives way and the pupil
gradually begins to adopt a new directedness, consciously or unconsciously. He
begins to be involved spiritually, without effort. What was first not considered
possible, now just happens of its own ac.firstly: keeping everyone on good terms
with one another; secondly: showing absolute goodwill; thirdly: in unity being
filled by the one, all-encompassing Spirit. What the personality could not
accomplish intellectually be.fore, is achieved by the power of the divine love
itself, at least if the personality is open to this love power. Turn the wonder
flower within you into a radiant rose of the gnostic mysteries. Be faithful! We
pray that you will be able to experience all these things consciously. 7 0 thy
victory? W e quote I Corinthians 15= 35-49: But some one will ask, 'How are the
dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?e' You fool.ish man! What you sow
does not come to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not the body which is to
be, but a bare kernel, perhaps of wheat or of some other grain. But God gives it a
body as He has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body. For not all flesh is
alike, but there is one kind for men, another for animals, another for birds, and
another for fish. There are celestial bodies and there are terrestrial bodies; but
the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
There is one gloeof the sun, and another gloeof the moon, ry ry and another glory
of the stars; for star differs from star in glory. So it is with the resurrection
of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown
in dishon.our, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in
power. It is sown in a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. Ifthere is a
physical body, there is also a spiritual body. Thus it is written, 'The first man
Adam became a living being'; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. But it is
not the spiritual which is first but the physical, and then the spiri.tual. The
first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. As was
the man of dust, so are those who are of dust; and as is the man of heaven, so are
those who are of heaven. Just as we have born the image of the man of dust, we
shall also bear the image of the man of heaven. Having read this you will certainly
not ask the question pre.supposed in the letter to the Corinthians: But some one
willeask 'How are the dead raised?e' For now you know that it is absolutely
impossible to raise a dialectical soul, a dialectical ego and a dialectical
personality imperishably. Every living entity in these realms of the nature of
death, every living organism, be it plant, animal or human being, obeys one and the
same law, namely that the fluid which en.souls it is a certain state of the
magnetic forces of dialectics. And not one of these entities, irrespective of the
situation in which it might be, can be compared in any respect whatso.ever to
manifestations in, out of and by the Gnosis. Whatever awakens out of the Gnosis can
manifest itself only when all that was, has first been crucified, has died, has
been buried, and can never brought to life again. When Paul says that one day we
shall bear the image of the heavenly human being, he doesn't mean that you, as a
dialectical ego, will one day enter that state of renewal. No, he means that after
the rebirth of the soul, i.e. after the rebirth THE LIVING WORD of the ego -the
threefold I of thinking, willing and feeling .your personality, your vehicles, will
temporarily bear the new soul and the new I, just as Jesus the Lord did after his
resurrec.tion. In that phase you will have lain aside the image of the physical
human being, and you, i.e. your vehicles, will then bear the image of the heavenly
Man. This is why Paul goes on in 1Corinthians If 50 by empha.sising that 'flesh and
blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God'. What is sown is perishable, dishonourable
and weak, but what is raised is the soul truly living in the Gnosis. That is the
great mystery of salvation: your dialectical personality can be the basis for the
tremendous initial process of transfig.uration. The main thing is that the pupil
understands this mystery of salvation, that he enters into the process, and that he
breaks through to the goal. 'Lo!' says Paul,' I tell you a mystery; I will initiate
you into a mystery, namely the mystery that we shall not all sleep in the ordinary
dialectical sense, but we shall truly be changed.' If the personality of such a
brother or sister dies during this process of preparation, they will lay down their
physical body in the usual way.Yet there is a mystery connected with such a pupil,
for the seed of immortality was already active and had already started making
progress. Therefore this de.ceased pupil will not be totally dissolved like all the
phenom.ena of ordinary nature, but will continue his process of salva.tion in that
part of the Magnetic Body of the Spiritual School that we call the sanctified soul-
ether field. Hence all our dead ones, who die in the Lord in this way, will one day
be raised imperishably. You still have your personality, and although it is one of
dishonour, weakness and perishability, you can already par.take in the rebirth of
the soul in the present, with the rightly focused help of the soul, and you can
gain all the advantages of this. And so there is a twofold mystery. Whoever
commences the path can completely rest assured. Either he will die natu.rally and
awaken later in the soul-liberating field of life, or he will already be
resurrected in the new soul state in the pre.sent. In both situations the
resurrection is certain and abso.lute. Therefore it is a glorious certainty for all
who truly walk the Path of the Mysteries that the real death of absolute
termi.nation is
vanquished right from the start. And so every ser.ious pupil can joyfully exclaim:
Death is swallowed up in victory. 0 death, where is thyesting? The sting of living
in the nature of death has been re.moved. 0 death, where is thy victory? The
victory of death has been rescinded. THE LIVING WORD Therefore be steadfast,
unwavering, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour,
your self.freemasonry, is not and never will be in vain. 8 The kingdom ofthe sons
of the serpents T he essence of the new soul realisation is brought clo.ser to the
pupils of the School of the Golden Rosy.cross than has ever been possible before.
The group of the Spiritual School of the young Gnostic Brotherhood has reached a
new step in its development, a step which will take it into totally new, unearthly
situations, which will neverthe.less be very real. Things and values, which
according to the Bible either took place in the distant past or will take place in
the distant future, will become a living reality and a living present to the pupil.
In the Old Dispensation there were many who lived under the cloud, i.e. a specially
prepared astral field, and in the New Dispensation, we are told, the Son of Man
will re.turn on or in the clouds. And Paul exclaims to his pupils: 'One day we also
shall be taken up into the cloud', i.e. into the gnostic astral field. Now these
same things are also being discussed with the pupils of the Spiritual School and
they are also facing the same tasks. The past and the future have become the
present THE LIVING WORD and the pupil now knows what the cloud, on which the Son of
Man is enthroned, means. He knows that this is to be asso.ciated with the astral
aspect of the new gnostic field of life, and he knows he is able to experience and
see that cloud. dish of revelations which is continually set before you. For many
reasons it is necessary to shed some light on this aspect, You know that the
manifestation of the new soul con.sciousness, due to the concentration and activity
of the Mer.cury element in the head sanctuary, also means the birth of the head of
the new soul body. And only with that soul body you can exist in the cloud, the
gnostic astral field. The pupil.ship and the touch of the gnostic currents inhaled
by the heart and the liver produce much pure soul quality which is concentrated in
the fourth brain cavity. When the Mercury power can be released in sufficient
quantity and this in turn prepares the head sanctuary, the ac.cumulated soul
quality can be applied as a principle of the new state of life like a breath of
life. The head sanctuary of the soul body begins to be formed. It is concentric
with the dialectical head and sticks out beyond it like a halo. This halo is the
flaming adornment of the Pentecostal Fire. Sur.rounding this fiery head is a
refulgent light which ends at the bottom like the tail of a comet and gives the
observer the sensation of seeing a fiery serpent which is continuously moving and
which glitters like sunlight. You will now un.doubtedly understand the expression
'Son of the Serpents', and also the worship of serpents. In the old veiled stories
in the Biblical Book of Numbers there is a part where the pilgrims, who have
entered the Pro.mised Land from the desert and who have a task to perform there,
behave incorrectly towards a certain kind of inhabitant of this land. The meaning
of this story is as follows: On the way to carrying out a task and thus having to
con.tend with certain kinds of difficulties, it can happen that at critical moments
the pupil slackens his activity and deflects his directedness. The consequence of
this is that wrong soul quality is produced, which blocks the process of
participation in the kingdom of the Sons of the Serpents and causes the process to
stagnate to such a degree that the body becomes ill and the pupil dies. The story
says (Numbers 21: 6) : Then the Lord sent fieryeserpents among the people, and they
bit the people, so that many people of Israel died. As a medicine the survivors
were advised to set up a bronze serpent; and if anyone were bitten by a false
serpent, he would look at the bronze serpent and live. You will possibly understand
this tale completely. The bronze serpent is the symbol of the true, newly born
princi.ple of the soul body that is born out of the life of the truly devoted
pupil. Whoever bears this principle cannot permit himself to return to the old
state of life, under penalty of death. This is why all of us need to look again and
again at THE LIVING WORD the bronze serpent. In other words: to focus on the path
cor.rectly in daily service in order to accomplish the process. May we all become
children of the serpents and receive the power not to leave the one path. 9 The
birth of the caduceus The divine salvation must be proclaimed, despite the cosmic forces, and despite the fight against the nature aeons and
archons. The basis of the caduceus is situated in the sacral plexus. If a pupil is
truly and completely focused on the new life of the soul, a current will begin to
flow from the solar plexus to the heart sanctuary. The muscle of the heart is thus
filled with special blood. This blood is aimed at the head sanctuary and begins to
circulate there. The head becomes purified and becomes soul.conscious, or at least
the basis is lain for this. On this basis the process of change commences and
con.tact is established with the living Spirit. The pupil daily fo.cuses his mind
on the higher, liberating soul life, on the Spirit. If this initial process is
harmonious, soul growth arises and hence the link with the Spirit. The caduceus is
born. The link with the living soul state has started. 10 t is expected of the
pupil that he activate the process of transfiguration in his life with great inner
energy, and I that he possess the right, pure insight about the state of the reborn
soul. Why is this expected of the pupil? Because the soul state is the basis for
and of what is truly human, as intended in the Divine Plan. This is why every pupil
needs to become clearly conscious of the divine science of sanctification. Via the
pineal fire circle there should be sufficient openness and pur.ity for the touch of
the Seven-Spirit and the original Man, who lies hidden in the microcosm. The one
goal of the human personality should be to attain the Spirit-Soul state. The
personality is the being of time and space out of which the eternal form, the
Spirit-Soul human being, must rise up. It is John, from whom the Jesus man must
awaken. Hence the I-being, John, is necessary for the speak of Jesus, the Christ.
54 In the mystery of 'Man' there are in fact two lives, one of which has to rise up
out of the other. The Spirit-Soul human being is liberated from matter. The soul
human being is an entity with an etheric form. The phy.sical human being is an
entity bound to matter unless he has transfigured. The soul human being is an
unassailable 'cross of light'. The physically born human being is a separate
en.tity; he lives in himself and is himself. For the soul human being there is no
separation because he lives in absolute unity. What is meant by absolute unity in
this sense? We could imagine it as follows. A group of entities living consciously
in the new soul nature has united Spirit and soul. Wherever the imperishable soul
is present, the Spirit is also present. When Spirit and soul are united in this way
as parti.cipants in the group, and they think, live and work in seven rays, a
mighty astral concentration, which has acquired a form, will develop. Such a
concentration will express comple.tely what God is, what God wants, and what God
does, with a degree of exaltation corresponding to the quality of the group. It is
not simple to live in this universal truth and in this one light as a physically
born human being, for the one truth forms a kind of shadow activity in this lower
material nature. We could also put it like this: the ordinary mental reasoning of
those who are still in and of physical nature nearly always forms an opposition. It
is nearly always opposed to the one truth of the Spirit-Soul nature. The human
being can be clearly distinguished as a twofold THE LIVING WORD being, namely: the
human being who is a physically born in.strument, and the human being who grows
from the interac.tion and the earthly that has trans.cended nature, namely the soul
human being. At the same time the soul human being has a third aspect: the Spirit
human being. The nature-born human being can never be a creature of evolution. The
nature-born human being is only preparing the way, the Johannine human being. We
could see it like this: when the soul begins to awaken, is constantly focused on
its Fatherland. There are pupils who are blessed with soul quality and pure
insight, but who nevertheless allow their lives to pass by. Their bodies weaken and
they fail to make use of their possibilities. At the very least they have lost a
whole incarna.tion and are faced with a whole series of uncertainties, such as:
firstly: the loss of time; secondly: the question of how the world will be in the
next immersion in the world of matter; thirdly: at what point of time their soul
quality will arouse the memory powerfully enough; fourthly: which indeterminate
karmic influences will throw up obstacles. That is why we say to you: take the
opportunity and make use of the possibilities that are being offered to you now!
Use them! The greatest danger is the one mentioned so emphatically in Matthew 16,
verse 26: For what will it profit a man, ifheegains the whole world and forfeits
his life? If the awakened soul human being can remain in his pure state of being;
if he can remain watchful, and is thus strengthened, the moment
will come when the soul must be liberated and released from the cross of nature,
and, in a totally free and unassailable state, be able to enter and leave the
temple of the nature.born body. Please note carefully: the temple of the nature-
born body is used to awaken the soul, and the place for this is the etheric or
vital body. This is of the same form and shape and has the same organ structure as
the physical body. This is why our Spiritual School says that, when the soul has
matured in the vital body, the soul human being is linked with it. This is nat.ural
and logical. This is why these two, the physical body and the vital body, must be
separated when the time has come for this. The vital body must be taken down from
the cross of nature. This descent from the cross is a very meticulous and special
procedure. It requires both vehicles to be preserved and res.urrected and it draws
your attention to six places, six points in the personality, namely: to the heart,
to the head, to both hands, THE LIVING WORD to both feet. The soul vital body is
connected to the rest of the vehicles at these six places. The heart is the seat of
the rose. The head is the seat of the mind and the Spirit. The centres in the hands
are the organs of action and the centres in the feet are the or.gans of movement.
is and was never a death by torture but an absolute resurrec.tion. The way of the
cross of Christ is the resurrection of the soul vital body and at the same time the
great celebration of accomplishing the goal of the human temple. For the temple of
the nature-born body and the soul human being dwell in and are surrounded by the
same microcosm. As such they are one and yet not one. This sublime work was the
goal of the Preceding Brother.hood, the Cathars, and is now the goal of the young
Gnostic Brotherhood. The mighty things that happened in the cave of Bethlehem in
Ussat-les-Bains in the South of France were re.lated to the separation, the release
of the soul human being from the natural human temple. Only from that moment on can
the temple human being be a true priest. Whatever vio.lence could or would be
inflicted on such a true priest, it would be totally ineffective in harming the
soul human being. He or she is liberated forever! Hence you too should strive for
the possession of the lib.erated soul human being of the vital body as Brother or
Sister. 11 The struggle, the purpose and the realisation of life S truck on the one
hand by the terrible reproaches direc..ted at God by those who deny God, reproaches
per.haps arising from misunderstood world-wide, or perhaps from a
feeling of sympathy for the world and humanity, and on the other hand by the manner
in which the representatives of the church defend the love of God for his
creatures, we have decided to write to you about the purpose of life, the purpose
of your individual life. No matter how much human opinions may diverge, everyone
agrees that life cannot be without meaning, for the simple reason that the human
being was created by God. Everything God has created in his great world, He has
made with a great and wise purpose, even though human beings cannot always discover
that purpose, and cannot al.ways understand the things they see happening around
them. How could a human being understand God's purpose, while his thoughts and
deeds are still so individual? How could a human being approach God's sublime
purpose, while his centre of gravity is still bound to physical things? THE LIVING
WORD Can he presume to pass judgement over God who is purely and solely Spirit? And
yet, this is what is being done, precisely now that self.maintenance is reigning
supreme and people are fighting each other as never before. Precisely now that the
cries of hor.rendous suffering are rising up, God is being reproached that He
cannot possibly be love, for if He were love, people are saying, He would not allow
all those atrocities to happen in this dark world. These are the cries of those who
have lost their faith and their confidence in humanity itself and who have suffered
so much because of all the grief and injustice around them that they have decided
to go their own way, without God and without their fellow human beings. They say
they will go the hard road on their own, seeking all their refuge within
them.selves and watching the turmoil from a convenient distance. People who think
and act in this way are by no means the most insensitive, because hard reality has
made them what placed in the physical world in the middle of the turbulent sea of
human life because that is where they must perform their service to humanity. means
the worst type of person, for far worse are those peo.ple who have resigned
themselves to everything and let others do the thinking for them. You are
undoubtedly familiar with other people who are convinced that God knows what's good
for them, or who re.peat like parrots what their spiritual leaders have told them.
History has shown repeatedly that these spiritual leaders are also unable to
provide answers to the many questions asked by people disappointed in God. If they
were able they would say without mincing words that, if a human being wants to find
a solution to every riddle of life, he should start with fo.cusing on action in his
own life. Action is the only thing that provides experience, and experience
provides expansion of the consciousness. The gullible, resigned people are often
lukewarm. makes them hot or cold, and they get into hot water only when
danger threatens them personally. But these compliant people are not concerned in
the least about their struggling brothers and sisters, and can even look down
disdainfully on fellow creatures who are fighting for their own and others'
survival. Never forget, however, that it is through this struggle for life that the
human being has to reach the right understanding of the purpose of life. Only after
he has acquired this, can he achieve realisation of life. There are three aspects
in which every human being, without exception, participates: the struggle for life
-the pur.pose of life -the realisation of life. Every human being is di.rectly
involved in the struggle for life. People do sometimes ignore this temporarily, but
one day everyone has to accept it. Everyone pursues a goal, and everyone likes to
see that goal 6r THE LIVING WORD realised. The only difference between the human
cycles is the spiral that has been attained. What is the struggle for life for one
person may be of no significance to another. The purpose in one person's life may
not have the least value to another person. And the realisa.tion of life of one
person may be a viewpoint left behind by another. Yet everyone without exception
lives within these three concepts. It would take us too far to reflect on these
three conditions of life in one chapter, for then there would be the danger of
using a lot of words only to scratch the surface. We would therefore like to
restrict ourselves to three groups of people that are all striving for the
realisation of life, each in its own First of all, our thoughts go out to those
people who want tolerate the injustice in this world. These are the men and women
who feel the harrowing suffering in the world and who feel they must help carry it.
These are the people who know little about the why and wherefore of things, but
their physical thoughts are dominated by reality; their physical eyes see reality
and that is enough for them to jump into the midst of it. Do you consider it
strange, therefore, that they take up are dominated and which their eyes can see?
Many of these people are indeed indifferent to the concept of God, because to them
the highest goal is physical realisation. Is it then not better to fight with the
weapons to which one is ennobled than to adorn oneself with the holy varnish of
false piety? Is this pretence not intended to hide some.thing? Is it not intended
to give the appearance of having a stance? They are birds of different feathers who
seek satisfac.tion in false piety, but they hermetically cover the roots of their
own being; they do not plough the fields of their own being nor do their thoughts
become more profound. Remem.ber that you have the meaning of your life in your own
hands! If you really yearn for life renewal, you will have to tear up the holy
pretence that is without soul. Then there is the third group. These are the people
we mentioned in the beginning. 'Why doesn't God manifest himself in a different
way?' they ask.' If there really is a higher purpose behind everything, why is
everything as it is? Why can't the power of God penetrate and break through
every.thing, and wipe away everything that is evil and unjust?' These people
certainly feel that their lives cannot be without purpose, but their lives are made
more difficult because they do not identify with their brothers and sisters who
fight only for physical life. Their down-to-earth view of people makes them reject
the second group instantly. This is why they decide to go their way alone. It is
the road of bitter experience, in which they have to learn to become human beings
in the true sense of the word. In becoming true human beings they experience that
God is Love, God is Light. THE LIVING WORD Doesn't God make it abundantly clear to
his children that He has a grand plan for the world and humanity? And do we not
know the truth of the words that 'God does not forsake the work of his hands' ? The
plan for us, his children, must be carried out. All the tensions and all the woes
in this world are the result of the resistance of humanity against the divine plan,
the resistance against his acts oflove. The protest against the divine love
originates in delusion and in the ignorance of the plan that radiates
in the power of Christ. In that power and in that light you will experience that
the love of God will envelop you like a mantle whenever you are in spiritual
distress, for God leaves no prayer unanswered. You may very well answer, 'But I
have prayed. I have begged God for help with my whole being. I have struggled, but
have never had an answer.' The reason for this is that the window of your soul has
not been open to such an answer in the right way. We want to place before your
imagination a person who was called to place his shoulders under the work of world
lib.eration. He was called to serve, but he thought to himself,'Let me get up a
little higher first, then I can be in a better position to do the work.' It was a
difficult path he had chosen for himself. It was very steep and full of hidden
crevices and sharp edges, but he felt he had to do this because he thought that
before he could help others he had to be very advanced himself. The place of
service to which he was called was much clo.ser and not very high at all, but no,
first he wanted to achieve something. With almost superhuman effort he did indeed
achieve his goal, despite the sharp outcrops of rock that time after time nearly
made him plunge into the abyss. But, 0 bitter disillusionment, having arrived at
his place of attainment, he sat there in cold isolation, estranged from the people
he had left behind. Nobody needed him now, and far below him his teachers, who he
thought would do their work from a highly exalted position, were busy giving their
invaluable service with the energetic help of those who had not aimed so high. He
had thought he would have been able to understand and carry out his task better if
he stood above things, but there, in his splendid isolation, he learned that
ser.ving humanity is done on the ground, right amidst the of life itself.
He sat there, completely empty. The words that were being spoken far below him at
the foot of the mountain were totally inaudible to him who had sought such a high
goal. He watched with idle hands and, isolated and alone, he stared and stared into
the blood-red sun on the horizon. His work was not needed then, despite his
enormous effort. What conclusion can we draw from this example? Our conclusion
should be that people with a fighting nature, who are driven solely by the love of
humanity to fight for the im.provement of physical well-being, will either revert
to com.placency after a certain degree of satiation, making them completely useless
in the long term, or, due to their steadfast striving, they will gather so much
soul quality that they ne.cessarily attract the forces of the Light which will
teach them THE LIVING WORD them to the recognition of the Light, the recognition of
God. The person who thinks he can achieve this solely by means of inner purity and
spiritual knowledge, without the rest of the crowd, will experience after a bitter
lesson of life that individual growth has not brought him any closer to
un.derstanding God, but that individual and collective action go together and must
come into harmony with the link between head and heart, so that the soul-liberating
path that leads to spiritual achievement can be travelled to a good conclusion. The
realisation of your life therefore lies in the develop.ment of your inner faculties
by the collective uplifting of humanity in Christ. Ifyou continue on my way, says
the Christ,you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 12 The three
fires ofgrace W hen the pupil who has been awakened by the Light decides to bid
farewell to his old nature and his old state of being in order to become a new
creation and a new creature, he begins his way of the cross. He follows in the
footsteps of Jesus the Lord. His old nature has to disappear, must be crucified and
discarded. Paul explained this in his positive declaration to his pupils: For I
decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. These
words contain what the Spiritual School has been teaching in all possible ways for
so many years. When a person decides to follow the light wherever it leads him, he
has to accept the way of the cross. Whoever be.gins to do this in the power of the
fire of Christ is a Rosicru.cian from that moment on. For then the Father fire, the
root fire, breaks open the rose, resulting in the well-known inner unease. Whoever
dedicates this rose to the way of the cross is a Rosicrucian: a human being who
attaches the rose to the cross. The rose is called by the Father fire. The entire
being goes the way of the cross through the second fire: the Christ fire. Whoever
goes this way of the cross, impelled, led and car.THE LIVING WORD ried by the two
fires, whoever accepts and professes the con.sequences of this twofold touch, for
example by means of the deed of the covenant, and whoever signs all this truly with
his blood, and hence adopts all the consequences as his mode of life, will
immediately arouse the third fire: the fire of the Holy Spirit. For as soon as he
commences his way of the cross, his way of the cross of the rose, transfiguration
sets in. The great change begins: that is the third fire, the holy fire that
changes and renews, the fire that accomplishes the great transmuta.tion, the fire
that urges the candidate to realisation. That is Trigo.num Igneum flares up in the
candidate. The Father fire is burning in you. The light of the Son already linked
to the circle of eternity through the Father fire. The light of Jesus the That is
the power that makes everything new and that will lead you as a new creature to a
new creation. It is this experi.ence of the beginning that is required of the
gnostic person, in view of the present development of the living body of the young
Gnostic Brotherhood. this way; when you have drawn the fiery, flaming triangle;
when the flamma, materia, mater of Paracelsus radiates from you, then as a result
six new faculties will emanate like a new fire from the three sides of the
triangle, two from each side. These six emanations of the fire illuminate and
surround the entire head sanctuary -Calvary, the place of the skull. Then Calvary
radiates light, the light of the three fires. Then the candidate speaks his
Consummatum est. The right conditions for construction have been created. The
candidate has been resurrected in the new life. The Pentecostal Fire is blazing!
Only then will the candidate be able to start building in a truly renewing sense.
Only then is he standing on the carpet in the full meaning of the word. Hence
gnostic magic is born from holy fire. Unless one possesses this fire, no gnostic
work can be done and service cannot be the keynote of one's life, nor can one be a
true pupil in the true meaning of the word. Without the holy fire one cannot walk
the path of liberation, because it is out of the fire of renewal that everything
has to begin and be generated. For this reason the heart of the preparatory pupil
must be adorned with the root fire right from the start. Without the presence of
the flame of the Father fire the pupil will never be able to understand the
teachings of the fire nor will he ever be able to understand the behaviour of the
'Children of the Fire'. Whoever does not possess this flame, or in other words,
whoever does not possess the rose of the heart will not be able to understand the
teachings of the fire. He will THE LIVING WORD never understand the activities of
the children of the fire. All kinds of difficulties arise in the life and the work
of the Spiri.tual School, if people who totally lack the holy fire are
never.theless admitted into the School. You will perhaps wonder, 'But what is
lacking now can surely come one day? The Fire can surely be kindled in them after
they have been admitted into the School?' No, that is impossible! One is either a
child of the fire at birth, or one is not! 'Becoming' one is impossible. You should
become accustomed to the idea that there are different types of human being on
earth. There is the type that due to its inherent nature does not feel at home on
earth, and there is the type that, right into every cell of its being, is born and
grown out of this dialectical nature. such people into the School is
irresponsible. It is possible for a child of the fire to stray. A child of the fire
can commit sins and therefore become totally lost. Never.theless such a person
remains a child of the fire by virtue of his microcosmic structure. The auric being
of a microcosm has a focal point. This focus or centre of the microcosm corresponds
with the heart of the personality. And now this is the point: which principle is
burning in the heart of the personality? Is it the original light principle of the
Immovable Kingdom, or is it a focal point totally in tune with this fallen nature?
That is what de.termines the state of being and the true nature of a micro.cosm.
This is the reason why the School always has the greatest patience and shows great
clemency to those who bear the sig.nature of the fire but have strayed. For the
Brotherhood of Life bases its actions on the absolute knowledge that as soon as a
stray child turns to the soul-liberating path, he will soon overcome the damage
done to his own being and begin to dedicate himself to his regenerative potential.
How can we say this with such great certainty? We can do so because of the
properties of the fire. You know that fire burns and consumes. When the root fire
or Father fire has been kindled in a person because he has set foot on the
soul.liberating path, the process of burning and consuming sets in. If your
microcosm is placed on the square of construction, you will be able to kindle the
burning and consuming fire on it. Suppose that you, a child of the fire, have made
numerous errors on
your square of construction. You have been a very unwise master builder! Suppose
that until this very moment you have totally messed up your life and your
potential, seen gnostically, then this would be most regrettable. But you have
become aware of this and now you are beginning to draw your fiery triangle. That is
what the Spiritual School expects of you as a serious pupil. You turn to the Gnosis
with the prayer: Fires of Grace, enter me now. Set free the new life in my
microcosm. At that very moment the answer comes and the process be.THE LIVING WORD
gins. The Gospel of John says: the Father. He who follows the Son also calls up the
Comforter. This means that the three fires do not begin to burn one after most
sublime symbol of God, of the Spirit, of the Gnosis, of the circle of eternity. The
rose within you is the potential of the God in you. As soon as this holy fire
begins to burn, a fiery process begins. God Himself enters into you. God Him.self
raises his voice. The ancient Manichaeans had the idea that in the children of the
fire the light was mixed with darkness. We know that this is completely true. Due
to his birth in nature, a human being has many dark elements. These are mixed with
the ele.ments of the light. newly lit fire attacks the darkness in you. A fire
process be.gins. God himself enters into your being. This is why Paul says to such
a pupil: Do you not know that you are God's tem.ple and that God's Spirit dwells in
you? And he adds: Ifany one harms God's temple, God will harm him. For God's
tem.ple is holy, and that temple you are (1Cor.3: 16-17)a. What does Paul mean by
this? He is not referring to being harmed by others, because others cannot harm a
pupil on the path. When the Father fire burns in you, no mortal is able to
extinguish that fire. No, you are the only one who can harm 72 yourself. As soon as
you go the path in the flaming triangle, you are obliged to go and stand on the
square of construction in a totally new way. A completely new mode of life is
essen.tial. Without this you will harm your own temple, the temple which is God's.
Paul says in r Cor.3: For no other foundation can any oneelay than that which is
laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now builds on the foundation with gold,
silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble -in other words, with any kind of
dialec.tical aim whatsoever -the fire will test who will receive re.ward and who
will suffer loss. No doubt you will understand that if a pupil of the Spiri.tual
School puts the emphasis on numerous incidents and on all kinds of dialectical
values, he would build up an enormous resistance in himself. If you kindle the holy
fire and at the same time clutch to the things of ordinary nature with both hands,
the fire that has come to consume all that is old and unworthy to God, will meet
far greater resistance in you. This is the reason why many pupils of the Spiritual
School of the Golden Rosycross sometimes despair at all the difficul.ties in their
lives. In their ignorance they put up resistance against the fire of liberation
they themselves have invoked! So -let go of what must be given up. If anyone builds
on the foundation with gold, silver, pre.cious stones, wood, hay, and stubble -each
person's work will become manifest. The day will prove it, because it will be
revealed by the fire that you yourself have lit. The fire will test your
construction. THE LIVING WORD If the work survives the inner trial of the fire,
says Paul, you will receive a reward. But if anyone's work is burned up, he will
suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but through the purifying fire. 13 A journey
through the Morning Land of the Spirit E phesians 2, verses r to ro read: And you
he made alive, when you were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once
walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of
the air, the Spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience. Among these we
all once lived in the passions of our flesh, following the desires of body and
mind, and so we were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But
God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, even when
we were dead through our tres.passes, made us alive together with Christ (by grace
you have been saved)e, and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the
heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the coming ages he might show the
immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by
grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the
gift of God -not because of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his
workmanship, cre.ated in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
be.forehand, that we should walk in them. THE LIVING WORD When you read this part
of the sublime letter of Paul, you will discover that Paul is testifying of the
tremendous gratitude and joy that the Brotherhood, the Church of the Ephesians, has
been taken up into the merciful magnetic field of the Christ-centred fullness. With
regard to these pupils of the Spiritual School Paul is speaking of being 'made
alive'. He gives us a short sketch of the process of liberation. 'Previously you
were part of the essence of death through your misdeeds and sins', he says. These
misdeeds should not be seen as terrible offences against the moral and statutory
laws of ordinary dialectical society, but they represent the fundamental signature
of wrongdoing with regard to the Gnosis. Every human being therefore bears the
signature of 'following the course of this world' and of 'following the prince of
the power of the air'. If humanity does not meet its calling as the image bearer of
God, and as such does not overcome the world, this results in the development of
counternature, both on the physical plane and on this in his blood and in his
karma, and so bears the sign of the sons of disobedience. Hence all the pupils of a
transfiguristic Spiritual School are by nature 'children of wrath'. This is not
just a mystical truth but also a fact facing you as naked truth and depriving you
of any opportunity of talking about this in an emotional way. Whoever understands
all this and, with profound insight, can experience this as being true, will feel a
wondrous happi.ness tingling through him. He will be speechless with grati.tude
when he discovers that in the Spiritual School his death as to this nature and his
fundamentally useless and heavily burdened existence are transformed into total
salvation, and moreover into a guiltless ascent. Only then does life have real
perspective. Only then does a future unroll before a human being, namely to show
the overwhelming wealth of the power of the grace of Christ in the centuries ahead.
For whoever has been taken up in the Magnetic Body of the young Gnostic
Brotherhood, whoever experiences the seven rays of the Universal Spirit and ignites
his seven-armed candelabrum in them, is taken up in a pro.cess of genesis and
transformation that will take many centu.ries seen from the point of view of time
and space. Together with his brothers and sisters he will begin a journey from here
into the divine astral field, and, proceeding from strength to strength, he will go
on until the gates of the Im.movable Kingdom swing open. This whole journey is a
jour.ney through the Morning Land of the Spirit. All this is made possible by the
sublime gnostic gifts of salvation. All you have to do is put your foot on the path
of the new consequences of life, and, touched by the fire of grace, transform this
holy food into energy and so enter the life of the Spirit-Soul, charged with this
vitality. Truthfully we have to tell you that, although many pupils in the
Spiritual School receive this power daily and are nour.ished with this food every
hour as it were, it appears that these dynamic possibilities are insufficiently
utilised. All pu.pils who truly yearn for the Gnosis have become very rich THE
LIVING WORD due to their continuous link with the Magnetic Body of the Spiritual
School manifested sevenfold, yes, they possess great treasures, but they are not
sufficiently aware of this. They look too much at their dialectical results and
consider them insignificant. But notice how Paul makes it clear to the Ephesians
that because of your works.' For this reason you, as people touched by the Gnosis,
should regard these things comple.tely differently, in the sense that 'we are
created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we
should walk in them.' If you understand these last words of Paul, you will be
heading in the right direction. Paul means, 'do not confuse the things of ordinary
nature with those of the Gnosis, be.cause you can't change ordinary nature. You are
charged with new possibilities of living according to a totally new mode of life
that has nothing to do with ordinary nature. That is what you should walk in.' On
the basis of this soul revolution you could ask, 'How do we put this new mode of
life into practice?' Our answer is: You can adopt this new mode of life in group
unity. 14 The voice of the silence And then to the inner ear will speak the Voice
of the Silence and say: Ifthy soul smiles while bathing in the sunlight of thy
life; ifthy soul sings within her chrysalis of flesh and matter; ifthy soul weeps
inside her castle of illusion; ifthy soul struggles to break the silver thread that
binds her to the Master; know, 0 disciple, thy soul is of the earth. * If we wish
to follow a pupil on his path, we need first of all to see where this path begins.
The path begins where the pupil succeeds in rising above his nature-born prison.
This rising above the nature-born prison is possible only if the longing
of the heart is strong and pure enough, if the '' From: The Voice of the Silence,
p.3, by HP Blavatsky. The Theosophical House, Wheaton, Ill., United
States, 1992. THE LIVING WORD head sanctuary has been purified of the ordinary
dialectical motives and aims, and if the growing thinking faculty has been freed of
the lower intellect, which should then be guided by reason. This transmutation
within the personality will enable the pupil to experience soul growth and to
become a truly living soul. If the soul lives, the path can begin. Then the pupil
is pulled from the pit of death by one of the seven cords. Having found the path
and entered it, the pupil hears for the first time the voice of the silence, the
voice of his Master. This Master is his own inner God, the virgin Spirit, called
Christos by the ancient Gnostics. This Master has to begin to speak to the pupil.
Without that voice no other helper or teacher will be able to do anything for him
whatsoever. The Christos is the descending Spirit that will link itself to the
nature-born personality through the soul. This eter.nally Perfect One turns mainly
to the soul, for everything de.pends on the way the soul behaves. You should
clearly realise the very special task and posi.tion of the soul, for the soul is
being attracted by two worlds, two life fields. The soul has to act as a mediator.
On the one hand there is the reality of the lower world, which The Voice of the
Silence so rightly calls 'the Hall of Sorrow', and where every possible attempt is
made to ensnare the pupil in the de.lusion of the 'great heresy'. On the other side
of the soul is the life order of the Spirit. The soul therefore has to express
itself in two worlds. This will undoubtedly help you see that the soul has to be 80
trained. The soul has continually to be enabled to make the right choice, for every
wrong decision can cause great harm. In this light you should understand the
Biblical warning:' The soul that sins shall die.' Hence when the pupil hears the
voice of the silence, this voice will always act as a guide to the soul. And only
when the soul follows and obeys this voice will the pupil be able to pass through
that extremely dangerous first stage of the path. The warning voice speaks of a
practice with which is very familiar. There are numerous ups and downs in
nature-born life. When a person is young, healthy and strong, and he is riding on
the crest of a wave, as they say, and he is 'bathing in the sunlight of his life',
he will sing in his chrysalis of matter. Who would begrudge him that? But very soon
there are the many moments when he feels his imprisonment in his castle of
illusion. One moment he is absorbed completely by the world's turmoil, the next he
is listening to the roaring voice of the great illusion. He is struck by the hot
tears of suffering and he is deafened by the numer.ous cries of anguish and
distress. Hence at one moment there is cause to confront life anew full of
optimism, the next mo.ment he is overwhelmed by the great terror of it all. And now
the voice of the silence, the voice of the Christos, says to the pupil who has come
to the beginning of his path: Do not allow your soul to enter and be drawn into all
those fluctuating moods of the nature-born being. Rise above joy and sorrow. Do not
enter into the ephemeral pleasure of the present moment or into the short-term
anguish of today. If 8r THE LIVING WORD you allow yourself to be dragged along by
the great turmoil, Remember this, brothers and sisters! If your soul sways lence
with Him, the Christos. Without becoming indifferent to the fate of nature-born
people -for how could the soul do that? -it needs to be ul, constantly directed at
the supernal link with the Christos, knowing that this is the best way to help for
the Spirit, the Soul and the Body, which must become one. 82 15 The Triple Alliance
of the Light T he inner laws of the Spiritual School are based on the nucleus power
and its effect in the various aspects of the sevenfold Spiritual School of the
Golden Rosy.cross. You should therefore understand that a Gnostic Spiri.tual School
is not a personal matter. When a Spiritual School has fully developed, it has a
se.venfold Living Body. It is built up of living stones. That is to say: it is
built up of some thousands of souls who expect their entire salvation from the
living Christ. It is to Him, the living Christ, that such a Spiritual School
belongs, and only in his astral power, in his glorified blood, can the great work
of lib.eration become a reality. For this reason the true servant will never place
himself at the centre, even though he might fully devote himself to the work of the
Spiritual School. Just like Christ, the true ser.vants say: 'I have nothing that is
my own. All I possess and all I say I have received from the Gnosis, the
Brotherhood of Life, which is concerned with me through the medium of the young
Gnostic Brotherhood.' Or as Christ once said: 'All I possess and all I say I have
received from my Father who is in heaven.' This is the deep meaning and the deep
basis of THE LIVING WORD Christ's words which his servants teach and prove with
their lives:' Lord, not my will but Your will be done.' When a seed from the heart
of the Universal Gnostic Chain is planted in the dark soil of the nature of death,
we know that the complete revelation of salvation lies hidden in this principle of
life. This principle is the starting point and cannot be ignored. The same applies
to the soul-liberating path that you in.tend to go. Before you commence your path,
everything that is needed for the practical realisation of the path is hidden in
the heart of the Spiritual School. In the beginning there were the Chain of the
Brotherhood of Christ and the two Spiritual Leaders, together forming the Triangle,
from whose apex the Christ Light, the sanctified Light, radiates in the service of
all who long for it. And so Mr J van Rijckenborgh and the author one day made the
unanimous decision to clear in the revealed holy Light of Christ the way to the
seventh aspect of the Spiritual School, the field of the resurrection, so that the
ascension of all the brothers and sisters going with us and all those still to come
will one day be 'perfect'. That is why this is the vital rule: obedience to this
holy, universal work. The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross, of which you as
a pupil are a part, has its origins in a Fellowship of twelve brothers and sisters
of the Universal Gnosis. To be exact, that Fellowship already existed at the
beginning of the twentieth century, and it still consists of twelve members. In the
last part of the nineteenth century the Triple Alliance of the Light had made the
decision to start the development of a totally new global activity according to a
completely new method that had never been possible before. This activity had to
have its base in Europe and from there find its way throughout the whole world. If
this work were to succeed, its development would have to have an unmistakably
threefold nature. As you know, the Triple Alliance of the Light consists of: the
Brotherhood of the Holy Grail, the Brotherhood of the Cathars, and the Brotherhood
of the Rosycross. These are the three Communities that together, as the Chain of
the Universal Brotherhood, execute the great plan of God throughout all ages in the
service of God and humanity: the knowledge of the Divine Plan, the genesis of
religious consciousness, and the vital art of realisation. At the dawn of this
century the decision was made to under.take this completely new work in a threefold
way. About seven hundred years ago the Fellowship of the Circle of Twelve, which
belonged to the last harvest of those liberated by the Chain of the Universal
Brotherhood, was given the enormous task to begin this work of the Triple Alliance
of the Light, in unity with the activity of the Brotherhood of the Cathars in the
land of Sabarthez in the South of France. This tremendous subject has been
discussed in several temple services and we cannot enter into this more deeply now,
but we can say that the great miracle has been accom.THE LIVING WORD plished. The
rose of the great self-surrender to the Holy Work has taken root on the bare rocks
of the nature of death. And now we are seeing the growth of the one building: the
temple wall that rests on the one cornerstone -the Christ. Layer after layer is
being added to this universal temple wall. And in our time, with the full blessing
of the Chain of the Universal Brotherhood of Christ, the work is being devel.oped
further in order to turn the manifestation of the living Spirit-Soul into a harvest
feast of the liberation of seeking souls from the darkness of the ages -into the
positive entrance through the door of the holy temple of Christian Rosycross. 0
sevenfold fire, in this holy hour of Gnosise' Elohim, burn deeply into our being.
In the lustre of the upper room, the Light of your majesty in all-encompassing
radiance Is spreading in supernal refulgence. Galaad has risen again The work is
being crowned. The call is being made in all the ancient land: 'Come, let us join
the group united, hand in hand.' Forged is the living chain of conscious knowledge
of the soul. Lete's sing this song of triumph, as Aurorae's light ascends. 16 I n
this chapter we would like to highlight some aspects which can be of great value
and significance for every pupil. For this reason we would like to pose the
ques.tion: is there enough consciousness present to be able to You should therefore
work out for yourself whether you are capable of reacting to the lofty objects and
essence of the Spiritual School in the right way. We have no doubt that you have
absorbed intellectually
what has been said to you up to now from our places of service. You will certainly
have devel.oped a certain amount of understanding from this intellec.tual grasp.
And you have probably been able to retain this understanding as a synthesis of all
that has been discussed. This is all very good of course, but in the framework of
your participation in the Living Body of the School it is not sufficient. Why not?
Because in addition to your intellectual comprehension you need also to gain
consciousness. The great mission of a Spiritual School is to bring the mes.sage of
the living salvation that is to be found in the Gnosis, to all those who wish to
raise themselves upfrom their physical soul state to the state of Spirit-Soul human
being by a process of transmutation. If you can show understanding and are
gnostically sensitive, the leadership of the School will be very glad, for it knows
that understanding and consciousness will lead you to good results in the near
future. Of course we must not neglect the less essential things, for there will be
pupils far above the average while there will also be pupils of below average
understanding and consciousness. For this reason we would now like to highlight
some points directly concerning the transmutation process of the personality. You
should know that any kind of change begins in the blood and that purification and
alteration of the blood is the first requirement. In addition we start off from the
idea that everyone lives out of a central principle of life. This central living or
liver principle is in the human blood. It has seven aspects and the entire
personality can be explained by it. This sevenfold aspect of the central life
principle we would like to indicate as follows: r: the idea, 2: the astral force,
3/6: the four ethers, 7: the gluten factor in the physical personality. Now you
must understand that the blood is mortal and de.structible, and so you should be
completely familiar with the fact that every human being drinks from the cup of
corrupti.ble blood forces. Possibly you will also ask: 'Do I also drink from the
cup of corruptible blood forces?' The answer has to be: 'Yes, be.THE LIVING WORD
cause everyone lives out of an increasingly satanic sphere of life, as there is an
exchange between the human being and the atmosphere surrounding him.' That has
always been the case in this dialectical atmosphere of life. It was well known in
the past, too, that any change begins in the blood. That is why it was attempted,
by artificial mean:;, to purify the blood forces of the atmosphere in which
human.ity lives, and at the same time to keep the life principle in the human being
at a certain level. Obviously this was only partly successful. For what did, for
example, the priests do in ancient times? Note that these ancient priests did not
know of the activity of the sanctifying, healing radiations of the Christ Spirit,
and so could not be aware of them. cent nature. There is nothing of what we call
evil in the blood of sheep, lambs and cows. In the ancient temples large groups of
people were as ordinary human beings, as indeed they were, and who
overindulged in all sorts of expressions of their sinful nature. These masses had
produced around themselves such sinful and lethal astral clouds that the worst was
to be feared constantly. What did the priests of those days do? They brought these
masses together into temples and there they burnt scented offerings that brought
people into a certain state of openness of the blood. After that animals were
killed on the altars so that the blood ran into vessels. Thus the temples were
filled with blood vapour and scents, and by the addition of herbs the life forces
in the animal blood were inhaled by the people. Sprinkling the people with the
ashes of the burnt animal bones ensured a kind of blood purification in these
people. If a doctor today administers medication prepared from animal liver, he is
in fact doing exactly the same as the ancient priests. The only difference is that
the modern patient re.ceives his animal liver extract through a needle or in a
cap.sule. The purpose of this animal liver extract is to reinforce the life
principle and so ensure protection against the rigours of life. By the same token
we should remark that eating meat could be seen as the salvation of the masses to
some extent, because this food daily purifies and tranquillises the blood, which is
being pushed up to constantly more disastrous pas.sions. You will probably
understand that the vegetarian way of life is also meant to be purifying, for the
juices of plants also have a central principle of life. It therefore doesn't matter
very much whether a person who doesn't want to go the path of Spirit-Soul
liberation purifies his blood passions and keeps them in equilibrium by means of
animal blood or the juices of vegetables. Both means of purification are to be
re.jected fundamentally in the light of the pupilship of the Spiri.tual School. THE
LIVING WORD Wein the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross are vegetarians in
order to find, in the natural human state, the road of least resistance towards a
totally different purification of the blood. For the time being we will ignore the
moral and ethical motives of our vegetarianism. We now focus on the purification
mentioned in the Gos.pel, namely the purification of the blood by means of the
blood of Jesus the Christ. 'The blood of Jesus the Christ cleanses us from all
sin.' (rJohn r: 7) Who is the Christ? Or rather: what is the life force of Christ?
The Christ is the radiation fullness of the Universal Gno.sis. When the purely
focused magnetic heart of the astral body invokes this force, it becomes
concentrated in the ethe.It is a force that completely renews both the head and the
heart. It is necessary that you become conscious of this, gnostically conscious.
Becoming gnostically conscious means attaining the pure unity of the reborn soul
with the Spirit. That is the true cen.tral idea. It is necessary that you begin to
live from this blood, the blood of Jesus Christ. This blood has to be absorbed by
the liver. This blood has to be inhaled by you. This blood needs to be the source
of your life and existence. This blood is the Gnosis calling you. It is called
blood because it is drunk by the heart as light force that causes the blood to
change. This blood, this light force, must begin to replace the cen.tral principle
of life so that a totally new human being can rise truly, the blood of Jesus Christ
cleanses us from all sins.' 92 It is our fervent prayer that you will one day be
able to enter into this new Covenant of the Blood. In connection with the above we
quote two chapters of the Old Testament: Hosea, chapter 4 -directed at unfaithful
priests and an un.faithful people. Hear the word of the Lord, 0people of Israel,for
the Lord has a controversy with the inhabitants of the land. There is no
faith.fulness or kindness, and no knowledge of God in the land; there is swearing,
lying, killing, stealing, and committing adultery; they break all bounds and murder
follows murder. Therefore the land mourns, and all who dwell in it languish, and
also the beasts of the field, and the birds of the air; and even the fish of the
sea are taken away. Yet let no one contend, and let none accuse, for with you is my
contention, 0priest. You shall stumble by day, the prophet also shall stumble with
you by night; and I will destroy your mother. My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge; be.cause you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest
to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your
children. The more they increased, the more they sinned against me; I will change
their glory into shame. They feed on the sin of my people; they are greedy for
their iniquity. And it shall be like people, like priest; I will punish them for
THE LIVING WORD their ways, and requite them for their deeds. They shall eat, but
not be satisfied; they shall play the harlot, but not multiply; because they have
forsaken the Lord to cherish harlotry. Wine and new wine take away the
understanding. My peo.ple inquire of a thing of wood and their staff gives them
oracles. For a Spirit of harlotry has led them astray, and they have left their God
to play the harlot. They sacrifice on the tops of the mountains, and make of
ferings upon the hills, under oak, poplar and terebinth, be.cause their shade is
good. Therefore your daughters play the harlot, and your brides commit adultery. I
will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot, nor your brides when they
commit adultery;for the men them.selves go aside with harlots, and sacrifice with
cult prostitutes, and a people without understanding shall come to ruin. Though you
play the harlot, 0 Israel, let not Judah become guilty. Enter not into Gilgal, nor
go up to Beth-aven, and swear not, 'As the Lord lives'. Like a stubborn heifer,
Israel is stubborn; can the Lord now feed them like a lamb in a broad pasture?
Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone. A band of drun.kards, they give
themselves to harlotry; they love shame more than their glory. A wind has wrapped
them in its wings, and they shall be ashamed because of their altars. Isaiah,
chapter I -judgement over the sinful people of Israel. The vision of Isaiah the son
of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham,
Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Hear, 0 heavens, and give ear, 0 earth; for the
Lord has spo.ken: 'Sons have I reared and brought up, but they have re.belled
against me. The ox knows its owner, and the ass its mas.ter's crib; but Israel does
not know, my people does not under.stand.' Ah, sinful nation, a people laden with
iniquity, offspring
of evildoers, sons who deal corruptly! They have forsaken the Lord, they have
despised the Holy One of Israel, they are ut.terly estranged. Why will you still be
smitten that you continue to rebel? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart
faint. From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it, but
bruises and sores and bleeding wounds; they are not pressed out or bound up, or
softened with oil. Your country lies desolate, your cities are burned with fire; in
your very presence aliens devour your land; it is desolate, as overthrown by
aliens. And the daughter of Zion is left like a booth in a vineyard, like a lodge
in a cucumber field, like a besieged city. Ifthe Lord of hosts had not left us a
few survivors, we should have been like Sodom, and become like Gomorrah. Hear the
word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom! Give ear to the teaching of our God, you
people of Gomorrah! 'What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices?' says the
Lord; 'I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts; I do
not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs, or of he-goats. When you come to
appear before me, who requires of you this THE LIVING WORD trampling of my courts?
Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me. New moon and Sabbath
and the of assemblies -I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assem.bly. Your
new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they have become a burden to me,
I am weary of bearing them. When you spread forth your hands, I will hide my eyes
from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not lis.ten; your hands are
full of blood. Wash yourselves; make your.selves clean; remove the evil of your
doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice,
correct op.pression; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.' 'Come now, let us
reason together.' says the Lord: 'Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be
white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Ifyou
are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and
rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.'
17 The Apocalypse and the mission of the Spiritual School T he School has
repeatedly discussed the development of the flaming triangle, the triangle formed
by a con.necting line of astral radiations between the liver, the spleen and the
heart sanctuary. This triangle has to be vigor.ously vivified in the candidate-
pupil. This means that astral radiations of a refined nature have to be drawn up
into the heart, causing a new power to ascend from the apex of the triangle. This
power will fill the entire head sanctuary. When the flaming triangle is radiating
in the head sanctu.ary, the genesis of the soul has begun. Then the basis has been
laid for the new consciousness. The golden rose can unfold. After this preparation
the seventh ray can become active in the pupil. During the last few years the
Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross has been engaged in applying the sign of
the Son of Man to the foreheads of all its pupils, from the members of the
Forecourt and the youth work to the mem.bers of the inner degrees. A mighty labour
has started to de.velop within the Spiritual School. 97 THE LIVING WORD Hence, some
time ago the moment arrived for the Se.venth Seal to be broken. Six angels come
forward with trum.pets, says the Book of Revelation. The golden glow of a new
judgement has commenced. The six angels are blowing their trumpets. Mighty
radiations are being released in the entire dialectical sphere. You will no doubt
have understood that this refers to six mighty gnostic radiations that are once
again causing a great break-up. All these radiations concern the twelvefold
division of the human body. The nervous system has twelve aspects. Think of the
twelve pairs of cranial nerves that are spread from the head sanctuary through the
entire body. Six of these twelve aspects have a positive task; six of them have a
negative task. Hence the six negative radiations will have a certain effect on the
pupil, and the six positive ones reinforce the process that has started to develop.
The whole nervous system with its twelve pairs of cranial nerves must be attuned to
the Johannine process. Hence twelve break-ups will also have to take place. The
fifth and sixth angel in particular cause severe experiences, symbo.lised by
plagues of locusts and terrifying hellish horses .symbols referring to the astral
turmoil in the respiration field of the candidate-pupil in the gnostic mysteries.
Finally the sounding of the last trumpet, announced by opment. To this end the
pupil has to eat a scroll which is very bitter. This refers to a very important
nadir through which the pupil of a Spiritual School has to struggle in loneliness
until he has reached the end. After that he is told, according to the Apocalypse,
to mea.sure the boundaries of the Holy City. Rise and measure the temple of God and
the altar and those who worship there, but do not measure the court outside the
temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample
over the holy city for forty-two months (Rev n: I, 2) . And so the young Gnostic
Brotherhood has projected the gnostic field of work. It has measured and built up
the new temple of God. And all who belong to the Gnosis have been placed in it. But
the Spiritual School has made an exception for one of the basic aspects of its
organisation, namely the Members. The group of Members will have the task
eventually to re.main behind in the dialectical working field to function as an
assembly place for those who are unable or unwilling to walk the path with the
School. We are living in a period in which the gnostic Spiritual School has to be
confirmed in time. It all begins in the Apoc.alypse. But soon the nature aeons and
all their vassals come to pounce upon the servants of God. Two horrible beasts loom
up, one from the sea and one from the land, to destroy the entire world. But what
happens? The whole world worships them! The work of the Spiritual School makes very
little progress while THE LIVING WORD the world rushes with breathtaking speed
towards its perdi.tion. At this juncture of time the Spiritual School of the Golden
Rosycross stands in the confirmation of the gnostic working field. And during this
period the Spiritual School has had to endure many fierce attacks. But for the sake
of these necessary and understandable experiences the Christ is born. That is to
say: the soul is to 'life' in the system of all those who are faithful. The
flame that has been kindled in the head sanctuary begins to expand and take up a
greater amount of space. This flame be.gins to renew the head sanctuary and its
organs completely, so that at a certain moment the Seven-Spirit can fully descend
into the system. And so Jesus the Christ is born. The soul is linked to the Spirit.
This is accompanied by a wondrous and glorious unveiling of the entire magnetic
firmament. Then the pupil in the gnostic mysteries sees the appear.ance of the
Lamb, surrounded by the redeemed ones on Mount Zion. The gnostic astral field opens
up before the young brother or sister. You will understand that this devel.opment,
these radiations, will break through all hindrances. The radiations of the Seven-
Spirit, released in and by the new astral field, stimulate activity. These
radiations of the Seven.Spirit pour out the entire content of their bowls over the
earth, over the pupils who are prepared for the gnostic life. This destroys all
dialectics. All that is of the earth earthy and has to disappear weeps and moans in
anguish. But from the new heaven a song of praise brims over and resounds in praise
of God: the millennium begins. The abyss IOO is kept away from the Gnostic Kingdom.
Pupils, Spiritual School and gnostic working fields stand in the world as rulers.
And after a certain amount of time, when the entire har.vest that can be redeemed
from the earth has been gathered, the last ordeal commences. The beast is released
from the abyss and rushes towards the camp of the sanctified. But of course the
beast is defeated. The resurrection of the dead now takes place. And the new heaven
and the new earth show themselves, not just in the existence of all those who
belong to the Order of the Perfect Ones, but in and to all who belong to the
gnostic working field. Then the work of the Order of the truly Living Ones has been
accomplished again. Think of the magnetic Living Body of the Spiritual School.
Think of serious pupilship. If you could be called a truly serious pupil of the
Gnosis within the foreseeable future, then the seal of the 'truly living one' has
been placed upon you. That is to say: if any amount of new soul power can be found
in you, you belong to the group that is protected by the power of the Living Body
of the School. The new heaven and the new earth will unfold, not just for the
perfect ones, but for all who belong to the se.venfold Spiritual School. Then the
work of the Order of the truly Living Ones will have been accomplished again. What
counts in the first instance is not whether you know the teachings, but whether
your mode of life corresponds to the gnostic laws and whether you live up to the
requirements of the Gnosis. What counts is a mode of life that is directed in total
purity. IOI THE LIVING WORD We have tried to place this Apocalypse before you as a
Book of Revelation of the young Gnostic Brotherhood. You should try to see this
wondrous book as the constantly re.turning and glorious programme of service, the
programme that is the foundation of all Gnosis. Wewant you to experi.ence deeply
how much the present Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross, in
accordance with this programme, is rushing forwards in the direction of the
inexorable victory. You can examine for yourself at what stage of develop.ment you
are. You can determine for yourself whether the Spiritual School has been true to
its task up to now, or whether it is deviating from the liberating path and its
teach.ings. And you will no doubt be prepared to understand that whoever is found
to be faithful need never despair. He or she will be liberated. No servant of the
Holy Brotherhood, irrespective of the time in which he or she works, has ever put
one foot outside this path, mindful of the mighty words at the end of the
Apocalypse: Truly, this joyful message is revealed to all those who wish to belong
to the Gnosis. 18 The secret of gnostic magic W e have explained to you many times
that you should understand the whole Christ epic, the way Jesus the Lord travels
from Bethlehem to Golgotha, as being completely applicable to you personally.
Whoever wants to be a Christian in the true meaning of the word, has to imitate the
Christ in every footstep, from begin.ning to end, from his birth to his death, from
his death to his resurrection. Every holy scripture points this out to the see.ker
who wants to orientate himself on the one way of life. All the deeds of salvation
are intended to draw your attention to events that have to be accomplished in your
own life. The beginning of the Bible tells of the Tree of Life standing in the
middle of God's Paradise, of which tree Adamitic humanity was permitted to eat, and
of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You know that the Adamitic
human being ignored this necessary guideline and what hap.pened to him when he,
together with his fellow sufferers, turned the garden of the Gods into a nature of
death. But the end of the Bible tells about the restoration and the great glory of
the renewal of the tree of life. And when we read about this in Revelation 22, we
are struck by the fact ro3 THE LIVING WORD that this tree appears to be threefold.
From the throne of God a mighty river flows forth, a stream of living water. The
tree of life is in the middle of the river, but at the same time it is on This
description is more than enough for the pupil to un.derstand what is meant by this
threefold tree, namely the human serpent-fire system with its three channels: the
ser.pent fire itself and the two strings of the sympathetic nervous system. The
serpent fire itself is the street in the middle; the linked to the great event of
the resurrection, and indeed, with all the events of the Christ epic. One of our
books gives a detailed description of how the new stream of life at a certain
moment, when the pupil has linked himself to it, descends from the head sanctuary
along one of the strings of the sympathetic nervous system to the other string back
to the point of departure, the head sanctuary.'' The advice or commandment given to
original humanity to eat only the fruit of the tree of life referred to the
necessity of not disturbing the circulation process of the serpent fire. For if
this process is disturbed, the flow of living water imme.,,_ See Jan van
Rijckenborgh, The Coming New Man, Chapters II, V. diately stagnates. In order to
understand this you must realise that the plexus sacralis is the root of the human
personality. The plexus sacralis is linked to the seven spheres of the auric being,
and, via the sevenfold auric being, with the Seven.Spirit, the seven universal
streams of the all-manifestation, in other words with the eternal river of God, the
river of water. It will no doubt be clear to you that, when one who is
called to be a child of God, deviates from the plan of God, from the Spirit of God,
-and this is just what original humanity did -there is an immediate and intense
disturbance in the humanaroot system-the plexus sacralis. You will also realise
thatawhen such a disturbance occurs, this is manifested at theatop of the tree of
life, because the twelve fruits of the tree,athe twelve nervous streams emanating
from the head sanctu.ary, will immediately propel unholy and disharmoniousaforces
through the entire system, one of the results of whichais a crystallisation and
degeneration of the whole being.aThis is why the pupil in the gnostic mysteries
must under.stand that his first task has to be the imitation of Christ, i.e. the
complete restoration of the circulatory process of the tree of life, the serpent-
fire system. This is why he should open his heart sanctuary for the light of the
Gnosis in true piety and with the courage of unshakeable conviction, and so
celebrate his Bethlehem. After that he has to take up his cross and carry it to
Gol.gotha, the place of the skull. There the pupil in the gnostic mysteries has to
die completely as to his I-being. THE LIVING WORD On this basis he will then
celebrate his truly Good Friday, which is the first day of his path of dissolution.
Having completely died as to the nature of his dialectical state of life, he needs
to descend with new light power from the top of the tree of life, down to the
deepest depths, right into the plexus sacralis, in order to link this root heart to
the Seven-Spirit: the second day of his path of dissolution. He has descended to
the realm of the dead. And then the victory begins. On the third day the new stream
of life, linked to the throne of God, rises up and breaks the sepulchre open at the
top, showing the new fruit. The resurrection can be celebrated. You now know that
the purification of the threefold ser.pent fire makes the resurrection of the
candidate in the world of the living soul state possible. The original Seven-light
must be able to be absorbed directly by the roots of the tree of life. Only then
will a servant of the Golden Rosycross be able truly to live from the fruit of the
tree of life that stands in the middle of God's Paradise. tical space, of the
planets and their moons, of the sun, and of the signs of the zodiac. ro6 Anyone who
has practised astrology will be able to tell you that the astrologer has to take
into account positive and negative influences with good and bad radiations, which
could be caused by, for example, the angles of incidence in which they reach our
vital systems. It will be clear to you that such a situation entails living
directly out of the power or the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil. All those familiar vicissitudes of life which you suffer daily are the
consequence of the fact that the root system of the serpent fire absorbs the twin
forces of dialectical nature and infects the twelve fruits of the tree of life, the
twelvefold nervous system, with it. Whoever continues eating from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil cannot expect to re.turn to God's Paradise, the living
soul state. Certainly it is not only evil that is being absorbed into the human
system. That was never the point. As a nature-born being he demonstrates a mixture
of good and evil. These twin forces are present in his life as an inextricable
tangle re.sulting in great fatigue, misunderstanding, sickness, crystal.lisation
and death. These consequences are inescapable, and the classical warning: the day
that you eat of it you shall die is only too true. But now the question: Is it
really possible, in a practical sense, to turn away from the twin forces of
dialectical nature, and is it possible to force the plexus sacralis, the root
system of the serpent-fire system, to absorb the other light power, the divine
light forces of the seven original streams, into the body? THE LIVING WORD Yes,
that is possible! It is in this very possibility that the Gnosis has its power.
This is why the young Gnostic Brother.hood speaks so frequently about the seven
original streams that emanate from the Father. These seven original streams show no
mixture of good and evil, light and dark. They are uninterruptedly omnipresent and
their power is unvarying. If the young Gnostic Brotherhood can succeed in having a
significant number of servants and pupils living out of this universal Seven-power,
a very special, new and unearthly power will emanate from this group within the
group. This power will be a holy food, a pure white manna, produced every day on
the fields of the new Gnostic Kingdom. What, then, is the secret of gnostic magic?
It is: radiating light power of an unearthly composition due to the fact that the
servants, who raise these torches of light in the darkness of the nature of death,
have freed their serpent-fire systems from the light forces of good and evil, and
have opened them to those of the universal Seven-Spirit. 19 The travellers to
Emmaus A s soon as the light radiation Christi has touched you, that is, as soon as
it has been led into your respira.tion field, a reaction from you will follow, and
this reaction will inevitably be followed by a process within you. Let us assume
for a moment that this touch of the light really were to take you into the process
of the resurrection, the ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit. Then your
consciousness would increasingly become more aware of its limitations, its
restrictions, its barrenness, its half-hearted.ness, its emptiness and its
imperfection in this earthly life. But because you have experienced something of
the majestic beauty and grandeur of the Heavenly Kingdom due to the touch of the
divine radiation power, your consciousness as to this nature knows that it will
have to die. And, with the help of the Spiritual School, the pupil initi.ates the
process ofa' letting the Other One in him increase', so that the received light
power can begin to man if est itself in his system. And what happens in your
microcosmic system? Until this moment the Holy Spirit has not lived and worked in
LIVING WORD your microcosm, for what is usually called 'spirit' is just the
consciousness nucleus that is manifested in the active power of the heart, the head
and the natural soul. But as the light process advances in the microcosm, the
astral forces of the Christ Hierarchy receive the opportunity of penetrating more
deeply into the structure of the life of the soul human being via the pure life
ethers which have meanwhile devel.oped from out of the astral field. You know that
the divine seed atom lies hidden in your microcosm. As the living, vibrating holy
ether radiation en.ters you, this seed atom is revivified by the power with which
it has polarity by virtue of its potential. This is how the con.keep attracting
pure new ethers so that one day, as a vibrating ether cloud above the sanctuary, it
will commence a journey of development to resurrection. This journey to heaven lies
within your reach, if you are willing to prepare a place for these radiations of
the Holy Spirit. This is how the mystery of the rebirth commences. The point is
whether you understand this mystery, or whether you will be just as surprised as
Nicodemus when you hear about these things. Nicodemus understood nothing about this
problem of life. He could grasp the meaning of per.sonality culture, and was
prepared to do a lot and to give up a lot for that. His I imagined itself to be
already on the path, and the Lord of all Life was allowed to help him
along on it-just as many pupils want to use the Spiritual IIO School of the Golden
Rosycross as a lever to get to the life of the Spirit-Soul. However the issue is
the rebirth out of 'water and Spirit' as Jesus explained. The pupil needs to
understand this re.quirement very thoroughly, for it is the compendium of the
Golden Rosycross. The rebirth out of water is the resurrection of the soul human
being in and by the four pure ethers. And the rebirth out of or in the Spirit means
that only the original Holy Spirit, which is of God, can enter the imperishable
Kingdom. Only this Holy Spirit leads to life in the highest sense. It is out of
this Spirit that you must begin to live through the Christ. This is what the Bible
calls the 'daily with God'. This reminds us of that beautiful story of the
travellers to Emmaus. You can find this story in the Gospel of Luke, chap.ter 24,
the verses 13 to 35. This story places us in the time im.mediately after the
resurrection of Christ. The disciples are very excited. The great problem for most
of them is, 'Is the resurrection really a fact? Will this event, announced for so
long, really develop?' And especially: 'Will I, or will human.ity in general, be
sufficiently open and ready to notice this resurrection?' The sevenfold Living
Body, the Gnostic Body, has been prepared. The gnostic astral field has developed
into a new soul-life field, and this new life field has opened itself up for the
seeking and longing person. Driven by and burning on the forces and activities of
feelings and mind, the advanced THE LIVING WORD pupil of the Spiritual School tries
to keep his consciousness continuously active in it. for the new consciousness?
Surely every pupil wonders:a'Will I too be able to ascend into that gnostic astral
field? Will the door be opened in the Circle of Eternity?' Why would He who said 'I
am the door' not manifest himself in you? As soon as you have arrived at this focal
point of consciousness, i.e. as soon as you experience your link with the glory of
the eternal peace, which is the Gnosis itself, then He will go sixty stadia from
Jerusalem to Emmaus. Whoever is capable of reading the Holy Scriptures will know
that this journey indicates that the pupil concerned is on the way to the border
between the two nature orders. He is pulling himself up into non-being and is
facing Em.maus, i.e. the hot, fiery spring of gnostic fullness. He is standing
there first of all with his not-I of the person.ality and secondly with his soul
state which has been opened up by the gnostic fullness. And soa' both' are walking
to Em.maus. But long before they have reached this place, and while the soul and
the not-I are discussing their relationship to the fullness of God, the Resurrected
Jesus comes to them. But they do not recognise Him. Jesus is with them, but their
eyes are kept from recognising Him, and so they do not know who He is. Jesus asks
them: 'Why are you so sad? What is keeping you so seriously occupied?' Every pupil
who is travelling to Emma us in such a state of being will perceive the whisperings
II2 of the voice of God. Their purpose is to give the pupil on the path new courage
and to urge him to persevere in the last stage of the process. For isn't one of the
two companions called Cleopas, that is to say, victor? But the victor himself is
not yet conscious of the victory. Hence he protests. He reproaches Jesus for his
apparent superficiality and ignorance. He, Cleopas, expresses his He says
of the Resurrected One: 'His tomb was appar.ently empty. Some say that He is
resurrected and that they have seen Him'. All the wavering doubt of the as yet
veiled soul comes to the fore. But then, because Cleopas is heading for Emmaus, and
is not doubting the aim and essence of the Gnosis in its current development, but
is doubting only himself in this, the whis.perings of the voice of God are becoming
more powerful. The vague touch of Jesus is now gaining substance. The voice is
getting louder and louder, and is becoming very powerful. The six emanations are
beginning to flame like fiery tongues: Create, by means of the Fire, the thinking
faculty. Generate thoughts by means of the fire. Call forth, by means of the Fire,
the Voice. Speak, by means of the Fire, the Name. The light of ordinary nature is
beginning to dim. The sun of birth is setting. Evening falls. The crisis is
imminent: So they drew near to the village where they were going. Jesus appeared to
be going further, but they constrained Him, THE LIVING WORD Jesus enters and breaks
the bread of eternal life and gives both his companions to eat what they are
capable of tolerat.The door of the Circle of Eternity flies open. And Cleo.manna.
20 The central position of the etheric body D ialectical life can be completely
explained by the astral fire of this world. The mortal soul lives com.pletely out
of this fire, as do all nature-born human beings. It is also everyone's experience
that this way of living brings only discord, anguish and disillusionment, due to
the self-maintenance of the I. There can be no way of truly living as originally
meant, as long as we do not live, work and strive out of the fire of divine grace,
and as long as we do not enter the fundamental reversal and try to come into
harmony with the gnostic-astral force, the fire of divine grace. The pupil, who
begins to become conscious of this, ex.periences a kind of anguish that is totally
different from the sorrow of this world. This is the anguish that drives the pupil
to new knowledge, so that there can be an end to this funda.mentally disharmonious
state, this apparently endless succes.sion of rising, shining and fading. This
liberating knowledge, this science of liberation for which the pupil longs, is
available for everyone. With unpar.alleled grandeur this knowledge has come to
dwell among rr5 THE LIVING WORD humanity. Everything you need to know lies
literally spelled out before you. The question now is, whether you understand this
wisdom, and whether you, having ears, can indeed hear. Everything you hear in the
Spiritual School consists not merely of philosophical dissertations, as was the
opinion of many pupils in the past, but is a constant and urgent call. In the past
we may have been told of coming events, but at the moment humanity is in a
situation in which drastic changes are occurring in the astral atmosphere and a
reaction has to respect to astral turbulence and change, but also and espe.cially
to let your innermost being fathom the inevitability of the consequences. And above
all you should grasp the helping hand which is being extended to you again and
again. You need to gain a deep understanding of these changed atmospheric
conditions and of what they have to tell you, so that in great humility you will
react positively by taking po.sitive action, without delay. If you don't do this,
you will lapse into a negative reaction. There is no middle road. Try to gain the
necessary fundamental gnostic-philoso.phical knowledge and the right insight into
the situation in which the human life wave, and the pupils of the Spiritual School
in particular, find themselves, so that on this basis you can determine the
liberating mode of life for yourself. The human personality has a very complex
structure. Apart rr6 from the physical body there are also an etheric body and an
astral body. Fourthly there is also a mind, a mental body, which is still in a very
elementary stage of development. The purpose of the gnostic process of development
is to give back to this fourfold personality its original destination as intended
by God, and to make it completely subservient to this destination, because only on
that basis is Divine-human life possible. Striving to enter this Divine-human state
of life in an un.interrupted flow of new manifestations of life is the essence of
the gnostic aim. All of this aims for the unification with the Christ. No doubt
your self-knowledge is great enough for you to experience tangibly the great chasm
that stretches between your fourfold personality and the Christ. If you can
experi.ence even the slightest part of this divine greatness, you will feel
completely unworthy. Hence you will know, and see it clearly and distinctly before
you, that unification of your fourfold nature-born personality
with the Christ is That would mean the burning up of your
personality. And yet an encounter with this supreme power of libera.tion can
neither be avoided nor postponed. Actions to slow down progress cannot be catered
for in the Gnosis' great pro.cesses of development, because these processes of
develop.ment of the world and humanity have to continue; they have to run their
course as determined by the Logos, with or with.out the co-operation of the
entities concerned. For this reason the atmospheric changes and develop.II7 THE
LIVING WORD ments that are occurring at present form a situation of the greatest
urgency for all of humanity. It is no use any mortal trying his best to cultivate
any aspect of his personality, or to achieve a splitting of the personality, in the
expectation of thus achieving unification with the Most High, because due to the
present and future atmospheric developments all imi.tations will be completely
unmasked. It is therefore necessary to draw your attention once again to your
fourfold nature-born personality, and the etheric body in particular, also called
the etheric double or vital body, for this vehicle contains the centre of gravity
of the de.velopment in the period that has now commenced. The present astral
atmospheric conditions and the exchange of the inflowing and outgoing
radiations of the Holy Seven-Spirit, of the Gnosis of fulfilment, force every human
being to a very radical reorientation of his di.rectedness, and a multifaceted
shift of interest, from the phy.sical body to the etheric body. For there, in the
etheric dou.ble, in the 'vehicle that is in the middle', the nucleus of the
liberating consciousness has to be anchored. When we speak in the Spiritual School
about soul rebirth, we mean the creation of a new soul consciousness, emanating
from and living in the etheric body. This consciousness will begin to guide the
entire personality, while the matter-born I must be fully prepared to entrust
itself completely to this Only then will a total transfiguration of the
whole per.sonality be able to begin. The personality is now still held prisoner by
all the chains of matter. rr8 The current change of the radiation conditions has
conse.quences not only on the physical plane, as you will under.stand, but also on
the astral and etheric planes. More complicated and more polluted than the physical
plane is the etheric plane of life that is populated by myriads of beings. All life
and activity in the etheric planes is being hounded by the new radiation values of
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, causing all these beings in the tenuous planes to seek
refuge in the physical plane. On the one hand we have humanity in which the etheric
double is in the process of being vivified, but which, with a few exceptions, is
totally unconscious of this vehicle of the personality. On the other hand there are
the forces and powers which are seeking a safe refuge and are swooping down on the
developing etheric vehicles of the great masses. This is the only explanation for
the senseless crimes being committed in all parts of the world and in all strata of
society, apparently without any reasonable explanation. It is not only great
criminality that seeks our attention in this context; it is also all the strange,
often illogical and impul.sive behaviour that takes place on the edge of or just
above the criminal or at least very questionable sphere. Now you may be inclined to
focus your attention on criminal elements outside your own immediate sphere. Or
perhaps you could think of someone you know closely and who, in your opinion, is
behaving strangely, and to whom the above description could very well apply. But no
matter how much your perception of things out.n9 THE LIVING WORD side yourself may
confirm the urgent distress of humanity .ception. For as long as you are not living
out of the fire of divine grace, out of the gnostic astral forces, you are forced,
with your disturbed magnetic system, to live out of the astral sphere of death and
the ethers that develop from there, with all the resulting consequences. Just like
every other human being you are open to the ordinary dialectical ethers which are
saturated with undivine life. The choice will therefore be quite apparent to the
true pupil of the School of the Golden Rosycross. In self-surren.der to the soul he
will try to live, work and strive on the basis of the fire of divine grace and thus
serve a twofold cause: firstly the new soul state will take shape in him or her,
thus in principle liberating the soul, secondly he will thus become a living stone
in the group of the young Gnostic Brotherhood. This group will be strong both
inwardly and outwardly and possess a conscious Spirit.Soul. He will testify and
prove that everything humanity still experiences as a time of great distress, can
be turned into a blessing. After all, that is the purpose of the atmospheric de.
velopments in the great order of things. As a pupil of the Spiritual School you
have frequently heard about the sevenfold Living Body, and of the realm of living
souls. Those pupils who have left behind everything that has any kind of connection
whatsoever with the nature of death may enter this realm. May the essence and the
nature of these things radiate before your consciousness, so that you will know
everything that is necessary for your eternal peace. We know from the Holy
Scriptures that Jesus stays with his disciples for a short time after his
resurrection. That is to say, he manifests himself several times; he stays in their
midst sev.eral times, and he finally ascends into heaven. If we view this ascension
within the framework of the pu.pilship of our Spiritual School, this means that
when the pupil has celebrated the resurrection, and the holy Pentecos.tal Fire
radiates in the sublime light of the Brotherhood of Life, the Light of Christ, this
light is still undifferentiated. It can be observed as a vibration. It is not
possible to ac.complish the structural rebirth with this single vibration, be.cause
the total human being is a very complicated and seven.fold organism. Through
perseverance and single-minded pu.pilship this one overall vibration must begin to
divide, must begin to split into seven clearly distinguishable radiations, so that
they can form the seven building materials for the pro.cess of transfiguration. You
know that the Holy Spirit is also called the Seven.Spirit. You also know that Jesus
the Lord says to his disciples: When I am gone I shall send you the Counsellor. He
will bear witness to me. In other words: the ascension of Jesus and the descent of
the Holy Spirit refer to the holy process of the ac.tivity of the Brotherhood,
namely to the fact that the one power of the holy fire received from the hands of
the Brother.hood is converted into a seven-power, a sevenfold vibration !2! THE
LIVING WORD field. The Christ power is converted into a seven-light of the Holy
Spirit, the Counsellor, the Paraclete. This work of conversion is carried out in
our School by the pupils of the inner degrees, and, we hope, is also accom.plished
successfully in our Spiritual School manifested in a In]esu Morimur: died in Jesus.
Per Spiritum Sanctum Reviviscimus: reborn through the Holy Spirit. 21 Human
respiration For reflection T he right assimilation of the divine ether activity is
fundamental to all new genesis. Hence the pupil of a Spiritual School shows intense
gratitude for the tremendous grace offered to him, namely that such pure ether
concentrations can develop in his re.spiration field. It has become clear to him
that this concen.trated ether activity is the only thing capable of approaching the
heavenly sun nucleus in his microcosmic system. The Spiritual School of the Golden
Rosycross constantly reminds its pupils of this pure ether activity. Theoretically
it is possible for approximately five litres of air to be displaced in one in-and
exhalation. However this hardly ever happens, and only about half a litre of air is
breathed in and out each time. This means that about three litres of air and ether
constantly remain in the lungs. This means first of all that only a part of the
atmosphere in the lungs is renewed, and secondly, that our respiration depends on a
mixture of the air remaining in the lungs and a little fresh air. You can see that
every human being is equipped with a system for inhalation and exhalation, and with
this, God's THE LIVING WORD love light and power are also absorbed. Spiritual and
etheric forces enter our system during the inhalation of the oxygen that fills our
lungs, and theoretically we spread his power, his light and his love by breathing
out. If the human being were capable of allowing the inhaled divine forces to do
their work by means of the blood circula.tion, all that emanated from him would
undoubtedly be pure and filled with love. His actions would be in harmony with it.
But reality shows that everyone absorbs and spreads the as.similated substances and
forces in his own individual way and in accordance with his inner state of being.
This means that everyone is breathing out the divine power in accord.ance with the
state of his blood -purified or not. 'Not what enters the mouth defiles a person,
but what leaves it', for that reveals the image of his current state of life. an
exchange of substances from the blood into the air and vice versa. Car.bon dioxide
and water vapour are passed from the blood into the air, while oxygen is absorbed,
as well as ethers and Spiri.tual forces. The blood in the capillaries is constantly
being refreshed, because the pulmonary arteries are continuously delivering de-
oxygenated blood while the pulmonary veins are conducting oxygenated blood to the
heart. However it is not only the blood
that is being refreshed; the air in the lungs is also being replenished, and this
is achieved by breathing in and out. Hence what matters is the in-and exhalation of
the air and ethers that flow in, and the air and ethers that are expelled. The
sublime being in whom the soul light is shining begins to radiate into his own life
field only if the inner manna which he has won is expressed in every aspect of his
life, in keeping with the law of neighbourly love. Only then does the soul.light
human being stand upright in the heart of his sanctuary, in order, as light, to
radiate life. That is the aim of the Spiritual School: to lead humanity to heart
renewal. 22 Hermes' songof praise T he eighth book of Hermes Trismegistus ends with
a song of praise which is so remarkable, so special, and so different from other
songs of praise, that it is a good idea, and in fact, necessary, to have a good
look at it. Who could praise You too highly, or in keeping with Your worth and
value? Where shall I turn my eye for my praise? Upward, downward, inward, outward?
There is no way, no place, not a single creature, That is located outside You; all
is within You, all is from You. You give all and You receive nothing, For You
possess everything and there is nothing that does not belong to You. When shall I
sing Your praise? For it is impossible to grasp Your hour and Your time. And why
should I sing Your praise? On account of the things You have created? Or on account
of what You have not created? On account of the things You have made manifest? Or
on account of the things You have kept concealed? And with what shall I sing Your
praise? As ifl possessed anything! As ifI had anything of my own! As ifI were
anyone other than You! For You are whatever I may be. You are whatever I may do.
You are whatever I may say. You are everything; there is nothing but You. Even what
does not exist is You. You are all that has come into being, And all that has not
come into being. You are Spirit when You are beheld by the Spirit-Soul. You are
father when You give form to the All. You are God when You manifest Yourself as the
active, uni.versal power. You are The Good because You have wrought all things. The
subtlest part of matter is air. The subtlest part of air is the soul. The subtlest
part of the soul is the Spirit. The subtlest part of the Spirit is God. THE LIVING
WORD The essence of this song of praise is actually the realisation of impotence,
impotence to sing praise to the Father of the All in a truly satisfactory,
responsible manner. The Godhead is both transcendent and immanent, i.e. He
irradiates all the cosmic planes, He manifests Himself in all things and all
beings, while at the same time He is outside the All-manifestation in that which
cannot be known. He is makes a mental image of the Godhead with greater or lesser
majesty. To the extent that a person is primitive or a bit more cultured, he turns
to a God which he imagines to be some.where, usually above. When people want to
contemplate some.thing, such as God, in worship, praise and thanks, they need a
focus. Perhaps you know from your own experience how you always look for a focal
point for your contemplation. You turn to a temple, a place of service, or a
fountain in the temple. But where should a gnostic turn who has been initiated into
the essence of things? No focal point can be found any.where for God the Father,
unless it were a part, an infinitesi.mally tiny detail of the Divine manifestation.
This is why Hermes says: Where shall I turn my eye for my praise? Upward, downward,
inward, outward? The transcendent, which at the same time is the immanent, cannot
be pinpointed in any dialectical manner, neither by time nor by eternity, nor by
any distance, nor by any direc.tion. Not in any manner whatsoever. In addition the
question arises in this song of praise, ex.pressed by Hermes: Why should I sing
Your praise?eIs the I in any way independent? Is the microcosm auton.omous in any
way? Seen in the greater context, does the mi.crocosm possess anything of its own?
Is it not so that the microcosm, your soul state, and the personality, are just
infinitely small particles, unimaginably small aspects of the manifestation of God?
God is everything we are or ever can be. Thus we sink into the depths of the ocean
of the Divine manifestation in a state which far exceeds any praise, thanks or
worship. For is the Divine manifestation, this ocean of eternal fullness, not
im.measurable itself? The subtlest part of the physical manifestation is the
at.mosphere, the air. In its most tenuous subtlety, this atmo.sphere is pure astral
substance. And it is of that substance that the soul consists, the soul we all
love. However, the sphere of the soul also has degrees of refine.ment. Its top
merges into the vibrations of the Seven-Spirit, which gives birth to Pymander, who
fuses with the soul to THE LIVING WORD form the Spirit-Soul. And doesn't the Seven-
Spirit emanate from the eternal, unknowable Godhead? For You are whatever I may be.
You are whatever I may do. You are whatever I may say. Even what does not exist is
You. You are all that has come into being, There is only deep, deep bewilderment;
there is only the sub.mergence into the ocean of the Divine manifestation in
speechless veneration and inexpressible joy that it is granted to us to know this
manifestation with the eyes of the inner being, just as God knows Himself. 23 The
birth of the mental body T imes are speeding up, as we know. The rate of this
acceleration cannot be predicted or determined. However what is certain is that the
manifestation of a new era has begun. It has also been proven that the son of
wisdom, through his inner enlightenment, will recognise himself through the Spirit
and the truth in his innermost being. He will activate the inflow of the divine
light in him, and, in humility and by denying his own dialectical will, he will
constantly follow the light of the divine nature, thus making the conversion of his
earthly nature into a celestial one possible. After all, the divine light wants to
be part of your being. The Chain of the Universal Brotherhood of Christ has
de.scended into our midst with its most recent link, and now you should place
yourself at the level where the radiation power of Christ and the breath of the
Holy Spirit can descend into you and manifest themselves as an active power. You
will understand that you will have to watch that you do not allow the power
received to dissipate or to flow out onto the indigestible, dialectical level of
life. Hence, correct understanding is necessary for the execution of the great di.
THE LIVING WORD God has been thought out by powers of enormous wisdom working
together, and it is now being carried out by vast numbers of entities who are able,
through divine enlighten.ment, to help in correct understanding. Because there are
still many uncertainties about this div.inely enlightened consciousness, the most
divergent ques.tions are often asked about this. For example, 'Why have the members
of Gnostic Brotherhoods nearly always made sacri.fices of life and limb?' In order
for you to be able to understand this clearly, we must draw your attention to the
aeonic cycles. Just as there are manifestations of the seven streams of the Seven-
Spirit, so the astral streams of the corrupted salnitre are also kept moving. These
currents, too, show a periodicity in their and going. Their eddies
transport forces of hatred and me.nace and atmospheric doom. The book Aurora by
Jacob Boehme explains what is meant by the word Salnitre: 'The other principle
arises from the eternal centre of nature, just as light emanates from fire. When
the seven original Spirits flow together in harmony and in power, they cause a
drought.' This drought Jacob Boehme calls the 'divine salnitre'. 'The human being
has been created from all the divine energies, from all the seven Spirits of God.
However as he is corrupted [ ... ] the corrupted human nature does not under.stand
this yet. 132 Adam had a heavenly form when God created him, before Eve was created
out of him, but the corrupted salnitre in Adam fought against the powers of the
tree of life. The Holy Spirit does not allow itself to be bound by the sinful flesh
but shows itself like a flash of lightning, just like a spark when one hits two
stones together. However if this flash of lightning is captured in the heart, it
ascends through the seven spirits to the brain. It rises up there like a
rose.coloured dawn. And that is the aim. In this light the one spirit sees the
other, it hears the other, and to each of them it is as if the entire divinity is
revealing itself in it.' Now you will probably understand why the demonic forces
are constantly being taken along in the astral currents. If these currents of the
corrupted salnitre did not operate, the earth would in a very short time become
absolutely unin.habitable for any rational life. But you will understand that what
is being kept in motion is not necessarily gone. The evil unleashed by humanity can
be only partly kept away from the danger zone. It is merely kept on the move and
hence there is a periodicity in the and going of these currents; times in
which the dangers are exacerbated and times in which they strongly decrease, like
rest pauses in human activities. 'But', one could wonder, 'would it not be useful
to get to know the periodicity of these currents, so we could take measures to
avoid being caught unawares by them?' The answer would have to be that such
knowledge would never be taught by a gnostic Spiritual School, because those 1 33
THE LIVING WORD who live truly in the light of Christ can never be struck by the
darkness without the will of our heavenly Father.
Could it be the will of God that so many, wanting to serve humanity, were struck
by suffering? And why has a whole series of Spiri.tual great ones been murdered?
Why did these exalted peo.ple, living in the divine light, offer their tremendous
blood sacrifice for the world and humanity? The answer is that by their death
mighty forces were re.leased enabling unheard of waves of seekers to be lifted up
into the liberating life in the course of a process. The blood they shed thus
became a blessing, a great and glorious blessing for all of humanity. netic
radiation field of our Spiritual School, having this sub.lime and liberating
example before our eyes, can only hope and strive consciously to gain a share in
the supreme radia.tion values of the seven times seven currents of the Holy so that
the link with the universal magnetic light field of Christ can never be severed.
The present severance and division between God and creature must be rescinded. The
Seven-Spirit will do any.thing to restore the original link between God and the
human being and to impel the disharmonious creature to a renewed balance. It is
therefore essential to understand how absolutely fatal it is to be open to astral
influences of a dialectical nature. The human life field is totally polluted and
the atmosphere, in which the humanity lives, is saturated with the astral and
etheric causes and effects of this. And as its life field is its re.spiration
field; humanity is held captive by it down to its seed, i.e. down to the following
generations. How right are theawords of the Old Testament: 'visiting the iniquity
of theafathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation'.aWhy only to
the third and fourth generation? Because the causes of sin apply at most to the
third or fourth generation. However the effects usually contain new causes. Whoever
does not commence, apply and persevere in the changed mode of life on the basis of
the awakened soul will never reach any gnostic goal. Every form of magic is
achieved by means of the breath. Whoever is unable to shield himself against
harmful astral influences, will be victimised abso.lutely. The more the form of the
personality dies, and is therefore changing, due to a positive new mode of life and
hence the more this form is being controlled by the soul, the more the Seven-Spirit
will begin to carry out its task. A wondrous new light begins to touch and fill the
candidate. That light is active purely in a mental capacity. For the first time in
his life the pupil can really think in a pure way, for his mental organs have been
opened up for this. The sensory renewal proceeds completely corresponding to the
manifestation of the seven rays of the Seven-Spirit, at least if the candidate in
the gnostic mysteries does what the inner process requires of him. This process is
supported by the liberating Universal 135 THE LIVING WORD Teachings. To be more
exact: the mind corresponds� to the fifth ray of the Seven-Spirit. Led into the
sphere of the fifth sensory organ, you will immediately discover that the mind is
much more than just a sensory organ. The mind is the vehicle for and of thinking,
of the mental body. When the rational mind begins to awaken, this signifies the
birth of the mental body that is lacking in all human beings in the nature of
death. In the ancient teachings Man was calledAdamas to which is related the word
Man, or Manas, which means: Thinker. The co-operation of the candidate in the
gnostic mysteries, standing in the new mode of life, with the Seven-Spirit, and
with the fifth ray in particular, means nothing less than the birth, the real
manifestation, of the mind, of the true mental body intended by God. And this
means: the manifestation of the rational mind. We would like to conclude this word
with the fervent prayer in our heart that there be enough soul power present and
active in your head sanctuary to enable you to under.stand all this completelyand
hence to grasp it. 24 The fundamental principle ofgood N omatter in what direction
we might try to expandaor cultivate the human consciousness, it remainsaan animal
consciousness under all circumstancesaand in every situation. One of the most
powerful arguments that could be given in favour of this statement is the fact that
the entire human life field is equipped with consciousness. The whole nature of
death is one great pulsating ocean of life. By this we don't mean that many
different forms of life are expressed in it; no, the field of the nature of death
itself is life, is consciousness. For this reason everything emanating from that
conscious.ness and that life is of one and the same nature. Gnostic phi.losophy
teaches that the human consciousness is composed of and by all the atoms that make
up the human system. This therefore establishes the same fact. If you add a dye to
a glass jug full of water, all of the water in the jug will be coloured by the dye
and will be given its characteristics. The Universal Teachings call the fact that a
field of life as a whole has and is consciousness: 'the principle of substance'.
The principle of substance or the consciousness of the 1 37 THE LIVING WORD nature
of death gives all its creatures a consciousness out of that collective
consciousness. This great consciousness can divide itself infinitely, and all these
divisions or creatures can also multiply themselves or split up infinitely, but the
results cannot dissociate them.selves from that great consciousness. They wouldn't
want to do that; they could not desire to do so. They have arisen from one
consciousness the human being and the animal are moti.vated. They are both
creations from and by the great con.sciousness of nature. Hence it is quite clear
that no liberation is possible whatsoever in the realm of nature. ago. If it were a
possibility, the Christ would certainly not have spoken the words: My kingdom is
not of this world. So what is the nature of death, and what is the signature of the
great consciousness that operates in it? It is the signature, the consciousness of
good and evil in their unleashed manifestations of power. It is a universe bro.ken
away from its moorings. It would be insane to claim that there is no good
whatso.ever in the nature of death, but it is a nature in which good cannot
maintain itself. It is immediately annihilated in the interplay of changes. The
values of good of the nature of death are therefore either delusion or they have no
funda.mental power. What could in fact be the fundamental principle of good? ing in
the nature of death, and if this nature is separated from the Spirit, this proves
that this nature is not pure and unsul.lied, in spite of all its goodness. That
also proves that the nature of death must originally have been a totally different
nature or must have belonged to a totally different nature and been separated from
it due to some incident. The truth is, as all holy scriptures try to make clear to
us, that the original nature and its principle of substance were absolutely
neutral. They were not good, nor evil, nor a mix.ture of the two, but simply
neutral, completely unsullied, pure, in absolute rest. There was unmanifested life
or con.sciousness. They who know something about nature will be familiar with the
fact that every nature contains extremely delicate and explosive substances and
forces, which can easily ex.plode, easily run out of control, and once unleashed,
can keep themselves in manifestation. This is why the first human being was told to
use these forces under the leadership of the Spirit only, to go his path with the
fruits of the tree of life and not to deviate from this under any circumstances.
The present-day human being is a product of the disaster that was once unleashed.
He possesses the nature of that dis.aster. He participates in the disaster. He has
great knowledge of good and evil. We deny that good. We also deny that evil,
because it is not real. Humanity suffers the sorrows of delusion. It is tortured 1
39 THE LIVING WORD not live absolutely. Lost in the depths of his microcosm a spark
of the Origin is left. If that spark is not totally extinguished, a call can be
heard like a voice from far, far away. This is a call to return to the original
nature that exists in its unsullied state, and where the Spirit can be active,
where the Spirit is active. Delusion plus delusion remains delusion. The Spirit
does not descend into it to associate with it. First the volcano has to become
extinct. The unleashed fire has to burn itself out and cause its own extinction.
Jacob Boehme says of this that God has closed off unholiness. However this does not
deny the fact that many divine sparks are imprisoned in this unholiness. This is
why the Lord of all life, and the Gnosis standing in his service, comes to lead his
own out of the burning fire. For the aim is the kingship of the Spirit, the
alchemical wedding of Chris.tian Rosycross. The powerful drama of the nature of
death is that every true state of consciousness in unity with God. 25 The endocrine
system and its significance in the course of human development A s a pupil of the
Spiritual School you know that the world and humanity have reached a crisis and how
urgently necessary it is that all pupils, both and as a group, make a
firm decision about their mode of life and their new activity. We would like to
show you this necessity by means of a number of facts. The microcosmic astral field
corresponds completely with the astral field of the nature of death. In short, it
corre.sponds with the human field of life. This means that all the unholiness with
which the astral plane of our field of life is filled is very close to us. Because
the astral plane is the great cesspool of all the injustice,
the untruthfulness and the sins committed on the physical plane, we could consider
it a mira.cle that any true life is still possible at all on the physical plane.
After all, the link between these two planes of existence is so intimate that it is
hard to imagine a more intimate one. The fact that we can still call our existence
'life' is due to the wonderful construction of the physical body. The physi.THE
LIVING WORD cal body has a system for resisting and excluding as much as possible
the consequences of all the dangers that threaten us from the astral plane of the
nature of death. This protective system is the endocrine system. One of the
functions of these ductless glands is to act as guardians and protectors. Spiritual
School knows that the astral substance of the human field of life enters our
physical system both in a direct way, namely through the liver, and in an
way, namely by means of the four ethers. For the latter, the spleen is the most
important entrance, but it is important to realise that the entire body 'breathes'
ethers. This means that every second of the day the astral substance of our
protection we would be totally lost. However the endocrine system takes care that
the body can absorb only those forces and influences to which our con.sciousness,
our hereditary tendencies, and our karma have ennobled us -or to which they have
subjected us. You could compare the ductless glands to resistors which admit
radiations within a certain scale of vibrations and which reject everything above
or below that scale. If a person operates within the norms of an ordinary mode of
life and so lives in the way to be expected from the type of person living in the
ordinary emergency order, his endocrine system will reject those influences from
the etheric planes that are too harmful or hostile. This is why we can still carry
on our per.sonal and social lives and why every life can offer each mortal a chance
of salvation. However you should keep in mind that all the organs of the human
system, including the endocrine system, operate and manifest themselves in
accordance with the natural laws that apply in and are meant for our emergency
order. If these laws are violated, the endocrine system can no longer ward off the
attacks. We can see in ordinary life how a person can incur harm to the endocrine
system by violating natural laws and thus suffer the consequences in the form of
illnesses or astral overpowering. You will probably understand that when the astral
states and conditions are seriously disturbed, for example by ap.plied nuclear
science, the natural conditions of our emer.gency order are completely thrown off
balance, and so's life is directly attacked in a disharmonious way,
namely in the endocrine system. The endocrine glands cannot with.stand such violent
attacks and are forced to admit influences into the system, which do not originate
in the human being. The extremism of nuclear science is causing the veils between
here and yonder to be literally torn down and numerous very sinful forces are now
being given the opportunity of mani.festing themselves on the physical plane. Young
people especially are being victimised very directly by all this, for their
endocrine system has not yet fully devel.oped. The endocrine system does not reach
full maturity until we are at least 28 years old. This is why nowadays the
newspapers are full of stories of criminal assault, robbery and mental breakdown,
with all their consequences, committed precisely by young people. And when the
judge confronts THE LIVING WORD them after their arrest with the consequences of
their acts they are sometimes shattered, but mostly they are totally in.different
because the process of weakening and burning has We should not view these young
people as being predis.posed to crime, or as the harvest of our century. On the
con.trary, we should see them as victims, made sick by applied nuclear science
among other things, with all its disastrous consequences on everyone's endocrine
system. All this makes it clear how important it is that humanity switches to an
intensely renewing mode of life, by which it is no longer dominated by the astral
field of the nature of death but, on the contrary, is protected by the astral field
of the uni.versal Living Body and so will also receive the protecting light of the
Chain of the Universal Brotherhood of Christ. Hence the crisis of this century is a
very personal issue for every human being. 26 Jesus and John A s you know, the
original glorified body is no longer able to manifest itself. It has disappeared,
because an etheric-physical body has the property of completely when
it is no longer nourished by an astral mother field. The original ensouling factor,
the microcosm, the soul, has become inactive, void, and incapable of
manifes.tation. And the Spirit, responsible for the miracle, has with.drawn. Now a
personality is born through the earthly process of reproduction and is linked to a
soul. This personality is itself another miracle of God's love, for it must be seen
in relation to an emergency-order plan to revivify fallen original Man. The earthly
personality as a temporary phenomenon has the task of saving its soul, its
microcosm, from its imprison.ment, and, by self-surrender and through the process
of the endura, of merging into the Other One who has to be revivi.fied. And so
there is the call to everyone to accomplish this great work of salvation in and by
the great power of the origi.nal nature. As you know, the beginning of the Gospels
presents two characters to teach and exemplify to humanity the path and THE LIVING
WORD teaching of liberation, from its beginning, through its con.tinuation, to its
supernal victory. John is the nature-born human being who, just like you, has made
the irreversible decision to walk the path of the great liberation and to accept
wholeheartedly all the conse.quences. This person is making the greatest sacrifice
possible for a human being, namely the sacrifice of his self. Neverthe.less he is
called a prophet and a baptist. He is proclaiming the one path of liberation
possible for a creature of this emer.gency order. As he is living this path as an
example for others, a great power emanates from him. This is because through his
puri.fication he is linking himself with the original fundamental nature again. In
this way he is able to convey this wonderful power to others. This makes him at the
same time a baptist, i.e. a transmitter of power. Nothing is as infectious and towards dynamism as a and puts into practice what he teaches. And so we
see Johnarepresenting the prototype of the true pupil of a SpiritualaSchool.asince
the beginning of our calendar state emphatically that the appearance of Jesus the
Christ was just an 'illusion' and that his crucifixion was therefore impossible.
What they are trying to say is that Jesus the Christ was not a nature-born person,
and so could not possibly possess a crystallised per.sonality of flesh and blood
like that of an ordinary human being. We know that the Johannine person will
naturally and obviously merge into and become the Jesus human being when he has
fundamentally completed his task. But who is Jesus the Lord? In a certain sense He
is the same entity as the one called John the Baptist, for when John completes his
journey through the desert, it is inevitable that when he has reached the nadir,
the criterion, he meets Jesus at the Jordan. That is to say, the Other One, the
original etheric.physical vehicle is beginning to manifest itself once again in the
microcosm of the Johannine person. From that moment on there are two beings in the
microcosm: Jesus and John, the Original One and the nature-born one. How is this
possible? As a servant of the Holy Grail John will purify his intellectual brain
consciousness and his astral body completely, and he will bring them into harmony
with the divine nature. The Spirit, the call of the Father, will then manifest
itself in the microcosm. In his heart John sees the face of the Original One as in
a mirror. Initially there is a certain amount of confusion in this amazing
encounter: Jesus asks John to baptise Him, when it would seem more appropriate the
other way around. You too might ask: 'Why did Jesus have to be baptised by John?'
The answer is that a marvellous mystery lies at the bottom of this. The Other One,
the Original One, is manifesting Himself in the natural form of John, who is
standing in the endura, 1 47 THE LIVING WORD and who has completely surrendered
himself to Him with the words, 'He, the Other One, must increase and I must
vanish.' divine soul and thus has revealed his inner Jesus, has placed humanity in
absolute sacrifice. In this way Jesus the Lord accepts His way of the cross in the
Johannine person in order to revivify everything that has been crystallised in the
microcosm during many ages and thus purify the whole microcosm. This was truly a
historic event, however not in one single person, but, thank God, in many millions
who have gone before us. And so the death of the cross of Jesus in John is the very
last sacrifice to John, who was already beheaded long before. From this follows the
resurrection in eternal life. May you too meet Jesus the Christ in this sense. May
you too follow Him, to the glorious end. From nature birth to Divine E very Gnostic
Brotherhood has to watch carefully the time in which it is manifesting itself. It
has to assume whatever task the time requires. The human con.sciousness has to be
totally turned around, and that is possi.ble when the divine aim can be seen
clearly. The young Gnostic Brotherhood sees itself as placed be.fore the execution
of a very topical task at this juncture. This
mission, this task, is at the same time totally classical. It is to do everything
possible to release in human hearts the Christ, the Christ radiation and the whole
magnetic potential of the Universal Seven-Spirit. It is to help true seekers on
their path to the Spirit-soul liberating life, which can be accomplished only in
the radiation power of Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Every pupil who has
been introduced into the teachings of the Golden Rosycross knows that this
radiation power of Christ must awake in and rise up from the heart, because the
root is situated in the heart. The enlightenment and the resurrection take place in
the head sanctuary. Only after that, when the ruler of the outer THE LIVING WORD
form has� given way, will the living soul human being stand refulgent in his
appointed place. And so one of these three signatures etches its sign in the mirror
of the forehead: the sign of the I-being, the sign of the soul which has received
the promise of grace, or: the sign of the Son of Man. The purification of the heart
is a task consisting of seven stages. The process of change is also made up of
seven activ.ities. When this sevenfold process reaches its completion, the pupil
ascends to his Spirit-Soul rebirth, which is the victor.ious Rosycross. The Gate of
Eternity is opened wide. Hence it is very important that the pupil make an example
of him or herself. This is possible by serving 'the Other One' in you and yet at
the same time being of service in this world. Unity, responsibility and having a
pure aim are the signposts along this path. Love and truth must under all
circumstances accompany the magnetic radiation field. We know that you too have as
your single-minded aim the inner experience of the radiation of that great and pure
gnos.optimal conditions. The many years of labour in our working fields have re.
that the radiation field of Christ and the overarching radia.tion field of the
young Gnostic Brotherhood are not separate units. Neither is there any separation
between the working fields among themselves. All serious pupils can rest assured in
the knowledge that they have been taken up into and are protected by the magnetic
radiation field of the School that is accompanied by love and truth, whatever
happens. If the words of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross have a pure resonance in
you, we know that by your right reaction you are surrounded by the firmament of a
new covenant. You give evidence of that by the openness of the soul that has
awakened in you. The soul experiences the call as power. If your personality wants
to be led by the new soul power in you, and wants to co-operate with it
wholeheartedly and with your entire head sanctuary, then that is the basis on which
you will be able to serve the mighty work. If you can learn to distinguish whether
it is really the soul that has taken the reins in your life, you will subsequently
learn to understand its voice inwardly and to obey it. You will then begin to get
conscious of the existence of a divine astral field: the respiration field of the
original source, in which all the atoms are filled with divine force. These atoms
form the seed of the divine serenity in which your Spirit-Soul principle can
breathe and by which your being will one day be attuned to the rhythmically
pulsating radiation field of the Brotherhood of Life, the Universal Brotherhood of
Christ. The bond with the Living Body of Christ will then have been made. THE
LIVING WORD Because of this bond the inflowing source of spiritual light will be
reflected in you and from you and so in this way you will assist in developing the
associated processes on the physical plane. The electric fire ether will become
active in you. The reflection of the Invisible One, the Divine Idea, commences its
activity in the awakened soul human being. The new day has begun. Be assured that
the love fire of the cosmic Christ pours out its rays over all who dedicate their
whole state of being to the building of a new Christ cosmos and who thus devote
themselves to this new Day of the Lord. This is how the work is being done for the
world and humanity since the dawn of the Adamitic fall in order to take away the
consequences of sin completely and to restore the ravaged Paradise to its glory of
yore. Lift yourself up, therefore, in the one great love that seeks to meet us and
embrace us in the Sons of God. It is certain that, when the Gnosis succeeds in
saving your soul and in confirming you in the power of the eternal choice, your
en.tire prison and all your chains, no matter how heavy, will be destroyed by the
tremendous power of the Sons of God, by the one key that opens all prisons. The
gnostic Spiritual School does not bring initiation for the human being, but the
total liberation, the transfiguration of his whole being. Everyone who wants to go
the soul-liber.ating path and learn to react to the extremely refined vibra.tions
of the higher fields of life can be lifted up out of this dialectical nature. To be
more specific about all this we would like to put it like this: The Power, the
Might and the Idea of God work in the high, serene fields of life. He, the Lord of
all life, reveals his Idea for the world and humanity in a part of the astral root
substance. In the planetary astral space the Spirit of God im.pels what is solely
good to a certain manifestation. As the Spirit of God in the earthly planetary
field is aimed at the nature-born human being and his task in the planetary
manifestation, and as that Spirit of God is the mightiest power in every possible
state of existence, it is obvious that in comparison to the innumerable
difficulties of life, we can very easily establish a link and a relationship with
that great power of God. The only thing that is needed is the inner ful.filment of
the divine law of the Spirit, the law governing our mode and fulfilment of life.
You may rest assured that the result of this fulfilment of the law will prove
itself in everyone's life, directly and abso.lutely. However, love will also bring
very painful experiences. For isn't there a great deal in you that has to be burned
away? Hence the pupil must be prepared to be attacked and purified by the fiery
blaze of divine love. Behold how the Creator makes things and how these things
develop: in heaven God sows immortality, on earth changeability, and in all of
creation life and movement. Try to understand this, for the whole Gnosis is
revealed in this. With respect to the Holy Earth, the Divine Order of things is
that there are two aspects: birth and immortality. The pure birth, in which the
soul has to be the centre, is sub.1 53 THE LIVING WORD ject to continuous change.
The purpose of this change is to progress from birth, through growth from strength
to strength and from glory to glory, in one continuous immor.However, this birth is
opposed and obstructed in natural birth by passion and its consequences. This is
why sickness and death continually accompany natural birth, which is the death of
breaking up and destruction. And so this is the lesson which each and every pupil
has to learn and carry out: switching over from natural birth to Di.vine birth by
self-surrender. Let us conclude with the words of the classical Rosycross: Being
born from God -that is, awaking to direct, new life; Dying in Jesus -nullifying the
whole nature-born life and entering the path in new birth, in order to be reborn by
the Holy Spirit in absolute immortality. 1 54 28 Kundalini: the power of eternity W
e live in times of great turmoil. We are living in a stage of development in which
new demands come to the fore from time to time. This is a new era that naturally
thrusts itself forward when there is opposition. Because of the chaos prevailing
everywhere, the world has come very close to an explosion. Humanity is
ex.periencing world events, just like watching anda' living' a film as shown in
some cinema. And so we want to lead you in your imagination to the biggest cinema
in the world. This is a cinema in which people readily pay for the right to wait in
the queue of the insatiable, after which they are admitted to the temple of moving
images. There you see one great glittering illusion, one great imi.tation of
everything that perhaps once was considered real or true. What you see there is the
delusion of which the human being with his clouded vision is proud, because the
image shown him in the bewitched darkness seizes him like a hyp.notic trance. It is
all ostentation and pretentious display pro.duced by soulless machines for an
audience that appears to be soul-forsaken. 1 55 THE LIVING WORD Like cattle being
led to the slaughter the crowds are pushed into the queues inside the guide ropes.
When, after an overwhelming burst of music and darkness, a sufficient number of
stupefied people has left the cinema, those waiting make room for an ever swelling
stream of new people, so that everyone gets the opportunity of being swallowed up
into the monster's gullet. doze which is like that of cattle chewing the cud. Nor
is allowed to think, and so the events have to succeed one another without
allowing a spare second. He cannot be allowed to wake up, let alone realise that
all this is totally alien to the one true soul life that emanates from God. He must
not realise that this poisoned food is served to the human race to prevent any
spark of light from flaring up. This is why events must succeed one another with
fre.netic speed, so that people don't have time to see what they are being served.
These ingenious machinations, composed of intelligence without any conception of
deeper values, these machinations of stupefaction and decomposition, are controlled
by the powers and forces of this world. No matter how
tragic this may sound, humanity is experi-encing without any essential depth the
emotions of this exis.tence in a world that is meant to be a house of transition to
the eternal reality. The majority of people is constantly waiting for new
sensations. A human race totally imprisoned in the inebriated atmosphere of
inferior astral turmoil in the uni.verse: that is the state of present-day
humanity. The human drama has its cause in astral disturbances. What are astral
disturbances? They are light forces made of root substance. Astral power is atomic
power, or in other words, astral power is made up of atoms in a certain state.
Astral light power is a current, an amalgamation or concen.tration of atoms which
are absorbed by the human chakra system and spread throughout the whole
personality, causing it to react to and live out of this. In the following formula
Paul in his letter to the Ephe.sians points to the essential cause of the
continuous dramatic turmoil which characterises this world order and in which
humanity, contrary to its own nature, thoughtlessly takes sides and, precisely
because of that, keeps the astral turmoil going. In Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 12
and 13, we read: For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the
principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present
darkness, against the Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore take the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the
evil day, and having done all, to stand. Generally the human heart proves to be
totally closed be.cause of the chain of wrongly oriented feelings and thoughts. 1
57 THE LIVING WORD This is why it no longer understands anything about the works of
God, let alone the power of faith in Christ. of humanity, having been affected by
the psychosis of fear that is sweeping through practically the whole earth, could
possibly be open to the liberating forces of God's Kingdom not of this world? This
is not obvious to the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross, although the
leaders of the Spiritual School are convinced that there are countless numbers of
people in the world who are yearning for a totally different field of life. Through
its focal points the Spiritual School has been its soul-liberating call
in the world since 1924, but the pur.posely contrived increasing acceleration of
events helps to nip in the bud every call emanating from the Gnosis. The Christ
once said: Because I tell the truth you do not believe me. The Spiritual School
too, and many of its pupils, is not contending against flesh and blood, but against
the principalities, against the powers and world rulers of dark.ness, in short,
against the malevolent forces of the universe. How could anyone, who is chained to
the earth on all sides, possess the faculty to distinguish between the works of
good and evil? How could anyone with a heart that lacks warmth be receptive enough
to believe in divine intervention, or in the liberating radiation of Christ, or in
a Brotherhood that totally dedicates itself to humanity? We do not intend to make
you feel gloomy, but it is impor.tant that you fathom deeply the reality of all
these things. The Christ Hierarchy knows all these things and so bitter truths have
to be stated by its servants so that one day the true Chris.tian will awake from
the slavery of dark thinking and accept his pilgrimage to the new Heaven-Earth.
Every one who stands in this process knows only too well that this journey of
development is not simple. Nevertheless we may say that in many of us the power of
the Father has already turned into light. What does this mean? When a pupil is
kindled by the Light of Christ and he begins to arouse the divine forces of the
Father fire hidden in his being, his actions will produce light and warmth. Then
the divine forces in him have been released. The smouldering spark has ignited into
a supernal radiation. The pupil becomes conscious that the new Soul human being is
being born within him according to the power structures of the Divine order, and
the Spirit of God is about to illuminate the new soul being -that is, if he is earnestly to become a light shining for others and if he is willing to
hold wake over the fiery pillars of the Spiritual light that the Spiritual School
has lit by means of its focal points. This journey passes right through bitterness
and many disappointments, and no servant who has been driven by his inner soul
being to proclaim the light of Christ has ever been an exception to this. But
through all the trials and tribulations every pupil will one day celebrate the
victory. There is nothing to fear if you try to respond to the divine 1 59 THE
LIVING WORD ling the highest human calling, i.e. to serve the world and humanity.
There is no other way of reaching new and broader insight that will ultimately take
you to the core of the Spiri.tual light. What was said by the two rulers Festus and
Agrippa to Paul when he stood before them and testified of the Gospel of the Light?
They said that 'he must be mad to talk such gib.berish'. Not only the blinded ruler
Festus spoke in that way. Peo.ple speak that way today also. If the servants of a
bona fide Spiritual School did not speak from inner conviction they would long ago
have been turned over to the 'God of this cen.tury'. Many charlatan apostles and
false servants present them.selves as workers, right to this very day. The Christ
once said to such people: You are of your father the devil, and your willeis to do
your father's desires. He was a murderer from the be.ginning, and has nothing to do
with the truth, because there is no truth in him. [. . .} But because I tell the
truth, you do not believe me (John 8: 44-45)a. The Holy Scriptures also tell us
that even Satan can dis.guise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians n: 14) .
So what can we expect from his vassals? Therefore, if you dare to act as Paul,
scorn and ridicule will be your reward. But let inthians ro: r8)a. We see the
confirmation of this truth in Paul when he faced Agrippa. Paul had a radiantly
enlightened heart of love, but his hands were tied, for his works were not of this
world. Agrippa on the other hand, showed a completely op.posite picture. He was a
ruler of this world; his heart was chained, but he was free to act because his
actions conformed to what the world has to offer. Paul with a liberated Spirit was
fully conscious that he was facing slaves of this sinful world. However Agrippa, by
means of his worldly power, was able to keep Paul's hands chained in order to stop
him at all costs from making God's works great. But nothing and no.body could stop
Paul. How could it be any other way, for who has been able to kindle the
true spiritual light in himself can dare to show himself openly, and whoever
con.siders himself capable of this in God's power will receive the reward of having
the chains fall off his hands. The young Gnostic Brotherhood does not spare any
ef.fort in giving its pupils insight into the divine plan for the world and
humanity, and it shows the way to be liberated from the principalities, the astral
forces, and the ensouled powers of the nature of death. It is of primary importance
that you know that the human being lives in a field of existence in which every
activity has a reflection, a side effect. That reflection is a mirror image; it is
unnatural and a caricature. The great goal of all of life is projected and
reflected in the astral world. The great reality of the life of the divine soul is
depicted there, but also the as.r6r THE LIVING WORD pects and the consequences of
lower life in all its motley pat.terns. When the Logos manifests Himself in His
triplicity, a threefold caricatural reflection of it is created in our field of
existence. Hence after the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the principalities,
powers and world rulers manifest them.selves. Why is this? Of the four vehicles of
the personality the astral body is the most important because it is the fundamental
one. That fundamental body in fact determines the state of the whole personality.
It is by means of the astral vehicle that the human being is linked to the magnetic
body around him, to the forces within it, and to the various astral currents. By
astral exhalation the human being passes on to his en.vironment what he has
absorbed. This also applies to the pu.pils of our School of course, and our
Spiritual School takes this into account. It has to do this, because from time to
time the School admits people who could present a certain amount of danger to it
and who could thus slow down the work. These people, especially at present, bring
fatal astral in.fluences into the Spiritual School. Our opinion about this needs to
be based on the funda.mental vehicle, i.e. the astral body of the people concerned,
and not on external appearances, for example whether they appear to be sympathetic,
nice or loving. In this respect too, it pure insight. If this is still lacking in a
worker or pupil, he must keep strictly to the Spiritual School's rules, which must
not be departed from. Thanks to God that many of our pupils are already occu.pied
in reaching the state of the reborn soul, after which they can begin to build the
vehicles of the new Spirit-soul state. The Spiritual School wishes to make every
pupil con.scious of the fact that he is called to cooperate in the execu.tion of a
great plan, a plan of liberation that embraces the world and humanity. This making
conscious is something you should understand clearly. It is not simply a case of
'pas.sing on knowledge' about a coming event or its development, for there would be
little sense in that. But, for example, if you become conscious that you
have helped to vivify a radiant, luminous line of force that is beginning to
encircle the world like a girdle, then you will understand that by walking the
soul-liberating path every pupil of our Spiritual School can make an extraordinary
and necessary contribution to the vivification and crowning of the great, holy work
of the Brotherhood in Christ. 'Can I do that?' you will possibly ask. Yes, as a
pupil you can do that, because as a pupil you have also become a mem.ber of the
Living Body of the Spiritual School. This Living Body completely surrounds you with
its love radiations, with its magic-gnostic power. That power, that love, enables
you to penetrate to the deepest depths of self-knowledge and wisdom. This is
because your heart atom has an astral-etheric link THE LIVING WORD with your
microcosm. It is a fiery power, a radiant faculty that breaks into your blood and
nerve fluid. In the heart sanctuary, in and around the place where the primordial
atom rests, is the source of the purifying and soul.realising kundalini. In our
philosophy we call this kundalini the electromagnetic power of salvation, the power
of eternity, the power which enables the pupil to rise up through and over the
astral plane. The kundalini that rises up from the plexus sacralis is called the
fiery power that transfigures the person.ality system. In that rose power the pupil
can accomplish all things. In that rose power he will one day receive the new name.
In that rose power he is called after Christ the Lord and he is named Christian
Rosycross. If you, as a pupil of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross, help
to forge this golden crown of fulfilment, the gratitude, the love and the power of
the whole World Brother.hood will be poured out over you. 29 Intelligence and
intellect T here will probably be no one amongst our pupils who will deny that a
cloud of anguish covers the world, a cloud so unspeakably sombre that it seems
impossible that it will ever lift. Behind it the sun is shining; behind it the
radiant beams are trying to pierce the black piles of cloud, but the egocentric
driving of humanity makes new cries of anguish constantly rise up, feeding the
cloud more and more, and humanity as a whole is silent. It submits and remains
silent, simply because it has nothing positive with which to counter all this. But
pupils of a Spiritual School would not be able to carry their name as messengers of
the light with honour, if they, too, allowed the voice in their hearts to be silent
and let the unconscious state of the human being stay what it has been up to now.
Those amongst humanity who are receptive can let their hearts join in sympathy to a
large degree in these turbulent times, but does this achieve any soul-liberating
results? Cer.tainly not, for if receptivity is not immediately accompanied by
dynamic energy, there will only be surrender to desires. THE LIVING
WORD There is a sea of light, but humanity cannot see it because its consciousness
is obscured. Impulses come to humanity from the light, but humanity reacts
negatively. People are in.duced in a thousand ways to waste their thoughts on
useless aims, so they can be shut off from the flow of soul-liberating impulses
that are continuously being sent to humanity. Intelligence is needed to recognise
the attacks of the dark.ness that turn the pure atmosphere of your environment into
a dark, troubled and stifling atmosphere in the wink of an eye. Did you know that
the powers of darkness preferably speculate on your pure, but nevertheless
extremely danger.ous kind-heartedness if this is not irradiated by the light of
pure reason? If you truly wish to become a valuable servant ous cliffs and avoid
many quicksands. You will need to think about every action, especially those that
appeal to your kind.heartedness, with extraordinary attention. If you truly wish to
become a servant of the Christ, you will need to be, in one word, intelligent. It
is clearly demonstrable that everything that is not intel.ligent seen from a
Christ-centred point of view is doomed to failure, because the relationship of the
threefold divine mani.festation will not be harmonious. If you are capable of the threefold divine manifestation in yourself to a harmo.nious
development, no matter how imperfect to begin with, every attack of the powers of
darkness on you will have to fizzle out as they lack one of the three aspects,
namely the light or love. r66 The threefold being must open itself receptively and,
dri.ven by the love of God, it must be completely prepared to go into action. Every
action, if it is to be intelligent, must be born out of God, kindled in the wisdom
of Christ, and purified by the Holy Spirit. The invisible power of the Father fire
must be immersed in the love of Christ and, refulgent with light, it must be
fructified by the form-giving power of the Holy Spirit. In this physical world the
Idea must be raised up from the Divine Plan laid down in the planes of abstract
thought. After that the Idea must be illuminated and adapted to our circum.stances
in time by the wisdom of the love realised by human beings, so that after
fructification by the creative powers of the Holy Spirit that turns it into a
liberating action, it can be written in the Book of Life. An intelligent person
does not necessarily have to be out.standingly developed intellectually. It is
important not to confuse intelligence and intellect. Unfortunately most people
understand intelligence to mean intellectuality. According to this definition every
professor would have to be intelligent, an assertion that is rejected by the
Spiritual School. Intellectuality is simply a well-trained brain. Intelligence on
the other hand requires a skilled mind, a mirror of the human spirit illuminating
the reason, a mirror polished by the correct reactions to the divine impulses. If
the world could have been saved through the intellect, many would have already
reached liberation. But unfortu.nately humanity is trapped in the pit of
irrationality more deeply than ever before. THE LIVING WORD All that is not
intelligent is doomed to perish sooner or sun shines the starker the shadows. The
eyes of human beings are like those of moles: so blinded by the darkness that they
do indeed see the revealing manifestation of the powers of darkness, but do not
know that the cause of this lies in the more powerful manifestation of the servants
of the light. If you wish to be truly intelligent, you should never shut your eyes
to the clear reality. However you will then be com.pelled to search for the causes
that lie at its basis. Not only the strong determination and insight into the
divine plan, as ex.emplified in the life of Jesus the Christ. But what is
intelligence? Intelligence is purified Power of the Holy Spirit,Epigenesis. It is
the divine impulse to use the mind and the emotions, the will and love in the plan
for the liberation of humanity. It is the magic staff of Moses, the lib.erating
power of Mercury that shifts the consciousness to the spiritual planes. But perhaps
you will ask: 'How can the powers of dark.ness be intelligent?' They can do that
only because they extract the necessary love power from the soul blood sacrificed
by the Christ, and from the people who serve these powers, consciously or un.that
the liberated Christ and liberated soul humanity will banish them for good.
therefore to live more consciously every forget your divine origin. Liberate
yourself from the horror of death through the liberating power of the Christ. And,
by means of the refulgent radiance of your sanctified spirit, mag.of God's majesty.
That is intelligence. May the dark earth be illuminated by the radiance of your 30
A new Shamballa W e would like to quote to you from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter
24 verses 3 to 14 and verses 23 to 3r. As He sat on the Mount of Olives, the
disciples came to Him privately, saying, 'Tell us, when will this be, and what will
be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?' And Jesus answered them,
'Take heed that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying. "I
am the Christ." and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and
rumours of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the
end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom,
and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places: all this is but the
beginning of the sufferings. 'Then they will deliver you up to tribulation, and put
you to death; and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. 'And then
many will fall away, and betray one another, and hate one another. And many false
prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because wickedness is multiplied,
most men's love will grow cold. But he who endures to the end will be saved. 'And
this gospel of the kingdom will be preached through.out the whole world, as a
testimony to all nations; and then the end will come. "Then ifany one says to you,
"Lo, here is the Christi" or 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs
and false pro.phets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead
astray, ifpossible, even the elect. Lo, I have told you before.hand. So, if they
say to you, "Lo, he is in the wilderness." do not go out; ifthey say, "Lo, he is in
the inner rooms", do not believe it. 'For as the lightning comes from the east and
shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man. Wherever the
body is, there the eagles will be gathered together. 'Immediately after the
tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its
light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be
shaken. 'Then will appear the
sign of the Son of man in heaven. 'Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and
great glory. 'Then He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they
will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.'
You will undoubtedly be familiar with the words quoted THE LIVING WORD above, of
which not only the Gospel, but also the letters of Paul and the Book of Revelation
testify: In those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its
light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be
shaken, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power
and great glory. At the juncture of time in which we live it is important to draw
your full attention to these words. If the human endocrine system is forced in any
way, one of the most obvious consequences is an increase of the sen.sory
sensitivity. What this sensitivity can involve and often causes you know quite
well. There can be many causes for human sensitivity. It is usually either
hereditary factors or karma that play a major role in this. It is also possible for
people to bring their endo.crine system into a disharmonious and hence undesirable
state, for example by doing occult exercises. There are innu.merable people who can
be called more or less sensitive in some part of their sensory system. Generally
speaking sensitivity can be found in the emotional sphere, or in the sphere of
hearing, or in the sphere of sight, or in the sphere of the intellectual organism.
The sensory activities can then be called 'deeper'. They are 'more sensitive',
their sphere of action is greater, and they can successfully encounter a higher
radiation factor. This supernormal sensitivity in some direction need not
ne.cessarily be dangerous, provided the person concerned does not pursue this with
his whole I, and regard himself as being in a state of grace, a chosen one with
extraordinary gifts. For quite obviously this supernormal sensitivity is always one
with respect to the astral plane of the nature of death, because that astral plane
is the life atmosphere of humanity. You will therefore realise that almost all
illnesses con.nected with the nervous system and leading to highly abnor.mal
behaviour are caused by sensitivity that totally breaks down the endocrine system
when it is driven on by the I. A door is then opened for forces on yonder side of
the veil, with all the regrettable consequences. These facts, which have al.ways
been known, can be an introduction to the following: Many people, especially
doctors and psychiatrists, have been struck by the increase, around the world, of
the number of supernormal or paranormal people, and that keeping pace with this is
an enormous increase in excessive sensitivity. The causes of this must be quite
well known to you by now. The astral revolution in the human biosphere, caused in a
forced way, has first of all seized all the negatively sensi.tive people in all
their diversity or is doing so. This is the rea.son why all over the world the
institutions that care for such sick people are overflowing. But this is only the
beginning of the trouble, because in the period which we have now entered we will
be confronted by the fact that every human being will be made sensitive by the
extremely abnormal conditions of the astral field of life. 173 THE LIVING WORD
Almost every human being will begin to suffer from forms of above-normal mental
expression, which will lie within the sphere of action of the pituitary gland. That
means: on the one hand expansion of the senses of sight, hearing and feel.ity of
people will be able to perceive much of what goes on in the ether world, and
experience this in a rather unpleasant manner. In addition the time of the false
Christs will commence. False Christs and false prophets will arise. They will show
signs and miracles so as to lead astray the chosen ones where possible. You will
understand that such a horrible paranormal life, aroused in such an artificial
manner, is not accompanied by any reasonable discriminatory faculty whatsoever, nor
by any capability of resistance, and so will create a perfect foun.dation for the
great imitation. The false prophets will praise human progress very highly,
especially the results of nuclear science. However every development has two sides
and offers two possible results. Forcing the astral sphere of life will inevita.bly
give rise to a mighty inflow of astral waves from the astral plane of the Holy
Earth. I74 The light power that arises from this will obscure as it were even the
brightest, clearest light of the Sun and the Moon. The mighty fire, appearing with
great power, i.e. with an enormous vibration, will suddenly strike dumb the false
Christs and prophets. To their great bewilderment the masses with their paranormal
sight will suddenly see much of the new manifestation as long as that is possible,
albeit for only one short hour. One short hour -for in this firestorm a geological
reac.tion of great violence will take place as a last response. And in this mighty
violence the bewildered masses will behold something of the sons of God, the Chain
of the Uni.versal Brotherhood of Christ, which will save its last link, the young
Gnostic Brotherhood, and watch over it for the of a new Shamballa. 31
Mode of life A s you probably know, the nature-born personality is only one third
of the divine creation. It is the crea.tion of the instrument of the perfect human
being. However, this human being can be called 'Man' only when the two other
aspects of the true human being can unite with the instrument or bodily form,
resulting in the manifes.tation of the threefold Man, consisting of the spirit, the
soul and the body. For this reason the nature-born human being, who is aware of his
calling, must in self-surrender find and forge the holylink with the other two -the
soul and the Spirit. Iteis the purpose of the Universal Gnosis to go this way and
to apply this process. The fundamental principle of liberation presupposes the
possession of the soul body. This soul body is born as soon as the new soul state
can and does link up with the Seven-Spirit. A fiery, radiant, in other words,
luminous, field is formed around the pupil, like a spherical vesture. This
refulgent, sparkling field is the tremendous principle of renewal. When can the
pupil look forward to the link with the Spirit and the soul, with its glorious
consequences? This is as soon as the soul has taken up its position. Where is the
seat of the soul? It is the open space behind the frontal bone. However, the soul
cannot take up this place automatically. That space has to be conquered, for in the
nature-born body the sinus cavity is the seat of the I, the nature-born
conscious.ness. If the pupil does not succeed in replacing the I with the soul, the
Spirit will not be able to descend in a realising and the wedding
garment, the soul, will not be able to manifest itself. The first thing needed is
the longing for liberation, which must be accompanied by the inner detachment from
the world of deception. That will cause, secondly, the entrance of the soul into
the heart sanctuary. The third task is to make the soul ascend, which is possible
only through daily, applied I-denial. The fourth task is the unification of Spirit
and soul in the sanctuary, resulting in the manifestation of the new soul vesture.
The fifth task then is the transfer of the newly born consciousness into the new
vesture, with the awakening of the Pymander, as Hermes calls this new state of
consciousness. The pupil who has mounted these five steps will control and govern
his whole system on a totally new basis of life. In that state Hermes says: 'I went
out of myself into an immortal body. So I am now no longer the one I was before,
but have been begotten of the Spirit'. This was a brief sketch of the birth of the
fivefold soul vehicle, the five-pointed radiant star of Bethlehem, the going out of
THE LIVING WORD the self on the path to life. Do you see the grand possibilities of
liberation present in the human system? Whoever lives in the soul vehicle has been
reborn as a child of God and has entered eternity. Whoever makes this his one goal
understands why we speak of the Triple Alliance of the Light, namely the
Brother.hood of the Rosycross, the Brotherhood of the Cathars and the Brotherhood
of the Holy Grail. It is a Triple Alliance which is united to become ninefold, the
aspect of what is truly human. And what is truly human in the divine sense is to
apply what one has learned and pro.fessed, and to serve the world and humanity with
its fruits. We believe that this is the great call emanating from the young Gnosis:
to receive the teachings, to demonstrate the mode of life clearly, and to work in a
liberating way with the results. Now that nuclear science has generally been turned
into ap.plied science, and nuclear reactors are present in many coun.tries for
various purposes, world and humanity enter a phase of dematerialization in a very
accelerated way. And so the days of Atlantis will be revivified. There is nothing
new under the sun. The old legends tell us of the two islands of the Atlantean
civilisation: the Black Island and the White Island. We can now clearly see the of the Black Island again in the Aryan civilisation. Can we also clearly
see the White Island? Is there in fact a 178 White Island? Is there a region, a
sphere, a current of life, to which all people of good will can be admitted in
safety and in another development? Do you see clearly that such a fortress of
security and lib.eration will have to demonstrate its presence in the very
near future? Do you feel the urgency of this? What has to be done? We need to
possess a group of living souls as large as possible. A living soul is a human
being who possesses the wedding garment. Such a living soul has become a child of
God in the true sense. Such a living soul is omnipresent, stands in eter.nity, is
unassailable, and in addition still possesses the nature.born body as an instrument
for gathering the harvest. How do you, as a pupil of the Gnostic Spiritual School,
achieve this living soul state? Meet the standards of the Triple Alliance of the
Light. You have the teachings. Apply them from now on, every moment of the day,
from hour to hour, in your daily life. That is: mode of life. Then the fruits will
soon become apparent. Then these fruits will be eaten by many that are hungry. The
pivot on which everything depends is: mode of life. 1 79 32 An address to the
workers of the School W e all know how the human mind is changing and entering a
state of crisis; how everyone is increasingly afflicted by fear,
nervousness and ill health; how much the church and the state are for
ways in which they can keep the whole of humanity in their grasp, as was the case
in the past. We also know how rapidly people are turning away from religion and the
churches. The state is degenerating and humanity is facing the problem: 'What will
happen now?' We know the causes. Humanity has arrived at the border: to a
resurrection or to a fall. It is a sign on the wall; a sign you should understand.
You should realise that you are very per.sonally involved in this. The great
process of change of all of humanity is faster than ever before. And it
is our task, along with the great World Brotherhood, to achieve the great turn of
events. Surely you can see the nervous state of the public around you every day? It
is very difficult to approach the public in this state. The public is in a profound
state of psychological upheaval, with many people seriously afflicted as never be.
fore, and with heart and/or head seriously affected. If ever the great World
Brotherhood needs us, then it needs us now to establish contact with the public as
a whole. Humanity is in.volved in the fermentation processes of the great change,
without being clearly conscious of it. Hence the Brotherhood needs a community
which is aware of it, and lives and acts accordingly. That is why we have been
called together, and to this purpose every one of you is called. Are we going to
succeed? Do you know what you have to do as a worker of the Spiritual School of the
Rosycross? During the last few years everything possible has been done to try to
destroy the workers and our efforts, both from within and from without. We know the
attempts from without are obvious and to be expected, but do you know about the
processes from within, which cause so many diffi.culties? For we are facing the
clash between the growing soul con.sciousness and the ordinary natural personality.
The power of faith stems from the soul; what is simply natural is no more than an
animal. That is why the situation is so compli.cated. A person can possess faith as
far as his soul power reaches. For the rest he is always in a state of confusion.
We can therefore appeal to you: stand with us in this world hour in the service of
the Brotherhood of Life -to the extent your soul power allows you to. And you have
already proven that! We are now facing a new working season once again. The
important thing now is to prove the words: Ifyou have faitheas a grain of mustard
seed, you will say to this mountain, THE LIVING WORD the magic based on this power
of faith. That is why you should constantly ask yourself: 'What weapons, based on
faith, do I possess?' The words addressed to you today have undoubtedly made it
clear to you that you are all standing before a period that will have radical
consequences. It is certain that only from an unassailable state will you be able
to radiate imper.sonal love for all those who are entrusted to your care. In doing
so you will need to be elevated above what people could be trying to do to you. You
could become very tired and grief-stricken, but if you make use of your energy in a
well.thought-out and intelligent way and allow any possible inferior force cast at
you to rebound from you magically, you will prevail. Such a love sacrifice does not
mean your downfall but a victory. In the first place you should take care that no
one can harm you. And that is possible. There are three ways in which you can
participate in the life of Jesus the Lord: firstly: through his teachings, and by
seeing his teachings as the most sublime; secondly: through his life, and by truly
applying it in your own life; thirdly: through his crucifixion, by realising the
way of the cross; that is a conscious way of sacrifice as to the flesh. God
permitting, a large number offriends are ready to begin a new working season. It is
our request that you support one another with your purest thoughts, your prayers
and your deeds. Show a clear understanding of all that is necessary to enable the
great plans of the Spiritual School to succeed. No matter what hap.pens, don't be
disappointed for even a second, for the Broth.erhood of Immortal Souls and its holy
labour will call you according to your possibilities and merits, at the right time
and at the right place. And so: 'Not I, Lord, but You are the aim of the work.' We
hope fervently that you will all find spiritual rest, soul harmony, and physical
development in your work, and that as workers in God's vineyard you will be able to
create a healthy, honest and pure atmosphere entirely corresponding to our
Spiritual ideals. If you can do that, God's blessings will be upon all your work.
It is also our prayer that our youth workers, and the youth directorate in
particular, will be able to protect the young people entrusted to them and to lead
them in and through the radiation power of the one true life. May they thus be able
to produce workers for the future. We would also like to bring to your attention
that the twelve members of the International Spiritual Directorate have the task of
taking care that the teachings of our Spiritual THE LIVING WORD School are brought
to the seeking public in their fullness in the various working fields of the School
and that the funda.mental basis of the work is not corroded by any worker of the
Spiritual School. In addition they have to take care that the liberating goal of
the Spiritual School -namely: the process of Spirit-Soul liberation in the human
being -remains pure in its development, and that the contents of the literature,
possibly woven by you into your public lectures, is not bent towards the horizontal
plane. What else would you, as servants of the young Gnostic Brotherhood, want to
bring to humanity and the pupils other than what has already taken shape in the
Living Body of the Spiritual School? Surely you can't bring teachings which deviate
from that? In all the work which you perform in the service of the School, think of
His teachings, His life and His crucifixion, so that through your work in Christ's
power you can realise His life within yourself: I have nothing of myself All I give
toeyou is my Fathere's, says Christ Jesus our Lord. And would you place yourself
above Him? Now, with humility and quiet gratitude in our hearts, and with great
determination, we have closed off the period lying behind us, and together as
workers we have reopened the public work of the Spiritual School of the Golden
Rosycross. And we have resolved to leave behind us everything that is half-hearted
and primitive. 33 The responsibility For reflection A n organ that is sick cannot
be vivified by the central nervous system, for the reaction emanating from the sick
organ has a destructive effect on the central nervous system. For this reason every
worker of the Spiritual School should be conscious of his or her great
responsibility. One sick organ can make the whole body sick and paralyse it as it
were. And so, in this Spirit and in this consciousness we stand to.gether time and
again before the commencement of another task. A weak worker or one without
understanding can also spoil the entire effort. The Spiritual School as a body is
often a very delicate preci.sion instrument. A small detail can cause a great
disturbance in the body. THE LIVING WORD May the workers in God's vineyard
constantly keep this in mind and accept its consequences. 18 6 34 The mystery ofthe
Sphinx and the Pyramid T he eternal reality of the Immovable Kingdom cannot be
described. In the world of dialectics there is no form, no sound, no colour, no
feeling, and no thought whatsoever that can be compared with it. The eternal truth
can never be told in its entirety. It can.not be passed on from mouth to ear, nor
can any pen describe it. That is absolutely impossible, even for the highest
initiate. There is only one possibility: that the human being find the answer to
the suffocating and urgent questions of life in the sanctuary of his own heart, in
the innermost depths of the divine touch, when the delusion of the I has died. The
truth and the reality of the lost Fatherland have al.ways been hidden under the
shadow of the so-called seventh seal. If a human being tries to humanise the
eternal mystery and to press it into the straitjacket of dialectics, he violates it
and it escapes from him. What is left is impotent and devoid of liberating power.
The most it can achieve is to chain the human being to the wheel of the great
illusion. The truth can to a certain extent only be exemplified. Whoever wants to
know it must live towards it. A person can.THE LIVING WORD not say: 'Tell me
something about the truth so I can decide whether to approach
it or not.' Whoever wants to know the truth has to turn to self-activity.
Embracing wisdom is a question of pilgrimage right from the start. When a ray of
the universal wisdom begins to reveal itself in a pilgrim, this has the sole
purpose of enabling him to become active in a calling, saving and helping capacity.
That is the secret of the path. God is love. Such a pupil in fact begins to arrive
in an almost impossi.ble position, because he is rent in twain as it were. On the
one hand there is the absolute impossibility of making the light known to people,
but on the other there is the obligation and the drive to testify of it. These two
aspects exclude each other almost absolutely. In the ancient, absolutely universal
symbols such a situa.tion was represented by a human animal, for example the
Sphinx, a creature with a divine countenance staring into the indeterminate
distances of the dawn, but for the rest an animal, clawing into and imprisoned by
the desert sand. We should not see the Sphinx as being unconnected to the pyramid
and its mystery. In ancient Egypt the classical of the Universe'. That is a Sun
God, descended into matter. Perhaps you understand this symbol. The human being is
a fallen angel in a state of cleavage: one part of the microcosm imprisoned in the
original life field, totally incapable of any 188 activity; the other cast down
into the dialectical urge for sur.vival. The human being is the Sphinx! The
knowledge of this has repeatedly been lost and not a word of this is mentioned in
the Holy Scriptures. It has been lost, just as the sphinx has repeatedly been
totally covered by the desert sands. This sign, hewn out of rock and spanning the
ages, is gaped at by tourists. It is said that they feel respect, but they do not
understand. Probably many will begin to understand when their illu.sions of
existence are torn to shreds in the impending world developments. Then they may
very well remember the col.umn between the front paws of the Sphinx. The story on
that column is briefly: Prince Thotmes, the son of an Egyptian king, had ordered
the Sphinx to be excavated from the desert sand. He was used to riding around the
desert and hunting for wild animals. On one of those hunts the prince went to rest
in the shadow of the Sphinx in the afternoon. He fell asleep and dreamt that the
Sphinx began to talk to him. He said: 'Look at me, my son Thotmes, I am your
Father. My face and my heart are turned towards you, for you belong to me. Behold
my state of suffocation. I am in danger ofbeing buried by the sand of this desert
on which I am lying. I have waited until you will do what was in my heart, for I
knew that you were my son, my protector.' As a pupil of the Spiritual School of the
Golden Rosycross you will understand the language of the Sphinx. You too have THE
LIVING WORD netic power field. You too can clearly see the situation of the
dialectical human being as that of someone who is held in a suffocating grasp. The
grip of this nature is constantly on the point of burying you. The human being is a
god who has become a human according to this nature. Let us pose the obvious
question, the one logical problem: 'How can the fallen human being become a god
again? How can the prodigal son Thotmes return home?' This problem and its solution
is given in every Universal Philosophy: we are humans who are to become gods. The
great messengers of humanity were gods who became human in order to show humans how
to become gods. If this problem stands clearly before you, you will know it was
born' in conflict', and that the road to it was toil and trou.with this world, and
you will become accustomed to it again. You must understand that for the defeated
soul the question: 'How does the fallen human become god again?' will develop
enough motivation to be able to go the path as a pilgrim to seek the answer to that
question. Hence we can say: Whoever has seen the Sphinx will enter the Pyramid. The
Pyramid is a temple of resurrection, and not of wor.ship. It is a temple not for
symbolical acts but for instruction. It is a sepulchre. People can create a lot of
mystification about it, but as the Pyramid is hewn in stone its essential language
cannot be destroyed. In our opinion everyone who has seen the Sphinx from within
and everyone to whom the Sphinx has spoken, like Prince Thotmes, will be able
unconditionally to understand the stone language of the Pyramid. Let us try to
understand some of this language. The Pyramid is a huge and impressive
construction. You can imagine this if you keep in mind that its height was
ori.ginally nearly 147 metres and that the length of its sides is 2 30 metres. This
created an enormous surface. The interior -to the extent that it is known -is
rather strange. There are parts of the Pyramid that are completely unknown and in
its totality we can discover the complete picture of the micro.cosm that has to
transfigure. In addition it shows the way the process must be undertaken and led in
complete self-freema.sonry. The original name of the great Pyramid was 'Horizon of
Chufu'. We could translate this as the complete perspective on the path that is
offered in the Pyramid. To be able to understand this we will have to study the THE
LIVING WORD Egyptian concept of Chufor Chufu. This concept is that of dialectics;
the fact that there is an absolute division, an un.bridgeable chasm between this
world and the original King.dom. In addition Chufu points the way to liberation. It
lifts the candidate up into the life of the soul. We would speak of the radiation
of the Holy Spirit that enters the microcosmic being, not only to point out the
path to the candidate, but also to help him. In that ancient world of thought Chufu
was thought to be active in the east, in the land of the dawn. The candidate was
the 'son of the sun', who was headed for the rising sun. With the help of Chufu he
was lifted up into the aloe field of Ra, the Sun God, the Christ. The symbol of the
aloe is obvious. Aloe is a type of wood with a very pleasant fragrance and is the
most valuable incense in the east. Thus the candidate was led into the lands of the
imperishable food mentioned in the Book of the Dead. You have undoubtedly heard of
The Egyp.tian Book of the Dead. That is what we call it today. In days long ago
this wondrous book was known as The Ritual. We could also say: The Process.eThese
days it is called 'The Book of the Dead' because it apparently describes the
journey of the dead through the transition planes; the breakthrough of the dead
into the hea.venly planes of yonder side. But if you were to hold this view, just
like many Egyptologists, you would be making a big mis.take. Just as the modern
religious person imagines the King.dom of Heaven to be in the spheres behind the
veil, so the adherents of the Egyptian cults thought exactly the same.Just as there
is lack of knowledge about the Universal Teachings today, so it was then. In the
same way as there are traces of the Universal Teachings in our lands,
and the transfiguristic witnesses speak to us right through everything if only we
will listen, so it was in the lands of the Nile, those glorious ancient realms of a
faded civilisation. One of the eter.nal witnesses of those days and of today was
and is: The Ri.tual, The Process, or The Book of the Dead.eThe Book of the Dead is
not Egyptian. It existed long be.fore there were any Egyptians. It is a remarkably
pure block of the Universal Teachings. It is so hieroglyphic, so veiled,
and so exclusively comprehensible to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear
that the priests of dialectics judged it unnecessary to mutilate it. However it was
used as a basis for the creation of all sorts of cults of this nature, but these
were explained in other scriptures. And so we can say that far above the ancient
Egyptian culture tower three tremen.dous witnesses: L the Sphinx, 2.athe Pyramid or
Horizon of Chufu,a3-the Ritual or Process.aAnd, 0 marvel, these three witnesses
form a unit. They be.long together. We said that the Sphinx makes the call and that
the Pyra.mid points out the path. And it is the Ritual which teaches the process of
how the path must be walked. We could say, therefore, that the Pyramid is a stone
monu.THE LIVING WORD ment of the Process. Everything of which the Ritual testifies
is represented in the Pyramid. The Ritual explains everything do, namely to
liberate the heavenly Man, is explained by the Ritual and the Pyramid, step by
step, from beginning to end, in minute detail. towards the eastern horizon, towards
the horizon of Chufu, towards the aloe field of Ra. Well, in The Ritual, the King's
Chamber of the Pyramid, the final goal of the path, the home.coming of the
candidate is called: 'the Chamber of the Great East'. The aim to which the Sphinx
tries to awaken us is rea.lised in the Great East. It is certain that if you begin
to study the old classical Ri.tual, and enter the Pyramid on this basis, it will
seem to you as a pupil of the Spiritual School, as if everything is very fa.miliar
to you. Then it will turn out that in an unsuspected way the School has been
wanting to go the path with you for many years, the path that is the same yesterday
and today, the path that was walked thousands of years ago already by our
predecessors, the path which they have hewn in stone and de.scribed in a Ritual, a
heritage that has been saved for us up to this day, and with which we can serve
others in the interna.tional work of our School. It will be clear to you now that
the time has come for clear awareness of and certainty about all the work to be
done, that the result will be all the sounder and mightier. And it will also 1 94
be your task as a pupil to attune yourself more and more
to that awareness and certainty. The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross
teaches that the chronology of the Pyramid refers to the activities of the Helping
Brotherhood on earth. The work of this Brother.hood is carried out with clockwork
precision, according to a definite plan, from epoch to epoch, without any obstacle.
And as a kind of reflex we see it taking place in the course of dialectical
humanity, from epoch to epoch. The development of the new era started in August
1953 and will become clearly apparent around the year 2000. Whether that era will
turn out to be what people imagine is a thing we very much doubt, even though many
cries of joy will fill the air. Let us prepare ourselves to make our Spiritual
School meet the demands of the coming urgent work. 1 95 Blessed are they who yearn
for the Spirit F ortunately we can establish that great numbers of pu.pils of the
young Gnostic Brotherhood are engaged, under the urge of the call of the Spirit of
God, in their soul state up to the Father of Lights and in tearing
themselves loose from the nature aeons, thus giving their soul faculties a greater
radius of action, and this enables them not only to presume the Spirit of God, but
also to know him. However, no matter how important, the knowledge of God must
always be only a means and not an end in itself. For what counts is: the possession
of the Spirit-Soul. The only thing that can make you a true human being, a truly
spiritual person, is possessing the Spirit-Soul. Even your re.newing soul state can
never make you truly happy, for even the renewed soul remains a seeker, a yearner,
as long as the Spirit does not kindle it. If you seek the soul -and that is what
you are doing by virtue of your soul being -you can be truly happy only when you
find the Spirit, when you receive him and he is revealed in you and by you. Blessed
are they who yearn for the Spirit. This is how the sublime words of the Sermon on
the Mount begin. You know these words and you are linked to them in a very special
way, for we can say without any fear of exaggeration that every pupil of a Gnostic
Spiritual school has been a 'yearner for the Spirit' long before he joined the
Spiritual School. Only he doesn't know it. Most of the pupils presently belonging
to the Spiritual School are not aware that they are spiritually yearning. They know
only that they are seekers, innate see.kers. This is why the words of Jesus: He who
seeks will find ap.peal more to them. This is something they can understand. They
seek in order to find. They are looking for a life which better meets their state
of being and can give them satisfac.tion. The nature of this state of life does not
really interest them initially. They are not able to formulate this, because if
they had 'known' sooner they would have 'found' sooner. Being a seeker is really a
state of illness, a mental defect comparable to the effects of being homesick. And
so all our pupils, with perhaps one or two exceptions, are seekers, seekers for the
lost temple. That is how it begins. And we say to you: in deepest essence you are
seeking the Spirit of God. You are yearning for the Spirit. That is why you have
com.menced your pilgrimage. Every day for many years you are being confronted in
our School by the call of the Holy Spirit. It is a call which is be.coming ever
louder in our Spiritual School. It is also a call which many people find very
disconcerting. They ask them.selves, 'What are we supposed to do about this call?
We have 1 97 THE LIVING WORD hardly begun the path. There are many shadows clouding
our view and we are still very slow on the uptake when it comes to the many
perspectives the Gnostic philosophy is opening up for us. How then can we respond
to the call from the Most tween now and previously is that their yearning and the
call of the Spirit have come closer to each other. The Spirit wants to have contact
with them. Hence there is no reason for being disconcerted; there is only reason
for tremendous gratitude and joy. Surely the manifestation of the Most High in a
School like ours can only facilitate the finding, deepen the insight and accelerate
the tempo? In addition no pupil can or shall be pushed for even one instant, or be
overwhelmed by a power to which he or she is unable to respond. To help you see
this we would like to speak to you about the Living Magnetic Body and its
formation. A great deal has already been said about this, but in our opinion there
are still many misunderstandings. You know that we speak about a fivefold Living
Body that can be clearly seen in the world of matter.Just as in a physical tion
centres of the Body of the School for all those who are to any degree seekers, and
therefore, in essence, yearning for the Spirit. It is completely obvious that in
those reception centres seekers are not burdened by the most serious requirements
of the Path as immediate necessities, as millstones around their necks. In those
centres there should simply be a dignified re.ception in which the breath of the
Spirit fulfils the role of tranquillity, peace and love, the role of a serenity
which can be found only in the places of work of the true Brotherhood. In those
places of work the Spirit responds from the very beginning to the words of the
Christ: Come to me, all whoelabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Rest is the characteristic of the true beginning. It is the rest for the weary,
ever agitated seekers. This rest of the Spirit, as the sig.nature of our reception
centres, must flow down from the top of the mountain, the top of the Living Body.
This rest is at the same time a protective vibration against all those seekers who
still need to be purified some more by the grip of nature. No person can or will be
forced by the vibration of the rest of the Spirit, and yet it is a confrontation
with the Spirit itself. Hence, whoever has taken this first step has already met
the Spirit. Whoever has experienced the vibration of the spiritual rest, and
therefore must have needed it, in other words, was up to it, will of course enter
the second aspect of the Spiritual School. This is because the rest of the Spirit,
as a perceptible stimulus for an often heavily shocked nervous system, causes a
yearning that is more powerful than ever. He or she has seen the Path and so
desires to know, to comprehend completely. THE LIVING WORD For this, he will enter
the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, the sec.ond aspect of the School. However, no one
could say that the signature of the Lec.torium Rosicrucianum is 'rest'. To the
contrary, after the rest comes the storm, the storm of wisdom and of the knowledge
not only be seen, but also recognised. We deliberately talk about a 'storm' because
in the Lectorium Rosicrucianum a vibration field has to be maintained which is
capable of every ordinary aeonic astral impulse at a distance. That storm
has to rage for the sake of the pupil who is still im.prisoned completely in the
grip of aeonic nature. You know by experience that you are not left alone in the
Lectorium Rosicrucianum and you are not given the time to fall into a mystical
slumber. With the regularity of the adopted plan the blows fall now on your heart,
now on your consciousness. You are continually being seized and con.fronted by the
consequences of your pupilship. The full light of day is made to fall on your path
of life. This is the second confrontation with the Spirit. Then comes the third
confrontation, namely in the School of Higher Consciousness. This aspect of the
Living Body is only for those who have withstood the storm and have decided to walk
the Path, to climb the mountain, and hence firstly perform the most vital work,
namely: the en.dura, the great self-surrender, of which Jesus the Lord once said:
He who loses his life for my sake will find iteIt is clear that all those who may
enter the Sanctuary of the School of Higher Consciousness are linked to the third
radia.tion of the Spirit, which is aimed at those centres of the per.sonality that
are connected to the possibility of the rebirth of the soul. Should that process
succeed in a pupil, the nature of the Path will change completely from then on.
Until now the pupil has only been receptive; he has been passively con.fronted, and
all his activities were within the realm of self.surrender and of his fundamental
departure from the state of life of the aeons. But now, on the next step of the
Path, the fourth, the pupil of the mysteries is given a task, namely the task of Light for all those who are in the Living Body. The pupil of that
state should enter into the group unity and into the service of the Soul. This is
truly a priestly ministry! It should now be seen whether there has indeed been a
rebirth of the Soul. If not, the pupil must return to the third aspect of the
School, for, as you know, no one may be forced in his progress. This fourth aspect
is one in which a radiation of the Spirit is directed solely at promoting and
reinforcing the growth of the new Soul and at enabling the pupil to be strong
during the attacks of the adversary. The signature of the fourth Spirit ra.diation
is power; it is receiving the power truly to become a child of God. This power is
concentrated in the magnetic field of the School as a fount of blessing for the
whole Body. And then the gates will open for the entrance into the fifth aspect:
the top of the Living Body as it works in the physical 20 1 THE LIVING WORD world.
In this aspect of the Living Body the pupil arrives at the level at which his soul
receives the nourishment it has yearned for from the beginning. In the fifth aspect
of the School the power and the radiation of the Holy Spirit are con.sciously found
and experienced. All roads lead here and the conscious link
with the Gnostic-astral field comes into being here. The work of the brothers and
sisters of the fifth aspect in the service of all who are in the Living Body has as
its sig.nature: working from and with the seven flames of the Seven-Spirit itself.
This process can arise only on the basis of the nucleus principle Jesus Christ. The
Spiritual School has during all the years of its existence tightly held on to this
nucleus prin.ciple, and it is on this liberating nucleus principle that the en.tire
revealed teachings of the School have been built. 36 The good that does not perish
A word to young people W e would like to discuss 'the good that does not perish' so
that this may expand and deepen your consciousness. For transitions in life are
gradual, but people can become conscious of them suddenly. It is not simple to
contemplate spiritual good when one is attached with one's whole personality to the
things of the earth. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if people weren'at making
such a bad mistake. What mistake? The mistake we make in usually holding the
opinion that it looks stupid for a cultured person to admit honestly that he can't
think broadly enough. And when in this state we begin to get interested in the
things of the Spirit, we nurture in ourselves that sham piety, that hypocrisy, that
insincerity, that makes a person seek the Kingdom of God with his mouth but the
Kingdom of the Earth with the rest of his being. These few words contain the secret
for understanding all the difficulties under which the present world lies buried.
The mouth professes the Kingdom of God: 'Yes, but I can't lose sight of the fact
that I do live on this earth and so I have to have a few certainties in life. I do
have my obligations to the people around me.' THE LIVING WORD If that is the way
you think, then where is the end? Is it the earthly good that will provide the
absolute guarantee that with wisdom and deliberation, cause a person to be born in
an environment, country or race where he belongs by virtue of his spiritual
quality. Every movement of which the leaders and the adherents do not meet to
collapse like a house of cards, or has to be maintained either by physical violence
or by black magic. If we are to achieve the building of an imperishable soul .up
to, through the mouths of His prophets. In the Christ He gives us the example to
follow. In the Holy Spirit He gives us, by means of His creative power, the
possibility of following this example. What does all this mean? That first of all
we should open ourselves up to the divine idea to do the work in accordance with
His plan of creation. That secondly we should offer our love, totally and without
self-interest, to the realisation of this idea. And thirdly that we must carry out
and support the work with all the energy with which the awakened power of the Holy
Spirit endows us. To make the building of the soul succeed we have to know the
secret of its structure. All the visible things God has built have a skeleton
around which the body is constructed. In the same way invisible things -and here we
are referring to the building of the Spirit-Soul-have to have a skeleton, for soul
substance also can be formed around a skeleton only. What skeleton? Of course: the
cross -the cross around which seven new force centres, seven chakras develop in a
new ser.pent-fire body. Consider carefully: without accepting the cross of the
Christ you will never build the soul, because it would lack the skeleton. To be
able to build the soul you must sacrifice your personality; note well: sacrifice it
with love. But if you are to succeed you will also have to leave behind in it all
the soul power gained. You will have to sacrifice for this the pure forces, the
forces of pure astral-etheric light, for thus you will give your building work a
new body, a new etheric body, enabling it to live and bear fruit. That is building
the soul. That is the good that does not perish. Do you, older reader, feel the
importance of more expan.sive knowledge? Our younger generation learns early on
what older people took a whole lifetime to gain. This will 20 5 THE LIVING WORD
mean that children at the age of eighteen will possess the ripe.ence gained there
can be passed on. If it is evident that there are ripened spirits among our
children, they can be given im .portant work at a fairly early age. This will stop
or at least limit the danger of crystallisation. This is precisely what is so
tragic about mature people: they namic youth work behind it, otherwise it becomes
top heavy. And so, boys and girls amongst us, the value of our work will be
demonstrated by your activity, perseverance and ex.ample. Be enterprising. Accept
the challenge of life. Whoever consciously accepts life in order to draw from its
lessons, even though they be bitter, will find that all things will work for his
good. You must offer your love, totally and without self-interest, to the
realisation of this idea. You must carry out and support -to gain all. 20 6 37
Transfiguration in the time of the end F or millions of years physical humanity has
been wan.dering around on the earth. For millions of years fallen humanity has been
occupied in breaking through the nadir of materiality and thus converting its
invo.lutionary course into an evolutionary one, in order finally to resume its
journey to the Father's House. For millions of years divine entities have been
trying to impel humanity fully to develop the mental consciousness that is
organically present and to use it for its exalted purpose, namely to achieve
transfiguration. In order to save it from crystallisation, how many cata.clysms
have already struck earthly humanity that has not yet gone the path of
transfiguration, but, to the contrary, clings on to the earth? Lemuria, that
enormous continent reaching from the southern part of the Pacific Ocean to Africa
in the west (Ma.dagascar, the Himalayas, Sumatra, Australia and Easter are
remnants of it)a, was destroyed by volcanic eruptions, by fire. With it went the
group of Lemurians known as the sons of darkness who had to perish as, in their
self-mainte.THE LIVING WORD nance, they committed the most horrendous crimes, while
as the sons of light and wisdom, escaped. Atlantis, situated at the location of the
present Atlantic Ocean (the British Isles and the Azores are remnants of it)a,
served as a field of development for fallen humanity. Seven races developed in
Atlantis and from one of these had to de.velop the root race for the seven races of
our present Aryan epoch. It was the fifth sub-race, the original Semites, which was
chosen for this purpose, because the germ of the mind was present in them. It was
from this that cunning developed Long before Atlantis was submerged those members
of the Semitic race that were designated for it were led eastward. First they were
led to a region where such countries as Israel are now situated; later on a small
group was led to the Gobi Desert. Atlantis disappeared from the earth, swallowed up
by inhabitants of the White Island escaped the flood. To ensure the formation of as
pure an Aryan root race as possible, very severe laws were made. For example it was
for.bidden to marry into other races. However many members of the chosen group
disobeyed this law. This is why the pre.viously mentioned small group left the
present Middle East for the Gobi Desert. About a million years ago the Aryan root
race was formed there, and when this new race had grown to a large popula.20 8 tion
through the incarnation of increasing numbers of enti.ties, the first mass
migration took place about 200 ooo years later. The Aryan race migrated southwards
and mixed with the inhabitants of India, and from this the first sub-race, the
Indo-Aryan race, was formed. After that the following were formed: secondly: the
Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean sub-race, thirdly: the Persian-Greek-Latin sub-race,
fourthly: the Keltic sub-race, fifthly: the Germanic-Anglo-Saxon sub-race. The
first four sub-races all had their outstanding cultures. We can at best read about
them in books or see their expressions in museums, but for the rest they have
become lost in the course of time. What is the situation with the European,
belonging to the fifth sub-race? In him the germ of the intellect has reached full
maturity. To what end has the European used his intellect? To de.velop the highly
esteemed European culture! To war on each other with the most refined techniques.
To invent the nuclear bomb and the hydrogen bomb! To think up lugubrious
pro.jectiles that are shot into space to land on the moon or one of the planets! Or
to damage the Van Allen belts and thus dis.turb the harmony of the universe! Till
now the European has used his intellect to maintain his godless, unholy life. Is it
a wonder that the unholy fire is blazing in the highest 20 9 THE LIVING WORD heat
sphere and is threatening to overwhelm humanity? Is it a wonder that cultural
philosophers predict the end of the Oc.cident? Is it a wonder that it was predicted
long ago that Great Our School makes a real distinction between initiation long ago
and now, between initiation before the Christian calen.dar and after. For the
person who was born before the com.mencement of the Christian calendar the
possibility existed to realise soul rebirth. The person born in the period of the
Christian calendar is able to accomplish transfiguration, i.e. to call into being
the Spirit-Soul Man. Transfiguration can be achieved by all because they have a
mind. The mind enables the human being to become a Gnostic, i.e. one who possesses
knowledge of his true destination, one who knows. The Spiri.tual School of the
Golden Rosycross makes it possible for its pupils to go the path of transfiguration
a practical sense means of the Mag.netic Living Body, by the Ark built in the last
seventy-five years. Have you ever wondered why The Netherlands were cho.sen for the
formation of the Spiritual School? It has been said that the reason is that the
Dutch are the most individualised nation, in other words, the most crystal.lised.
But there is another reason as well. You may know that The Netherlands stand under
the sign of Cancer, the crab. But on the famous zodiac of the temple at Denderah in
Egypt Cancer was depicted as a beetle, a scarab. It was the emblem of the soul, and
in ancient times as well as by modern mystics, Cancer was deemed to be the sphere
of the soul, the gate of life, in the zodiac. Cancer is also the sign of the nadir,
the foot of the cross that must be planted in your life, and in this sign you must
celebrate your victory. For this reason in Christianopolis by Johann Valentin
Andreae the candidate sails across the Aca.demic Sea in the ship Fantasy bearing
the flag with the sign of Cancer. In the same way will you, as a pupil or future
pupil, plant the cross in the nadir of your life and enter the new field of life
through the gate of life, the Spiritual School? That is the deci.sive choice facing
you. You will probably know that the Moon rules the sign of Cancer. If you now
choose the earthly life, you will be ruled by the forces of the dying heavenly body
that you can per.ceive with your eyes. Should you choose the way to Life, you will
be ruled by the Lunar Angels, the forces of the Holy Spirit. We assume you have
chosen the life of the soul. But are you not victimised constantly by the daily
grind, by the habi.tuation of life? As far as this is concerned you can sigh along
with Paul,For I do not do the good! want, but the evil I do notewant is what I do.
As a pupil of the Spiritual School you are accepted into the Living Body. This
means you are irradiated by pure astral and etheric forces. Therefore that other
saying of the initiate Paul also applies to you: I can do all things in Christ who
givese2II THE LIVING WORD me power. Hence in the power of Christ, through self-
free.masonry, you will be able to withstand any attacks which phantoms might make
on you. It is high time to come to this realisation and to enter a new mode of life
which we have presented to the pupils for so many years. We are living in great
times now that the Age of Aquarius has begun its course and the Water Bearer is his pitcher of living water out over humanity. Who can now say,'I cannot
go the way to life'a? Why postpone? The times of the end have commenced! You can
tell by the events and the degeneration in the world around you. You can tell by
the many mysteries unveiled to the pupils in our School. This unveiling is
happening so that the words might be fulfilled from the Confessio
FraternitatiseR.C.: 'One thing, 0 mortals, must now be explained by us,anamely that
God has decided to restore to the world .which not long after it shall perish -the
truth, the light andathe dignity which He once ordered to depart with Adamafrom
Paradise, in order to ease the misery of mankind.'aWhat are you going to do now?
Are you going to allow yourself to be dragged along by the flood soon to come and
will you take your microcosm, already chained to this earth for so many millions of
years, back to a new Lemurian begin.ning, and so keep it imprisoned for a few more
millions of years in this nadir of matter? Or will you rise above the flood with
the celestial ship, the ark, the Living Body of the Spiritual School, by finally the teachings given to you into practice of life, and by ful.filling them
at last? Then you are a Master-Builder, for you are achieving a union between fire
and water. You could compare the teach.ings with the element water and the
fulfilment with the ele.ment fire. Then you are really putting your Christianity
into practice. Only then are you really going the path to life. As a John the
Baptist, you are making straight the paths for the God in you. You are arousing the
rose, the Christ in you, to life. You continue your path. You go the way of the
cross, the way of the Rosycross. You go through your crucifix.ion, but: you go on
and celebrate your resurrection. The Spirit-Soul is born. Then finally there is the
descent of the Holy Spirit. The union of Soul and Spirit takes place. You celebrate
the Al.chemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross. Then the human being who has been
wandering on earth for so long, who has been imprisoned on earth for so long, will
be liberated. And as a true Soul Man, a Manas, a thinker, a thinking being in the
absolute, highest meaning of the word, he will continue his journey to eternity.
Then transfiguration is no longer just a possibility for you, but a reality. Then,
like Paul, you can exclaim: Death iseswallowed up in victory. 0 death, where is thy
sting?eThen you have overcome death and you will live in all eternity. May this
soon be true for you! 38 ou will know that every action we carry out is based Y on
the nature of the astral sphere, of the astral force which enables us to perform
this action. If there were complete harmony between all of us, and if conse.quently
that harmony were present in all our magnetic sys.tems, we would all cause similar
magnetic currents and so keep each other in balance. However the magnetic systems
are disturbed and the macrocosm feeding these currents is undivine. This causes our
needs to differ; we thwart each other and so we face each other in fundamental,
biological and hence structural hostility and we unintentionally cause resistance.
Even where we face each other as pupils in our Spiritual School. Everyone will
understand that the pupil is required every day to have pure aims, to have the
concentration and use of pure, clean forces to be able to break up the resistance
in magic, because there will always be situations in which and because of which you
will be forced to act. It is therefore im.portant to know that whenever you use a
concentration of astral force, no matter how, this will have an earth-binding and
destructive effect. You will feel that in such a situation there can never be any
question of goodness. Social and moral good is always linked to evil. How true
appear the words of the Christ: No one isegood but God alone. Indeed! You can
probably also imagine the lament of Nicodemus: Lord, who can be saved? It is quite
a frightening problem. It is urgently necessary to drive the awareness of this
op.pressive problem into the heart of your soul, for we need to solve these things
in the short term. We repeatedly draw your attention to the fact that time is
pressing for a radical, far.reaching change of your entire mode of life. If the
Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross is to achieve any real in your
life, if your striving as a pupil on the path is to show any liberating prospects,
it is time that you, too, ask yourself,' Lord, who can be saved?' No one is good
but God alone. No one is good if he is judged according to the nucleus being of the
nature of death. Good born of this essence can never build and realise ade.quately.
The works of this goodness are three-dimensional and therefore finite. No matter
how cultivated our goodness, no matter how heart, head, or soul warming, it remains
earth.bound, bound to the essence of death. The measure of this goodness differs
between individuals. This goodness will always cause you to experience a
limita.tion, a crisis. And time and again the Brotherhood of Life in.THE LIVING
WORD vites you and draws you up to that all-encompassing 'Other'. Every brother and
every sister who wants to go the liberating path therefore has to make himself
ready for his or her ascen.sion. Surely you will agree that there is a solution to
every prob.lem of life? If there were no solution why would the Chain of
Brotherhoods have approached the work fields of the Young Gnosis? The solution to
the problem of life is not just a philosophi.a seriously directed mode of life, and
a corresponding behaviour. The Brotherhood of Life descends to every pupil, who
then needs to turn towards the Gnostic astral field through the process of
purification. If he does so, in deep longing, the emotional person will become
inwardly tranquil, the tem.peramental person will begin to control himself, and in
pure directedness they will learn to become still and to listen. They will listen
so carefully that they will begin to understand the chambers of the pulmonary
system. Next they enter the blood, and if the blood has attained sufficient
consciousness, this causes a new knowing in the head sanctuary, a new six.fold
sensory perception, which emanates from the person like flames, like tongues of
fire. When Paul says in his First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 3: Each man's
work will become manifest; for the Day will disclose it, he means that the fire of
the day will dis.close it. The day always discloses whether a person is living out
of the power structures of the Gnostic astral field, or whether he is being lived
by and in the fire of the world of dialectics. Today humanity lies cast down in the
hell of this develop.ment, tortured by the infernal fire. It is probably clear to
you that this state of torture, because of the properties and the contrasts of this
nature, is everlasting as long as human beings wander around in the world of
dialectics. Every state of can be followed by even worse suffering.
Rising and falling can be discerned in this world. There is a rising that can give
you joy and gratitude, but in your wan.derings here in matter have you ever known a
joy, have you ever known a gratitude which was unqualified and was not followed by
an inevitable decline? How is all this suffering experienced? Why is it
borne and fought? Why does it carve such deep traces in the human being? It
happens through fire. All your experiences, every single experience, comes about
through astral fire. It is that astral fire that enables the human being to live.
It is also that astral fire that enables the mortal soul to live. That astral fire
main.tains the human I. If the human being takes pride in his I and THE LIVING WORD
places his I in the centre of everything he does, he proves that Can a person
determine this for himself? Yes, that is pos.sible. Every mortal being will always
be able to do this, for everything that is disclosed by the fire of this world will
sooner or later cause pain and anguish, and will not give sa.tisfaction, but make
hunger and thirst more violent and in.tense. Myths and legends tell us that in the
realms of hell, beside unbearable suffering, there is a continuous war, so
horren.dous and appalling that even an author like Dante was unable to describe it.
Conflict is caused by suffering, by hunger and thirst. Suffering, sorrow and
deprivation cause a person to take leave of his senses, and in this insanity he
throws himself upon others in order to attack them and harm them in like manner. It
is good to understand that there are national leaders who know the social needs of
humanity and try to put an end to them in order to make conflict impossible in this
way. This is a very good idea, and is worthy of realisation as much as possible in
this nature, but the causes of suffering, hunger and thirst in this world will
never be removed. The fire will keep burning -Sisyphus and the barrel of the
Da.naids prove it -until the human being begins to live, work and strive out of the
fire of divine grace. When the place of construction has been purified
suffi.ciently in this striving, on this way of the cross, the immortal soul will be
born as the very first gain of renewal. Psalm 16: IO says of such a soul:aFor thou
dost not give meeup to Sheol, or let thy godly one see the Pit. And in Psalm 18: 4,
6 and 17 we read: The cords of death encompassed me, the tor.rents of perdition
assailed me. In my distress I called upon the Lord. He delivered me from my strong
enemy. Whoever is able to arouse the new soul state through the breath of the holy
fire, has been delivered from hell. He can ascend from Purgatory, and sing: In the
forecourts of the House of the Lord, In the midst of thee, 0 new Fatherland,
0Jerusalem -Hallelujah, Yes, Amen. 39 S cience teaches us that the Earth's position
in space is determined both by the gravitational pull of the Sun and by the
repulsion of its light radiation. Like attracts like. No matter how much a person
might try to release himself from the gravitational pull of the Earth, as long as
he is a physical, dialectical human being this is out of the question. Without the
gravitational pull of the Earth he would not be able to maintain himself on it.
This gravitational force is so strong that it vibrates through every fibre of the
body. A person might stretch his hands beseechingly at the light; however, it will
make no dif.A simple example will make this clear. Take two similar plants and
plant one in a sunny garden and the other on the the unrestricted rays of the sun
will cause the plant in the garden to grow low and wide while the one in the room
has grown to be tall and thin. When God the Father separated the human race as
inde.pendent divine sparks from himself in his immeasurable spaces so that the
human race could commence its pilgrimage from unconsciousness to All-consciousness,
the position of the human being in space was determined by the degree to which his
perceptive faculty became intimate with the density of the planes in
which life put him. The more inti.mately the human being connected himself to the
Earth, the more deeply the light pushed him away from itself. As long as a human
being is dark and is able only to absorb light and warmth, the Earth will hold on
to him within the force of its activities. However the human being was born a
divine spark, a child of the Light, and so he becomes sick in the continuous
cherishing of the Earth, or to put it somewhat more sharply, he eats himself to
death in its allure. But he has to return to the light, whether he wants to or not.
The Spiritual School has repeatedly mentioned the fact that in the earliest stages
of the development of the Earth the Lunar Angels played a role in the plan of human
salvation. The spiritual values a person af.firms in his life flow forth from
sunlight aroused in his inner.most being by lunar forces. This inner sunlight
awakens as a golden circle around the dark fire power: the Father aspect, the
divine inheritance in his being, the inheritance the son used only for
egocentric self-maintenance -until, ex.periencing his lost state, he stood up in
deep disillusionment with the words: I shall arise and go to my Father. The more
you grow, the more you will become aware of the appalling power of delusion.Just as
Judas betrayed Jesus to the scribes, so the delusion is one of the twelve forces on
22I THE LIVING WORD your path of life, and this force will continually betray you
until you see through its essence to the fullest extent. Then it will flee like
Judas, and, relieved of its pernicious influence, you will once again tie yourself
to delusion to collaborate in the liberation of humanity of which you are an
inextricable part. If you cannot give up Judas, if you cannot release yourself from
delusion, you will continue to rotate within the circle of your twelve
possibilities. But should you succeed in yourself from that, the broken
link will form the possibi.lity for the ascent to a higher spiral of life. See here
the greatest victory next to the deepest disillu.sionment. This is a struggle every
human being who wants to realise Jesus the Christ in his deepest self will have to
live through. The physical person who is still rather primitively attuned will long
for the gratification of the senses, until one day, deeply disillusioned, he will
turn away from this, only to throw himself even more deeply into the arms of a new
delu.sion. For example he could turn to all legitimate and illegiti.mate means to
accumulate physical possessions. Until once again, he turns away from this deeply
disappointed. Driven by the fierce beatings of life, such a person might grow to an
admirable way of life until, once again disen-chanted, he gives that up too.
Possibly he will then become involved in a Christian church until, bereft of every
illusion, he begins to understand what the sacrifice on Calvary re.quires of him.
Having arrived at the highest top and hanging, in pure love of humanity, on the
cross of self-denial, he will experi.ence that even the radiant light of the sun is
illusion. For the mighty Fire Angel, who once enjoyed God's highest regard, is a
spirit of immeasurable influence. This influence is so far.reaching that, burned in
self-overestimation, it pushed the Sun out of its path and drove it from the centre
of our system so that its rays are impregnated with its poisonous fiery breath.
This is why all creatures who live by the grace of sunlight are caught in the web
of illusion. It is the artificial light to which Lucifer opened our eyes in order
to tie us more tightly to the world of blindness. For in comparison to the
liberating, radiant light of Christ, the physical Sun is darker than a can.dle
flame in an immeasurable cellar. But alas, human eyes are as blind to this
refulgent Christ light as the eyes of a mole are to sunlight. If you accomplish
your way of the cross, if you persevere in climbing Mount Calvary -by that we mean:
if you perse.vere in climbing to the top of the highest attainment in life .and
enter Aquarius after your sacrifice in complete imperson.ality in order to extend
the water of life to everyone who needs this, then the curtain of the temple will
be torn in two. Then, truly disillusioned for the first time, you will behold THE
LIVING WORD the full glory of the universal Christ Light, and you will ex.perience
your union with it; you will identify yourself with it. Through the newly flowering
power of the Holy Spirit you will learn to purify the received sunlight from the
treach.erous breath of the devil. And the Father-in-you, the unsullied fire of
Saturn, will break forth in radiant Uranus lustre, or in caused this light to be
born out of himself. The Son explained it to us and said: 'Follow me.' You can
accomplish this task only in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit offered
itself to humanity in and by the active forces of the Lunar Angels. But these also
were not spared the treacherous influence of the desiccating fiery glow of Lucifer,
the angel of doom. This is the reason that the human spirit, at the expense of the
love of Christ, Either it can manifest itself, impelled by the Luciferic angel of
doom, in soulless sagacity, in fiery hankering after possessions, in cold lack of
love, in hot passion, in mutilated religion in which Christ is either denied or is
represented to it as a good-natured man and in which his tremendous is
talked to death in light-hearted emotions of a Good Lord who suffered so much on
the cross on Golgotha, but especially in the ingenious multiplicity of disseminated
ideas and ostentatious charity. Or, where the sanctified Spirit begins to manifest
itself, it will, impelled by the universal Christ Spirit, express itself in
simplicity; it will not talk Christ to death but make Him manifest in His works. It
will magically apply the light power at its disposal for the realisation of the
divine plan of liberation, and pull down the palaces of unholiness like a Samson.
But can he do that? And how? He can do
that by means of the Mystery School of the young Gnostic Brotherhood which serves
the Christ and converts the light received by it in the Magnetic Field of the
Spiritual School and radiates it on the required level of vibra.tion. To this end
the Mystery School helps seeking humanity to apply the holy creative power, which
rises up from the purified field of nature, to inner soul development, to the
illumination of heart and head, and to the liberating deed of the hands. If we
regard the heart as the solar nucleus of our own being, we see how here, too, the
heart begins to die as to nature, and how, by the touch of the sanctified Spirit,
the heart sanctuary, irradiated by the rays of Christ, begins to awaken more and
more. If the physical heart is completely receptive to the will of the heart centre
touched by the Gnosis, the grip of evil will be completely overcome. Then the pupil
will be able to carry out his God given task. Then he will be able to eat his
Passover THE LIVING WORD Lamb and help lead humanity back to the House of the
Father in completely altruistic friendship. Then the words of Mark 14 will come to
reality in his life: And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they
sacri.ficed the Passover lamb, his disciples said to him: 'Where will you have us
go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?' And he sent two of his disciples, and
said to them: 'Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet
you;fol.low him, and wherever he enters, say to the householder, "The Teacher says,
Where is my guest room, where I am to eat the Passover with my disciples?" And he
will show you a large ,upper room furnished and ready; there prepare for us.eAnd
the disciples set out and went to the city, and found it as he had told them; and
they prepared the Passover. The Lectorium Rosicrucianum prides itself, as a channel
for the Mystery School of the young Gnostic Brotherhood, in ium Rosicrucianum does
not bring you solace, but teaches you to take part in Spirit-Soul liberation. It
teaches you by which deed you can overcome the duality of the forces of at.traction
and repulsion; how you can dwell on earth and at the same time be attracted by the
Christ light in order to be able to take the first steps on the path of the God's
original plan of creation. However, for that you need pure insight. And to have
that, you must live on the earth, but you must not be ofthe earth. To this end you
must be able in all honesty to turn your back on everything the earth offers you,
so that you can apply the light power received and pass it on to those who want to
go the path of Spirit-Soul development with us. Out of mercy you will be liberated
by the power of the Holy Spirit in Christ, in order to arouse the true Man, with
the purpose of bringing greater glory to the Father of Lights. When you have united
the light of the Father and the love light of the Son through a purified, dedicated
life, you will receive the inner strength to cast the prince of this world out into
the dark, and you will be able to give the living water to all who thirst for it.
Make use of the favourable wind which the Mystery School of the young Gnostic
Brotherhood blows over the earth with God's help, by means of the Lectorium
Rosicru.cianum. The battle may be fierce but victory is certain, be.cause: The sun
shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and terrible
day of the Lord comes. And all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be
delivered. 40 What should I abstain from doing? T he following discussion took
place at a Centre, at which the writer of this had the pleasure of being
present. After the usual lecture by the speaker, the audience was given the
opportunity of asking questions about the subject of the lecture. Among the pupils
was a very aged lady who had a prob.lem, and according to her she was speaking on
behalf of the majority of the audience. Her question was: 'What should I abstain
from doing? I know what I should be doing, because all the School's books are full
of that. I just want to know what I should not be doing.' Of course the simplest
would have been to answer in one sentence:' You should abstain from doing anything
that inter.feres with your doing.' But this pupil would not have been satisfied
with that. She had not yet reached the level of self.knowledge that Paul had when
he was faced with this prob.lem in a different way. He said:a' What I should do, I
don't do, and what I should not do, I do.' But our friend answered this statement
of Paul's very decidedly with:a' I know what to do. I just want to know what not to
do.' Things were getting difficult, for she wanted a positive answer. If she had
really known what to do in a Gnosis-direc.ted state, she would undoubtedly also
have known what to abstain from in order not to disturb her actions. Hence we could
say: 'Abstain from everything that keeps you away from the Gnosis.' We do what our
human duties give us to do in this world of dialectics in as harmonious a way as
possible, without fanatical or overwrought! For example our conference
centres bring many cares and duties, including dialectical ones, but nevertheless
they have been built purely and simply to serve the pupils and possibly any seekers
for the Gnosis. That is the goal we make ourselves subservient to. In this way all
our work in the conference centres and in every other aspect of the Spiritual
School is work purely aimed at the Gnosis, even if we work only with a broom and
dustpan. The following example is equally valid: If I need to pre.pare an address I
will not go to a cinema beforehand to see a film and to mix with a crowd of people
out for a sensational thrill. I abstain from doing so for the reason that the
cinema only provides entertainment on the dialectical plane while the writing of an
address requires absolute one-pointedness of direction at the service of the
Gnosis. In other words, to do the one thing that is Gnosis-directed I will not do
the other thing. As a personal word I would like to add that by its very nature I
don't go to the cinema, except under very exceptional circumstances. And exceptions
have occurred. To summarise: the serious pupil will not do anything that THE LIVING
WORD could in any way interfere with actions that need to be done in directedness
at the Gnosis. of life looks like. Oh dear, how do we answer that? She looked very
militant and wanted a definite answer. Initially the answer given was a
philosophical dissertation about the Divine Spirit and his nucleus: the Divine Sun,
and the plan that the Logos has for us humans. An analogy was made between the
Divine Sun on the one hand and the con.sciousness flame of the dialectical human
being on the other, The former respiration field is divine and pure, while the
respiration field of the dialectical personality still has to be purified by a
process of change. Only then does an attempt at conciliation follow from both
sides. The Spiritual School among us as a mediator. However the lady asking the
questions had not in fact asked for a philosophical dissertation about the creation
of the new field of life. She simply askeda' What does the new field of life look
like?' It would have therefore been simpler to answer in short: The new field of
life can be compared in an atmospheric sense a sky brightly lit up by the sun. Such
highly illuminated clouds are without any shadow or darkness just as the Gnostic
field of life knows no darkness or shadow. This atmospheric field can be discerned
by a very refined, focused eye as a tenuous ether substance irradiated with light.
Perhaps this example can provide something to hold on to. Sometimes we need
something to hold on to in order to remain open to the sevenfold radiation power of
the Univer.sal Gnosis so that it can serve for our eternal well-being. Epilogue 0,
give us people! 0, give us people full of strength and courage, people, purified in
hallowed glow, strong as heroes in resistance and combat, quiet and patient in
suffering and distress. 0, give us people, as clear as the mountain air, faithful
and true to the depths of their being. People in whose eyes heaven declares the joy
of the soul in radiant shine. 0, give us people linked to God, who have won the
victory over themselves under the cross. Sun people who give themselves away, in
whose beings we experience God. 0, give us people full of love and strength, 23 1
THE LIVING WORD giving service in deep humility. People who dare all things in deep
faith, praying and borne by God. Where are these people, I hear you ask? 0 soul,
accept this: Only one was perfect on earth, all others ... are still growing. Do
not look around you, but see within! You yourself must vanquish that which can make
you a human beingfor God's use, by diving into the sources of life. (By an unknown
Dutch author) 23 2 41 The coming ofGod's people on earth A 11 human beings living
in this earthly field have to return to the starting point of the immortal soul
state. They have the choice between two ways: returning to the dialectical starting
point, in illusion, as a 'soul of death', or returning to the Adamitic starting
point, as a living Spirit-Soul. They who choose the first option simply have to
link themselves permanently to this field of existence. They who choose the
Adamitic starting point have to go the path that takes them to a totally different
field of life. It is a radiation field that enables them to become children of God
again. To be able to belong to that field of life, to be able to return to that
starting point which the Brotherhood of Light shows us, it is necessary for us to
become Christians. The word Christ means anointed. Christian therefore means: to be
an anointed one. In order to be able to
go the soul-liberating path, we need to be anointed; we need to be hallowed,
initiated. But inner power is needed for this. To be initiated is to be exalted as
understood within the THE LIVING WORD laws of mortal nature. This anointing
signifies the receiving What is the Word of God? The original meaning of the God
that emanates from the Gnosis, from the Kingdom of Light, from the Brotherhood of
Life. Therefore, the Word of God is a radiation. That Word is and will bea' in the
beginning' of every new period of time. The absolute life is in that radia.tion and
that life is the absolute light for all human beings. It is the light that leads to
Spirit-Soul liberation. That light shines in the darkness. Although the light comes
to everyone, although the Gnos.tic sun shines over everything and everyone, the
'darkness' cannot see that light. For this reason the Word comes in a dif.ferent
way to His own, in order to make the unknown, that which is very abstract to the
dialectical human being, con.crete. That happens by means of the servants of the
Word. In other words: the Brotherhood comes to humanity. Where humanity is not
capable of coming to the Brotherhood, the 234 Brotherhood comes to humanity. In the
same way the ser.vants of the Mystery School of the young Gnostic Brother.hood
prove themselves to humanity. What is a servant of the Word? A servant of the Word
is one sent by the Brotherhood, one taught in the Mysteries of the Light. When he
comes to humanity such a servant of the Word will bring the Light. He will spread
the light radiation of the Gnosis in this dark world and link it if possible with
the hearts of human beings. A servant radiates the light of the Brotherhood in a
hori.zontal, transmuted way. Dialectical humanity is struck by this horizontal
radiation and those who turn out to be suscep.tible to it and can react to it are
broken open as it were by this horizontal light radiation. In this way people are
opened up to the vertical light, the abstract Word of God. In this way it becomes
possible for a human being who has been affected by a servant of the Gnosis to
learn to see the light of the Word of God. When the vertical light has descended
into the trans.muted horizontal radiation, the cross has been planted in the human
being. Thus the cross is literally planted in the pupil through the appearance of
the Brotherhood in the dark.ness of this earthly existence. The path of
transfiguration, the vertical upward path, is therefore open to every serious
pupil. The Letter to the Hebrews, chapter 4 verse 12 says: For the Word of God is
living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of
soul and Spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions
of the heart. THE LIVING WORD The purpose of this is the tearing asunder of the natural soul. The sword is planted in the natural soul. The natural
soul is torn asunder as it were and space is created in the serpent fire for an
upward progress in life. The old soul state is destroyed by this thrust of the
sword. The space that is left by this allows the new soul to be born. We can see
the two-edged flaming sword emanating from the mouth of God as a twofold activity
of the Brotherhood: a vertical and a hor.izontal inpouring of light power. The Word
of God is a living, vibrating and unassailable reality. If you can profess this
unassailable reality you will understand the letter of the truth. Knowing the
letter of the truth then also means knowing the process of transfigura.tion.
Entering the Truth, uniting the truth with the heart's blood, means to say that he
who knows the letter of the truth becomes one who applies the truth, who realises
the truth. Thus we have: firstly: knowing the letter of the truth, secondly:
opening up the practical truth, thirdly: experiencing the truth. If you understand
this trichotomy, you will have rediscov.ered the threefold Word. God's blessing
will then rest on you and the power of the Community of the Spirit will be your
reward. Together the servants of God form the nation of God on earth. All holy
scriptures mention this 'nation of God'. We offer no opinion as to whether Jesus
the Lord was a blood.born servant of the Gnosis in the ordinary sense, however the
Holy Scriptures say of Him that He was a high priest in the order of Melchizedek.
That is a state of being elevated far above blood, race and nation. Hence the
nation of God is a community of servants living in all the countries of the world,
and belonging to all races and nations. This serving Brotherhood may be seen as the
vanguard of the Chain of the Universal Brotherhood of Christ. They are all occupied
in the same task. You can recognise them by the fact that none of them wishes to
establish the Kingdom of God in this world. They will inevitably point back to the
Adamitic starting point of the living Spirit-Soul. This is a very true statement,
because the spark of the eter.nal Spirit lives in you. For this reason many have
already drawn a sharp distinction between matter and Spirit. However the word
'matter' should not bring to your mind all that you have left behind in gross
material attach.ments. You must draw the concept of matter into your own being.
Then you will come to the conclusion that matter is nothing but the opposite of
Spirit. Negative and positive molecular forces prevail in matter. But because of
dialectical attachment to matter, there is a con.tinuous process of breaking up in
the body itself. Within mat.ter there is a continuous life that consists of
building and breaking up. In the Spirit, positive and negative forces work together
to 237 THE LIVING WORD achieve an unknown unity allowing the formation of a
com.pletely new body. As the Spirit is eternal, breaking up is an unknown factor.
There is a continuous growth, a creation for.ever in motion. That is the process in
which every serious pupil of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross should
start to par.ticipate. In every pupil the spark of the eternal Spirit lives. In
this spark lies perfect life -that is: life without decomposi.tion. We said before
that the choice is up to you: truly partici.pating in the imperishable life of the
soul, or: continuing in the prison of matter and so continually building anew and
necessarily breaking up again. Is it not true that everyone who still lives in the
personal.ity and so still thinks from the point of view of the personality
unconsciously continues to participate in matter? If you had truly made the choice
you would have risen above all that misery, all those obstacles that sometimes rest
so heavily on your shoulders. tent voice from within and from without: 'Make your
choice and let go of your last reservations' is still often being ig.nored. any
way. That wouldn't do any good, for you yourself will go your own way to its
logical conclusion. Hebrews, chapter 13 verses 7 and 8 puts it like this: Re.member
your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God; consider the outcome of their
life, and imitate their faith.Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for
ever Try to understand therefore that it is high time con.sciously to take a
serious look at and accept your participa.tion in the House Sancti Spiritus. Do you
dare to undergo, in the state you are in now, the reception of the holy fire in the
heart of this, our house? If you can say 'yes' to this, the coming hours and days
will prove this. Then the whole group of pupils will manifest itself as one
closely-knit unity and the results will not keep us Then we will be able
consciously to greet the, purifying and cleansing soul-ether field
with a cry of joy. Then you will recognise 'Him who is to come' as being from the
same Spirit field as the one to which you are trying to raise yourself up and of
which you have experienced the inner touch. Then all inner pain will have been
dissolved in what is completely new and joyful. Then the encounter will be
cele.brated consciously. Surely the choice is not difficult for those who long for
this inwardly? May the Gnosis therefore grant you the soul courage to carry out
your choice. If you are willing to die as to nature in order to be resurrected in
the Spirit-Soul life, then you will know that the Light of Lights will be with you.
And then, when you stand immovable 'in the light', the 239 THE LIVING WORD great
miracle will happen. Then the sword will be driven into you, the flaming, two-edged
sword, and you will hear the voice: You are then taken up as an active participant
in the Holy Grail as it has taken form in the Mystery School of the young Gnostic
Brotherhood, the latest link in the Chain of the Universal Brotherhood of Christ.
42 Thefirst and the second path ou will know that it is expected of the pupil that
he Y bring the process of transfiguration into his life with great inner strength,
and that he possess the right, pure insight about the reborn Spirit-Soul state. The
Spirit.Soul state forms the basis for what is truly human as intended in the divine
plan. Hence the advanced pupil in the divine mysteries needs to be clearly
conscious of the divine science of sanctification. We would like to take you to the
pre-Adamitic state, which the Holy Scriptures call Paradise. We would like to take
you back for a moment to the situation where the original human being still had the
free choice of going two ways: either the way of the tree of life, or the way of
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You will know that the first path is
the way of complying with the one plan of God as to body, soul and Spirit, in
complete harmony and in unity with the corre.sponding order of things. Humanity
knows the develop.ments and results of that path only theoretically. You
will probably be able to imagine that this first path has two aspects, a positive
aspect and a negative one. The po.sitive aspect is: full of faith and actively
complying with and THE LIVING WORD merging into God's plan, and collaborating with
it very posi.tively in the Spirit field, i.e. fully in the Spirit. The negative
aspect is: abandoning oneself in a certain state of bliss, losing oneself in
reflective negativity and mysticism. The two types of the first path are sometimes
indicated as belonging to the virgin Spirits. two types: firstly the positive type
who goes his own way outside of the plan of God, both himself and nature.
He goes his way without the Spirit, but still on the basis of the soul, with the
aim not of serving himself, but in reality to magnify God, His creation Spirit,
although he does know the Spirit. The second type of the second path regards
himself as autonomous. This second type lives nearly completely out of the activity
developing in himself and so his aim is to serve himself and to aggrandise himself,
although he does not know the Spirit, let alone possess it. That is why this type
is called the negative type of the second path. We want to draw your attention to
the fact that for both types going the second path is accompanied by much suffer.
the knowledge of good and evil you shall die. There is no need for us to repeat all
the aspects of the nature of death here, but the fact is -and you should be
conscious of this -that many pupils of our Spiritual School stand in the nature of
death as far as their consciousness and their egocentricity are con.cerned. We need
to keep this in mind. As a pupil you have decided consciously to return to the
original Father's House. After wandering around for aeons a longing has arisen in
you -after soul cultivation and the Spirit again -to become the first type
of the second path. You want to do so in a life of self-transformation and nature
renewal, but only completely autonomously, i.e. with your self-rule intact. However
you are prepared, as an I-per.sonality, to lend a sympathetic ear to the teachings
of the Mystery School of the young Gnostic Brotherhood, and, on this basis, to
bring practical life into harmony with the teach.ings. Should you represent such a
type of person, you will unfortunately remain the same as you were before. This
means that you will not transcend suffering, anguish and death's essence. We have
entered a period in which the rays of the Seven.Spirit are poured out over
humanity. Its first ray is the ray of will and power and you need to realise very
deeply that this influence will strongly stimulate you to become positively ac.tive
on the second path. However in the present stage of activity you are in the
position of knowing the Spirit and not of havingethe Spirit, and so you would fall
into a deep mire of suffering. For this reason we regard it necessary to radiate
this into the Living Body of the School mentally. The breath of God, the
Gnosis, the young Gnostic Brotherhood, wants to take you back to your divine
Father's House as a positive human being in possession of the Spirit. Hence your
mode of life should clearly give testimony of an absolute turn around. 2 43 THE
LIVING WORD In the mystery of the human being there are in fact two lives, one of
which must be generated from the other. The Spirit-soul human being is raised above
matter; the soul human being is chiefly an entity with an etheric form. The
physical human being is an entity chained to matter -unless he is transfigured. The
Spirit-soul human being is an unassailable 'cross of light'. The matter-born human
being is a separate entity: he exists in himself and is himself. For the Spirit-
soul human being there is no separation because the soul human being stands in the
absolute unity. You could imagine it like this: a group of entities living
consciously in the soul nature, not of this world, has united Spirit and soul. For
wherever the immortal soul is, there is also the Spirit. With soul and Spirit
united and the partici.pants thinking, living and working in seven rays, a mighty
astral concentration naturally develops, and this concentra.tion has a form. Such a
concentration will express perfectly what God is, what God wants and does to a
degree of sub.limity in accordance with the quality of the group as a whole. light,
for the one truth casts a kind of shadow activity in the lower or physical nature.
Recognising this there ought to emanate from the ad.vanced pupil a totally new mode
of life which is attuned to the positive type of the first path and which possesses
the Spirit as well as knowing it. It is the mode of life of the true religion, the
Religion of the Spirit, the religion of thought, which the pupil in this stage of
development ought to enter. Unfortunately the ordinary world religions have
forgot.ten this one essential thing. Certainly a great effort is needed to serve
the world and humanity. Certainly an ocean of hu.mane-ethical work is being done -
but the suffering of humanity remains -and is on the increase. You will know this
from the practice of daily life. The cause? The lack of the Spirit through the
neglect of service to the Spirit. That is why the Religion of the Spirit is the
return to the original plan, to the absolute life. There is no other way. You must
enter the feast of absolute devotion to the Spirit by support and vivification via
the Spirit order. The aim is nothing less than the formation of the Holy Grail, the
field of resurrection. Therefore, keep in mind every day the words in the Rosa
Mystic a: The purity of your mental fire will give your soul expansion, set her
free. Will give her life in the new-astral field forever and eternally. 245 43 The
time has come An address to the members W e regard it as a great privilege for the
Spiritual School that it has been able, with the indispensa.ble help of the
radiation power of Christ, to form a truly Gnostic Magnetic Field which is becoming
ever more raised above what is earth-earthly and in which real, pro.found peace
reigns besides dynamic purposefulness. Such a situation can be realised only when
every partici.pant in such a Magnetic Field goes the path ever more fully and in
total self-surrender and watches very seriously that he does not transfer his own
difficulties and tensions, arising in his own sometimes very fierce struggle, onto
to the group. Undoubtedly all of you, as members of the nucleus of the School,
gratefully experience such a gnostic Magnetic Field, and you will do so all the
more fully if you view the ability of the Magnetic Radiation Field to spread itself
as being of world-encompassing significance. Because the astral field of the kind
that the Spiritual School has, is coming closer and closer to the Gnostic
radia.tions, and the membership of the young Gnostic Brother.hood to the Universal
Brotherhood Chain of Christ has be.come a fact, it has been made possible for you
to realise the Gnostic consciousness. We can therefore say on this basis that with
the members of the Inner School we have reached a new spiritual phase and together
we have entered it. The liberation of the human being longing for light can be
achieved solely by means of a creative synthesis of the origi.nal Divine order,
i.e. the Holy Spirit, which will be poured out over all. Only then will the human
be able to reflect per.fectly the spiritual light that is omnipresent. You must
realise thoroughly that a creation is maintained as long as there are a few who can
convert their possibility into a positive result. But times are accelerating!
However, as this course of the world and humanity is accelerating much faster than
could have been suspected, we can describe such things as 'coming' and
'developing', but their vibration and their speed depend on many factors far above
and be.yond the status of this world. Or rather, we cannot predict and determine
that speed. However, what is certain is that the manifestation of a new era has
commenced. It is in this that the Christ radiation will once again link the human
being with this creative synthesis. Not restricted to the three-dimensional world,
this divine Spirit will guide the soul human being to a life in the highest
spiritual sense. It is out of this Holy Spirit, in the light and the power of
Christ, that we in our Inner School will try to live in what the Bible calls 'daily
walking with God'. If your life were to be really attuned to that divine light,
your being would be af.THE LIVING WORD fected by a counter-protein power, or put
differently, by a to.tally new first connecting substance which in the end will
have to express itself in the reality of your life. For the devel.opment and the
circulatory processes of the life forces which are primarily necessary, the members
of the Inner School are asked to work with the new etheric building substances
ac.cording to an orderly plan that has been projected in advance. Spirit flowing in
on this basis, and the blessings of the Chain can be ensured only when the astral
field of each one of you and that of the Living Body of the Spiritual School remain
completely unmoved by the influences of this nature, and when your high calling
from God is attuned to that. in your emotional state and your mental activity,
causes a cor.responding disturbance in the astral sphere of the Living Body of the
School. This results in a disharmonious merging of that sphere into the ordinary
astral field of the nature of death. You can see what could be the consequences of
that: a severance of the Magnetic Body and its entire population from the Spirit.
And the result? Immediately the Living Body and all its members would be given over
to the aeons of the nature of death and all their powers. Try
to realise why you, as an exceptional group, are con.stantly being exhorted to
make a positive and definitive deci.sion to make your life meet the minimum
requirements for soul human beings who truly long for the entrance of the Spirit.
We have the mission of establishing the Mystery School of the Golden Rosycross in
time, but we need to be mindful of the fact that all such work has a temporary
character. You need to realise this very consciously. The Servants of the Gnosis
come and go and return again at certain times. For this reason there is a beginning
and, seen from the point of view of time and space, always an end. For example
there is a time when there are seekers and the ears open up for the voice of the
Gnosis. And there is a time when the ears are closed again. Hence there is a time
when the work must be taken in hand, and in which the mission must be car.ried out
with vigour and devotion, and everyone and every.thing must be made use of -because
the end is coming. The time is coming when the work will have no effect and the net
can no longer be cast into the human sea of life. This time is very close. At that
psychological moment, all who have been ac.cepted into the electromagnetic field of
the Mystery School and so will join the journey away from here, will devote
them.selves to a totally new work; one that has nothing to do with the work here in
enemy territory. The fact that the possibility of working in the vale of tears and
sorrow is only temporary 249 THE LIVING WORD has been known at all times because it
is a phenomenon oc.curring at all times. Read what Paul has written about this in
his second letter to Timothy, Chapter 4, verses r to 7: I charge you in the
presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by
his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of
season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be in patience and in teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having
itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own
likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As
for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil
your ministry. For I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my
departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have
kept the faith. Please note: this statement -and that is why we are quoting it -has
once again come into effect in the present stage of theaSpiritual School.aAll of
you have become very familiar with the work of the much this work is characterised
by the realisation: 'Now it must happen, for now the time has come.' That is why
the work of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross always moment,
notwithstanding individual differences, for in the goodness as to the Christ there
is individual growth. We have reached a crisis in our collective radiation field
long ago, as you know. And as our collective radiation field is a unity in which
individuality is preserved, you will have to make a conscious, individual decision.
The question is this: either you will move and live with Christ in the Spirit-Soul
field, in the absolute new essence -or, with the name of Christ on your lips you
will continue to make use of His power for the benefit of dialectics. Be willing,
therefore, with the clear understanding of our present time, to accept the task
given to you by the Brother.hood of Immortal Souls, and, in willingness to serve,
to ded.icate yourselves fully to the goal that the Inner School holds up before its
members. You know that the heart sanctuary, the head sanctuary and the sanctuary of
life -that is the power of the nucleus of the developing soul -are of the utmost
importance in the life of the servant in the Divine vineyard. The heart is, because
of the presence of the heart atom and the kundalini force con.centrated around it.
The head sanctuary is, because all the threads of self-realisation come together
there, and because the whole new genesis depends on the cavity behind the fron.tal
bone opening up for the soul radiation, as this place is the altar for the golden
wonder flower. And thirdly it is clear to you that the developing soul state
requires your absolute and continuous attention. It is absolutely possible during
your entire daily life, irre.THE LIVING WORD nucleus power and its principle in the
background of your being, and to make it radiate right through everything, in your
heart, in your head, and in your soul. Will you therefore persevere in trying to
lead the Gnostic aim of life as presented to you, to a good end, with the help of
the guidelines developed in this service and with the whole thrust of the Chain of
the Universal Brotherhood of Christ behind you? If you decide to do this from
within and before your inner tribunal, you will receive the blessings in store for
you with this new impetus of life. Turn the golden wonder flower re.ceived by you
into a radiant rose of the Gnostic Mysteries. Be faithful, just as the Brotherhood
of Immortal Souls .among whom is our leader of the young Gnostic Brother.hood, Jan
van Rijckenborgh, who is closest to us-will be faithful to you in all eternity.
happen. 44 Inner enlightenment An address to the members of the Inner School T he
mode of life, which has become imperative for all pupils today, is that of becoming
enlightened. The Mystery School itself, in the form of the Holy Grail, has always
been such an enlightened etheric body. Our outer School has been of a more
dialectical structure up to now. Hence the many dangers of rise and decline which
the Spiritual School has experienced. The important thing in the Inner School is
that the light and the power, emanating from the Gnostic astral field, will make
themselves felt in all aspects of the Spiritual School through the magnetic system
of the serpent-fire staff and the nucleus of the whole nervous system, the nucleus
of the sys.tem of 144,000. To the transfigurist, the state of enlightenment can be
found only in a conscious link with the fraternal field of im.mortal souls, or in
other words, with the field of the resurrec.tion of the soul. The Inner School must
serve to accelerate and dynamise this process for all its members, and also gain
enough power and strength to resist the adversary. It has been granted to the Inner
School to achieve in unity the 2 53 THE LIVING WORD the Gnostic astral field in the
original meaning of the word. The first step to this will be the magnetic link with
the Gnostic-magic life, a link with the universal Christ being, and a link with the
Holy Spirit. This link must be totally free of dialectical blemishes. Only when
that link is estab.lished will the absolute ascent of the Spirit-Soul human being
be possible again. It gives us great joy to be able to tell you that the first
signs of this sublime ascent have appeared visibly in our midst. As visible proof
of this we received a testimony from within the circle of pupils. We would like to
share this with you: 'In the heart of the Spirit-Soul Temple of the Holy Grail is
the fountain of living water. It is the liquid crystal, which is that is discharged
as a mighty Spirit fire into the waters of true soul ascent. It is the fountain
which places all links of the Universal Chain up to this day in the eternal
present, the eternal now, the original word, the light that shines in the darkness.
It is the mystery of the light that reveals itself through the mighty fire of the
Spirit. It is the mighty fiat, which is pro.nounced in the holy atmosphere. It is
the soul water above which the Spirit hovers. It is the holy earth of true human
genesis. Thus the living, vibrating Grail Light has commenced its triumphal march
in the Magnetic Field of the Living Body of 254 the Spiritual School. It is the
sign that appears in the Aurora of the morning of the resurrection. It is the
nucleus group, which from now on will com.mence the labour of God. It is the labour
of Gnostic magic. It is the nucleus group that will establish the Living Body in
the heart of the Spirit-Soul Temple of the Holy Grail. It is the morning of the
resurrection in the Holy Grail. It is the entrance into the first temple of the
HolyTrinity. It is the temple of the fire ether. It is the temple of the
quintes.sence: the fifth basic element. It is the entrance to the life field of
immortal souls. The living seed, sown in the field of the Magnetic Body, will truly
prove its regained soul birth, for a hermetic applica.tion of the process of
reversal will certainly ensure entrance into the second and third temple. And the
question of the pupil on the path, "Father, will every creature be saved?" will
certainly be answered by: "Yes, all will be saved;' like the blast of a trumpet on
the morning of the resurrection, us to begin our Divine Labour.' This
testimony makes us realise more than ever before that we are hanging on a fiery
cross, the fiery cross which we need to revivify every day, for through this
revivification we rein.force the experience. Hence what is needed most of all is a
positive mode of life, through labour, in complete faith and trust, at the service
of humanity, as real gate keepers. When we have completed our 2 55 THE LIVING WORD
Via Dolorosa, the way of the rose and the cross, the morning of the resurrection
will finally come. Then the descent from the cross will follow. The fire body, the
purified personality in a very special way. And we experi.ence this descent from
the cross, this initiation, as a won.drous sensation, for eternity is linked to
time in a very posi.tive way. May your fiery body, your soul body, one day be
filled permanently with the holy vibrations
of the Holy Spirit through your pure directedness at the one goal, in unity,
free.dom and in the love power of God. God be with you and bless you. 45 Unity -
responsibility .directedness An address to the Community of the Golden Head W ithin
the magnetic radiation field of the Spiritual School there are an Outer School and
an Inner School. In the first aspect of the Outer School we have the youth work,
the preparatory pupilship and the probationary pupilship. In the second aspect of
the Outer School we have the professing pupilship. In the Inner School there are
the School of Higher Con.sciousness -the third aspect -and the work of the Ecclesia
.the fourth aspect. The Grail Community develops from the fourth aspect. The
process of development of the Grail Com.munity takes the candidate to the first
inner degree of the fifth aspect of the sevenfold Spiritual School, the Commu.nity
of the Golden Head. Then finally there are the sixth and seventh aspects of the
Spiritual School. If we want this hierarchical structure of our Spiritual School to
succeed, then you as servants need to co-operate with this and fully realise your
responsibility for this. The whole process of transfiguration lies enclosed within
the as.2 57 THE LIVING WORD cending lines of the Christ Hierarchy for everyone who
wishes to go the path of soul liberation. Christian Rosycross, for example, proves
to be an individual who, although he tes.tifies of this in all modesty, goes
through all the trials of phy.sical life, soul life, and spiritual life by means of
the fully awakened power of the Spirit-Soul. In this context it should be clear to
you that the degree of maturity determines the radiation activity of the Spirit-
Soul. However, every true Rosicrucian, no matter in what situa.tion he might find
himself in life, should feel himself, and should know himself, to be called to
activity. The purity of the magnetic Living Body, the radiations of the Spirit
pouring in on this basis, and the blessings of the Chain of the Univer.sal
Brotherhood of Christ can be ensured only if both the In.ternational Spiritual
Directorate and the Community of the Golden Head are attuned to the plan of God and
to their di.vine calling in absolute unity. Whether this is so, is up to you. Our
Spiritual School, and with it and because of it, the workers of the School, are in
a continuous state of tension and are constantly being tried. This is logical,
because all of us are again and again being subjected to personal testing. Seen in
the light of the task of life given to you, and in the framework of the Spiritual
School, these things come to you so that you can prove your faithfulness to the
Gnosis in actual practice. It is expected from each of you that, unlike the
dis.ciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, you will not be found asleep at a most
important and critical moment in the Spiri.tual School. It is for this reason that
again and again some very urgent demands have to be made in a very positive and
direct way. For example, you should realise deeply your unity as the Community of
the Golden Head, and live out of that. Every.thing has to be subservient to that
unity. In this respect you need to behave as true brothers and sisters, with all
its ramifi.cations. By a sacrament you were linked, in the Sanctuary of the Fifth
Working Field, with the field of the Brotherhood of Im.mortal Souls on the basis of
complete unity and according to the measures of high, pure and true friendship.
This immedi.ately resulted in the fact that you, through this link, also were going
to share in the suffering of Christ, because at the same time this sharing meant
that you voluntarily bound yourself to humanity for the sake of faith and
salvation. For this reason the task is given to you to be true to each other in
unity, come what may. That is your way of the cross. That is your Calvary, in which
you will perish bodily and through which your life is totally interwoven with the of the Christ. It is only by this sacrifice that you can lighten the
sacrifice of Christ, that you can help the Christ, and that you can help in the
enlightenment of the Spirit-Soul, both for yourself and for others. The Community
of the Golden Head has members of the first, the second and the third inner degree.
In addition the third degree has four sub-degrees. In total this makes seven
stages, seven degrees of development that lead to the field of the resurrection.
259 THE LIVING WORD However, what counts in the first place is the realisation of
your responsibility for everything that takes place in the Spiritual School. If you
were to intervene in a situation in the School, this would not come under
the heading of the principle of 'not stepping into someone else's mandate'. It
would have nothing to do with not being allowed to interfere in some one else's
private life. What it does have to do with, is that you take care in the first
place that you apply the law of the spiritual order in the absolute meaning of the
word, both in your private life and in your standing as a servant of the Spiritual
School. If any servant of the Gnosis keeps to the imitation of Christ, i.e. tries
to live according to the law of the spiritual order, gives witness of this, and
thus is a living example for others, then with everything such a servant says and
does, the pure spiritual life will radiate from him. For this reason the law of the
spiritual order can be fol.lowed only when we stand in the full faith of that law
and in the pure process of the endura. A harmonious interchange with the magnetic
radiation field of the Spiritual School can take place only when the trinity of
Unity -Responsibility .and pure Directedness at the one liberating goal is present.
Only in the fulfilment of this law of Unity, Responsibility and Directedness can
the sevenfold manifestation of the Spiritual School succeed in the Gnostic-
philosophical, the or.ganisational, and the material sense. In all this the law of
the spiritual order adapts itself to protect the candidate, who is being instructed
in the Gnostic mysteries or in the higher 260 inner degrees, from any possible
damage when the teachings and the practice of life cannot be brought into harmony
by, for example, a certain mode of life. You are being called with ever more
urgency and you are being thrust with ever more power towards new creation and to
conscious manifestation of the new creature by means of a conscious mode of Spirit-
Soul life in Gnostic-magic experi.ence. This begins with the new activity in the
heart in the phy.sical body and ends with extinguishing the last burning rem.nants
of the old astral life in the astral body. For this reason every pupil, and in
particular every servant of God, needs to free his own astral body from the astral
sphere of the nature of death. The vanished wisdom of God lies hidden in the
deepest human self. It is buried behind the seven doors of the micro.cosmic mystery
of God. Only when the wisdom of God has been set free can the holy of holies be
unsealed, and can the human being, who has meanwhile become a stranger as to this
nature, enter the temple of attainment. You as a Community should be conscious that
together you are forming a focal point of our Spiritual School. As such you could
see yourself and your Community as a mir.ror. That mirror will show you how you are
at the moment that you look at it. The mirror of the Community of the Golden Head
will show you how and what the Spiritual School is, but also how and what you are
yourself. As the Community of the Golden Head is, so is the Spiri.tual School.
After all, the Community of the Golden Head is THE LIVING WORD the result of the
Spiritual School manifested on the physical plane in a are as Community of the
fifth working field is the undeniable open book of the Spiri.tual School. As such
the Community of the Golden Head demonstrates the entire qualitative state of the
entire School. For this reason the Community of the Golden Head carries the
negative sense. It is an undeniable fact that the liberation of the human being
longing for light is possible only by means of a creative synthesis of the original
Divine Order, i.e. the Holy Spirit, which will be poured out over all. Only then
will the human being be able perfectly to reflect the Spiritual light that is
om.nipresent. The person who truly lives in the radiation force of Christ will win
back his ancient divine glory through the creative essence of the Divine Order.
That is to say, he will become perfect in new sevenfold corporality. May they who
can understand this Gnosis word, understand it! However, if this is not yet
possible, the servant of God cannot bind himself tightly enough to the law of the
spiritual order. No one who abides by the law of the spiritual order, be he a pupil
or a servant of the Spiritual School, can be harmed by a spiritual law. To the
contrary, the total salvation of their higher soul life lies ensured in this, and
also their ascent into the higher, purer sphere of life. The aim of the Spiritual
School is solely and exclusively to make its pupils capable of ascent as Spirit-
Soul beings into the electric fire ether, the fifth ether that is released out of
and by the Holy Spirit, so that the awakened Spirit-Soul can breathe, live and work
in it. To this end it is necessary that the outer human being change completely
into an inner human being. And as this can be achieved solely by means of the
electric fire ether, you should watch seriously that you are not burned. If you
truly wish to follow Jesus the Christ on His way of the cross and to be accepted
into the holy Order of the Souls of Light, your directedness at the liberating goal
will have to be positive. 46 Women's calling E xisting ideas, things and concepts
which have
be.come very familiar in earthly life are systematically taken away from you in
the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross. We often hear the sigh:' I have just
become used to a certain idea or concept when a new image or truth overtakes
everything.' Of course it is not pleasant to be startled constantly by new ideas
just when we think we have landed safely. We know many of you have been startled in
this way, but please try to understand clearly that the sole purpose of the School
is to open your heart to an entirely new astral radiation force. The idea is for
you to get pure insight into a new dimension in which a totally new soul life can
operate. There are aspects in your present life, which you assume to be totally
elementary. 'That is the foundation of all exis.tence.' you might think. But time
and again it has been shown that you have had to give up such aspects. For example
there is the firm conviction in the vast majority of humanity that the glory, the
task and the calling of women lie almost completely in motherhood as understood in
earthly nature. This motherhood has been extolled by many poets, it is the
foundation stone in the consciousness of innumerable philosophers, and it is
acclaimed by ecclesiastical religion. The church and the state do their utmost to
safeguard natural motherhood. Romanticism also exalts motherhood. It is in fact the
hub of romanticism. Both happy and unhappy motherhood are presented in many
situations. Young women have an unconscious longing for mother.hood. Men have a
less distinct but nevertheless strong longing for fatherhood. Hence the longing for
forming a family is the desire and goal of innumerable people. For example, to the
Jews a childless family was a cursed family and infertility was in fact grounds for
divorce. How many childless women there are who go to all sorts of ex.tremes just
to be able to express their inner need to give love. There are many couples that
are completely focused on their children. That is only logical because it is the
voice of their own flesh and blood speaking. Based on the natural con.cept of
families they think of the upbringing of their children and of the social standards
according to the prevailing social fashion: 'What will my son become? And what
about my daughter?' It might be good or not good, reasonable or unrea.sonable, as
long as it can be called 'civilised'. You should realise clearly that the
preservation of the species THE LIVING WORD is a natural law. In this law
motherhood and fatherhood are a joy and a duty. In addition a family can have a
very high spiri.tuality. You can be quite certain that in natural marriage the
Brotherhood of the Light certainly comes to human beings through God's unlimited
mercy. And the child is sanctified in the love radiation of two people. The
Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross repeatedly shows that it is utterly
convinced of the necessity of a new generation taking over the task of the older
one within the foreseeable future. In addition we have in our Spiritual School the
sacrament of marriage as well as the sacrament of baptism. Nevertheless, if you are
striving to become a new soul being, you should make all these things the focus of consideration. For have you ever felt the longing for a dif ferent
motherhood, or a different fatherhood than the earthly one? The motherhood as to
this nature is the consequence of the fall into this emergency order. If you are
really serious about going the path of transfiguration, this problem will
in.evitably crop up in you. For in the human soul life that has been liberated from
earthly standards, there is a new mother.hood, and every female pupil of a bonafide
Spiritual School must begin to long for that new, heavenly motherhood. It is
necessary to know what this motherhood signifies. Only when you know about this
inwardly, can you live and approach it, without any strain. The first woman to be
mentioned in the Bible is Eve. To us she is the prototype of the original soul
human being in its female manifestation. Who is Eve? The name 'Eve' means, 'Mother
of Living Souls'. She is the bearer of the human life wave in the all-
man.ifestation. Just as Adam can be indicated by the cabalistic number nine, the
number of humanity, so Eve can be indi.cated by the cabalistic number seven, the
number of the Holy Spirit. If you let the word images Adam and Eve, in the sense of
the Bible, affect you, a world of knowledge will open up for you. You will then see
the soul human being in his two mani.festations, in his male and female aspects in
the microcosm. If you let the word image Adam affect you, you will see in it that
there is a divine wisdom, a divine plan, which must be brought to perfection by the
right key. This perfection will begin to manifest itself when there is: firstly:
the purest intelligence, secondly: the holy fire which the idea of God kindles in
the great domain of life. That is the Man, according to his heavenly existence, his
hea.venly manifestation. But this heavenly Adam cannot be fully manifested with.out
the female pole, Eve, the Mother of Living Souls. Hence, where there is freedom and
a tremendous dyna.mism, the human being has to be kneaded according to the
requirements of the all-manifestation, namely: manifestation in and through
universal love. The dynamism, the high priest, the will, must obey the great plan
of God, and the key to THE LIVING WORD This is how the female aspect of the soul
human being The male aspect of the soul human being is the obedient one, as he has
the knowledge of the plan of God. He knows his dynamism, his higher will, forms the
basic key with which and by which the ineffable universal love can be opened up and
by which it will therefore manifest itself. There are women in this world who have
sensed world motherhood, but because of lack of the right insight into the plan of
God, they express their feelings in a humane way until ing comes to a dead end. So
what is the great calling of the woman who wants to go the liberating path? Her
calling is: conscious liberation of the heavenly soul on the basis of the universal
law of love. We regard it as well known that the great success of the Es.senes, the
Manichaeans, the Cathars, and the Siddha was due to the female members of these
orders. We bring this tribute to the holy women of all centuries with profound
gratitude. And now it is our fervent prayer that in the present, in the Gnostic
Working field, an everlasting Temple of the Holy Fire will be erected as a tribute
to the women who, realising their holy calling and accepting world motherhood, have
made eternal liberation possible. If then the man has the urge for manifestation in
the uni.versal sense, this can be accomplished only by the universal love of the
women. May all of you, sooner or later, experience the enlightenment of this divine
task. May the Gnosis be ever present with you on your further path of life. Amen.
New Zealand Australia Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross The Coming New
Man The Gnosis in Present-day Manifestation The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis and its call
in the eternal present (4 volumes) Proclaimed and explained again from theTabula
Smaragdina and the Corpus Hermeticum The Call of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross
The Confession of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross The Alchemical Wedding of
Christian Rosycross (I and II) Dei Gloria lntacta The Mystery of the Beatitudes The
Nuctemeron of Apollonius ofTyana The Mystery of Life and Death Unmasking A new Call
There is no Empty Space The Universal Remedy The Light of the World Transfiguration
24 December 1980 The Seal of Renewal Letters Seven Voices spreak The Living Word
The Golden Rosycross The Brotherhood of Shamballa The Light-Vesture of the New Man
The Universal Gnosis The World Brotherhood of the Rosycross The Great Revolution
The mighty Signs of God's counsel The Universal Path The liberating Path The
Chinese Gnosis The new Caduceus The Way of the Rosycross in our Times What is
Transfiguration 7 Rosycross Press BCM RKP, London, we 1N 3XX Lectorium
Rosicrucianum Bakenessergracht 11, 2011 JS Haarlem, The Netherlands PO Box 9246 Bakersfield -California 93389 PO Box 334 Chatham
-New York 12037 P.O. Box 35,149 Browns Bay-Auckland P 0. Box 159, Campbelltown NSW
2560 P.O. Box 234, Emerald VIC 3782

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