5.2 B2B Rel MKT

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2: Business-to-Business Marketing & Relationship Marketing)

Concept of Business-to-Business Marketing (B2B Marketing)

As the name suggests, business-to-business marketing refers to the marketing of products or services to
other businesses and organizations. It holds several key distinctions from B2C marketing, which is oriented
toward consumers. Business-to-business (B2B), also called B-to-B, is a form of transaction between
businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-
to-business refers to business that is conducted between companies, rather than between a company and
individual consumer. Business-to-business stands in contrast to business-to-consumer (B2C) and
business-to-government (B2G) transactions. Business-to-business transactions and large corporate
accounts are commonplace for firms in manufacturing. Samsung, for example, is one of Apple's largest
suppliers in the production of the iPhone. Apple also holds B2B relationships with firms like Intel,
Panasonic, and semiconductor producer Micron Technology.

The difference between B2B and B2C marketing is noted as follows:

 Customer relationships: While B2B marketing focuses on building personal relationships, B2C
marketing has a bit of a more transactional focus.
 Branding: In B2B marketing, branding is more focused on positioning while in B2C marketing, it
is more about messaging.
 Decision-making: In B2B marketing, B2B businesses strive to maintain open communication in
the decision-making process. For B2C marketing, businesses strive to make the process as quick
and easy as possible.
 Audience targeting: While B2B marketing involves finding a niche for audience targeting, B2C
marketing is a little more funnel focused.
 Ad copy: In B2B marketing, ad copy tends to use the terms their clients are familiar with, while in
B2C marketing, ad copy can be more playful and emotional.

Concept of Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing is a strategy of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that emphasizes

customer retention, satisfaction, and lifetime customer value. Its purpose is to market to current customers
versus new customer acquisition through sales and advertising. A good relationship marketing strategy is
rooted in building customer loyalty and lasting, long-term engagement with your customer base.
Benefits include increased positive word-of-mouth, repeat business, and a willingness on the customer's
part to provide valuable feedback to the company and their peers. There are several types of activities
brands can use to facilitate relationship marketing, including:
 Provide exceptional customer service, as customers who are consistently impressed by a brand’s
customer service are more likely to remain loyal to the brand.
 Thank customers through a social media post or with a surprise gift card.
 Solicit customer feedback through surveys, polls, and phone calls, which can create a positive
impression that customer opinions are valued and help to create better products and services.

Some of the benefits of relationship marketing include:

 Higher customer lifetime value (CLV): Relationship marketing creates loyal customers, which
leads to repeat purchases and a higher CLV. In addition, loyal customers are likely to become
brand advocates or ambassadors, recommending products and services to friends, family, and
business associates.
 Reduction in marketing and advertising spend: Spending on marketing and advertising to
acquire new customers can be expensive. Relationship marketing causes customers to do the
marketing for a brand, in what is called buzz marketing. Customers tell others about a brand’s
products and services, which can drive sales. Brands with exceptional relationship marketing
programs spend little to no money on marketing or advertising.
 Stronger organizational alignment around the customer: Organizations that emphasize
relationship marketing have a stronger organizational alignment around an exceptional customer
experience. The teams work together to create satisfied and happy customers over the long term.

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