Book Report Gods Generals Christy Anna

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Gods Generals
Roberts Liardon

Due date: March 27, 2023

Name: ______________ Timo
Revival Group:_____________

Only begin this report after you’ve finished the book. Sign here if so: _______________

1. Briefly write what the whole book is about and why the author has written it. Imagine the
author will read this and would say, “Yes, this is the main point of my book and the issue I
wanted to address.”

The whole book is about God's generals of faith, their biographies, how they succeeded
and failed. The author describes their lives from the beginning till the end, he writes about
how God was speaking to them, how they impacted and changed many lives and
everything about their ministry and how they brought revival on earth. I believe Roberts
Liardon has written this book to show us what they have done in the body of Christ and
how they have changed history, to see how they were acting and in what they were
believing, so that we can learn from them and see them as examples and also seeing
where they fell to learn from it; and as well to encourage us to obey the Holy Spirit and be
a great leader in our ministries.

2. Briefly outline the major points of the book as the author presents them.
We must remain with the original, anointed plan of God for our lives and allow Him to open
the avenues to administrate it. If God has commanded you to fulfill a commission, make it
your utmost priority as you live. Believe God for signs and wonders to come through you.
Don't stop until you are finished. The world is searching for the answer within you. To
carry the weight that comes with leading a revival - especially for a nation - all three parts
of the human being - spirit, soul and body - must be made strong. Demonstrate the "
cutting edge" of truth to the nations of the earth and never allow yourself to be counted
among persecutors, the despisers or the envious. God has never worked according to the
color of man; He operates through the heart of man. Righteousness is a lifestyle that
produces victory in every situation. Take God at His word and be moved by compassion
for the people and this combination produces miracles. Be bold in the mainstream of life,
but don't allow the secular world to clone you in their mold. Be uninhibited and freely
demonstrate the love and freedom that Jesus brought to the earth and stand firm in the
face of pressure. Do what God says you to do, nothing more and nothing less. Your job is
to follow the move of God. Heaven must determine the timing of your life and your church
as a whole. We must have both the Word and the Spirit working together in our lives. Your
anointing will only come when you follow the plan that God has outlined for you.
Understand that you don't have to exaggerate the facts or compete with someone else to
show your worth. Begin to build an immunity to the things that affect you negatively. Keep
divine connections and relationships. It takes spiritual strength to fulfill the will of God.
3. While you are reading through all these stories of Generals of the faith, what are some main points/
themes or similarities that have been highlighted to you?

I've noticed that these heroes of faith who did a lot of healings, first saw it in God's Word,
believed it, performed it and multitudes of people were healed. Persecution never stopped
these Generals from going further. They found out that they were called to something big
during their youth. God was waiting for their answer to His call, they had to make a
decision. But I think everyone of them knew that they will not be happy without a fulfilling of
their calling. God never failed them once when they obeyed Him. With Maria
Woodwoth-Etter, she just had to open her mouth and God showed up mightily because she
obeyed. I've never heard about trance vision before and I am wondering why we don't
experience this today. I've noticed that almost all of them didn't support any denomination,
they were against it for some reason. I was impressed by those Generals who were
fearless to bring speaking in tongues back, without thinking that no one from religious
people will understand. They were just faithful and God kept His Word that so many people
started to speak in tongues miraculously and often even without a prayer. Also they were
so zealous, persevering and hungry that they could pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
for days.
What was highlighted to me, is that when you start to go away from God's calling, you do it
through not praying and not listening to God and your closest friends, you go on your own
way disobeying God and loosing your calling and what God was planning to do through
you. But as well for some people they could return to their calling and it was with the same
power as before, like they couldn't run from it, it was in them. But when you don't care
about God's planning and timing for your ministry, when you go without leading of the Holy
Spirit, you start to follow the desires of your flesh, and it ends sad. When revival broke out,
a lot of the Generals neglected their body and health and then it was one of the main
reasons of their falling. We can't forget about our bodies and we have to be wise and learn
how to say no to people sometimes.

4. Which one of these Generals presented in the book resonated with you the most and why? Write a
paragraph here and also be prepared to share your reflections with your Small Group.

Aimee Semple McPherson resonated with me the most, because of how radical, faithful and
fearless she was. Aimee never cared what anyone thought, she just wanted to please God
first of all. Even when her beloved husband died, she continued to search for God's will in
her life, Aimee wasn't accusing God, she just wanted to continue her ministry. She didn't do
it instantly, but when she had only one last chance to answer to God's voice, Aimee said
that she will go. I was amazed how humble she was, before she entered into her ministry,
Aimee just served by washing dishes and served people during this time, just simply
praying for them. It is so crazy how bold she was, when women were not allowed to preach,
she did it anyway and gathered so many people from the very beginning. What amazed me
the most is when during one of the meetings, when Aimee burned her face, she was in
agony, but she went out to the crowd and she was so strong, having so much faith and trust
in God, she started to play the piano and sing about God who heals her and takes all the
pain. And God is so good, that her face went from lobster red to the color of normal flesh.
Aimee had drawn multitudes of people, just by being who she is. God has done so many
crazy miracles through Aimee's faith, obedience and her humility before the Lord. She
bought servants' dresses because God told her to. It is so amazing how Aimee would show
up at night clubs, dance halls etc. - she wasn't afraid of the world's sinners and she would
seek with even greater fervor to bring Jesus to where they were, I can say that it was so
bold to do it in those years. And the amazing thing is, when her mom betrayed her and was
accusing her publicly, Aimee still was honoring her despite the pain. Aimee knew who she
was, she was incredibly bold and unique, she wasn't compromising sin or anything else, she
preached many sermons and impacted over a half million people from her ministry. She
remained so humble before God and I believe she was one of the Generals who didn't fall
and go into her own desires. Aimee was obedient and faithful to God till the end of her life.
5. Based of the General you’ve chosen, write down and explain at least two things you can adopt/learn
from in your own life and two things you would want to do differently and why.
I would like to adopt from Aimee Semple McPherson her humility and obedience to God.
While I was reading about her, I couldn't see her boasting or being prideful, so many people
loved her, she gave them so much hope, she could preach so well and use different
intonations, but she was only dependent on God and she didn't take this fame for her glory
and she didn't start to build something "her", she was in God's will. Even when she was in
agony because of the blisters on her face and neck, she wasn't prideful to show herself like
this in front of huge crowd, she wasn't ashamed to be weak and call upon His name. And how
Aimee showed her humility again by buying servants' dresses and how obedient to Him she
was that she did it.
And even though Aimee had to be on the verge of death to tell God yes, she was obedient to
Him for the rest of her life after that moment. Aimee preached His Gospel without
compromises, she called sin, sin and she wasn't afraid of going to clubs to find His lost sheep.
Her obedience to God led multitudes to Christ and baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Also I would love to have such a strong faith as Aimee had. How she believed that God can
stretch her son's shoes and He did. How Aimee prayed for Rolf's pierced foot and there was
even no sign of a wound. And as well I would like to adopt from Aimee her boldness and that
she didn't care what people think. She just did God's will and she knew her identity.

It's easy to say, but maybe I would have obeyed earlier to God's voice that is calling me to do
the work of an evangelist. Maybe something would change more in her life if she obeyed then.
And second thing is that I would break those connections with my mom, because what was
between them wasn't healthy at all. Because of her controlling mother, Aimee was left without
any friends at the end, she didn't allow her to have any relationship. Her mother Minnie didn't
understand her ministry and that led to public fight and accusations toward Aimee which was a
betrayal from the closest person. And on top of that, it all led to split of the church.

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