GR 11 Term 3 2019 Maths Lesson Plan
GR 11 Term 3 2019 Maths Lesson Plan
GR 11 Term 3 2019 Maths Lesson Plan
– Henry Adams
This learning programme and training is provided by the National Education Collaboration Trust
(NECT) on behalf of the Department of Basic Education (DBE). We hope that this programme
provides you with additional skills, methodologies and content knowledge that you can use to
teach your learners more effectively.
In 2012 our government launched the National Development Plan (NDP) as a way to eliminate
poverty and reduce inequality by the year 2030. Improving education is an important goal in the
NDP which states that 90% of learners will pass Maths, Science and languages with at least
50% by 2030. This is a very ambitious goal for the DBE to achieve on its own, so the NECT was
established in 2015 to assist in improving education.
The NECT has successfully brought together groups of people interested in education so that
we can work collaboratively to improve education. These groups include the teacher unions,
businesses, religious groups, trusts, foundations and NGOs.
The programme began in 2015 with a small group of schools called the Fresh Start Schools
(FSS). Curriculum learning programmes were developed for Maths, Science and Language
teachers in FSS who received training and support on their implementation. The FSS teachers
remain part of the programme, and we encourage them to mentor and share their experience
with other teachers.
The FSS helped the DBE trial the NECT learning programmes so that they could be improved
and used by many more teachers. NECT has already begun this scale-up process in its
Universalisation Programme and in its Provincialisation Programme.
Everyone using the learning programmes comes from one of these groups; but you are now
brought together in the spirit of collaboration that defines the manner in which the NECT works.
Teachers with more experience using the learning programmes will deepen their knowledge and
understanding, while some teachers will be experiencing the learning programmes for the first time.
Let’s work together constructively in the spirit of collaboration so that we can help South Africa
eliminate poverty and improve education!
This Mathematics Learning Programme takes care of most of the planning required to teach
FET Mathematics. However, it is important to remember that although the planning has been
done for you, preparation is key to successful teaching. Ensure that you put aside adequate
time to properly prepare to teach each topic.
Also remember that the most important part of preparation is ensuring that you develop your
own deep conceptual understanding of the topic. Do this by:
zz working through the lesson plans for the topic
zz watching the recommended video clips at the end of the topic
zz completing all the worked examples in the lesson plans
zz completing all activities and exercises in the textbook
If, after this, a concept is still not clear to you, read through the section in the textbook or related
teacher’s guide, or ask a colleague for assistance. You may also wish to search for additional
teaching videos and materials online.
Orientate yourself to this Learning Programme by looking at each component, and by taking
note of the points that follow.
2. Term 3 lesson plans and assessments are provided for ten weeks for Grades 10 and 11.
3. Term 3 lesson plans and assessments are provided for six weeks for Grade 12
5. You may need to adjust the lesson breakdown to fit in with your school’s timetable.
1. Each topic begins with a brief Topic Overview. The topic overview locates the topic
within the term, and gives a clear idea of the time that should be spent on the topic. It also
indicates the percentage value of this topic in the final examination, and gives an overview
of the important skills and content that will be covered.
2. The Lesson Breakdown Table is essentially the teaching plan for the topic. This
table lists the title of each lesson in the topic, as well as a suggested time allocation.
For example:
3. The Sequential Table shows the prior knowledge required for this topic, the current
knowledge and skills to be covered, and how this topic will be built on in future years.
zz If learners are not equipped with the knowledge and skills required for you to continue
teaching, try to ensure that they have some understanding of the key concepts before
moving on.
zz In some topics, a revision lesson has been provided.
4. The NCS Diagnostic Reports. This section is potentially very useful. It lists common
problems and misconceptions that are evident in learners’ NSC examination scripts. This
Lesson Plan aims to address these problem areas, but it is also a good idea for you to keep
these in mind as you teach a topic.
5. The Assessment of the Topic section outlines the formal assessment requirements as
prescribed by CAPS for Term 3.
1.. Following the Topic Overview, you will find the Individual Lessons. Each lesson is
structured in exactly the same way. The routine within the individual lessons helps to
improve time on task, and therefore, curriculum coverage.
2. In addition to the lesson title and time allocation, each lesson plan includes the following:
A. Policy and Outcomes. This provides the CAPS reference, and an overview of the
objectives that will be covered in the lesson.
B. Classroom Management. This provides guidance and support as you plan and prepare
for the lesson.
zz Make sure that you are ready to begin your lesson, have all your resources ready
(including resources from the Resource Pack), have notes written up on the
chalkboard, and are fully prepared to begin.
zz Classroom management also suggests that you plan which textbook activities and
exercises will be done at which point in the lesson, and that you work through all
exercises prior to the lesson.
zz In some cases, classroom management will also require you to photocopy an item
for learners prior to the lesson, or to ensure that you have manipulatives such as
boxes and tins available.
The Learner Practice Table. This lists the relevant practice exercises that are available
in each of the approved textbooks.
zz It is important to note that the textbooks deal with topics in different ways, and
therefore provide a range of learner activities and exercises. Because of this, you will
need to plan when you will get learners to do the textbook activities and exercises.
zz If you feel that the textbook used by your learners does not provide sufficient practice
activities and exercises, you may need to consult other textbooks or references,
including online references.
zz The Siyavula Open Source Mathematics textbooks are offered to anyone wishing to
learn mathematics and can be accessed on the following website:
C. Conceptual Development:
This section provides support for the actual teaching stages of the lesson.
Introduction: This gives a brief overview of the lesson and how to approach it.
Wherever possible, make links to prior knowledge and to everyday contexts.
Direct Instruction: Direct instruction forms the bulk of the lesson. This section describes
the teaching steps that should be followed to ensure that learners develop conceptual
understanding. It is important to note the following:
zz Grey blocks talk directly to the teacher. These blocks include teaching tips or
zz Teaching will often be done by working through an example on the chalkboard.
These worked examples are always presented in a table. This table may include
grey cells that are teaching notes. The teaching notes help the teacher to explain
and demonstrate the working process to learners.
zz As you work through the direct instruction section, and as you complete worked
examples on the chalkboard, ensure that learners copy down:
• formulae, reference notes or explanations
• the worked examples, together with the learner’s own annotations.
zz These notes then become a reference for learners when completing examples on
their own, or when preparing for examinations.
zz At relevant points during the lesson, ensure that learners do some of the Learner
Practice activities as outlined at the beginning of each lesson plan. Also, give
learners additional practice exercises as homework. Ensure that learners are fully
aware of your expectations in this respect.
D. Additional Activities / Reading. This section provides you with web links related to
the topic. Get into the habit of visiting these links as part of your lesson preparation. As
a teacher, it is always a good idea to be more informed than your learners. If possible,
organise for learners to view video clips that you find particularly useful.
1. A Tracker is provided for each grade for each term. The Trackers relate directly to the
Lesson Plans, and are CAPS compliant in terms of content and time.
2. You can use the Tracker to document your progress. This helps you to monitor your pacing
and curriculum coverage. If you fall behind, make a plan to catch up.
4. At the end of each week, try to reflect on your teaching progress. This can be done with the
HoD, with a subject head, with a colleague, or on your own. Make meaningful notes about
what went well and what didn’t. Use the reflection section to reflect on your teaching, the
learners’ learning and to note anything you would do differently next time. These notes can
become an important part of your preparation in the following year.
2. These resources are referenced in the lesson plans, in the Classroom Management section.
3. Two posters have been provided as part of the FET Mathematics Learning Programme for
Term 3.
5. Try to ensure that the posters are durable and long-lasting by laminating it, or by covering it
in contract adhesive.
6. Note that you will only be given these resources once. It is important for you to manage and
store these resources properly. You can do this by:
8. Note that these resources remain the property of the school to which they were issued.
In the Resource Pack you are provided with assessment exemplars and memoranda as per
CAPS requirements for the term. For Term 3, the Resource Pack contains two tests and
memoranda for Grade 10, and contains two tests and memoranda for Grade 11. One test, with
memorandum, is provided for Grade 12. If your learners write a common test, you could use the
test provided for revision.
Teacher support and development is a complex process. For successful Mathematics teachers,
certain aspects of this Learning Programme may strengthen your teaching approach. For
emerging Mathematics teachers, we hope that this Learning Programme offers you meaningful
support as you develop improved structures and routines in your classroom, develop deeper
conceptual understanding in your learners, and increase curriculum coverage.
zz This topic is the first of five topics in Term 3.
zz This topic runs for 1 weeks (4,5 hours).
zz It is presented over one lesson of one hours – the rest of the time will be used to practise
questions on the Grade 10 work.
zz Euclidean Geometry and Measurement counts 33% of the final Paper 2 examination.
zz Although measurement does not form a large part of the final assessment, do not allow
learners to deem it unimportant. An understanding of both surface area and volume is
essential in our daily lives.
While revising Measurement, give learners the opportunity to use manipulatives, particularly if
they are struggling to understand the concepts. The use of manipulatives can assist learners in
development of the required concepts and the development of an understanding of the formulae
Be sure to teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
Term Explanation
2D 2-dimensional
3D 3-dimensional
polygon A 2D shape in which all the sides are made up of line segments. A
polygon is given a name depending on the number of sides it has.
For example: A 5-sided polygon is called a pentagon
solid An object that occupies space (3-dimensional)
prism A solid object with two identical ends and flat sides
The shape of the ends gives the prism a name, example ‘triangular
zz The cross section is the same all along its length
zz The sides are parallelograms
right prism A right prism is a geometric solid that has a polygon as its base and
vertical sides perpendicular to the base. The base and top surface are
the same shape and size. It is called a “right” prism because the angles
between the base and sides are right angles
face A flat surface of a 3D object
pyramid 3D object (solid) with a square or triangular base and sloping sides
formed by triangles that meet in a point at the top
net A 2D shape that, when folded, forms a 3D object
surface area Area taken up by the net of a 3D object. The sum of the area of all the
volume The space taken up by a 3D object. To find volume, the area of the base
is multiplied by the perpendicular height. This only works for right prisms
capacity The amount a 3D shape can hold. It is directly linked to volume
frustum The portion of a cone or pyramid which remains after its upper part
has been cut off by a plane parallel to its base, or which is intercepted
between two such planes
hemisphere Half a sphere
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the seven
3D objects. Do not label the 3D objects.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. By Grade 11, learners should have a good understanding of surface area and volume.
These concepts have been covered since the Senior Phase.
2. Only a small part of this lesson will be to revise the four basic 3D objects covered since
Grade 8 and Grade 9. This will take the form of a short discussion and summary of the
formulae. Most of the lesson will be devoted to revising the three new 3D objects introduced
in Grade 10. If you feel that your learners need to spend more time working with the basic
3D objects, adjust the lesson accordingly.
3. Plan the time given with care and according to your learners’ ability. You may want to do
one or two examples with them first, and then give them the opportunity to practice on
their own before doing another example. You should use your textbook as a guide. Some
textbooks only have one or two exercises whereas others have more. It is always useful for
you, as teacher, to have more than one textbook so that you can supplement activities in the
learners’ textbook with activities from other textbooks where necessary.
4. Whenever learners are working on their own, make an effort to assist them by asking
directed questions, rather than just giving them the solution.
1. Start the lesson by asking learners what the difference is between surface area and volume.
Surface area: The area taken up by the net of a 3D object. The sum of the area of all the
Volume: The space taken up by a 3D object.
2. Point to the four 3D objects and ask learners to name them. As they do so, label them on
the board.
(cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism and cylinder).
3. Draw a table like the one below (the sketches are not required as you have them on the
board) and complete it with learners. Ask learners for the formulae to populate the table.
Remind learners that it is not always a good idea to learn the formulae for surface area as
the formulae assume a closed shape. In Grade 11 the shapes asked will almost always be
complex shapes (at least 2 shapes combined).
Remind learners that the volume formula for right prisms and the right cylinder is always
‘Area of base multiplied by perpendicular height’.
4. Point out the other three sketches on the chalkboard. Ask if anyone can tell you the names
of the 3D objects. Fill them in as they are given (cone, sphere, and pyramid).
5. Tell learners that the formulae will always be given when questioned on one of these
6. Give learners a summary of the formulae. Learners should copy the summary in their
exercise books for reference purposes.
4 3
4r r 2 3 rr
Pyramid 1
3 (area of base) h
Sum of the areas of:
(Remember that the base
zz the base
base could be any polygon but a
area and
h square, rectangle or triangle
zz the triangles*
are generally used).
* the number of triangles depends
on the type of base
7. Ask learners if they have any questions before moving on to doing some examples with
them that they can expect to get at this level.
8. As you do each of the following examples from past papers, use questioning to get as much
input from learners as possible. Ask learners questions and encourage discussion. Stop
after each example down in their exercise books.
Note: These questions are provided in the Resource Pack for those who have access to
photocopying facilities.
16 cm
a) Show that the perpendicular height of the Remind learners that if a question’s
pyramid, AP, is 7,5cm. instruction is ‘show that’ (or prove that)
and the answer is given in the question,
the learners must be very careful how they
answer. The learners may NOT use the
answer given in their solution.
Tell the learners to rather imagine that the
question has asked, ‘find the height’ and
use the fact that the height is given as an
opportunity to check their answer.
Ask learners: How will you ‘find’ the height?
(Volume is given so use the volume formula
– which is given – and fill in all known details
then solve for height).
b) Hence, determine the total surface area of Discuss the word ‘hence’ with learners. Tell
the pyramid. them that ‘hence’ means they should use
NSC NOV 2017 the information from the previous question to
solve this question. Point out that they could
do this question using the information given
even if they did not manage to get that right.
Ask: How will you find surface area of the
(Find the area of the square base and
the area of the 4 triangles and add them
Ask: How will you find the height of the
(The height of the triangle is the slant height
of the pyramid which can be found using the
theorem of Pythagoras).
a) Volume =
3 Ah
640cm 3 = 3 (16cm) (16cm) h
640cm 3
1^ =h
3 16cm h^16cmh
` h = 7, 5cm
b) Slant height:
s2 = 82 + (7, 5) 2
s2 = 120, 25
` s = 10, 9658….
Surface area = area of base + 4 triangles
= l2 + 4 a 2 bh k
= ^16h2 + 2^16h^10, 9658…h
= 606, 91cm2
Volume of the hemisphere: Volume of the cone:
1 4 1 2
V = 2 a 3 rr 3 k V= 3 rr h
2 1 2 8
V = 3 r (3cm) 3 V = 3 r (1, 5cm) a 9 k
V = 18rcm3 2
V= 3 rcm
V of metal A 18rcm3
` = 2 = 26
V of metal B r cm 3
4 3
Volume of a sphere =
3 rr
Surface area of a sphere = 4rr2
Figure 1 Figure 2
a) Calculate the surface area of the can with Ask: What should you always be careful of in
the lid in place, as shown in FIGURE 1. a surface area question?
(Is the 3D object a closed one or not – there
may be a face missing)
Ask: Is there is an issue in this case?
(Yes- the top circle of the cylinder will not be
included because it is part of the inside of the
Ask: What is the surface area of the can is
made up of?
(The base circle, the circular part of the
cylinder and the hemisphere).
b) If the lid is 80% filled with a liquid, as Ask: What can you tell me about the
shown in FIGURE 2, calculate the volume relationship between capacity and volume?
of the liquid in the lid. (Capacity is directly linked to volume).
NSC NOV 2015 Point out, however, that the question is still
about volume, so they will not need to know
the conversions from volume to capacity.
a) Surface area 1
= rr2 + 2rrh + 2 (4rr2)
= r (2, 9) + 2r (2, 9) (16) + 2r (2, 9)
2 2
= 370, 8cm2
b) Volume of the lid = 1 a 4 rr 3 k
2 3
= 3 r (2, 9) 3
= 57, 08cm3
80% of 57, 08cm3 = 40, 86cm 3
1.8 m B 0.5 m
a) Calculate the perpendicular height, AB, of Ask: What other topic of mathematics will
the cone. need to be used to find the perpendicular
height AB?
(Trigonometry – it is an unknown side in a
right-angled triangle where a side and an
angle are given).
Ask: Which trig ratio will be used? (According
to the angle named, we have the opposite
side and the adjacent side is required,
therefore, tan will be used).
b) When the tank is full, an electric pump Point out that capacity is a key point again
switches on, and pumps the water from (as in the last example).
the tank into an irrigation system at a rate Ask: What is capacity linked to?
of 0, 52m /h . The pump automatically
switches off when the tank is 4 full. The volume of the 3D object needs to be
Calculate how long, in hours, the pump found.
feeds water into the irrigation system. Ask: Do you have all the information for the
NSC NOV 2016 variables required?
(Yes – we have radius and height of the
cylinder – they were given. We also have
radius and height of the cone – the height
was just found).
Ask: What is the height of the cylinder part?
(1,8m minus the height of the cone which is
the answer to a).
Ask: What fraction of the tank is being
pumped out ?
a 34 k .
We will need to find 4 of the volume.
Once this has been found it can be used
along with the rate given to find the number
of hours taken.
0, 5
a) tan 35, 5 o = AB
AB tan 35, 5 o = 0, 5
0, 5
AB = tan 35, 5 o
` AB = 0, 7m
b) Volume of tank:
V = 3 rr 2 h + rr 2 h
V = 3 r^0, 5h2 (0, 7) + r (0, 5) 2 (1, 1)
V = 1, 04m 3
9. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding. Ask
learners if they have any questions.
11. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
(Surface area of a composite shape)
(Volume of a composite shape)
(Volume and surface area of a composite shape)
(Frustum of a cone) Note: A frustum is not mentioned in CAPS but as it is a 3D object derived
from 3D objects that are mentioned it could come up in a question. More importantly though is
that learners are introduced to a new concept which will enrich their learning.
(Pyramid frustum)
zz This topic is the second of five topics in Term 3.
zz This topic runs for three weeks (13,5 hours).
zz It is presented over seven lessons.
zz The lessons have been divided according to sub-topics, not according to one school lesson.
An approximate time has been allocated to each lesson (which will total 13,5 hours). For
example, one lesson in this topic could take three school lessons. Plan according to your
school’s timetable.
zz Euclidean Geometry and Measurement counts 33% of the final Paper 2 examination.
zz The following link to a ‘Guide to Circle Geometry’ is worth a read before teaching the section
zz There are seven proofs required for examination purposes. When this is the case, the proof
is covered at the end of the lesson concerned. This gives learners the opportunity to work
with the theorem first and gain a better understanding of it before doing the proof.
zz These lesson plans do not incorporate the proofs that are not required for examination
purposes. This does not mean you should not do the proofs of these theorems with learners
– an understanding of the proof can assist learners in making more sense of a theorem.
These include:
It is important that you keep these issues in mind when teaching this section.
Remind learners that the Euclidean Geometry section requires logical reasoning. There is no
short-cut to mastering the skills to answering questions in Euclidean Geometry – it requires
continuous and deliberate practice.
Be sure to teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
Term Explanation
tangent Line that intersects with a circle at only one point (the point of
Point of tangency The point of intersection between a circle and its tangent line
exterior angle The angle between any side of a shape, and a line extended from the
next side
subtend The angle made by a line or arc
corresponding Angles that sit in the same position on each of the parallel lines in the
angles position where the transversal crosses each line
alternate angles Angles that lie on different parallel lines and on opposite sides of the
co-interior angles Angles that lie on different parallel lines and on the same side of the
polygon A closed 2D shape in which all the sides are made up of line
segments. A polygon is given a name depending on the number of
sides it has. A circle is not a polygon as although it is a closed 2D
shape it is not made up of line segments
quadrilateral A 4-sided closed shape (polygon)
cyclic quadrilateral A quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle. This circle is
called the circumcircle or circumscribed circle, and the vertices are
said to be concyclic
diagonal A straight line joining two opposite vertices (corners) of a straight
sided shape. It goes from one corner to another but is not an edge
corollary Theorem that follows on from another theorem
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson have a table ready
to complete the Grade 8 theorems as they are discussed as well as four pairs (space
permitting) of triangles ready to discuss similarity and congruency.
5. If there isn’t a revision exercise in the textbook that you use, either use the revision exercise
at the end of a Grade 9 and 10 textbook or items from a Grade 9 or 10 Geometry test.
(Only Via Afrika has a revision exercise).
1. It is important that learners have a good understanding of all the Geometry from previous
years. Each theorem that has already been learned will be used often during both Grade 11
and Grade 12 Geometry.
2. Grade 10 Geometry has been included in this lesson (points 26-31), but it may be difficult
to work through all of this due to time constraints. Although Grade 10 Geometry is useful in
many areas, it does not appear as often as other Geometry in Circle Geometry questions.
Use your discretion according to the time available and according to your learners needs.
3. By the end of the lesson, learners should have a detailed summary of the basics of
geometry required to manage the Grade 11 work.
1. Ask learners what theorems they can remember from Grade 8. Remind them that they
learned 10 theorems in Grade 8.
3. If learners need more clues, tell them that there are nine theorems that are related to finding
sizes of angles and one related to finding the lengths of sides.
4. The nine theorems related to finding angles are further split into three regions with three
theorems in each.
5. Once learners have told you the theorems they can remember, write this summary on the
board and ask learners to write in their exercise books.
6. It is useful to learn about ‘groups’ of theorems. For example, if parallel lines are indicated in
a question, learners need to go through the three theorems they know pertaining to parallel
lines as at least one of them will be used.
7. Ask directed questions that will enable you to ascertain whether any of the Grade 8
theorems need further reinforcement or explanation.
8. Ask: What do the words congruent and similar mean? Praise learners who attempt to
answer, particularly if their description or definition is accurate.
Learners should write the following definitions in their books:
Congruent – For two shapes to be congruent, they must have equal sides and equal angles.
Similar – For two shapes to be similar, they must have corresponding sides in proportion
and their corresponding angles must be equal.
10. Tell learners: If you have difficulty remembering these, the congruent sign is like the equal
sign ( = ) and congruent means ‘exactly equal’.
12. When dealing with similar triangles, learners should be able to write up the proportion
statements from the statement regarding the triangles being similar.
Example: If TPQR /// TTRS then TR =
13. Point out that being able to change a similarity statement into a proportion statement is
important in Grade 12 Geometry.
14. Tell learners: To prove two triangles similar one of two things need to be done:
• Prove three equal angles
• Prove that the sides are in proportion.
15. Ask learners again if they have any questions before discussing congruency.
16. Remind learners that congruent triangles are exactly the same size. This means that all six
possible measurements (three sides and three angles) are exactly the same.
17. Remind learners, that we don’t need to find all six measurements equal to prove
congruency. In fact, we need only three (but a specific three); because if we find a particular
set of three equal measurements, the other three will fall into place and the triangles will be
19. Explain each condition for congruency in detail. Learners must take notes and re-do the
diagrams in their books as you describe as follows:
If three sides of one triangle are equal in length to three sides of another triangle then
the two triangles are congruent.
Discuss the congruency statement you have just written Point out to learners how
important the order is. When written in the above format, the following conclusions can
be drawn:
• t =D
A t • AB = DE
• Bt = Et • BC = EF
• Ct = Ft • AC = DF
If two sides and the included angle are equal in length or size to two sides and the
included angle of another triangle then the two triangles are congruent.
If two angles and a side in one triangle are equal in length or size to two angles and the
corresponding side in another triangle then the two triangles are congruent.
d) RHS – right, hypotenuse, side
If one side and the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle are the same length as a side
and the hypotenuse in another right-angled triangle then the two triangles are congruent.
20. Two of these conditions need further explanation as they have extra conditions that need
considering before concluding that two triangles may be congruent.
• For these triangles to be congruent, TU needed to be equal to KL (they are both
opposite the angle marked with a double arc) OR ML needed to be equal to ST (they
are both opposite the angle marked with a single arc).
Note: KM could have also been marked equal to SU as they are both opposite the
angle with no marking.
21. Point out that if they are asked to prove two triangles congruent, the correct order (in other
words with the paired sides and angles that are equal) is always given.
22. For example, if the question asks to prove that TADE / TPQR , then there is already
evidence as to where to start looking for what sides or angles might be equal. In this case,
t = P,
AD = PQ, DE = QR and AE = PR . As well as: A t D t & Et = Rt . HOWEVER,
t =Q
make it clear that this is not to say they can use this in their proof. It should merely be used
as a guide as to where to look for equal sides or angles if they are stuck.
23. There are some reasons that are used very often in congruency, so it is worth having a
summary of these in their books. Discuss the following with learners as they write the
summary in their exercise books:
Alternate or corresponding Look for this when any parallel lines are marked anywhere on
angles the diagram
24. You may need to remind learners about the different parts of a circle. In particular, those that
will be useful to this year’s work.
25. Draw two circles on the board. Ask for volunteers to draw in or mark the following parts (put
four parts on one circle and three on the other):
• centre
• radius
• diameter
• chord
• segment
• tangent
• arc.
Ensure learners have the following in their books:
(major) segment
(O centre)
segment arc
26. Ask: What can you tell me about the midpoint theorem? Ask for a volunteer to do the
drawing on the board and then discuss what the midpoint theorem tells us according to his/
her drawing.
27. Ensure the following is covered for learners to write in their exercise books:
Given: Then: A
28. Tell learners to write the full theorem: The line which joins the midpoints of two sides of a
triangle is parallel to the third side of the triangle and equals half its length.
29. Ask learners what else they covered in Grade 10 (properties of quadrilaterals).
30. Compile a summary of properties by drawing sketches and marking the properties as each
shape is discussed.
31. Learners should have a summary like this in their books by the end of the discussion.
Encourage learners to give you the properties, and then mark them on the sketch.
32. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
33. Give learners an exercise to complete with a partner (a test from previous years as
explained at the beginning of the lesson would be ideal).
34. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
35. Give learners the following task to do at home before the next lesson:
Draw two circles on a sheet of A4 paper. Ensure that the centre is marked clearly.
If it is possible to draw them in pen, that would be better.
(Angle and line theorems)
(Congruency and similarity)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw two circles with
the centre marked.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Ensure learners have their two circles ready – these will be used for learners to measure
and understand the theorem for themselves.
2. While giving the instructions to learners to draw, measure or mark off on their own circle,
walk around the class to assist where necessary. Try not to stand at the front of the class.
3. Learners should work in pencil, so they can erase after the lesson and then use the circles
in all the lessons that follow while learning new theorems.
1. Ask learners to
b) Draw a line from the centre to the chord GH, ensuring the angle formed at the chord with
the line is 90°.
(If learners don’t have a protractor, use the corner of a page to ensure it is a right angle).
Label the point K.
2. Tell learners to measure their chord GH (and write the measurement on the line) as well
as the length of GK and KH. Ask what they notice. If learners don’t notice anything, tell
them to turn to a partner and look at their drawing and measurements to see if anything is
3. Draw your own sketch on the board and ask learners what they have noticed. The line from
the centre should have bisected the chord. Ensure you use the word ‘bisect’ instead of ‘cut
in half’. Learners need to be familiar with the correct vocabulary.
4. Point out that it didn’t matter where they drew their chord or how close it was to the centre
or the circumference. They could check now by looking at how different some other learners’
diagrams looked, and observing that the same conclusion was reached.
6. Ask: What could the converse of the theorem you have just learned be?
(If a line is drawn from the centre of a circle to the midpoint of a chord, it will be
perpendicular to the chord).
7. Tell learners we will show that now by using the second circle that they have ready.
10. Ask learners to write the theorem and its converse in full into their books as well as the
acceptable abbreviated form that can be used when using the theorem in a question. Tell
learners to copy the following table into their books and add an extra row at the bottom
which will be filled later in the lesson.
11. Ask learners to highlight this summary in a way that it will be easy for them to find later when
many theorems have been covered.
12. Do two worked examples with learners. Learners should write the worked examples in their
The diagrams used in the worked examples are available in the Resource Pack.
(Resource 3).
a) CE = 2cm
OE = 10cm (O is midpoint of DE)
OC = OE - CE
` OC = 8cm
b) In TCOQ:
CQ 2 + OC 2 = OQ2
CQ2 + (8) 2 = (10) 2 (Pythagoras)
CQ2 = 36
CQ = 6
PC = CQ (line from centre ⏊chord)
` PQ = 12 cm
a) Calculate the length of OD. Once all measurements have been filled in
on the diagram, learners should see that this
is a straightforward theorem of Pythagoras
b) Hence, calculate the length of AB. Ask: What else can you fill in on the diagram
EC 2015 once OD has been found?
(OC, OA and OB as they are all radii to the
Ask: How will this help you in finding AB?
(Use of the theorem of Pythagoras again as
well as the theorem, the line drawn from the
centre of a circle perpendicular to a chord
bisects the chord).
a) In TODF:
OD = OF + DF (Pythagoras)
2 2 2
OD 2 = (3) 2 + (4) 2
OD 2 = 25
` OD = 5cm
b) In TOBE:
BE 2 = OE 2 + OB 2
BE 2 = (4) 2 + (5) 2
BE 2 = 9 (Pythagoras)
BE = 3
BE = AE (line from centre = chord)
` AB = 6cm
13. Tell learners: There is one more theorem to be covered in this lesson. It has a connection to
the previous theorem and its converse.
14. Draw a circle on the board with centre, diameter and chord as shown below.
15. Use the diagram to show that if a line (JK) passes through any chord (ML) and is the
perpendicular bisector of that chord (crosses at a right angle and cuts the chord in half),
then that line passes through the centre of the circle.
16. Tell learners that you will look at this theorem again at the end of the lesson when you prove
that it is true.
17. Ask learners to add the theorem and its abbreviated form to the bottom of the table they
worked on earlier.
The perpendicular bisector of a chord Perp bisector of chord
passes through the centre of the circle.
18. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
19. Give learners an exercise (from their textbook or any other suitable exercise) to complete on
their own.
20. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
21. Tell learners that now you are going to prove the theorem that they have just learned
and practiced. Explain that all theorems can be proved using other theorems. Proving
why a theorem works can often offer an understanding of another aspect of Geometry.
Understanding why a theorem will always work may also assist learners in remembering
the theorem better. Tell learners that when proving a theorem, it is accepted practice to use
other previously accepted statements (other theorems) but not the statement regarding the
theorem that is being proved.
22. Point out that using the theorem and proving the theorem are very different. In the exercises
that they have completed so far, learners used the theorem. Now they will prove it.
23. Go through the proof of ‘The perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord
bisects the chord’. As it is the first theorem you are proving with them, take the time to
explain how the same headings are always used: given, required to prove (RTP) and proof.
24. Ask learners to write the proof of the theorem at the back of their exercise books so that all
the proofs they need to learn for the exams are in one place. The heading should be the
theorem written in full.
Proof for: The perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord.
Statement Reason
Join OA and OB
OA = OB Radii
OP = OP Common
t t = 90 o
APO = BPO Given
` AP = PB
25. Learners are not required to know the proofs of the converses. Tell learners, therefore, that
we will now go back to the other theorem mentioned earlier.
Proof for: The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre of the circle.
GIVEN: A circle with chord AB. AD = DB, AB = CE.
RTP: F is the centre of the circle
Statement Reason
DF = DF Common
t = BPO
APO t = 90 o Given
` AF = BF
` F is the centre Any point equidistant from 2 points on the
circumference is the centre of the circle.
27. Remind learners that they will need their drawn circles again for the next lesson. They will
also need a protractor –one per two learners will be acceptable.
(Proof of theorem: The perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the
(Proof of perpendicular bisector of chord passes through circle)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw two circles with
the centre marked and two lines labelled AB and FG.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Ensure learners have their two circles ready – these will be used for learners to measure
and understand the theorem for themselves.
2. While giving the instructions to learners to draw, measure or mark off on their own circle,
walk around the class to assist where necessary.
3. Learners should work in pencil, so they can erase after the lesson then use the circles in all
the lessons that follow while learning new theorems.
1. Start the lesson by explaining the word ‘subtends’ to learners. Subtends is an important
concept used regularly in most of the circle theorems.
2. Use line segment AB already on the board to form an angle being subtended from it. Call
this angle C. Use both hands to point at A and at B then show how, by running your fingers
along the lines you have just added, your fingers come together at the angle subtended from
AB (C). Ask for a few volunteers to:
a) Subtend another angle from AB but still going in the same direction
b) Subtend another angle from AB but going in the opposite direction
c) Subtend a few angles from FG going in both directions.
3. Use the diagrams to make a few statements and to use the correct terminology.
For example, C is subtended from AB or AB subtends C.
5. Tell learners that this idea is going to be used now to investigate the next theorem.
Note: Do the following investigation with the learners to ensure that they encounter this
theorem in its most common form (the arrowhead) first, before showing them the other two
versions. P
6. Ask learners to
a) Mark two points, A and B on the circumference.
b) Subtend an angle from the arc AB to the centre.
c) Subtend an angle from the arc AB to the circumference.
d) Measure the angle at the centre.
e) Measure the angle at the circumference.
Ask: What do you notice? Compare what you notice on your diagram with the person sitting
next to you.
(The angle at the centre is double the size of the angle at the circumference).
7. Use your own diagram. Mark the angle at the centre 2x and the angle at the circumference x .
8. Tell learners that the angle at the circumference does not always have to be above the angle
at the centre and therefore forming the ‘arrowhead’ formation.
9. Mark two points on the second circle you have on the board. Subtend an angle at the centre
from the arc then subtend one at the circumference from the arc. This time, subtend it to the
side of the centre.
2x x
10. Ensure learners can see that this shows the theorem too – the angle at the centre is
subtended from the same arc that subtends the angle at the circumference.
11. Show the third version of the theorem. Mark two points on the circumference. Subtend an
angle at the centre from the arc. Subtend an angle at the circumference from the same arc
but in the opposite direction.
Point out to learners that when the angle at the circumference is subtended in the opposite
direction to the angle at the centre, then the reflex angle at the centre is the angle of interest.
t = 2 # BCA
In other words, reflex BOA t
Mark the reflex angle at the centre 2x and the angle at the circumference x now.
12. Learners should sketch all three versions of the same theorem, with the angles marked 2x
and x accordingly, in their exercise books.
13. Show learners one more diagram that also represents this theorem but sometimes confuses
Tell learners to note again (by showing them on the board) that the angle at the centre
t ) is subtended from arc AB and the angle at the circumference (BCA
(BOA t ) is also
t = 2 # BCA
subtended from arc AB. Therefore, BOA t
14. Ask learners to write the theorem in full into their books as well as the acceptable
abbreviated form that can be used when using the theorem in a question. Tell learners to
copy the following table into their books. Note that they should add an extra two rows at the
bottom. These rows will be filled later in the lesson.
15. Look at a special case of this theorem. Ask learners to erase the pencil from one of their
circles then:
a) Draw in diameter AB.
b) Regard AB as the arc on a circumference and use it to subtend an angle at the
Ask learners the measure of the angle at the centre (180°). Ask: Using the theorem you
have just learned, what do you expect the angle at the centre to be? (90°).
17. Ask learners to write this theorem on the next row of their table.
18. Ask: What do you think the converse of this theorem would be?
(If the angle at the circumference is 90°, then the chord it is subtended from must be a
19. Tell learners to write this converse in the last line of the table.
20. Ask learners to highlight this summary in a way that it will be easy for them to find later when
many theorems have been covered.
21. Do two worked examples with learners. Learners should write the worked examples in their
exercise books.
The diagrams used in the worked example are available in the Resource Pack.
(Resource 4).
b) Ô1
NSC NOV 2014
t = 90 o
a) PMT < in semi-circle
t 1 = 53
`M o
t 1 = 106 o
b) O < at centre = 2 # < at circumference
diagram. Tell them you will come back to this
diagram in the following lesson to discuss
O what rules apply.
Calculate the size of PRS
t = 30 o
PRS < at centre = 2 # < at circumference
22. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
24. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
25. Tell learners that you are going to prove the theorem that they have just learned and
26. Ask learners to write the proof in the back of their books so that all the proofs they need to
learn for the exams are in one place. The heading should be the theorem written in full.
Proof for: The angle subtended by an arc at the centre of a circle is double the size of the
angle subtended by the same arc at the circle.
GIVEN: Circle with centre O and A, B and C are all points on the circumference.
t = 2 # BAC
t = x and CAO
PROOF: Join AO and produce to D. Let BAO t =y
x y
Statement Reason
t =y
t = x and ACD
ABD radii ( AO = BO and AO = OC )
t = 2x
BOD ext < of TABO
t = 2y ext < of TACO
t + COD
` BOD t = 2x + 2y
t = 2 (x + y)
t = 2 # BAC
` BOC t
27. CAPS does not require that learners know the proof of the angle in a semi-circle.
29. Remind learners that they will need their drawn circles again for the next lesson. They will
also need a protractor –one per two learners will be acceptable.
(Angle at centre proof)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw two circles.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Ensure learners have their two circles ready – these will be used for learners to measure
and understand the theorem for themselves.
2. While giving the instructions to learners to draw, measure or mark off on their own circle,
walk around the class to assist where necessary. Avoid standing at the front of the class.
3. Learners should work in pencil, so they can erase after the lesson then use the circles in all
the lessons that follow while learning new theorems.
2. Mark two points A and B on one of the circles on the board. Draw in a dotted line to show
the chord. Subtend three angles into the same segment and mark them all .
x x
3. Tell learners that no matter how many angles are subtended from the same arc they will
always be equal in size. Ensure that learners understand that those angles must always be
subtended into the same segment.
4. Remind learners how a chord splits a circle into two segments. Shade the above diagram
to show the two separate segments formed by the chord. Point out that all three angles are
being subtended into the same segment (in this case the larger of the two segments).
5. Ask learners to write the theorem in full, as well as the acceptable abbreviated form that can
be used when using the theorem in a question, into their books. Tell learners to copy the
following table into their books. Note that they should add an extra five rows to the table.
These rows will be filled in as the lesson proceeds.
6. Ask: What connection can you see between this theorem and the theorem covered in the
last lesson? (Angle at centre equals two times angle at circumference).
Use a diagram to demonstrate:
This diagram is available in the Resource Pack. (Resource 5)
It has been enlarged for your convenience.
t and ADB
What is known about AOB t is double the size of ADB
t ? ( AOB t )
t and ACB
What is known about AOB t ? ( AOB
t is double the size of ACB
t )
t ? (they must be equal)
t and ACB
What does this tell us about ADB
What arc subtends these two angles? (AB)
What conclusion can be drawn? (Angles subtended from the same arc (chord) are equal)
This is how the theorem will be proved later in the lesson.
7. The converse of this theorem will make more sense to learners after cyclic quadrilaterals
have been covered. Nevertheless, discuss the converse with them now.
Ask: What do you think the converse statement would be?
(If one line subtends two equal angles in the same direction then the points made by that
line and the vertices of the angles will all lie on the circumference of a circle).
Show learners that both angles are subtended from the same line (CD) and are on the same
side of it. These angles are marked equal. Therefore, the points A, B, C and D are points on
a circle. The correct term for this is, the points are concyclic.
10. Discuss the following four diagrams with learners. All diagrams represent corollaries of the
theorem, angles in the same segment are equal. A corollary is a theorem that follows on
from another theorem.
The following diagrams are available in the Resource Pack. They have been enlarged for
your convenience.
Diagram Discussion
If two chords are the same length,
then the angles subtended by them to
the centre will be equal in size.
11. Once learners have been shown the corollaries visually, ask them to write them into their
table with the accepted abbreviated form.
Equal chords subtend equal angles at the Equal chords, equal angles
circumference of a circle.
Equal chords subtend equal angles at the centre of a Equal chords, equal angles
Equal chords in equal circles subtend equal angles at Equal circles, equal chords,
the circumference of the circles. equal angles
Equal chords in equal circles subtend equal angles at Equal circles, equal chords,
the centre of the circles. equal angles
12. Ask learners to highlight this summary in a way that it will be easy for them to find later when
many theorems have been covered.
13. Point out that these theorems are not used as often as the others but are still worth knowing.
Ask learners to turn back to the second example you did in Lesson 3:
14. Do two worked examples with learners. Learners should write the worked examples in their
exercise books.
The diagrams used in the worked example are available in the Resource Pack. Resource 9.
t = 90 o
a) LKR < in semi-circle
t = 32 o
b) R sum of <’s in T
t = 32 o
c) N <’s in same segment
15. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
16. Give learners an exercise (from their textbooks or any other suitable exercise) to complete
on their own.
17. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
18. Tell learners that you are going to prove the theorem that they have just learned and
19. Ask learners to write the proof of the theorem in the back of their books so that all the proofs
they need to learn for the exams are in one place. The heading should be the theorem
written in full.
20. Proof for: Angles subtended by a chord of the circle, on the same side of a chord, are equal.
GIVEN: Circle with centre O and A, B, C and D all points on the circumference.
t =D
RTP: C t
Statement Reason
t = 2Ct
AOB < at centre = 2 # < at circumference
t = 2D
AOB t < at centre = 2 # < at circumference
` 2Bt = 2Dt
` Bt = D
22. Share with learners: Once this theorem has been learned, it is a common error to confuse it
with the theorem regarding the angle at the centre. Learners begin to see the bowtie shape
and assume angles in the same segment.
2x x
Note that both angles are subtended at the Note that one angle is subtended at the
circumference centre and one angle is subtended at the
23. Remind learners that they will need their drawn circles again for the next lesson. They
should draw new ones if necessary.
Suggested lesson duration: 2,5 hours
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw a quadrilateral
and a circle.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Ensure learners have their two circles ready – these will be used for learners to measure
and understand the theorem themselves.
2. While giving the instructions to learners to draw, measure or mark off on their own circle,
walk around the class to assist where necessary.
3. Learners should work in pencil, so they can erase after the lesson then use the circles in all
the lessons that follow while learning new theorems.
3. Ensure learners know what the terms quadrilateral and exterior angle mean. Extend one of
the sides on the quadrilateral drawn on the board to show an exterior angle. Ask learners to
label the exterior angle they drew in their own books.
exterior angle
5. Tell learners: Draw a cyclic quadrilateral in one of your drawn circles and measure all four
angles. Ask: What do you notice? (The opposite angles add up to 180°).
7. Learners should draw a sketch demonstrating both theorems in the same sketch.
The sketch should look similar to this:
add up
to 180°
8. Ask learners to write the theorems in full into their books as well as the acceptable
abbreviated form that can be used when using the theorem in a question. Tell them to copy
the following table into their exercise books. Note that an extra two rows are added at the
bottom of the table. These rows will be filled as the lesson proceeds.
9. Ask: What do you think the converse statements to the two theorems could be?
(If the opposite angles are supplementary, the quadrilateral must be cyclic;
If the exterior angle of a quadrilateral is equal to the opposite interior angle then the
quadrilateral must be cyclic).
10. Tell learners to add these two theorems to the table now.
If the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are converse opp <’s cyclic quad
supplementary, then the quadrilateral is
If the exterior angle of a quadrilateral is converse ext < of cyclic quad
equal to the opposite interior angle of
the quadrilateral, then the quadrilateral is
11. Ask learners to highlight this summary in a way that it will be easy for them to find later when
many theorems have been covered.
12. Before doing some examples, tell learners that a common question relating to these
theorems is to prove that a quadrilateral is a cyclic quadrilateral. Ask learners to note how
the two converse theorems they have just written down would assist them in proving that a
quadrilateral is a cyclic quadrilateral.
13. Tell learners that there is a third way of proving that a quadrilateral is a cyclic quadrilateral.
Ask: What can you remember from a past lesson that could prove a quadrilateral to be a
cyclic quadrilateral? Remind learners to turn back in their exercise books to look for the
answer if necessary.
(If a line segment joining two points subtends equal angles at two points on the same side of
the line segment, then the four points are concyclic).
14. Summarise the three ways to prove that a quadrilateral is a cyclic quadrilateral on the board
for learners to write in their exercise books.
15. Do two worked examples with learners. Learners should write the worked examples in their
exercise books.
The diagrams for each of the worked examples are provided in the Resource Pack.
Resource 10.
In the diagram, M is the centre of the Ask: Is there is any information in the
circle. A, B, C, K and T lie on the circle. AT question that needs to be transferred onto
produced and CK produced meet in N. Also, the diagram or anything you can fill in that
NA = NC and B̂ = 38° you already know? (NA = NC and equal radii
B (MK and MA) could be marked as such)
Tell learners: Start looking for angles you can
38° calculate the sizes of using the theorems
they have learned.
Remind learners: If you fill the angles in on
C the diagram you must remember that the
angles haven’t been given in the information
and therefore you need to give reasons how
you knew the measure of the angles.
A Tell learners: You also need to look out for
3 cyclic quads.
Ask: Name any cyclic quads in this diagram.
2 (ABKT and ACKT.)
a) Calculate, with reasons, the size of the It may be a good idea to shade these two
following angles: cyclic quads – preferably in a slightly different
(i) KM̂ A way.
(ii) T̂ 2
(iii) Ĉ Remind learners what you have told them
(iv) K̂ 4
Always fill in angles as you find them within
the solution.
b) Show that NK = NT. Say: Ask yourself what needs to be true for
two sides of a triangle to be equal in length?
(the opposite angles must be equal).
This is usually the key to proving that two
sides are equal.
Note: sometimes congruency needs to be
c) Prove that AMKN is a cyclic quadrilateral. Ask learners to look back at the summary
2013 Exemplar they made and remind you what the three
possible options are. As each one is
mentioned, ask learners if that one looks
possible or not.
Highlight the outer edge of the quadrilateral
in question so it stands out more and have all
known angles filled in.
a) (i) KM̂ A = 76° < at centre = 2 # < at circumference
(ii) T̂ = 38°
ext < cyclic quad
(iii) Ĉ = 38° <’s in same segment
Point out to learners that there was a
second option here – ext < of cyclic quad
– remind them that they can use any one.
CÂN = 38° <’s opp equal sides (NA = NC)
b) K̂ 4 = T̂ 2 proved above
c) N̂ = 104° <’s of T
t in terms of x .
a) Determine the size of DEG
b) Calculate the size of DHG
NSC NOV 2016
t = x + 20 o
a) DEG DE//FG ; alt <’s equal
b) 2x + 10 + x + 20 = 180
o o o
opp <’s cyclic quad
3x + 30 = 180 o o
3x = 150 o
x = 50 o
` DHGt = 2^50 oh + 10 o
` DHGt = 110 o
16. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
17. Give learners an exercise (from their textbook or any other relevant exercise) to complete on
their own.
18. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
19. Prove one of the theorems that they have just learned and practiced.
20. Ask learners to write the proof of the theorem at the back of their exercise books so that all
the proofs they need to learn for the exams are in one place. The heading should be the
theorem written in full.
21. Proof for: The opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.
t + Ct = 180 o and Bt + D
RTP: A t = 180 o
t =O
PROOF: Join OB and OD. Let BOD t 2 and reflex BOD
t =O
Statement Reason
23. Remind learners that they will need their drawn circles again for the next lesson.
Further reading, listening or viewing activities related to this topic are available on the following
web links:
(Understand the meaning of a cyclic quad)
(Proof of opposite angles of a cyclic quad)
Suggested lesson duration: 2,5 hours
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw three circles.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Ensure learners have their two circles ready – these will be used for learners to measure
and understand the theorem themselves.
2. While giving the instructions to learners to draw, measure or mark off on their own circle,
walk around the class to assist where necessary.
a) Mark the centre of the circle and draw in the radius on one of your circles.
b) Draw a tangent to the circle. The point of tangency must be where the radius meets the
c) Repeat the above steps in a different part of the circle so that you have two tangents and
two radii drawn in.
b) Draw a tangent to the circle. The point of tangency must be where the chord meets the
c) Subtend an angle from the chord into the opposite segment to where the tangent lies
(tell learners they should have a triangle and a tangent now).
d) Measure the angle between the tangent and the chord. Fill in the measurement.
3. Ask learners to go back to their first circle where they had a tangents and radii drawn in and
adapt it as follows:
a) Lengthen the tangents (in the direction that makes most sense) until they intersect.
b) Measure the length of each tangent from the point of tangency to the point of
Ask: What do you notice about the length of each tangent from the point of tangency
to the point of intersection? (They are equal in length). Tell learners to look at another
learner’s diagram and confirm whether they got the same result.
4. Tell learners that these are the three theorems that we will be learning about today. They are
the last three circle theorems.
5. Use the three circles you have on the board. Summarise the three theorems. Ask learners
to draw the diagrams in their exercise books. The summary should look as follows. Use the
teaching notes to discuss the theorems as you draw each sketch.
The following diagrams are available in the Resource Pack. Resource 11.
Teaching notes
Point out to learners that no matter
where the tangent is, it will always be
perpendicular to a radius that it meets at
Tangent Line the circumference.
Point of Tangent
6. Ask learners to write the theorems in full into their exercise books as well as the acceptable
abbreviated form that can be used when using the theorem in a question. Tell learners to
copy the following table into their books. Note that an extra two rows have been added at
the bottom of the table. These rows will be filled as the lesson proceeds.
7. Tell learners that only the first and last of these three theorems have a converse.
Ask: What do you think the converse statements to first of the two theorems could be?
(If a line is perpendicular to the radius at the point where it meets the circumference, then
the line is a tangent).
8. The converse of the tan-chord theorem is more complicated and may be difficult for learners
to verbalise. If the angle formed by a chord and a line drawn at its endpoint is equal to an
angle subtended by the chord in the opposite segment, then the line must be a tangent to
the circle.
10. Ask learners to highlight this summary in a way that makes it easy for them to find later
when many theorems have been covered.
11. Before doing two worked examples with learners, go back to the converse of the tan-chord
theorem and discuss it further. This theorem is commonly asked in many assessments. It
involves proving that a line is a tangent to three points (forming a triangle).
12. Ask learners to write the heading: ‘How to prove a line is a tangent to 3 points’ in their books
and to copy the following diagram.
This is what learners will see when they are asked to prove that a line is a tangent:
13. Do two worked examples with learners now. Learners should write the worked examples in
their exercise books.
The diagrams for each of the worked examples are provided in the Resource Pack.
Resource 12.
t1 = T
a) Prove that B t3 Learners should already have marked
t (tan chord) which leads to the
Bt 1 = A
corresponding angles on the parallel lines.
b) Prove that TBEC is a cyclic quadrilateral Tell learners to shade the quad.
Ask: What are the three ways of proving a
cyclic quad?
As each one is mentioned, discuss which
method seems the most likely to be used.
c) Prove that ET bisects BT̂ C Ask: What does the term bisect mean?
Ask: What angles do we need to prove
t2 = T
equal to answer this question? ( T t 3 ).
Remind learners that they have proved that
TBEC is a cyclic quad and that this may be
d) If it is given that TB is a tangent to the circle Ask: What angles need to be equal for TB
through B, F and E, prove that TB = TC.. t 2 & Ct 2 ).
to equal TC? ( B
Remind learners again about the cyclic
quad that has been proved.
e) Hence, prove that T is the centre of the Discuss the word ‘hence’ with learners.
circle through A, B and C. Remind them that it means ‘use what you
NSC NOV 2015 have just proved’. In other words, the fact
that BT=TC should be useful to answer this
a) Bt 1 = At tan-chord theorem
T t3 = A t TE//AC ; corres <’s
` Bt 1 = T t3
b) BE = CE tans from common pt
` Bt 1 = Ct 3 <’s opp equal sides
and Bt 1 = Tt3
`T t 3 = Ct 3
` TBEC is a cyclic quad converse <’s same segment
c) B t1 = T t3
B t1 = T t2 proved above
`T t2 = T t3 <’s in same segment
` ET bisects BTC t
d) B t 2 = Et 2
C t 2 = Et 2 tan chord theorem
` Bt 2 = Ct 2 <’s in same segment
` TB = TC sides opp equal <’s
e) In TTAC :
A t =T t3 TE//AC ; corres <’s
T t3 = T t2 Proved above
T t 2 = Ct 1 TE//AC ; alt <’s
`A t = Ct 1
` TA = TC sides opp equal <’s
But TC = TB
` TA = TC = TB
` T is the centre of the circle
1 2
1 S
2 3
1 2
2 1 3
a) Give a reason for each statement below: Learners should find this relatively easy
t1 = T
(i) Q t
t 2 = Pt 2
(ii) Q
b) Prove that PQR is an isosceles triangle. Ask: What angles need to be equal to make
t =R
this triangle isosceles? ( PQR t1)
Tell learners that as none of the angles have
been given variables it would be a good idea
to use this method. Let the angles found
equal in a) be given a variable each. This
should help learners to notice that the angle
at Q is made up of both variables. Learners
now need to find a theorem that will help
them find that the angle at R is also equal to
the sum of these variables.
c) Prove that PR is a tangent to the circle Advise learners to shade the triangle given
RST at point R. and highlight the line. Remind learners what
NSC NOV 2014 was discussed in class earlier and tell them
to look back in their books to confirm that the
diagram in this question looks like one of the
diagrams they drew in their books. Point out
that the line doesn’t cross over both sides
in this case which makes it easier – there is
only one possible pair of angles for them to
focus on. Ask: Which pair of angles should
you focus on? ( R t)
a) (i) tan-chord theorem
(ii) <’s in same segment
t1 = T
b) Let Q t =a
t 2 = Pt 2 = b
and Q
t = a+b
t1 = a+b
R ext < of TPRT
t =R
` PQR t1
` PQ = PR
` TPQR is isosceles
c) R t1 = a
t =a
`R t2=T t
` PR is a tangent to the circle RST at
point R
14. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
15. Give learners an exercise (from their textbook or any other relevant exercise) to complete on
their own.
16. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
17. Tell learners that now you are going to prove two of the theorems that they have just learned
and practiced.
18. Ask learners to write the proofs of the theorems at the back of their exercise books so that
all the proofs they need to learn for the exams are in one place. The heading should be the
theorem written in full.
19. Proof for: Two tangents drawn to a circle from the same point outside the circle are equal in
Statement Reason
OT = OS radii
OP = OP common
t t = 90 o
OTP = OSP tan⏊rad
` PT = PS
20. Proof for: The angle between the tangent to a circle and a chord drawn from the point of
contact is equal to the angle in the alternate segment.
E 1
GIVEN: Circle with centre O and tangent ABC
t = BED
Statement Reason
Bt 1 + Bt 2 = 90 o
Et 1 + Et 2 = 90 o < in semi-circle
` Bt 1 + Bt 2 = Et 1 + Et 2
Bt 1 = Et 1 <’s in same segment
` Bt 2 = Et 2
t = BED
` CBD t
22. Tell learners that all the new theorems have now been covered. Remind them that they
should have 21 theorems in total (including the converses and corollaries). The proofs of
seven theorems are required for examination purposes. Some proofs are asked more often
than others. List those asked most often for learners with one or two words that can be used
as a hint as to how to go about the proof. Tell learners they need to know their proofs well
and if they remember the hint words, it would help them on the day of the examination. Tell
learners to write this in their exercise books.
23. Tell learners that in the next lesson they will start practicing questions that will bring all their
newly gained knowledge together.
(Proof of tan chord theorem)
4. You will need Resources 13, 14 and 15 from the Resource Pack.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the first
diagrams for the first example.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. This lesson is important. Thus far learners have mostly used the theorems in isolation. They
must now combine all the information and consolidate their knowledge.
2. Encourage learners. Enjoying the challenge of Euclidean Geometry will go a long way to
improving their ability in it.
1. Ask learners to recap what they have learned in this section. Spend time pointing out issues
that you know are important as well as problems that you encountered from your own
learners during the topic.
3. Tell learners that you are going to do all the geometry questions from the final examination
from 2017 before they do a consolidation exercise.
4. As you do each of the examples, get as much input from learners as possible.
Ask questions and encourage discussion. Stop regularly and ask if there are any questions.
Learners must write each worked example in their exercise books.
5. All the diagrams are available and enlarged in the Resource Pack. Resources 13-15.
1 2
b) In the diagram, O is the centre of circle Advise learners to read the question carefully
ABD. F is a point on chord AB such that and fill in any possible information onto the
DOF = AB . AB = FD = 8cm and diagram.
OF = x cm. Determine the length of the Ask: What do you know about AB if a line is
radius of the circle. drawn from the centre that is perpendicular to
the chord? ( AF = FB ).
As the length of AB was given, this means AF
and FB are also known.
Ask if that helps? If learners are struggling,
O ask: Do know the length of OD which is the
radius and is therefore equal to OB?
Learners may not know OD directly but it
can be given as an expression because the
D length of FD was given and OF is ‘known’.
If an equation can be made with only one
unknown then it can be solved.
a) GIVEN: Circle with centre O and chord RS. OT = RS .
Statement Reason
Join OR and OS
OR = OS Radii
OT = OT Common
t1 = T
T t 2 = 90 o Given
` RT = TS
1 Note that the equal tangents form an
2 isosceles triangle.
a) Calculate the size of R
b) Calculate the size of Q t 2 will be known if R
Q t 2 is known and
t 2.
c) Determine the size of M t 1 is known, R
If Q t 1 is known (isosceles)
t 1 can be calculated (<’s of
and therefore M
t 2.
triangle). This leads directly to M
a) PQ = PR tans from common pt
`R t2=Q t2 <’s opp equal sides
R t 2 + 70 o = 180 o <’s of T
`R t 2 = 55 o
t 2 = 55 o
b) Q proved above
Q t 1 = 90 o tan⏊rad
`Q t 1 = 35 o
t 1 = 35 o
c) R <’s opp equal sides
t 1 + 35 o + 35 o = 180 o
M <’s of T
`M t 1 = 110c
`M t 2 = 110c equal chords; equal <’s
a) Prove that BC//OD . Ask: What would be true if the lines were
parallel? This should give a clue of what
angles need to be proved equal.
Equal angles:
Bt 2 and D t 1 and Bt 2 + Bt 1
t 1 OR O
Supplementary angles:
t 2 OR D
Bt 2; Bt 1; O t 2; Ct
t 1; D
As each of these are given, discuss the
merits and possibility of each one.
t = 90 o .
b) Show that C Remind learners that by now the lines will
have been proved parallel. Ask how this
(tan⏊rad; co-int <’s)
t1 = x
a) D <’s opp equal sides
Bt 2 = x Given
` Bt 2 = D
` BC//OD alt <’s equal
t = 90 o
b) ODC tan⏊rad
` Ct = 90 o BC//OD; co-int <’s
x B
1 F
6 5
7 3 P
8 2
y 2
1 3 1
Learners need to be able to deconstruct a complex diagram in order to identify theorems that
can be used.
The first piece of information is the common tangent. Learners should think about the three
tangent theorems they know and mark any equal angles. As there is no centre, and therefore
no radius marked, it is reasonable that they only need to focus on the tan-chord theorem.
Due to the fact that it is a common tangent, focus on one circle at a time.
The second piece of information is also a tangent. Learners should focus only on that and
think through the three theorems and mark any equal angles.
The third piece of information is about parallel lines. Learners should think about the three
theorems they know dealing with parallel lines and mark any information as such.
Use the x and y labels where possible.
Remind learners to remember their other theorems also. (Any circle theorems that don’t
require the centre may be useful as well as their Grade 8 theorems).
a) If learners have marked all equal angles that they know they should have found all four.
b) This may be a little difficult for some learners to see. It is useful to remember Grade 8
theorems and to ask themselves if there is any connection. If any learners notice that P
is in fact the exterior angle to TPEC , praise them.
c) Learners should focus their attention on what they know about cyclic quadrilaterals – both
theorems will be useful. Advise learners to shade the cyclic quadrilateral so it stands out.
This may also help them to notice exterior angles. Since a numerical value is required
(and none were given), this implies that an equation will be needed in order to solve for
the variables x + y .
t2 = x
a) C AD//BC; alt <’s equal
Pt 1 = x tan chord theorem
Pt 5 = x vert opp <’s equal
Et = x <’s in same segment
Point out that the reasons could have
been different depending on the order of
angles used. For example, after stating that
Ct 2 = x , Pt 5 could have been found using
the tan-chord theorem
t 7 = Et + Ct 1
b) P ext < of T
` Pt 7 = x + y
c) Pt 8 = x + y ext < cyclic quad
Pt 1 + Pt 2 + Pt 8 + Pt 7 = 180c <’s on str line
Ñ x + y + x + y + x + y = 180c
Ñ 3x + 3y = 180c
Ñ3 (x + y) = 180c
Ñ x + y = 60c
` x + y = 60 o
6. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
7. Give learners an exercise to complete with a partner before giving them another one to
complete on their own. Remind learners that Euclidean geometry requires continuous and
deliberate practice – it cannot be mastered in a short space of time.
8. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
9. Once learners have completed the exercises provided and you have assisted them with
any corrections, give the learners the following activity to do to assist them for the final
Tell learners to summarise all their theorems in one table (so far, they have multiple small
tables). They need to add an extra column at the end where they should make a sketch to
demonstrate the theorem.
Suggest that they put their Grade 8 and 9 theorems in the summary also.
Give learners a few days to a week to complete their summaries. Check that they have
an accurate summary and that they have remembered all the theorems. Time permitting,
learners could work in pairs or groups of three to check each other’s summaries and add
to their own if necessary. This should be a useful and productive experience that will assist
learners in their understanding and preparation for an assessment.
(A 25 minutes summary of all the theorems)
(A 30-minute video with many examples covered)
(Circle theorems in 3 minutes)
(A summary of the theorems with questions).
zz This topic is the third of five topics in Term 3.
zz This topic runs for two weeks (9 hours).
zz It is presented over seven lessons.
zz The lessons have been divided according to sub-topics, not according to one school lesson.
An approximate time has been allocated to each lesson (which will total 9 hours). For exam-
ple, one lesson in this topic could take two school lessons. Plan according to your school’s
zz Trigonometry counts 33% of the final Paper 2 examination.
zz All three proofs are required for examination purposes. In this set of lesson plans, the three
rules are learned and practiced. Proofs are in a lesson of their own because learners need
the time to comprehend what the rule is about before they work through the proof.
GRADE 10 and Senior phase GRADE 11 GRADE 12
zz Solving of right-angled zz Prove and apply the sine, zz Solve problems in 3
triangles using Gr 10 cosine and area rules dimensions
Trigonometry zz Solve problems in two zz Problems can include
zz Finding the area of right- dimensions using the compound or double
angled triangles (Area = sine, cosine and area angles.
2 base = height ) rules.
zz Basic Geometry
theorems from previous
years, particularly Grade
zz Calculator work using
Trigonometry functions
zz Knowledge/
understanding of
angles of elevation and
These include:
It is important that you, as the teacher, keep these issues in mind when teaching this section.
Be sure to teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
Term Explanation
opposite The side, in a triangle, opposite the angle of interest/the angle named
adjacent The side, in a triangle, next to the angle of interest/the angle named
hypotenuse The side, in right-angled triangle, opposite the right angle (always the
longest side)
included angle The angle between two sides. The angle formed by two sides
horizontal plane If 2 or 3 points are all in the same horizontal plane, it means they are all
level or on the same flat surface. One will not be higher or lower that the
perpendicular At a right angle. Perfectly straight
2-dimensional Flat. Can only measure two dimensions (usually length and breadth)
angle of elevation
ht lin
angle of elevation
angle of depression
ht l
Suggested lesson duration: 1 hour
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the triangle
forming three right-angled triangles (point 3).
5. If there isn’t a revision exercise in the textbook that you use, either use the revision exercise
at the end of a Grade 10 textbook or items from a Grade 10 test on solving triangles using
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. Learners have solved right-angled triangles in Grade 10 and again earlier this year. They
should not need much practice. As always adjust the lesson to suit the needs of your own
2. Ensure learners are proficient in solving right-angled triangles before moving on.
1. Start the lesson by asking learners to tell you the three main trigonometric ratios and which
sides in a right-angled triangle are connected to each one.
opposite adjacent opposite
hypotenuse cosine:
hypotenuse tangent:
2. If no-one mentioned it remind them of the mnemonic they can use to assist them in
remembering these:
4. Tell learners you are going to call out a trigonometric ratio for a certain angle and they must
give you all the ratios possible (one or two, depending on the angle and whether it is in only
one right-angled triangle or two). When one learner gives a ratio, ask another learner which
triangle they were working in.
t = AD t AB
For example, tan C
CD (TADC) OR tan C = AD (TABC) $ 2 possible ratios
t = CD
But, tan CAD
AD $ only one ratio
5. Use the following table to ask learners questions:
sin C AD AB sin B AD AC
cos C CD AC cos B BD AB
tan C AD AB tan B AD AC
sin CAD CD t
sin BAD BD
cos CAD AD t
cos BAD AD
tan CAD CD t
tan BAD BD
6. Do the following worked examples with learners. Learners should write the worked
examples in their exercise books.
Find d
Angle of elevation: The angle that a person must look UP to see an object.
The angle is formed between the horizontal and the line of sight.
Angle of depression: The angle that a person must look DOWN to see an object.
The angle is formed between the horizontal and the line of sight.
8. Tell learners that these are important concepts and they must ensure they understand them
clearly. Ask if anyone has any questions before you do two examples using both types of
angles. Learners should write the examples in their books.
350 m
Solution: 350
tan 15 o = x
x tan 15 o = 350
x = tan 15 o
` x = 1306, 22m
Solution: 3
tan 26 o = d
d tan 26 o = 3
d = tan 26 o
` x = 6, 15m
9. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
11. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
(Although these videos do not use metric measurements the explanation is still useful)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw and label
triangle ABC.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. The sine rule (or law of sines) is the first of three rules used to solve non-right-angled
2. Learners need to be proficient in the use of all three rules as they will be used again in
Grade 12 trigonometry.
1. Start the lesson by pointing out to learners that until now, all the trigonometry they have
encountered has been in right-angled triangles only and this may seem as if trigonometry
only works in right-angled triangles.
2. Tell learners that this is not the case and you are going to look at the first of two rules that
will help us solve non-right-angled triangles. After that you will also look at how to use
trigonometry to find the area of a triangle when we don’t have enough information to use the
1 #
2 b = h.
3. The first of the two rules is the sine rule. Refer learners to the triangle drawn on the board.
Remind learners how we label the sides of a triangle:
It is common practice to label the vertices of a triangle with capital letters and the sides with
small letters. It is also common practice to label the side opposite angle A with a small a, the
side opposite angle B with a small b and the side opposite angle C with a small c
A a
5. Show learners that the longest side is ALWAYS opposite the largest angle in any triangle
and that similarly, the shortest side is ALWAYS opposite the smallest angle. This is useful to
remember when checking if an answer looks correct when solving for an angle or the length
of a side.
6. Ask learners to copy the drawing of the triangle down in their books under the heading: The
Sine Rule.
7. Tell learners that this concept will always be used when using the two rules that we are
going to learn and in fact the rules themselves are written in such a way that they would only
work if the triangle that has just been drawn is used.
11. Learners should write both versions of the rule, along with a note when to use each form of
the rule, in their exercise books now.
12. Point out to learners that when they use the sine rule, they only need a pair of sides and
angles to form an equation and solve for the unknown.
For example, they may only need to use:
a c
sin A = sin C
and, if the triangle is not labeled ABC, they will need to adjust the formula accordingly. For
sin P sin R
p = r
It is important to remember is that the variables in each fraction MUST be the same as they
represent a pair – the angle and its opposite side.
13. Before doing some worked examples, point out to learners that this rule can only work if
certain information is supplied. As this is the first rule that they are learning, the exercises
that they will do can only be the sine rule. You will explain in more detail in a later lesson
how to decide which rule should be used taking the giving information into consideration.
14. Do two worked examples with learners. Example 1 will require finding the length of the will
and Example 2 will have an angle as the unknown.
` c = 11, 79 units Point out that 105° > 35° Ñ we were expect-
ing our answer to be greater than 7
sin A sin B
a = b
sin A sin 63 o
10 = 14
14 sin A = 10 sin 63 o
10 sin 63 o Point out that 10 < 14, Ñ we were expecting our
sin A = 14
answer to be less than 63°
t = 39, 5 o
15. Ask if anyone has any questions before moving on to the next example which will combine
both questions into one and require a knowledge of Grade 8 Geometry.
sin R sin Q
r = q
sin R sin 39 o
41 = 28
28 sin R = 41 sin 39 o
41 sin 39 o
sin R = 28
`R t = 67, 1 o
` Pt = 73, 9 o (<’s of T
p q
sin P = sin Q
p 28
sin 73, 9 o = sin 39 o
p sin 39 o = 28 sin 73, 9 o
28 sin 73, 9 o
p = sin 39 o
p = 42, 75 units
16. Tell learners we will look at examples from previous examinations in a later lesson as most
questions from this section of trigonometry combine at least two of the rules within the same
17. If you feel your learners need another example, do one or two more from the textbook or
any other source.
18. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
20. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
(Tutorials in the sine rule)
(A light-hearted song about the sine rule)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the first
triangle (point 2).
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. The cosine rule (or law of cosines) is the second of three rules used to solve
non-right-angled triangles.
2. Learners need to be proficient in the use of all three rules as they will be used again in
Grade 12 trigonometry.
1. Tell learners that we are now going to look at the second rule which will help us to solve
non-right-angled triangles. Start by explaining why another rule is required.
13 cm
4 cm
Ask: What do you notice? (There isn’t a full pair to find the length of QR).
Ask: Make a statement about R
Ask: What do you notice? (There isn’t a full pair to find the size of R
3. Point out that this problem would continue because there are minimum requirements for
using the sine rule:
• You will need to know at least one pair of a side with its opposite angle to use the sine
Tell learners to look at the triangle again and ask: Can you see that each piece of
information given doesn’t have the measurement of the opposite side or angle?
4. Tell learners that this is the reason a second rule is required. If learners are given either
three sides or two sides and the included angle, then the cosine rule will be required as
there will not be enough information to use the sine rule.
5. Ask learners to copy the drawing of the triangle down in
their books under the heading: The Cosine Rule.
A a
7. Tell learners that this is always the version of the rule that they will be given. Learners need
to notice that the starting variable must always be the same as the ending variable. In other
words, the side leading the equation is opposite the angle ending the equation. This should
assist learners when the triangle is not labelled ABC and/or or are not the measurements of
8. If any learners notice that the statement looks like the theorem of Pythagoras at first share
the following with them:
Ask: What is cos 90° equal to? (0)
Therefore, if we were working in a right-angled triangle, what would the cos rule now be?
( a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cos A as the last term would equal zero).
9. Before doing a few worked examples with learners, summarise what is required to use the
cosine rule:
• 3 sides
• 2 sides and an included angle.
10. Do two worked examples. Example 1 has an angle as the unknown. Example 2 requires
finding the length of the side.
Find QR
p2 = q2 + r2 - 2qr cos P
p2 = (4) 2 + (13) 2 - 2 (4) (13) cos 70 o Learners should leave the full answer for p2
p2 = 149, 429…. in their calculator before square rooting to
` p = 12, 22 cm ensure as accurate an answer as possible.
11. Ask if anyone has any questions before moving on to the next example which will combine
the use of both rules. Tell learners that if there is enough information to use either one of the
rules, the sine rule is usually less work and therefore the quickest to use.
The diagram for the example below is available in the Resource Pack. Resource 16.
16 1 R
1 2 3
Calculate the:
a) length of UR, correct to two decimal Ask: do we know a side and its opposite
places. angle? (no)
What rule will we use? (cosine)
What rule will we use? (sine)
b) size of U Ask: Do we know a side and its opposite
angle? (Yes)
What rule will we use? (sine)
c) length of secant TRS. Ask: what do we really need to find? (RS)
EC 2016 do we know a side and its opposite angle?
(no – but we can use geometry to find a full
a) t2 = u2 + r2 - 2ur cos T
t 2 = (16) 2 + (12) 2 - 2 (16) (12) cos 41 o
t2 = 110, 191…
` t = 10, 50 cm
` RU = 10, 50 cm
b) sin U sin 41 o
12 = 10, 5
10, 5 sin U = 12 sin 41 o
12 sin 41 o
sin U = 10, 5
`U t = 48, 6 o
`U t 2 = 48, 6 o
t 3 = 41 o
c) U (tan-chord)
Rt 2 = 89, 6 o (ext < T)
` St = 49, 4 o (<’s of T)
10, 5 Note: There is more than one way
o =
sin 41 sin 49, 4 o of answering this question.
10, 5 sin 41 o For example, c) could have been
u = sin 49, 4 o
done by working in TTUS and
` u = 9, 07 using the sine rule.
` RS = 9, 07
` TRS = 21, 07
Once the sine and cosine rules have been learned, learners often want to use them even if
it is not essential to do so. In other words, they may use the rules in a right-angled triangle
when they could have just used right-angled trigonometry.
Although this is not a problem mathematically, reverting to right-angled trigonometry is
12. Draw the following triangles on the board. Quiz the learners on what they would use to find
the unknown.
Sine rule, cosine rule, sin/cos/tan (right-angled trigonometry) or Pythagoras?
28 8
21° P°
41 x
sine rule cos c m cosine rule
7 cm
8 cm a
4 x cm 6 cm
x 14 cm
8 x
x 19°
Draw (and discuss as you are drawing) the following flow chart for learners to copy into their
Is the triangle
13. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
15. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
(When to use the cosine rule)
(A light-hearted rap song about the cosine rule)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. Draw the two triangles for point 2.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. The area rule is the final rule regarding non-right-angled triangles. It is used to find area
when the base and/or perpendicular height are unknown.
2. Learners need to be proficient in the use of all three rules as they will be used again in
Grade 12 Trigonometry.
10 cm 10 cm 3 cm 3 cm
14 cm 14 cm
4 cm 4 cm
1 1
Area =
2 base = height Area =
2 base = height
# #
1 1
= 2 (14) (10) m2 = 2 (4) (3) cm2
= 70m2 = 6cm2
2. Tell learners that they can be asked to find area of a triangle where the base and/or the
perpendicular height is not given, and that trigonometry can be used.
3. Ask learners to copy the drawing of the triangle down in their books under the heading:
The Area Rule.
A a
4. Write the area rule on the board for learners to copy down:
Area =
2 ab sin C
5. Get learners to focus their attention on a, b and C
Ask: What is the relationship between these two sides and this angle?
(The angle is between the two sides).
6. Point out that two sides and the included angle are always necessary to use the area rule.
7. Ask: Which other combinations could be used in this triangle to find the area?
a, c and Bt or b, c and A
8. Tell learners that it is quite common to be asked an area question where the necessary
information is not given and either the sine or cosine rule need to be used to find the
information required.
9. Do the following two worked examples. Learners should write them in their exercise books.
sin R sin 30 o
10 = 7
7 sin R = 10 sin 30 o
10 sin 30 o
sin R = 7
t = 45, 6 o
t = 104, 4 o
`Q (<’s of T )
Area =
2 pr sin Q
Area = (7) (10) sin 104, 4 o
Area = 33, 90 units2
10. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
12. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the diagram for
the proof of the sine rule.
5. In the textbooks there are no exercises specifically testing knowledge of the proofs.
1. This lesson has been placed after all three rules have been learned and practiced.
2. Use this lesson as an opportunity to consolidate learners’ understanding of the three rules.
Tell learners that knowing and understanding the proofs can assist them in making more
sense of the rules.
3. The ambiguous case of the sine rule was not covered in the lesson on the sine rule.
Experience has shown that most learners need to spend time on the rule itself before
alerting them to the ‘problems’ that could occur when dealing with the sine rule. The
ambiguous case of the sine rule has been covered in the form of an investigation which
learners can do with you in class.
1. Start the lesson by telling learners that we are now going to prove the three rules that have
just been covered.
2. Tell learners to write the heading ‘Proof of the Sine Rule’ in their exercise books and copy
the diagram: C
b a
A c D B
c) Point out to learners that h appears in both answers and that we will work with what
we have found to make h the subject of the formula. This way we will find what else is
h h
sin A = b sin B = a
` h = b sin A ` h = a sin B
` b sin A = a sin B
( ÷ both sides by ab )
b sin A a sin B
ab = ab
sin A sin B
Ñ a = b
Similarly, if the altitude was drawn from B, sin A = sin C
a c
and if the altitude was drawn from A sin C sin B
C = b
5. Tell learners to write the heading: ‘Proof of the Cosine Rule’ in their exercise books and to
copy this diagram:
b a
d) Get learners to focus on TBCD . Write BD in terms of c and AD, then make a theorem
of Pythagoras statement.
e) Using what was found in (1) and (2), substitutions can be made into the theorem of
Pythagoras statement. This statement will be simplified.
h AD
sin A = b and cos A = b
` h = b sin A and AD = b cos A
but, BD = c - AD = c - b cos A
a2 = BD2 + h2 Ask: How could we simplify the last two
` a2 = (c - b cos A) 2 + (b sin A) 2 terms?
a2 = c2 - 2bc cos A + b2 cos2 A + b2 sin2 A (Take out a HCF b2 )
Ask: What would be left over?
a2 = c2 - 2bc cos A + b2 (cos2 A + sin2 A) (cos2 A + sin2 A)
a2 = c2 - 2bc cos A + b2 ^1) Ask: What does that equal? (1)
a2 = c2 + b2 - 2bc cos A
8. Tell learners to write the heading: ‘Proof of the Area Rule’ in their exercise books and copy
the diagram:
b a
Area of TABC = 2 b # = ht
= 2 ch
sin A = b
` h = b sin A
Area of TABC = 2 ch
= 2 bc sin A
12. Tell learners that you are going to show them the ambiguous case of the sine rule. This
means that in certain situations there can be two possible solutions.
13. Go through each step with learners. Tell learners that this situation can only occur if two
sides and an angle are given but the angle is not included.
1. t if Ct = 33c , b = 10 and
For TABC find B A
Draw a sketch. 6 10
t sin B sin 33 o
2. Use the sine rule to find B
10 = 6
sin B = 0, 9077…
` B t = 65, 2 o
3. We have found one value for angle B, but we 180° - 65,2° = 114,8°
need to see if there’s another possible value. To
do this, we’ll subtract the angle from 180°.
6. SO, remember that if you are given two sides and one angle of a triangle (SSA), you
don’t have enough information to know exactly what that triangle looks like.
The reason for this possibility:
This can occur because sin i = sin ^180 o - ih and when inverse sine is used to find an
angle, the calculator is technically only giving the reference angle.
14. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
(Proof of cosine rule – slightly different to the one in the lesson)
(Proof of sine rule)
(Proof of area rule)
(Ambiguous case of sine rule)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the diagram for
the first example.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. This lesson is made up of several fully worked examples from past examinations.
2. Most questions combine at least two of the concepts covered in this topic which include,
solving right-angled triangles, using the sine and cosine rules to solve non-right-angled
triangles and using the area rule to find the area of a triangle.
1. Tell learners that this lesson is going to be spent doing questions from previous
examinations which will allow us to consolidate the rules learned and be exposed to the
types of questions to expect.
2. Before starting the examples ask learners to remind you what the following mean:
zz Horizontal plane
zz Angle of elevation
zz Angle of depression
(Although these were discussed in the first lesson, learners may need a reminder).
3. Do the worked examples with learners. Learners should write the worked examples in their
exercise books.
90,52 m
D 31,23°
48,88° B
235 m
Determine the length of:
a) BD Ask: do we know a side and its opposite
angle? (yes)
What rule will we use? (sine)
Determine the length of:
b) CD Ask: Do we know a side and its opposite
NSC NOV 2016 angle?
Ask: What rule will we use?
a) BD 90, 52
sin 109, 16 o = sin 31, 23 o
BD sin 31, 23 o = 90, 52 sin 109, 16 o
90, 52 sin 109, 16 o
BD = sin 31, 23 o
` BD = 164, 92 m m
` CD = 177, 34 m
158 m
P 1500 m Q
a) Determine the length of PS. Ask: Which triangle must we work in?
( TPRS )
Ask: Which rule will we use?
(None – use right-angled trigonometry.
opp/adj ` use tan).
b) Determine the length of SQ. Ask: Which triangle must we work in?
( TPSQ )
Ask: Which rule will we use?
(cosine – we don’t have a complete pair
of an opposite side and angle OR we
have two sides and an included angle).
c) Hence, find the value of i . Ask: Which triangle must we work in?
( TRSQ )
Ask: Which rule will we use?
(None – use right-angled trigonometry.
opp/adj ` use tan).
d) Determine the area of TSPQ . Ask: Do we have two sides and an
EC 2015 included angle?
(Yes – use formula and substitute)
tan 25 o = PS
PS tan 25 o = 158
PS = tan 25 o
` PS = 338, 83 m
Stop and give learners the opportunity to practice some questions from their textbooks that
involve actual values. If the textbook you use doesn’t have two separate exercises (values
vs variables), then give learners only the questions from the exercise that deal with actual
values. The rest can be completed after the following example has been done.
a) Determine the distance of SQ in terms of Ask: Which triangle must we work in?
a, b and h . ( TPSQ )
Point out that although we don’t have a
complete pair of an opposite side and angle,
we do have two angles and can therefore
use angles of a triangle to find the 3rd angle.
If learners are struggling with the idea of
using variables and are not able to find what
is required (as in an actual value) advise
them to ask themselves what they would do
IF all the variables given were actual values.
Ask: Which rule will we use?
(sine rule)
Once this has been written down, the
expression will need manipulating to make
SQ the subject of the formula.
When SQ has been found, learners should fill
it in on the diagram.
b) Hence, show that Ask: Which triangle must we work in?
h sin a cos b ( TSRQ )
sin (a + bsin (a + bh
RS =
Ask: Do we have enough information?
EXEMPLAR 2013 (No – we only have a right angle and SQ)
Ask: Can we find another angle?
t because RQP
(Yes - SQR t = 90 o )
Once this has been established, a statement
will be made regarding RS and manipulation
of the expression will be required.
a) t = 180 o - (a + b)
PSQ After the first step of the sine rule,
SQ h
sin a = sin (180 - ^a + bh) ask: How do we reduce angles:
a) t = 90 o - b
t = RS
sin SQR SQ
sin (90c - b) = h sin a
sin ^a + bh
cos b = h sin a
sin ^a + bh
h sin a
cos b. = RS
sin ^a + bh After the 2nd step (substitution), Ask:
How do we reduce angles in the form
h sin a. cos b.
` = RS 90°-? (complementary angles)
sin ^a + bh
4. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
6. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
(sine or cosine rule?)
(Architecture: Law of Sines and Law of Cosines - Why use them?)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. Ask learners to revise what they have learned in this section. Spend time pointing out issues
that you know are important as well as problems that you encountered from your own
learners during the topic.
Ask learners to do the revision exercise from their textbook. If you have an additional worksheet
or a past test paper, this would also be an excellent way for them to consolidate what they have
learned. It would also give them another opportunity of knowing what to expect in an
zz This topic is the fourth of five topics in Term 3.
zz This topic runs for two weeks (9 hours).
zz It is presented over five lessons.
zz The lessons have been divided according to sub-topics, not according to one school lesson.
An approximate time has been allocated to each lesson (which will total 9 hours). For exam-
ple, one lesson in this topic could take two school lessons. Plan according to your school’s
zz Finance, Growth and Decay counts 10% of the final Paper 1 examination.
zz This topic covers depreciation, nominal and effective interest and different periods of com-
pound growth and decay.
zz An understanding of financial matters is an important life skill required by all learners. This
is a learned skill which is not taught by all parents – this makes the teacher’s role at school
even more important.
These include:
It is important that you, as the teacher, keep these issues in mind when teaching this section.
While teaching Financial mathematics, it is important to make it real for the learners.
Where possible, use examples from daily life which make sense to learners.
Be sure to teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
Term Explanation
exchange rate The rate of one country’s money against another country’s money
Suggested lesson duration: 1,5 hours
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. If there isn’t a revision exercise in the textbook that you use, either use the revision exercise
at the end of a Grade 10 textbook or items from a Grade 10 test on Finance.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. This lesson takes the form of working through questions from two Grade 10 final exams.
As you work through the solutions, remind learners or re-teach the concepts covered in
previous years.
2. Although Finance is not a major part of the final examination, it will be useful to all learners
after school. Everyone needs some knowledge of financial matters in their own lives –
particularly once they start working.
1. Start the lesson by asking learners what they remember learning in Financial Mathematics
in Grade 10. As topics are given, write them on the board. Tell learners to write the list in
their exercise books. Ensure the following items are on the list:
zz Simple interest
zz Compound interest
zz Exchange rates
zz Hire purchase
zz Inflation.
Ask learners questions to assess what they remember from last year. Tell them to take
notes when you sum up (or add to) what they can tell you.
Although learners are likely to tell you that n represents number of years mention that
this will not always be the case. It is best to think of n as the number of time periods that
interest will be calculated. Tell learners that in Grade 11 they learn about interest that
could be compounded monthly or weekly.
4. Ask:
What does it mean to buy an item on hire purchase?
(Pay a deposit, pay monthly instalments over a certain period of time usually at a high
interest rate).
What type of interest is used for hire purchase?
Learners should now have a summary of the financial mathematics they should already
6. Tell learners that you are going to spend the rest of the lesson doing some questions
from previous Grade 10 examinations. Encourage learners to assist you in answering the
questions and/or asking questions if they do not understand something.
6046, 88
Monthly payment: = 335, 94
R335,94 will need to be budgeted
This would be an ideal opportunity to explain why the strength of one’s own currency is
so important to the economy. Ask learners to calculate the cost of the same gold if the
exchange rate was R12,43 to the dollar (R428 951,19). Quite a difference!
c) Zach plans to invest equal amounts into a Ask: What is the unknown in this question?
savings account on 1 December 2016 and (The principal amount that Zach needs to
1 December 2017 to have accumulated save).
an amount of R5980 by 1 December Ask: Do we know the other values – A, n
2018. If this account earns interest at 9% and i?
p.a. compounded annually, how much (Yes, but the n will change as the first amount
money should Zach deposit into the will grow for two years and the second
account on each occasion? amount will grow for one year).
NSC NOV 2015 Point out that the two amounts will have to be
seen as separate savings.
Tell learners that algebraic skills will be used
in this calculation.
a) R1 = 0,105058 AUS dollars
` R5000 # 0, 105058 = 525, 29
Zach will be able to buy $525,29
b) A = P^1 + ih
A = 5000^1 + 0, 061h3
A = 5971, 95
c) P^1 + ihn + P^1 + ihn = 5980
Ask how the first two terms can
P^1 + 0, 09h2 + P^1 + 0, 09h1 = 5980
be simplified
P^1, 09h2 + P^1, 09h1 = 5980 (Take out a common factor P)
P (^1, 09h2 + 1, 09) = 5980
^^1, 09h2 + 1, 09h
P = 2624, 99
Zach will have to invest R2624,99 each year.
7. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
9. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
Suggested lesson duration: 2 hours
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the graphs
from point 4.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. All homes have items that will depreciate over time. It is important that learners understand
this concept.
1. Start the lesson by asking learners if anyone knows what depreciation means and how it
could affect us. Listen to a few responses before confirming a definition that learners can
write in their exercise books.
2. Depreciation is a reduction in the value of an asset over time, particularly due to wear and
tear. The current value of an asset after depreciation is often known as the book value.
3. Tell learners that there are two types of depreciation – one where the asset is eventually
worth nothing at all and another where the asset’s value decreases but it will always be
worth something.
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 4 6 8 10
5. Ask: Can you see that the first type of depreciation will reach zero after a period of time?
Ask: Can you see that the second type of depreciation is not going to get to zero?
Ask: What is the second graph called and why it won’t reach zero?
(It is an exponential function and zero represents the asymptote).
6. The first type of depreciation is called ‘Straight Line’ depreciation and the second type is
called ‘Reducing Balance’ depreciation. Write each heading below its corresponding graph
and ask learners to draw a sketch of the graph with its heading.
7. Refer to the two graphs and ask learners to note the following:
8. Ask: Why do you think an item depreciates by a smaller amount each year?
(Each year it is worth less and each year it reduces by a percentage of its value at the
beginning of that year).
Ask: Why can this value never (theoretically) be zero?
(A percentage of an amount can never be zero).
Point out why you used the word theoretically – the item will eventually be worth such a
small amount that it will round to zero.
9. Tell learners that now you are going to discuss the formulae for each type with them.
Remind them that simple interest produced a straight-line graph and that compound interest
produced an exponential graph. It follows then that the formulae are linked to the formulae
that have been used before.
10. Ask: Which part of each formula do you think will be different for calculating depreciation?
(The addition will have to be subtraction to ensure the principal amount is less than the
accumulated amount).
12. Do the following worked example with learners. Learners should write it in their books.
13. Tell learners that you will now look at a few more ways that a question could be asked to
develop their understanding of depreciation further.
A = P (1 - i) n
A = 540000 (1 - 0, 11) 8
A = 212575, 80
The value of the bus is R212 575,80
Example 3 Teaching notes
A cellphone is currently worth R3 037,50. Ask: What is required?
It depreciated for 3 years at a rate of 25% per (The original value – the ‘P’ in the formula)
annum on a reducing balance method. This is an important issue – learners tend to
adapted from EC 2016 want to put the value known into P’s place.
Remind learners that in a depreciation
question, the principal amount should always
be larger than the final amount.
This will require substitution and solving.
A = P (1 - i) n
3037, 50 = P (1 - 0, 25) 3
3037, 50
(1 - 0, 25) 3
` P = 7200
The cellphone cost R7 200.
12 11090, 41
120000 = 1 - i
12 11090, 41
120000 - 1 =- i
- 0, 17999…. =- i
` i = 0, 17999….
` the rate of depreciation is 18%.
14. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
16. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson write the table from
point 4.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. Although there is only one main concept covered in this lesson, there are many new ideas.
2. The lesson has been designed to go through each idea in detail to assist learners to
encounter each new idea on its own before combining them at the end.
3. Some textbooks only have one exercise and others have more. The textbooks with more
exercises have assessed each of the new ideas as they have been taught. Check carefully
when to stop teaching and when to allow learners to practice what has been taught. The
more often learners work independently to do a few questions themselves, the better.
1. Start the lesson by telling learners that up until now they have only dealt with interest rates
on an annual basis. In fact it is possible to compound interest on a more frequent basis, for
example, semi-annually (twice a year), monthly (12 times a year), weekly (52 times per year)
or even daily (365 times per year).
2. Explain that this means that the n does not always represent a year (as mentioned in the
first lesson in this section). The n represents the number of times that the interest will be
For example: If interest is offered monthly and money is being saved for 3 years, what would
n represent? (36 - there are 36 months in 3 years; 3 years × 12)
3. The interest rate is always given per annum, but now we are saying that the rate is actually
monthly. This means that if the interest rate is per annum, but it is offered monthly then it
needs to be divided by 12 because it will be calculated every month.
4. Tell learners to record the summary of what needs to be done when interest is compounded
over different time periods:
n i
annually Number of years i
0, 075 8 0, 075 16
A = 5000^1 + 0, 075h4 A = 5000 a1 + 2
k A = 5000 a1 + 4
A = R6677, 35 A = R6712, 35 A = R6730, 57
6. Ask: What do you notice about each of these amounts and their periods of interest earned?
(The more often that interest is calculated and added, the more money is saved).
7. Learners need to read carefully when answering these types of questions and to be aware
of the period of saving time.
Ask: If a sum of money was saved for 5,5 years at an interest compounded monthly, what
would ‘n’ be equal to? (5,5 × 12 = 66)
8. Do the following two worked examples with learners. Learners should write the worked
examples in their exercise books.
` P = R8947, 16
Example 2 Teaching notes
Cyril has R5000 and wants to invest it so that Ask: What value in the formula is required?
it grows to R8000. He has 4 years to do so. (i – the interest rate)
What interest rate, compounded monthly, Ask: What must we remember to do with
needs to be offered for this to be possible? the interest rate?
(Divide by 12 as it is compounded monthly).
Ask: What is ‘n’ equal to - the number of
interest calculations?
(4 x 12 = 48)
i 48
8000 = 5000 a1 + 12 k
8 a i k48
5 = 1 + 12
48 8 i
5 - 1 = 12
a 8
5 - 1 k ×12 = i
0, 11807… = i
` 11, 81%
9. When working in reverse (finding the principal amount as in the first example) learners
should note the following:
Learners should write down the compound interest formula then make P the subject of the
A = P (1 + i) n
(1 + i) n
At this step, ask: What can you do to have no fractions in the formula?
(Use the laws of exponents to have the power in the numerator position).
A (1 + i) -n = P
Learners can use this version of the formula if they wish to when finding the principal
amount. It will also be useful later in the lesson.
10. Calculations regarding saving money and paying back a loan are not always as simple as in
previous grades. In the real world, someone may put some money in savings then need to
take a portion of it out. The bank may change the interest rate offered during the course of
some money being saved.
11. These issues could make a calculation more complicated. To assist us in solving these
problems, we are going to use timelines. Timelines are visual representations of all the
changes that happen during the entire period of time that an amount of money is saved, or a
loan is paid back.
12. First we will look at only the interest rate being changed during the savings period.
This example is used as the introduction to use timelines. Any examples that follow will
not be done in such detail. Ensure you are comfortable with the process so that each
question requiring a timeline can be done in a similar way from now on.
Learners should take the worked example down, making notes as they do so.
T0 T3 T7
16 000 ?
Learners should tick off each piece of information as they put it onto the timeline to ensure
nothing is left out.
Learners should proceed in the same order each time they make a timeline as this will
assist them in following a certain routine and therefore also not leaving something out.
Tell learners to notice the direction of the arrows – they are moving forward – the money is
Once the time line has been drawn up discuss with learners:
Can you see that we will need to know how much money there is at the end of the 3 years to
know the new principal amount which will help us to calculate what is available at the end of
the 7 years?
Ask for a volunteer to: Write the formula for the first 3 years on the board and fill in the
appropriate values.
A = P^1 + ihn
0, 09 36
A = 16000 a1 + 12 k
Discuss each of the values, ensuring learners know where they all come from.
Ask: Do you all agree that this amount, once calculated, will be how much money is in
Thembi’s account before the interest rate changes for the following 4 years?
In other words, it will be the new principal amount.
Ask for a volunteer to: Write the formula for the next 4 years on the board and fill in the
appropriate values? For now we will call the unknown amount P.
A = P^1 + ihn
0, 095 8
A = P a1 + 2 k
Discuss each of the values, ensuring learners know where they all come from.
Tell learners that instead of doing TWO calculations you are going to show them how to do it
into one calculation:
Rewrite the last calculation written, but leave a bigger space when writing the P .
0, 095 8
A = P c1 + m
Remind learners that they agreed that the P would be the first calculation.
Erase the P and replace it with the first calculation:
0, 09 36
A = 16000 a1 + 12 k c1 +
0, 095 8
A = :16000 a1 + 12 k Dc1 +
0, 09 36 0, 095 8
Remind learners that the square brackets represent the ‘new’ P . The square brackets are
not essential when using the calculator.
This can be done as it stands on the calculator. Ask learners to do the calculation.
A = 30351, 08
Thembi will have R30 351,08 at the end of the 7 years.
14. Tell learners that a similar question could be asked when working in reverse is required
(finding the amount that was initially saved).
Remind learners of the formula derived when finding the value of P is required:
A (1 + i) -n = P
T0 T2 T8
? 8636,44
Tell learners to notice the direction of the arrows – they are going backwards
– the money is decreasing.
16. Ask if anyone has any questions or needs anything to be explained again.
17. Tell learners that not only interest rates could change, but the people saving could decide to
make an additional payment during the savings period or they could need the money and
need to make a withdrawal. This will be dealt with now.
18. Tell learners that timelines become more important as the situation gets more complicated.
19. Do the following worked example with learners. While drawing the timeline, ensure all
learners understand where each number placed on the timeline comes from and why it has
been placed in a certain position. When using the timeline to do the calculation, ensure that
all learners understand each part of the calculation.
Learners should write the worked example in their books.
T0 T2 T3 T6
3500 +2800
20. Ask learners if they have any questions or want anything explained again.
21. Tell learners that you will now do a worked example which includes a withdrawal during the
period of the investment.
T0 T3 T4 T5
8000 -3500
22. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
24. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
(This is from the Siyavula book for schools not already using the Siyavula book)
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson write the two
questions from point 1.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. A better understanding of how interest rates work will enhance learners’ ability to manage
their own finances (if not now, in the future when they begin to earn money).
2. Where possible, relate examples to everyday life and associate concepts to what learners
may know.
a) R6 700 is saved for a year at an interest rate of 7% p.a. compounded annually. Find the
future value.
Tell learners that the interest rate of 7% mentioned in these examples is the nominal rate.
The nominal rate is the interest rate quoted by the financial institutions such as banks. Even
when banks quote 7% p.a. compounded monthly, the amount of interest really earned is a
little more than that.
3. Continue investigating the above examples. Ask learners to find the difference in money
made with the two options (R7 184,34 - R7 169,00 = R15,34).
5. Learners should write down the definitions of nominal and effective interest:
Nominal interest rate: The interest rate quoted which does not consider the compounding
Effective interest rate: The rate of interest effectively earned as it takes the compounding
period into account.
The more often compounding occurs, the higher the effective interest rate.
6. There is a formula that can change one type of rate of interest into the other type.
i kn
ieff = a1 + nom
n -1
8. Learners should record the formula and highlight it for easy reference. Tell learners that the
formula will not be given to them in assessments and that they need to know it.
10. Summarise what each variable represents. Learners should write it down.
11. Do the following three worked examples from past examinations. Learners should write
them in their exercise books:
a) i kn
ieff = a1 + nom
n -1
0, 072 12
ieff = a1 + k -1
ieff = 0, 074424….
` ieff = 7, 442%
A = 120000^1 + 0, 07442h3
A = 148834, 46
c) 0, 072
T0 T1,5 T4
120 000 -20 000
0, 072 48 0, 072 30
A = 120000 a1 + 12 k - 20000 a1 + 12 k
A = 135981, 73
12. Ask directed so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
14. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the
lesson plan and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your
lesson plans.
1. Ask learners to recap what they have learned in this section. Spend time pointing out issues
that you know are important as well as problems that you encountered from your own
This lesson comprises three fully worked examples from past papers covering all the
concepts in this topic. As you work through these with the learners, it is important to
frequently talk about as many concepts as possible, and to use the correct terminology
repeatedly. For example, use the words simple interest, compound interest, inflation,
depreciation, nominal and effective interest rates wherever possible, constantly reminding
learners what they have already learnt.
Say: I am going to do two worked examples from past exam papers with you. You should write
them down as I do them, taking notes at the same time.
1. A machine costs R25 000 in 2016. Ask: What formula will we use?
Calculate the book value of the machine (The reducing balance depreciation formula
after 4 years if it depreciates at 9%p.a. A = P^1 - ihn )
according to the reducing balance Ask: What information has been given?
method. (P – principal amount, i – interest rate and
n – number of years).
A = P^1 - ihn
A = 25000^1 - 0, 09h4
A = 17143, 74
2. The nominal interest rate of an investment Remind learners that their calculation must
is 12,35%p.a. compounded monthly. represent one year. It is important to note the
Calculate the effective interest rate. compounding period.
Ask: What is the compounding period?
Ask: How many months in one year? (12)
This will be the n value.
i kn
ieff = a1 + nom
n -1
0, 1235 12
ieff = a1 + 12 k - 1
ieff = 0, 130736….
` ieff = 13, 07%
3. The value of a property increased from Ask: What formula will be used?
R145 000 to R221 292,32 over 6 years. (The compound interest as this situation is
Calculate the average annual rate of about inflation)
increase of the property over 6 years. Ask: What information has been given?
(P – principal amount, A – final amount and
n – number of years)
Remind learners to convert the decimal they
get for i back to a percentage.
A = P^1 + ihn
221292, 32 = 145000^1 + ih6
221292, 32 6
145000 = ^1 + ih
6 221292, 32
145000 = 1 + i
6 221292, 32
145000 - 1 = i
6 221292, 32
145000 - 1 = i
0, 07300000324… = i
` i = 7, 3%
4. Tebogo made an initial deposit of R15 000 Remind learners to highlight or underline the
into an account that paid interest at key figures.
9,6%p.a. compounded quarterly. Six Ask: What are the time periods?
months later she withdrew R5 000 from ( T0, T0,5, T2, T3 )
the account. Two years after the initial Ask: What amounts have been paid and
deposit she deposited another R3 500 withdrawn?
into this account. (15 000 at T0 , -5000 at T0,5 , +3500 at T2 )
How much does she have in the account Ask learners to draw their own timeline
3 years after her initial deposit? before you do it with them on the board.
Solution: 0, 096
T0 T1,5 T2 T3
15 000 -5000 +3500
0, 096 12
A = 15000 a1 + k - 5000 c1 + 0, 096 m + 3500 c1 + 0, 096 m
10 4
4 4 4
A = 17448, 46
1. A school buys tablets at a total cost of Ask: What formula will be used?
R140 000. If the average rate of inflation (The compound interest as this situation is
is 6,1% p.a. over the next 4 years, about inflation).
determine the cost of replacing these Ask: What information has been given?
tablets in 4 years’ time. (P – principal amount, i – the interest rate
and n – number of years).
A = P^1 + ihn
A = 140000^1 + 0, 061h4
A = 177414, 69
2. An investment earns interest at a rate Remind learners that their calculation must
of 7% per annum compounded semi- represent one year. It is important to note the
annually. compounding period.
Calculate the effective annual interest rate Ask: What is the compounding period?
on this investment. (Semi-annually)
Ask: How many half years in one year?
This will be the n value.
i kn
ieff = a1 + nom
n -1
0, 07 2
ieff = a1 + 2 k - 1
ieff = 0, 071225….
` ieff = 7, 12%
3. A savings account was opened with Remind learners to highlight or underline the
an initial deposit of R24 000. Eighteen key figures.
months later, R7 000 was withdrawn from Ask: What are the time periods?
the account. ( T0, T1,5, T4 )
Calculate how much money will be in Ask: What amounts have been paid and
the savings account at the end of 4 withdrawn?
years if the interest rate was 10,5% p.a. (24 000 at T0 , - 7000 at T1,5 )
compounded monthly. Ask learners to draw their own timeline
before you do it with them on the board.
Solution: 0, 105
T0 T1,5 T4
24 000 -7000
102755, 34 = 198000^1 - ih3
102755, 34 3
198000 = ^1 - ih
3 102755, 34
198000 = 1 - i
3 102755, 34
198000 - 1 =- i
- 0, 1963880… =- i
` i = 19, 64%
1. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
3. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
zz This topic is the fifth of five topics in Term 3.
zz This topic runs for two weeks (9 hours).
zz It is presented over six lessons.
zz The lessons have been divided according to sub-topics, not according to one school lesson.
An approximate time has been allocated to each lesson (which will total nine hours). For
example, one lesson in this topic could take two school lessons. Plan according to your
school’s timetable.
zz Probability counts 13% of the final Paper 1 examination.
zz Traditionally, probability either gets taught extremely well or almost not at all. If you feel that
your knowledge is not as good as it could be, take the time to watch videos and read up on
the concepts required.
zz Watch the following 3-minute video for some inspiration:
(Arthur Benjamin is a professor of mathematics in the United States. He discusses the fact
that most topics done in school mathematics generally lead to being able to learn calculus.
However, Benjamin believes that statistics and probability are in fact more important and
that calculus can always be studied in more detail by students of mathematics who go on to
study mathematics at tertiary level).
GRADE 10 and Senior phase GRADE 11 GRADE 12
These include:
zz Confusion between n(A) and P(A)
zz Not reading from a contingency table correctly
zz No understanding of mutually exclusive events and independent events.
zz Incorrect use of notation (for example, P(0,2)).
It is important that you, as the teacher, keep these issues in mind when teaching this section.
While teaching Probability, explain the concepts in depth and always use correct notation.
Be sure to teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
Term Explanation
complementary Mutually exclusive events that contain all the outcomes between them
independent Two events where the outcome of one event does not affect the
events outcome of the other
dependent events The outcome of one event affects the outcome of the next event
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Most of this lesson takes the form of going through questions from two Grade 10 final
exams. As you work the solutions are worked through remind or re-teach learners all the
concepts covered in previous years.
1. Ask learners what they remember learning in probability in Grade 10. As concepts are given,
write them on the board. Learners should write the list in their exercise books. Ensure that
the following items are on the list.
zz Venn diagrams
zz Complementary events
zz Mutually exhaustive events
zz Dependent and Independent events
zz The identity, P^ A or Bh = P^ Ah + P^ Bh - P (A and B)
Learners may mention more concepts like tree diagrams and how to calculate probability
or that a probability answer must always be a number from one to zero.
All of these suggestions are acceptable. The above list, however, relates directly to
Grade 10 work and is what we will be revising in this lesson.
Ask learners questions to assess exactly what they remember from Grade 10.
Tell learners to take notes if they feel it will be helpful.
4. Draw an example of a Venn diagram on the board and explain what it means.
5. Say: Describe dependent and independent events with the use of an example.
(Independent events occur when the outcome of one event does not affect the other one
happening, example: flipping a coin. Dependent events occur when the outcome of one
event affects the other event.
Example: drawing a card from a pack of cards and not putting it back, then drawing a
second card).
6. Spend the rest of the lesson doing some questions from previous Grade 10 examinations.
Encourage learners to assist you in answering the questions and/or asking questions if they
do not understand something.
(These questions are taken from the 2015 and 2017 final examinations)
An enlarged version of the table used in Example 2 is available in the Resource Pack.
Resource 19.
b) Calculate the probability that a Grade 10 Remind learners that the total amount of
boy at the school, selected at random, boys will be the sample space and therefore
plays: the denominator.
(i) soccer and rugby Remind learners that ‘or is more’ – the
(ii) soccer or rugby probability of one or another event
happening will always be better than one
event and another event happening.
c) Are the events a Grade 10 boy plays Ask: Explain what mutually exclusive
soccer at the school and a Grade 10 means?
boy plays rugby at the school, mutually (No intersection).
Justify your answer.
14 10 18
10 5
b) (i) P^ S and Rh =
64 = 32
42 21
(ii) P^ S or Rh =
64 = 32
c) The events are not mutually exclusive as they have something in common (an
P^ S and Rh ! 0
c) Calculate the probability Remind learners that the total amount of learners will be the
that a learner selected at sample space and therefore the denominator.
random from this group: Ask: Give another way in which we could ask how many
(i) owned only a learners owned at most one type of device.
smartphone (How many learners did not own both types of devices).
(ii) owned at most one Tell learners that this could either be done using
type of device. complementary events:
(1 subtract the probability of owning both) or adding those
that owned only 1 and those that owned neither and finding
the probability.
x - 20 20 28
b) x - 20 + 20 + 28 + 8 = 150
` x = 114
` 94 learners owned smartphones
c) (i) P^ S onlyh =
150 20
(ii) P(owning both) =
P(owning at most 1) = 1 -
130 13
= 150 = 15
7. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
9. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
Suggested lesson duration: 2 hours
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Learners have not studied tree diagrams in detail since Grade 9, so it is important that you
revise the concepts.
1. Give the following scenario to learners: I am going to toss (flip) a coin twice. Let’s draw a
tree diagram to represent all the possible outcomes and all the probabilities
What are the outcomes of tossing a coin?
(Getting heads or tails – two outcomes in total).
Draw this tree diagram one piece at a time. Point out key issues to learners as you
draw the tree diagram.
Teaching notes
Start at a point and draw 2 branches
Head representing the two possible
0 Write the outcomes at the end of the
0,5 Tail
Write the theoretical probability ON
the branch.
Tell learners that they must not
deviate from these conventions.
Extend the tree diagram to represent
0,5 Head
the second toss
0,5 Head
0,5 Tail Tell learners: Even though there will
0 only be one more toss, it needs to be
0,5 Head represented twice – as if heads was
0,5 Tail tossed on the first throw and as if tails
0,5 Tail
were tossed on the first throw – to
cover ALL possibilities.
3. Point out that no matter how many branches come from one point, the probabilities on those
branches should always add up to one because all the possibilities are represented.
5. Use the following diagram (add onto your final one) to show how probabilities are calculated
using a tree diagram.
Mul 0,5 Head Head, Head 0,5 × 0,5 = 0,25
0,5 Head
0,5 Tail Head, Tail 0,5 × 0,5 = 0,25
0 Add
Head Tail, Head 0,5 × 0,5 = 0,25
0,5 Tail
0,5 Tail Tail, Tail 0,5 × 0,5 = 0,25
6. Ask learners to consider the probability of getting at least one head. Confirm the meaning of
this statement. In the two tosses, one head will be acceptable but so will two heads as this
also covers the statement ‘at least one’.
8. To calculate the probability of at least one head being tossed, we first multiply along the
branches that lead to each of these three outcomes, then add all of those answers together.
a 12 # 12 k + a 12 # 12 k + a 12 # 12 k = 14 + 14 + 14 = 34
9. Ask: Describe a shorter way to find this probability which was discussed earlier.
(1 subtract the probability of getting no heads at all as the two possibilities add up to 1
because those two outcomes – getting at least one head and getting no heads – represent
all outcomes).
1 3
1- 4 = 4
10. Summarise the following points and ask learners to write them down in their exercise books:
zz To find the probability of something happening AND something else happening, multiply
the probabilities together.
zz To find the probability of something happening OR something else happening, add up
the probabilities.
11. Describe the following scenario to learners: I have a bag with 7 red balls and 3 green balls
in it. Without looking into the bag, I am going to take out one ball, and then another ball. The
first ball will not be put back in the bag before the second one is drawn.
Teaching notes
Start at a point and draw 2 branches
representing the two possible outcomes.
7 R
Write the outcomes at the end of the
3 branches.
Write the theoretical probability ON the
G branch.
Tell learners that they must not deviate from
these conventions.
Extend the tree diagram to represent the
second draw.
6 R Tell learners: Even though there will only be
one more draw, it needs to be represented
twice – as if a red ball was drawn on the first
draw and as if a green ball was drawn on the
3 first throw - to cover ALL possibilities.
10 7 R
Ensure learners understand why the total
2 balls has now changed to 9 and why the total
reds went down by one when red was drawn
G first but did not go down one when green was
drawn first.
7 R
Run your finger along the different branches
to show all the possibilities.
10 7 R GR
13. Use the tree diagram from Point 12 to answer the questions:
14. Summarise how all tree diagrams work by drawing the following diagram on the board for
learners to write in their exercise books:
(A larger version of this diagram is available in the Resource Pack. Resource 20).
1/4 Outcome 1
Outcome 1 Outcome 2
Outcome 3
C 4/6
O 1/6 Outcome 1
I Outcome 2 Outcome 2
C Outcome 3
E 1/6
Outcome 1
Outcome 3 Outcome 2
Outcome 3
15. Do these worked examples from previous examinations. Tell learners to write them in their
exercise books and make notes as they do the solutions with you.
Encourage learners to: ‘Tell me what to do’ before you do it on the board.
a) 2
9 P PP
P 5
10 B PB
9 P GP
2 1
G 9
9 P BP
B 2
5 4
b) (i) P^ BBh = 10 # 9
= 90
= 0, 222
2 3 3 2
(ii) P^GP h + P (PG) = a 10 ka 9 k + a 10 ka 9 k
6 6
= a 90 k + a 90 k
= 90
= 0, 133
b) Draw a tree diagram to represent the Ask: How many options are given?
above situation. (Three)
Ask: How many draws will be made/extensions
As before learners need to plan carefully and think
carefully when completing the probability on each
c) What is the probability that Paballo Say: Look at the outcomes – choose those that
will choose a green and a yellow represent a green and a yellow marble.
marble? Multiply along the branches leading to these
NSC NOV 2014 outcomes and add.
a) 5 of 80 = 48
10% of 80 = 8
Ñ there are 24 red marbles
b) 47
79 G G
G 24
79 G YG
8 7
Y 79
79 G RG
R 8
48 8 8 48
c) P^GY h + P (YG) = a 80 ka 79 k + a 80 ka 79 k
384 384
= a 6320 k + a 6320 k
= 6320
= 395 or 0, 121
0,4 C
0,5 (C ; W)
0,3 W (W ; C)
0,7 W (W ; W)
16. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
18. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
Suggested lesson duration: 2 hours
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson have the terms
written and empty Venn diagrams drawn ready to be shaded.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Remind learners that the learned about Venn diagrams in Grade 10.
2. Use the table below to summarise and revise Venn diagram concepts for learners.
Start with the word, ask learners what it means and then ask for a volunteer to shade in the
appropriate areas before learners take it down in their exercise books.
A only B only
not A not B
3. Use the table to discuss the symbols used for some of these terms.
Add each symbol as you discuss it and tell learners to do the same.
intersection union
A and B A or B
Al Bl (A or B)l
P^ A or Bh = P^ Ah + P^ Bh - P (A and B)
Ask: Why do we need to subtract the intersection after adding the probabilities of the two
(If we added the probability of set A to set B, the intersection would have been covered
For each term, ask: What does this mean? Ask for a volunteer to draw a Venn diagram
representing each concept.
6. Where possible, use learners responses and diagrams to summarise for the learners and
ask the learners to write the summary in their exercise books.
Only one event can
happen at once but one
must happen.
7. Learners will be expected to work with three-way Venn diagrams this year. Draw the
following Venn diagram on the board from the 2014 final examination and use it to explain:
84 17
9 3
240 customers were surveyed at a fast food outlet. The diagram shows the number of
customers who bought cheese burgers (C), bacon burgers (B) and vegetarian burgers (V).
Before discussing probability, ask a few questions to ascertain whether learners understand
the Venn diagram.
Use the diagram for each question. Use your hands to show which part of the Venn diagram
gives each answer.
Point to some of the numbers in the Venn diagram and ask: What do these people represent?
Examples: The ‘9’ represents people that bought cheese and vegetarian but not bacon
The ‘52’ represents people that bought only bacon burgers.
Do the following probability questions with learners. Remind learners that the total number of
people surveyed will always be the denominator and the numbers similar to what you were
asking previously will be the numerator. Do not simplify the fractions – the aim is to confirm
learners know where the numbers to be used in the fractions come from.
If a customer from this group is selected at random, determine the probability that he/she:
8. Ask whether there are any questions before you move on.
9. Do some worked examples from previous examinations. Learners must write them in their
exercise books and make notes as they work.
c a 3
b 2
e d
a) Determine the values of a, b, c, d and e . Ask: How will we find the value of ‘a’?
(It is the only missing value, so knowing that
21 learners play netball can be used and the
other numbers subtracted).
Ask: How will we find the value of ‘b’?
(It forms part of the intersection of soccer and
volleyball and we know that is 2 but 1 has
already been counted).
Say: c and d can now both be found
using the totals for each sport and e will be
found in a similar way – we know the total
b) What is the probability that one of the Ask a learner to show you on the Venn
learners chosen at random from this diagram which areas represent netball OR
group plays netball or volleyball? volleyball. Remind learners that or is more.
NSC NOV 2016 (Only c and e are excluded).
a) a = 15; b = 1; c = 38; d = 3; e = 37
25 1
b) P^ N or V h =
100 = 4
P (fail both) = 0, 3
10. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
12. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
Suggested lesson duration: 1,5 hours
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. Write work on the chalkboard before the learners arrive. For this lesson draw the table for
point 1.
6. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Learners need to be able to read from a contingency table in order to answer many
probability questions. Learners often find it difficult.
2. Go through as many examples as possible and ask many learners to answer your questions
or show you where the answer would be found on the table.
Body Image
2. Say: A contingency table shows the distribution of one variable in rows and another in
columns. It is used to study the correlation between the two variables.
3. Before discussing the table and what can be read from it, ask learners to copy the definition
and the table into their exercise books.
zz How many females were surveyed? (760)
zz How many people were surveyed altogether? (1200)
zz How many people in total consider themselves underweight? (110)
zz How many of those people are male? (73)
zz How many males consider themselves overweight? (72)
zz How many people in total think their weight is just right? (855).
Stop after each question to confirm where the answer was found on the table
5. Contingency tables can be used when calculating probabilities. Use the same table to work
through some probability questions:
Although the contingency table shows that it is what people think of their bodies rather
than what they actually are, the following questions were easier asked as if the people
were underweight or overweight.
There is no need to simplify the fractions. The important idea here is to know where the
numbers are being read for both the numerator and denominator.
Teaching notes
Find the probability that a person chosen at random is:
male Each of these questions has a focus 440
on one of the totals of the various 1200
overweight headings (other than the grand total 235
which will be the denominator).
happy with their weight 855
female 760
underweight 110
a female who thinks she is Each of these questions has a 163
overweight focus on a combination of two of the 1200
a male who thinks he is headings (other than the grand total 73
underweight which will be the denominator). 1200
a female who is happy with 560
her weight 1200
an overweight person who is 72
male 1200
underweight, given that they Each of these questions has a focus 37
are female on a different area for the total since 760
overweight, given that they the question states, ‘given that’. 72
are male This means that a particular group is 440
already chosen.
male, given that they are 295
For example, given that they are 855
happy with their weight.
female means that the group of
female, given that they are 37
females are the new sample space. 110
male, given that they are 72
overweight 235
7. Do some worked examples from previous examinations. Learners must write them in their
exercise books and make notes as they work.
The table has been enlarged and is available in the Resource Pack. Resource 21.
b) What is the probability that if a Grade 8 (i) Ask: What total is being considered?
pupil is chosen at random that: (The grand total – 120).
(i) it is a girl and participates in sport? Ask: Which two groups do we need to focus
(ii) the pupil does not participate in sport on?
and is not female? (Girl and does sport – 40).
EC 2016 (ii) Ask: What total is being considered?
(The grand total – 120).
Ask: Which two groups do we need to focus
(Boy and doesn’t do sport – 10).
Boys Girls
Sport 50 40 90
No sport 10 20 30
60 60 120
40 1
b) P^GS h =
120 = 3
10 1
c) P^ B NS h =
120 = 12
8. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
10. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
5. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Plan when you will
get learners to practice the concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through
the lesson plans and decide where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on
your lesson plans.
1. Start the lesson by explaining the difference between dependent and independent events.
Use real life examples at first.
A dependent event is an event that is influenced by another event.
For example, if you don’t top up your electricity pay-as-you-go, there will be no electricity.
An independent event is an event that has no connection with another event.
For example, owning a pet and wearing a blue shirt.
The event has no effect on the probability of another event occurring.
2. Use the following mathematical scenario to illustrate these events further. Learners should
take these down.
Remind learners that balls are drawn from the bag without looking – they are randomly
A bag contains 4 red, 3 green and 2 blue balls. 2 balls are drawn from the bag.
Example 1:
After the first ball is drawn, it is replaced. The second ball is drawn. What is the probability of
getting a blue then a green ball?
2 3 6 2
P^ BG h = 9 # 9 = 81 = 27
Remind learners: As the ball was replaced the sample space remained the same size.
Example 2:
After the first ball it is not replaced. What is the chance of getting a blue ball then a green
2 3 6 1
P^ BG h = 9 # 8 = 72 = 12
Remind learners: As the ball was not replaced the sample space needed to be adjusted.
4. Tell learners to notice how the probability was calculated for the first example (the
independent events). Probability was calculated by multiplying the probability of one event
(the blue ball) by the probability of the other event (the green ball).
Say: This idea is used to decide if two events are independent or not. If the probability of
one event and another event is the same as the product of the probabilities of those events,
then the events are independent.
7. Do some worked examples from previous examinations. Learners must write them in their
exercise books and make notes as they work.
The table has been enlarged and is available in the Resource Pack.
Resource 21.
b) Are the events A and B independent? Ask: What calculation will be needed to prove
Show your calculations. independence?
NSC NOV 2016 P^ A and Bh = P (A) �P (B)
a) P^ A or Bh = P^ Ah + P^ Bh - P (A and B)
0, 6 = 0, 2 + 0, 5 - P (A and B)
- 0, 1 =- P (A and B)
` P^ A and Bh = 0, 1
b) P^ A and Bh = 0, 1
P^ Ah # P^ Bh = 0, 2 # 0, 5 = 0, 1
Ñ the events are independent
b) Prove that earning an income of less than Ask: What calculation will be needed to prove
R3200 per month is not independent of dependence?
the area in which a person resides. P^ A and Bh ! P (A) # P (B)
c) Which is more likely: a person from Area 1 Ask: What do we need to find the
earning less than R3200 or a person from probabilities of in order to compare them?
Area 2 earning less than R3200? (Less than 3200 given a person is from Area
Show calculations to support your answer. 1 AND less than 3200 given that a person is
NSC NOV 2015 from Area 2).
a) (i) P^ Area1h =
2646 = 0, 692
(ii) P^ A2 and < 3200h =
2646 = 0, 174
(iii) P^ A2 and > 3200h =
2646 = 0, 134
b) 1832 960
P^ A1h # P^< 3200h = 2646 # 2646 = 0, 251
P^ A1 and < 3200h = 2646 = 0, 189
P^ M and N h = P (M) # P (N)
0, 1 = P (M) # 0, 5
P^ M h = 0, 2
` x = 0, 1
0, 1 + 0, 1 + 0, 4 + y = 1
` y = 0, 4
8. Ask directed questions so that you can ascertain learners’ level of understanding.
Ask learners if they have any questions.
9. Give learners an exercise to complete with a partner.
10. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
4. The table below provides references to this topic in Grade 11 textbooks. Some books had
exercises on work not covered directly in the previous lessons. As any practice is useful,
those exercises have been included here. Plan when you will get learners to practice the
concepts learned by completing the exercises. Work through the lesson plans and decide
where you will get learners to do the exercises. Indicate this on your lesson plans.
1. Ask learners to revise what they have learned in this section. Spend time pointing out issues
that you know are important as well as problems that you encountered from your own
1. Ask learners to do the revision exercise from their textbook. If you have an extra worksheet
or a past test paper, this would also be an excellent way for them to consolidate what they
have learned. It would also give them the opportunity of knowing what to expect when they
must do an assessment.
2. Walk around the classroom as learners do the exercise. Support learners where necessary.