A Rose For Emily Essay

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A Rose For Emily Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "A Rose for Emily" can be both intriguing and challenging.
William Faulkner's short story is rich in symbolism and complexity, offering a myriad of themes and
literary devices for analysis. The difficulty lies in unraveling the layers of Emily Grierson's
character, deciphering the non-linear narrative structure, and delving into the socio-cultural aspects
embedded in the text.

One must navigate through the subtle nuances Faulkner employs, exploring the Southern Gothic
elements, the significance of the titular rose, and the poignant exploration of time and decay.
Balancing a thorough analysis of character development, plot intricacies, and thematic elements
poses a challenge, requiring a keen eye for detail and a nuanced understanding of Faulkner's writing

Moreover, interpreting the story's cultural and historical context adds another layer of complexity.
Addressing Emily's relationship with the changing societal norms and the fading Southern
aristocracy demands a careful examination of Faulkner's portrayal of the post-Civil War South.

In essence, tackling an essay on "A Rose for Emily" involves more than just summarizing the plot. It
requires an in-depth exploration of Faulkner's narrative techniques, a discerning analysis of the
characters, and a thoughtful reflection on the story's broader implications. The challenge lies not
only in understanding the text but in presenting a unique perspective that contributes to the ongoing
discourse surrounding this literary masterpiece.

For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic endeavors, professional writing
services like HelpWriting.net can provide valuable support. These services offer customized
essays, research papers, and more, tailored to specific requirements, ensuring a comprehensive and
well-crafted exploration of literary works and other topics.

A Rose For Emily Essay A Rose For Emily Essay

Adele s Rolling In The Deep
Have you ever felt a relationship you had just did not work out? Adele, a Grammy award
winning artist, is known for her popular love songs that express heartbreak, admiration,
and many more topics related to love. So far, she has released two albums, 19 and 21 that
showcases her many famous songs such as, Someone Like You and Hello . One of the
most popular that is showcased is Rolling in the Deep in which she released on
November 29th, 2016. Different from Adele s genre of music is a band named, Motion
City Soundtrack. This band is a 1997 American rock band that has a sound that is
described as pop punk or emo. The band released six albums which included their
breakthrough album, Commit This to Memory. One of the first songs they ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Correspondingly stating individual differences by applying idioms in the text, Adele s
song shows a new sense of confidence along with the aforementioned pain while
contrastingly Motion City Soundtrack s song reveals a tone that is longing. The lyrics in
Rolling in the Deep say, See how I leave with every piece of you. Don t underestimate
the things that I will do. The speaker is shows to be unaffected by the relationship and
he/she is trying to show the past lover how easily he/she can walk away from the
relationship. The idiom reveals as somewhat of a retribution and gives off a tone that is
apathetic. With this tone, it gives off a newfound feeling of confidence the speaker has
gained for the speaker is showing that he/she could do better without his/her past lover.
The figurative language not only helps explain the major difference from the longing My
Favorite Accident expresses but it also helps to add on to the theme that relationships do
not always work out and that could be for better or for worse. In contrast, My Favorite
Accident states, I can t swim in the silence of your skin skin please let me in. The idiom
indicates the speaker and the lover may not speak any longer and the speaker is desperate
to speak to his/her lover again. As mentioned before, the text reveals a tone that is
longing. With the desperation that is indicated
Alcoholism In Canada
Alcoholism is the third leading lifestyle that causes death across the nation. It doesn t just
affects you but also affects your family, friends, relationships, and your career.
Alcoholism can also cause depression, social problems, and numerous of health
problems. These are three countries that I choose to talk about alcoholism in: U.S.A,
Canada, and Ireland.

Alcohol is the most addictive controlled substance in the U.S ( Facts About Alcohol ).
The United States has a total of 17.6 million people out 318.9 million that are alcoholics
or one in every 12 adults, and millions of more that drink and can turn them into one in
the near future as well. There has been so many drunk drivers killing people that there
has been a lot of don t drink and drive commercials, and handouts given out in schools
across America. Since this problem keeps on being on the news talking about another
boy or girl killed because driver was intoxicated. In America the more educated the more
likely that person could become an alcoholic. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
On November 25th 2011, the first ever pan Canadian low risk alcohol drinking
guidelines were launched by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA). Canada s
Low Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines provide Canadians with information on how to
minimize risks from their own and others drinking. They were developed through the
National Alcohol Strategy Advisory Committee, which is made up of representatives
from non governmental organizations, academia, federal and provincial governments and
industry ( Alcohol Health Concerns Health Canada ). The drinking age in Canada is just
19 while in America it s
The United States Involvement Of World War II
They came, unwarned. On the 7th of December 1941, the Japanese executed a full
fledged attack on Pearl Harbor. They mercilessly created havoc, with attacks that caused
the sinking of eighteen American ships, as well as 170 aircrafts. The casualties were
dreadful, with 1,177 of those lost lives had been of the crewmen. The very next day,
President Roosevelt declared war on Japan, and thus the United States involvement of
World War II. Americans of every state were absolutely enraged and bent on their will for
vengeance against the Asian country. Within the shadows of galvanized America, Robert
Oppenheimer had set his infamous Manhattan Project into action. This project was so
disclosed that only a limited number of men truly knew of its purpose. The clandestine
project held prior securities to the point in which famous scientists had to use codenames
in order to visit Los Alamos, even wives were kept in the dark, and only key scientists
could bring their wives along with them. (Source D) This project had been the discreet
creation of the Atomic Bombs. Time and time again, this topic had never really
dissipated, its controversial who, what and whys prompting generations to debate its
palpable purpose. Was the aim really focused for the good of all? Was it for America s
self preservation and wish to promptly put an end to all of the suffering? Many
Americans to this day still believe and argue for the usefulness of the atomic bombings,
that the droppings were justified.
Analysis Of The Poem The Ode On Intimations Of...
Sometimes, art is a joke, or an explanation, or a song. Art can inspire, destroy, or create.
Art can be whatever you need it to be. Sometimes, you need a scream. A scream into a
void telling it what you think and feel all the while hoping for a scream back. That s what
Ode on Intimations of Immortality From Early Childhood by William Wordsworth is,
Wordsworth s desperate attempt to scream into the void the best he could. But, what is he
trying to say?
The title is the first indication of the meaning of the poem. Since Wordsworth calls it an
ode, he is saying that the intimations of immortality from early childhood are what he
will be addressing in this poem. An intimation is the first indication or hint of something.
So, the title is ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
He doesn t say what the thought was or what relived the thought, but it is interesting to
note that from the shepherd boy to the lamb to the bird all carry connotations of youth
and vibrancy. As we see later on, this connection between youth and nature goes much
deeper. The joy felt throughout this stanza is carried over into the fourth stanza where
there is a such a vibrant celebration even the very earth is a part of it. During this
celebration, he says that it would be an evil day if he were upset right now. This almost
suggests that he is unhappy right now and is forcing himself to be happy. It guides the
reader to question this happiness and separate the narrator, and in turn themselves, from
the scene laid out before them. The distrust is only heightened when from the very trees
and flowers themselves a question is whispered. Where is that dream from before?
Where did it go?
This is how the fourth stanza concludes as it lays the groundwork for the rest of the poem
by tying together the first four stanzas. These first four stanzas are used by Wordsworth
to prepare the reader to understand him. Throughout the first four stanzas, Wordsworth
continually drives home the separation between this man and the nature around him.
From the inability to fully see nature in the first stanza or the thought of grief from the
third stanza, this separation is always there. It s never a negative thing. Wordsworth
doesn t imply
Gaddafi And Macbeth Comparison
The Comparison of Muammar Gaddafi and Macbeth
Muammar Gaddafi was born in 1942 to a nomadic family near Sitre, Libya. Gaddafi was
inspired by the socialism and anti colonialism of Gamal Abdel Nasser while growing up
(Finn). He attended a military college and spent several months in Britain receiving
further training before he was commissioned (Finn). While attending school he made
friends with his eventual co conspirators (Finn). On September 1, 1969, Gaddafi and his
co conspirators took control of Libya in a bloodless coup (Finn). An eager disciple of
President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt,Gaddafi first set about tackling the unfair
economic legacy of foreign domination.For Nasser, it was the Suez Canal. For Gaddafi, it
was oil. (Asser). Large ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Gaddafi challenged foreign oil executives by telling them people who have lived without
oil for 5,000 years can live without it again for a few years in order to attain their
legitimate rights (Asser). This threat worked and Libya became the first developing
country to obtain majority shares from its own oil production (Asser). Gaddafi created
his own political philosophy, that was in theory supposed to be a true democracy and the
details of which were written in his Green book (Asser). Supposedly this philosophy
would fill the the shortcomings of Capitalism and Communism and give complete power
to the people of Libya (Asser). In reality people were forced into committees in which
they held no real power and they lived in fear of being tortured, killed, or disappearing all
together if they spoke out against the regime (Asser). Legal penalties included collective
punishment, death for anyone who spread theories aiming to change the constitution and
life imprisonment for disseminating information that tarnished the country s reputation.
(Asser) Gaddafi was able to to preach by the normal restraints of governance, Gaddafi
was able to take his anti imperialist campaign around the world, funding and supporting
militant groups
Mba 540 Chapter 2 Case Study Essay
Chapter 2 Case Assignment
Raymond Gonzalez
Saint Leo University

What are the potential sources of the problem?

The source of these problems seems to be coming from two areas in Interwest
Healthcare. The first area is the miscommunication that the hospital administrators are
having with upper management. The hospital administrators and upper management are
not only having miscommunication issues but they also do not share the same role
expectations with each other which is creating tension. The hospital people accused
Singh of being a bureaucrat who did not care about patient services. Singh accused the
hospital staffs of not understanding the importance of accurate reporting (Brickley, Smith
amp; Zimmerman 2009 p. 38). The ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
But before any changes to the data entry process are made it is important to communicate
directly to the hospital administrators. It is important to have the hospital administrators
on board with the changes that will be made with the data entry process. By gaining the
hospital administrators consent with the changes this will allow a smoother transition for
the data entry change and it could provide a positive change to the workplace. As for the
changes to the data entry it would most likely be a simple computer process along with
small piece of paperwork. It would be best to have some sort or paper record on file that
would need to be alphabetized along with a simple computer program. The computer
program would help ensure accuracy and would have the patient s data record on file
which will be easy to locate. There would be very little paper work for the process
mainly because it takes up space and takes more time to record. The paper work that is
part of the process would simply serve as a backup if the computers were down. The key
to ensuring accuracy with the data entry is to make the process as simple as possible so it
would minimize the errors.

How does your view of behavior affect how you might address the consulting

As a consulting assignment I see Interwest Healthcare as a company in distress due to the

way the hospital
The Controversy Over Equity Method
Over the years, there are many controversies over equity method within IAS 28
Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. The controversies basically lay on the
vagueness of application on equity method; whether it serves as one line consolidation
(consolidation technique), measurement basis or a mixture of both. This paper divides
into 3 parts. First part gives an illustration on this accounting issue in IAS 28 as well as
the explanation, second part compares and contrasts the financial reports of two assigned
entities and the final part discusses the qualitative characteristics of their financial
reports. Part 1 Accounting Issue This issue started to arise when IASB was developing
IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements. The IASB have decided to remove the option to apply
proportionate consolidation to jointly controlled entities that existed under IAS 31
Interests in Joint Ventures and this has widened the scope of equity method under IFRS
(European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, 2014). Since then the IASB has been
doing research project on equity method of accounting and considering various requests
for guidance through narrow scope amendments to IAS 28. Hence, Exposure Drafts has
been published. They have addressed the diversity in practice. However, these proposed
amendments are lacked of a clear conceptual basis and they were inconsistent with each
other. They found out that components of consolidation techniques and measurement
basis exist in IAS 28 and there is no
Northanger Abbey Quotes
The Influence of Friends: A Critical analysis of Northanger Abbey
Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. Jane Austen s
heroine, Catherine Morland, learns this principle very early in the course of her
adventures in Bath. Catherine is an interesting character. She is very naive and doesn t
understand a lot of things about people, especially about reading people. Many times she
is used by others around her, because she assumes that everyone around her is a good and
kind individual. The truth is, not everyone is good. Some people have a past that have
hardened their hearts and made them indifferent. Through Catherine s interactions with
Isabella Thorpe, John Thorpe, Eleanor Tilney and Henry Tilney we will ... Show more
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This quote by Henry Tilney shows what kind of man he is. Throughout the novel he is
often educating Catherine: teaching her how to better understand people. He is very
funny and teases Catherine many times. He is a hard character to read, though which is
very ironic. How he can teach people to read others while they in turn cannot read him?
This is incredibly interesting and humorous. Henry also knows a lot about novels, and
muslin, and other things generally associated with women. This may be due to the fact
that he had to help raise Eleanor. Henry s relationship with Catherine ultimately ends in
their marriage. ...depend upon it therefore, that real jealousy can never exist between
them; depend upon it that no disagreement between them can be of any duration. Their
hearts are open to each other, as neither heart can be to you; they know exactly what is
required and what can be borne; and you may be certain, that one will never tease the
other beyond what is known to be pleasant (Northanger Abbey, 173). In this quote Henry
is talking to Catherine about Isabella and his brother. But you can also conclude that this
is Henry s idea for a perfect marriage. Henry s opinion about his and Catherine s
relationship could be hiding in this statement. Ultimately, Henry s role in society is
shadowed by his father. General Tilney will not allow Henry to marry Catherine once he
finds out she is penniless. Henry is expected to marry for money like his father did. But
in the end Henry refuses he fathers plan for life. This shows that Henry doesn t want to
be defined by his father. He is his own man and if wants to marry for love, he is going to.
This also shows how mannered and good Henry is. Most men in that time period would
have used Catherine s ignorance and inexperience to their
The Revolt Of Mother By Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
The time period between the late 1800s and early 1900s was a ground for many crucial
changes for women and how they were viewed and treated. The right to their children,
property, and earnings was granted to them during this time period ( Women Suffrage in
the Progressive Era American Memory Timeline Classroom Presentation | Teacher
Resources Library of Congress ). Many women, no matter what their occupation might
have been, supported this movement ( Women Suffrage in the Progressive Era American
Memory Timeline Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources Library of Congress ).
Female Writers were extremely proactive when it came to clearly displaying the
mistreatment that women endured while society viewed it as right. One writer in
particular, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, published a short story the displayed the injustice
in the treatment. The Revolt of Mother clearly displays the repression of women in a
society much like the one we live in today, and the story leaves the reader with an
essential lesson of standing up for one s self. This piece of work is heavily influenced by
the oppression Freedom faced during her life time. In Freeman s story Mother is meant to
represent every woman, while Father represents every man. She uses them as a
generalization of how each gender views and treats each other. Mother is displayed in
this work as a hard working loyal person. She is viewed as a person who just wants the
best for her family. Her husband, however, is
The Causes Of The Media Bias
Introduction The news is one avenue that connects all individuals, regardless of identity,
character, or background. The news is everywhere and is constantly impacting people,
whether they are aware of it or not. However, due to this universal method of
communication, not all types of news are shared or spread in the same manner. In many
ways, news media must adjust their agendas in order to fulfill specific demands of a
network, and of their audience. Consequently, these alterations create various effects on
consumers of news. The four information biases, coined by W.L. Bennett, describe key
flaws that arise in news reporting and the transmission of media. These terms are not the
only ways to detect bias, however; Iris Korthagen explained how certain bias affects the
actors in news stories and their impact on audiences as well. No matter how objective a
news outlet claims to be, partialities towards one side of an argument will always be
present to some degree in its reporting. After scrutinizing scholarly sources and various
online material, the four information biases are evident in the creation and consumption
of news media. Analysis The four information biases are present throughout media,
especially in news outlets commonly accessed by the public. Specifically, news that
features local, national, and international issues tends to contain significant biases in their
reporting. For example, various biases are expressed in the video clip on Fox News
entitled Some
The Problem With Opioids As A Sole Source Of Relief
The problem with opioids as a sole source of relief is that not only are they physically
and psychologically addictive, but the user also begins to build a tolerance to the
therapeutic effects. Eventually one requires higher doses in order to achieve the initial
levels of pain relief. As the dose increases, so does the level of dependency and
addiction. If a doctor refuses to increase the dose for the patient s safety, the pain returns
and patient may begin to feel the effects of opiate withdrawal. In worst case scenarios
people begin to abuse alcohol or seek out prescription pain medication illegally. Illicit
and less expensive street drugs are often sought out if the afflicted can no longer afford
their medications or cannot find a source of pain and addiction relief anywhere else.
Purchase of street drugs becomes common when addiction begins to affect someone s
ability to keep a steady source of income. As a result, there has been a surge of opioid,
heroin, and alcohol abuse and eventual overdose. (Dart, et al., 2015) Because of this and
a number of other global factors, the field of clinical drug testing is growing, and quite
rapidly. According to research by Markets and Markets (2015), the drug and alcohol
testing market is set to grow from $4 billion as measured in 2015 to $6.3 billion in 2019
at a CAGR of 9.5%. This growth can be attributed to the increasing number of pain and
addiction clinics, among other factors. As a result, the demand for drug testing facilities
Case Study Of Physical Security Attack On Sony Pictures
Physical Security Attack on Sony Pictures
Sony Pictures is one of the American entertainment company, which was founded on
December 21st, 1987. At first it was called as Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc., later
in August 7th 1991, it was named as Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., also known as
Sony Pictures.
Sony Pictures suffered its first breach in 2011, where one million user accounts were
hacked. But the hack happened on November 2014, included 100 terabytes of data being
stolen and it effected the company a lot.
A group of hackers who call them as Guardians of Peace (GOP) hacked the company s
network by attacking their systems/computers. One the same week of this attack, five
movies of Sony Pictures were leaked along with some confidential ... Show more content
on HelpWriting.net ...
Ways to Improve Organization s Physical Security
Sony Pictures must pay attention to the physical security to prevent breaches in the
future. GOP already mentioned that they were able to enter the organizations building
because of open doors. The concept of open doors must be stopped. There should be a
tight security maintained at the building entrance. All employees and visitors are required
to use access cards or badges to enter into the building. Access given to a particular
person should be based on the role he/she is performing in the company. This will limit
people going to unauthorized areas.
Another important thing is always to maintain a separate security team. Security team
can be either physical or data oriented. Physical security team will monitor all the
surveillances and check the perimeters of the building to prevent authorized people
entering into the building and data security team will check the company s log files
frequently to see if there is any unauthorized activity happened.
Finally the company should update the employees with the security policies and
procedures to prevent the attacks.
Jimi Hendrix Sound Analysis
Jimi Hendrix s melody isn t exactly the easiest to remember simply because it s very
jumpy in the sense it doesn t focus on one piece, it keeps changing the beat but that s just
my opinion. Fire is an activity in soul, hallucinogenic shake, and jazz enlivened
drumming. One of the champions on the introduction collection, the melody and
recording displayed the really crude vitality that the band was prepared to do. Set in an
up beat soul base, the tune s bass and guitar riffs are compelling and played dangerously
fast. Melodiously, the tune is based around Jimi Hendrix s awesome style, and the sexual
risk in the tune radiates through noisy and clear. A few live forms are in presence, yet the
March 1968 form on The Jimi Hendrix Experience box set is decidedly crushing. This
harmony is dissonant. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
If it were more of a happy song (upbeat) then I would not feel the same about how I feel
about this song. A standout amongst the most critical parts of turning into a skilled,
balanced and popular guitar player is a commitment to the craft of rhythm guitar playing.
This is something that doesn t get tended to almost enough inside instructional
parameters, and I trust that is on the grounds that it can be harder to rehearse mood guitar
than it is to work on soloing strategies. All guitar players love to play and practice
performances throughout the day, yet having the train to rehearse musicality guitar is
another issue totally. For me, the investigation and energy about the specialty of
musicality guitar were enormously enlivened by the music of Jimi Hendrix. This song
makes me feel rushed and energized because of the anger being put into the song and the
energy I picked up from the drummer. I understand the accompanying examination of his
style will mean substantially more to guitarists than different
Jekyll And Mr Hyde Personality
Completing Robert Louis Stevenson s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde , it is
clear there is an odd and unusual relationship between the two main characters, Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde. The two characters can be seen as one person but with drastically different
personalities. Dr. Jekyll is an older, well liked, respectable doctor. While, Mr. Hyde is
younger, hideous, evil, and dwarf like. The different personalities represent that every
man/woman have two personalities inside them. One that is polite, good and the other
that is evil, bad. The good personality, Dr. Jekyll, is the one you desire for society to see
you as. However, the bad personality, Mr. Hyde, might be your true self. Eventually, we
see the bad, Mr. Hyde, completely take over the ... Show more content on
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Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Although, there is much more room for this topic to be discussed,
one idea that was mentioned and grabbed my attention is one personality being in
control. Originally, I believed there s no possible way Dr. Jekyll couldn t be the controller
but as we read on it s clear Mr. Hyde, the bad, eventually took Jekyll s self, the good,
over causing him to be in control. My initial belief that Dr. Jekyll was in control
obviously turned out to be incorrect. The reason I assumed Dr. Jekyll was in control early
in the reading was because he was the one who made and drink the potion. Later, we see
Mr. Hyde grow stronger than Dr. Jekyll and became capable of transforming himself into
the evil creature he was without consuming the potion. Dr. Jekyll states I was slowly
losing hold of my original and better self, and becoming slowly incorporated with me
second and worse (Stevenson. Pg. 55). This quote plainly describes that Dr. Jekyll is
aware and can feel Mr. Hyde become stronger. Mr. Hyde was overpowering and too
strong for Dr. Jekyll, causing for me to believe that Mr. Hyde is in fact the controller of
the split
Logistics Challenges Of Mondi
Logistic general definition is getting the right goods, from the right source, to the right
location by the right mode of transport and carrier, in the right time and condition, at the
right cost with the right information (Reference for business, 2017: par.4).
There are few logistics challenges that the Mondi Group has experienced:
High transport cost
This is the expenses of transporting materials to the manufacture in order produce the
products. These costs are increased by fuel cost, which has been ranking high in the past
years, in 2005 first in 2006 second and third in 2007 (MH L, 2008: par.1). All industries
can t really keep trace of the unprecedented rise in diesel and fuel also vehicle
maintenances cost of mode of transport involved in delivering the goods (Belfreight, ...
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They need to always keep track of inventory wood available and paper for recycling, the
sold/used and the one that is still availed. They plaining ahead and forecasting highly
recommended. (Software, think¬ tank, 2017: par.5).

Lack of data
Means not having enough information about the required resources. The company did
know how much of stock they had on hand because of poor stock taking. (Mondi group,
2017: About Mondi). They didn t know the product or service that was being most
bought among the things they offer. When there is not enough information on stock,
damages of stock and thief can occur very easily (Software think tank, 2017: par.2).

The integration of inventory data and sales. When placed together the company
knowledge of the retail and customers the decision is made on customer priority not in
FIFO method (first in, first out) this is done for satisfaction customer needs. They can
also use Inventory control which is the monitor of goods used for production and
inventory management methods (Software, think¬ tank, 2017: par.3). Infrastructure
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Philanthropy
The most common form of philanthropy in the CSR pyramid (Economic, Legal, Ethical,
and Philanthropic) is cause related marketing, where a charity donation is tied to a
commercial exchange. Next most common are donations of cash in which donations are
not tied to a sale of a product. These donations can also be matches of fundraising for a
cause. Another common form of philanthropy is community involvement, usually
coupled with employee volunteerism. Other less common forms of philanthropy include
awareness campaigns and promotions of social issues, donations of products, licensing,
event sponsorship, and customer donations. (Peloza Shang, 2010).
As the most common form of modern philanthropy, cause related marketing can be
defined as a marketing strategy whereby the firm makes a financial or other type of
contribution to a nonprofit organization, contingent upon the customer engaging in a
revenue providing exchange that satisfies both the business and individual objectives.
This ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
However, stakeholders can be defined as including employees, shareholders, and
consumers. CSR is a growing trend that is important to consumers, especially to the
millennial generation. It is actually investing in the future of the company to conduct
CSR and to formulate long term, profitable relationships of trust with millennials, who
are the consumers of the future. Proper CSR can also attract future talent to support and
work with the organization. A 2002 study conducted by Net Impact found that more than
half of the 2,100 MBA students surveyed indicated they would accept a lower salary in
order to work for a socially responsible company. (Kotler Lee, 2005). CSR can be a
means of not only building a positive brand image and respected corporate philosophy,
but also attracting young working talent and developing the company s market share with
the upcoming millennial
How Greek And Roman Culture Changed Over Time Essay
Greek and Roman archeology changed over time in regards to how individuals were
recognized. The political state of the regions within both cultures altered the
representation of individuals. Greek ideals about representing people and members of
society The Greek idea of the personal and the political evolved from an ideal glorying
the city, less than the individual to highlighting the strength of the individuals. Athens is
the best source of evidence in terms of archaeological and literary to identify how the
societies were shaped. Athens was a place of democracy so during this time, the main
ideal was that the city had more importance then the self, so most of the architecture
demonstrated unity. This was also seen in the art, as in the ... Show more content on
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Both the Greeks and Romans admired Alexander the Great. The Greeks had busts and
portraits of Alexander. The Romans also very much so revered Alexander and his
military success and had many literature symbols of him. As Greek art changed over time
due to the political progression, there was a similar highlight of ruler s power that was
evident in Roman art. This is similar to in class, how we saw that often the leaders were
represented in art to be related to gods and god like to give their presence even more
power. I find it quite interesting of how the Greeks in the early time prided on the civic
presence more then the individual, which actually highlights their selfness nature. This
change in art form is important for architecture as it shows the influence politics on the
value of the self in society and the civic duty associated during that specific culture. This
ties into today s society and shows political influence on art and culture. In North Korea,
Kim Jong Un, values art that highlights himself and his families omnipotence, as he is
the leader of the country. However, in America, the street art, or even abstract art is more
towards a culture and showcasing individualistic talent. Politics in the past or present,
influences culture in many ways but most importantly it changes the way people view
themselves in
Case Study Of Cialis
At the stage of preparation for the phase III trial and launching, when brand council is in
two weeks, Cialis is in need of a strategy that guides future marketing. This article will
conclude such a strategy that provides solution to the problems concerning marketing of
this future ED drug. Apart from the major decisions such as target customers and
advertising methods, more specific marketing problems will also be included, for
example, how to convince doctors to switch drug.
Cialis is launched by Lilly ICOS LLC, a joint venture company between Eli Lilly and
ICOS. Eli Lilly is a pharmaceutical giant, particularly focusing on innovative drugs, and
ICOS is a biotech start up company with promising ideas of clinical development. This
collaboration ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Cialis should be priced higher than $10 per pill because of the better effects and high
research costs. In addition, due to the mindset of higher price results in better quality,
patients are likely perceive products to be superior before use and more inclined to
purchase Cialis. Company can advertise through television, newspaper, and magazines.
Thus, Cialis will not only reach people with spare time from television or magazine, but
also spread to busy workers by newspapers. Since article indicates higher frequency of
sexual activities in the weekends, couples may hold a higher interest in Cialis during
Friday nights and weekends. Therefore, company should launch television advertisement
at that time. Moreover, from published essays and seminars, Cialis can advertise through
doctors to prescribe to the needed patients. The advertisement could involve celebrity in
his 50s as the main character and his mate. In addition, celebrities are well known among
wider target customers. In addition, company can make an alliance with Durex.
Company can provide options to buy Durex and Cialis at cheaper price as a package or
Cialis alone. This may increase customer s willingness to buy and attract more
customers. Since Cialis has focus market mainly in U.S., Cialis should be easily find in
the pharmacy of every city in U.S. Additionally, Cialis should be find in major pharmacy
stores in Canada and Europe. Thus, customers can easily find Cialis if they are prescribed
Physician Assisted Suicide Hypothesis

Out of the seven hypotheses stated three were supported by the research findings. These
three hypothesis were race and ethnicity will have no effect on favoring of physician
assisted suicide, gender will have no effect on favoring of physician assisted suicide, and
those that favor abortion will be more likely to favor physician assisted suicide. Before
speculation about why these three hypotheses are supported it needs to be discussed on
why two of the hypothesis were non direction. Gender and race or ethnicity was non
directional because the research could not see them as having an effect on whether or not
an individual favored physician assisted suicide. However, they were still added because
of the cultural views and social norms that are placed on the individual depending upon
how they identify themselves. These cultural views and social norms could have caused a
relationship to occur within the findings and on that reasoning the two hypotheses were
added. With that being stated, it is speculated that the hypothesis of those favoring
abortion are more likely to favor physician assisted suicide is supported because it is so
closely related to pro choice. Both physician assisted ... Show more content on
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Age, political orientation, religious affiliation, and education were found to have no
relationship toward the favoring of physician assisted suicide. It was thought that those
younger in age, specifically eighteen to twenty five would be more likely to favor
physician assisted suicide. This was on the premise that the younger generation would
lean more toward pro choice views. However, there was very little variation between
ages of those that took the survey. This is most likely due to the surveys being distributed
on a college campus where the age range is predominately eighteen to twenty five. More
variation among the ages would need to be established for clearer
People s Crusade Dbq
The People s Crusade led by Walter Sans Avoir, also known as Walter the Penniless. The
People s Crusade was the prelude to the First Crusade and lasted six months from April
to October 1096. The First Crusade was begun by Pope Urban II at the Council of
Clermont in 1095. It started as a widespread pilgrimage of western Christendom and
ended as a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Land taken
in the Muslim conquests of the Levant, resulting in the capture of Jerusalem in 1099. The
People s Crusade recruited many peasants which slaughtered populations of Jews in
Europe and then attacked Muslims in Anatolia, where they were decisively defeated. In
1096, the official Crusader armies, led by a number of Catholic rulers,
Review Of James Fenimore Cooper s The Last Of The
Portrayed in the midst of the French and Indian war, The Last of the Mohicans, by James
Fenimore Cooper, focuses on life in the frontier and the violent clashes the French and
Native Americans experience with the English during the French and Indian war.
Hawkeye, a white hunter who identified closely to the Native Americans, becomes
entangled in the grotesques battles happening in the French and Indian war in order to
save the lives of two women. Although written seventy five years past the prime of the
events happening in the novel, Cooper implements and manipulates factual events in
history to provide a subtle idea of the conflicts that happened in the French and Indian
War. France and Great Britain went to war during 1754 due to the increased tension of
territorial expansion. It is true that Major General Webb abandoned fort William Henry
and appointed Lieutenant Munro who was unprepared for the anticipated French attack.
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The Indians in this romantic adventure novel are helping their allies for this same reason.
Tribes who may have not felt any maliciousness towards each other were made to due the
tension of the war. Cooper captured this through the Delawares who were made to
initially oppose Hawkeye and his friends. The title of this novel foreshadows the
genocide of Indians throughout the course of the war. The survivors of the Mohican tribe
are Uncas and his father Chingachgook. In chapter 33, Uncas dies in an attempt to save
the life of his beloved Cora, the fictitious daughter of Munro. Tamenund, the leader of
the Delaware tribe says, The pale faces are masters of the earth. And the time of the red
men has not yet come again (Chapter 33). His optimism of the Native American people
acquiring the opportunity to gain power is ironic because the Indians do not gain any
power in reality; instead they are forced off their
The Cup And Its Impact On The World
In the early 1800s the game has been played on frozen ponds, pucks made out of wood,
the sticks were also made of wood. Since that time the sport has evolved to be one of the
most sports watched sport in Canada and,The United States Of America.Since 1915 the
silver engraved Stanley cup has been apart of the N.H.L hockey playoffs,and continues to
coveted players today.
The cup is 102 years old coming into the N.H.L in 1915.The cup is the most valued
prized trophy in sports history going by the name Stanley Cup ..The cup was donated by
Lord Stanley of Preston. It s passed down from team to team each year.It s been won by
eighteen of the thirty teams. The Montreal Canadiens have won it twenty three times
which is the most in N.H.L history.The cup is 102 years old coming into the N.H.L in
1915( Stanley Cup Playoffs... )( The Stanley Cup... ).
The Stanley Cup weighs in at thirty four point five pounds. Standing at a eighty nine
point fifty four inches tall.The bowl height is nineteen point zero five cm,diameter
twenty eight point fifty seven cm,circumference is eighty eight point nine cm.The collar
is fifteen point eighty seven cm tall the shoulders are eight point twenty five cm.Barrel
height fourty six point thirty five cm the base diameter is forty three point eighty one(
Legends of Hockey ).
The N.H.L playoffs start around April.They are split into four divisions called
Metropolitan division ,Atlantic division ,Central division ,and the Pacific division. The
Metropolitan and
Marx Vs Mill
Prevailing as the dominant social system, feudalism served as a precursor for modern
capitalism. Philosopher Karl Marx notes that as feudalism developed a class system in
which the aristocracy reigned supreme over peasants, individuals held limited powers in
making decisions. While capitalism grants people the freedoms to determine where and
for whom they work, Marx asserts that such individuals risk relinquishing attachments to
one s sense of self. Thus, Marx proposed his theory of alienation, in which he feared that
modern means of production may deny man full possession over ones labor. Asserting
that people affirm their sense of identity as it relates to their work, I reject Marx s belief
that man s sense of disaffection with ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
While critics claim that all people are innately selfish, I contend that people s moral code
is developed by the deceptive illusions they are conditioned to adhere to as children. In
accordance with Freud, such illusions act as an infantile neurosis, in which signs of
neurotic pathology exhibited during childhood result in psychological problems in ones
adult life. In efforts to uncover the effects of children s fantasy beliefs on memory,
researchers Gabrielle Principe and Eric Smith gathered five and six year old participants
bearing varying degrees of belief on the Tooth Fairy. Firstly, children were instructed to
recall their latest experience of losing a tooth either truthfully, or in an entertaining style.
Researchers found that participants whom believed in the Tooth Fairy reported more
fabricated stories, while those whom had realized the myth, described more realistic
encounters. Further, Principe and Smith found that the degree to which children accede to
the fantastic phenomena, directly correlates to recall errors made in accordance with ones
individual beliefs and fantasies. Essentially, as memories are products of human
experiences, the inability to accurately recall stories highlights the desistance between
ones true self and the realities created by illusions. Thus, the presentation of illusions
upon impressionable youths hinders children s
How Did John Mitchell Commit Suicide
Cast (Characters): Gary Cooper (John Willoughby), Edward Arnold (D.B Norton),
Barbara Stanwyck (Ann Mitchell), Spring Byington (Mrs. Mitchelle), Walter Brennan
(The Colonel), Gene Lockhart (Mayor Lovett), James Gleason (Henry Connell), Rod La
Roque (Ted Shelton), Irving Bacon (Beany), Regis Toomey (Ben Hansen), Farrell
MacDonald (Smithers), Sterling Holloway (Dan) Basic Plot Summary: when faced with
the possibility of being fired, Ann Mitchell, a young newspaper reporter fabricates a
fraudulent story about an unnamed victim who threatens to commit suicide in protest
against the current political and social injustices in America. When the story goes to the
public domain, it causes great sensation amongst the people and newspaper sales soar.
Cleopatra And Agrippina The Younger Essay
Despite their similarities, there were a number of differences between Cleopatra and
Agrippina The Younger. The primary difference between these two women was what
they actually did with their power. While Cleopatra was able to make significant changes
to Egypt with the power that she held, the primary result of Agrippina s acquisition of
power and influence was her son, Nero, becoming Emperor. The dominant viewpoint
held by the majority of historians is that Nero s time as Princeps did not benefit many,
and is widely looked upon as a reign of terror... that imposed an increasingly repressive
regime upon the upper classes and through his policies and personal conduct,
undermined the values of materialism (Rudich, 1993, p. 4). Agrippina, like ... Show more
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She does not generate the same amount of mainstream admiration and adulation that
Cleopatra does, and it is difficult to ascertain exactly why this is. A possible reason for
this absence of Agrippina from society s collective memory could be that after her death,
her son, the Emperor Nero, attempted to eliminate every remnant of her image or legacy
in what is described as damnatio memorae , which entails repressing and attacking the
memory of a public enemy (Knippschild Garcia Morcillo, 2013, p. 225). The Emperor
Nero condemned his mother Agrippina after he grew tired of [her] constant surveillance
and criticism of his behaviour (Suetonius). He achieved this through strategies such as
defacement, removal of statues, busts of the person, removal of the person s name from
commemorative inscriptions, the confiscation of the person s property, and the
destruction, or partial destruction of the person s house (Knippschild Garcia Morcillo,
2013, p. 225). It would seem that after all, Nero was successful in the erasure of
Agrippina The Younger s posthumous legacy, and maybe that is why her legacy is not as
striking as Cleopatra s
The Problem Of Teenage Pregnancy
Like Amy and Loeber (2009), when it comes to the ecological paradigm of teenage
pregnancy, Corcoran, Franklin, and Bennett (2000) also believe one s socioeconomic
status is a huge factor that contributes to this problem. A person s socioeconomic status a
lot of times determines education, expanded family size, single parent household
structure, and lessened resources in terms of employment and income. These three
authors claim that educational performance and goals dictate the potential costs of child
bearing at a young age. Their studies have also shown that teenage girls relationships
with the school setting and poorer performance in school serve a greater risk for
adolescent pregnancy. Corcoran, Franklin and Bennett (2000) confirm, being part of a
single parent household seems to act as a risk factor for early pregnancy. Among singe
parent households, conflict within the family, stress, and less monitoring and control of
children occurs, which the authors say can increase the risk of teen pregnancy. In
addition, teenagers experiencing family problems might be more at risk for influence by
a negative peer group that could potentially lead to motherhood at an early age. They also
claim support is indicated for parental control over teen activities as a protective factor
against teenage pregnancy that a lot of times isn t found in single parent homes.
Bentham (2012) not only considers a dysfunctional home background, but also
inadequate parenting as key
Analysis Of Cancion Protest Protest Songs Of Latin America
Ethnographic CD Review: Cancion Protesta During the 20th century, Cuba was
economically weakened and civilians began protesting the governments corruption. Once
Fidel Castro s Communist intentions came to light, many residents fled the country, only
to find out that they would no longer be allowed back in the country regardless of their
origin, in consequence for betraying Castro. Protests rose during this time and musicians
began using their talents to voice their opinions. The CD I will be focusing on is Cancion
Protesta: Protest Songs of Latin America, produced by Barbara Dane. The production of
this CD, which was focused on the historic protests, began in 1927 and it was published
by Paredon Records in 1970. The CD s field of interest ... Show more content on
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It sounds like a poet is expressing himself to a crowd, which you can hear in the
background with noises of laughter or agreement to the poet s words. At 20:21 minutes in
the CD the crowd starts clapping in awe of the poem and the track ends. Hasta Siempre,
Comandante (Song for Che Guevara) is track six on the CD, it starts off with a slow
tempo and soft voices in the background, almost as if you were outside, around a group
of older men. It then accelerates to a type of tone that hints off a sad scenario in the
lyrics. You can hear a membranophone in the background alongside a chordophone. The
song La OEA, Me Causa Risa (The OAS Makes Me Laugh) has the vocalists literally
laugh to the beat which sounds happy and up beat. I hear an idiophone and a
chordophone. At the end of the song the men laugh outside of the tempo and in a way
that frightens a little bit. The song on track eight is named Coplas del Pajarito (The Little
Bird s Complaint), and it starts of by gradually speeding up the tempo. You can hear the
song speed up between each stroke made on the chordophone being used. The singer
sounds nasally with a quick vibrato in his voice at the end of certain words. The song
Porque los Pobres no Tienen (Because the Poor Have Nothing) there is a woman singing
with a warm voice along to a slow tempo. There is thump in the background, which
means there is an idiophone being used alongside a guitar. The song Me Gustan los
Estudiantes (I Love the Students) has a very clear
Edward Wallis Research Paper
In 1936, England s King George V died, leaving his eldest son, the Prince of Wales, to
succeed him as Edward VIII. The forty one year old new King had been known as an
especially womanizing prince and he was still unmarried when he assumed the throne on
January 20, 1936. His reign lasted a mere 325 days, ending in December the same year
when he abdicated. He was succeeded by his brother, who became George VI, father of
the current reigning monarch, Elizabeth II. Edward is perhaps best known for abdicating
the throne in order to marry the woman he loved, the American Wallis Warfield Simpson
from Baltimore, Maryland. Wallis had been divorced from her first husband in 1927 and
she was married to her second husband, Ernest Simpson, when she and ... Show more
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Williams and Mort briefly mention that the marriage was largely supported by
Americans, but neither go into great detail. Williams s monograph includes information
on Edward and Wallis s early lives, how they met, and their deaths. The vast majority of
the text focuses on the couple during abdication crisis of 1936: Williams details the
divorce of Wallis and Ernest, the King s decision to marry Wallis, and the process of the
abdication. While Williams did provide a few examples of American headlines showing
support for the marriage, she did not explore American opinion of the marriage in depth.
Instead, she used this mention of the American press to redirect focus onto the agreement
the British press made with the King to avoid mention of the relationship. Mort, in his
article, looks at letters to the king, primarily from women (some of whom were
Americans) expressing empathy for his situation, to consider public opinion on the
monarchy, with the aim of determining how public perception of the monarchy was
changed by Edward VIII s short reign and its dramatic end. Both of these authors do note
the role the media had in public opinion on the King s affair, but neither explore it in
Storyboard Research Paper
The storyboard is an important tool of any movie production, providing filmmakers with
a clear narrative guideline for the movie that, a lot of times, reads just like a comic book.
Each sketch in the storyboard represents a frame of the movie, acting as a visual script
for the film to follow. Today, a storyboard is an essential part of keeping a movie on
track, but did you know it was originally developed in the 1930 s by cartoonists at Walt
Disney Studios? Because they drew everything by hand, they needed to save time and
effort by following the directions of a storyboard!

The thing about storyboards is that they don t have to look perfect. Usually, they consist
of quick sketches that visually demonstrate how the characters, props and the background
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If you have access to a whiteboard, create a visual map of the rising action of the story as

Introduce the process of storyboarding and share an example of the storyboarding

handout with the group.

Storyboards are important for a number of reasons! Not only do they let you visualize
what you are going to film, but they cut down on the time it takes to make a film because
you know exactly what to do in each shot. Each scene on the storyboard will need a basic
sketch of who/what will be in the shot, directions about what will happen as well as any
dialogue or sound effects in that shot. Be sure to brainstorm and plan out your storyboard
before starting to fill in your printout! You may want to work on a piece of scratch paper
before setting it in stone.

Storyboard Time (small groups)

Time to sharpen your pencils and get creative! Break out into groups with storyboards
and pencils in hand, and have them start drafting their movies. It s okay if groups go
through two or three drafts before they decide on a final story. Making a new storyboard
is a lot easier than filming a whole new
Tech N9ne Research Paper
Tech N9ne and Strange Music

Some classical songs were not meant to be classics, such as Im A Playa but who made
this song? Aaron Yates also known as Tech N9ne was born in Kansas City Missouri,
1971 November 8th. Aaron grew up listening to blues and rock but it wasn t until a kid
and Yates had a rap battle that Aaron found out he loved to rap. While Tech N9ne was
growing up he mainly wore red due to him living in a blood neighbor hood. Aaron Yates
is a very respected singer and very religious. He has made a pretty big influence on his
fans and has even surpassed some tough comings telling us not to do what he did making
himself a role model for listeners and believers.

Tech N9ne found Strange Music due to the record label saying they couldn t have his
hardcore style playing. After this occurred Aaron teamed up with Travis o Guin to start
Strange Music. Techs new album The Storm will come out almost 20 years after his
album The Calm Before The Storm (Zachary). Aaron takes special care of his music
which is clearly seen in his album The Storm which deals with real life events such as
Alton Sterling. Sterling, a black man, was fatally ... Show more content on
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When he was young he was a catholic but later on became a muslim due to his mother
changing religion because of a boyfriend. While tech was high on ecstasy he was with his
girlfriend and went into the other room he proceeded to sleep with two other women and
then went back to his room. He was not suppose to tell this story due to him not
remembering that night but the 2 girls said it happened(Callie). Tech is very religious and
this can be heard all through out his music including Show Me A God telling us how his
mother is sick and how bad his life is and if there is a god why is he not helping. Aaron s
mother died in the year 2013 due to epilepsy and cancer. Tech spent nearly 10 years
dealing with the struggles of his mother and he hopes she has found
Stuart Zenger Research Paper
Stuart Zender
The bass player that I have selected to make a report about is Stuart Zender. He was born
18th, March 1974 in Philadelphia, UK. He was a bit of a trouble maker in his young
years, being expelled from his first school in 1989, Leighton Park School. Leighton Park
School is where he found his love for music, because the school was heavily involved
with music.

Stuart left home when he was only 17 to pursue his career for music, and His mother
gave him two thousand pounds she had saved over the years, to give Stuart a good start
with things in life so he could be a guitarist. Stuart wasn t very good at managing his
money, so instead of investing his money, he spent almost all of it on a Warwick
Streamer, but luckily it turned out
Mise-en-Scene in Napoleon Dynamite Essay
Mise en Scene in Napoleon Dynamite

In Napoleon Dynamite (Jared Hess, 2004), the character known as Napoleon Dynamite
(Jon Heder) is quite a unique fellow. His quirkiness and eccentricity are what make him
as a character; they are the primary traits of his personality. Keep in mind, however, that
he is not the only odd character in the film, but he has his own peerless way of defining
himself separate from any other character(s). This effect is achieved through certain
cinematic techniques that director Jared Hess utilizes in order to bring out Napoleon s
persona in ways other than simply guessing who he really is. Rather, these techniques
explicitly imply certain character traits; they are like clues that allow one to see the ...
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Additionally, considerable portion of the significant sound in the film occurs in the
music. The most blatant effect of the music is the cheesy MIDI arrangements. These
outdated compositions portray the tackiness of Napoleon; he and the music are clearly
out of style. One of the crudest examples of this is when Napoleon buys his suit; the
muzak in the background is as unbearably corny as Napoleon s taste in clothing. Albeit
music is a fundamental factor in Napoleon Dynamite, it is not the only element of sound
that is relevant.

The sound effects in the film also give clues as to what kind of person Napoleon really is.
One supporting example is when he is eating tots in the middle of class. The
unnecessarily loud crunching noise portrays his manifest lack of craftiness and style.
There was one audio technique, however, that was extremely puzzling. In every scene
inside a house, there is a very subtle background of birds chirping. This emphasizes the
fact that Napoleon lives a rural community, rather than a busy suburb or city setting. This
sound is extremely understated, however, and is obviously intended to be a subconscious
feature to the viewer.

Napoleon uses some of his own characteristic sounds in the film to facilitate who he is.
As a matter of fact, the first sound he makes in the movie is long, depressed sigh when he
sees the school bus approaching. This
Candle Color Lab
Does the color of a candle affect how quickly it burns?
I always look for candles to burn at dinner parties or to give a soft light into a room, I
always felt that my white candles burned much quicker than those that are colored. I
believe that the lighter color candles will burn quicker than the darker colored candles.
During this experiment I plan to compare the difference in candles and the length of
which they burn based on the color of the candle. Does the color of the candle make it
burn at a different rate? To conduct this experiment I picked five different colored
candles that were all the same brand, type, and length. (White, yellow, red, maroon, and a
forest green) I set a timer for one hour and thirty minutes. With the help of friends,
Disinfection And Sterilization In A Dental Office
Disinfection and sterilization techniques contribute greatly in the world and practice of
dentistry. Proper disinfection and sterilization, help keep bioburdens, microbes, and any
other bacteria left behind after a dental exam or procedure, sterile and destroyed. If this
was not done properly, bioburdens would still be left untouched and passed on to other
patients coming in for an exam. When working in a dental office, disinfection and
sterilization play important key roles in the every day workplace. During a dental exam
or procedure, many forms of bioburden, blood and/or saliva, get sprayed everywhere or
even left behind once the dentist is done. This is why it is important for the dental
assistant to use proper disinfectants and sterilization techniques to keep a clean and
healthy work environment. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Disinfection, occurring after precleaning, is used to kill all remaining disease spreading
microorganisms left behind after precleaning, but cannot kill spores. Any disinfectant or
sterilant used, must be registered and approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), which categorizes and registers the appropriate disinfectants and
sterilants used in healthcare. Unlike disinfection, sterilization destroys all forms of life,
including microbial forms and bacterial spores. Sterile means all forms are destroyed, not
just partially or most. Therefore, it is the final product used for instruments used during
an exam or
Classic Rummy Research Paper
Explore playing, learning and earning with Classic Rummy
If you are free and want to relax in the comfort of your room cuddled up in a blanket and
also want the thrill and experience of winning real money by just playing a game, then
try free online rummy just once. Anyone can bet that you will be glued to it for the life
time; such is the charm of this traditional amazing game that has now gone online and
can be played with anyone at any time of the day in the world. The mobile version is
easily downloadable free on your smart phone so even if you are travelling or has some
time to spare in between work, you would never want to lose a chance to play and win
There are many online rummy game sites and all of them boast of safe cash transactions,
The Pathophysiology And Etiology Of The Disease

Schizophrenia effects approximately 1% of the human population, despite the high

number of individuals being affected, not much is known about the pathophysiology and
etiology of the disease. Through the use of pharmacological models such as ketamine and
amphetamine, it allows us to purse the dopamine and glutamate hypothesis. The rise of
these hypotheses is due to the nature of the disease, hence heterogeneous disorder not all
patients exerts all the symptoms of the disease. As a result there is different ways in
attaining schizophrenic animal models. One way is through ketamine administration
which affects glutamate NMDA receptors. Another way is through amephetamine which
increases the level of dopamine which affects the D¬2 ... Show more content on
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1. Introduction
Animal models have been used as a primary research tool in investigating pathogenesis
and developing treatments for human diseases. To mimic neuropsychiatric disorders in
animal models, especially in the case of a complex disorders such as schizophrenia have
been a tough task. This challenge persists due to the uncertainty of the pathophysiology
and etiology that is presented with the disease. In addition to the unpredictability of the
manifestation of the disease, symptoms that do occur in humans cannot be directly
correlated with animal models. This presents a challenge where symptoms cannot be
directly measured in animals more precisely in rodents. Despite the challenges that were
present, researchers have went on forth to examine the disease using subtle approaches.
Hence rodents don t naturally develop schizophrenia, scientists must induce this through
pharmacological, genetic, or environmental manipulations. The tools that are most used
in pharmacological manipulations to induce schizophrenia are: ketamine and
amphetamine. In this perspective, we will focus on how reliable pharmacological
manipulations are in construct validity, face validity and predictive validity in respect to
ketamine and amphetamine. Understanding the validity of the animal models will help
understand the pathogenesis of the disease and bring novel insights for treatment. The
sooner we construct a better representable model of schizophrenia, it
Description Of Nutri  On And Chronic Wounds
Arcle Title: Nutrion and Chronic Wounds
Molnar, J.A., Underdown M.J., Clark, W.A. (2014). Nutrion and Chronic Wounds.
Advances in Wound
Care, 3(11), 663 68
Arcle Title: Nutrion and Chronic Wounds
Molnar, J.A., Underdown M.J., Clark, W.A. (2014). Nutrion and Chronic Wounds.
Advances in Wound
Care, 3(11), 663 68
Arcle Title: Nutrion and Chronic Wounds
Molnar, J.A., Underdown M.J., Clark, W.A. (2014). Nutrion and Chronic Wounds.
Advances in Wound
Care, 3(11), 663 68
Arcle Title: Nutrion and Chronic Wounds
Molnar, J.A., Underdown M.J., Clark, W.A. (2014). Nutrion and Chronic Wounds.
Advances in Wound
Care, 3(11), 663 68
Arcle Title: Nutrion and Chronic Wounds
Molnar, J.A., Underdown M.J., Clark, W.A. (2014). Nutrion and Chronic Wounds.
Advances in Wound
Care, 3(11), 663 68
Arcle Title: Nutrion and Chronic Wounds
Molnar, J.A., Underdown M.J., Clark, W.A. (2014). Nutrion and Chronic Wounds.
Advances in Wound
Care, 3(11), 663 68
Article Title: Nutrition Strategies for Wound Healing
Posthauer, Mary Ellen, RD, LD, CD. (2012) Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, Volume
23, Number 1.

Maintenance of sufficient nutrition is an essential part of the treatment process for any
patient admitted to the hospital. Early identification of patients who have a decreased
nutrition status or have nutritional deficits helps to increase healing and overall improves
the quality of life for a patient. Nutrition is more than just general food; it includes the
overall amounts of
A Brief Note On The United Kingdom And My Timezone
Username: Rockings

Past Username/s: oMatty HappyMatty


Age: 15

Timezone + Country: I live in the United Kingdom and my Timezone is UTC+00:00

Previous bans (Don t lie): I do not have any bans on any servers.

Do you have a working mic: Yes.

Any experience being staff?: I have a large amount of experience of being staff on
servers. Ranging from multiple HCF servers to popular hub servers.

How long have you been playing OxPvP?: Only a few weeks, but I have been extremely
active over that period of time.

Time usually spent on the server(s): Weekdays 4 to 7 hours.

Weekends 7 to 14 hours.

What time will you be on till on weekends (Give answer in EST time): 19:00

Can your computer handle recording up to 30 FPS?: Yes.

Do you have access to Teamspeak and/or Telegram?

Personally I use Teamspeak but I can use both if needed.

What can you bring to OxPvP?:

I will be able to bring many different things to OxPvP that will benefit the server. One of
them being how active I can be, I am able to play daily for long periods of time with only
one or two breaks. This would help the server as I would be constantly helping players
out in game, or looking for players that are breaking the rules. I would make sure that
when I am on the server I will be helping people out to my full potential. I often see in
game that there are no staff online and a few hackers that are ruining the fun, especially
during Uk time. Due to my activity hopefully this problem would
Budget Analysis Capital Improvement Program
History and Purpose San Diego is a coastal Southern California city located in the
southwestern corner of the continental United States. In 2006, the city s population was
estimated to be 1,256,951. It is the second largest city in California and the eighth largest
city in the United States, by population. It is the county seat of San Diego County and is
the economic center of the San Diego Carlsbad San Marcos metropolitan area, the 17th
largest in the United States with a population of 2.9 million as of 2006, and the 21st
largest metropolitan area in the Americas when including Tijuana. San Diego County lies
just north of the Mexican border sharing a border with Tijuana and lies south of Orange
County. It is home to miles of beaches, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The citizens felt that in time of financial crisis that this budget should be slashed
dramatically to ensure that taxes would not rise and that a deficit would not incur.
Looking at just the difference between the 2005 and 2006 CIP budget there was a
decrease of $193.6 million. The cuts occurred in the Engineering and Capital Projects,
Library, Metropolitan Wastewater, Police, Office of the CIO and Water Capital
Imporvements. I feel that this was a tactical move on the part of the city government to
conserve and payback the $2 billion deficit. To go further, there is even a special section
in the proposed 2009 fiscal year budget on the table for approval. It states: The total
budget for Fiscal Year 2009 is $3.29 billion. This includes $1.19 billion for General Fund
operations and $1.35 billion for operation of the City s Enterprise Fund activities.
Another $574 million is budgeted for capital improvement projects across the City.
Restoring the City s fiscal stability has been my top priority since becoming Mayor. The
Fiscal Year 2009 Proposed Budget continues the City s progress toward that goal. In the
coming year, I will once again dedicate additional funding to eight significant areas of
concern that had been neglected or under funded in the past. This budget: Properly funds
International Legal and Ethical Issues in Business
International Legal and Ethical Issues in Business

Unit 5 Individual Project

In this paper I will discuss environmental regulations and labor laws in place in Thailand
and Singapore. This paper will show that while Singapore seems to have stricter
environmental regulations in place in it s country, the labor laws in Thailand seems to
protect its citizens better with better work hour regulations and wage requirements.
Singapore s labor laws can stand to be revisited so as to keep the working citizens safe
from greedy business owners.

What are Thailand and Singapore s environmental regulation levels? Thailand s

government has been known to keep loose environmental standards for investors. Many
foreign investors have ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Do you feel that the country s hour and wage legislation is ethical? Explain.
Thailand s hour and wage regulations are adequate; however, Singapore s hour and wage
regulation still leave way too much room for employees to be taken advantage of by their
employers. The fact there is no national minimum wage requirement leaves too much
room for employers to underpay their employees. There is also no regulation in place to
limit the amount of hours per day an employee can work. There is also no regulation for
overtime pay. The lack of regulation in place to determine how many hours per day or
week a person can work before overtime pay is required leaves the employees at the
mercy of their employers.


Hookway, J. amp; Watcharasakwet, W. (March 4, 2010). Thailand Tightens

Environmental Regulation. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on September 26, 2010

Overview of Environmental, Health and Safety Laws in Singapore. (n.d.) Corporate

Learning and Consultancy. Retrieved on September 26, 2010 from http://www.psb
academy.edu.sg/clc/detail/159/0/Overview of Environmental Health and Safety Laws in
An Overview of Thailand s Labor Regulations. (n.d.) Thailand Board of Investment s
Chaos And Prospero Essay
In the beginning of time there was Chaos. He was a Unicat, a cross between a cat and a
unicorn. He was the god of all unicats that lived. He became lonely while sitting in the
Heavens so he decided to make a wife that was also a Unicat, whose name was Creation.
Both Chaos and Creation had children together, a pair of cats named Death and Despair,
and a pair of Unicorns named Gaia and Prospero. Chaos was confused, but Creation
loved her children nonetheless. Chaos favors the cats, while Creation favors the unicorns.
Creation had decided to give magic to the Unicorns, to create a little world for them to
live peacefully on. Gaia and Prospero had started to create a little world, making the cats
grow jealous. Death and Despair ran to Chaos and whined. Chaos gave the cats the
power to destroy and told them to destroy was Gaia and Prospero had created. When the
cats had started to destroy everything, it started a commotion between the cats and the
Unicorns. Creation wondered why her children would never get along, but Chaos had
knew the exact reason why. The commotion had gotten worse and worse as each day
passed and Creation had now noticed why. She went to Chaos and started asking
question after question, finally getting the truth from him. She was very ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
She started teaching the two fighting clans to start to work together and not hate each
other, Creation was proud that Unity was trying and decided to grant her the power she
had promised. Although nothing helped, and Unity had died for her cause. After her
death, she was hailed as a martyr, which started to create peace. When they had heard of
her death, the cats had eased up on the war and the world flourished with life. As
promised, Unity had become a goddess, to keep living and to keep peace on the world.
The cats and unicorns had created a population and joined together to make the world
come together piece by
Discrimination In Michael Moore s Stupid White Men
Zhao Yuqi The first text is an excerpt of Michael Moore s novel Stupid White Men,
which criticizes white American s superiority in all the aspects of social life compared to
black Americans from the angle of a white people; while the second article is an expert of
Brothers and Keepers written by John E. Wideman, which focuses the social segregation
between not only different races but also different power levels. Although slightly
different, both of the two articles reveal the intense social imbalance, including serious
racial discrimination, the deep rooted prejudice and African American s limited rights.
Both texts mention the serious racial discrimination in the society. In the first article, it
shows that once the whole society expresses their discrimination directly and roughly,
they put up signs like whites only , colored and negroes only (L. 83), which strengthens
the tension and disharmony between races. In the second essay, Wideman doubts that if
the metal braces on the kids teeth would be inspected, will the boys feel like horses on
sale (L.15). Those kids would be treated like animals, it seems like they don t have any
dignity at all, they are just equivalent to the horses, which is a serious discrimination. ...
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In the first article, in line 51, it shows that due to the slavery system, African Americans
status are not totally equal even in today, they are on the lowest economic ladder, where
they suffered a lot from the poverty. In the second article, according to the announcement
of Roger Taney, the Supreme Court Chief Justice, blacks have no rights which white man
was bound to respect (L.49), which shows different rules have been applied to different
groups of people, there is nothing called justice. Besides, the blacks are linked with the
weak and prisoners who should be inferior, while the whites are linked with the strong
and keeper who deserve more
Petrarch s The Ascent Of Mont Ventoux
While reading Petrarch The Ascent of Mont Ventoux I noticed that it had some
similarities to Dante s Purgatory that were more hidden. The fact that they are both
climbing a mountain trying to accomplish something is one thing but it also is very deep
with meaning. In Mont Ventoux Petrarch is climbing the mountain for the view of it,
while Dante is climbing it to reach Heaven, they both religious men and in their journey
they change a bit themselves. Dante is cleansing himself of sins each time he moves up a
stage in Purgatory and it s one step closer to reaching Paradiso. On the other hand
Petrarch is not yet a changed man until he reaches the top. Along the way up the
mountain he tries to find a shortcut instead of the harder and longer ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
I just don t think it s a shame to want things. I also don t exactly agree on the statement of
how we must look at our sins inside our soul without the grace of God. I agree we need
God s grace for the right to Heaven but I don t agree that we have to get rid of our
worldly desires in order for us to reach Heaven. I understand the Petrarch was a Christian
but he obviously had a more influence for having Catholic views and thoughts. Going
back to the question Professor Hepola examined, is he right, the soul is the greatest thing
and not just on my sins, but me? I say the greatest thing is faith and the grace of God, not
the soul. Without God we wouldn t be here with a soul or even having sin because God
created Adam and Eve. Without His grace we cannot become what we need to be, our
essence and our telos is to be holy for Him. Just like Dante did when we was climbing to
the top of Purgatory, he had to be cleansed of his sins and when he reached the top he
was a man that was devoted to worshipping God and was sin free. Yes, the soul has to be
purified and washed before entering Heaven but it is not the greatest thing for
My Lifestyle Management Health Risk Inventory
Right now, I think my current strengths are exercising regularly and being willing to
make a change in my life. My Body Mass Index is also in a healthy range. As for my
weaknesses, I have a lot to work on. I know I need to start eating a healthier diet. I also
must work on better stress management, especially because I am both in school and have
a part time job. I could already tell in my day to day life that I needed better sleep habits
as well. The LifeStyle Management Health Risk Inventory has given me some
suggestions on how to improve my health. The inventory gave me strategies to avoid
slips in my exercise routine, such as thinking of the benefits of exercise and reminding
myself that I have committed to a healthy lifestyle. As
Hypoallergenic Dog Meals
If you are looking for top quality pet foods, and specifically dry pet foods, Actually
hypoallergenic dog meals solves many problems if you are searching for a very high
quality food.

The next item which should obtain your full attention may be the preservatives or
insufficient preservatives that are used. The manufacturing procedure for dry dog meals
in particular needs baking at high temps.

The very best dog foods usually do not use corn, They are all regarded as filler items that
are accustomed to bulk up the meals. They are also designed to make the dog feel full
and yet they lack essential nutrients and vitamins.

The ultimate final result of consuming these could possibly be the advancement of food
allergies and other illnesses.
Forever 21 Thesis
Forever 21: Dealing with America s Fear of Aging and Death


It is estimated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that there will be 71
million U.S. adults over the aged of 65 by 2030 (CDC, 2011, May 11). It can be certain,
as was with their predecessors, that the geriatric journey for these adults will be filled
with multiple anti aging face creams and miracle hair growth products as they reluctantly
cross over to the last stage of their lives. As shown not only through our media and social
interactions growing old is not the popular choice. Ironically, the reality is that aging and
dying is just as significant as our first breath. It is a journey made by everyone and
everything though it is fought with a ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Another supporter of changing the way aging is conveyed is author, Margaret
Cruiksbank, of the book, Learning to be Old. In her book she is a proponent of changing
the way the aging process is described. Her position is that the underlying meaning of
popular terms to describe aging weakens its value. She denotes that the term successful
aging is a false phrase for the elderly as it masks both the wish to continue mid life
indefinitely and the white, Middle class, Western values of researchers, causing them to
emphasize productivity, effectiveness and independence (Cruiksbank, 2009, p. 2). She
also concludes that the term productive aging symbolizes economic usefulness and social
conformity (Cruiksbank, 2009, p. 2), especially for the female gender. More importantly,
these terms can be used to measure. This ability to measure is subjective to the questioner
and an individual s self worth. She suggests the term aging comfortably as it signifies
easiness, and a faint hint of pleasurable self indulgence which may not have been
possible in younger years (Cruiksbank, 2009, p. 3).
There has been decades of research examining what it referred to as automatic
categorization (Nelson, 2005. p. 207). Researchers describe this as an essential trait in
humans that is a primal response to physical characteristics, such as race, gender, and
age, that automatically prompts emotional responses and prejudices. This type of
categorization sets the
Humans Causing Decline in Biodiversity Essays
As far as we can say, intelligent, modern humans have been around for roughly 50,000
years, and in that time have altered the earth beyond recognition (Morrison, 2006). Most
evident in recent years, the rapidity of technological advances both during and post the
industrial revolution has been astonishing, but has come with a hefty ecological price.
There is wide scientific consensus that we are presently witnessing the obsolescence of
species on a prodigious scale. We are now having to accept the possibility that humans
might just be a contributing influence.

Predominantly we rely on one measure to compare the rate of species loss between
various moments in history. The background rate of extinction is approximately 1
extinction per ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The Mascarene island of Mauritius national emblem remains to this day the dodo, despite
the fact that it is one of the most infamous cases of manmade extinction. Previously
isolated from humans, the largest member of the pigeon family possessed a curious and
innocently trusting nature when sailors first arrived on the island in the early 1600 s.
Despite its flesh being absurdly tasteless, the dodo s gullibility and lack of leggy zip
(Bryson, 2003) proved an irresistible target for young seamen and their pets. So blissfully
ignorant was the raphus cucullatus that you had only to set one squawking and all its
friends from the immediate surroundings would rush to your side. Within seventy years
of our first meeting with the dodos the last one was dead, pointlessly hunted to extinction
by humans and the animals we introduced (Flannery Schouten, 2001).

Myriad methods exist through which we are directly and indirectly placing pressure on
flora and fauna. A growing global population puts more strain on the agriculture industry,
triggering agrarian and urban expansion. Land clearing reduces habitat size, while large
environmental enterprises such as the damming of rivers can either flood or dehydrate
vast areas of terrain. Although not so common nowadays, introduced species have in the
past entirely missed their intended purpose, eventually poisoning, killing or in the very
least competing with native animals. Diseases and infections can also
Charles Tyson Castleman
With more in common than being dependable, poor, black Virginians, Earnest Baugh and
William Ball would have but one fate. The two men likely never knew each other, but as
nearly all blacks from the state of Virginia they were accustomed to provide services to
white employers. However, in contrast to generations past, they would expect to be paid
for their labour. Alas, in their final run, Earnest and William, like their earlier slave
ancestors, would not be. And then there were the Castlemans ... The Good, All American
Charles Tyson Castleman Charles (b November 18, 1902), representing the sixth
generation of Castlemans that lived by the West Virginia Virginia boundary, started life
on his father s farm by Charles Town WVa. Charles ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Once a training centre and a prisoner of war camp, Camp Ellis in Maine, opened in the
summer of 1943, where Charles was transferred to become an engineer. After the war,
Charles got a divorce from Mary in 1951 allowing him to marry for a third and last time
to another twice married woman, Helen Virginia (b 1901, née Withers) on Mar 24 1952,
while he obtained a position as a Virginian State surveyor living in Washington DC.
Helen herself was employed as a saleswoman for Baby Fair Shops on Mt Vernon Ave.
The following years after their marriage, Charles only offspring Mason married Max O
Rell Truitt Jr a Princeton educated lawyer and a litigation specialist there were to be
many descendants for Charles. It would seem then, that Mr. Castleman was a typical
successful middle class American man (albeit with a few extra marriages) who as a
consequence, history might passover. However, like some of his ancestors, there was a

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