Clep Essay Topics

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Clep Essay Topics

Writing an essay on the topic of "CLEP Essay Topics" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the specific CLEP subjects, as well
as the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively within the constraints of an essay format.

Firstly, tackling CLEP essay topics requires a deep knowledge of the subject matter. Whether it's
literature, history, science, or any other area covered by CLEP exams, a solid grasp of the content is
essential. This necessitates thorough research and a clear understanding of key concepts, historical
events, or scientific principles depending on the chosen topic.

Additionally, crafting a well-organized essay involves developing a strong thesis statement and
supporting it with relevant evidence. This demands critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze
information to construct a coherent argument. Ensuring a logical flow of ideas, maintaining a
balance between clarity and complexity, and adhering to proper essay structure are crucial aspects
that add to the complexity of the task.

Moreover, writing within the constraints of a timed exam, which is common in CLEP assessments,
adds another layer of difficulty. Managing time effectively while brainstorming, outlining, and
drafting the essay is crucial for success. This requires practice and the ability to synthesize
information quickly.

In conclusion, writing an essay on CLEP topics demands a combination of subject-specific

knowledge, critical thinking skills, and efficient time management. While challenging, successfully
navigating these aspects can lead to a well-crafted essay that demonstrates a deep understanding of
the subject matter.

For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring resources like ,
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Clep Essay Topics Clep Essay Topics

Descartes Third Meditation On The Existence Of God
In this essay I will talk about Descartes meditation three in that god exits and that god is
not deceiving us.

Descartes at a point doubted everything, and he believed that everything he saw,

everything he believed was real was false and that nothing existed as well as himself. He
doubted everything that could be doubted and threw anything that might be wrong. He
believed that we are probably dreaming and everything around us was false and that what
we believe we are seeing or hearing was being controlled by someone or something else,
that maybe we are not who we think we are. Therefore Descartes eliminated everything,
but got to a point that he knew that he is a thinking thing and therefore he got to exist.
Descartes knew that he ... Show more content on ...
Is God controlling our mind and doing what he pleases? Descartes does not think so.
Dreaming or not we have control of doing anything we want to do, and in Descartes third
meditation we don t know if the body that we think belong to us is real, we can still do
what we want to do with it even if this body is just on our imagination. When I decide to
lift my right hand in any random occasion, I decided to do it not God. When I decide to
go to the tattoo shop and place a tattoo to my imaginary body, I walked into my car and
drove to the tattoo shop and got the tattoo that I wanted. So how can god be deceptive or
controlling what we do if I decided to do what I did. People could argue that the life we
live in is a false dream, Descartes would say that we are not dreaming because in dreams
things don t connect together and when we are awake things do. People die eventually
but until that day comes people are living the same life and not waking up to another one
every day. When I go to sleep my dreams seem so real although some things done
connect together, but I always wake up in the same bed, in the same room, in the same
house that I felt asleep in, so how is god being deceptive since he has giving us the
control of our own lives and control of what we want to think or
Similarities Between La Belle Dame Sans Merci And Annabel
Love in Poe s Annabel Lee and Keats s La Belle Dame sans Merci

Poe s Annabel Lee and Keats s La Belle Dame sans Merci depict the destructive effects
that women exercise upon men. In both poems, women, by death and deception, harm
their adoring lovers. In Annabel Lee, Annabel dies and leaves the speaker in isolation; in
La Belle Dame Sans Merci, the fairy, La Belle Dame, captures the speaker s heart, and
then deserts him. The common theme of both poems, that love generates harmful effects,
is a reflection of both poets upsetting and harmful childhood experiences.

Poetry, Keats purports, comes from the ferment of an unhappy childhood working
through a noble imagination (Keats 16). The lesson of [Keat s] ... Show more content on ...
He creates an aroma of sex in pacing steed, which might be an innocent horse ride, but is
possibly a sexual metaphor (the speaker being the steed.) The repetition of wild eyes is a
sexual euphemism, furthering the sexual nature of love expressed within the poem. Even
the knight s last memory of the fairy is of a sexual nature; the knight receives kisses four,
afterwards the fairy lulls him to sleep. Keats s love is relatively more tenuous than Poe s,
because the fairy s love is unpredictable, and bizarre ( In language strange she said / I
love thee true ). This love is also destructive, as warned by the dead men in the last
stanza with their horrid warning that La Belle Dame/ Thee hath in thrall! Poe and Keats
employ the their speakers painful experiences with love as examples of love s ruinous

La Belle Dame sans Merci and Annabel Lee develop their characters with attention to
details, so that the impact of the characters experiences are more intense and vivid.. In
Annabel Lee, the speaker calls Annabel a maiden, starting the poem with virtuous
connotations. The reader learns that Annabel is from high birth through reference to her
as a highborn kinsmen, and her grave as a sepulchre. Annabel s wealthy birthright
generates the
Borer Ash Tree
Emerald Ash Borer
Unsure if you an ash tree in your yard? Have an arborist out to check. EAB quickly
attacks and kills ash trees unless you act fast.
Read More

Hackberry Woolly Aphid

See sticky, black sap on your car, deck or landscape? That s left by this pest. Stop that
sap now or it will continue through October.
Read More

Are your evergreen branches brown on the end? Or have you seen new, yellow needles?
This tree fungus may be hurting your trees.
Read More Lecanium Scale
See a shiny, sticky goo on your plants or near your tree? If you also saw wilting leaves,
lecanium scale may be stealing your tree s nutrients.
Read More

Apple Scab
Notice leaves or fruit with olive green spots? Or deformed, curled new leaves? It sounds
like apple scab is the problem! Here s what to do.
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Borers ... Show more content on ...

Leaf beetles love munching on tree leaves. They typically only cause aesthetic damage,
but do stress out your tree. Here s how to stop em.
Read More
Eye Out for Emerald Ash Borer This destructive pest has already killed 7 billion trees.
Unsure if you have an ash tree? Have your arborist check and protect your ash tree before
it s too late.
How to Stop Hackberry Woolly Aphid This pesky insect coats cars, decks and landscapes
with sticky, black tree sap! Stop em now with a treatment or the sap will continue
through October!
Diagnose and Decrease Diplodia Are your evergreen branches brown on the end? Or
have you seen new, yellow needles? This tree fungus will kill and cause needles to fall.
Luckily, we can help.
Look for Lecanium Scale See a shiny, sticky goo on your plants or near your tree? Or
perhaps you ve noticed wilting leaves? Lecanium scale may be stealing your tree s
nutrients. Stop it now.
Aim to Stop Apple Scab Notice leaves or fruit with olive green spots? Or perhaps new
leaves look deformed or curled? It sounds like apple scab! This disease affects trees
looks not its
The Effect Of Explicit And Systematic Approaches On...
The conclusions that have come out of researching Effective Reading Instruction have
shown significant benefits to students who are taught in an upfront, straight to the point
manner. Within this essay it will be discussed the importance of an effective reading
instruction along with its 5 elements. As well as the effects of explicit and systematic
approaches on student s literacy development. The benefits of allowing children to
choose their own reading literature and the findings of the research completed in this area
will also be discussed.
Effective reading instruction is the suggestion that all pupils can learn to read to the best
of their ability (Bayetto 2013). It helps children to make sense of written language, it is
based on ... Show more content on ...
The next element is Phonics. In this element children grow their skills for decoding
words, it is the understanding that when letters are linked to sounds and words they no
longer are meaningless.
Fluency is the next element in effective reading instruction, it is the ability for students to
read text rapidly and effortlessly (Reading horizons 2006). Fluency is established by
repetition of sounding out the word correctly a number of times. Vocabulary is the forth
element of effective reading instruction and it consists of print and speech, it is a set of
words that the student already knows and users regularly (Reading horizons 2006). When
a student sounds out a word they are trying to associate it with a common word in their
vocabulary as the new word is learnt and understood it is then added to their vocabulary
(Reading horizons 2006).
The fifth and final element of effective reading instruction is comprehension.
Comprehension is the main purpose of reading, it is the ability to recognize, recall and
connect meaning from the text being read (Reading horizons 2006). When students have
connected, interacted and understood words and text. That s when they have achieved the
goal of reading. The 5 key concepts of effective reading instruction are there to maximize
Strategies are established to achieve this effectiveness, instruction needs to be planned,
upfront and straight to the point this enables students don t miss valuable information
(Gagen 2008).
The Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Has Had Much More...
NARRATOR: We begin our night at the Witte family dinner table. All the guests have
finally arrived and fresh bread rolls complete with garlic butter have been served to
everyone. At one end of the fairly large table, Gould and Lyell begin to have a heated
LYELL: *Clears throat* Ah, excuse me, Mr. Gould, but for your new theory, have you
been successfully able to find any support for it?
GOULD: Why, yes, of course Mr. Lyell. The punctuated equilibrium theory has had
much more support than the gradualism in the fossil record.
LYELL: Oh, really? If you would so kindly elaborate on this, it would be much
GOULD: Certainly, Mr. Lyell. Well, I have found several specimens at one stage, and
several at another instead ... Show more content on ...
LYELL: Well, do you have any support other than just the fossils?
GOULD: Why yes, my good sir. Evolution is driven by the changing environment. If the
environment or climate changes, then it will kill off the individuals of the species with
unfavorable traits to survive in the new conditions. That is nothing new, it s here proven
in Mr. Darwin s theory; you should be well aware of it. Well, the environment does not
change gradually, and therefore, I believe my good Sir, that animals don t change
LYELL: But it is clear *interrupted by Mendel*
MENDEL: Gentlemen, I am so sorry to break up this wonderful discussion, but I really
was listening intently out of interest in it, but the butter seems to have gone around to
your side of the table, and I cannot quite reach it. Would you be so kind and pass it to
NARRATOR: As the task of passing the butter is completed, the conversation soon turns
to Mendel, as Wade asks him more about the modern world.
WADE: So, Mr. Mendel, how do you like our modern world?
MENDEL: Ah, well everything has changed in this world. I am becoming very lost, very
WADE: Well, you know, not everything is changing. Actually, your discoveries on
genetics are still valid today.
MENDEL: Well, thats one thing.
WADE: Did you know even Mr. Linnaeus s taxonomy is around, and that was a century
before you. And the math has not changed either. Politics seems to change, but it s
Post Colonial Perspective In Ice Candy Man
Post colonial Perspective on Partition
Sidhwa makes it clear in Ice Candy Man, that although Muslims and Hindus are living
together for centuries, the high social and cultural barriers separating them remain
unchanged. A Hindu would not even touch his food in the presence of a Muslim. A
Muslim entering a Hindu kitchen would pollute it. Lenny describes this incident when
the food of a Brahmin priest is polluted by the shadow of non Hindus (116 117). So there
were ideological boundaries between Muslims and Hindus despite the fact that they lived
on a same land.

Through out the narrative we see a cultural, moral and religious tension between
characters. Sidhwa shows through the narrator that the wife of Balbir Singh would not
eat or drink at ... Show more content on ...
Sidhwa makes the Muslim protagonist, Ice Candy Man, disgrace, shame, humiliate and
ruin Shanta (India). Led by Ice Candy Man, the Muslims abduct and manhandle Ayah
(India) while she is in a condition of shock and trauma at the hands of her one time lover
(183). The punishment given to Hindu Shanta, by her one time Muslim lover is more
than a personal and isolated act of violence. The Hindu Ayah is a symbol of India and she
is abducted and taken away by the Muslims against her will. Sidhwa, instead of revealing
her Pakistani identity, and presenting Pakistani perspective, questions the Muslim
demand for Partition after centuries of their rule over India. She presents it as the worst
betrayal. The fact that Ayah is taken to the red light district, is meant to show the disgrace
and shame heaped upon Shanta (India) by her own lovers. Sidhwa is suggesting that
Ayah (India) deserved a better treatment from her one time lover and wooer, Ice Candy
Man, the Muslim. This is the worst one can expect from the lovers towards their
beloveds, both at the personal and public
Nicaraguan Internship Plan
I am excited to let you know that I have been selected again to serve as a summer intern
with Go Tell Ministries. Go Tell is an evangelical ministry for teens from sixth through
twelfth grades. I was led last summer to serve, and know God has called me back there
this summer. Before my internship last summer, I had been a camper at Go Tell for two
years. After being an intern with Go Tell I have seen God work in many ways through
student s lives, intern s lives, and the lives of those living in Nicaraguan villages. Last
summer I was on the administrative team helping to keep the camp in order, and making
sure all churches were sufficiently informed of the important information they needed. I
also worked with the Ryde On team; they bring ski boats to the Georgia Baptist
Convention Center and have tubing and skiing for the campers. The internship program
includes leadership training, camp ministry, and a mission trip to Nicaragua. There are
two camps this year in Toccoa, GA from June 20 24 and June 25 29. We will be in
Nicaragua July 10 17. The experience I had in Nicaragua last year was by far the most
outstanding part of the ministry. We stay with The Mustard Seed ... Show more content
on ...
To participate in this program I need to raise $2,700 to cover the summer s
transportation, food, lodging and airfare to Nicaragua. I have to raise the financial
support by May 10, 2016. If you wish to support me financially you can mail a check to
Go Tell Ministries, PO Box 2138, Duluth, GA 30096 or give online
( involved/support/). Send the check to Go Tell Ministries
and do not put my name on the memo line of your check. In order for me to receive the
support you have donated I have included a sticky note with my name that you can attach
to the check. When giving online you will be asked to create a Go Tell Ministries
account. Your gift to this ministry is tax
History And Function Of Foreign Affairs
The History and Function of Miniseries of Foreign Affairs
The practice of what we call diplomacy did not always exist in the way we know it today.
In its place entities, which can be loosely defined as States, employed rudimentary lines
of communication between one another dating back to 15th centenary. It was an arduous
task to have open and responsive lines of communication between these states, however,
given the close proximity of Italian city states and their need for open channels of
communication made Italy uniquely opportune for the development and maturation of
diplomacy. After years of practicing what was called continuous negotiation or
négociation continuelle the French created what is presumed to be the first foreign ...
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9). MFAs are then responsible for advising on the policies they should be required to
implement, issuing the appropriate instructions, and ensuring that they are carries out
(Berridge 2010 pg. 10). Part of the responsibility is the analysis of the information that
missions send home. There is the primary function of MFAs to coordinate foreign
relations. Lastly, MFAs are charged with overseeing interaction with foreign diplomats at
home. Berridge begins his book with what is essentially a fundamental background on
the evolution the MFA as an institution and how most function today. While some might
consider this information mundane or inconsequential to the goal of discussing
diplomacy at length, Berridge touches on these subjects because diplomacy, like
everything, is not static. Therefore, diplomacy is both effected by its own history and by
the administrative mechanism found within; a simplistic but critical point to make.
Negotiation is the most frequently used tool in diplomacy and, as Berridge points out,
starts well before any representatives sit down at a table (Berridge 2010 pg. 27). There is
a pre negotiation phase of arrangements that must be made beforehand in order to get all
of the appropriate parties of a conflict to participate.

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