Rocuronio para IOT em Gatos
Rocuronio para IOT em Gatos
Rocuronio para IOT em Gatos
Correspondence: Ra
ul Ortiz-Martınez, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes. Av. Universidad 940. CP. 20131, Aguascalientes,
Mexico. E-mail:
An alternative for intubation in cats A Moreno-Sala et al.
using general anesthesia (Nicholson & Watson damage, characterized by laryngeal edema, hydropic
2001). EI maintains an airway during general degeneration, necrosis and neutrophil infiltration of
anesthesia and diminishes the risk of aspirating epithelial cells. With preexistent mucosal ulceration,
materials from the pharynx; it also allows positive- damage might become more severe and compromise
pressure ventilation and gas administration to the the airway or even harm the patient′s postoperative
patient (Cruz 2001). In addition, some positions in progress (Rex et al. 1983). Laryngeal desensitization
head or neck surgeries make intubation essential to for long periods of time, may allow the aspiration of
protect the airway. However, EI is not complication material during the recovery phase (Robinson et al.
free, especially in cats (Dyson et al. 1998; Brodbelt 1985). Given these undesirable effects of topical LH it
et al. 2007). The cat’s airways are small and delicate may be better to use another method to decrease
and can be easily injured (Mitchell et al. 2000; laryngeal reflexes.
Hofmeister et al. 2007). Laryngospasm is a protec- The use of neuromuscular blockers (NMB) for
tive reflex of the upper airway (UA) during EI (Rex endotracheal intubation is a usual practice in
et al. 1983), and this protective response must be human anesthesia, and its efficiency has been
minimized in order to facilitate intubation. assessed using many different scales. The Sandor-
Lidocaine hydrochloride (LH) is frequently used Agoston scale (Table 1) for EI assessment has been
for topical desensitization of a cat’s laryngeal approved by an international consensus conference
mucosa (Morrell et al. 1982; Rex et al. 1983). for good clinical research practices (Viby et al.
Recovery of total laryngeal sensitivity after 2% LH 1996). The NMB, administered immediately after
administration ranges from 17 to 100 minutes; an anesthetic induction agent, paralyzes the lar-
while at 10% concentrations recovery may take up yngeal muscles to allow easier EI. Succinylcholine is
to 256 minutes (Robinson et al. 1985). A signifi- a depolarizing NMB which has an effective, fast, and
cant decrease (p < 0.001) in the occurrence of brief suppressive effect on laryngeal reflexes. In cats
spasms and failed attempts (2 and 10%, respectively) it has a short duration of action and muscle function
has been reported when evaluating the comparative recovers after 3–5 minutes (Hall et al. 2001). How-
benefits of the topical application of LH (Hamill et al. ever, the use of succinylcholine can be accompanied
1981). by undesirable side effects, such as: muscular pain,
Topical application of LH (10% spray) is a safe and hyperglycemia, cardiac arrhythmias, prolonged
usual alternative for laryngeal desensitization dur- apnea, masseter muscle spasms, malignant hyper-
ing EI. However, it can cause moderate laryngeal cell thermia, cardiac arrest, and increases in intraocular
Intubation conditions
Clinically acceptable
Clinically not acceptable
Variables Excellent† Good‡ Poor§
Laryngoscopy Easy (Jaw relaxed, no Fair (Jaw not fully relaxed, slight Difficult (No jawrelaxation, active
resistance to blade in the resistance to blade) resistance of the patient to
course of laryngoscopy) laryngoscopy)
Vocal cords
Position Abducted Intermediate Closed
Movement None Moving Closing
Reaction to insertion of tracheal tube and/or cuff inflation
Movements of the limbs None Slight Vigorous
Cough§ None Slight (Abdominal movement with Sustained (Multiple movements of
non audible air expulsion) abdomen and thorax with audible air
expulsion; >10 seconds)
*Source: Modiffied of Viby et al. 1996. †All variables are in excellent condition. ‡All variables are in either excellent or good condition. §At
least a single variable listed under poor condition.
and intracranial pressures (Hildebrand 1997; 10 mL kg 1 hour 1, through. The cats were placed
Martinez & Keegan 2007). Prolonged blockade in sternal recumbency, and using the aid of a lighted
may occur with decreased plasma cholinesterase laryngoscope (Welch Allyn type Miller, blade No. 0,
concentration hepatic disease, pregnancy, or expo- NY, USA), a non-lubricated endotracheal tube
sure to anticholinesterase agents such as organo- (Mallinckrodt tube with a low volume high pressure
phosphates (Hildebrand 1997). cuff; 3.0 mm for <3.0 kg BW and 4.0 mm for
Rocuronium bromide (RB) is a non-depolarizing >3.0 kg BW), without stylet, was introduced; and
NMB, used as an alternative to succinylcholine. In a the cuff was inflated until resistance to injection was
study performed in cats anesthetized with isoflurane felt, and adjusted when leaks were detected during
(Auer & Mosing 2006), RB at 0.6 mg kg 1 showed ventilation. The endotracheal tube was attached to a
no negative side effects on heart rate nor on blood Bain non-rebreathing system with an oxygen flow of
pressure and produced a complete blockade in 90% 0.6 L kg minute 1. Oxygenation, heart rate (HR)
of the cats. RB had a rapid onset (47 11 seconds) and end-tidal CO2 (PE′CO2) were monitored as
and moderate duration of effect (13 2.7 minutes). described below.
Paralysis of the respiratory muscles requires that the The patients (n = 13) in which intubation was
cat receives intermitent positive pressure ventilation possible on the first attempt (Non assisted group:
until spontaneous respiration returns. Preoxygen- NAG) were connected to the breathing circuit and
ation is recomended prior to the use of NMB (Hall the scheduled surgical-medical procedure was per-
et al. 2001) for intubation. formed. In cats where intubation was not successful
The objective of the present study was to investigate at the first attempt (n = 34), due to vocal cord and/or
if neuromuscular blockade with rocuronium bromide arytenoids cartilage adduction, sternal recumbency
was able to improve endotracheal intubation condi- was maintained and oxygen was administered by
tions by comparison with lidocaine hydrochloride. mask. They were then randomly allocated, accord-
ing to the order in which they arrived at the hospital
into one of the following two groups (n = 17 each): a
Materials and methods
lidocaine group (LG) that received LH (AstraZeneca,
This study was designed as a randomized prospective Mexico) on the laryngeal mucosa (0.1 mL, 10%
study. The Animal Care Committee of the University spray), or a rocuronium group (RG) that received RB
authorized this study in compliance with the Guide (Schering-Plough, Mexico) as a rapid bolus IV
for the care and use of laboratory animals (US (0.6 mg kg 1 over 5 seconds). Sixty seconds after
National Institute of Health 2011). In all cases, LH or RB administration, EI was attempted with the
informed consent was granted by the patient’s aid of laryngoscopy. Once EI was achieved, the
owner. The study was performed with owned cats; endotracheal tube was connected to a non re-
47 healthy cats of unspecified breed, destined for breathing anesthetic circuit as above and the sched-
elective procedures to be performed in the Veterinary uled surgical or medical procedure was performed.
Hospital. The procedures were: ovariohysterectomy, The assessment of EI conditions included five
n = 21; orchiectomy, n = 14; dental cleaning, variables: a) ease of laryngoscopy, b) position and c)
n = 5; or clinical examination, n = 7. Their mean movement of the vocal cords, d) patient movement
body weight ( standard deviation) was and e) cough during insertion of the endotracheal
2.8 0.8 kg and their age was 17 11 months. tube or when inflating the tube cuff. The scores for
Only cats identified as healthy, through physical each variable were ‘excellent’, ‘good’ or ‘poor’ where
examination and chemical and hematological test- excellent and good were ‘clinically acceptable’ and
ing, were used in this study. poor was ‘clinically unacceptable’ (Table 1). When
A combination of xylazine (Bayer, Mexico; any variable was assessed as ‘poor’, EI conditions
1.1 mg kg 1, IM) and tiletamine-zolazepam (XTZ; were considered ‘clinically unacceptable’. In addi-
Virbac France, imported by Virbac Mexico; tion, time taken and number of attempts for EI were
7 mg kg 1 IM) was administered to all cats. After also recorded.
10 4 minutes the cats were anesthetized and a Heart rate and PE′CO2 concentration were
24-gauge intravenous catheter was placed asepti- recorded before and during the procedure by a side-
cally into the cephalic vein. Saline solution (Pisa stream multi-parameter monitor (Welch Allyn, Atlas
Farmaceutica, Mexico; 0.9%) was then infused # 622 NP-E1, NY, USA). HR was measured using a
(10 4 minute after XTZ) at a rate of lead II electrocardiogram, PE′CO2 was evaluated
© 2013 The Authors. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
© 2013 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, 0, 1–8 3
An alternative for intubation in cats A Moreno-Sala et al.
before EI, via a CO2 monitor adapter in a face mask; hematocrit and total proteins among groups
this mask was replaced for the endotracheal tubes (Table 2). EI was performed at the first attempt
when EI was fulfilled. PE′CO2 was evaluated with a and without pharmacological assistance in (13/47)
sampling rate of 50 mL minute 1. Manual ventila- of the patients, while in the remaining cats; EI was
tion was applied when apnea was present or PE′CO2s performed with LH or RB.
were >40 mmHg (4.7 kPa) at 15 breaths per min- The proportion of cats whose EI conditions were
ute, with an approximate tidal volume of clinically acceptable (excellent and good), or clini-
10 mL kg 1. Tidal volume was evaluated clinically cally unacceptable (poor), showed no significant
from the reservoir bag of the breathing circuit. statistical differences (v2 > 0.05; Fig. 1) between the
Endotracheal intubation was carried out according LG and RG but these groups were significantly
to Hartsfield et al. (2007) with the aid of a profes- different from the group which received neither
sional assistant. Anesthesia, treatments and moni- treatment.
toring were performed by an experienced veterinary In the analysis of the variables considered for EI
anesthetist (MGTM); assessment of EI and its vari- conditions assessment, there was no difference
ables was carried out by a veterinarian experienced in among treatments in the ‘laryngoscopy’ variable
feline physiology (AMS). This last veterinarian was (v2 > 0.05). All patients in this study had relaxed
not present when the experiment was designed nor jaws, and none of the cats showed any resistance to
when the treatment was applied, so he was unaware laryngoscopy. Significant differences (v2 < 0.01)
of which treatment had been used; when a second EI were found among all groups in the ‘cough’ variable
attempt was required, he left the room and LH or RB during tube insertion or cuff inflation. None of the
was applied, one minute later the EI was performed. cats in the RG coughed, whereas, in the LG, 1/17 of
Differences among groups were analyzed using the patients had sustained coughing and 5/17 had
chi-squared and ANOVA (with Duncan′s multiple small diaphragmatic movements. In the NAG, 11/
range test; Statistical Analysis System software, 13 cats had sustained coughing, which was consid-
SAS/STAT version 9.0.0, SAS Institute Inc., NC, ered as clinically unacceptable.
USA), for discrete and continuous variables, respec- The RG did not have limb movement, while 2/17
tively. Results were expressed as a proportion of cats of the LG had slight movement and 12/13 of the
which showed an EI condition in each group, NAG showed movement, either slight (6/12) or
continuous variables are expressed as mean (SD) vigorous (6/12), which was considered to be clini-
and range. The differences were considered signifi- cally unacceptable.
cant if p < 0.05. The variables associated with vocal cords showed
significant statistical differences (p < 0.01), in move-
ment as well as in position. The LG had excellent
conditions in all patients (abducted vocal cords)
No significant statistical differences (p > 0.05) were whereas in the RG all cats had good vocal cord
observed in relation to gender or mean weight, age, position (intermediate), as shown in Fig. 2 (panel: b
Table 2 Demographic characteristics (mean standard deviation and range) per group with non assisted or assisted
endotrachal intubation
Variable Non assisted* (n = 13) Lidocaine (n = 17) Rocuronium (n = 17) p-value (F-test)
Age (months) 19.8a 10.2 (5–52) 18.5a 13.6 (5–48) 15.2a 7.4 (6–30) 0.49
Weight (kg) 3.0a 0.70 (1.5–4.9) 3.0a 1.0 (1.5–4.9) 2.9a 0.6 (1.5–3.8) 0.90
Hematocrit (%) 37a 6 (25–49) 35a 5 (27–45) 35a 5 (30–47) 0.50
Total proteins (g L 1) 70a 3 (62–83) 72a 6 (62–81) 70a 4 (64–76) 0.30
Gender (F:M) 7:6A 10:7A 9:8A 0.68
*Intubated cats at first attempt. F:M: female:male proportion. A = No significant statistical differences among groups (p > 0.05); Chi-
square test. a = No significant statistical differences among groups (p > 0.05); Duncan test.
and c). In the NAG 12/13 cats had good vocal cord returned to spontaneous ventilation, therefore they
position. Vocal cord movement maintained synchro- were assisted until their recovery (recovery time:
nicity with the ventilation cycle in 11/13 cats from 5 2 minutes from the end of the procedure).
the NAG and 6/17 of the LG. Patients from the RG Starting 4 minutes before administering the RB or
showed no movement. LH until 10 minutes after; cats anesthetized with
In all cats from the NAG and LG, EI was achieved XTZ from all groups had both HR and PE′CO2
at the first attempt, while in RG, only 8/17 of the concentrations within physiological range (Table 3).
patients were intubated on their first attempt, while The indicators of respiratory function showed no
the rest required 2 or 3 attempts; showing significant significant statistically differences (p > 0.05) among
statistical differences (p < 0.01), with the NAG and groups, which showed that manual and spontane-
LG groups. However, the time spent to achieve EI ous ventilation were similar.
showed no significant statistical differences
(p > 0.05), since the mean time for the NAG, LG
and RG were 9 2, 9 1 and 10 2 (8–12)
seconds, respectively. In the RG, the cats were apneic In the present study, all cats subjected to EI with RB
for 20 8 (10–28) minutes after having adminis- had clinically acceptable conditions, according to
tered the medication, so these animals were manu- the Sandor Agoston scale (Viby et al. 1996). EI
ally ventilated for this period. Orchiectomy and conditions with RB were better than the conditions
clinical examinations (n = 21) ended before cats present without pharmacological assistance, in
Table 3 Heart rate (HR) and end-expired CO2 (PE′CO2) tension in cats anesthetized with xylazine and tiletamine-zolazepam
Group 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10
HR (beats minute *)
Non assisted 140 21 145 22 137 27 139 12 141 19 138 26 140 17 139 15
Lidocaine† 136 19 141 14 139 17 141 21 143 21 143 19 137 21 140 19
Rocuronium† 148 27 150 27 147 25 140 22 139 21 133 35 142 16 141 20
PE′CO2 (mmHg*)
Non assisted 29 4 27 7 28 7 28 5 28 6 30 5 30 5 29 3
Lidocaine† 28 5 28 6 29 7 29 4 29 5 29 5 30 6 29 5
Rocuronium† 31 4 30 6 29 6 30 6 31 4 32 5 31 4 31 5
*Mean standard deviation. †Lidocaine hidrochloride or rocuronium bromide (0.1 mL topical on laryngeal mucosa; 0.6 mg mL 1
was administered at 0 and endotrachal intubation was performed one minute later.
addition they were clinically similar to the condi- tion and intubation conditions and Sano et al.
tions present with the use of topical LH, which is (2003) described EI in cats induced with propofol,
commonly used in cats for EI (Hamill et al. 1981; but neither of these reports evaluated the cats’ vocal
Morrell et al. 1982; Dyson 1988). The use of cord position.
neuromuscular blockade for EI is a routine practice Saglam & Tas (2011) used a scale to evaluate EI in
in human medicine and has been used by some cats; laryngeal responses and vocal cord visibility are
clinicians as a routine approach for EI in cats (Hall grouped in four assessment levels. That study, with
et al. 2001). Succinylcholine has been the drug cats anesthetized with ketamine, midazolam and
most commonly used for this technique. This is the succinylcholine (n = 7), reported EI conditions as
first report of EI in cats using RB and could be good and excellent; but described vocal cords as
considered in cases where LH cannot be recom- relaxed and open. In our study, 60 seconds after the
mended due to previous pathologies or pathologies RB injection was administered the vocal cords were
induced by LH in the pharyngeal-laryngeal mucosa in an intermediate position (Fig. 1, panel c) in all
(Rex et al. 1983; Chadwick 1985). cases (17/17). RB has been extensively used in
In this study, EI conditions in cats from the NAG human anesthesia (Perry et al. 2002), where it is
were assessed as clinically acceptable in only 2/13 of common to find vocal cords that are abducted,
the patients (5/13 cough; 6/13 movement of limb immobile and in an intermediate position (Eiker-
and cough). Therefore 45/47 of cats required some mann et al. 2002; Almeida et al. 2004; Politis et al.
type of pharmacological assistance for clinically 2005). In a different study in cats which used the
acceptable conditions. Our results concur with same RB dose as our study, the loss of neuromus-
previous statements that in order to decrease cular response to stimulation of the ulnar nerve was
laryngeal responses, it is best to use pharmacological maximal at 46 11 seconds with a duration time
aids in all patients to be intubated (Robinson et al. from 10 to 24 minutes (Auer & Mosing 2006).
1985; Dyson 1988). Laryngoscopy, position, and Although the larnygeal muscles are usually para-
vocal cord movement in cats from the NAG were lyzed earlier than the muscles of the thoracic limb it
evaluated before performing the EI and, although is possible that this was not the case with rocuro-
there was good relaxation and minimal response to nium in cats and our results reflect a partial paralysis
laryngoscopy, the larynx and trachea remained of these muscles at 60 seconds (Ibenbunjo & Hall
reactive (Rex et al. 1983). 1994). However, this vocal cord position is the same
Vocal cord position is present in some scales, such as the one observed in a cat’s cadaver and in
as those of Lund & Stovner (1969), Fahey et al. laryngeal paralysis induced by damage to the cat’s
(1981) and Sandor Agoston (Viby et al. 1996). In laryngeal nerves (Campbell & Holmberg 1984).
cats, some reports have assessed intubation; for In our work, the apnea time of RG cats ranged
example, Dyson (1988) reported laryngeal relaxa- from 10 to 38 minutes, which is similar to that
© 2013 The Authors. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
6 © 2013 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, 0, 1–8
An alternative for intubation in cats A Moreno-Sala et al.
reported by Auer & Mosing (2006). In our study, the ronium bromide could be an alternative to facilitate
values of PE′CO2 ranged from 23 to 37 mmHg and intubation in domestic cats, especially where topical
were close to the average previously reported for lidocaine hydrochloride may carry a higher risk of
anesthetized cats (Clark 2003; Mendes & Selmi side effects, due to the presence of laryngeal or
2003). Hypercapnia may increase the activity of pharyngeal pathologies. However, rocuronium bro-
intrinsic laryngeal muscles (Adachi et al. 1998) but mide would not be suitable where ventilatory
this was not the case during this study. support is unavailable or for procedures shorter
In the LG there were six patients with abduction than the effect of the rocuronium.
(inspiring phase) and adduction (expiring phase) of
the vocal cords during ventilation; which made it
necessary to wait for abduction before attempting
intubation. In the RG, all patients (17/17) had The study was partially supported by University and
immobile vocal cords, which allowed EI to be State grants. We also thank Martin Ortiz Lopez for
performed immediately, but care must be taken the help given so that this study could be published.
due to the intermediate position of the vocal cords.
Patients from the RG did not cough. However, cats
in the NAG (11/13) and the LG (6/16) groups had
sustained coughing and diaphragmatic movements Adachi T, Umezaki T, Matsuse T et al. (1998) Changes in
during EI or cuff inflation. Coughing is undesirable, laryngeal muscle activities during hypercapnia in the
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