Lisjak 2014 Eurock
Lisjak 2014 Eurock
Lisjak 2014 Eurock
11 1,288
5 authors, including:
Tim Vietor
Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle
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T. Vietor
National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (NAGRA), Wettingen, Switzerland
G. Grasselli
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
ABSTRACT: Experimental evidence based on microseismic data clearly show that fluid-pressure-driven frac-
tures interact with preexisting discontinuities, thus highlighting the strong influence of rock mass structures on
hydraulic fracture development. However, these mechanisms are not well accounted for by analytical models
and conventional continuum-based numerical approaches. The purpose of this paper is to assess the use of
an alternative hybrid finite-discrete element (FDEM) code, enhanced with hydraulic fracturing capabilities, to
model pressure-driven fracturing in jointed rock masses. The proposed approach is first validated by comparing
the emergent pressure response and fracture patterns simulated under homogeneous isotropic conditions with
available analytical solutions. Then, the effect of rock mass discontinuities on the hydraulic fracturing process
is investigated for several joint geometries.
are interspersed across the edges of all triangular
element pairs (Fig. 1). Since no adaptive remeshing
is performed as the simulation progresses, potential
fracture trajectories are restricted to the existing mesh
topology. Therefore, to minimize the bias induced
on the model response, sufficiently refined unstruc-
tured meshes should be used. In the crack element
Figure 1. Representation of solid material in FDEM. model, the bonding stresses transferred by the mate-
rial are functions of the displacement discontinuity
across the crack elements according to the cohesive
laws illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 3. Conceptual diagram of the hydraulic fracture
propagation process in a FDEM-HF model. For illustration
purposes, only selected triangular elements are shown.
Figure 4. Geometry and boundary conditions of the HF
models. D is the diameter of the borehole.
The cavity volume calculated at each time step is fed
into the pump model.
Table 1. Rock input parameters.
2.2.2 Pump model
Parameter Schla BDS
The pump model is used to determine the fluid pres-
sure, P, to be applied to all edges marked as wet. In Bulk density, ρ (kg/m3 ) 2500 2500
general, the fluid pressure depends on the input flow Young’s modulus, E (GPa) 30 0.25
rate, Q, and responds to variations in cavity volume, Poisson’s ratio, ν 0.27 0.25
V . At every time step, the fluid mass, m, is integrated Damping coefficient, µ (kg/m · s · 105 ) 10.4 5.6
from the flow rate (specified as a time-varying bound- Tensile strength, ft (MPa) 4 3.5
ary condition). Then the pressure, P, is calculated Cohesion, c (MPa) 20 20
from this mass and the cavity volume as Mode I fracture energy, GIc (N/m) 0 0 or 1
Mode II fracture energy, GIIC (N/m) 50 50
Friction angle, φ (◦ ) 38 38
Normal contact penalty, pn (GPa · m) 300 200
Tangential contact penalty, pt (GPa/m) 30 20
Fracture penalty, pf (GPa) 150 100
where β is the bulk modulus of the fluid, which has
pressure P0 at density ρ0 . Finally, based on the length
and orientation of each wet element edge, the fluid
pressure is converted into equivalent nodal forces.
graded towards the external boundaries, where an ele-
ment size equal to 0.2 m was used for both models.
All models were meshed using the Delaunay triangu-
3 HOMOGENEOUS ISOTROPIC lation scheme available in the program Gmsh v. 2.8.3
MODELS (Geuzaine and Remacle, 2009). The input parameters
adopted for the host rock are reported in Table 1.
3.1 Model description
3.1.1 Geometry, mesh and input parameters 3.1.2 In-situ stress field, borehole excavation and
The model geometry for the FDEM-HF analyses con- fluid injection
sisted of a circular cross-section of a borehole placed The models were preliminarily initialized with the
at the centre of a 5 m × 5 m square domain (Fig. 4). in-situ stress fields reported in Table 2. The Schla-a
The borehole diameter, D, was equal to 0.16 and condition corresponds to the stress field measured in
0.10 m for the Schlattingen-1 (Schla) and BDS-5 the Schlattingen-1 borehole at a depth of 1,122 m while
(BDS) models, respectively (Klee, 2011, 2012). To the BDS-a stresses refer to the values measured in the
maximize the model resolution in the borehole near- BDS-5 borehole at a depth of 156 m. The Schla-b and
field while keeping the run times within practical BDS-b are the associated isotropic stress models. Sub-
limits, a mesh refinement zone, with average element sequently, a zero-displacement condition was applied
h = D/27 was adopted around the borehole boundary. to the far-field boundary of the model and the borehole
From the refinement zone the element size was then excavated.
Table 2. In-situ stress conditions for the model.
Pb theoretical Pb simulated
Model (MPa) (MPa)
Figure 8. Injection pressure as function of time for the
BDS models with GIc = 1 N/m.
For the case of flaw geometry F1, hydraulic frac- A preliminary evaluation of a hybrid continuum-
tures nucleated at the tip of the discontinuity and discontinuum numerical code to simulate hydraulic
propagated along a straight line for both in-situ stress fracture propagation was carried out. The FDEM code
fields. Since the flaw extended partially out of the was equipped with a computational module to sim-
borehole-induced stress concentration area, the injec- ulate fluid-pressure-driven fracturing. The approach
tion pressure Pb required to open a fracture (5.5 MPa) was first validated by reproducing injection pressure
became equal to the value of Psi (5.1 MPa), which responses as well as fracture patterns expected under
in turns approximated σh (4.8 MPa). Therefore, the homogeneous and isotropic conditions. Preliminary
pressure injection curve did not exhibit any drop in investigations on the effect of preexisting discontinu-
pressure but showed a bilinear behaviour (i.e., linear ities indicated that, unlike conventional analytical and
elastic increase followed by a constant pressure value). continuum-based numerical methods, FDEM has the
For the case of flaw geometry F2, hydraulic frac- capability to realistically account for the influence of
tures nucleated again at the tip of the preexisting rock mass fabric on the hydraulic fracture process.
Figure 9. Simulated fracture trajectories and evolution of σ1 contour for the BDS models with joints (GIc = 1 N/m).