Week2 - The Lean Startup

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DIT836 Startups and

Industrial Software
Product Management
Week 2 – The Lean Startup
”Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” by Steve Jobs
Feedback on your business model
canvas assignment
• Value proposition – too many elements and elements you can not control (e.g.
reduced fuel cost, more happy people, increased productivity,
• Key activities – high level does not help, e.g. marketing activities, customer
support, every company would be forced to do these activities
• Customer segments – the more detailed you are the better for you
• Cost structure – not only a total number but detailed activities and aspects, also
personal cost is a bit high level, what personal do you need or what technoogy
do you need
• Channels – interet or a webstie is not enough

3 2024-01-22
Entrepreneurial Renaissance
• We are living through an
unprecedented worldwide
renaissance, but this
opportunity is laced with
• Because we lack a
coherent management
paradigm for new
innovative ventures, we’re
throwing our excess
capacity around with wild

4 2024-01-22
The five principles of a Lean Startup
• Entrepreneurs are everywhere – not only in a garage, entrepreneurs are
everywhere. Anyone can be an entrepreneur without owning a business, either a
student or an employee within a corporation.
• Entrepreneurship is management – as a startup is an institution it requires a a
management structure under extreme uncertainty. A startup is not only about
product development but also business development.
• Validated learning. Startups exist not just to make stuff, make money, or even serve
customers. They exist to learn how to build a sustainable business. Hence,
entrepreneurs should run experiments frequently and validate the hypotheses
about the business model.

5 2024-01-22
The five principles of a Lean Startup
• Build-Measure-Learn. The fundamental activity of a startup is to turn ideas into
products, measure how customers respond, and then learn whether to pivot or
persevere. Build an MVP, test it to market, measure customers’ reactions and
behavior, learn from it and use it to build a better product. An MVP is the smallest
set of features or activities needed to test a hypothesis.
• Innovation accounting. To improve entrepreneurial outcomes and hold innovators
accountable, we need to focus on the boring stuff: how to measure progress, how
to set up milestones, and how to prioritize work. This requires a new kind of
accounting designed for startups—and the people who hold them accountable.

6 2024-01-22
Roots of the Lean Startup
• The Lean Startup takes its name from the lean manufacturing
revolution that Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo are credited
with developing at Toyota.
• Lean thinking is radically altering the way supply chains and
production systems are run.
• Among its tenets are drawing on the knowledge and creativity
of individual workers, the shrinking of batch sizes, just-in-time
production and inventory control, and an acceleration of cycle
• It taught the world the difference between value creating
activities and waste and showed how to build quality into
products from the inside out.
7 2024-01-22
Waste in Lean Manufacturing

In a startup?

8 https://www.automationmag.com/7872-seven-wastes-of-lean-and-how-to-eliminate-them/ 2024-01-22
Roots of the Lean Startup
• The Lean Startup adapts these ideas to the context of entrepreneurship, proposing
that entrepreneurs judge their progress differently from the way other kinds of
ventures do.
• Progress in manufacturing is measured by the production of high-quality physical
• Lean Startup uses a different unit of progress, called validated learning. With
scientific learning as our yardstick, we can discover and eliminate the sources of
waste that are plaguing entrepreneurship.

9 2024-01-22
Measuring progress in early-stage
• It has to provide a method for measuring progress in the context of extreme
• It can give entrepreneurs clear guidance on how to make the many trade-off
decisions they face: whether and when to invest in process; formulating, planning,
and creating infrastructure; when to go it alone and when to partner; when to
respond to feedback and when to stick with vision; and how and when to invest in
scaling the business.
• Most of all, it must allow entrepreneurs to make testable predictions.

10 2024-01-22
Example – 8 hours of code production
product features are tangible
• The Lean Startup asks people to start measuring
their productivity differently. Because startups
often accidentally build something nobody wants,
it doesn’t matter much if they do it on time and on
• The goal of a startup is to figure out the right thing
to build—the thing customers want and will pay
for—as quickly as possible.
• In other words, the Lean Startup is a new way of
looking at the development of innovative new
products that emphasizes fast iteration and
customer insight, a huge vision, and great ambition,
all at the same time. 2024-01-22
Automobile as metaphor for a startup
• An internal combustion automobile is powered by two important and very different
feedback loops.
• The first feedback loop is deep inside the engine. Before Henry Ford was a famous
CEO, he was an engineer. He spent his days and nights tinkering in his garage with
the precise mechanics of getting the engine cylinders to move.
• Each tiny explosion within the cylinder provides the motive force to turn the
wheels but also drives the ignition of the next explosion.
• Unless the timing of this feedback loop is managed precisely, the engine will
sputter and break down

12 2024-01-22
Automobile as metaphor for a startup
• Startups have a similar engine that I call the engine of growth. The markets and
customers for startups are diverse: a toy company, a consulting firm, and a
manufacturing plant may not seem like they have much in common, but, as we’ll
see, they operate with the same engine of growth.
• Every new version of a product, every new feature, and every new marketing
program is an attempt to improve this engine of growth.
• Like Henry Ford’s tinkering in his garage, not all of these changes turn out to be
improvements. New product development happens in fits and starts.
• Much of the time in a startup’s life is spent tuning the engine by making
improvements in product, marketing, or operations.

13 2024-01-22
Automobile as metaphor for a startup
• The second important feedback loop in an automobile
is between the driver and the steering wheel.
• This feedback is so immediate and automatic that we
often don’t think about it, but it is steering that
differentiates driving from most other forms of
• If you have a daily commute, you probably know the
route so well that your hands seem to steer you there
on their own accord.
• We can practically drive the route in our sleep.

14 2024-01-22
A rocket ship

• By contrast, a rocket ship requires just this kind of in-advance

calibration. It must be launched with the most precise
instructions on what to do: every thrust, every firing of a
booster, and every change in direction.
• The tiniest error at the point of launch could yield catastrophic
results thousands of miles later.
• Unfortunately, too many startup business plans look more like
they are planning to launch a rocket ship than drive a car.
• They prescribe the steps to take and the results to expect in
excruciating detail, and as in planning to launch a rocket, they
are set up in such a way that even tiny errors in assumptions
can lead to catastrophic outcomes.
15 2024-01-22
A rocket ship vs. a car ride
• Unfortunately, too many
startup business plans look
more like they are planning to
launch a rocket ship than
drive a car.
• They prescribe the steps to
take and the results to expect
in excruciating detail, and as
in planning to launch a
rocket, they are set up in such
a way that even tiny errors in
assumptions can lead to
catastrophic outcomes.
16 2024-01-22
The lean startup method

• The Lean Startup method, in contrast, is designed to teach you how to drive a
• Instead of making complex plans that are based on a lot of assumptions, you
can make constant adjustments with a steering wheel called the Build-
Measure- Learn feedback loop.
• Through this process of steering, we can learn when and if it’s time to make a
sharp turn called a pivot or whether we should persevere along our current
path. Once we have an engine that’s revved up, the Lean Startup offers
methods to scale and grow the business with maximum acceleration.

17 2024-01-22
Vision → Strategy → Product
• Startups have a destination in mind: creating a thriving
and world-changing business. I call that a startup’s vision
• To achieve that vision, startups employ a strategy, which
includes a business model, a product road map, a point of
view about partners and competitors, and ideas about
who the customer will be.
• The product is the result of this strategy.
• Products change constantly through the process of
optimization, can be called tuning the engine

18 2024-01-22
Setback – an opportunity to learn
• In real life, a startup is a portfolio of activities.
• A lot is happening simultaneously: the engine is
running, acquiring new customers and serving
existing ones; we are tuning, trying to improve
our product, marketing, and operations; and we
are steering, deciding if and when to pivot.
• The challenge of entrepreneurship is to balance
all these activities.
• Even the smallest startup faces the challenge of
supporting existing customers while trying to
• Even the most established company faces the
imperative to invest in innovation lest it become
19 2024-01-22
Entrepreneurship is management
• Imagine a modern manager who is tasked with building a new product in the
context of an established company.
• Imagine that she goes back to her company’s chief financial officer (CFO) a year
later and says, “We have failed to meet the growth targets we predicted. In fact, we
have almost no new customers and no new revenue. However, we have learned an
incredible amount and are on the cusp of a breakthrough new line of business. All
we need is another year.” Most of the time, this would be the last report this
intrapreneur would give her employer.
• The reason is that in general management, a failure to deliver results is due to
either a failure to plan adequately or a failure to execute properly.
• Both are significant lapses, yet new product development in our modern economy
routinely requires exactly this kind of failure on the way to greatness.

20 2024-01-22
Who is an entrepreneur
• entrepreneurial prerequisites - proper team structure, good personnel, a
strong vision for the future, and an appetite for risk taking
• “It’s as if we have all of the raw materials: kindling, wood, paper, flint,
even some sparks. But where’s the fire?”
• Be proud of your choices not gifts
• Identify your “calling”

21 https://youtu.be/7TWKKww-F30?feature=shared 2024-01-22
• Who are You as an entrepreneur?

22 https://youtu.be/7TWKKww-F30?feature=shared 2024-01-22
The innovator’s dillema
• Usually, large companies fall into the trap described in Clayton
Christensten’s The Innovator’s Dilemma: they are very good at
creating incremental improvements to existing products and
serving existing customers, which Christensen called sustaining
innovation, but struggle to create breakthrough new
products— disruptive innovation—that can create new
sustainable sources of growth.
• Fortunately (or not) software is a great catalyst for disruptive
• 5,5 years to generate 50 MUSD while the turnover is
800MUSD a year
• Leadership requires creating conditions that enable employees
to do the kinds of experimentation that entrepreneurship
23 2024-01-22
• If the fundamental goal of entrepreneurship is to engage in
organization building under conditions of extreme
uncertainty, its most vital function is learning
• We must learn the truth about which elements of our
strategy are working to realize our vision and which are just
• We must learn what customers really want, not what they
say they want or what we think they should want.
• We must discover whether we are on a path that will lead to
growing a sustainable business.

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Example Learning

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Validated Learning
• In the Lean Startup model, we are rehabilitating learning with a concept I
call validated learning.
• Validated learning is not after-the-fact rationalization or a good story
designed to hide failure.
• It is a rigorous method for demonstrating progress when one is
embedded in the soil of extreme uncertainty in which startups grow.
• Validated learning is the process of demonstrating empirically that a team
has discovered valuable truths about a startup’s present and future
business prospects.
• It is more concrete, more accurate, and faster than market forecasting or
classical business planning.
• It is the principal antidote to the lethal problem of achieving failure:
successfully executing a plan that leads nowhere.
27 2024-01-22
Value vs. Waste
• Learning to see waste and then systematically eliminate it has
allowed lean companies such as Toyota to dominate entire
• In the world of software, the agile development methodologies I
had practiced until that time had their origins in lean thinking.
• They were designed to eliminate waste too.
• Lean thinking defines value as providing benefit to the customer;
anything else is waste.
• In a manufacturing business, customers don’t care how the
product is assembled, only that it works correctly.
• But in a startup, who the customer is and what the customer
might find valuable are unknown, part of the very uncertainty
that is an essential part of the definition of a startup.

28 2024-01-22
Value means what we have learned when
trying and failing to build a product for the
• What You had learned over weeks/months about what creates value for
• What have you learned about the customers (who they are)
• What have you learned about technology (does it scale)
• What have you learned about the revenue/pricing (how much the
customers are willing to pay for your product)
• What have you learned about what competitors offer and what they
struggle with?

29 2024-01-22
Lean Startup Process Steps
• Build measure learn loop
• Lean Startup is not a collection of individual Tactics (e.g. build
low-quality prototype, change customers from day one, low-
volume revenue targets) but a process to follow

30 2024-01-22
Shoud we write the code?
The build-measure-learn paradigm can be implemented on different
levels. For instance:

• Students BUILD their BMC, validate (MEASURE) their ideas against

competitors, market research, etc., LEARN and improve
• Students BUILD mockups + describe how the product will work,
show it to customers to collect input/data, LEARN, and improve.
• Students BUILD a high-fidelity prototype (e.g. a frontend with a
human handling the backend ), offer it to pilot users to nail down
the backend logic, LEARN and improve.
• Highest-level prototypes may come close to an MVP that can be
usable. However, not everyone may get that far.

31 2024-01-22
Key Practices of the Lean Startup

32 2024-01-22
Experiment via Hypotheses
• Which customer opinions should we
listen to, if any?
• How should we prioritize across the
many features we could build?
• Which features are essential to the
product’s success and which are
• What can be changed safely, and what
might anger customers?
• What might please today’s customers at
the expense of tomorrow’s?
• What should we work on next?

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Example Hypothesis for AirBNB

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• Create a hypothesis

35 2024-01-22
Separate Facts from Hypotheses
• Clearly and consciously separate facts from
• For example, it is a fact that Chalmers has 12k
students. However, it is a hypothesis that at
least half of them need help finding student
housing and they are ready to pay for it.
• For each block of the BMC, I suggest identifying
at least one hypothesis that must hold true for
the model to work.
• The hypothesis must be simple, testable, and

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38 2024-01-22
Här kommer grafer och dekorelement. Dessa kan inte mallas utan får
kopieras eller användas som guide.


Om du vill skapa ett diagram med färgpaletten för den

övergripande mallen, gå till: > Insert > Chart.

• Välj önskad diagramtyp

• Kopiera och klistra in data från din excel-tabell i den som visas
ovanför diagrammet i sliden.
Stapeldiagram exempel
Diagram titel

Kategori 1 Kategori 2 Kategori 3 Kategori 4
Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3

40 2024-01-22
Linjediagram exempel
Diagram titel

Kategori 1 Kategori 2 Kategori 3 Category 4
Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3

41 2024-01-22
Flera diagram, två exemplar
Diagram titel Diagram titel
6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
Kategori 1 Kategori 2 Kategori 3 Kategori 4 Kategori 1 Kategori 2 Kategori 3 Kategori 4
Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3 Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3

42 2024-01-22
Flera diagram, tre exemplar

6 6
5 5
4 4
0 1
2000 2005 2010 2020 0
Serie 1 Serie 2 2000 2005 2010 2020
Serie 3 Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3 2000 2005 2010 2020

43 2024-01-22
Diagram och text
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
Kategori 1 Kategori 2 Kategori 3 Kategori 4 Kategori 1 Kategori 2 Kategori 3 Kategori 4

Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3 Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue
massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed
pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada
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44 2024-01-22
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Maecenas
porttitor congue massa.
Fusce posuere, magna
sed pulvinar ultricies,
purus lectus malesuada
libero, sit amet commodo
magna eros

45 2024-01-22
Några tips och tricks
Copy/paste Tips
När du klistrar in text, objekt och sidor får du Du kan ställa in det alt du vanligast använder
en ikon i nedre högra delen av textblocket där via funktionen ’Inklistringsalternativ’
du behöver välja inklistringsalternativ
’Behåll källformatering’
– ta med typografi från där du kopierar texten
’Behåll endast text’ – typografi enligt textblock klistrar in i

Inklistringsalternativ av sidor mellan ppt:er Eller gå till Alternativ > Avancerat och göra
’Bevara källformatering’
– innehållet behåller inställningarna i källfilen
’Använd måltema’ – innehållet formateras om till
inställningarna i målfilen
’Klistra in som bild’ – ny funktion allt innehåll blir till en bild

46 2024-01-22
Dölj bakgrundgrafik
Om du inte vill ha dekor från mallsidan på din bild
så kan du bocka i rutan ’dölj bakgrundsgrafik’ under
fliken Design > Formatera bakgrund

Chalmers färger följer med filen, du hittar de under
formatering av text och form ’temafärger’. Om du
glömmer att ange ’Använd måltema’ när du drar
eller klistrar in sidor från annan ppt, kan dessa

47 2024-01-22

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