Self-Assessment 8

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Self-Assessment 8.

1: Organizational Climate Questionnaire

Chapter 8: Establishing a Constructive Climate

Suggestions for Improving Your Leadership


The ability to create a constructive climate within a group requires leaders to focus on
providing structure, clarifying norms, building cohesiveness, and developing and
maintaining standards of excellence. These four aspects of group dynamics ensure
group members fully understand their role in achieving group success and how the
group expects members to treat each other. Group leaders must create a positive
climate that supports group members and rewards them for achieving success. Inherent
in building a constructive climate within a group is effective feedback to group members.
Effective feedback ensures an honest dialogue that promotes the relational aspect of
the leadership process to create within group members the desire to achieve and
exceed group expectations. Although challenging for group leaders, creating a
constructive climate within a group can produce results that exceed expectations and
rewards all group members.

Scoring Interpretation

This questionnaire is designed to measure four factors related to establishing a

constructive climate: providing structure, clarifying norms, building cohesiveness, and
promoting standards of excellence. By comparing your scores, you can determine your
strengths and weaknesses in establishing a constructive climate as a leader.

• If your score is 20–25, you are in the high range.

• If your score is 15–19, you are in the high moderate range.

• If your score is 10–14, you are in the low moderate range.

• If your score is 5–9, you are in the low range.

Providing Structure 23
High Providing Structure Score 20 - 25
Your high providing structure score indicates that you excel at instilling a sense of
security, direction, and stability within your group. You create synergy by making the
most of the strengths of each member within your group. Maximizing individual
strengths and clearly defining how each member contributes to the group motivates
people to do their very best. Clearly communicating group goals and continuously
stressing how goal achievement will benefit everyone within the group creates a climate
Self-Assessment 8.1: Organizational Climate Questionnaire

of excellence that promotes achievement. To strengthen your ability to provide

structure, consider engaging in the following actions:

• Through your relationships with members of your group, create an incentive

system that provides rewards for exceeding established goals. Note that
different people are motivated by different things. Knowing your group
members well will help you when establishing positive rewards

• Assign competent group members more challenging tasks to better learn

their individual strengths and skills. Review the responsibilities of each
member within your group to ensure their strengths and talents are fully
used in meeting the group’s mission

• Periodically remind your group of its mission. Understanding how group

members’ work fits in the big picture can help keep morale high and improve

Clarifying Norms 23
High Clarifying Norms Score 20 - 25
A high clarifying norms score suggests you excel at creating rules and guidelines for
your group and that you desire members of your group to follow the established norms.
Norms help groups function effectively by defining how group members treat each other
and accomplish their goals. Groups lacking clear norms will not act or treat each other
consistently and will accept a relative sense of what is right. Norms create the
framework that allows a group to meet and exceed expectations while creating a
constructive climate of excellence. To strengthen your ability to clarify norms, consider
engaging in the following actions:

• Conduct a review of established conduct rules (i.e., how group members

treat each other) with the intent to verify that the rules are still effective or
change the rule to meet current needs.

• Engage in one-on-one discussions with group members and ask for their
views on improving the established conduct rules of your group.
Personalized requests for feedback build increased trust and loyalty within a

• Create a process for addressing conflict between group members. Having a

process in place before conflict occurs provides group members with a
heightened sense of order with a group.
Self-Assessment 8.1: Organizational Climate Questionnaire

• With your coworkers, generate a brief list of the established norms that
govern your group. Distinguish between espoused and practiced norms.
Discuss with the group which of these norms are constructive and which are
destructive. Explore ways the positive norms can be reinforced and the
negative norms can be changed.

Building Cohesiveness 21
High Building Cohesiveness Score 20 - 25
Your high building cohesiveness score implies that creating “wellness” within a group is
one of your strengths. Cohesiveness is the glue that holds a group together. Group
members who can express their views, give and receive feedback effectively, and feel
comfortable doing meaningful work have a special connection with each other that
fosters group excellence. Group excellence creates productivity and a greater ability to
achieve goals and even go beyond stated goals. Leaders who can create a heightened
sense of group cohesion have good interpersonal skills while maintaining a focus on
standards and accomplishing the task. To strengthen your ability to build cohesiveness,
consider engaging in the following actions:

• Have your group participate in a team-building activity (e.g., ropes course);

groups that overcome adversity or challenges together create strong bonds
between group members.

• Ask members of your group who are so inclined to sign up to run in a local
5k. Design and make your own shirts for the event, and if some members do
not run, invite them to be a volunteer support team.

• Have your group participate in a recreational sports league or enter your

group into a team competition.

• Provide a safe way for members to express divergent viewpoints, such as a

box for anonymous comments or “heretical ideas.”

Promoting Standards of Excellence 24

High Standards of Excellence Score 20 - 25
A high standards of excellence score indicates that you are able to establish a
constructive climate by creating high performance expectations for your group and
holding group members accountable to them. You ensure group members have the
skills needed to accomplish tasks and goals, treat each other with respect, and meet
Self-Assessment 8.1: Organizational Climate Questionnaire

deadlines. Effective feedback and rewarding performance is important to you, and your
score indicates that you reinforce good behavior by stressing the importance of rewards
and feedback. To strengthen your ability to establish and maintain standards of
excellence, consider engaging in the following actions:

• Create a “council of excellence” for group members to participate in to

establish and review performance standards and goals.

• Create a slogan for your group that describes what your group is best at or
what it represents. A slogan provides a focus point for the group and can
inspire group members toward excellent performance.

• Send two handwritten notes each week to group members who exceed
expectations or need encouragement. A handwritten note with specific
personal details about the recipient’s skills or importance to the team has
tremendous impact and creates loyalty and commitment to the leader and

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