Form, Acknowledgement of Statement of Warranties

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Acknowledgement of Statement of Warranties

I/We ________________________, Single/ Married, Filipino, with residence address at

__________________. Do here by depose and state that.

That I/ we are engaged in the purchase of a Unit(s) from Almex Technologies Philippines Inc.
(thereinafter referred to as ATPI) with details as follows.

Project - _________________________

Location - _________________________

That I / we have accepted the unit stated above in good condition by virtue of our signature on
the Certificate of Acceptance , a copy which is attached hereto and made an integral part hereof.

That I / we have been duly informed and hereby agree to the terms herein, and confirm our
acceptance of the privileges associated with, as well as the limited liabilities of the warranties by
ATPI for various items/ parts of the unit, Specifically stated below.

1. Waterline Leaks – Thirty (30) days from our acceptance (not necessarily physical
occupancy of unit, reckoned from the date of out signature on the certificate of acceptance;

2. Firewall Leaks – One (1) year from acceptance (not necessarily physical occupancy of
unit, reckoned from the date of our signature on the certificate of acceptance;

3. Clogged Sewer/ Drainage pipes – Thirty (30) days from our acceptance (not necessarily
physical occupancy) of unit, reckoned from the date of our signature on the certificate of acceptance;

4. Toilet & Bathroom Waterproofing – Thirty (30) days from our acceptance (not
necessarily physical occupancy) of unit, reckoned from the date of our signature on the certificate of

5. Locksets Performance – seven (7) days from our acceptance (not necessarily physical
occupancy) of unit, reckoned from the date of our signature on the certificate of acceptance;

6. Plumbing / Electrical Fixtures (faucets, toilets, shower heads, switches, outlets,

receptacles, breakers, p-traps, floor drains, etc.) Seven (7) days from our acceptance (not necessarily
physical occupancy) of units, reckoned from the date of our signature on the certificate of acceptance;

7. Roof Leaks – One (1) Year from acceptance (not necessarily physical occupancy) of unit,
reckoned from the date of our signature on the certificate of acceptance;
8. Painting – One (1) Year warranty Against bubbling/peeling of paint only; i.e. fading, water
marks, chalking, hairline cracks, or other damages to painted surfaces are not covered.

I / We acknowledge and agree to the limited liability of ATPI to conduct repairs and / or
maintenance to our housing unit in the event of acts of nature, acts of God, or forces majeure;

I / We have been informed and hereby accept that warranties stated in the preceding section
are not applicable to, and / or shall be rendered void, and that ATPI shall be held free and clear of its
obligations or liabilities to its warranties, under the following scenarios and conditions;

1. Waterline Leaks – if we alter the layout of pipes of replace plumbing fixtures

2. Clogged Sewer/Drainage pipes – If we alter the layout of pipes, or misuse the plumbing
fixtures (e.g.) flushing items into the toilet not intended for flushing, food in the kitchen sink’s
drainage line, etc.);

3. Firewall Leaks – if we alter the roofing layout/ roof materials, such that the firewall’s roof
capping is damaged or removed, and its top surface is exposed to the element;

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