English Solutions
English Solutions
English Solutions
Q.1. (A)
i. (C) [1]
ii. (D) [1]
iii. (A) [1]
iv. (B) [1]
v. (D) [1]
Q.1. (B)
i. War [1]
ii. True [1]
iii. Western Ghat : Asiatic lion :: Sunderban sanctuary : Tigers [1]
iv. Coal is used as fuel in thermal power plant.
lic [1]
v. The given picture represents: Laughter Club [1]
Q.2. (A)
i. a. Cell division is the property due to which a new organism (unicellular) is formed from an
existing one.
b. In case of multicellular organisms, the growth of the organisms is dependent on cell division.
c. It is also essential for restoration of emaciated body.
d. Cell division is an important aspect of wound healing, formation of blood cells, and other
such important life processes.
Hence, cell division is one of the important proper ties of cells and organisms. [2]
ii. a. Cockroach has jointed appendages, which is the characteristic feature of members belonging
to phylum Arthropoda.
Arthropoda. [2]
iii. Power generation from natural gas is more eco-friendly as natural gas does not contain sulphur,
burning of natural gas results in less pollution and is thus more eco-friendly.
Q.2. (B)
Morphological Embryological Vestigial organs
Evidences of
Connecting links
in bone
structure [2]
Science and Technology Part - II
ii. a. Mr. Molai single handedly transformed a barren land into forest.
b. It was due to his positive attitude, affection towards nature and hard work, that he could
achieve success in planting trees, in over 1360 acres of land.
c. From the story of Jadav Molai Payeng we learn that, we all need to make Earth a better place
tolive for us as well as for the coming generations.
d. From his story, it is clear that if a large crowd causes harm to the environment, even a single
person, if determined can establish a forest and benefit the environment in great ways.
e. Also, if one person can make such an impact, many people coming together in unity to take
efforts for environment conservation can bring about a revolution.
Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction
a. Reproduction that occurs with the help Reproduction that occurs with the help of
of two germ cells is called sexual somatic cells is called as asexual
reproduction. reproduction.
b. Male and female parent are necessary This is uniparental reproduction, thus both
for sexual reproduction. male and female parent are not necessary.
c. This reproduction involves both mitosis This reproduction occurs with the help of
and meiosis type of cell division. mitosis only.
d. New individual formed by this method The new individual formed by this method
is genetically different from parents. is genetically identical to its parent.
In all individuals sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction occurs in different
occurs by gamete formation and individuals by various methods like binary
fertilization. fission, multiple fission, budding,
fragmentation, regeneration, vegetative
propagation, spore formation, etc.
modified crops.
b. Examples of genetically modified crops: Bt cotton, Bt brinjal, Golden rice, herbicide tolerant
v. Vitamins:
a. Vitamins are a group of heterogenous compounds which are essential for the proper operation
Q.3. (A)
i. 1. Please do not litter; Dispose your waste in dustbin / Trash bin
2. Save fuel
3. Save water
ii. The characteristics of reptitila are:
a. They are poikilothermic (cold-blooded) animals.
b. They locomote by creeping, as their body cannot be lifted up.
c. Digits are provided with claws.
d. Their skin is dry and scaly.
e. Neck is present between the head and trunk.
f. External ear is absent.
[Any three characteristics] [3]
Board Answer Paper: March 2022
iii. 1. Milk is used to produce cheese. In cheese production, microbes like Lactobacillus lactis and
Streptococcus thermophilus are mixed with milk.
2. Enzyme rennet obtained from alimentary canal of cattle used traditionally in the production of
3. An enzyme protease obtained from fungi is used to produce vegetarian cheese.
iv. 1. The process shown in diagram is stem cell therapy.
2. Stem cells can be transformed into other types of cells. The organs generated using stem cells
can be used for organ transplantation.
3. Stem cells may develop into neurons, brain, intestines, liver, heart and bone.
v. a. The unpredictable dangerous events which occur many times in the environment are known
as disasters.
b. Natural disasters: Flood, earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, landslides, etc.
c. Man-made disasters: Terrorist attacks, communal riots, bomb explosions, road accidents, fire, etc.
[Any two examples of each] [3]
vi. Some of the main objections raised against Darwin’s theory of natural selection are as follows:
a. Natural selection is not the only factor responsible for evolution.
b. In his theory, Darwin did not explain the inheritance of useful and useless modifications.
c. No explanation regarding slow and abrupt changes was provided in this theory.
lic [3]
vii. 1. The process shown in the given picture is Biofuel production.
2. Examples of fuels obtained:
Solid fuels: coal, dung, crop residue [Any two examples]
Liquid: vegetable oils, alcohol [Any two examples]
viii. 1. Flow chart showing stages in electric generator using wind energy
Wind with Wind turbine
Generator Electrical energy
Q.4. i. (a)
Corolla (Petals)
Filament (Stamen)
Calyx (Sepals)
(b) The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is called pollination.
(c) Pollination occurs with the help of abiotic agents like wind, water and biotic agents like
insects and other animals.
Science and Technology Part - II
ii. 1. If I start spending more time on internet I would follow the below given steps:
a. Designating activities during which the usage of internet or mobile phones should be strictly
avoided. For example during meals, while studying, etc.
b. Talking to family members or friends when I feel lonely instead of using internet or mobile
phones. This will reduce the habit of using mobile phones during idle time.
c. Develop hobbies like reading books, writing diary, collecting various materials, drawing,
singing, listening to music, etc. [Any one]
2. If I find that the child of my neighbour is addicted to tobacco chewing:
a. I will make him aware about the health problems associated with chewing tobacco like mouth
cancer, tooth decay, gum diseases, etc. This will help him to make decision about quitting
b. I will advise him to reduce the use of tobacco everyday till he finally quits it completely.
c. I will also make him talk to his family or friends regarding the issue, so as to help him get rid
of the habit. [Any one]
3. If I find that my sister has become incommunicative and prefers to remain alone;
a. I will talk to her and try to find out the reason for her aloofness and the stress. I will discuss
her problem and help her find a solution to her problem.
b. I will try to get her to speak with family members and participate in family discussions,
family functions, etc. I would also encourage her to pursue her hobbies. This can help her
divert her mind from the issues that are troubling her.
c. If required I will advise her to consult a professional counsellor and discuss her problems.
[Any one]
4. I will use the free space around my home in the following manner:
I will grow small plants and shrubs, which will beautify the surroundings and also help in
reducing the carbon dioxide levels.
b. I can also make the space available for parking of public vehicles or starting a small
playground, library, etc. [Any one]
5. If I find that my brother studying in XII has developed stress;
a. I will talk with him and try to understand whether the stress is due to studies.
b. I will also help him in preparing timetable for his studies so that he gets time for relaxation
and some leisure along with studies. [Any one]