Schedule For Martial Arts Studies Confer
Schedule For Martial Arts Studies Confer
Schedule For Martial Arts Studies Confer
19 - 21 July 2016
information &
MARTIAL second international CONFERENCE
CONFERENCE 19-21 July 2016
1 Welcome and introduction
Paul Bowman, Conference Organiser
3 Expectations
Three ground rules for success
4 General information
For delegates, panels and chairs
5 Conference Programme
Daily programme of events
33 Find a panel
At-a-glance guide to the conference panels
34 Find a speaker
A-Z guide to our speakers, times & venues
38 Films
Competition and screenings
19 - 21 July 2016
Welcome to the second international Martial Arts Studies We have also established a book series with one of the
Conference at Cardiff University. The first conference took most exciting academic publishers to have emerged in
place last year, in June 2015, and it sparked and helped to fuel recent years, Rowman & Littlefield International (RLI).
many significant developments in the field of martial arts RLI not only published my own first monograph on the
studies, which has palpably exploded into life and activity in subject of martial arts studies last year, they also provided
the last twelve months. For instance, since last year, we have some funding both for last year’s conference and for this.
established the Martial Arts Studies Research Network in And now they are publishing a book series of hardback,
the UK – an initiative whose obvious promise and potential paperback and electronic books – entitled Martial Arts
helped us to secure valuable funding from the Arts and Studies. The first books in the series will be appearing later
Humanities Research Council (AHRC). We have already held this year.
two successful events – one on gender issues in martial arts
As well as this, new formal and loose connections have
studies at The University of Brighton, and another on martial
sprung up between researchers working in different fields,
arts cinema at Birmingham City University. We are currently
languages and geographical areas. We are seeing increasing
planning future events – the next one being a network event
connections and communications between formerly distinct
on mindfulness and martial arts at Huddersfield University in
and often formerly isolated researchers, who are now
November. And, of course, our AHRC funding has helped to
communicating with each other, reading and debating each
support this current conference too.
other’s research, and even visiting and working together.
In addition, during the last twelve months we have
These are just a few of the great ongoing developments in
established the new journal, Martial Arts Studies, which
and around martial arts studies. I am confident that this
is not only peer reviewed but also online, open access, and
year’s conference – which is even bigger than last year’s
published as an imprint of Cardiff University Press. So far we
and which has attracted an even wider geographical and
have published two extremely important collections that will
disciplinary sweep of participants and visitors – will further
help to shape the directions of research and debate in martial
stimulate important connections, collaborations and
arts studies.
research developments.
Rule #2
Be Respectful
This applies to all things. Be respectful in keeping to time and thereby enabling other people’s
time. Be respectful of academic and social protocols and normal polite conventions. When
you are presenting or asking a question, remember that your time and your voice is not more
important than other people’s time and other people’s voices. Similarly, in the rooms, in the
corridors, during the meals, in the pubs, in the streets, in the halls, and at all times, please be
respectful of other people’s dignity, rights and expectations. I shouldn’t have to say this, and
hopefully all of your minds will boggle when I do say this, but there must be no harassment
or prejudice of any kind, whether sexual, racial, religious, class, nationalistic, macho, male,
female, or anything else. I shouldn’t have to say that, but past experience suggests that for
some people it does need to be said. And let me be clear, if I do hear of anyone who is not
following rule number two by not being respectful, then I reserve the right to withdraw our
hospitality. And hospitality is important. Indeed, it is rule number three.
Rule #3
Be Hospitable
Intellectual hospitality is vital and vitalising in any academic context. So you must be
hospitable to other people’s ideas, approaches, opinions, and voices. Being open to new
ideas, new approaches, and being ready for meeting difference, diversity, eclecticism and
even dissensus should not take anyone by surprise here. We are, after all, working across the
intersections of multiple academic disciplines and discourses, seeking to immerse ourselves in
and advance our knowledge and understanding of myriad aspects of martial arts, even if only
for the next three days.
4 19 - 21 July 2016
6 19 - 21 July 2016
Biographies &
A-Z of speakers and contributors
8 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Cole, Soo
Curzon Films
Film screenings
18.00 Tuesday
29 Park Place
10 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Frank, Adam D.
Understanding Identity Through
Martial Arts - or Not
9.30 Thursday
Birt Acres
Adam Frank is Associate Professor of Asian Studies and
Anthropology in the Norbert O. Schedler Honors College,
University of Central Arkansas. He is author of Taijiquan and
the Search for the Little Old Chinese Man: Understanding
Identity through Martial Arts (2006).
12 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
14 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
16 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Keynote Gender
19.30 Wednesday 15.30 Wednesday
Birt Acres Room 0.14
Benjamin N. Judkins is co-editor of the journal Martial Arts This presentation draws on poststructuralist understandings
Studies. With Jon Nielson he is co-author of The Creation of of identity to explore how female Finnish judokas make sense
Wing Chun: A Social History of the Southern Chinese of themselves and their sporting experiences. Based on nine
Martial Arts (SUNY, 2015). He is also author of the long-running semi-structured interviews that were constructed during
martial arts studies blog, Kung Fu Tea: Martial Arts History, ethnographic fieldwork in Finland, we explore how female
Wing Chun and Chinese Martial Studies Finnish judokas negotiate their identities by drawing on the
( discursive resources that are available to them. A Foucauldian
approach to discourse analysis revealed that dominant
beliefs about human biology shaped the identity negotiation
of the participants, who constructed fighting as an inner
male quality. Trying to make sense of their experiences in
Karpathyova, Iveta judo, they all constructed a fighter’s identity, differentiating
themselves from ‘ordinary’ women, who were constructed
Film-maker as biologically incapable for competitive judo. This study
reveals that even in the egalitarian culture of Finland,
gender hierarchies and patriarchal ideals persist in martial
Film screenings arts, and women athletes internalize and reproduce their
18.00 Tuesday subordination.
29 Park Place
18 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Film screenings
18.00 Tuesday
29 Park Place
20 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
22 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Phillips, Scott Park several world dance traditions, including the Congolese traditions
taught by Malonga Casquelourd and the Kathak (Indian Classical)
Baguazhang: The martial dance of tradition of Chitresh Das. Scott has been teaching children and
an angry baby-god adults for twenty years, including five years at the American
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) and ten years
with the San Francisco-based Performing Arts Workshop.
11.00 Wednesday
Room 1.20
In this paper I investigate the Chinese internal martial art Phipps, Catherine
baguazhang 八卦掌 in order to expose its theatrical and Transgender, Transphobia, LGBT+,
religious roots. I show how the conventional histories of and Mixed Martial Arts
baguazhang that developed in the aftermath of the Boxer
Rebellion are both unsatisfying and incomplete (Allen, Zhang
2007; Zhang, Shapiro 2008; P. A Cohen 1997). Drawing on Gender
the fictional epic Canonization of the Gods (Fengshen Yanyi) I 15.30 Wednesday
explore the idea that baguazhang is an art which developed Room 0.14
to portray the rebellious child-god Nezha 哪吒 as the leader
of the Thunder Gods 雷神 in ritual-theater staged for the Fallon Fox is the first openly transgender athlete in the
invocation of invisible armies of shadow soldiers (yinbing) sport of mixed martial arts (MMA), after transitioning
(Meulenbeld 2015; Shahar 2015). Drawing on my experience from male to female in 2006. Since publically coming out as
as a practitioner of baguazhang, I investigate thematic transgender in 2013, Fox has received media attention and
narratives, baguazhang’s unique weapons, its improvisation transphobic verbal abuse, mainly due to perceptions she has
practice, its stepping, and its signature dragon-twisting an unfair advantage over cisgender female opponents, and
movement. By integrating kinesthetic knowledge with a therefore should not be fighting in women’s divisions within
culturally embedded understanding of history, I propose a MMA. Most notably, opposition has come from Ronda
unifying cosmology that explains the unique characteristics Rousey (former UFC women’s bantamweight champion),
of baguazhang. Linking baguazhang to the god Nezha, opens Dana White (president of the UFC) and Joe Rogan (sports
many new lines of inquiry. The link suggests a synthesis in commentator for the UFC). Drawing on interview and
practice, where Daoist mediumship and the golden elixir questionnaire data from research on LGBT+ inclusion in
(jindan) merge with a Chinese version of the Tibetan tantric sport more widely, this presentation will discuss binary
Buddhist practice of Chöd (Harding 2003; Shahar 2015; models of gender in sport which often create barriers for
Strickmann 2002; Phillips, Mroz 2015). This syncretic transgender people. The presentation will also focus on
possibility conjures images of an angry child returning his the poor reception many transgender athletes receive in
flesh and bones to his parents while walking through mud to sport (particularly male-to-female transgender athletes),
create an indestructible lotus body – a body that parallels the transphobic abuse towards Fallon Fox, and the controversy
creation of the diamond (vajra/dorje/jingang) body in other surrounding her participation in women’s MMA.
Chinese martial arts (Shahar 2012).
24 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Anna Seabourne’s PhD in Japanese Studies at the University of Ben Spatz is Senior Lecturer in Drama, Theatre and Performance
Manchester uses an ethnographic approach to explore learning and at the University of Huddersfield. He is the author of What
teaching in a koryū bujutsu (Japanese: ‘old flow’ pre-Meiji martial a Body Can Do: Technique as Knowledge, Practice as
systems) with a particular focus on Takenouchi-ryū Bitchūden. Research (Routledge 2015) and numerous articles and essays
She taught in Kyoto from 1995-2007, including at Ritsumeikan published in both scholarly and artistic contexts. Ben holds a
University’s Inter-faculty Institute for Intercultural Studies, and PhD in Theatre from the City University of New York and was
currently works part time at the University of Leeds. She moderates formerly a performer with the Gardzienice Theatre Association
the MARTS Jiscmail list and is an active member of the Martial and a Fulbright Fellow at the Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw. He
Arts Studies Research Network. She has practiced martial arts since was a Movement Research Artist-in-Residence (2010-2012) and
1987. Further details at or follow @ has performed and presented work at numerous venues across
lucubrat on Twitter. New York City. Most recently Ben was selected as an Arts and
Humanities Research Council Leadership Fellow (2016-2018) with
the project ‘Judaica: An Embodied Laboratory for Song-Action’.
26 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Tran, Lan (with Nancy Watterson) the efficacy of taking responsibility for their own learning;
and connecting their mind and body so they can literally feel
Mindfulness, Metacognition, and Martial their own transformations.
Arts: I Liq Chuan and Arts of Awareness
Lan Tran is a level 3 I Liq Chuan student, who co-teaches with
Mindfulness Nancy Watterson two full-credit academic courses that revolve
15.30 Wednesday around I Liq Chuan, one at the undergraduate level at Cabrini
Room 0.31 College and one graduate-level at the University of Pennsylvania.
Higher education today longs for pedagogies that embrace
diverse learning styles, multiple intelligences, and
differentiated instruction that will empower learners in
the classroom, influence life-long learning, and prepare
Vaittinen, Anu (with George Jennings)
students to become ever more globally aware. How, though, Sensuous Transformation:
to introduce such innovative practices intentionally? The Interconnections between Embodied
Some educational contexts use experiential, community-
based, and service learning approaches while others turn Training and Multi-Media Resources in
to contemplative education and mindfulness studies to Wing Chun
influence mindsets, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors
that may assist students in negotiating the complexities of
living in a pluralistic world. For our part, in this session, Pedagogy
we 4 presenters propose an interactive (roundtable) session 11.00 Thursday
that foregrounds how we have used the integrative, meta- Room 0.31
cognitive practices that comprise I Liq Chuan: The Martial Art
To date, research on martial arts has tended to look at
of Awareness as an interdisciplinary, integrative, academic
subcultural/embodied experience and mediated knowledge
approach that connects well with contemporary research
on martial arts as two separate areas of investigation. Within
into teaching and learning; namely, helping students to
the disruptive, interdisciplinary camp of martial arts studies,
understand how we learn, how we move, and how to use this
new questions are now being raised. How might martial
processual knowledge and heightened awareness in everyday
artists use specific visual and audio media to support their
life. In this session the 4 presenters, all ILC educator-
learning? How could this influence their transformation as
practitioners, will introduce preliminary insights (and most
practitioners, and the continued transmission of the art? In
apt research literature) about the benefits of integrating ILC
this paper, we examine the multisensory interconnections
skills into academic settings and the rubrics we have piloted
between the embodied practical transmission of skills and
for examining concrete observables (about the processes of
such external resources among two dedicated groups of
training to learn about learning). The balance of the session
Wing Chun exponents in England and in Mexico. The dual
will lead participants through some of the basic exercises we
aim is to share preliminary ideas/analysis into how regular
have incorporated into our courses use that offer students
practitioners utilise different resources to support more
concepts, principles tools for integrating awareness into their
hands-on training methods, and to consider the role of these
daily lives. I Liq Chuan (ILC) cultivates skills that clarify
resources in the development of their evolving identities as
attention and sharpen all the senses, including listening
Wing Chun practitioners. We examine the topic through
through touch, working collaboratively with partners.
a theoretical lens guided by sociological phenomenology,
Participants in this sessions will get a taste of the curriculum
with an emphasis on the embodied, situated, sensuous and
through which students train to recognize their own
inter-subjective nature of lived-experience. This approach is
alignment, balance, and conditions in the moment – thus
particularly pertinent for drawing out these interconnections
starting the process of shifting their mindsets; recognizing
28 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
in the everyday lives of the practitioners as beings-in- that foregrounds how we have used the integrative, meta-
the world. The discussion in this paper draws from three cognitive practices that comprise I Liq Chuan: The Martial Art
main sources: 1) the authors’ respective auto-ethnographic of Awareness as an interdisciplinary, integrative, academic
and auto-phenomenological notes 2) observations of approach that connects well with contemporary research
Wing Chun practice as participant-instructor-researchers into teaching and learning; namely, helping students to
interacting with practitioners over a nine-month period understand how we learn, how we move, and how to use this
3) an analysis of a range of mediated materials on Wing processual knowledge and heightened awareness in everyday
Chun and devoted online discussion forums. In short, it life. In this session the 4 presenters, all ILC educator-
is hoped that this contribution offers an in-depth look at practitioners, will introduce preliminary insights (and most
the relationships between martial arts practice and media apt research literature) about the benefits of integrating ILC
through the symbiotic and sensuous issues of transmission skills into academic settings and the rubrics we have piloted
and transformation. for examining concrete observables (about the processes of
training to learn about learning). The balance of the session
will lead participants through some of the basic exercises we
Anu Vaittinen is a qualitative sociologist and a health researcher have incorporated into our courses use that offer students
based at the Institute of Health & Society at Newcastle University, concepts, principles tools for integrating awareness into their
interested in sociological Phenomenology and development of daily lives. I Liq Chuan (ILC) cultivates skills that clarify
socially situated, sensuous embodied ways of knowing within attention and sharpen all the senses, including listening
physical cultures and health. Anu is a recreational MMA and Wing through touch, working collaboratively with partners.
Chun practitioner and novice triathlete. Participants in this sessions will get a taste of the curriculum
through which students train to recognize their own
alignment, balance, and conditions in the moment – thus
starting the process of shifting their mindsets; recognizing
Watterson, Nancy (with Lan Tran) the efficacy of taking responsibility for their own learning;
Mindfulness, Metacognition, and Martial and connecting their mind and body so they can literally feel
their own transformations.
Arts: I Liq Chuan and Arts of Awareness
Nancy Watterson is a level 3 I Liq Chuan student, who co-teaches
Mindfulness with Lan Tran two full-credit academic courses that revolve around
15.30 Wednesday I Liq Chuan, one at the undergraduate level at Cabrini College and
Room 0.31 one graduate-level at the University of Pennsylvania.
Higher education today longs for pedagogies that embrace
diverse learning styles, multiple intelligences, and
differentiated instruction that will empower learners in
the classroom, influence life-long learning, and prepare
students to become ever more globally aware. How, though,
to introduce such innovative practices intentionally?
Some educational contexts use experiential, community-
based, and service learning approaches while others turn
to contemplative education and mindfulness studies to
influence mindsets, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors
that may assist students in negotiating the complexities of
living in a pluralistic world. For our part, in this session,
we 4 presenters propose an interactive (roundtable) session
30 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Biographies & Abstracts
ARTS STUDIES A-Z of Speakers and Contributors
Invention Keynote
15.300 Thursday 15.00 Tuesday
Room 0.05 Birt Acres
In his influential Imagined communities, reflections on the origin In this talk I explore the territory between embodied practices
and spread of nationalism, Benedict Anderson suggested of martial arts, meditation, somatic work, and performance.
that modern Japanese nationalism was created by direct After raising the sociologically intriguing issue of the overt
government guidance from above. Japanese nationalism, he performative ‘spectacularization’ of some martial arts such as
argued, was the product of official ideology that had been kalarippayattu that emphasize overt ‘outer’ display for public
propagated by state institutions. Hence, Anderson dubbed it consumption, drawing on phenomenology and dynamic
‘official nationalism’. My paper re-evaluates Anderson’s thesis systems theory, I focus on the subtler dimensions of ‘inner’
by three case studies that draw upon the martial arts world: experience and embodied consciousness – what it is possible
1) The Dai Nippon Butoku Kai, among the most influential to ‘know’ and how we come to ‘know’ through an embodied
organizations in shaping the modern martial arts (particularly practice. I give particular attention to how one learns ‘to be
Kendo and Kyudo); 2) Sumo, Japan’s national sport; and 3) sentient’ and ‘to open up’ to the potential experiential world
Judo, the first modern martial art and Japan’s contribution available in/through embodied practices, interrogating the
to the Olympic Games. The paper demonstrates their role central role that studio/dojo/kalari-based discourses play in
in the creation of modern Japanese nationalism, no less than the process of embodied sensitization.
their inherent relation to the national Shinto religion. The
three case studies reveal different facets of Japanese nation-
building: Sumo emphasizes the power of the emperor and Phillip Zarrilli is internationally known for training actors in
the Meiji government in shaping Japanese national character psychophysical process through Asian martial/meditation arts,
through the martial arts; Butokukai demonstrates the power and as a director/performer. He runs a private studio (Tyn-y-
of the individual and the common masses; and Kano’s parc C.V.N. Kalari/Studio) in Wales, and conducts workshops
Judo indicates that Japanese nationalism is not necessarily throughout the world – including workshops or long-term
emperor-related. residences at many institutions including the Grotowski Institute
(Poland), as part of the BEYOND project with Emio Greco and Co
(Amsterdam), Helsinki Academy of the Arts, Seoul International
Itamar Zadoff is a graduate student in the Department of East Asia Theatre Festival, National Theatre of Greece, Tainan-Jen Theatre
studies of Tel Aviv University, working under the guidance of Prof. Company (Taiwan), TTRP (Singapore), Gardzienice Theatre
Meir Shahar and Prof. Irit Averbuch. He is a teaching assistant of Association, and many university actor training programmes
Prof. Liora Safati in the ‘Introduction to Japan’ course. His research such as Trinity College (Dublin) and Indiana University (USA).
focuses on the early-twentieth-century Japanese martial arts. He Zarrilli is the first Westerner to seriously study kalarippayattu.
studied Aikido under Shimamoto Katsuyuki Shihan (8th Dan), and He began his training in 1976 under the guidance of Gurukkal
Koryu En-shin Ryu under Soke Tanaka Fumon in Osaka, Japan. Govindankutty Nayar of the CVN Kalari, Thiruvananthapuram.
He is the Head of Wadokan Dojo, Pardes Hanna. Between 1976 and 1993 he lived in Kerala for a total of seven
years – each trip devoted to undergoing intensive training in
kalarippayattu. In 1988 he was gifted the traditional pitham
(stool) representing mastery by Gurukkal Govindankutty Nayar.
When the new CVN Kalari Sangham was founded in 2004, the
32 19 - 21 July 2016
Panel 17
Room 1.27
Kyle Barrowman
Evalina Kazakevičiūtė
Agar-Hutton, Robert The difficulties of presenting Problems & definitions Wednesday 0.31
Martial Arts to the world 11.00-12.00
Burkart, Eric Understanding Historical Records Grappling with history Wednesday 0.05
of Technique: Epistemological and 15.30-16.30
Hermeneutic Problems in the Study
of Lost Martial Arts
Davies, Philip Forensic History, ‘Silsilah’ and Historical excavations Thursday 0.31
the Martial Arts of the Dutch- 15.30-16.45
Indonesian Diaspora
Delamont, Sara Capoeira Bodies, Two Movies and Capoeira performance Wednesday 0.14
Everyday ‘Realities’ 11.00-12.00
Ehlen, Martin Yin Yang, Five Elements and Culture and tradition Wednesday 0.05
Rhymed Formulae: Traditional 11.00-12.00
Chinese Concepts in the Teaching
of Wing Chun
Frank, Adam D. Understanding Identity through the Keynote Thursday Birt Acres
Martial Arts – or Not 09.30-10.45
Fuller, Carol Martial Arts: Motivation and Motivations (1) Thursday 0.05
Impact on Health and Well-Being 11.00-12.00
Gianni, Tommaso Historical assumptions about Myths and assumptions Thursday 1.20
martial arts that still affect training 11.00-12.00
and scholarship today
Hay, Alexander News of the Duels – Restoration Historical excavations Thursday 0.31
Duelling Culture and the Early 15.30-16.45
Modern Press
34 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Find a Speaker
ARTS STUDIES A-Z Guide to our Speakers, Times and Venues
Judkins, Benjamin Liminoid Longings and Liminal Keynote Wednesday Birt Acres
Belonging: 9.30-10.45
Kavoura, Anna ‘Some Women are Born Fighters’: Gender Wednesday 0.14
Female Finnish Judokas’ Discursive 15.30-16.30
Constructions of a Fighter’s Identity
Kerchy, Vera Tai chi and/as Marionette Dance Performance Wednesday 1.20
Leow, Johnson Miramax and the Re-scoring of Film Aesthetics Thursday 0.14
Hong Kong Martial Arts Films 11.00-12.00
Little, William Truth in the Martial Arts: Aikido, Violence Wednesday 1.20
Violence and the Practice of the Self 15.30-16.30
Lloyd, Viki Martial Arts: Motivation and Motivations (1) Thursday 0.05
Impact on Health and Well-Being 11.00-12.00
Meyer, Martin The Kamehameha issue: A Problems & definitions Wednesday 0.31
phenomenological definition of the 11.00-12.00
martial arts
36 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Find a Speaker
ARTS STUDIES A-Z Guide to our Speakers, Times and Venues
Staller, Mario The simulated armed confrontation: Motivations (1) Thursday 0.05
A novel paradigm for studying 11.00-12.00
the neuropsychology of human
defensive behaviour
Stephens, Neil Capoeira Bodies, Two Movies and Capoeira performance Wednesday 0.14
Everyday ‘Realities’ 11.00-12.00
Stetkevych, Qays The grappling techniques of the Grappling with history Wednesday 0.05
fornaldarsögur and Íslendingasögur 15.30-16.30
Stewart, Alex Embodying the Fight Game: The Motivations (2) Thursday 0.14
social construction of Desire among 15.30-16.45
English professional boxers
Wetzler, Sixt Straight Lines and Magic Circles: Myths and assumptions Thursday 1.20
The martial arts myth of geometry 11.00-12.00
Wong, Wayne From the Martial to the Art: Slow Film aesthetics Thursday 0.14
Aesthetics in Transnational Martial 11.00-12.00
Art-house Cinema
Zadoff, Itamar Shinto, Martial Arts and Nation Invention Thursday 0.05
Building in Early-Meiji Japan 15.30-16.45
Zhang, Gehao From Red Spear to bayonet drill: a Historical excavations Thursday 0.31
media archaeology of marital arts 15.30-16.45
weapons in China
38 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Film Competition
ARTS STUDIES Results and Screenings
1000 Londoners: #9
John Jasinski, who’s taking on his irst
pro cage ight in Whitechapel
(3min 7sec)
(12A) (4min 35sec)
40 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Film Competition
ARTS STUDIES Results and Screenings
(12A) (3min 28sec)
Operation: Fringe
(12A) (max 12-15min)
Real Target
(12A) (3min 57sec)
42 19 - 21 July 2016
MARTIAL Film Competition
ARTS STUDIES Results and Screenings
Wrath of God
(15) (8min)
350 years ago a man known as the Hand Of God used his
power to hold back the forces of darkness. Now, as darkness
awakens once again, this power is passed to a young girl,
Rachel. Faced with a seemingly insurmountable enemy, can
she master this new found power and defeat darkness once
and for all?
(15) (10min)
Aims Contact
he primary objective of the Martial Arts Studies Professor Paul Bowman
Research Network is to connect up disconnected
disciplinary and cultural discourses on martial arts by
fostering dialogue through cross-disciplinary events. In
connecting and engaging diverse researchers, the network Information
will develop knowledge of the signiicance and impact of Martial Arts Studies Research Network:
martial arts in the contemporary world and set the agenda
for future research in the interlocking multidisciplinary
ields around them. Martial Arts Studies Journal:
Events Martial Arts Studies Book Series
he irst event was the 2015 Martial Arts Studies
Conference which took place from 10th to 12th June at
Cardif University. A diverse range of events is now taking
place at various locations across the UK.
he Martial Arts Studies Research Network is closely
connected with two main publication outlets.
44 19 - 21 July 2016
he latest issue of Martial Arts Studies Journal (Spring 2016) has twelve
high-quality articles and reviews written by international scholars and
practitioners. he main theme of this issue is he Invention of Martial Arts.
Scan the QR code for a direct download of the latest issue of
the journal.
Rowman & Littleield International
have generously provided a
conference discount of 25% or 30%
on this series of Martial Arts Studies
46 19 - 21 July 2016