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I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1
II. STRUCTURE OF THE ENGLISH COURT SYSTEM ............................................................ 2
III. STATUTES............................................................................................................................... 2
IV. STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS.............................................................................................. 4
V. CASE LAW ............................................................................................................................... 4
VI. DIGESTS .................................................................................................................................. 6
VII. UPDATING CASES / CITATORS ........................................................................................ 6
VIII. TREATIES ............................................................................................................................. 7
IX. ENCYCLOPEDIAS & DICTIONARIES ................................................................................ 7
X. LEGAL PERIODICALS............................................................................................................ 7
XI. TREATISES ............................................................................................................................. 8
XII. CITATION FORM / ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................. 8
XIII. RESEARCH GUIDES ........................................................................................................... 9
XIV. ENGLISH LAW ON THE WEB ........................................................................................... 9

This research guide is an introduction to the basic legal materials of modern English law
(see English Legal History, https://law.duke.edu/lib/researchguides/englishlegal/, for historical
research). This research guide applies only to the law of England and Wales. Scotland and
Northern Ireland have separate court systems, which, while similar, are not identical. This guide
does not include information on European Community law, which may be binding on English
courts. For guidance with researching EU law, see the European Union research guide
(https://law.duke.edu/lib/researchguides/europe/). If you are beginning a comprehensive legal
research project, refer to the sections of this guide that describe secondary sources first (e.g.,
sections IX through XI).

Some comparative notes to remember:

1. There is no written English constitution (i.e., there is no one single document called the
constitution); “constitutional law” concerns issues such as the role of the state, the
protection of individual rights, etc. (see e.g., Anthony King, The British Constitution,
KD3989 .K56 2007 & online: https://find.library.duke.edu/catalog/DUKE005340353).
2. There is no official codification of English statutes.
3. Any statute passed by Parliament is by definition valid and not subject to review by the
courts. Thus a statute’s “constitutionality” is not an issue a court can address; Parliament
alone may act to change a law.


The chart above shows a simplified version of the English court system. The Appellate
Committee of the House of Lords was the final court of appeal for civil and criminal cases from
England and Wales until October 2009, when the Supreme Court
(https://www.supremecourt.uk/) replaced it as the highest court in the United Kingdom.

The Court of Appeal in both its civil and criminal divisions has only appellate
jurisdiction, while the High Court of Justice and the Crown Court have both appellate and
original jurisdiction. They will hear on original jurisdiction civil and criminal cases considered
too serious to be heard by either the Magistrate’s Courts (criminal) or the County Courts (civil).
The English Legal Process, 13th ed. (KD7111 .I53 2011) by Terence Ingman provides a
detailed discussion of the organization and procedure of the courts.

English statutes have never been officially codified. There are, however, unofficial
publications that organize by subject the statutes currently in force. These are discussed below.

Airports Authority Act, 1965 (Eng.) is a typical statute cite. Until 1963, statutes were
cited by regnal year rather than calendar year. Thus, you might see a citation such as 5 Eliz. 2,
c.3, referring to the third act passed during the fifth year of Elizabeth II's reign. The English
Legal History research guide (https://law.duke.edu/lib/researchguides/englishlegal/) will help
you find older statutes.

Since 1831 Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (H.M.S.O., now the Office of Public Sector
Information) has published the official version of the statutes as Public General Acts and

General Synod Measures (KD124 .P83). The Law Library began receiving these in 1952. These
are the equivalent of our session laws. They are compiled every year; before that they are
available in slip law form. Access is through the Index to the Statutes in Force. The Public
General Statutes and The Public General Acts (KD124 .P82), published by the Incorporated
Council of Law Reporting, contain acts passed between 1866 and 1951 (both sets are marked
Law Reports: Statutes on the spine). Current Law Year Book (KD296 .C82) also contains
summaries of recent statutory developments, arranged by subject.

The official publication Statutes in Force (KD132 .S72 and in Microform) contains all
statutes in force from 1235, in subject order along with their amendments. Statutes in Force has
not been updated since 1992, and while it should not be used to look for current statutes, it is still
useful for historical research. There is an index for each subject as well as a general index. The
previous edition, Statutes Revised, 3rd ed. (KD130 .S72), contains legislation in force as of

Index to the Statutes (KD142.4 .I52), which covered the period 1235 to 1990 (when
publication ceased), and Chronological Table of the Statutes (KD142.3 .C47), which covers the
years 1235 to the present, are meant to be used with Public General Acts and Measures and
Statutes in Force. The Chronological Table of the Statutes indicates repeals and amendments.

There are also several commercial versions of the statutes that are organized by subject.
The best of these is Halsbury's Statutes of England and Wales (KD135 .H3 4th), currently in its
fourth edition. It contains the text of virtually all English statutes still in force. It is annotated
with case decisions, and statutory instruments (similar to regulations), and includes references to
Halsbury's Laws of England (see below under Encyclopedias). It is updated between editions.
Halsbury’s Statutes Citator (KD135 .H35) and Current Law Statute Citator (KD296. C8322) list
repeals and amendments to statutes. Current Law Statute Citator includes citations to cases
which have interpreted the legislation.

Public general acts currently in force are also on Lexis (UK Parliament Acts, Welsh
Assembly Acts, and Scottish Parliament Acts) and Westlaw (United Kingdom Legislation:
Statutes, Scots Legislation: Statutes). The Westlaw database United Kingdom Legislation
Locator provides links to citing cases and secondary sources. Type the names of the above
databases into the search bar in the relevant service to locate the source.

The National Archives maintains the official place of publication for newly enacted
legislation online (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/). It contains all legislation from 1988 to the
present day, as well as most pre-1988 primary (i.e. statutory) legislation. The “Search All
Legislation” section at the right of the screen allows searching by title, year, number, and type of
legislation. For Public General Acts, choose “UK Public General Acts” from the “Type” drop-
down menu. Newly enacted legislation will typically appear in official form on the website
within 24 hours or its publication in print.

A Guide to the UK Legal System provides advice on finding English legislation
(http://www.nyulawglobal.org/globalex/United_Kingdom.html). Craies on Legislation: A
Practitioners’ Guide to the Nature, Process, Effect and Interpretation of Legislation, 9th ed.
(KD691 .C73 2008) is a standard text on English statutes and statutory interpretation.

For the treatment of statutes in cases (beginning in 1947) check Current Law Statute
Citator (KD296 .C831 through 1999, KD296 .C8322 through 2006) which also lists amendments
to the statutes. Once you have selected and found a statute in Westlaw, to find related acts, cases,
and secondary sources citing your statute, click on “Analysis.” While Lexis doesn’t have a
comparable feature, searching in the case law or statutory databases with the name of the statute
may lead to cases and other statutes that refer to your statute.


Parliament may delegate to another authority the power to make rules and regulations in
an area where Parliamentary language is general. These rules have the force of law and are called
statutory instruments. They may also be referred to as delegated, subordinate, or secondary
legislation. (These instruments are similar to the federal regulations promulgated by executive
departments and agencies of the U.S. Federal Government.) Statutory Instruments (KD166 .A3
through 2011) are published annually. The index to this set is the biennial Index to Government
Orders (KD170 .I52 through 1991).

Halsbury also publishes cumulations of selected statutory instruments of general

application in Halsbury's Statutes Consolidated Table of Statutory Instruments (KD173 .H33).
Recent statutory instruments are summarized in Current Law Year Book (KD296 .C82). You can
also find current general (not local) statutory instruments on Westlaw (United Kingdom
Legislation: Statutory Instruments).

Statutory Instruments are available on the web beginning in 1988

(http://www.legislation.gov.uk/). In the “Search all Legislation” section at the right of the screen,
choose “UK Statutory Instruments” from the drop-down menu under “Type.”

Pre-1865 Law Reports

English case reporting can be divided into two main periods, before and since 1865. Until
1865 there was no sanctioned reporter for English cases. Instead, commercial reporters published
their own series, many of which consisted of only a few volumes, and which varied greatly in
quality. The Goodson Law Library’s English Legal History research guide

(https://law.duke.edu/lib/researchguides/englishlegal/) will help you find earlier cases, beginning
in the Middle Ages.

Law Reports since 1865

In 1865 the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting was formed to produce a quasi-
official version of reports, the Law Reports. Originally there were eleven series of reports. Now,
due to court reorganization, there are four series: Appeal Cases, Queen’s Bench Division,
Chancery Division and Family Division. You should cite cases to Law Reports (Bluebook,
T2.42). Be aware that citations to these series refer only to the series abbreviation, and do not
indicate that they are part of the Law Reports (e.g., Weston v. Remington, [1986] A.C. 135 is a
citation to the Appeal Cases series of the Law Reports). Neither Lexis nor Westlaw have access
to the Law Reports. Online access is available, however, to Duke affiliates through ICLR
Online (https://find.library.duke.edu/catalog/DUKE007459208).

Appeal Cases (KD275.4 .L38) includes the reports from the House of Lords, the Judicial
Committee of the Privy Council (a special court which prepares advisory opinions for the
Queen), and Peerage Cases. Queen’s Bench Division (KD277.7 .L38) contains the cases decided
in the Queen’s Bench division of the High Court of Justice and appeals from there to the Court of
Appeal, and cases in the criminal division of the Court of Appeal. (This set is called “King’s
Bench” when a king is on the throne of England.) The reporters from the Chancery (KD276.3
.L38) and Family (KD279.3 .L38) divisions contain cases in those courts and on appeal

The Weekly Law Reports (KD282 .W33) is another series published by the Incorporated
Council. Weekly advance sheets are cumulated into three bound volumes each year. The cases in
volumes 2 and 3 are generally reprinted in the Law Reports. (The first volume of the Weekly Law
Reports contains cases considered to be less important.) The Weekly Law Reports have the
advantage of currency; it can take up to two years for a case to appear in the Law Reports.

Some reporter series other than the Law Reports were still published after 1865,
including: Law Journal Reports (1822-1949) (KD288 .A22), Times Law Reports (1884-1952)
(KD288 .A5) and Law Times Reports (1843-1947) (KD288 .A34). Currently only one set, All
England Law Reports (1936- ) (KD288 .A64) is still published. This incorporates the Law
Journal Reports and the Law Times Reports. It is not wholly duplicative of the Law Reports and
its headnotes are considered to be more helpful than those in the Law Reports. Weekly advance
sheets are also issued.

In addition to the general series of law reports, there are commercially published
reporters containing cases in a specific subject area. Examples include Criminal Appeal Reports
(KD7865 .A2 C7), Lloyd's Law Reports (KD1815 .A2 L56) and Ryde's Ratings Cases (KD5534
.A51). The online catalog will indicate whether the library receives a set of reports and its call
number. Many English cases, including those from subject area reporters are available on
Westlaw (United Kingdom Cases) and Lexis (All United Kingdom Cases).

English cases are also published on the web. House of Lords cases decided from 1996 -
2009 are available from its archive (https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld/ldjudgmt.htm), and
the Supreme Court website provides information about pending and decided cases
(https://www.supremecourt.uk/index.html). The judiciary website makes selected judgments
available (https://www.judiciary.uk/judgments/?filter_type=judgment) as well as the British and
Irish Legal Information Institute website (http://www.bailii.org/). The Times Online
(https://www.thetimes.co.uk/?region=global) publishes legal news along with the full text of
selected judgments.

There are a number of English digests, but the most useful and comprehensive is The
Digest (called The English and Empire Digest until 1981) (KD296 .E52 1971), which covers
cases from the Yearbooks to the present. Cases are arranged in classified order under broad
subject headings and then chronologically within each topic. Each case is assigned a number that
can be used to trace the later treatment of that case (thereby allowing The Digest to be used as a
citator). The digest's organization is similar to that of Halsbury's Laws of England (see below
under Encyclopedias). Each volume has its own index and there is a two-volume general index
of subjects and of words and phrases. The third (or green band) edition of The Digest is the most
current. In some instances, an older case may not be in the current digest. You may find it by
checking one of the older editions. Like its American counterparts, The Digest has Tables of
Cases volumes allowing you to find a case if you know it by name and do not have a citation. It
will refer you to the correct volume of The Digest, which will then provide the full citation for
the case.


To get information in Westlaw for English cases similar to that which you would find in
Shepard’s or KeyCite for U.S. cases, there are several paths that lead to the same result. After
pulling a case, click on the blue “Analysis” link under the case name to get the appellate history
as well as other citing documents. However, this feature is available only for cases in reporters
included in the Westlaw databases. Lexis doesn’t have a comparable feature, but once you have
identified a case, you can try searching in the case databases with the name of the parties to find
other cases that refer to your case. (Restricting the search by date will help to limit results to
cases that followed your case.)

The closest print equivalent to Shepard’s is the Current Law Case Citator (KD296 .C84
through 2006) which traces the subsequent history and treatment of cases since 1947 (note that
cases are listed alphabetically, rather than by citation as in Shepard’s). For the history and
treatment of cases prior to 1947, check The Digest (KD296 .E52 1971). The article by Stephen E.

Young, Shepardizing® English Law, 90 Law Libr. J. 209 (1998) explains in detail how to use
print citators for cases and statutes.

British treaties and agreements of international effect (including unratified treaties) are
published as Command Papers, all of which appear in State Papers, the bound volume of
Parliamentary Papers for each session. Treaties are indexed in the monthly and annual lists of
government publications of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (now the Office of Public Sector
Information). Ratified treaties, and most of the agreements and exchanges of notes, are numbered
within the Treaty Series (KZ635.3 .T74), in which a new numbering commences every year.
The complete set of Command Papers is available at Perkins library. For more information on
the Command Papers see the Perkins Library’s British Parliamentary Papers Research Guide


Halsbury's Laws of England (KD310 .H34 2008), currently in its fifth edition, contains
many of the elements of the American law dictionary, encyclopedia, digest and treatise. It is a
complete narrative statement on the law of England, which has been culled from many sources,
including the ancient common law, case law, statutory law and instruments, European legislation
and treaties. It is supplemented by monthly current service, annual supplements, new additional
volumes and an annual abridgement volume (KD296 .H34). The arrangement of the set is under
title headings in alphabetical order. Means of access is through an index volume. It is an
excellent resource and a recommended starting point for any UK legal research project.

Two of the leading English legal dictionaries are Stroud's Judicial Dictionary, 9th ed. (Ref.
KD313 .S925 2016) and Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, 3rd ed. (Ref. KD313 .J69 2010).
Both are supplemented and cite relevant statutes and cases for their definitions.

Many English law journals are indexed in the American journal indexes: Index to Legal
Periodicals, Current Law Index and LegalTrac. From 1986-1994 the library received the Legal
Journals Index (Reference Indexes), which indexes all British legal periodicals. This index is
now available from 1986 to present on Westlaw. Issues of Current Law (KD296 .C82), both
monthly and annual, also contain indexes to periodical articles. The library subscribes to most of
the major English legal periodicals, and many are also available in Lexis and Westlaw.

The Library contains a large collection of English treatises. Most are classified under KD,
and located on Level 1. To find books by subject in the online catalog, search by subject using
the topic name followed by the subdivision “Great Britain” (e.g., contracts great britain).

The Library has a number of basic texts explaining the English legal system, including:

• Fiona Cownie, et al., English Legal System in Context, 5th ed. (KD7100 .C69 2010) (the
6th edition (KD660 .C69 2013) is available through our TRLN shared print collection).
• Catherine Elliott and Frances Quinn, English Legal System, 11th ed. (KD662. E45
• Gary Slapper & David Kelly, English Legal System, 10th ed. (KD661 .S58 2011).
• Richard Ward & Amanda Wragg, Walker & Walker’s English Legal System, 9th ed.
(KD660 .W34 2005).


Rules governing citation form for English materials are found in The Bluebook: A Uniform
System of Citation at rule 20.3.1 (common law cases), 20.5.1 (statutes in common law systems),
and in Table 2 (T2.42). A typical statute cite looks like this: Airports Authority Act, 1965, c.16

A typical case citation might look like:

• Smith v. Weston, (1987) 2 Q.B. 135 (if there were more than one volume of Queen’s
Bench reports for 1987); or:
• Weston v. Remington, [1986] A.C. 135 (if there were only one volume of Appeal Cases
for 1986).

There are several resources that explain how to cite British materials in accordance with UK
conventions. The Oxford Standard Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA)
(https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/research-subject-groups/publications/oscola) produced by the Oxford Law
Faculty in consultation with academic law publishers, is the UK resource which most closely
resembles the Bluebook. Other useful titles include Derek French, How to Cite Legal Authorities
(Ref. KD400.F73 1996) (which has lists of abbreviations and regnal years), and Manual of
Legal Citations (Ref. KD400 .M36 1960).

Sources for abbreviations include Donald Raistrick, Index to Legal Citations and
Abbreviations, 4th ed. (Ref. KD400 .R35 2013); How To Cite Legal Authorities (Ref.
KD400.F73 1996); and The Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
(http://www.legalabbrevs.cardiff.ac.uk/ ).

Guy Holborn, Butterworths Legal Research Guide, 2d ed. (Ref. KD392 .H64 2001).
This very useful guide to legal research includes a section on Internet resources.

Sarah Carter, A Guide to the UK Legal System [Update by Hester Swift]

This website has information about both print and electronic resources.

John Knowles and Philip A. Thomas, Effective Legal Research (Ref. KD 392 .T484 2006).
This book gives very clear and detailed descriptions of English legal materials and how to
use and cite them.

LawBore.Net (http://lawbore.net/)
This is a subject-orientated legal portal designed to make Internet research easier for

Glanville Williams, Learning the Law, 13th ed. (KD442 .W54 2006).
This text introduces students to legal research and other skills needed to study the law.


Apart from the specific sites mentioned above, there are websites with links to many sources
for English legal materials. Two of the best are Lawlinks: Legal Information on the Internet
from the University of Kent at Canterbury (https://www.kent.ac.uk/library/subjects/lawlinks/) and the
British and Irish Legal Information Institute website (http://www.bailii.org/).

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