2023 Microp Soil Agro

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Received: 3 May 2023 Revised: 30 July 2023 Accepted: 31 July 2023

DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10430


A nationwide assessment of microplastic abundance in

agricultural soils: The influence of plastic crop covers within
the United Kingdom

Samuel J. Cusworth | William J. Davies | Martin R. McAinsh | Carly J. Stevens

Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster

University, Lancaster, UK Societal Impact Statement
Agricultural soils are substantial receptors of plastic pollution. Plastic crop covers, a
Samuel J. Cusworth, Lancaster Environment facet of agriplastics, may represent an important contribution to microplastic load in
Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. agricultural soils. The authors present a nationwide study of agricultural soils in the
Email: s.cusworth@lancaster.ac.uk
United Kingdom, comparing microplastic load between sites where plastic crop
Funding information
covers are and are not used for carrot and potato production. Sites where plastic crop
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council, Grant/Award Number: covers were used received a higher microplastic load compared with sites where no
EAA7536XS04; Waitrose Agronomy Group as
plastic crop cover was used. The effects of microplastic pollution are largely unknown,
part of the Waitrose Collaborative Training
Partnership requiring further research to determine the impact on soil, crop and human health.
• Agricultural soils are substantial receptors of plastic pollution, with agriplastics
potentially making an important contribution to the overall microplastic load to
agricultural soils. The intensive use and mismanagement of plastic crop covers,
particularly plastic mulch films, nets and fleeces, represent a pollution pathway.
• In this study, we have analysed the microplastic concentrations in agricultural soils
in 324 samples from 108 sites across the United Kingdom, where carrots or pota-
toes were grown, using a combined digestion and density separation method.
Microplastics were stained with Nile Red and quantified using fluorescence
• Microplastic concentrations ranged from 1320 to 8190 particles kg 1
, with a
mean of 3680 ± 129.1 particles kg . Where no plastic crop covers were used for
potato and carrot production, a mean of 2667 ± 84.1 particles kg were
detected. At sites where plastic crop covers were used in the past 10 years, a
mean of 4689 ± 147.1 particles kg were recorded.
• There was a significant difference in microplastic abundance between sites where
plastic crop covers were and were not used (p ≤ 0.001), confirming that plastic
crop covers are an important source of microplastics to agricultural soils. Further
studies are needed to investigate microplastic occurrence in the environment to
better understand their impact on soil, crops and human health.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. Plants, People, Planet published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of New Phytologist Foundation.

Plants People Planet. 2023;1–11. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ppp3 1

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agricultural soils, microplastics, plastic pollution, plasticulture, vegetable production

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N United Kingdom cannot be entirely attributed to developments in poly-

mer science and an increased uptake of agriplastics, the use of crop
Plasticulture, the use of plastics in agriculture, is a globally important covers continues to be instrumental in providing protection against
practice, originally introduced to extend the period of crop production pests, disease and suppress weed growth. The use of plastics is deeply
and food availability and reduce the cost of agricultural infrastructure embedded in UK crop production systems and is likely to increase in
during the late 1940s (Le Moine & Ferry, 2019). Whilst most plastics the future following stricter resource regulations and the observed and
in the agricultural sector are used for crop production—greenhouses, expected impacts of climate change (Biesbroek et al., 2010; Cusworth
polytunnels, mulch films and irrigation—the use of plastic extends to et al., 2022). Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the threat
the transportation, protection and storage within the industry to international food chains, boosting and at the least, maintaining
(Cusworth et al., 2022). In modern agricultural systems, the benefits domestic food production is critical to safeguard food security and
that agriplastics provide within crop production systems include improve food system resilience (House of Commons, 2022).
improved water-use efficiency, temperature control during key The properties and characteristics that make plastics so useful are
periods of crop development, weed suppressant, and disease and pest the same characteristics that make plastic an environmental pollutant
protection, with the aim of extending the production window and of considerable concern—persistence, durability and capability of
improving crop yield and quality (FAO, 2021; Harrison & being transported globally through a range of environmental compart-
Hester, 2018; Orzolek, 2017; Steinmetz et al., 2016). In yield-limiting ments (Allen et al., 2022; Derraik, 2002). Plastics, whilst in-use and
conditions, plasticulture has allowed for agricultural expansion, exten- once disposed of, begin to break down via microbial, mechanical
sion of the growing season and an increase in agricultural productivity and chemical degradation pathways (Huang et al., 2020; Steinmetz
(Le Moine & Ferry, 2019). Globally, plasticulture is considered a rela- et al., 2016; Zurier & Goddard, 2021). Plastic residues—macro-, micro-
tively inexpensive means of increasing food security and developing and nanoplastics—are, in part, released into the environment due to
more resilient crop production systems. In fact, global production these degradation pathways. Whilst there is no commonly agreed
systems have become so reliant on this material; 60% of global definition of plastic sizes, microplastics, typically defined as particles
vegetable and animal production may be compromised without plastic smaller than 5 mm, but larger than 1 μm, are globally ubiquitous,
(Le Moine & Ferry, 2019). having been detected in all spheres of the earth (FAO, 2021; Qi
Within the United Kingdom, the last assessment of the area et al., 2020). During production, additives are added to polymers to
covered by plastic took place in 2011 when approximately 25,900 ha tailor the properties and performance of the material to a specific
of agricultural land are covered by plastic applications (Scarascia- application. Plasticisers are loosely incorporated into the polymer and
Mugnozza et al., 2011). The last assessment of global plastic use in may be released into the environment during use but raise
agriculture suggests that the area of agricultural land covered by plastic ecotoxicological concerns as known endocrine disruptors (de Souza
has increased by 5.7% a year until 2019 (Mormile et al., 2017; Machado et al., 2018). Whilst the occurrence, fate and environment
Steinmetz et al., 2016). The expansion of plasticulture in the impact of legacy plasticisers is understood, the impact of emerging
United Kingdom is driven by the opportunity to produce seasonal plasticisers, which have already been detected in comparable quanti-
crops for more months of the year, which provides growers with an ties to the former, is relatively unknown (Billings et al., 2023). Current
increase in profitability at either end of the growing season practices for the management and disposal of agriplastics in-use and
(DEFRA, 2011). The use of plastic crop covers—fleeces, mulches and as a waste product have led to the accumulation of plastic residues
nets—have extended the production of brassicas, legumes, leafy, stem, and plasticisers—notably microplastics, in agricultural soils (Billings
root and fruiting vegetables, by raising and maintaining the tempera- et al., 2023; FAO et al., 2021; Huang et al., 2020). Whilst legislation in
ture of the soil pre- and post-planting, extending the growing season the United Kingdom has banned the use of microplastics in consumer
to 11 months for certain crops (DEFRA, 2011). The early propagation products, current legislation does not capture the use of plastic in
and harvest of these crops create the opportunity to cultivate multiple agriculture, largely plasticulture, which represents a substantial source
crops in a single growing season (DEFRA, 2011; Ridley et al., 2022). An of microplastics to agricultural soils (Mitrano & Wohlleben, 2020).
increase in the area of soft fruits covered by agriplastics—raspberries, Due to the direct deposition of microplastics into soil from agri-
strawberries and cherries—has coincided with a substantial increase in plastics and other sources, such as atmospheric deposition, transport
crop yield (British Berry Growers, 2017; DEFRA, 2011). Recently and redistribution, nearby lakes and waterways, irrigation, plastic-
developed polymers can manipulate the micronutrient content, coated fertiliser, poultry litter, slurry, agricultural machinery and
aesthetics, quality and taste of a crop by changing the spectral quality municipal waste, it is thought that agricultural soils contain the highest
of the incoming solar radiation (Amare & Desta, 2021; Orzolek, 2017). microplastic concentrations of any environmental compartment
Whilst the success of these crop production systems in the worldwide (Huang et al., 2020; Nizzetto et al., 2016; Sridharan,
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Kumar, Singh, et al., 2021). Reported microplastic concentrations in One hundred eight sites were selected across the
agricultural soils across the world range from 0.3 to 26,630 counts per United Kingdom, and sites were selected to give a broad geographical
kilogram of soil (Büks & Kaupenjohann, 2020). Many studies of micro- coverage (Figure 1). Soil samples were collected between September
plastic concentrations in agricultural soils have been undertaken in 2020 and May 2022. At each site, soil samples were collected from
China, where agriplastic pollution is acute (Huang et al., 2020; Liu three randomised points within the same field.
et al., 2014; Qi et al., 2020). A study that sampled 384 sites from When collecting, transporting and analysing samples, non-
19 provinces across China detected an average macroplastic concen- synthetic clothing, such as cotton, was worn to limit contamination
tration of 83.6 kg per hectare in agricultural soils (Huang et al., 2020). from synthetic fibres. Samples were collected at least 5 m away from
Where macroplastic pollution is acute, residual plastic may compro- the field margin to limit any contamination from adjoining fields and
mise soil structure and inhibit nutrient and water availability (Liu infrastructure. Approximately 300 g of soil was taken from the top 0–
et al., 2014). Decreases in crop yields of 11%–24% have been 5 cm of the soil, using non-plastic tools and transferred to aluminium
observed when the level of plastic residues in soil is greater than trays. The aluminium trays were then sealed until sample preparation
240 kg per hectare (Gao et al., 2019). Given that plastic residues are took place in the laboratory.
difficult to recover once incorporated into the soil, agriplastic
pollution presents a long-term risk to agricultural productivity, global
food security and human and planetary health (FAO et al., 2021; Qi 2.2 | Sample preparation
et al., 2020; UNEP, 2022).
Whilst many studies have sought to understand the impacts of The separation and extraction of microplastics from agricultural soil
microplastic pollution in agricultural soils, many have been conducted samples were performed using a modified version of the methods used
using unrepresentative concentrations that may not reflect the true by Shim et al. (2016); Erni-Cassola et al. (2017) and Maes et al. (2017).
condition of agricultural soils (Qi et al., 2020). To date, there has been Preparation and analysis of all the samples were carried out in a fume
little attention paid to the baseline levels of microplastic concentra- cupboard, which was cleaned frequently and where all unnecessary
tions in agricultural soils and how these vary between cropping plastic was removed. Cotton lab coats were worn, and all glassware
systems. Here, we report the results of a national level assessment of and instruments were baked at 400 C for 4 h, thoroughly cleaned with
microplastic concentrations in agricultural soils within the United acetone and carefully stored to minimise any contamination. To
Kingdom. Our results show that there is a significant difference in account for any unavoidable plastic use, three procedural blanks were
microplastic abundance between sites where plastic crop covers were run to quantify any microplastic contamination during analysis.
and were not used. We highlight the importance of gaining a detailed Samples were dried at 60 C for a minimum of 72 h and sieved to
understanding of microplastic concentrations in the environment to 1 mm into acetone-rinsed trays. The >1 mm fraction was transferred
underpin future research into the impacts of agriplastics and micro- to a separate metal tray, where any visible plastic fragments were
plastics on soil, crop and human health. removed and measured. Any plastic fragment <5 mm in length was
recorded. Each 100 g of the <1 mm soil fractions were transferred to
a beaker.

2.1 | Site selection and sample collection 2.3 | Sample treatment

Soil samples were collected from fields where the potato or carrot Organic matter was removed from the soil samples using H₂O₂ to
crops have been grown, where plastic crop covers have or have not reduce the chance of misidentification and over-estimation of plastic
been used in the past 10 years. The plastic crop covers used on both contamination (Radford et al., 2021). The use of H₂O₂ has been shown
crops are typically mulch film, fleece and nets, often using drip-tape to remove organic matter effectively and have a low impact on
irrigation in combination with these methods. To eliminate any influ- microplastic integrity (Qi et al., 2020; Radford et al., 2021; Zhu &
ence on microplastic concentrations by crop type, samples were only Wang, 2020). Samples were heated to 60 C, and effervescence was
collected from sites where different cultivars of the potato or carrot closely monitored to prevent the samples from boiling over, which
crops were grown. may further degrade existing microplastics (Zhu & Wang, 2020). An
A questionnaire was circulated to growers to establish land man- ice-bath was used to keep the temperature below 65 C, and 5 mL of
agement practices at the sample sites. Before sample collection, it was ethanol was added to reduce the surface tension of any bubbles (Rage
determined whether any plastic crop cover was used at the chosen et al., 2020). Fresh H₂O₂ was added until no natural organic material
sample site in the past 10 years. Historic and current use of amend- was visible or effervescence had completely subsided. The beaker
ments and fertilisers was also recorded as these are a known source was rinsed with HPLC water to re-suspend any solids that may have
of microplastics. The project was granted ethical approval by the Fac- adhered to the beaker wall. Samples were cooled to 40 C, and 5 mL
ulty of Science and Technology Research Ethics Committee, Lancaster of 0.05 M Fe (II)SO₄ was added to the sample to decompose any
University (project ref. FST19116). residual H₂O₂ and assist in flocculating clay particles and floating
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F I G U R E 1 A map showing the distribution of agricultural soils sampled for microplastics across the United Kingdom in this study. Dots
indicate the location of sampling sites. Red and pink dots represent sites where carrots were grown, where plastic was not and was used,
respectively. Blue and green dots represent sites where potatoes were grown, where plastic was not and was used, respectively.

lighter microplastic particles to the surface. Samples were reheated to fraction of the sample. Twenty-six per cent of w/v NaCl solutions

60 C and covered for 24 h. were added and mixed to each beaker and left to settle for 24 h. The
Once the organic fraction of the sample has been removed, den- supernatant was decanted carefully into a clean beaker, and the same
sity separation was used to separate microplastics from the inorganic process was repeated. The combination of H₂O₂ digestion and
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multiple density separations are shown to improve the recovery rate Given that most research suggests that any effects caused by
of microplastics in organic samples (Radford et al., 2021). Each frac- microplastics depends on the physical presence of the particle rather
tion was filtered through a 0.45 μm glass fibre filter, and beakers were than the accumulative weight, microplastic concentrations were
rinsed with HPLC water to remove any plastic and NaOH residues. reported as particles kg to ensure that the research is comparable
Once dried, 3 mL of a 0.5% Nile Red solution in n-hexane was applied, with other studies.
to stain the filter paper and any microplastics on the surface. Three
millilitres of n-hexane was used to wash the filter and remove any
residual Nile Red. The glass fibre filter was transferred to a micro- 2.5 | Statistical analysis and quality control
scope slide, covered with cover slips and wrapped in foil until exam-
ined under a fluorescence microscope. To account for any microplastic contamination during sample
treatment and analysis, a triplicate of procedural blanks was per-
formed. Blanks were found to contain 43.3 ± 2.4 particles kg . Con-
2.4 | Sample analysis tamination accounted for 1%–2% of the microplastic concentrations
recorded from each sample. To test the robustness of the method,
Samples were analysed using a fluorescence microscope (Leica recovery tests were conducted using a homogenised soil sample from
MZFLIII Stereo Fluorescence Microscope) equipped with an inte- an undisturbed upland environment. Low-density polyethylene parti-
grated digital camera using GXCapture software. A 4  4 grid was laid cles were procured and used to spike each sample with microplastics
over the sample, and four randomised squares were selected for at 0.5 g intervals between 0.5 and 2.5 g. Accordingly, recovery rates
microplastic analysis. Microplastics were examined at three combina- were 94.1% ± 2.0, in comparison with other studies, which commonly
tions of excitation: emission (Ex:Em) wavelength: 425:480 nm, report recovery rates of 90% (van den Berg et al., 2020).
475:535 nm, and 510:560 nm; Nile Red-stained plastics have Counting 25% of the sample and scaling up microplastic concen-
previously been found to fluoresce well at Ex: 450–490 nm; Em: 515– trations was considered valid. Analysing a subsample produced a dis-
565 nm compared with red fluorescence (Ex:Em 565:630 nm), due to crepancy of ±8 particles per sample when compared with samples
background staining (Erni-Cassola et al., 2017; Shim et al., 2016). that were wholly analysed.
Although the identification of microplastics becomes more compli- Two-way ANOVA tests were used to determine the presence of
cated once the particle size falls below 200 μm (Shim et al., 2016), any significant differences between groups. Data are expressed as
microplastics with a particle size of 20 μm can still be identified by mean ± standard error throughout. All statistical analyses were
visual inspection (Shruti et al., 2022). performed in SPSS (IBM Statistics for Windows, Version 28.0), using a
Due to the presence of residual organic and inorganic material significance level of 0.05.
that may not have been removed by H₂O₂ digestion and density sepa-
ration, which may have been co-stained by Nile-Red, it is necessary to
establish strict selection criteria that relies on morphological cues and 2.6 | Methodological development
fluorescence intensity to prevent recording of any false positives
(Kukkola et al., 2023; Shruti et al., 2022). A particle was identified as a Due to the complexity of agricultural systems, the comparative analy-
microplastic if the following selection criteria were met: (1) the outline sis of microplastic concentrations in agricultural environments has
of the particle is clearly visible and has well-defined edges; (2) the par- been difficult without a standardised, widely accepted protocol.
ticle has a three-dimensional shape resembling a synthetic material; Globally, there are currently no standardised methods, procedures
(3) the particle size was greater than 10 μm; (4) there is no evidence and appropriate quality assurance to detect and quantify microplastics
of any internal organic structures; (5) the particle clearly fluoresces in in terrestrial environments, which hinders the determination of risk
green-yellow; (6) the particle is visible and physically present in all in soils (Qi et al., 2020; Radford et al., 2021). To aid comparison
Ex:Em combinations used (see Figure 2.). between studies, the sampling approach and analytical methodology

F I G U R E 2 An image of microplastics found in an agricultural soil sample from a UK farm. Comparison of fluorescence from a Nile Red stained
microplastic under the fluorescence microscope using three excitation: emission filter combinations: (a) excitation 425 nm: emission 480 nm;
(b) excitation 475 nm: emission 535 nm; (c) excitation 510 nm: emission 560 nm.
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should be standardised. Given a range of budgets, equipment and time conditions, the mean microplastic concentrations recorded in agricul-
available to researchers and economies, we present an accessible, tural soils was 3680 ± 129.1 particles kg . 2667 ± 84.1 particles
time and cost-effective method with robust selection criteria to kg were detected in agricultural soils where no plastic crop covers
extract, identify and quantify microplastics in complex environmental were used (n = 54), compared with 4689 ± 147.1 particles kg 1
matrices such as agricultural soils. Other methods of microplastic sites where plastic crop covers were used (n = 54) (see Figure 3). A
extraction and identification exist, yet these are often more costly, significant difference was found between agricultural soils where no
less-efficient, lack high-throughput sample processing and require plastic crop covers have been used, compared with sites where plastic
considerable technical expertise to perform correctly (Corradini crop covers have been used ( p ≤ 0.001). Microplastic concentrations
et al., 2019; Radford et al., 2021). were 175.8% greater in agricultural soils where plastic crop covers
The combination of multiple H₂O₂ digests and density separation were used.
steps, as used here, can reduce the limitations associated with each of Where carrots were grown, 2610 ± 104.1 particles kg were
these independent extraction methods and improve the recovery rate detected in soils where no plastic crop cover was used in comparison
of microplastics (Radford et al., 2021). Without the use of a robust with soils where plastic crop covers were used for carrot cultivation,
selection criteria, the visual inspection and identification of microplas- amounting to 4770 ± 212.0 particles kg 1
(n = 27, respectively).
tics are reliant on the subjectivity of the researcher, which limits the Similarly, 2720 ± 133.2 particles kg were counted in soils where
comparability of results (Corradini et al., 2019; Hengstmann & potatoes were cultivated without the use of plastic crop covers in
Fischer, 2019; van den Berg et al., 2020). This reinforces the need for contrast to 4610 ± 206.7 particles kg detected where plastic crop
standardised selection criteria, as provided here, for use in future covers were used (n = 27, respectively) (see Figure 4). A significant
research (Shruti et al., 2022). Further method development is needed difference in microplastic concentrations was observed between soils
to improve comparability of results, monitor microplastic concentra- where plastic crop covers were and were not used for carrot or
tions in agricultural systems and better understanding the mechanisms potato cultivation ( p ≤ 0.001, respectively). However, no significant
of their transport, persistence, degradation and environmental toxic- difference was found in microplastic concentrations between
ity. Accurate, representative data are crucial to assess the impact of crop types when plastic crop covers were and were not used
microplastic pollution on long-term agricultural productivity, human (p = 0.517, 0.591).
health and ecosystem functioning. A larger variance in microplastic concentrations was observed
from sites where plastic crop covers were used, compared with sites
that did not use any plastic crop covers (SD = 108.1, 61.8). Although
3 | RESULTS it was expected that microplastic concentrations are greater where
plastic crop covers are used, microplastic concentrations from sites
3.1 | Abundance of microplastics in where no plastic crop covers were used were substantial (2610
agricultural soils ± 104.1 particles kg ). Microplastic concentrations recorded from
sites where no plastic crop covers were used were comparable to
Microplastics were detected in all samples, with contamination rang- some sites that used plastic crop covers. The statistical analysis of all
ing from 1320 to 8190 particles kg . Across 108 sites and all the conditions is summarised in Table 1.

F I G U R E 3 The effect of plastic crop covers

on microplastic concentrations in agricultural soils
from the United Kingdom. Microplastic
concentrations reported as particles kg 1 of dried
soil from all sample sites (n = 324), sites where no
plastic crop covers were used (n = 162) and sites
where plastic crop covers were used (n = 162).
The box plot displays the values for the maximum,
third quartile, median, first quartile and the
minimum. Maximum and minimum values are
marked by individual points or whiskers.
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F I G U R E 4 The effect of plastic crop covers

and crop type on microplastic concentrations in
agricultural soils from the United Kingdom.
Microplastic concentrations reported as particles
kg 1 of dried soil from all sample sites where
carrots were grown, without and with the use of
plastic crop covers (n = 81, n = 81) and sites
where potatoes were grown without and with the
use of plastic crop covers (n = 81, n = 81). The
box plot displays the values for the maximum,
third quartile, median, first quartile and the
minimum. Maximum and minimum values are
marked by individual points or whiskers.

T A B L E 1 A summary table of the statistical analysis showing the microplastic deposition may be particularly acute, dependent upon
effects of plastic crop covers on microplastic concentrations found in the pollution source. Five hundred ninety-three microplastic particles
agricultural soils. kg 1
were detected across 29 Swiss floodplains, 539 particles kg 1
Microplastic concentrations (particles per kg 1
) lake sediment collected from an urban lake in London, 4825.31
± 6513.85 particles kg in urban soils across Amsterdam and 870
No plastic crop cover Plastic crop cover 1
± 1900 particles kg in garden soils from Mexico (Cohen et al., 2022;
Carrot Potato Carrot Potato Huerta Lwanga et al., 2017; Scheurer & Bigalke, 2018; Turner
Mean 2610 2720 4770 4610 et al., 2019). Microplastic shape distribution was recorded from a sub-
Min 1810 1320 2280 2610 sample of sites (n = 10). The morphology of the microplastics
Max 3550 3890 8190 6030 recorded was consistent with other studies. The shape of microplas-
Range 1740 2570 5910 3420 tics in soil, particularly in intensively farmed regions, has been found

SD 54.1 69.2 110.2 107.4 to be unevenly distributed. Fifty-one per cent of all observed particles
resemble a film; 45% are either fragments or fibres, compared with
SE 104.1 133.2 212.0 206.7
foams and pellets, comprising <10% of all particles (Xu et al., 2022).
Count 27 27 27 27
Variability in the sources of microplastics to agricultural soils will
contribute to the range in microplastic concentrations we have
observed within this study and between other observations. For
4 | DISCUSSION example, 50,000 particles kg 1
have been detected in sludge applied
to agricultural land in Valencia, compared with 900 particles kg
4.1 | The abundance of microplastics in recorded in Guilin, China (van den Berg et al., 2020; Zhang, Cai,
agricultural soils et al., 2022). Likewise, chicken manure has been observed to contain
14,720–129,800 particles kg (Zhang, Wang, et al., 2022), a com-
This study demonstrates that agricultural soils are important receptors monly used field amendment. Contributions from non-agricultural
of plastic pollution. In other agricultural environments, similar micro- inputs such as littering, fluvial sources and atmospheric deposition, as
plastic concentrations have been recorded: 930 ± 740 light density well as indirect plastic applications such as wastewater, farmyard
particles and 1100 ± 570 high density particles kg from sites sur- manure, inorganic fertiliser, compost harvesting crates and pesticide
rounding Valencia, 2733 ± 160 particles kg in Liangxiang Town, containers, amongst others, may also contribute to microplastic con-
Northern China and 1200–3600 particles kg across a range of centrations in agricultural systems (Zhang, Wang, et al., 2022). The
 n Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile (Büks &
agricultural soils in Regio amount of microplastics an agricultural system receives is also depen-
Kaupenjohann, 2020; van den Berg et al., 2020 ; Zhang, Cai, dant on the type, amount and history of field amendments, current
et al., 2022). Taken together, these data show that microplastic and historical waste management strategies and other techniques
concentrations in agricultural soils are amongst the highest in the such as tilling, irrigation and grazing. The concentrations we observed
terrestrial environment (Nizzetto et al., 2016). Nevertheless, micro- are therefore consistent with agricultural soils being recipients of
plastic concentrations are highly variable across the terrestrial envi- multiple sources of microplastic concentrations (FAO et al., 2021;
ronment, particularly in urban and agricultural soils, where Huang et al., 2020; Nizzetto et al., 2016).
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4.2 | The influence of plastic crop covers on Agricultural Waste Regulation 2006, increasing the load to agricultural
microplastic concentrations in agricultural soils soils (Kasirajan & Ngouajio, 2012). At a site where an appropriate recov-
ery and waste management strategy combined with the use of no inor-
In crop production systems where plastic crop covers were used in ganic fertilisers, which are a notable source of microplastics (Henseler
the past 10 years, microplastic concentrations were 175.8% higher et al., 2022), 2610 particles kg were recorded. Whereas a site where
in agricultural soils, compared with sites where no plastic crop covers plastic crop covers were used less frequently, but where chicken
were used. Whilst these findings are supported by other studies that manure was used as a field amendment, microplastic concentrations
conclude that plastic crop covers are a significant source of microplas- were recorded at 8190 particles kg 1. These are two individual sites
tics to agricultural soils (FAO et al., 2021; Gao et al., 2019; Huang and may not be representative, so it is not clear how strongly each con-
et al., 2020; MacLeod et al., 2021; Rochman, 2018; Steinmetz dition may exacerbate or mitigate the load of microplastics to agricul-
et al., 2016), most of these differences are reported from experimen- tural soils.
tal plots and do not reflect the variability in nationwide practices of Due to stricter regulations on mulch-film thickness and the
plasticulture. provision of appropriate waste management facilities in the
Differences in microplastic abundance have been reported in United Kingdom, it is expected that macroplastic and microplastic con-
China between sites where crop covers are used, compared with those centrations are lower in agricultural soils within the United Kingdom
where no plastic crop covers are used. Zhou et al. (2020) reported compared with other regions, such as China, where mulch-film
571 particles kg from sites where plastic mulch film was used, com- thickness is largely unregulated (Büks & Kaupenjohann, 2020; Liu
pared with 263 particles kg 1, where no-mulch was used. Similar et al., 2014). Huang et al. (2020) recorded the abundance of microplas-
observations were made by Zhang et al. (2021), recording 376 ± 149 tics at sites in China where continuous mulching has taken place for
1 1
particles kg at sites where plastic mulch film was used, and 754 5 years as 61.9–102.9 particles kg , even though macroplastic con-
1 1
± 477 particles kg at non-mulched sites. There are no comparable centrations averaged 83.6 kg ha across 394 sites. In recognition of
surveys of microplastic concentrations agricultural soils in Europe. the pollution raised by plasticulture, industry has heavily invested in
The range of microplastic concentrations was greater at sites the development of polymers that are made from natural or recycled
where plastic crop covers were used, compared with sites without sources and are biodegradable with the aim to minimise agriplastic
(2610–8190, 1320–3890 particles kg 1, respectively). The high vari- pollution. However, when comparing two sites farmed by the same
ability in microplastic load to agricultural soils from plastic crop covers grower—one that used a conventional plastic mulch film, and the
is dependent on the type of application, polymer structure, degradabil- other, a biodegradable version—microplastic concentrations were
ity, the time-period that plastic crop covers have been used for, contin- comparable between sites (4880 and 4490 particles kg , respec-
uously or intermittently, and the management of the plastic crop tively). Whilst this is a single site and cannot be extrapolated, this
covers whilst in-use and as a waste product (FAO et al., 2021; Huang observation places uncertainty on whether many bioplastic and biode-
et al., 2020). It is difficult to discern whether the accumulation of micro- gradable films are, in fact, environmentally benign and do not contrib-
plastics is driven by the degradation of the plastic crop cover in-use, or ute to microplastic loads in soil (Qi et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2022).
once it has been used. In both cases, weather conditions and farming There is a need to isolate and individually assess how different types
practices, such as tilling, may increase the fragmentation of macroplas- of plastic crop covers and management practices contribute to micro-
tics into microplastics within the soil (Meng et al., 2020). Agricultural plastic concentrations in agricultural soils in order to develop codes of
soils are long-term sinks of microplastics, and it is expected that the his- best practice for in-use and waste management of plastic crop covers.
torical use of plastic crop covers contributes to current microplastic
concentrations. Over time, microplastics are removed from the surface
layer from runoff and vertically transported in the soil profile due to 4.3 | Effects of microplastics on agronomic,
ploughing and soil biota (Sridharan, Kumar, Bolan, et al., 2021). There- environmental and ecological health
fore, microplastics concentrations are expected to be lower at sites
where plastic crop covers were last used more than 10 years ago. Threats to agricultural productivity and long-term food security from
The annual use of plastic crop covers combined with a slow degra- plastic pollution are thought to be the response to acute macroplastic
dation rate of plastic residues is thought to compound the concentration pollution (Zhang et al., 2020). At present, current levels of microplastic
of microplastics in agricultural environments, much like the application contamination, as measured in this study, do not raise parallel concerns
of plastic-coated fertilisers, slurry and wastewater (Corradini even though negative responses of crop-soil properties—antioxidant
et al., 2019; Tian et al., 2022; van den Berg et al., 2020). Plastic mulch systems, morphology and photosynthesis of crops and the reproduc-
films, fleeces and nets, a subset of plastic crop covers, are often tion, survival and weight of soil fauna—have been observed (Gao
designed to last one growing season, degrade shortly after use and et al., 2022; Sridharan, Kumar, Bolan, et al., 2021; Zhang, Cai,
become contaminated with soil, making them hard to recover et al., 2022). Differences in the metrics used for quantifying microplas-
and recycle. Accordingly, many plastic crop covers are burned and bur- tic levels in soils (counts/pieces/particles per kg 1, percentage of total
ied on agricultural land, a practice that used to be legal and was com- soil weight, mass per unit of area), together with the often unrepresen-
monplace in the United Kingdom until the introduction of the tatively high concentrations of microplastics used in research,
25722611, 0, Downloaded from https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ppp3.10430 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [10/02/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

complicate comparisons between studies. As a result, to date, there is To accurately assess the contribution of direct and indirect
no consensus on the threshold levels of microplastics that effects soil sources of microplastics to agricultural soils, it is essential to establish
function, crop health, productivity and what the implications are for baseline levels of microplastics in soils, as we have done in this study,
human health. Microplastic concentrations equivalent to those we using standardised methods. This is fundamental to establishing posi-
observe here (1320–8190 particles kg 1) have been reported to have tive and negative threshold values and determine risk from microplas-
limited or variable effects (de Souza Machado et al., 2018; Lozano tics and associated additives on agronomic, environmental, ecosystem
et al., 2021; Zhang, Li, et al., 2022). Nevertheless, microarthropod and and human health. The polymeric composition of the microplastics
nematode abundance has been observed to decrease concentrations of detected in the samples was not collected. Future research should use
11,361 ± 354 particles kg 1, although these trends were only signifi- polymer identification techniques, using FTIR or Raman, to investigate
cant for the latter (Lin et al., 2020), whilst microplastic concentration of any differences in polymer composition between the conditions in this
1 g kg dry soil led to a 6% reduction in crop germination, 19% shorter study. Together, with a deeper understanding of microplastic interac-
shoot length alongside a 3.1 ± 1.1% decrease in earthworm biomass tions, behaviour and transport, this will allow the development of poli-
(Boots et al., 2019). Interestingly, the presence of high-density polyeth- cies to monitoring and regulate microplastic concentrations in
ylene led to an increase in root biomass, whereas fibres had no signifi- agricultural soils.
cant effect on root biomass or soil organic matter, suggesting that The benefits of plastics in agriculture are legion, such that plastic
effects may be based on the shape or type of the polymer (Boots et al., use is likely to increase during the development of more resilient food
2019). Microplastic doses <0.01% of total soil weight have been production systems. Our results, and those of other studies, show the
observed to have no significant effect upon cumulative CO₂ emissions ubiquitous distribution of microplastics in agricultural soils due to their
from agricultural soils, microbial biomass carbon, soil dissolved organic persistence and as a result of current and historic plastic use, suggest-
carbon and ammonium but significantly decreased nitrate (Zhang, Li, ing that concentrations will increase in agricultural soils with the
et al., 2022). In contrast, at higher doses (1.0% of total soil weight), CO₂ increased use of agricultural plastics. Therefore, a better understand-
emissions were higher, which may be due to an increase in microbial ing of the effects of microplastics in the agricultural environment is
growth, activity and an acceleration of aerobic and anaerobic metabo- urgently needed to avoid the potential of irreversible environmental
lism (Zhang, Li, et al., 2022). Several factors are likely to contribute to harm through inaction and a lack of knowledge about the effects of
the variations in the effects observed, even when the same concentra- this novel form of pollution.
tions are used, including (1) the experimental design of the study;
(2) the shape, size and type of the polymer; (3) whether the microplas- AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
tics used are virgin plastics or aged and (4) the different combinations All authors made an equal contribution to the concept and design of
of polymers, sorbed organic pollutants and additives used. Agricultural the research. Samuel J. Cusworth collected and analysed the data and
environments are some of the most ecologically, economically and produced a first draft of the manuscript. All authors contributed to
socially important systems on Earth. Given the microplastic concentra- later drafts, edited and approved the article to be published.
tions we have observed in this study, the probability of microplastics
interacting with soil biota, food and cash crops is high. As the majority AC KNOW LEDG EME NT S
of observed effects of microplastics are negative, there is an urgent This project was funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
need for baseline measurements of the types and concentrations micro- Research Council (EAA7536XS04) and Waitrose Agronomy Group as
plastics in agricultural soils, as we report here, to allow future studies of part of the Waitrose Collaborative Training Partnership. Waitrose and
the agronomic, ecological, and environmental and human impacts of Partners contributed to the funding and development of this project.
environmental microplastics to be performed using microplastics and
concentrations representative of those observed in the field. CONFLIC T OF INTER E ST STATEMENT
The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
This is the first nationwide study in Europe quantifying microplastic corresponding author upon reasonable request.
concentrations in agricultural soils and how the use of plastic crop
covers influences microplastic accumulation. We show that the direct ET HICS S TAT E MENT
contribution of microplastics to agricultural soils from plastic crop The project was granted ethical approval by the Faculty of Science
covers is significant, resulting in microplastics concentrations 75.8% and Technology Research Ethics Committee, Lancaster University
higher than sites where no plastic crop covers are used. However, we (project ref. FST19116).
also observed high levels of microplastics in soils even when there is
no discernible use of plastic in these systems, suggesting the indirect OR CID
agricultural input of microplastics and contribution from non- Samuel J. Cusworth https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0103-8831
agricultural sources is significant. William J. Davies https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8812-630X
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