Class 1 Intro of Linux

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Class 1

What is computer ?

Computer is an electronic device, it takes input ,process it and give output.

C =common

O = operating

M = machine

P = process

U = use for

T = technocal

E = education

R = research

Charles Babbage

Computer language

Binary (0 ,1 ) = bit

Ducat = 010110101011011101010101

Units of data

4 bit = 1 nibble

8 bit = 1 byte (b = bit , B = byte)

16 bit = 1 word

1024 B = 1killo B

1024 KB = 1 mega B

1024 MB = 1 Giga B

1024 Gb = 1 Tera B

1024 TB = 1 Exa B

1024 EB = 1 Peta B

1024 PB = 1 yotta B

1024 YB = 1 Zetta B

1024 ZB = 1 Bronto B

1024 BB = 1 geop
Hardware = physical component of computer

Software = set of instruction

3 types

1. System software = OS
2. Application software = ms office , vlc
3. Utility software = Antivirus , BIOS (basic input output system)

Operating system = it is an interface between hardware , software , user , peripheral devices.

Company OS

Microsoft windows

Redhat RHEL , Centos

Apple MAC

Google android



Sunmicrosystem sunsolaries

Novel netware

IT = information technology

Career path


Cloud (AWS , Azure , GCP)

Devops (ansible , docker , Jenkins , github)


ML (machine learning)


Linux = it is an opensource kernel

Opensource = website , program , software (language)

Small code = source code

If anyone able to access the code and apply the changes

Kernel = it is a program which interface between hardware and OS

OS = kernel + small software

History of Linux

1969 = Multics

1970 = unics (written in B language)

1971 = C language introduced

1973 = unix

IBM = unix + small software = AIX

HP = unix + small software = HP-UX

Sunmicrosystem = unix + small software = sun solaries

Hardware based OS

Linus Torvald

Linux = opensource

Redhat = Linux + small software = RHEL (redhat enterprises linux)






Kali linux



Redhat = company

Linux = kernel

Redhat = RHEL (paid) , Centos (free)



1-4 = not in use

5,6,7 = old

8,9 = in use


Global certification

1. RHCSA = redhat certified system administrator = book =124,134 , Exam = EX200 , fees = 16000+gst =
19500 rs , 3 hrs , 210/300
2. RHCE = redhat certified engineer = book = 294 , exam = EX294 , fees = 16000+gst = 19500 rs , 3 hrs ,
3. Open sift
IT = server = windows , Linux
Linux = 70%

Feature of Linux
1. Portable =
2. Open source
3. Multiuser
4. Multiprogramming
5. Evey thing in file and folder
6. Security = firewall , selinux
7. No virus = .exe , Linux - .rpm (redhat package manager)
Vlc.exe , vlc.rpm

Bootloader = it is a program which start the OS

Windows = xp - ntldr (new technology loader)

Win 7,8,10 ,11 ,server = bootmgr

Linux = LILO (linux loader ) , LOLIN (load linux) , GRUB (grand unified boot loader) = RHEL5,6,7 , GRUB2 - RHEL
8 ,9

SHELL = secure handle editing logic level

Computer = binary (low level language)

User = python , php (high level language)

Mkdir ducat = user

It is an interpreter which convert low level language to high level language and high to low level language

Minimum hardware requirement

Cpu =1.1 Ghz , RAM = 2 GB , HD = 20 GB

OS file = ISO image

Centos =


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