BGKF Theory
BGKF Theory
BGKF Theory
Starting with the banking crisis in Indonesia, it was established as the Center for Banking Crisis (CBC), which was formed in
1998 with expertise in measuring total factor of productivity in Indonesia banking sector where environment as input in
production function. This institution is the starting point for the establishment of the Bumi Global Carbon Foundation (BGKF)
as a form of concern from shareholders who see a close relationship between financial institutions and industry on the
environment. So as to realize the actions of these concerns, the Crisis Center of Banking continues to develop and form BGKF
as real action.
In collaboration with BKGF, this company is tasked with providing enlightenment about: Carbon + and offsetting solutions,
sustainable solutions and solutions to climate change and also marketing to companies that are heavily taxed carbon in
destination countries, Companies/Industry that need investment from abroad and concession holders who are have not used
the forest for commercial purposes.
Founder: Achmad Deni Daruri
This long-term conservation plan is to measure the long-term projected emissions that will occur in the future and these
emissions can be transacted as VERs after being certified. The activities carried out are:
4. Forecasting the price of commodities to support market driven land use approach
5. Evaluating and forecasting the welfare of population to support community led development approach
Output 1: Long-term Conservation Management Plan, Infrastructure Development, and Community Welfare Improvement
Then, seeing that there are still community activities that can increase the risk of damage to forests and animals in
conservation areas, there needs to be training and socialization that can increase community awareness and knowledge of
the important role of forests for the sustainability of people's lives. The activities carried out are:
• Building a Community Work Group around the community, with regular meetings with stakeholders and the government
• Conduct a survey of villages around the project area to find alternatives that are suitable for low-emissions livelihoods
• Trash Bank
• Community work groups will conduct tree nurseries where the seeds will be purchased by the Foundation in connection
with the payment gateway below.
• Payment gateway for tree planting and maintenance transactions (tree adoption schemes)
• Establish eco-saving savings, where around 10% of the bank transaction admin fee will be used for forest management
• Monitoring and forecasting poverty rate and the welfare of the population
• Building sosio- economic database based on secondary data and primary data
• Producing social economic index indicator every year to monitor the welfare of population
• Creating export agency to help local population to export their agriculture and manufacture products
• Forecasting economic growth of ………… Province for the next 5 years, 10 years and 15 years to come
To facilitate supervision carried out by the Foundation in combating illegal logging and fires that often arise in
conservation areas at certain seasons. Activities undertaken include:
• Documentation of mapping from 2010 to present and forecasting the probability of forest Fire and illegal lodging in
the future
• Doing every year research to find the cause of fire and its solution with econometrics
• Protection of assets for 24-hour monitoring and observation against possible deforestation or fire
• Doing training for local people to prevent and combating illegal lodging and fires
• Monitoring: ensuring carbon accounting data and methodologies by experts, conducting socialization to the community
regarding forestry commitment
• Verification: verification, VCS validation, and audit by the international body certification.