BGKF Theory

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Bumi Global Karbon Foundation

Starting with the banking crisis in Indonesia, it was established as the Center for Banking Crisis (CBC), which was formed in
1998 with expertise in measuring total factor of productivity in Indonesia banking sector where environment as input in
production function. This institution is the starting point for the establishment of the Bumi Global Carbon Foundation (BGKF)
as a form of concern from shareholders who see a close relationship between financial institutions and industry on the
environment. So as to realize the actions of these concerns, the Crisis Center of Banking continues to develop and form BGKF
as real action.


1998 REED+
Reducing Emissions
with expertise in a form of concern from deforestation and
measuring total factor from shareholders forest degradation
of productivity in who see a close
Marketing Indonesia banking relationship MEMBER OF
Trading company sector where between financial
Heavy industry / Mining environment as input institutions and
Real estate / Construction in production function industry on the
HPH holder environment SUPPORTING MEMBER OF

In collaboration with BKGF, this company is tasked with providing enlightenment about: Carbon + and offsetting solutions,
sustainable solutions and solutions to climate change and also marketing to companies that are heavily taxed carbon in
destination countries, Companies/Industry that need investment from abroad and concession holders who are have not used
the forest for commercial purposes.
Founder: Achmad Deni Daruri


Penyeimbangan Karbon (Carbon Offset)

Assist our clients in calculating the carbon potential of tradable forest areas through a
carbon neutral scheme, with a basic methodology for calculating carbon offsets and
tracking greenhouse gases from activities categorized as carbon positive..

Inventarisasi Gas Rumah Kaca (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory)

aking analysis of emission calculations from scopes 1, 2, and 3 as well as calculating the
emission baseline by calculating for the past 3-4 years. From this calculation, it will be
concluded that the emission savings have been made and if there is potential carbon
that can be traded, it will be conveyed to our clients.

Netral (Carbon Neutral Certification)

Provide certification in carbon neutral efforts with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
scheme or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD))
Founder: Achmad Deni Daruri


Strategi Berkelanjutan (Sustainability Strategy)

Assisting our clients in analyzing the potential to be more sustainable, we can assist
clients in reviewing their vision, mission, Sustainable Finance Budget Plan (RAKB),
transition planning, and other sustainable policy procedures

Improvement of the Sustainability Report (SR) and Assessment of ESG

Providing consulting solutions regarding SR preparation in accordance with GRI
standards and related regulations and conducting an assessment of the ESG disclosure
of the company's SR.

CSR Resources and Funding Allocation

Assist our clients in obtaining CSR funds from either the company or the government
and allocating CSR funds in community empowerment or forest protection programs
Founder: Achmad Deni Daruri


Climate Internal Audit & Control Advisor

Providing solutions for risk analysis and work plans / company operational standards by assessing based on target
achievement, based on work plans to address the risks and impacts of climate change. We see a gap between the RAKB and
its achievements and is associated with the tonnage metrics for emission reduction that has been implemented.

Strategi Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan (Stakeholder Engagement)

Become a funnel for our clients to communicate with stakeholders in the context of making materiality studies or social
assessment studies for the purposes of annual reporting or CSR reporting, related to handling the consequences of climate

TCFD Related Assurance

Helping the company analyze the company's emission reduction roadmap and analyze the risks that have an impact on the
company's operational-financial-reputation and create various simulations of potential losses that will occur metrically if the
company does not carry out a transformation, to mitigate the risk of climate change, in accordance with the directions and
recommendations of the TCFD

Pembuatan & Peningkatan Nilai Pengungkapan CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)

CDP is a global platform system used by companies, state and local governments to manage and measure the impact of
environmental risks. The data that has been disclosed in CDP is important information used by governments in the world in
developing policies, investors to make decisions and also companies to choose the appropriate supply chain.
As the only CDP accredited solution provider in Indonesia, BGK has the expertise to assist and support companies and related
government institutions to improve CDP disclosure performance, and gradually achieve climate leadership status.
Start preparation and
We Implement the following And Achieve change
consultation with all To Obtain results
activities such as
parties involved
Develop a
Management plan Long term Management Sustainability
Start working with the Plans can be formed and funding for next
Develop a Carbon implemented 10+ years
Business Plan
Expanding Forest
Patrol and the latest Fire prevention and land Protection and
Technology clearing to Protect rehabilitation
Indetifying the needs conservation areas endangered land
of surrounding and land

Running aTree Community working groups The health and

planting project can join projects to get a well being of the
better life local population
Assessing alternative
has improved

1. The community can

1. Project cost
1. Government understand the
according to budget
involvement value gained from
Assuming the Following 2. The community is
2. Fire prevention the project
involved in various
attempt are 2. Guarantees will be
relevant project
increasing rapidly the result of carbon
Output 1: Long-term Conservation Management Plan, Infrastructure Development, and Community Welfare Improvement

This long-term conservation plan is to measure the long-term projected emissions that will occur in the future and these
emissions can be transacted as VERs after being certified. The activities carried out are:

1. Fire and Illegal Lodging Prevention Plan

2. Monitoring and Evaluation system

3. Empowerment the local population

4. Forecasting the price of commodities to support market driven land use approach

5. Evaluating and forecasting the welfare of population to support community led development approach
Output 1: Long-term Conservation Management Plan, Infrastructure Development, and Community Welfare Improvement

Then, seeing that there are still community activities that can increase the risk of damage to forests and animals in
conservation areas, there needs to be training and socialization that can increase community awareness and knowledge of
the important role of forests for the sustainability of people's lives. The activities carried out are:

• Building a Community Work Group around the community, with regular meetings with stakeholders and the government

• Conduct a survey of villages around the project area to find alternatives that are suitable for low-emissions livelihoods

• Opening new jobs

• Trash Bank

• Formation of farmer groups for tree nurseries

• Community work groups will conduct tree nurseries where the seeds will be purchased by the Foundation in connection
with the payment gateway below.

• Payment gateway for tree planting and maintenance transactions (tree adoption schemes)

• Establish eco-saving savings, where around 10% of the bank transaction admin fee will be used for forest management

• Sustainability education for the surrounding community

Output 1: Long-term Conservation Management Plan, Infrastructure Development, and Community Welfare Improvement

• To built energy based on non fossil especially solar energy

• Monitoring and forecasting poverty rate and the welfare of the population

• Developing economic development strategy

• Building sosio- economic database based on secondary data and primary data

• Building welfare index for society and doing the analysis of it

• Producing social economic index indicator every year to monitor the welfare of population

• Creating human resources index

• Calculating total factor productivity for …….. Province

• Creating export agency to help local population to export their agriculture and manufacture products

• Forecasting population for the next ten years

• Forecasting economic growth of ………… Province for the next 5 years, 10 years and 15 years to come

• Building library for local people

• Doing analysis to measure the impact of environment to economic growth

• Arranging secondary carbon trading market

Output 1: Long-term Conservation Management Plan, Infrastructure Development, and Community Welfare Improvement

To facilitate supervision carried out by the Foundation in combating illegal logging and fires that often arise in
conservation areas at certain seasons. Activities undertaken include:

• Procurement of portable fire fighting machines

• Construction of a fire control tower

• Construction of basecamps and research sample plots on site

• Provision of motor vehicles for monitoring efficiency

• Documentation of mapping from 2010 to present and forecasting the probability of forest Fire and illegal lodging in
the future

• Doing every year research to find the cause of fire and its solution with econometrics

• Protection of assets for 24-hour monitoring and observation against possible deforestation or fire

• Doing training for local people to prevent and combating illegal lodging and fires

Output 2: Carbon Value Audit

The activities carried out are:

• Monitoring: ensuring carbon accounting data and methodologies by experts, conducting socialization to the community
regarding forestry commitment

• Reporting: compiling Project Description

• Verification: verification, VCS validation, and audit by the international body certification.

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