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Composites Part B
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Handling Editor: Prof. Ole Thomsen Machine learning (ML) models provide fast and accurate predictions of material properties at a low computa
tional cost. Herein, the mechanical properties of multiscale poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB)-based nano
Keywords: composites reinforced with different concentrations of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), WS2
Machine learning nanosheets and sepiolite (SEP) nanoclay have been predicted. The nanocomposites were prepared via solution
Multiscale polymer nanocomposites
casting. SEM images revealed that the three nanofillers were homogenously and randomly dispersed into the
Mechanical properties
matrix. A synergistic reinforcement effect was attained, resulting in an unprecedented stiffness improvement of
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB)
Optimization 132% upon addition of 1:2:2 wt% SEP:MWCNTs:WS2. Conversely, the increments in strength were only mod
Predictive algorithms erates (up to 13.4%). A beneficial effect in the matrix ductility was also found due to the presence of both
nanofillers. Four ML approaches, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), RNN with Levenberg’s algorithm (RNN-LV),
decision tree (DT) and Random Forest (RF), were applied. The correlation coefficient (R2), mean absolute error
(MAE) and mean square error (MSE) were used as statistical indicators to compare their performance. The best-
performing model for the Young’s modulus was RNN-LV with 3 hidden layers and 50 neurons in each layer,
while for the tensile strength was the RF model using a combination of 100 estimators and a maximum depth of
100. An RNN model with 3 hidden layers was the most suitable to predict the elongation at break and impact
strength, with 90 and 50 neurons in each layer, respectively. The highest correlation (R2 of 1 and 0.9203 for the
training and test set, respectively) and the smallest errors (MSE of 0.13 and MAE of 0.31) were obtained for the
prediction of the elongation at break. The developed models represent a powerful tool for the optimization of the
mechanical properties in multiscale hybrid polymer nanocomposites, saving time and resources in the experi
mental characterization process.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: am.diez@uah.es (A.M. Díez-Pascual).
Received 26 June 2023; Received in revised form 31 October 2023; Accepted 5 November 2023
Available online 17 November 2023
1359-8368/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
currently on the rise. It allows machines to learn and improve auto methods to predict mechanical properties of three-component nano
matically through experience and data [7], and includes three main composite films. They used mechanical properties of two-component
subtypes, as depicted in Fig. 1: a) Supervised Learning: The algorithm nanocomposite films as input to the prediction system. The study
learns from labelled examples, where it is provided with a training data showed that ANN had the best accuracy, closely followed by RF, while
set with desired inputs and outputs. It can then be used to predict the MLR had the lowest accuracy. Sahu et al. [14] explored the mechanical
outputs on new data. Two common techniques are regression and clas properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)-based nanodiamond
sification. b) Unsupervised Learning: The algorithm learns from unla nanocomposites using an ANN. The developed model predicted the
beled data and looks for hidden patterns or structures in it. No desired Young’s modulus and hardness of the nanocomposite with a correlation
outputs are provided, and the algorithm must discover for itself the re coefficient higher than 0.99, indicating high accuracy in the predictions.
lationships and groupings in the data. Two prominent techniques are Natrayan et al. [15] used an ANN for the prediction of the flexural
clustering and reduction [8]. c) Reinforcement Learning: This is a strength and laminar shear strength of epoxy-based nanocomposites
combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning. The al reinforced with graphene. They used a feed-forward training algorithm
gorithm learns through interaction with an environment. It is provided and were able to generate forecasts with a reliability rate of 95% and an
with feedback in the form of rewards or punishments based on its ac absolute error rate of less than 1%. These results suggest that ANN is
tions. The goal is to maximize the cumulative reward over time. effective for estimating mechanical properties of polymeric nano
ML can be used at various stages of the development and charac composites. Khan et al. [16] used advanced machine learning ap
terization, from material design to property prediction. It contributes to proaches, such as ANN, to predict the effect of haloisite clay composition
the acceleration of the research and development process, as well as to and temperature on the mechanical properties of polymer clay nano
the understanding and optimization of properties and processes related composites (PCNs). The ANN model developed showed an average
to polymer nanocomposites [8,9]. The use of ML to predict properties of relative error of 0.0701, indicating good prediction accuracy. This pre
polymer nanocomposites based on their composition and structure is a diction approach can reduce the need for numerous laboratory tests to
promising approach in materials science. Composition refers to the develop PCNs with the desired properties. In another study by Adel et al.
proportion and type of components present, such as the base polymer [17], the compressive and flexural strength of carbon nanotube
and nanomaterials. Structure refers to the organization and distribution (CNT)-reinforced cementitious nanocomposites were described using
of these components, as well as the morphological characteristics at various machine learning techniques, including decision tree (DT). For
different scales. Training ML models from data sets learns the relation compressive strength, this model was able to explain 98.2% of the
ships between the composition, structure and properties of polymer variability in the training data and performed well in predicting new
nanocomposites. These datasets can include information on different data with 86.9% accuracy. On the other hand, for bending strength, the
combinations of polymers, nanomaterials, and associated properties model was able to explain 92.7% of the variability in the training data
[10,11]. By training ML algorithms with this data, different models can and performed acceptably in predicting new data with 78.2% accuracy.
be developed that are able to accurately predict properties of new The abovementioned studies hint that ML methods, such as ANN, DT
polymer nanocomposites. and RF, can be effective in predicting the mechanical properties of
ML models can use different approaches, such as regression, classi nanocomposites. However, studies on this topic are still scarce, and to
fication, or deep learning, depending on the nature and the complexity the best of our knowledge, no previous work on the prediction of the
of the data. These models can be used to predict mechanical, thermal, mechanical properties of multiscale hybrid polymeric nanocomposites
optical, electrical, or other properties, depending on the specific has been reported to date.
composition and structure of the polymer nanocomposite [12]. For Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biopolyesters, stored within cells
instance, Özkan et al. [13] implemented artificial neural network as energy storage materials by various microorganisms. Owed to their
(ANN), random forest (RF) and multiple linear regression (MLR) biocompatibility and biodegradability, PHAs have a wide range of
Fig. 1. Main types of Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning and their most common techniques.
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
applications in food packaging [18] and the biomedical sector including 2. Methodology
tissue engineering, bio-implant patches, drug delivery, surgery and
wound dressing. PHAs are green plastics and have positive social and In this study, three types of regression models have been selected to
environmental impact when compared with conventional plastics in predict the mechanical properties of the hybrid nanocomposites: RNN,
terms of production and recycling [19]. The simplest and most investi DT and RF. These models are widely used in scientific research due to
gated PAH is poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB), that possess properties their ability to capture non-linear relationships between input and
comparable to those of conventional synthetic plastics like poly output variables, their flexibility, their high predictive accuracy, and
propylene (PP). However, PHB presents several weaknesses including their ability to learn complex patterns in the data. The main charac
low impact resistance, poor thermal stability and high water vapor teristics of each model are detailed below.
permeability [20]. To address these problems, it can be reinforced with
nanomaterials such as multiwalled-carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and 2.1. Artificial neural network (ANN)
inorganic nanoclays or nanoparticles [21,22].
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are an allotrope of carbon with a 1D ANN is a type of computational model inspired by the structure and
nanotubular structure that can be classified as single-walled, double- functioning of the human brain, with the purpose of establishing the
walled, and multi-walled (SWCNT, DWCTN and MWCNT, respectively). underlying relationships in a data set [33]. A set of interconnected
The electrical conductivity of CNTs ranges from metallic to semi nodes, called artificial neurons, are constructed, and organized into
conducting based on the diameter and the rolling angle, which also layers that process information. Layers are structured in three types: the
impart chirality in the tubes. CNTs have excellent chemical, mechanical, input layer, the output layer and one or more hidden layers. Each neuron
and electronic properties that make them promising for various appli has an activation function that introduces non-linearity into the model.
cations [23,24]. Both noncovalent and covalent functionalization of Neurons in the input layer receive input data, those in the hidden layers
CNTs with aromatic molecules and π-conjugated polymers have been perform computations and transformations, and those in the output
extensively investigated [25–27]. These modifications improve their layer generate the final outputs of the network [34,35]. The neurons are
dispersion and solution processability, rendering them suitable for de connected via weighted connections, which determine the relative
vice applications. importance of the corresponding input in calculating the output of a
On the other hand, nanoclays are nanoparticles of layered mineral unit. These weights are adjusted during the training process to optimize
silicates that possess outstanding mechanical properties. They provide the performance and predictions of the network [35,36]. The basic
composites with improved properties owed to their stability, swelling structure of a neural network can vary depending on the problem and
capacity, interlayer spacing, elevated hydration and high chemical the specific architecture used [37]. Some of the most common structures
reactivity. One of the most used is sepiolite (SEP), a one-dimensional are: a) Perceptron, which consists of a single hidden layer of units, where
fibrous silicate mineral with octahedral sheets in a continuous each neuron is connected to the input layer and produces an output
arrangement and an ideal formula of Mg8Si12O30(OH)4(OH2)4⋅8H2O based on an activation function. It is suitable for linearly separable bi
[28]. SEP has a very high specific surface area (about 200 ~ 300 m2/g), nary classification problems [38]. b) Neuronal networks Feedforward
and has been extensively used as reinforcement to improve the me [39], also known as multilayer neural networks, wherein information
chanical properties of polymer matrices [29]. flows in a single direction, from the input layer to the output layer,
2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDCs) incorporating tran without cycles. They are suitable for complex classification and regres
sition metals such as Ti, Mo, W etc. crystallize into layered structure, sion problems and can learn feature representations. c) Convolutional
thereby offering diverse material properties from that of an insulator to a neural networks (CNN), which use convolutional layers to extract spatial
metal. The strong intra-layer covalent bond between the chalcogenides features and reduce the dimensionality of the data. They are very
and weak inter-layer Van der Waal attraction between the layers facil powerful in image recognition and classification [40]. d) Recurrent
itates the transition of these materials from 3D to 2D, analogous to Neural Networks (RNNs), which have recurrent connections, meaning
graphene [30]. Among the semiconducting TMDCs, WS2 has brought a that outputs from a layer can feed back to themselves or to previous
lot of attention owing to unique features such as higher stability and layers, allowing previous layers to benefit from information generated in
wider operational temperature. They have also been widely used as later layers and to hold such information over time. RNNs are highly
reinforcement of polymeric matrices, giving significantly enhanced suitable for processing sequence and time series data, such as text and
properties, with an effect comparable to that of graphene or CNTs [31, audio [41].
32]. In this study, input data representing the amount of each filler
To further improve the properties of polymeric materials, different incorporated into the composite, and output data corresponding to the
nanofillers can be incorporated. Hybridization involving the combina specific mechanical properties have been used. Each system is composed
tion of two or more nanofillers in a polymer matrix results in reduction of three input variables, which are related to the weight percentage of
of water absorption properties and improved mechanical properties due each nanofiller (MWCNT, SEP and WS 2), and one output variable rep
to synergistic effects. For instance, P3HB/graphene/carbon nanofiber resenting a mechanical property, such as Young’s modulus, tensile
hybrids have already been developed as sustainable materials with strength, elongation at break, or impact strength. These mechanical
enhanced mechanical properties [21]. In the present study, multiscale properties have been studied in independent networks. The aim is to use
hybrid nanocomposites based on a P3HB matrix incorporating different ML to establish relationships and predict the mechanical properties of
amounts of MWCNTs, SEP and WS2 nanosheets have been developed by polymer nanocomposites as a function of their chemical composition.
an easy, cheap, and ecological solvent casting method to enhance the Two optimization techniques in the RNN are compared: optimization
mechanical properties of P3HB matrix. By tuning the percentages of by stochastic gradient descent and the Levenberg-Marquard optimiza
both nanofillers, the stiffness and strength can be carefully tailored to tion algorithm [42,43]. The former utilizes a standard backpropagation
attain specific mechanical properties for targeted applications. Further, technique to compute the gradients and adjust the network parameters
three ML-based algorithms (RNN, DT and RF) have been applied to during the training process, whereas the Levenberg-Marquardg algo
predict their mechanical properties. The basis of the models are rithm (RNN-LV) employs the Gauss-Newton technique to minimize the
described in detail in the next section, and their minimum squared errors error of the objective function, often used in nonlinear regression
(MSE), mean absolute errors (MAE) and coefficient of determination problems. It is important to note that, in this case, backpropagation is
(R2) are compared to determine the optimum model for each of the still an integral part of the process, as it is used to calculate the local
studied properties. gradients needed for the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The main
objective of this comparison is to evaluate the performance of each of
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
these approaches in terms of accuracy and training efficiency to predict sheet containing the predicted value for the target variable [49].
the properties under study. This will allow us to determine which of the Hyperparameters are adjustable settings that control the behavior
training methods best suits the objectives of our research and provide a and structure of the tree during the training process. Among the most
deeper understanding of how they influence the results obtained. common are: a) Maximum tree depth, which controls the maximum
The network architecture used is a Feedforward neural network [44], number of splits the tree can have. Greater depth allows more complex
which makes predictions based on the chemical composition of the relationships to be captured but may increase the risk of overfitting. b)
nanocomposites. In this study, the neural network consists of an input Criterion, which specifies the metric used to measure the quality of a
layer with three neurons, which represent the three input variables, split in the tree nodes. The most common criterion is the mean squared
hidden layers whose number can vary depending on the problem being error (MSE), which measures the discrepancy between predictions and
addressed, and finally an output layer with a single neuron for the actual values c) Partitioning criterion, which refers to the strategy used
output variable. The hidden layer uses the ReLU activation function, to choose how to split the nodes in a decision tree. d) Minimum samples
which is a non-linear function commonly used in ANN [45]. As for the to split, which indicates the minimum number of samples needed at a
parameters of the training algorithm, an initial learning rate of 0.01 for node for a split to be performed. e) Minimum samples per leaf, which
RNN and 0.09 for RNN-LV and a maximum number of iterations of 1000 establishes the minimum number of examples required for a node to be
have been set. These values can be adjusted according to the problem considered a leaf, i.e., a terminal in the decision tree. f) Maximum leaf
and the network architecture. The maximum number of iterations is set nodes, which determine the maximum limit of leaf nodes that a decision
to avoid over-fitting the model and to control the length of the training tree can have. g) Maximum features, which represents the maximum
process. It is important to correctly tune the model parameters, which number of prediction variables that are considered when performing a
may require a trial-and-error approach for each specific problem. split at each node in the DT [50]. Hyperparameters are set prior to the
The data is divided into training and test sets to evaluate the accu training process and affect the structure and behavior of the tree [51]. It
racy and performance of the model. To implement the neural network, is important to properly tune the hyperparameters to optimize the per
the TensorFlow functional API is used, which allows building complex formance of a regression DT.
and flexible models for regression tasks. The model implementation has
been carried out in Python v.3.9.6 using the Keras v.2.10.0 and Ten 2.3. Random forest (RF)
sorFlow v.2.10.0 libraries. These tools provide an efficient and powerful
environment for developing and training neural networks effectively. It is an ensemble technique that combines the simplicity and inter
pretability of DTs with the power of combining multiple models [52,53].
2.2. Decision tree (DT) A set of independent DTs is constructed using different subsets of
training data and random features [54]. Each tree is trained individu
DTs are a type of machine learning models that make decisions by ally, dividing the data according to specific characteristics and creating
following a set of rules. In DTs, these questions are based on features or a set of rules to make predictions (Fig. 3).
attributes of the data. Each node in the tree represents a question, and When a prediction is made with the RF, each tree issues its own
the branches are the possible answers to that question [46]. You keep prediction and either takes most of the votes or averages the result,
going through the tree until you reach a leaf that contains the prediction depending on whether it is a classification or regression problem,
or result (Fig. 2). These DTs are easy to understand and visualise, which respectively. The key idea behind RFs is that by combining multiple TDs,
makes them useful in classification and prediction problems [47]. bias and variance are reduced, which can improve the accuracy and
In regression DTs, data are split according to characteristic values to generalizability of the model [52]. In addition, RFs have the advantage
predict a target-continuous variable [48]. The regression DT follows the of being able to handle large datasets and correlated features. The most
same structure as a conventional decision tree, where each internal node common hyperparameters in these algorithms are: a) n estimators,
represents a feature, and each branch represents a possible choice or which indicates the number of decision trees to be used in the model
value of that feature. assembly. b) minimum samples to split, which sets the minimum num
The construction of a regression DT involves selecting the best ber of samples required for a node to be split during the construction of
feature and the best split point to minimize the variance of the values of each decision tree. c) maximum tree depth, which sets the maximum
the target variable within each resulting subset. The goal is to obtain depth allowed for each decision tree in the assembly. It refers to the
partitions that reduce variability and are as close as possible to the maximum path length from the root to a leaf. d) Bootstrap, which de
actual values of the target variable. Once the regression DT is con termines whether Bootstrap sampling is used when constructing the
structed, it can be used to make predictions on new data instances. decision trees in the assembly. e) Warm start, which indicates whether to
Following the decision paths based on the input features, one arrives at a use the previously fitted trees in the model when refitting the estimator.
Fig. 2. Representation of the regression decision tree model: Visualising decision making.
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
where y’ is the predicted value, y is the corresponding value and n is the 3.2. Nanocomposite preparation
total number of samples in the data set.
MSE penalizes large errors more than small errors due to the The nanocomposites were synthesized via solution casting, following
squaring operation, which can make the model more sensitive to outliers a multi-step process, as depicted in Scheme 1. Initially, the necessary
or grossly erroneous predictions. amount of MWCNTs were dispersed in chloroform via bath sonication
MAE is calculated as the average of the absolute differences between for 20 min. Separately, the required amount of montmorillonite powder
the predicted and actual values: was dispersed in water by sonication for 10 min and then added to the
1∑ ′ MWCNT dispersion, which was sonicated for another 60 min. Then, the
|y − y| bulk WS2 nanosheets were added and sonicated once again for 30 min to
attain an exfoliated mixture with few layered WS2 nanosheets. Sepa
MAE is less sensitive to outliers than MSE as it uses absolute values rately, the PHB powder was dissolved in chloroform at 60 ◦ C and then
instead of squares. However, by not squaring errors, MAE may under added to the MWCNT/nanoclay/WS2 dispersion and the mixture was
estimate the impact of large errors. then sonicated for another 60 min at 25 ◦ C. The hybrid mixture was then
R2, is the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that is cast onto a glass Petri dish and finally dried under vacuum for 48 h. A
predictable from the independent variable(s), and is calculated as: schematic representation of the synthesis process and the potential in
teractions among the nanocomposite components is shown in Scheme 1.
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
Scheme 1. Representation of the synthesis of the nanocomposites and the interactions between them.
3.3. Characterization techniques scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using a scanning electron micro
scope (Zeiss, SIGMA VP-500, Germany), at an acceleration voltage of 25
All the samples were conditioned for 24 h before the measurements. kV. Samples were first cryo-fractured and then sputtered with a gold
Tensile tests were carried out following the ASTM D 638-03 standard on layer under vacuum to avoid charging during electron irradiation.
a servo-hydraulic testing machine (858 Mini Bionix, MTS Systems Cor
poration, MN, US) at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min and a load cell of 4. Results and discussion
100 kN, under 23 ◦ C and 50% RH.
Charpy impact strength tests were carried out according to the ASTM 4.1. Surface morphology of PHB/MWCNT/nanoclay/WS2 composites
D 6110-10 standard under the same environmental conditions on a
CEAST Fractovis dart impact tester (Instron, MA, US). Notched specimen The morphology of the hybrid PHB-based nanocomposites was
bars and a hammer mass with an energy of 7.10 J were used. Five investigated by SEM, and typical images at different magnifications of
specimens for each type of nanocomposite were measured to check for the cross section of the sample with 2 wt% MWCNT, 1 wt% nanoclay and
repeatability, and average value is reported. 2 wt% WS2 are shown in Fig. 4. Similar micrographs were observed for
The surface morphology of the nanocomposites was examined by the other hybrid composites. The nanocomposites show a 3D structure
Fig. 4. SEM images from fractured surfaces of PHB/MWCNT(2 wt%)/nanoclay (1 wt%)/WS2 (2 wt%) nanocomposite at different magnifications. The red, blue and
green arrows point towards the MWCNT, the nanoclay and the WS2, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
made of wrinkled WS2 nanoflakes, curled MWCNTs and sepiolite in mechanical properties found in this study are considerably larger than
nanofibers embedded into the continuous semicrystalline phase of PHB. those previously reported for nanocomposites made of PHBV and
The three nanomaterials appear intercalated. The nanoclay fibers are organomodified nanoclay [59] or MWCNTs fabricated by the melt
commonly forming aggregates of tangled fibers with diameters in the blending technique. This significant difference could be attributed to the
range of 150–300 nm. On the other hand, WS2 nanosheets stacked partial degradation of the polymer that occurs during the fabrication
compactly in the form of irregular plates can be observed, which are process. It is worthy to note that for the same nanofiller loading, the
uniformly decorating the surface of sepiolite nanofibers and the strongest reinforcement effect is systematically attained for 1D MWCNTs
MWCNTs, leading to a compact flower-like structure. The presence of compared to 1D fibrous SEP or 2D WS2 nanosheets. Given that both SEP
sepiolite reduces the agglomeration of the WS2 nanosheet, leading to and MWCNTs have fiber-like shape, the more effective reinforcement is
well exfoliated flakes with thicknesses in the range of 10–50 nm. attributed to the stronger E of MWCNTs [60] (i.e. 300–950 GPa)
In the images at lower magnification, the three nanofillers are found compared to that of SEP or WS2 (250 GPa) [61]. It is noticeable that the
to be homogenously and randomly dispersed into the matrix, forming a reinforcement effect of SEP is also ascribed to the formation of H-bonds
dense and entangled network, like due to the hydrogen bonding in between the surface silanol groups of the nanoclay and the ester groups
teractions between the three nanocomposite components (see Scheme of the matrix (Scheme 1). This combined with polar interactions leads to
1). Further, other interactions such as polar and hydrophobic can a more compact structure, thus restricting the movement of the poly
contribute to the formation of a reinforcement network strongly adhered meric chains, which in turn is reflected in enhanced rigidity, in agree
to the matrix. ment with results reported previously for SEP-reinforced (alkyl)
methacrylate-based composites [62].
Regarding the ternary nanocomposites, a significant increase in
4.2. Experimental mechanical properties of the nanocomposites modulus can also be observed (Fig. 5A), clearly higher than that of the
binary samples for the same total nanofiller loading. The strongest rise
Table 1 gathers the results of the tensile and Charpy notched impact (~92%) is detected upon addition of 1 wt% SEP and 4 wt% MWCNTs.
strength tests while Fig. 5 plots the data as a function of the total This extraordinary increase is again attributed to the high modulus of
nanofiller loading. MWCNTs and their homogeneous dispersion within the matrix. Similar
The pure polymer has a stiffness of approximately 3.7 GPa (Young’s trend, even more pronounced is found in the quaternary nano
modulus, E). However, upon addition of 5 wt% nanofiller loading, such composites (Table 4). Thus, the addition of 1 wt% of each nanofillers
as SEP, MWCNT or WS2, the stiffness increases by about 80%, 100% and results in about 45% rise in stiffness. More importantly, upon addition of
68% respectively (Fig. 5A). Proper dispersion of nanofillers in the 1:2:2 wt% SEP:MWCNTs:WS2, an increase of 132% is found, and the
polymer matrix is crucial to achieve a significant stiffening effect. In this strongest increase (154%) is attained upon addition of 2:2:1 wt% of the
case, the uniform dispersion of the nanoclay, CNT or WS2 in the polymer indicated nanofillers. This suggests again the stronger reinforcement of
allows for efficient load transfer and reinforcement of the structure. As a fibrous 1D nanomaterials, irrespective of their nature, highlighting the
result, a highly effective reinforcement effect is obtained in the binary significant contribution of CNTs in improving the mechanical properties
nanocomposites, which is reflected in a linear increase of the stiffness of the matrix. Besides, this indicates a synergistic effect of the three
within the range of nanofiller concentration studied. The improvements
Table 1
Relationship between Mechanical Properties and Nanofiller Concentration in PHB/MWCNT/nanoclay/WS2 multiscale nanocomposites.
Sample %Nanoclay %CNT %WS2 Young Modulus (Gpa) Tensile Strength (MPa) Strain at break (%) Impact strength (J m− 1)
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
Fig. 5. Experimental mechanical properties of PHB/MWCNT/nanoclay/WS2 nanocomposite as a function of total nanofiller loading. Comparison of binary and
ternary nanocomposites.
nanofillers, resulting in an unprecedented stiffness improvement. Thus, binary ones (Fig. 5c), indicating also a beneficial effect due to the
the combination of the three nanofillers has a positive and additive ef presence of both nanofillers. Similar trend has been previously reported
fect on enhancing the elastic modulus of the nanocomposite. for nanocomposites reinforced with SWCNTs and WS2 [31]. The pres
Focusing on the tensile strength, the trend observed is similar to that ence of both nanofillers could reduce the stress concentrations at the
described above, although the improvements are significantly smaller. nanofiller-matrix interface, hence resulting in better ductility than in the
Thus, the largest rise (13.4%) is again found for the nanocomposite with binary composites. The highest impact strength is attained with 1 wt%
2:2:1 wt% of SEP:MWCNTs:WS2. The smaller strength enhancement SEP, suggesting that the fibrous clays can effectively reduce crack
compared to the modulus could also be related to the lower strength of propagation. On the other hand, the impact strength is approximately
the nanofillers (i.e. 10–60 GPa for MWCNTs [60], 3–7 GPa for WS2 [61], preserved for ternary composites with SEP and WS2. It has been shown
and 100–500 MPa for SEP). Further, the orientation and state of that numerous factors govern the impact strength of multiscale rein
dispersion of the nanofillers have been reported to influence more the forced composites [63], including a lessening effect of the fillers due to a
composite stiffness than the strength. However, different results were decrease in the elongation at break and stress concentrations formed
reported for multiscale epoxy nanocomposites filled with graphene and around the filler ends. The impact strength is also dependent on the size,
amine-functionalized MWCNTs, in which the increase in tensile strength orientation and interfacial adhesion with the matrix. A beneficial effect
(52%) was about double that of the modulus. The high strengthening is that the fillers decrease crack propagation and increase impact
efficiency found in that work was attributed to a synergistic behavior of strength by energy dissipating mechanisms. The combination of fibrous
both carbon nanomaterials well dispersed and embedded within the clay and layered WS2 seems to be the more effective for hindering the
matrix [63]. This suggests that the main role of the nanofillers is a growth of cracks.
strengthening of the fiber-matrix interface rather than reinforcing the
matrix itself. An opposite behavior is observed for the impact strength 4.3. Mechanical properties predicted using ML regression models
(Fig. 5b) and strain at break (Fig. 5c), that drop with increasing nano
filler loading. This is the expected trend since the nanofillers restrict the In this research, four different models, namely RNN, RNN-LV, DT and
ductile flow of the polymeric chains [17]. In addition, they can limit the RF were applied to predict the mechanical properties of nano
shear deformation of the matrix, thus reducing the ductility. Interest composites. These models were selected for their ability to handle non-
ingly, for the same total nanofiller loading, the reduction in ductility linear data, generalize, identify patterns, and improve the accuracy of
found in the ternary nanocomposites is less pronounced than for the predictions.
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
The available dataset was split 75% for training and 25% for testing. layers are added. However, in the case of the test data, R2 peaks when
During the training stage, it is of crucial to find the best hyperparameter three hidden layers are used, indicating that the model achieves good
configuration. In the case of neural networks, these hyperparameters are generalizability by capturing patterns that apply not only to training
predefined values selected before running the model and have a signif data, but also to new data. Interestingly, when a fourth hidden layer is
icant impact on its performance. added, the RNN performance on test data decreases, suggesting that the
The fundamental tuning parameters in RNN and RNN-LV are: the model becomes too complex and begins to over-fit the training data,
number of hidden layers, the number of neurons in each intermediate which hampers its generalizability.Once the optimal performance was
layer, the learning rate, the activation function and the optimization set to three hidden layers, further analysis was performed on the number
algorithm. The number of hidden layers or number of intermediate of neurons in those layers. Fig. 6B shows the change in R2 of the training
layers determines the depth of the network. The number of neurons in and test data with the number of neurons. Despite no clear trend is
each layer impacts the complexity and learning capacity of the network observed, the best performance is attained when 90 neurons are used in
at each level. The learning rate adjusts the rate at which the network each of the three hidden layers, leading to a training and test R2 of 1 and
updates the weights during the training process, affecting the speed of 0.9564, respectively. Additional neurons beyond this optimal point can
convergence and the stability of the training process. The activation lead to over-fitting and deterioration in the generalization ability of the
function defines the mathematical function of the neuron output from model. Instead of capturing more relevant patterns, the model may be
the input, which provides nonlinearity to the network so that it can learn overfit to details and noise present in the training data, resulting in
and model complex relationships. Finally, the optimizer is the algorithm worse performance on unseen data. It is important to note that R2 values
used to adjust the weights of the network during training, progressively obtained herein are comparable or even higher than those reported by
approaching the optimal weights that minimize the loss function. For Ho et al. [64] for the prediction of E of polymer/carbon nanotube
both RNN and RNN-LV, the activation function used in each layer is nanocomposites using an RNN model (0.986 and 0.978 for the training
ReLU, and the learning rate used is equal to 0.09. For the key hyper and testing sets, respectively). They are also better than those reported
parameters, the first step is to set the optimal number of hidden layers, for low density polyethylene (LLDPE)/graphene nanocomposites [65],
and then the performance of the network is evaluated by varying the in which the highest R2 value for the training set was 0.933 when 13
number of neurons in these layers. DT and RF models typically have neurons were used in the hidden layer, and those found for ternary poly
more hyperparameters to tune compared to RNNs. GridSearchCV and (ether ether ketone) PEEK/Ti/graphene nanocomposites, with R2 of this
RandomizedCV were used to find the optimal hyperparameter settings set equal to 0.96 [66] for 78 neurons.
and maximize model performance. These techniques explore various
predefined combinations of values for the hyperparameters in the DT RNN-LV. In the case of an RNN-LV model, Fig. 7A, it is found
and RF models. The aim is to find the ideal combination of hyper that as the number of hidden layers in a neural network is changed, the
parameters that improves the performance of both models. performance of the training data remains almost constant and with high
The choice of the optimal combination of hyperparameters is based values. However, the performance on test data increases until the
on evaluation metrics for predictive models, accuracy being one of the network has three hidden layers but decreases when a fourth layer is
most used. In the following sections, the coefficient of determination added. Therefore, a network with three hidden layers was selected.
obtained for several hyperparameter configurations in the different Fig. 7B analyses the effect of the number of neurons in these three
models will be presented. These metrics will allow to identify which hidden layers. The performance of the training data remains high and
hyperparameter configuration provides the best performance in terms of approximately constant as the number of neurons is increased. However,
accuracy for each model. in the test data, a decrease in performance is noticed as the number of
neurons in the hidden layers increases, ascribed to factors such as
4.3.1. Young’s modulus overfitting. Despite this overall decline, a sweet spot in network per
formance is highlighted with 50 neurons in each of the three hidden RNN. Fig. 6A and B shows the performance of an RNN as a layers. At this point, a balance is achieved between the model’s
function of the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in tunability and its generalizability, leading to a training and test R2 of
each layer, respectively. R2 of the training data increases with increasing 0.9974 and 0.9710, respectively. The results obtained in this study are
the number of hidden layers, Fig. 6A. This means that the model can fit superior to those found in the study by Liu et al. [67], who used an
better the training data and capture more complex patterns as hidden RNN-LV to predict the Young’s modulus of graphene-reinforced
Fig. 6. R2 of an RNN architecture for the prediction of the Young’s modulus as a function of: A) hidden layers and, B) number of neurons of those hidden layers in a
functional API RNN.
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
Fig. 7. R2 of RNN-LV architecture for the prediction of the Young’s modulus as a function of A) hidden layers and, B) number of neurons of those hidden layers in an
used: GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV. Before applying these Number of estimators 1–300
techniques, the ranges of values for the common hyperparameters of the Maximum depth 1–300
Minimum samples split 2
regression DTs were defined (Tables 2 and 3).
Bootstrap False
The results of the DT using the two techniques are shown in Table 4, Warm start True
where all possible combinations of values of the specified hyper Maximum features sqrt
parameters are explored. In this case, the hyperparameters maximum
depth and maximum leaf nodes have the strongest impact on the model
performance. The values of minimum split samples, minimum leaf Table 4
samples and maximum features were fixed at 2, 1 and “auto” respec R2 values for different hyperparameters and search techniques for the prediction
tively. As the maximum tree depth increases, the performance on the of the Young’s Modulus with regression DT.
training data improves. However, in the test data, the performance tends Search techniques Maximum Maximum leaf R2 R2 test
to decrease slightly as the tree depth increases. An optimal behavior is depth nodes train
found for a maximum leaf node equal to 19 and values of maximum
GridSearchCV 25 23 1.0000 0.7308
depth of 20 or 12, both in the training and test data. 20 19 0.9916 0.7405
On the other hand, when using RandomizedSearchCV, the extreme 12 19 0.9916 0.7405
values of both the minimum and maximum for maximum leaf nodes RandomizedSearchCV 26 79 1.0000 0.7555
show superior performance on both training and test data, indicating 19 29 1.0000 0.7555
that a very low or very high number of this parameter leads to better 5 45 0.9940 0.7307
results. Furthermore, R2 equal to 1 is obtained for the highest values of
the tree depth, indicating that the deeper the DT, the more complex
data, respectively. This can be attributed to its randomised approach and
relationships in the data can be captured, hence improved algorithm
the ability to explore a wider range of hyperparameter combinations in a
performance. These results are consistent with the conclusions reported
shorter time compared to GridSearchCV.
by Qi et al. [68] for carbon fiber reinforced plastics. In such study, a tree
depth of 7 was selected as optimal for the prediction of E. When the tree
was deeper, over-fitting was observed, while for smaller depths, the RF. The results of this model are collected in Table 5. It can be
model was less precise in describing the details of the training set. observed that increasing the number of estimators does not systemati
Therefore, in order to obtain an appropriate algorithm, experiments cally improve the model performance on the test set. For example, the
should be carried out on model trees with multiple depths. comparison of the combinations with 100 and 200 estimators in Grid
On the other hand, the comparison of both techniques indicates that SearchCV shows that the former combination yields a slightly higher R2
RandomizedSearchCV leads to slightly better performance on this spe
cific algorithm, with a R2 value of 1 and 0.7555 for the training and test Table 5
R2 values for different hyperparameters and search techniques for the prediction
Table 2 of the Young’s Modulus with regression RF.
Hyperparameter ranges for regression DT searching. search techniques Number of Maximum R2 R2 test
estimators depth train
Hyperparametres Values
GridSearchCV 100 200 1.0000 0.6277
Maximum depth 0–100
100 20 1.0000 0.6135
Minimum samples split 1–5
200 20 1.0000 0.5923
Minimum samples leaf 1–60
Maximum leaf nodes 1–80 RandomizedSearchCV 42 71 1.0000 0.6153
Maximum features Auto, Sqrt, log2 10 94 1.0000 0.5216
Splitter Best, Random 102 94 1.0000 0.5897
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
Table 6 of the data and avoid overfitting. Thus, the number of hidden layers was
R2 for training set and test set in different predictive models for the studied set to two, and the change in R2 with the number of neurons in those two
mechanical properties. layers was analyzed (Fig. S1 B). In the training data, R2 remains almost
Determination RNN RNN- DT RF constant, while in the test data, maxima are observed at 50 and 80
coefficient LV neurons, the optimal being 50 neurons, that yields R2 values of 0.9868
Young’s R2 training 1.0000 0.9974 1.0000 1.0000 and 0.6440 for the train and test data, respectively. Upon addition of
modulus R2 testing 0.9549 0.9710 0.7555 0.6277 more neurons, the performance decreases, likely due to over-fitting in
Tensile R2 training 0.9868 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 the test data. Similar trend was reported for low density polyethylene
Strength R2 testing 0.6440 0.6784 0.6033 0.7400 (LLDPE)/graphene nanocomposites [64], in which the highest R2 value
Elongation at R2 training 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
for the training set was 0.98 when 12 neurons were used in the hidden
break R2 testing 0.9203 0.9119 0.7737 0.7046 layer. Further addition of more neurons resulted in a noticeable reduc
tion of R2, by more than 10%. Analogous behavior was also found for
Impact R2 training 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Strength R2 testing 0.9427 0.8820 0.7778 0.7877 carbon-black filled rubber composites [70], in which the best perfor
mance (0.999) was attained with 6 neurons, while more neurons led to
data overfitting. It is worthy to note that the system studied herein is
(0.6277 vs. 0.5923). In addition, the combination with only 42 esti much complex than those reporter earlier, which accounts for the
mators in RandomizedSearchCV yield slight better results than that with slighter lower R2 values obtained.
102 estimators (0.6153 vs. 0.5897). On the other hand, as the maximum
depth of the trees decreases, the performance on the test set tends to RNN-LV. Regarding RNN-LV model (Fig. S2 A), R2 remains
decrease. For example, in GridSearchCV, the combination with a constant over almost the whole range studied in the training data, while
maximum depth of 200 yields a R2 value in the test set of 0.6277, while in the test data, it shows a maximum at two hidden layers and then
that with a maximum depth of 20 led to comparable R2 (0.6135) for the decreases as more layers are added. Performance was then analyzed as a
same number of estimators. The same occurs for RandomizedSearchCV, function of the number of neurons in these two hidden layers (Fig. S2 B).
where the combination with a maximum depth of 71 yielded higher R2 An increasing trend is observed for both training and test data as the
than that with 94 (0.6153 vs. 0.5897), suggesting that a higher number of neurons is increased. However, the best performance is
maximum depth may allow the model to take more complex relation reached at around 60 neurons, yielding R2 for the training and test data
ships in the data and improve prediction performance. Overall, the of 1 and 0.6784, respectively. Beyond this point, the performance de
highest R2 value in the train and test set (1 and 0.6277, respectively) are creases, showing similar trend to that described above for the RNN
obtained for the combination with 100 estimators and a maximum depth model.
of 200 in the GridSearchCV technique (see Table 6).
It is worthy to note that, despite the models used in this study work DT. Table S1 shows R2 analysis as a function of the hyper
well to fit the experimental Young’s modulus data, they present some parameters using the different search techniques for the DT model. In
limitations that could reduce the accuracy of the fitting. Indeed, it has the case of GridSearchCV, this parameter remained almost constant for
been reported that the nanocomposite modulus is dependent on the the training set, regardless of the maximum depth and maximum leaf
particle size and shape, particle agglomeration and the particle/matrix nodes values considered. However, R2 of the test set dropped as the
interfacial adhesion, to mention the most important factors [69]. For the value of maximum leaf nodes decreased, ascribed to the fact that fewer
same nanofiller loading, and nanoparticle size below 100 nm, the leaf nodes limit the model’s ability to fit and generalize the data
modulus decreases with increasing size. This could be explained correctly. Regarding the test set, the decline was found to be less pro
considering that smaller nanoparticles are usually better dispersed nounced at maximum depth values between 117 and 113, suggesting
within the matrix, thus can more effectively restrict the deformation of that the model reaches an optimal point of complexity in that range,
the polymer chains. They also lead to a larger interphase, hence where it can capture the structure of the data effectively. However,
improved stress transfer. Further, the deformation mechanisms of when the maximum depth was reduced to 108, an increase in test set
nanoparticles, namely nanoparticle dislodging, shear-band formation, performance was observed, likely because a lower maximum depth al
and cracking are strongly dependent on the size. For instance, with lows for better regularisation, thus avoiding overfitting and improving
decreasing the particle size of SiO2 from 300 nm to 10 nm, their stiff the generalizability of the model.
ening effect was increased by 15-fold [69]. The modulus is also condi In the case of RandomizedSearchCV, three hyperparameters were
tioned by the filler-matrix interfacial bond strength. Enhanced explored: Splitter, maximum depth, and maximum leaf nodes. By using
interfacial adhesion leads to improved stress transfer across the nano the value “Random” for Splitter, the performance of the training set
filler–matrix interface, which is reflected in higher modulus. Further, remained constant. However, when “Best” option was chosen, a
nanoparticle agglomeration significantly reduces the effective elastic decrease in R2 was observed, indicating that a random selection pro
modulus of composites. The high surface area of nanoparticles results in vided a better fit to the training data. A model that is highly tuned to the
the interaction between particles and aggregation/agglomeration. As a training data may have difficulty generalising and fitting to new data.
result, the nanofiller-matrix interfacial area is reduced and this weakens Therefore, using “Random” option for Splitter resulted in more balanced
the performance. Further, the orientation of the nanofillers conditions performance on both the training set and the test set.
the modulus. Nanofillers aligned parallel to the applied load result in Regarding the test set, the performance increased as the maximum
higher composite stiffness. It should also be mentioned that the presence depth value was reduced. This can be explained considering that a lower
of defects in the nanofillers can significantly reduce their modulus, maximum depth limits the complexity of the model, thus avoiding
resulting in nanocomposites with decreased stiffness. overfitting and improving its ability to generalize the test data. The best
performance of the test set was attained for a maximum leaf nodes value
4.3.2. Tensile strength of 40 in RandomizedSearchCV. However, as this parameter increased to
85, the performance was worsened. This indicates that a moderate RNN. Regarding the predictions of the tensile strength with number of leaf nodes allows for a better capture of variability in the test
RNN, R2 remains almost constant as the number of hidden layers in data, while a higher number leads to a more complex model that is prone
creases in the training data (Fig. S1 A). However, in the test data, R2 to overfitting.
peaks at two hidden layers and then decreases as additional layers are Overall, the results indicate that RandomizedSearchCV performed
added, suggesting that this number is enough to capture the complexity
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
better compared to GridSearchCV, yielding a higher R2 on both the for 5 neurons in the hidden layer.
training and test sets (1 and 0.6033, respectively, for the optimal com
bination of a random splitter, a maximum depth of 35 and a maximum RNN-LV. Regarding RNN-LV model, although the performance
leaf node of 40). of the training data remains constant, a decrease in R2 is observed for the
test data when only 2 hidden layers are selected (Fig. S4A). The best RF. The results obtained with the RF model are gathered in performance is attained with 3 hidden layers, hence it was selected as
Table S2. Regarding GridSearchCV, increasing the number of estimators optimal and the change in R2 as a function of the number of neurons in
from 100 to 200 does not seem to have a significant impact on the model these 3 hidden layers was investigated (Fig. S4B). Regarding the training
performance, as R2 in the test set decreases slightly from 0.7240 to values, the performance remained constant with increasing the number
0.7147 and 0.7118 for maximum depths of 20 and 200, respectively. For of neurons, indicating that the network was able to fit the training data
RandomizedSearchCV, the highest R2 (0.7400) in the test set is attained well, regardless of the number of neurons used. However, for the test set,
for the combination of 100 estimators and a maximum depth of 100. a gradual rise in R2 was observed, showing a maximum at 50 neurons
Fewer estimators [10,16] lead to lower R2 values (0.6473 and 0.5755, (R2 of training and test of 1 and 0.9119 respectively), and then dropped
respectively), suggesting that a larger number of estimators has a posi slightly until 100 neurons were reached in the hidden layers.
tive impact on model performance. On the other hand, combinations
with larger maximum depths (176 and 254) underperform. It is worthy DT. The results obtained from DT model are collected in
to note that R2 in the train set was equal to 1 for all the combinations Table S3. The parameters minimum samples split, minimum samples
investigated. Overall, the combination that leads to the best perfor leaf and maximum features were set to 2, 1 and “auto” respectively. In
mance is found for RandomizedSearchCV, which leads to R2 values of the case of GridSearchCV, R2 of the training data remains high and
the train and test of 1 and 0.74, respectively. The values obtained herein almost constant regardless of the maximum depth values, while for test
are significantly higher than those obtained by Gupta et al. [71], who data it increases as this parameter decreases, indicating that a smaller
used a RF model to predict the tensile strength of geopolymer compos value of maximum depth allows to obtain a better performance in the
ites reinforced with different amounts of fly ash and calcined clay. They generalization of the model. In addition, the best performance on the
achieved R2 of 0.88 and 0.57 for the training and test sets, respectively. test data is obtained with a maximum leaf nodes value of 43, the highest
They are also better than those reported for polypropylene filled with among the values tested for GridSearchCV. These results suggest that
CaCO3 [72], in which the best performance (R2 of 0.9147 for the train properly tuning the values of maximum depth and maximum leaf nodes
set) was attained for the hyperparameter combination [1,15,55], cor can have a significant impact on the model performance.
responding to the number of DTs, maximum depth and minimum Regarding RandomizedSearchCV, R2 of the training data increases
number of samples in a node, respectively. The authors also found that upon decreasing the value of maximum depth, suggesting that reduced
the optimal hyperparameter combination changed for the different values of this parameter can avoid overfitting, hence the generalization
physical properties (ie. modulus, strength, specific gravity, melting of the model is improved. It is interesting to note that the minimum
index), in agreement with the behavior found in this work. maximum depth value, 106, provides the best performance on the
As mentioned earlier for the Young’s modulus, the strength of training data, suggesting that a model with less depth may fit the
nanocomposites is influenced by several factors, including the nanofiller training data more effectively. This value of maximum depth also leads
size, level of dispersion within the matrix and interfacial adhesion. to the best R2 in the test set, 0.7670, for the highest value of maximum
These parameters are not considered by the ML models, hence can cause leaf nodes [37]. This implies that a larger number of nodes allowed for
inaccurate fittings and deviations between experimental and theoretical more complexity in the model, since it can capture more pinpoints
values. Smaller nanoparticles and thicker interphases result in improved patterns present in the test data, thus leading to a better fit. On the other
strength. Accordingly, the aggregated/agglomerated nanoparticles have hand, R2 of 1 on the training set and 0.7737 on the test set was attained
lower tensile strength than the individual particles, and negatively affect using the GridSearchSv algorithm with a maximum depth of 54 and a
the interfacial/interphase properties and tensile strength of polymer maximum number of leaf nodes of 43 (Table S3).
nanocomposites [69]. RF. The results obtained with the RF model for the prediction
4.3.3. Elongation at break of the elongation at break are collected in Table S4. Regarding Grid
SearchCV, the model performance drops both in the training test set as RNN. Similarly to the tensile strength, R2 of the training data the number of estimators decreases. This can be clearly observed by
for the prediction of the elongation at break with an RNN model in comparing the three combinations with different values of number of
creases with increasing number of hidden layers Fig. S3A. However, for estimators (200, 150, and 100), where R2 for the test set gradually
the test data, R2 shows a maximum at the third hidden layer and then decreased from 0.7005 to 0.7018 and then to 0.6687. On the other hand,
drops when a fourth layer is added. Thus, addition of more layers does no clear trend in the performance is found upon modifying the
not improve the generalizability of the network and may lead to over maximum depth. Combinations with the same maximum depth value
fitting. Once the number of hidden layers was set to three, the perfor (100) have similar results in both the training set and the test set, with R2
mance was evaluated as a function of the number of neurons in the hovering around 0.7. For RandomizedSearhCV, combinations with
hidden layers, Fig. S3B. For the training data, a constant trend is different values of number of estimators [14,21,28] do not show a clear
observed with increasing number of neurons. However, for the test data, trend in model performance. R2 of the test set changes slightly between
R2 increases until 50 neurons are reached, then decreases for 60 neu combinations, being in the range of 0.6969–0.7085 for all of them. Also,
rons, and gradually increases again from 60 to 90 neurons, peaking at 90 hardly change in model performance is observed with increasing
neurons with R2 of the training and test set of 1 and 0.9203, respectively. maximum depth. The combination with a maximum depth of 259 and
However, for 100 neurons, performance starts to drop on a regular basis. the smallest number of estimators [14] shows the highest R2 for the test
The best R2 obtained for this model are higher than those found in the set (0.7046), while the combinations with lower maximum depths
study by Palomba et al. to predict the elongation at break of a group of display just slightly lower values (R2 for the test set of 0.6969 and
linear polymers, in which a maximum R2 of 0.88 was achieved [73]. 0.6959). Likely, a smaller number of estimators can avoid overfitting
Further, they are slightly better than those reported for and improve the generalization of the model. It is significant that R2 of
organoclay-reinforced rubber [74] nanocomposites, in which the lowest the training set was systematically 1 for all the combinations tested.
error and higher accuracy (R2 of 0.9873 in the training set) was attained These results are better than those reported by Khayyami [75] for
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
LLDPE/carbon black using RF, in which the maximum R2 value in the limit the model’s ability to capture more complex patterns or may be
train set was 0.951. The authors concluded that this model did not causing overfitting. Noticeably, R2 of the training set was systematically
generalize well, likely due to overfitting and to an artefact of random 1 for all the combinations tested.
forest working with categorizations of data. Thus, the model requires a It should be noted that the differences between theoretical and
large number of data to provide reliable predictions. experimental data could be attributed to many factors that influence the
nanocomposite performance and are not considered by the models.
4.3.4. Impact strength Indeed, the level of nanoparticle dispersion strongly influences the
nanocomposite impact strength. Thus, agglomerated particles can act as RNN. Regarding the impact strength, results from the RNN stress concentration sites, consequently the impact strength is reduced
model in Fig. S5 A show that R2 of the training data rise with increasing [69].
number of layers, indicating that the model is learning better and getting
better results in the training phase. For the test data, the performance 4.4. Error assessment of predictive models. Measured vs. predicted values
increases up to layer 3 and then starts to decrease, showing similar
pattern to that described previously for the other properties. To further To choose the most effective prediction model for each of the
analyze the performance, the change in R2 with the number of neurons analyzed mechanical properties, a comparison based on the coefficient
in the 3-layer model was investigated (Fig. S5B). In the training data, the of determination was carried out (table 6). This coefficient is used as a
performance is hardly influenced by the number of neurons, while in the measure to assess the ability of a model to explain the data variability. It
test data, it rises as the number of neurons increases, showing a is important to note that a higher value of R2 indicates a better fitting for
maximum for 50 neurons (R2 of 0.9427), and then gradually decreased. the model, since it can explain a greater proportion of the variability
present in the data. RNN-LV. Regarding the RNN-LV structure for the prediction of Regarding the Young’s modulus, the most effective predictive model
the impact strength (Fig. S6A), R2 of the training data remains constant is the RNN-LV, with 3 hidden layers and 50 neurons in each layer,
as the number of layers increases, for the test data the performance leading a R2 of 0.9710. For the tensile strength, the RF model stands out,
improves as the number of layers increases. This means that increasing yielding a R2 of 1 and 0.7400, respectively. With regard to the elonga
the depth of the neural network can help to improve the overall per tion at break, the best model is the RNN, with 3 hidden layers and 90
formance. Based on this analysis, a four-layer network was selected, and neurons in each layer, giving a R2 of 0.9203. Finally, for the impact
the effect of the number of neurons in the 4 layers was investigated strength, the best model is the RNN with 3 layers and 50 neurons per
(Fig. S6B). In this case, the performance of the training data remains layer, with a R2 of 0.9427.
constant, regardless of the number of neurons in each layer, while in the These findings indicate that the choice of the optimal ML model
test data, an increase in R2 is observed up to 50 neurons. At this point, depends on the specific mechanical property to be predicted, rather than
the maximum performance of the neural network is reached (R2 of 1 and solely on the nature of the system itself. In our study, the nano
0.882 for the training and test set, respectively), similarly to the RNN-LV composites present a complexity that implies the presence of four
model for the prediction of the elongation at break and the two RNN different components, and each mechanical property is influenced by
models for the Young’s Modulus. several factors, as mentioned earlier, such as the adhesion between the
matrix and the filler, the interactions between filler particles, the matrix DT. With regard to the DT model (Table S5), the performance modulus, strength, and ductility, as well as the nanofiller modulus,
in the training data remains constant with a value of 1 regardless of the amongst others. This additional complexity makes it difficult to gener
hyperparameters set and the search technique used. However, in the test alize to a single model that works for all the investigated mechanical
data, it increases as the maximum depth decreases. Regarding the properties.
maximum leaf nodes, the behavior is slightly different for each search Fig. 8 shows the correlation between the predicted values and the
technique. In the case of GridSearchCV, no clear trend is observed upon measured data for the four mechanical properties investigated. The
changing this parameter, while slightly better performance is found in regression model with the highest R2 for each particular property was
the data test data for the lowest value of maximum leaf nodes. On the plotted. The Young’s modulus was evaluated using RNN-LV, the tensile
other hand, in the case of RandomizedSearchCV, as the maximum leaf strength with the RF model, while the RNN model was used for the
nodes decrease, the performance of the test data increases. It is impor elongation at break and impact resistance. To assess the reproducibility
tant to note that the maximum throughput on the test data (1 and of the models, ten simulations were performed under the same selected
0.7778, for the training and test sets, respectively) is achieved when optimal conditions.
using a maximum depth value of 6 and a maximum leaf nodes value of The plots reveal a good correlation between the predicted values and
38 in RandomizedSearchCV. the measured data, since the points are grouped close to the diagonal
line, which indicates an optimal fit of the model. This is evidenced by the RF. Results regarding RF for the prediction of the impact slope of the graphs, which is very close to 1.0 in all cases. The best fitting
strength are collected in Table S6. In the case of GridSearchCV, com is obtained for the elongation at break (R2 = 0.964, Fig. 8C), followed by
binations with different values of number of estimators (100 and 150) the impact strength (Fig. 8D), while the least accurate is found for the
provide similar results in terms of performance on the test set, indicating tensile strength. Similar results were reported for the prediction of the
that they do not cause overfitting. The combination with 100 estimators mechanical properties of polyamide 6-based composites using DT [76],
and a maximum depth of 20 shows slightly lower performance on the in which the best correlation for the tensile strength (0.839) was
test set, likely, because a maximum depth of 20 limits the model’s ability significantly lower than that for the elongation at break (0.985). This
to capture more complex relationships in the data. On the other hand, authors attributed this different behavior to the anisotropy of the films.
the combination with a maximum depth of 200 shows the best perfor Indeed, the preferential orientation of the nanofillers in a certain di
mance in the test set. In the case of RandomizedSearchCV, no clear trend rection might induce an anisotropic behavior which would be more
is found with the values of number of estimators [22], ]80]. It is pronounced for the tensile strength, and this factor is not considered by
important to note that performance may depend on other hyper the ML models. Despite in our study the three nanofillers seem to be
parameters and dataset specifics. Furthermore, the combination with a randomly dispersed, the presence of small aggregates or higher degree of
maximum depth of 41 shows the best performance in the test set (R2 of entanglement in certain regions could induce a certain level of anisot
0.7877). Combinations with lower maximum depths (22 and 83) may ropy, that could influence more the tensile strength than the elongation
at break. Overall, results obtained herein demonstrate the good
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
Fig. 8. Parity plots showing predicted values using the best regression models for each property vs. the measured values for: (A) Young’s modulus; (B) Tensile
strength; (C) Elongation at break; (D) Impact Strength.
agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental strength, indicating better accuracy compared to the other models.
measurements. RNNs are ML models that can capture complex, non-linear re
To further assess the accuracy of the ML models implemented herein, lationships in data. The mechanical properties investigated herein are
the minimum squared errors (MSE) and the mean absolute errors (MAE) influenced by multiple intricate factors. Neural networks can learn and
were also compared, and the results are collected in Table 7. The MSE is model these non-linear relationships, allowing them to provide more
widely considered as an important validation criterion for ML models. accurate predictions. Also, their hierarchical structure allows them to
The lower MSE, the most accurate the predictions of the desired learn high-level features from input features, which contributes to better
property. prediction. Neural networks are also adaptable to different data patterns
Regarding the Young’s modulus, the RNN-LV model shows the and distributions and benefit from learning from large data sets. In
lowest MSE (0.0806), which indicates a higher accuracy in the predic summary, neural networks are powerful tools for tackling complex
tion of this property compared to the other models. However, in terms of prediction problems in materials science and mechanics, as they can
MAE, the RNN model has a slightly lower value (0.2340), which implies capture the complexity of mechanical properties and provide more ac
a smaller average difference between the predictions and the experi curate results. The choice of the RNN training algorithm can influence
mental values. Regarding the elongation at break, the RNN model shows the performance and fit of the model to the data. For the Young’s
the lowest MSE (0.1295) and MAE (0.3095), indicating a better general modulus, the RNN-LV seems to be more suitable to capture the non-
approximation to the experimental values. This model also shows the linear relationships. This algorithm can fit the neuron weights and
lowest MSE (5.5034) and MAE (1.9010) for the prediction of the impact biases efficiently, which may allow a better fit of the model to the data
and, consequently, a higher coefficient of determination. In contrast, for
the elongation at break and impact resistance, it is possible that the
Table 7
Comparison of MSE and MAE for the four prediction models for the Young’s
relationships between the variables are less complex and more linear
modulus, tensile strength, elongation at break and impact strength. compared to Young’s modulus. In these cases, RNNs may be sufficient to
capture and model the linear relationships present in the data, resulting
in higher R2 compared to RNN-LVs.
Young’s modulus MSE 0.1212 0.0806 0.4170 0.6560 Table 7 compares the experimental and predicted values by the four
MAE 0.2340 0.2517 0.5822 0.7652
predictive models for the investigated mechanical properties. In general,
Tensile Strength MSE 0.435228 0.3932 0.9812 0.6429 a good agreement between the experimental and predicted values is
MAE 0.544431 0.5517 0.7800 0.6860 observed, although in some cases there are discrepancies, in particular
Elongation at break MSE 0.1295 0.1433 0.3020 0.3942 for the results of the DT model, since it shows lower R2 and higher MSE
MAE 0.3095 0.3307 0.4667 0.5690 and MAE values compared to RNN models.
Impact Strength MSE 5.5034 11.3285 17.0465 16.2880
MAE 1.9010 2.8248 3.6911 3.4261
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
5. Conclusions supervision.
E. Champa-Bujaico et al. Composites Part B 269 (2024) 111099
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