The Advantages of Dissolved-Air Flotation For Water Treatment
The Advantages of Dissolved-Air Flotation For Water Treatment
The Advantages of Dissolved-Air Flotation For Water Treatment
Dissolved-air flotation as a primary clarification stage for the production of potable water is Design parameters for flotation pIaNts
particularly effective for the treatment of algae-laden waters and low-turbidity, highly colored A dissolved-air flotation (DAF) plant,
waters. Flotation has several process advantages over sedimentation-it can produce better shown in Figure 1, consists of a facility
water quality; it can be operated at high surface loadings, resulting in relatively small and to mix the coagulation chemicals with
shallow plants; and it can be started up quiclcly, with a steady water quality being achieved the raw water and a mechanical floccula-
within 45 min. Also, the solids concentration of the sludge produced is significantly higher tion stage, followed by the flotation tank.
(about 3 percent) than that of sludge produced by sedimentation. This article discusses the Part of the treated water is recycled,
design parameters for dissolved-air flotation plants and gives detailed information on the pressurized, and saturated with air in a
design of flocculation and flotation tanks, the air saturation system, the production of packed tower. The recycled water is
microbubbles, and the different sludge removal systems that can be used. Performance data introduced to the flocculated water
are given for flotation plants used for clarification of several raw waters, with special emphasis stream via a bank of air injection nozzles.
on the treatment of algae-laden waters and low-turbidity, highly colored waters. A cost Across the nozzles the pressure is reduced
comparison between flotation and sedimentation is also presented, taking into account both to atmospheric pressure, releasing the
capital and operating costs. The overall costs of the two processes are similar. Therefore, the air in the form of fine bubbles. The air
final process selection will depend on the additional advantages offered by both processes. bubbles attach themselves to the floes
and the bubble-floe agglomerates rise to
Sedimentation is the most widely used settling rates. Because of these problems, the surface of the flotation tank and are
primary clarification stage before rapid dissolved-air flotation has attracted removed as floated sludge either by
gravity filtration for the production of considerable interest in recent years as flooding or mechanical scraping. The
potable water. However, many raw water an alternative to sedimentation. The residence time in the flocculator is be-
sources contain low-density particles Water Research Centre in the United tween 12 and 20 min and in the flotation
such as algae, which, because of their Kingdom has developed dissolved-air tank approximately 10 min, giving a
tendency to float, cause problems in the flotation from bench-scale experiments total treatment time of between 20 and
sedimentation stage. In particular, nu- to 26-L s-1 pilot plantsi- and has found 30 min. Because of the relatively short
trient-rich stored waters that may con- the process to be very effective for the residence time in the flotation plant, the
tain heavy algae blooms are difficult to clarification of algae-laden and low-tur- process can be started up quickly and a
treat by sedimentation. In addition, bidity, highly colored waters. Dissolved- steady treated water quality can be
treatment of low-turbidity, soft, highly air flotation has become accepted as an achieved within 45 min.
colored waters produces very light floes alternative to sedimentation in the Pretreatment for flotation. No signif-
that settle very slowly. Therefore, sedi- United Kingdom, with more than 20 icant difference has been found between
mentation plants can operate only at plants in operation or under construc- the chemical requirements for flotation
relatively low surface loadings, and tion. There are also a large number of and those for sedimentation, except that
costly flocculation aids such as polyelec- flotation plants in the Scandinavian polyelectrolytes are not required for
trolytes are needed to increase the countries. flotation. Flotation is more susceptible,
Copyright (C) 1985 American Water Works Association
however, to over- or underdosing because The maximum size of the flotation 30 min of accumulation. The most
of the short residence time in the plant. tank is determined by hydraulic condi- appropriate device for such an application
The coagulant dosage and optimum pH tions and the design of the sludge re- is a full-length scraper operating at a
required for treatment can be determined moval device. Tanks with surface areas removal frequency that does not allow
from jar test experiments or by trials in in excess of 861 sq ft (80 m*) are in the sludge to remain on the flotation
the flotation plant itself. The chemicals operation. The nominal retention time tank surface for longer than 30 min. The
must be thoroughly and rapidly mixed in the flotation tank is between 5 and 15 optimum scraper speed for this applica-
with the raw water; some form of in-line min, depending on the loading (upflow tion in terms of treated water quality
mixing is preferable to the use of flash rate) and depth of the flotation tank. and sludge solids concentration was 0.028
mixers. If both a coagulant and pH The flotation tank must be covered fps (30 m/h), producing a sludge of 1
adjustment chemical are required, it is because both rain and wind can lead to a percent solids concentration.
important, especially when treating soft, breakup of the floated sludge. Also, the On the other hand, the sludge produced
colored waters with a low buffering sludge that accumulates on the surface from turbid river water or stored algae-
capacity, that good mixing of the first of the tank will freeze. laden water is very stable; accumulation
chemical with the raw water is completed Sludge removal. The sludge accumulat- of sludge for more than 24 h does not
before the second chemical is added. ing on the flotation tank surface can be result in sludge breakup and a deteriora-
Before the coagulated impurities can removed either continuously or inter- tion in treated water quality. Sludge
successfully be removed by flotation, mittently by flooding or mechanical beach scrapers have been used success-
flocculation into larger agglomerates scraping. Flooding involves raising the fully for these applications, producing a
(floes) is required. The flocculator con- water level in the flotation tank suffi- sludge solids concentration in excess of 3
sists of a tank usually divided into two ciently, by closing the treated water percent with littledeterioration in treated
equal-sized compartments, each agitated outlet, for sludge and water to overflow water quality. This sludge was suitable
by a slow-moving paddle. A flocculation into the sludge collection channel. The for filter pressing, producing a cake
time of 20 min is usually sufficient. In end weir of the flotation tank can also be solids concentration between 16 and 23
addition to flocculation time, the degree lowered to allow the sludge and water to percent without polyelectrolyte addition.
of agitation is also important. This can flow into the sludge collection trough. For optimum operation in terms of
be expressed by the mean velocity gra- The flooding method has the advantages treated water quality and sludge solids
dient G, calculated by of low equipment cost and minimal effect concentration, beach scrapers should be
on treated water quality, but at the operated continuously, the water level
expense of high water wastage (up to 2 in the flotation tank should be adjusted
percent of plant throughput) and very close to the lower edge of the beach, and
in which P = total power input/unit low sludge solids concentration (less a thin continuous sludge layer (about 0.4
volume and p = dynamic viscosity. than 0.2 percent). Therefore with this in. [lo mm]) should be maintained on the
Tests have indicated that the optimum sludge removal method, one of the surface of the flotation tank.
G value for surface water treatment is advantages of flotation, the production Equipment costs for sludge removal
approximately G = 70s1, which com- of a sludge with a high solids concentra- systems can be significant (as high as
pares with an optimum Gvalue for hori- tion, is lost. lo-20 percent of the total plant cost)$
zontal sedimentation of between 10 and If a sludge with a high solids content therefore it is important to select the
20. In addition, the tip speed of the (l-3 percent) is desired, a mechanical most appropriate and cost-effective re-
paddles should not exceed 1.64 fps (0.5 sludge removal system that draws or moval system for a particular application,
ms-1) to avoid excessive shear and pushes the sludge into the collection Air release devices. Devices used for
breakup of the floc.‘ j trough must be installed. The most the release of the air from the recycle
Research- has shown that hydraulic widely used mechanical sludge removal stream range from proprietary nozzles
flocculation, in which the energy re- devices are (1) part- or full-length scrap and needle valves to simple gate valves.
quired for flocculation is imparted by the ers, which use rubber blades that travel Under highly turbulent conditions pres-
water flowing through the flocculator, over the surface of the flotation tank and sure should be reduced suddenly in the
can be used instead of mechanical floc- push the sludge over the beach into the device to achieve effective air release.
culation.7 Half the flocculation time was collection channel; and (2) beach scrap- Air must be released very close to the
needed with a baffled tank flocculator ers, which consist of a number of rubber point where the recycled water is mixed
than with mechanical flocculation; how- blades that scrape sludge only from the with the flocculated water to minimize
ever, the G value had to be increased sludge beach. As sludge is removed, the loss of air bubbles resulting from
from 70 to 15Os-1. sludge from the remainder of the flotation coalescence. The amount of recycled
Flotation tank design. Although circular tank surface flows toward the beach. water should be controlled by the size of
tanks are used primarily for smaller The beach scrapers, especially if operated the air release device. Experiments have
installations, most treatment plants are continuously, reduce the danger of sludge shown that if the amount of recycled
designed with rectangular flotation breakup during the removal process water is regulated by a valve upstream
tanks. Flotation tanks are normally de- because the sludge is minimally dis- of the pressure release device, the pres-
signed with a depth of approximately 5 ft turbed. Beach scrapers also have fewer sure drop across the valve is sufficient to
(1.5 m) and upflow rates between 0.0072 moving parts than full-length scrapers. release some of the air. This leads to
and 0.011 fps (8 and 12 m/h), depending If a part- or full-length scraper is used, bubble coalescence, which results in a
on the tank surface area. The flotation it is important to select the correct loss of air bubbles and a larger deteriora-
tank is equipped with an inclined baffle frequency of sludge removal and travel- tion in water quality than would be
(60 degrees to the horizontal) at the inlet ing speed of the scraper to minimize the expected from an equivalent reduction
side of the tank to direct the bubble-floe deterioration in treated water quality in the amount of recycled water. The
agglomerates toward the surface and to due to sludge breakup. velocity of the stream of recycled water
reduce the velocity of the incoming water Selection of the most appropriate leaving the air release device should be
so that there is minimal disturbance of sludge removal system depends on the low enough to avoid floe breakup.
the sludge layer accumulating on the water to be treated. For example, expe The Water Research Centre has devel-
water surface. The gap between the top rience has shown that for cases in which oped a patented air injection nozzle9 that
of the baffle and the water surface is a soft, highly colored water was treated, consists of two orifice plates to reduce
about 1 ft (0.3 m). the sludge started to break up after only the pressure and to create turbulence,
Copyright (C) 1985 American Water Works Association
2 Phnt fbw m--29x 703 galih ,108 mJihl
7-4 0 0 13-Ill 13 IS-mm, nozzle
6 0 0 I,-,n , “ OLLle
n 009-m 82 ,&mm nozzle
.6 0
r 4 6 8 10 12
ii A,, Ad&d to Raw wster-glm-1
Figure 2. Effect of quantity of air
nozzle added on quality of flotation-treated
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a flotation plant for potable water treatment water
p2: 150 w-
jj F
78 $
0 100 74
1 50 B
: =E 80-
s P2
: 50 4
4 Flaw
count Rawwater
0 0 0 A,“ rnl”Coagulant
“ rn C*L,mL--MmOCySflS T” rbldlty--nf”
70- 40000 35-41
Figure 3. Algae removal by flotation .. Al” rnl” “Sulfate
PACI nl Sulfate
and sedimentation I I I I I
0 10 20 30 40 5.0 60 Al” rnl” “ rn
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 IrOn
Figure 4. Comparison of the effectiveness of three coagulants on algae removal
Comparison of qualities achieved with flotation, sedimentation, and jiltvation
Turbidity Dose Color Iron Manganese Aluminum
Type of Water ntu mg Fe/L “ Hazen PH mg Fe/L mg M&L tug Al/L
Raw 3.2 45 6.2 0.70 0.11 0.23
Flotation-treated* 0.72 8.5 2 4.8 0.58 0.16 0.01
Flotation-filtered 0.19 9.0 0.01 0.02 0.01
Sedimentation-treated 0.50 6.0 + 0.8 mg 0 5.05 0.36 0.14 0.10
Sedimentation-filtered 0.29 0 10.5 0.01 co.02 0.10
*Improved flotation-treated water quality similar to that achieved with sedimentation was obtained by increasing the flocculation time from 12 to 16 min.
and a shroud section to decrease the Various methods are employed for would pose problems because the loading
velocity of the stream of recycled water dissolving air under pressure in the rates of saturators (between 0.038 and
before it is mixed with the flocculated recycle stream. These include sparging 0.076 fps [ 1000 and 2000 ms m-z d-i]) are
water. The size of the first orifice plate, the air into the water in a pressure far greater than typical biological filtra-
which is the smallest, controls the vessel (saturator), trickling the water tion rates (less than 0.00038 fps [lo ms
amount of recycled water added to the over a packed bed, spraying the water m-z d-i]) and any growth is likely to be
flotation tank. More than 95 percent of into an unpacked saturator, entraining sloughed off before blockage of the media
the bubbles produced by the nozzle were the air with ejectors, and injecting the can occur. Problems with biological
in the size range lo-120 pm, with a mean air into the suction pipe of the recycle growth have not been observed thus far.
size of about 40 pm. pump. Tests have shown that the packed Extensive research has been done on
Air saturation system. Because the air saturator system has the lowest ratio of optimizing the design of packed satura-
saturation system constitutes approx- operating cost to saturation level tors.” It has been shown that the
imately 50 percent of the power cost of achieved.iOJi A possible disadvantage of saturator could be operated over the
the flotation process, it is important to using packings is the danger of blockage range 0.01-0.076 (300-2000 ms m-z d-i)
optimize the design of the recycle system because of biological growth. It is un- without any decrease in saturation
to minimize the operating costs. likely, however, that biological growth efficiency. Higher rates were not inves-
Copyright (C) 1985 American Water Works Association
tigated because of equipment limitations.
A packing depth of 0.8 m of 25-mm TABLE 2
polypropylene rings,* the least expensive Comparison of the algae removal efficiency offlotation and sedimentation using chlorinated
packing material investigated, was suffi- ferrous sulfate as coagulant
cient to achieve 100 percent saturation.
Quantity of air required for flotation. The
amount of air supplied to the flotation
tank can be varied by changing either ~~
the recycle flow rate or the saturator
pressure. Experiments varying the re-
cycle rate by using different nozzle sizes
and saturator pressures have shown ‘ Aluminum sulfate was used as the coagulant.
that the treated water quality is de- TABLE 3
pendent only on the total amount of air Example operatingcosts* of a 6-mgd (22. PML/d) flotation plant with a 95.percent loadfactor
supplied and not on the individual values
of pressure and the recycle rate employed Fixed Charges? Annual Cost
(Figure 2). With a packed saturator, an Xl000 Xl000 Water Cast
operating pressure of between 50 and 60 Cost Parameter $ e $ E $/gal #Z/m3
psi (350 and 420 kPa), and a recycle rate
civil engineering structures-
of between 7 and 8 percent corresponding 30.year plant life,
to about 8-10 g air/m3, water treated 10% interest rate, 10.6%
was adequate for optimum performance.5 amortization rate 197 180$ 20.93 19.1 0.0026 0.0024
The quantity of air required for the Mechanical plant--20.year plant
life, 10% interest rate, 11.75%
treatment of raw surface waters depends amortization rate 175 160s 20.60 18.8 0.0026 0.0024
only on the total quantity of water Power for saturation at 58 psi
treated and is independent of the sus- (400 kPa); with 7% recycle,
pended solids present, unless the sus- plus flash mixing,
flocculating, chemical mixing
pended solids concentration is very high and dosing, and sludge
(> 1000 mg/L). The air to solids ratio at removal (estimate 13 000
approximately 380 mL of air to gram of Btu/mgd [22 kW +h/ML]) at
solids is much higher for surface water 3.2 p/kW * h 6.04 5.51 0.0008 0.0007
Chemicals-average dose 7 mg
treatment than for activated sludge as Fe/L and sodium hydroxide
thickening (15-30 mL of air to gram of for pH adjustment 24.00 21.9 0.003 0.0028
solids).12 The large amount of air required Labor-operator, quality control
for surface water treatment is probably (1 work year with overhead) 8.77 8.0 0.001 0.001
Maintenance-fitter (l/4work
necessary to ensure adequate collisions year) and materials 6.58 6.0 0.0009 0.0008
between floe particles and air bubbles to Total 86.92 79.31 0.0110 1.0101
facilitate attachment before separation. *These costs are exclusive of raw water and high-lift pumps, sludge disposal facilities, and all buildings.
tConversion factor: 1 f = 1.0960$
Performance of dissolved-air flotation $For concrete, flash mixing, flocculating and flotation tanks, plus foundations for saturators
plants §For mechanical plant flash mixing, flocculating, flotation, chemical mixing and dosing, manual
control, and nominal coverage of flotation tanks
Extensive studies on both pilot- and
full-scale plants have been conducted on
the performance of the dissolved-air periods but better quality (by -1-2 ntu) the performance of the plant and ranged
flotation process with different raw for raw water turbidities r 100 ntu. between 4.5 and 5.5. To remove the
waters. The types of raw waters inves- The selection of the correct coagulant manganese, the pH of the water was
tigated include lowland river water; soft, dosage and coagulation pH was critical raised to 9.5 before filtration. Ferric
highly colored, stored upland water; and during flood conditions. Because of the sulfate was used as coagulant and lime
nutrient-rich, long-term stored water short residence time in the flotation or caustic soda for pH adjustment.
with algae problems. Detailed perfor- plant, the changes in raw water quality Table 1 shows a comparison of the
mance data have been given elsewhere.5*6 had to be followed closely to maintain qualities achieved for flotation-treated,
Treatment of lowland river water. Pro- optimum coagulation conditions. sedimentation-treated, and filtered wa-
vided the optimum operating conditions Although the river water could be ters. The flotation plant was operated at
were used, flotation could cope with raw treated successfully by flotation provided 0.011 fps (12 m/h) upflow rate, whereas
water turbidities of up to 100 ntu, yield- adequate supervision was available, the floe-blanket sedimentation plant
ing treated water turbidities rarely ex- sedimentation is the more appropriate could only be operated at less than
ceeding3 ntu at the design upflow rateof treatment process for this application. 0.0009 fps (1 m/h), even with the addition
0.011 fps (12 m/h). When raw water Treatment of soft, highly colored, stored of polyelectrolyte, because the floes
turbidity exceeded 60 ntu, the treated upland water. The raw water for the plant produced by the coagulation of these
water quality could be improved signif- originated from an upland catchment waters are lightweight and have low
icantly by reducing the flow rate through area. The turbidity rarely exceeded 4 settling velocities. The quality of the
the plant by about lo-20 percent. The ntu and, after filtering through a 0.45- waters treated by the two processes was
color was reduced from as much as 70” pm membrane filter, the color was up to quite similar. Only the residual coagula-
Hazen to less than 5’ Hazen, and the 70” Hazen. The water was soft with an tion concentration of the sedimentation-
residual coagulant concentrations before alkalinity and total hardness of usually treated water was usually lower by
filtration were in the range 0.25-0.75 mg less than 5 mg/L and 30 mgas CaCOs/L, about 0.2 mg Fe/L. By increasing the
Al/L. An upflow floe-blanket sedimen- respectively. The raw water also con- flocculation time from 12 to 16 min,
tation plant operated at an upflow rate of tained iron (0.2-0.8 mgFe/L), aluminum however, the residual coagulation con-
0.0018 fps (2 m/h) produced similar (0.2-0.3 mg Al/L), and manganese (O.l- centration in the flotation-treated water
treated water quality to that of the 0.3 mg Mn/L).
flotation plant during the low-turbidity The coagulation pH was critical for *Pall rings, Norton. Akron, Ohio
46 MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS Copyright (C) 1985 American Water Works Association JOURNAL AWWA