Shaft Fit Calculation

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6/7/23, 12:07 PM Press Interference Fit Cylinder Design Calculator

Press Interference Fit Cylinder Design Calculator

Enter numbers in Light Blue Input Boxes, Results in RED
Torque to be transmitted (N-mm) torque 10000000.000
Axial force to be transmitted (N) force 100000.00
Coefficient of friction mu 0.120
o 50.000
Operating temperature ( C) ot
Stress concentration factor at interface edge scf 0.500
Rotation speed (rpm) rpm 15.00
Outer body input parameteres
Outside dia. (mm) obod 259.000
Interface dia. (mm) obid 220.000
Plus tolerance (mm) obptol 0
Minus tolerance (mm) obmtol 0.15
Modulus of elasticity (N/mm2) obe 2.10e+5
Yield strength (N/mm2) obsy 350
Poisson's ratio obn 0.27
Coefficient of thermal expansion (1/oC) obcte 1.17e-005
Density (g/cm3) obrho 7.827
Inner body input parameters
Engagement length (mm) L 144.000
Intended outside dia. (mm) ibod 220.000
Dimensioned outside dia. (mm) 220.001
Plus tolerance (mm) ibptol 0.109
Minus tolerance (mm) ibmtol -0.08
Inside dia. (mm) ibid 0
2 2.10e+5
Modulus of elasticity (N/mm ) ibe
2 350
Yield strength, obsy (N/mm ) ibsy
Poisson's ratio ibn 0.27
Coefficient of thermal expansion (1/oC) ibcte 1.17e-005
Density (g/cm3) ibrho 7.827
Shrink-fit design
Desired assembly clearance at deltaT (mm) ddt 0.150000
o 1.59e+2
Req. differential temperature if heating outer body ( C) robdt
o 1.59e+2
Req. differential temperature if cooling inner body ( C) ribdt
Press-fit design
Maximum assembly force to press fit (N) Fpfmax 4.13e+5
Minimum assembly force to press fit (N) Fpfmin 1.29e+5

Interference parameters Eq.

Minimum required interface pressure (N/mm2) rPI 1.13e+1
Diff. Poisson radial interference due to axial force (mm) ddp 5.92e-4 1
Differential thermal radial expansion (mm) ted 0.00e+0 2
Outer body rotating inner dia. radial displacement (mm) robd 1.61e-7 3
Inner body rotating outer dia. radial displacement (mm) ribd 2.23e-8 4
Tot. add. dia.interference amount to be added (to ibod) (mm) addi 1.18e-3
Interference fit calculations (assumes addi has been added to ibod)
Maximum diametrical interference (mm) maxdelta 2.60e-1
Maximum resulting interface pressure (N/mm2) maxip 3.46e+1 5
Minimum diametrical interference (mm) mindelta 8.12e-2
Minimum resulting interface pressure (N/mm2) minip 1.08e+1 5
Min. safety margin (min obtained pressure/required pressure) 9.54e-1
Maximum sustainable torque (N-mm) maxt 4.54e+7 1/3
6/7/23, 12:07 PM Press Interference Fit Cylinder Design Calculator

Minimum sustainable Torque (N-mm) mint 1.42e+7

Min. safety margin (min obtained torque/required torque) 1.418
Outer body material stresses at maximum interface pressure
Radial displacement of inner surface (mm) 1.17e-1 6
Radial press-fit stress at ID (N/mm2) obsr -3.46e+1 7
Circumferential press-fit stress at ID (N/mm2) obsc 2.14e+2 8
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm2) obsz 6.82e+0 9
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm2) obtau 5.19e+0 10
Max radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) obrc 3.00e-6
2 3.07e-4
Max circumferential centrifugal stress (N/mm ) obcc 11
Max Von Mises stress (N/mm ) obvm 2.31e+2 12
Resulting safety factor (Yield stress)/(scf*Von Mises stress) 3.035
Inner body material stresses at maximum interface pressure
Radial displacement of outer surface (mm) -1.32e-2 13
Radial press-fit stress (N/mm2) ibsr -3.46e+1 14
2 -3.46e+1
Circumferential press-fit stress (N/mm ) ibsc 15
2 2.63e+0
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm ) ibsz 16
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm2) ibtau 4.78e+0 17
Max radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) ibrc 9.55e-5
Max circumferential centrifugal stress at ID (N/mm2) ibcc 9.55e-5 18
Von Mises stress at ID (N/mm2) ibvm 3.81e+1 19
Resulting safety factor (Yield stress)/(scf*Von Mises stress) 18.361

Evaluate the stresses at inside, outside and sqrt(DiDo) dia.s

Case 1
stresses at outer radius 110.000000
2 -34.581748
Radial press-fit stress (N/mm )
2 213.775219
Circumferential press-fit stress (N/mm )
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm ) 6.815693
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm2) 5.19376e+0
Radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) 0.00000e+0
Circumferential centrifugal stress at ID (N/mm2) 0.000307
2 230.639662
Von Mises stress at ID (N/mm )
stresses at inner radius 0.000000
Radial press-fit stress (N/mm2) -34.581748
Circumferential press-fit stress (N/mm2) -34.581748
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm2) 2.630660
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm2) 0.000000
Radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) 9.551646e-5
Circumferential centrifugal stress at ID (N/mm2) 0.000096
2 37.212313
Von Mises stress at ID (N/mm )

Case 2
stresses at outer radius 129.500000
Radial press-fit stress (N/mm2) 0.0000e+0
2 179.193470
Circumferential press-fit stress (N/mm )
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm2) 6.815693
2 6.1145e+0
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm )
Radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) 0.0000e+0
Circumferential centrifugal stress at ID (N/mm2) 0.000250
Von Mises stress at ID (N/mm2) 176.203502
For the inner body
stresses at inner radius 110.000000
2 -34.581748
Radial press-fit stress (N/mm ) 2/3
6/7/23, 12:07 PM Press Interference Fit Cylinder Design Calculator

Circumferential press-fit stress (N/mm2) -34.581748

2 2.630660
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm )
2 4.783019
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm )
Radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) 0.0000e+0
Circumferential centrifugal stress at ID (N/mm2) 0.000043
Von Mises stress at ID (N/mm2) 38.123399
Case 3
For the outer body
stresses at outer radius 119.3524193
2 -15.8830576
Radial press-fit stress (N/mm )
Circumferential press-fit stress (N/mm ) 195.0765280
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm2) 6.8156927
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm2) 2.8177e+0
Radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) 0.000003
Circumferential centrifugal stress at ID (N/mm2) 0.000278
2 200.635464
Von Mises stress at ID (N/mm )
For the inner body
stresses at inner radius 1e-7
Radial press-fit stress (N/mm2) -34.5817481
Circumferential press-fit stress (N/mm2) -34.5817481
Axial stress from applied axial Force (N/mm2) 2.6306602
Shear stress from applied Torque (N/mm2) 0.0000000
Radial centrifugal stress (N/mm2) 0.000096
2 0.000096
Circumferential centrifugal stress at ID (N/mm )
Von Mises stress at ID (N/mm2) 37.212313 3/3

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