Business Law Essay
Business Law Essay
Business Law Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of Business Law can be a challenging endeavor, demanding a
thorough understanding of legal concepts, regulations, and their practical implications in the
corporate world. The complexity of this subject lies in the intricate web of statutes, precedents, and
evolving legal frameworks that govern business activities.
To start with, extensive research is essential to grasp the nuanced aspects of business law, including
contract law, corporate governance, intellectual property, and more. Staying updated with recent legal
developments and case law is crucial to provide a comprehensive and accurate analysis.
The essay should not only outline the legal principles but also delve into their real-world applications,
considering the dynamic nature of business environments. This requires a keen ability to connect
theoretical concepts with practical scenarios, showcasing an in-depth understanding of how legal
frameworks impact decision-making within the corporate sphere.
Moreover, the language used in a Business Law essay must be precise and technically sound, as legal
discourse demands clarity and accuracy. The writer must navigate through legal jargon, interpret
statutes, and present arguments persuasively. Ensuring proper citations and referencing according to
legal citation styles adds another layer of complexity.
In conclusion, writing a Business Law essay demands more than just writing skills; it necessitates a
deep comprehension of legal intricacies, analytical thinking, and the ability to apply theoretical
knowledge to practical situations. It is a task that requires dedication, research prowess, and a
commitment to presenting a well-structured and coherent argument.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or any other academic writing, various platforms, such
as , offer professional services to ease the burden of complex assignments. These
services can provide tailored essays, ensuring quality and adherence to academic standards.
Business Law Essay Business Law Essay
What Is Cultural Relativism
1. Cultural relativism relies on social ideals to dictate whether or not something is
morally right or wrong while ethical subjectivism that truth moral standard are dictated
by each individual. These forms of moral skepticism are completely inconsistent with
ethical objectivism since it views moral as something completely untouched by any
beliefs, desires, and will.
3. Ethical subjectivism makes us morally infallible by making morality in the eye of the
beholder, which pretty much would lead us to believe that every individual is morally
right. But this is simply cannot be true since that would mean that an individual s
thinking could be based off bias, prejudice, ignorance, etc. and still not be mistaken.
5. Some would say that ethical subjectivism would generate contradictions and they
would be correct. Two individuals could agree and disagree respectively on whether or
not New Jersey is on the east coast, but then those theories would be inconsistent and
contradict each other. But luckily for the subjectivist, they found the perfect comeback
for this critique, making it morally impossible to disagree with anyone in the process. A
subjectivist can say that they personally do ... Show more content on ...
There are two types of moral nihilism: error theory and expressivism. Error theory is
the theory where our moral judgement are wrong, that they re pretty much a sham.
This theory could be compared to atheism in a manner, especially since atheists and
error theorist go against widely viewed ideals (a.e. God and moral respectively).
Expressivism might seem similar to error theory, but they differ in a large way. They
do not believe that any moral are true or false or have any moral value whatsoever.
Expressivists also believe that while moral judgement might look like they are moral
facts, but really those judgements are just us expressing emotions, showing our approval
or disapproval in something. But in the end, both error theory and expressivism both
believe morals to be a
Failure Of Nursing Medication Errors
Cause of Nursing Medication Errors Rebecka Rodriguez Adventist University of Health
Sciences Abstract: Nursing medication errors were examined by having nurses take
surveys based on their perception of why medication errors are occurring as well as
visiting their work setting and observing any errors. Nurses are encouraged to take
precaution when administering medications to ensure that the correct medication as well
as the dose, is given to the correct patient. It is imperative for hospitals to enforce
medication stipulations to ensure that nurses are double checking medication labels.
Studies show that causes of medication errors are due to nurse s not understanding
protocol, administration errors related to overworked weary... Show more content on ...
Similar results were seen in data collected from thirty eight nurses by conducting separate
interviews to explain the occurrence of faults when giving medications. One of the
simplest tasks that patients entrust their nurse to be performing before administration of
medications is, checking that the medication correlates to the patient. It is imperative for
all nurses to be participating in double checking medications to ensure it corresponds
with the patient. In this study paediatric nurses participated in interviews to see if nurses
are truly checking medications. Furthermore, home healthcare nurses were studied to
verify their perception on protocol for double checking medications. Lastly, it is
apparent that many nurses are not aware of what protocol is for their work facility.
Similarly, in the previous study, double checking medications is protocol for most if not
all healthcare facilities. This study asked nurses questions about them double checking
medications and how often do they perform it. It seems that not all nurses are on the
same page with what precautions need to be addressed in order to ensure safe drug
management. In both studies nurses were able to confess that many were not certain of
the exact stipulations that needed to be met by their
Stipends for College Athletes
It s about time: Stipends for College Athletes Imagine being a college football star and
finding out that a jersey representing your school with your name and number on the
back is not only selling for $110 in stores nationally, but it is profiting higher than some
professional sports jerseys. Now, imagine that you as that student athlete will not be
making a single penny off your institution using your name for monetary profit. Why
you ask? Because according to the governing body of collegiate sports, the National
Collegiate Athletic Association or NCAA, this would be considered an act that would
bring an athlete out of his amateur status. Yet, it is okay to exploit that athlete s talents
as if he or she were a professional... Show more content on ...
It s time for change to take place, college athletes should be rewarded like the
professionals in the NCAA and conferences across the country market them to be.
College athletes should receive stipends because there is a large discrepancy between
what college athletes are worth and how much they are given, because athletic
scholarships do not cover the full cost of living, and because the operation, money,
and industry associated with college athletics is too great to still be titled amateur .
The popularity of college sports and its value to entertainment is skyrocketing. The
NCAA is the head organization in control of a hundred billion dollar industry. The
disgusting disparity arrives at the difference between what Kastel 4 college athletes
are rewarded with and the actual revenues the NCAA is collecting. For this
discrepancy college athletes need to be rewarded for their effort and should be given
stipends. Television broadcasting contracts, shoe and apparel deals, and commercial
advertising rake in billions of dollars for the NCAA because of the participation of
college students in sports. Last year alone, the NCAA s total revenue was $777 million.
Although the NCAA claims that 98 cents to every dollar is redistributed back into
schools athletic programs for things like student services for athletes and
Native Son Relationships
Many of the interactions in the Native Son not only reveal more about the characters
and their relationships with each other in the story, but also depict the social issues that
Wright is critiquing. The relationship Bigger and Bessie is one of the central
relationships in the story. Many characters in Native Son are shown in order to make a
point about Bigger s character, and Bessie s presence to an extent does this. When
Bigger is around his friends or family, he feels complex emotions towards them which
are largely made up of hatred (9, 40 42). Even though Bigger says he loves his girlfriend,
he really only uses her to be an accomplice in the ransom plan and, more importantly, he
uses her body (204, 269 270). He even later admits to his... Show more content on ...
Tea Cake is one of the most well developed ones. He also appears to be the best out of
the 3 love interests Janie has, although both Hurston s novel and Native Son show the
oppressive nature of many men including Tea Cake. According to Yvonne Mesa El
Ashmawi in his article titled Janie s Tea Cake: Sinner, Saint, or Merely Mortal? ,
while it could be argued that Tea Cake is irresponsible (such as when he gambled on
Janie s money and partied all night with the winnings) and he chose to live on the
Muck which one scholar Ashmawi quoted called a labor camp , he is better for Janie
than her other husbands were because he teaches her how to do things that are
commonly regarded as men s activities, including playing checkers, fishing, and
shooting; he also embraces her femininity (204). Still, Ashmawi s main argument is
that Tea Cake is somebody with both good and bad qualities. I agree with this, as I
think Tea Cake is the husband of Janie s with the most likable personality. Yet, like
Janie s second husband, Joe Starks, Tea Cake also physically assaults Janie; both of
them do this in order to assert their masculinity and power (80, 147). Meanwhile, her
first husband, Logan Killicks, never lays a hand on Janie. Although Logan Killicks is
not chosen by Janie, but by her grandmother, whom Janie refers to as Nanny. Nanny
feels that since Janie is a Black woman, she is vulnerable and therefore, Janie needs a
man to
Shakers In Christ s Second Great Awakening
In the early nineteenth century, as a response to industrialism and new democratic
ideas, the Second Great Awakening spread across the United States prompting a
religious revival. As a result, many people became devoted to bringing about reform.
One active group at the time was the United Society of Believers in Christ s Second
Appearing, or Shakers, led by Ann Lee, commonly known as Mother Ann Lee. They
were known for their hands to work and their hearts to God mentality, and the ideals and
practices of the Shakers caused them to be among the first in America to advocate
pacifism, abolition of slavery, equality of the sexes, communal ownership of goods, and
absolute celibacy. Thus, during the antebellum period, Mother Ann Lee reflected early...
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They defined freedom as religious liberty and toleration within a pluralistic society.
After facing many restrictions in England, Ann Lee and her community was
encouraged by various visions they had of the converts awaiting them in the New
World . Although Mother Ann Lee believed she was liberating people from the
religious constraints placed on them by society and others, doing this placed a new
type of restriction on the members. The Shakers strongly believed that life with God
begins with confession and is perfected through celibacy. They claimed that the fall of
Adam and Eve was not because of the devil tempting them into eating a fruit from the
forbidden tree but because of sexual intercourse. As a powerful preacher, Ann Lee
convinced her followers to confess their sins, give up individual goods, be celibate and
give up marriage in order to be free of all of their lustful
The Idea Of Self By Derek Parfit
The idea of self has for long been the topic of discourse amongst thinkers. The ambiguity
of the self has resulted in variants in definitions and meanings, and brought about the
question of its very existence. Rene Descartes, in his books First and Second
Meditations believed that the existence of self is attributed to the supposition of the self,
whereas Derek Parfit in Persons and Reasons was skeptical about the existence of self
and believed that we do not have an ultimate identity. In this paper, I will argue that
Derek Parfit s views are justifiable as he has provided sufficient reason to his claims on
continuity. Descartes non reductionist arguments, though not incorrect, lack the
soundness that Parfit poses with his reductionist... Show more content on
According to him, the body and its relations are mirages which are uncertain. The only
certainty is that nothing is certain. All the more, the fact that he is still experiencing,
thinking and doubting himself, whilst being constantly deceived by a supreme power
notably affirms his existence. To understand the truth of his identity, he embarks to
restrain his mind in the reins of truth, devoid of imagination, to fathom the existence of
self. He poses the example of a chunk of wax, with its distinct identity the moment it is
taken from a honeycomb. It has features that can be perceived by means of the senses,
which broaden the understanding on what the wax is. But as it is placed by the fire, it
loses its distinctness. Due to its alteration, the senses can no longer comprehend it.
However, it is the same wax that remains which has undergone some alterations from
what is was before. He concludes that the nature of the wax is perceived purely by non
contingent mental scrutiny. His perusal into the perception of the wax results in the
investigation into the nature of his own mind becoming clearer.
Descartes arrives at the conclusion that absolute intellect makes up reality, and
understanding is fundamentally the derivative of perception. His rational thinking
provides the proof of his existence that the mind is a self unto itself. This thinking is not
just limited to thought, but also streams of consciousness, experience and emotions.
A Tourist Attraction
November 16 was a six country day. Several Miguel and I flew over, others we landed
in. After leaving Tapachula, Mexico, we over flew Guatemala and made a fuel stop in
El Salvador. We over flew Honduras and Nicaragua, eventually landing in Liberia,
Costa Rica. The time spent over Guatamala turned out to be particularly memorable.
The G in Guatemala must stand for green. From the cockpit, my eyes could discern
every imaginable shade of green and no other hues. I had the impression farmers
cultivated every available square inch of arable land. Miguel and I were able to observe
Volcán de Fuego ( Volcano of Fire ) on that rare day when neither smoke spewed from it
nor clouds floated over it, an impressive sight. With ease, I grasped... Show more content
on ...
Prior to arriving at the airport, in my mind, El Salvador always conjured up Iran Contra
and the 1980 s Miami Vice type images of guerillas blowing up buildings. Fortunately,
my perceptions turned out to be totally erroneous and our experience, while time
consuming, was quite enjoyable. While talking to one of the workers at the airport, I
commented on how outstanding the facilities were, not a difficult comment to express
with total sincerity as the airport was beautiful and the facilities were significantly in
excess of adequate. He spoke English fluently and his uncensored, genial response was,
Do you see how good it can be when you guys (Americans) don t mess around with us?
I heard comparable sentiments expressed numerous times throughout the trip. Miguel
and I were now south of the airports along the border between the United States and
Mexico and that made a world of difference. XXXXX This was the first time we landed
at an airport which didn t routinely service private, non commercial airplanes flying to or
from the United States. As Comalapa was an international airport and our plane was
extraordinarily diminutive compared to commercial airliners, controllers directed us to
park off to the side of the terminal. Parked there, our plane wouldn t interfere with the
international airlines transiting the jetway while Miguel and I were at customs.
As I mentioned earlier, general aviation is