Doctor's Assistant Resume A4
Doctor's Assistant Resume A4
Doctor's Assistant Resume A4
D O C T O R ' S A S S I S T A N T
Highly experienced in a clinical setting.
Familiar with medical terminology and ICD-9 and CPT-4 codes.
Huge knowledge of biological and chemical principles.
Sound knowledge of selecting and using training/instructional
methods and procedures appropriate.
Profound knowledge of taking patients' medical history and examine
Performed radiology tests on patients; interpreting the results from
radiology and other diagnostic tests, put casts, sutures and splints on
CONTACTS patients.
Deep knowledge of helping patients with physical therapy, ordering
3224 Echo Lane
medical equipment, assisting during surgeries, giving patients shots
Wyoming, MI 49509
and immunizations and providing counseling to patients.
(269) 788-9426 Proficient in assisting the doctor all type of work like
administration, typing, marketing as well as some billing.
Immense ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.
Extreme ability to speak clearly so others can easily understand.
CAREER OBJECTIVE Outstanding ability to read and understand information and ideas
presented in writing.
To obtain a Doctor's Assistant position in a Remarkable ability to apply general rules to specific problems to
company that provides an open
produce answers that make sense.
environment with many opportunities for
continuous growth.
Scanning Doctor's Assistant, 2016–Present
W ol fe Eye C l i ni c
Prepared and administered medications as directed by
Communication a physician.
Kept financial records and performed other
bookkeeping duties, such as handling credit and
Therapy collections and mailing monthly statements to
Noted and reported any unusual conditions, emergency Prepared treatment rooms for patient examinations,
situations, and difficulties with medication to the keeping the rooms neat and clean.
Licensed Nurse. Processed physician's orders to ensure proper
Performed general office duties such as answering administration.
telephones, taking dictation and completing insurance Recognized the significance and is able to perform
forms. accurate vital sign monitoring when indicated by
Prepared exam room for patients and cleaned up and drug therapy.
disposed of linens and biohazard after medical Prepared, administered and charted oral, topical and
procedures were performed. suppository medication as prescribed by the
Explained treatment procedures, medications, diets and physician.
physicians' instructions to patients. Administered routine oral, topical and suppository
Maintained medication supply, assisted with the medications as prescribed by the physician.
ordering of new medications, reordered existing Documented same on MAR.
medications and restocked medicine carts as needed.