Persuasive Essay Samples For College

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Persuasive Essay Samples For College

Crafting a persuasive essay on the subject of "Persuasive Essay Samples for College" can be a
challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need to persuade the audience effectively
but also in the intricate balance required to showcase the sample essays in a compelling manner. It
demands a thorough understanding of the target audience, a nuanced exploration of persuasive
techniques, and the ability to seamlessly integrate samples that resonate with the intended purpose.

To begin with, one must delve into the intricacies of persuasion, understanding the psychology
behind convincing others of a particular viewpoint. This involves not only presenting compelling
evidence but also employing rhetorical devices, logical reasoning, and emotional appeals. The
challenge intensifies when attempting to tailor these persuasive strategies specifically for a college
audience, which often consists of diverse individuals with varying perspectives and experiences.

Furthermore, selecting persuasive essay samples that effectively illustrate the art of persuasion in a
college context adds another layer of complexity. These samples should be not only relevant but also
showcase a diversity of approaches, catering to the multifaceted nature of college-level discourse.
The process of identifying, analyzing, and incorporating these samples into the essay requires a keen
eye for detail and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Additionally, maintaining coherence and flow throughout the essay is crucial. The challenge lies in
seamlessly transitioning between the discussion of persuasive techniques, the analysis of samples, and
the overarching argument. Striking the right balance between informative content and engaging prose
is essential to keep the reader's attention and effectively convey the intended message.

In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay on "Persuasive Essay Samples for College" demands a
multifaceted skill set. The complexity arises from the need to not only persuade the audience
effectively but also to curate and present relevant samples that resonate with the college experience.
It requires a deep understanding of persuasive techniques, a discerning eye for selecting impactful
samples, and the ability to weave these elements together into a cohesive and compelling narrative.

For those seeking assistance with such challenging essays or similar academic tasks, it's worth
exploring resources like , where a variety of essays and academic support can be
Persuasive Essay Samples For CollegePersuasive Essay Samples For College
The War On Drugs And The United States
When, in 1971, Richard Nixon infamously declared a war on drugs it would have been
nearly impossible for him to predict the collective sense of disapprobation which
would come to accompany the now ubiquitous term. It would have been difficult for
him to predict that the drug war would become a hot topic, a highly contentious and
polarizing point of debate and, it would have difficult for him to predict that the United
States would eventually become the prison capital of the world, incarcerating,
proportionally, more people than anywhere in the world. Today, beyond being a
popular political talking point, mass incarceration has become a veritable crisis. The
United States now has over 2 million citizens languishing in prisons far and away in the
most in the globe, and a nearly 68% recidivism rate. Most Americans are quick to blame
the dire state of mass incarceration in the United States today on the punitive drug war
policies instituted by the likes of Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon; however the
reality is much more equivocal. Further analysis of mass incarceration its causes and
factors in reality reveals a much less black and white situation: While these severe drug
war policies played almost undoubtedly an integral role in creating the American system
of mass incarceration, they are only a segment, emblematic of a larger systemic crisis of
draconian, tough on crime penalties, which over the last forty years placed more
Americans in prison than any other
War Of 1812 Affected Susanna
How has the war of 1812 affected Susanna? This war has completely changed
everything about her life and how she lived. Susanna lived all the earlier years of her
life with war. She was always having to worry about how her dad and brother were
doing, or if she would wake up being British, American or Canadian. She always had to
be so focused on this war and everything that was going on in it. Everything she did
was effected by the war. This war has affected Susanna completely. Susanna has a
loving, caring brother and an amazing dad. She loves spending time with them. But
when they have to go to war, she couldn t ever bear parting with them for such a long
while. Susanna and the rest of the women in the household are always worrying about
how the men are doing. If they are even still alive. Susanna always worries about the
updates and pray they will be updates that will be from Papa and Hamilton not from a
messenger saying that they no longer exist. The men left and nothing much remaining
is as it seemed. And even the men weren t too excited to go to war and leave
everything behind. I do not want to go to war, but if we have to do one, I am glad to do
my duty. ~ Hamilton Merritt... Show more content on ...
When they leave, it tears a bit of her apart, she doesn t want these beloved family
members to leave. Susanna isn t the only one who want the men back. All the women
living in that house including but not limited to Marie Mama. If your dad and brother
or just a really close family member went away for a long time and you wouldn t see
them or really be in contact with them for a long while and while they were gone they
had a huge risk of being killed, that wouldn t be easy. Susanna receives letters from her
father but very brief ones. He explained that he and Hamilton were ok so far but he told
them not to write back unless it was an emergency as it was hard to locate them and they
were always
The Importance Of Staying Healthy And Preventative
Staying healthy is a point of importance for many. In order to stay healthy, preventative
measures such as screenings and check ups are scheduled. While these preventative
measures can be taken, the underlying cause for symptoms brought to light by medical
professionals may be unknown. Rather than causes being housed in the body, they can be
sourced in the environment. The model example of this medical phenomenon is mold.
Growing in homes exposed to water, mold can stay hidden behind walls, flooring, or
ceilings silently affecting the inhabitants. Mold toxicity can be brought on by numerous
sources causing life threatening health implications if not properly treated. Mold is not
simply comprised of spores, but it offers a myriad of toxic components. Visenuo Aiko
and Alka Mehta of the School of Biosciences and Technology at VIT University in
Vellore, India, describe mycotoxins as low molecular weight molecules produced as
secondary metabolites by saprophytic fungi (2). Mycotoxins cause a vast array of health
implications. Janette Hope, author of Mechanism, describes the symptoms experienced
from mold exposure include but are not limited to afflictions to neurocognitive abilities,
immune system, respiratory system, and nervous system (1). The many categories of
mycotoxins are specific mold types and carry correlating symptoms. For example,
aflatoxins, the most common classification of mycotoxins, are the primary cause of liver
and kidney cancer especially in poor
Premature Babies And The Obstacles Involved
Premature Babies And the obstacles involved As a father who has personally
experienced the struggles and hardships of having a premature child, I feel like giving
you information on this subject is a lot easier for me to share than most things. I will
preface by sharing my son s experience; he was born at 26 weeks gestation, weighing 2
pounds, 6 ounces, and spent more than three months in the Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit (NICU) that was available in Columbus, Georgia. A large amount of families with
infants in the NICU asks what the outlook for babies born earlier than 28 weeks might
be? Less than 1 percent of babies in this country are born this early (earlier than 28
weeks), but these babies have the most complications despite great technological
advances in medicine today. Premature children born at an extremely low birth weight
(less than 2 pounds, 3 ounces) almost always require treatment with oxygen, surfactant,
and mechanical assistance to help them breathe (even if for a short period of time until
they can breathe on their own without assistance). These babies are too immature to
suck, swallow, and breathe at the same time, so they must be fed through a vein
(intravenously) until they develop these skills to do so. They often can not cry (or you
can t hear them due to the tube in their throat causing a kitten like groan), and sleep most
of the day to allow for growth and development outside of being in the womb. These tiny
babies have little muscle tone,
Free Essay
Speaking of drunk, I have wine in my room. Shall we indulge? I ve never seen you have
more than a few sips, Maxen.
He propped himself up on his elbows and kissed her. I will drink. Let me dress and fetch
the bottle.
He hopped out of bed, and Audra admired his magnificent, muscular backside with a
satisfied smile on her face and he slipped into his trousers, but the spotted a smear of
blood on his lower arm.
Maxen, you re still bleeding.
Nothing to worry about. He dragged his tunic over his head and glanced over his
shoulder at her. But oh...
I ve gotten my blood all over that pretty face of yours.
Maxen sat on the bed beside Audra, licked his thumb, and scrubbed the dried blood from
her face. Then he leaned down and kissed her.
I don t want to stop kissing you or touching you, he said.
I think we can break for refreshment.
He let out a playful growl. I don t want to, but I will.
After giving Audra another long kiss, he rose and padded from the room, and Audra
stretched out in the bed. She was relaxed and in love, and she pushed away any feelings
of guilt. Those could be managed later. During this week, Maxen would be the husband
of her heart, and if the gods saw fit to strike her down for her transgressions, it would all
be worth it.
Maxen s quiet footsteps padded back to the room; however, an unfamiliar voice spoke
just outside the chamber door.
Sir Knight, would you and the queen care to share in the festivities downstairs? You are
most welcome.
How Is A Father Portrayed In The Aeneid
Great Value of Family
The Aeneid is a Latin epic poem, writing by Virgil, that tells the legendary story of
Aeneas, a Trojan who travelled to Italy. From the beginning of the epic to the end,
Aeneas is portrayed as a man who loves his family. He pursue his quest with the good
of his people uppermost in his mind. His role as son is exemplary, when he lifted his
father onto his shoulder and started off towards the mountains in the middle of the
battle. As a father he is determined to provide the best for Ascanius. He is passionate as
a lover, as described in his relationship with his wife Creusa and later in his relationship
with Dido. The extraordinary value on respect for his family and through his actions
towards others, Aeneas positions himself as a model of true virtue.
Role as ... Show more content on ...
He holds Ascanios hand as they make their way to the rendezvous point. QUOTE Aeneas
s paternal responsibilities are expanded to include Pallas, son of Evander, whom Evander
entrusts to Aeneas s care and tutelage.
Role as lover, Relationship Creusa Relationship Dido Relationship Lavinia In the Aeneid
love is perceived and recognized as an extremely powerful and unpredictable force.
Aeneas, a brave warrior, never allowed his emotions to cloud his sense of duty. He
realizes that as a leader of his people, he must fight to provide his people with a new
city they can call their own. In Book I, he experiences overwhelming grief when he
cannot find his wife Creusa during the fall of Troy. Later in Book IV, Aeneas is torn
between his love for Dido and his need to fulfill his mission.
Role as role model, Effort and temperance is demonstrated in his actions. contemporaries
beliefs and respect Public duty vs. Private

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