Nursing Notes 2nd Yr
Nursing Notes 2nd Yr
Nursing Notes 2nd Yr
Gestational age – actual time, from conception to Common Classifications of High-Risk Infants #2
birth that fetus remains in the uterus
Altered gestational age
Preterm - <38 weeks a. Preterm infant: live-born infant born prior to
Term – 38-42 weeks 37 weeks gestation
Postterm – 42 weeks Late preterm – born between 34 to 37
Late preterm - near term (24-36 weeks’ gestation
weeks) Early preterm – born prior to 34 weeks
and after 24 weeks
Ballard scoring – used to estimate gestational age
based on the infant’s external characteristics and PRETERM INFANT
neurological development
At birth,a weight of <2,500g (5lb 8 oz)
Immature and small but well proportioned for
Assess for presence of:
RDS (lack of lung surfactant causing
vulnerability to RDS)
Intracranial damage
Preterm Infant
- Low socioeconomic
- Poor nutritional status
- Lack of prenatal care
- Multiple pregnancy; closely birth spacing
- Previous early birth
- Order of birth
- Race
- Cigarette smoking
- Maternal age
- Maternal illness; infection; gestational g) Observe the infant carefully and record
- Early induction of labor observations
- Elective cesarian birth h) Support and encourage the parents
- Pregnancy complications; (PROM or
premature separation of the placenta) Nursing care of premature infant
Manifestations of RDS