Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

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Alcohols, phenols and ethers

 ordinary spirit used for polishing  Alcohols and phenols consist of  methanol is oxidized first to
wooden furniture is chiefly a two parts, an alkyl/aryl group and methanal and then to methanoic
compound containing hydroxyl a hydroxyl group. acid, which may cause blindness
group – Ethanol  The properties of alcohols and and death.
 In alcohols bond angle is slightly phenols are chiefly due to the  A methanol poisoned patient is
less than the tetrahedral angle hydroxyl group. treated by giving intravenous
(109°-28′).  The boiling points of alcohols infusions of diluted ethanol.
 It is due to the repulsion between and phenols increase with  The enzyme responsible for
the unshared electron pairs of increase in the number of carbon oxidation of aldehyde (HCHO) to
oxygen. atoms (increase in van der Waals acid is swamped allowing time
 In phenols, the –OH group is forces). for kidneys to excrete methanol
attached to sp2 hybridised carbon  In alcohols, the boiling points  Methanol, CH3OH, also known as
of an aromatic ring. decrease with increase of wood spirit, was produced by
 The carbon– oxygen bond length branching in carbon chain destructive distillation of wood.
(136 pm) in phenol is slightly less (because of decrease in van der  Today, most of the methanol is
than that in methanol. Waals forces with decrease in produced by catalytic
 This is due to surface area). hydrogenation of carbon
 partial double bond character on  The high boiling points of monoxide at high pressure and
account of the conjugation of alcohols are mainly due to the temperature and in the presence
unshared electron pair of oxygen presence of intermolecular of ZnO – Cr2O3 Catalyst
with the aromatic ring hydrogen bonding in them which 
 sp2 hybridised state of carbon to is lacking in ethers and ZnO −Cr2 O3
hydrocarbons. CO+ H 2 O 200−300 atm C H 3 OH
which oxygen is attached.
 Solubility of alcohols and phenols 573−673 K
 In Ethers , the bond angle is →

slightly greater than the in water is due to their ability to

tetrahedral angle due to the form hydrogen bonds with water  Methanol is a colourless liquid
repulsive interaction between the molecules and boils at 337 K. It is highly
two bulky (–R) groups.  The solubility decreases with poisonous in nature.
 The C–O bond length (141 pm) increase in size of alkyl/aryl  Ingestion of even small quantities
is almost the same as in alcohols (hydrophobic) groups. of methanol can cause blindness
 Phenol, also known as carbolic  Several of the lower molecular and large quantities causes even
acid , was first isolated from coal mass alcohols are miscible with death.
tar water in all proportion  Methanol is used as a solvent in
 Most of the world wide  Aspirin possesses analgesic, anti paints, varnishes and chiefly for
production of phenol is from inflammatory and antipyretic making formaldehyde.
cumene. properties.  Ethanol, C2H5OH, is obtained
 ethanol, mixed with methanol commercially by fermentation,
also called denatured alcohol the oldest method is from sugars.
Alcohols, phenols and ethers

 The sugar in molasses, sugarcane  mixing in it some copper

or fruits such as grapes is sulphate (to give it a colour)
converted to glucose and fructose  Pyridine -(a foul smelling liquid).
in the presence of an enzyme,
 It is known as denaturation of
 Glucose and fructose undergo  The C-O bonds in ethers are polar
fermentation in the presence of and thus, ethers have a net dipole
another enzyme, zymase, which moment.
is found in yeast
 The weak polarity of ethers do
 In wine making, grapes are the not appreciably affect their
source of sugars and yeast. boiling points which are
 As grapes ripen, the quantity of comparable to those of the
sugar increases and yeast grows alkanes of comparable molecular
on the outer skin. When grapes masses
are crushed, sugar and the  Thier boiling points are much
enzyme come in contact and lower than alcohols
fermentation starts.
 The large difference in boiling
 Fermentation takes place in points of alcohols and ethers is
anaerobic conditions (in absence due to the presence of hydrogen
of air). bonding in alcohols.
 Carbon dioxide is released during  The miscibility of ethers with
fermentation. water resembles those of alcohols
 The action of zymase is inhibited of the same molecular mass.
once the percentage of alcohol  Both ethoxyethane and butan-1-ol
formed exceeds 14 percent. are miscible to almost the same
 If air gets into fermentation extent i.e., 7.5 and 9 g per 100
mixture, the oxygen of air mL water
oxidizes ethanol to ethanoic acid  while pentane is essentially
which in turn destroys the taste of immiscible with water
alcoholic drink
 Ethanol is a colourless liquid
with boiling point 351 K.
 It is used as a solvent in paint
industry and in the preparation of
a number of carbon compounds.
 The commercial alcohol is made
unfit for drinking by

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