Honors College Essay Examples
Honors College Essay Examples
Honors College Essay Examples
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Honors College Essay Examples" can be a challenging endeavor.
The difficulty lies not only in the need to showcase one's academic achievements and personal
qualities but also in presenting them in a unique and compelling manner.
Firstly, there is the task of striking a balance between humility and confidence. It's crucial to
highlight one's accomplishments without appearing boastful, emphasizing the journey and growth
rather than just the outcomes. Crafting a narrative that effectively communicates both academic
prowess and personal development requires thoughtful consideration of language, tone, and structure.
Furthermore, the challenge extends to ensuring that the essay stands out amidst a sea of other
applications. With numerous applicants vying for limited spots in honors colleges, it becomes
imperative to find a distinctive angle or perspective that sets the essay apart. This involves delving
into personal experiences, values, and aspirations to create a narrative that resonates with the
selection committee.
Additionally, the task is complicated by the word limit often imposed on such essays. Balancing
brevity with depth is no easy feat, requiring careful selection of anecdotes and insights that
encapsulate the essence of the applicant's character and achievements.
For those who find the challenge overwhelming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar
essays and a myriad of other writing services can be accessed on platforms like HelpWriting.net ,
providing valuable support to those navigating the complexities of crafting an impactful honors
college essay.
Honors College Essay Examples Honors College Essay Examples
Pros And Cons Of Omelas
Omelas is a dystopian society, that is perfect in every way imaginable, but it can only
exist if this one kid is mistreated severely. They lock him or her in a room below a
building, do not provide him or her with proper nourishment, and show him or her no
affection what so ever. By exploiting one child the city is able to provide thousands
with all the joy and love they could ever want. Omelas seems to suggest that prosperous
countries are built off moral compromise and by dismissing negative thoughts from the
psyche people are willing to do this. On a psychological level, people dismiss the idea of
the kid suffering to alleviate their guilty conscience to keep the community functioning.
It is kind of like a repressed memory. Some... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Prosperous countries such as England, France, and Spain established many colonies
during their imperialistic expansion in the 1800 s. When they would colonize these
places, they would enslave the native population in exchange for wealth and crops. By
exploiting a few natives on a small island somewhere, these countries were able to
boost their economies and power. Just as Omelas took advantage of the one child,
these countries would establish control of a small population and use them for a so
called greater good. Migrant workers are taken advantage of similarly as well. Places
like the United States take advantage of a market of people who are desperate for
money to support their families; so desperate that they are willing to accept illegally
low wages to support them. These migrant workers are much like the child in the
cellar. Ursula Guin describes the child as, becoming imbecile through fear,
malnutrition, and neglect. This could be seen as a parallel between the child and
migrant workers/slaves because they were not provided the best living quarters, fed
small quantities of food that wouldn t pass an inspection in the most grueling prisons,
and lived in fear of being deported or receiving lashes from their master. By exploiting
small groups of people, westernized countries have been able to create a small slice of
Omelas within the world for
Poetic Devices In Acquainted With The Night
Poetic Devices in Acquainted with the Night In the poem, Acquainted with the Night ,
Robert Frost speaks of wandering the city at night. He speaks of the night like a
friend, but in reality he is friendless. Through his use of hyperboles and imagery, the
author provides an in depth look of what he feels and experiences at night. Robert
Frost uses hyperboles to exaggerate how he feels about the city at night. In line 4, the
author says, I have looked down the saddest city lane. (l.4) A lane cannot be sad, but
the author expresses the lane this way due to the lane being empty and dark. He talks
about the lane like this because he himself is empty and sad. He reflects his own feelings
onto the lane. In line 6, the author uses a hyperbole
Darkness, a Scary Thought
CREATIVE WRITING: Darkness, a scary thought
I faintly remember what happened that night, that s the reason why I m sitting here. I
can t think clearly, see straight and yet I continue to see glimpses of him, his baby blue
eyes, greasy black hair and oily face that sheds a smile every so often. I didn t mean for
everything to be this way, I feel as if it s my fault, that maybe I m the suspect. I feel as
if there s a blunt knife digging deeper into the guilty walls of my soul. As I peer around
the room, I notice one streak of sunlight, fighting for survival in the dark and dampened
Faintly, I hear footsteps awaken from nowhere. Now my heart is racing, as if it s about
to jump out from my skin. As I look towards the door, the ... Show more content on
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I arrive at the witch s house, the one that tore my life apart. The one that needs to be
taught a lesson, one that will stay with her forever. As I steadily walk towards the back
door paranoia strikes me. Annoying sirens repeatedly raid the blocks before this, and I
begin to furiously panic. Suddenly, my legs take over. My mind is at ease and I feel as if
someone different has taken over. Someone that has strong determination and
courage. As I barge into the small and unusual house I notice that it is awfully quiet,
too quiet. I quickly scan downstairs as if my life depended on it. I check an upstairs
and it seems to be out of place. The bath tub is filled with warm, fresh water; there are
clothes to be yet hung up. That s when it hit me. One more room out of the whole entire
house to be observed, the master bedroom. I put my hand to the cold, but shiny door
handle and gasp as something covered in red is lying there. Cold and unwanted was the
body of the witch that I was hunting for. Someone had beat me to it, but how? Why? I
was about to leave the room, but something caught my eye, a letter, in her hand. It states:
How could you do such a thing? You re a murderer! He didn t love you. When you
went away, we had the time of our lives... He was going to tell you, but he never got
around to it. The police are looking for you, so you should stop wasting your time and
turn yourself in. I decided to
Fast Fashion On Fast Food Industry
Slow Fashion
Fast fashion is a force that needs constant change from retailers; new garments and new
trends cycle out as fast as a bi weekly basis, putting pressure on the industry to sell fast
and cheap to the consumer. However, with the news publishing more articles about the
working conditions in factories, comparable to the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh,
and the run off pollution these factories produce, the consumer is demanding more
transparency in the supply chain. The introduction to slow fashion came from this
demand of wanting a better understanding of the garments we wear, similar to the slow
food movement that surfaced from the fast food industry. The slow food movement
began in Italy in the 1980s as a reaction to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Slowing down the consumption that is encouraged by fast fashion will help reduce raw
materials and decrease fashion production, allowing the earth time to regenerate and heal
from the damage industry creates to the environment (1B). Linda Greer, a senior scientist
at the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council, believes that the slow fashion
movement will hold large retailers accountable for its manufacturing aboard. Clean by
Design is a program created by the NRDC that works with retailers to green the fashion
supply chain (4B). These types of programs will assist with the large companies meeting
the needs of the new movement of ethical consumerism where consumers are demanding
that the clothes they buy do not harm the environment or the workers who made them
(11B, pg.200).
Another aspect of the slow fashion movement is supporting the development of local
businesses by focusing on using local resources and materials, these companies take the
claim of slow and put it into practice by creating high quality and durable pieces with
attentiveness in an environmental way (1B). Many small businesses keep traditional
methods of garment and textile making, giving meaning to the products and how they
were made. (1B) Kate Fletcher, a design academic, explains, making a garment last is
very different to making a long lasting garment (3, pg. 227). Slow fashion pieces are to
be worn for a long time, creating emotional durability that leaves a personal