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Semester Examination (100 Marks | 70%)

Higher Diploma in Automotive Engineering

Subject Code Subject Name

5502ICBTAE Management Principles for Automotive Engineers

Intake Semester Year Examination Date

Intake 11 Third 2020-21 25th October 2021


1. This is an OPEN BOOK Examination

2. The paper consists of Four (4) questions.

3. Answer all questions set in this paper.

4. Must present all necessary steps, sketches and calculations clearly in your answer sheet

5. If you make any assumption, clearly mention it in the answer.

6. Only approved calculators can be used.

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5502ICBTAE Examination – Answer all Four (4) questions set in this paper

Question 1 30 MARKS

1.1. Explain the method of PEST analysis (8 marks)

1.2. Explain how PEST is used to mitigate business risks. (10 marks)

1.3. Explain the necessity for a quality management system in the automotive manufacturing
or service industry. (4 marks)

1.4. Explain the four (4) phases of the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle. (2 x 4 = 8 marks)

Question 2 25 MARKS

2.1. With an aid of a diagram, explain the triple constrains of a project which can be further
considered as the deliverable objectives of a projects. (2.5 x 4 =10 marks)

2.2. Explain the terms given below within the context of Automotive Business Management:
a. Organization
b. Competitor
c. Target Market
d. Stakeholder
e. Cash-flow

(3 x 5 = 15 marks)

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Question 3 25 MARKS

Table T3. illustrated below is the logic table for a particular automotive assemble project.

Task Predecessors Duration (Days)

A - 3
B A 7
C A 5
D C 3
E B 2
F B, C 4
G D, E, F 6

Table T3. Logic table for project activities A through G.

3.1. Construct a Network Diagram showing the various logical activity relationships from this
information. (5 marks)

3.2. Perform a Forward Pass and Backward Pass to complete activity boxes in the widespread
Network Diagram. Arrange data within activity boxes as outlined in Figure Q3.2 below.
(15 marks)

Figure Q3.2

3.3. Highlight the critical path on your diagram and state the earliest project completion time.
(5 marks)

See Next Page

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Question 4 20 MARKS

Table T4 gives information on the daily employee resource required for a 6-task project together
with the early start dates, durations and associated float for each task.

Float Duration Employees Required

Early Start
Activity (Days) Date (Day) (Days) (per Day)

A1 0 1 2 2

A2 2 3 2 2

A3 0 3 2 6

A4 2 5 2 3

A5 0 5 4 1

A6 0 9 1 2

Table T4: Project Employee Resource Requirements

On the basis of the information presented in Table T4, draw up a Gantt Chart showing activities
and their relative timing. Indicate available float on the diagram. Finally, superimpose the
required resources on each day of each activity. Use a format (such as that shown below in the
Figure Q4 template (Activity A1 has been completed for you).

Activity Day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A1 2 2






Total Resources 2 2

Figure Q4 : Template for Gantt Chart

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**** End of Exam Paper ****

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