Ribeiro 2015

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Psychological Medicine (2016), 46, 225–236.

© Cambridge University Press 2015 REVIEW ARTICLE


Self-injurious thoughts and behaviors as risk factors

for future suicide ideation, attempts, and death: a
meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

J. D. Ribeiro1,2,3*, J. C. Franklin1,3, K. R. Fox1, K. H. Bentley4, E. M. Kleiman1, B. P. Chang5

and M. K. Nock1
Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Military Suicide Research Consortium, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
Department of Psychological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

Background. A history of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs) is consistently cited as one of the strongest pre-
dictors of future suicidal behavior. However, stark discrepancies in the literature raise questions about the true magni-
tude of these associations. The objective of this study is to examine the magnitude and clinical utility of the associations
between SITBs and subsequent suicide ideation, attempts, and death.

Method. We searched PubMed, PsycInfo, and Google Scholar for papers published through December 2014. Inclusion
required that studies include at least one longitudinal analysis predicting suicide ideation, attempts, or death using any
SITB variable. We identified 2179 longitudinal studies; 172 met inclusion criteria.

Results. The most common outcome was suicide attempt (47.80%), followed by death (40.50%) and ideation (11.60%).
Median follow-up was 52 months (mean = 82.52, S.D. = 102.29). Overall prediction was weak, with weighted mean odds
ratios (ORs) of 2.07 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.76–2.43] for ideation, 2.14 (95% CI 2.00–2.30) for attempts, and 1.54
(95% CI 1.39–1.71) for death. Adjusting for publication bias further reduced estimates. Diagnostic accuracy analyses indi-
cated acceptable specificity (86–87%) and poor sensitivity (10–26%), with areas under the curve marginally above chance
(0.60–0.62). Most risk factors generated OR estimates of <2.0 and no risk factor exceeded 4.5. Effects were consistent re-
gardless of sample severity, sample age groups, or follow-up length.

Conclusions. Prior SITBs confer risk for later suicidal thoughts and behaviors. However, they only provide a marginal
improvement in diagnostic accuracy above chance. Addressing gaps in study design, assessment, and underlying
mechanisms may prove useful in improving prediction and prevention of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

Received 10 June 2015; Revised 20 August 2015; Accepted 21 August 2015; First published online 15 September 2015

Key words: Longitudinal, meta-analysis, prediction, suicide, suicide attempt, suicidal ideation.

Introduction behavior. Despite these efforts, suicide rates remain

virtually unchanged (CDC, 2015).
Suicidal behavior is one of the leading causes of injury
Prior self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs)
and death worldwide. Presently, suicide accounts for
are often identified as some of the most robust predic-
nearly one million deaths each year (WHO, 2012).
tors of future SITBs. Among SITBs, suicide attempt his-
For every death, there are an estimated 25 non-fatal
tory is consistently cited as one of the strongest risk
suicide attempts and millions more who experience
factors for future suicidal behaviors (Fawcett et al.
suicidal thoughts (Nock et al. 2008; Crosby et al.
1990; Joiner et al. 2005). This claim has become widely
2011). Over the last five decades, there have been
accepted and highly influential – for instance, a recent
marked increases in research focused on the under-
WHO (2014) report stated that ‘by far the strongest risk
standing, treatment, and prevention of suicidal
factor for suicide is a previous suicide attempt’.
Supporting this position, a large body of research has
consistently linked suicide attempt history to later sui-
cidal ideation (Miranda et al. 2012; Links et al. 2012),
* Address for correspondence: Dr J. D. Ribeiro, Department of
Psychology, Harvard University, 33 Kirkland St, Cambridge, MA
attempts (Borges et al. 2008; O’Connor et al. 2013),
02138, USA. and death (Suokas et al. 2001; Wenzel et al. 2011).
(Email: ribeiro@fas.harvard.edu) Some studies cite over a 70-fold increase in the
226 J. D. Ribeiro et al.

likelihood of a subsequent attempt (Sanchez-Gistau Given all of these inconsistencies in the literature
et al. 2013) and close to a 40-fold increase in the likeli- prompts the question: ‘What are the effects of prior
hood of death (Harris & Barraclough, 1997). However, SITBs on future suicidal thoughts and behaviors?’
in stark contrast to these findings, several studies have The present meta-analysis addresses this crucial ques-
reported substantially smaller (Wenzel et al. 2011; Van tion and includes four primary aims. First, we provide
Dulmen et al. 2013) or non-significant (Tejedor et al. a descriptive summary of the existing longitudinal
1999; Brådvik & Berglund, 2009) effects. These discrep- literature addressing this question. We focus only on
ancies raise doubt about the true effect of prior suicide longitudinal studies because we are interested in
attempts on future suicidal thoughts and behaviors. determining whether prior SITBs confer risk for later
Features of prior attempts [e.g. number, recency (i.e. suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Although cross-
time since last attempt), intent, lethality, method] have sectional and retrospective studies can provide insight
also been proposed to be important indicators of risk about correlates (i.e. associated features) of a phenom-
(Beck et al. 1979; Rudd et al. 1996; Joiner et al. 1997; enon, they are not useful in determining risk factors be-
Peruzzi & Bongar, 1999). Yet large discrepancies exist cause temporal precedence cannot be inferred from
in this literature as well, with some studies reporting these designs (Kraemer et al. 1997). Second, we exam-
moderate-to-strong effects (Nock et al. 2010; Roaldset ine what, if any, effects prior SITBs, features of prior
et al. 2012; Troister et al. 2013) and others small or non- SITBs, family history, and exposure to SITBs have on
significant effects (Sher et al. 2006; Keilp et al. 2010; future suicidal ideation, attempts, and death. Third,
Chen et al. 2013). we evaluate the potential moderating effects of sample
There also is disagreement about the effects of other age, sample severity, and study follow-up length. We
SITBs – namely, suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and do so because differences in methodology related to
non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) – on the likelihood of fu- these issues may influence effects or prior SITBs.
ture suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Although it is Fourth, we consider these findings in the context of
generally accepted that ideation confers risk for later their clinical utility, quantified as: (1) improvement in
suicidal thoughts and behaviors, the magnitude of its diagnostic accuracy above chance and (2) odds ratios
effects varies widely (Ramchand et al. 2008; considered in terms of absolute risk of suicide ideation,
Anderson, 2011). The role of planning for suicide on attempts, and death.
later suicidal thoughts and behaviors also remains in
question. Some researchers have proposed that plan-
ning for suicide is a necessary precursor of potentially Method
lethal suicidal behavior (Witte et al. 2008; Van Orden
Data sources, study selection, inclusion criteria
et al. 2010) whereas others have argued that lack of
planning and impulsivity confers greater risk (Maser We conducted a comprehensive search through
et al. 2002; Simon et al. 2002). With respect to NSSI, December 2014 using PubMed, PsycInfo, and Google
early research focused heavily on distinguishing the be- Scholar. We then searched the reference sections of
havior from suicidal outcomes (Brausch & Gutierrez, all papers identified through these sources. Search
2010; Joiner et al. 2012); however, emerging research terms were variants of ‘longitudinal’ and ‘suicide’,
indicates that the longitudinal effects of NSSI on sui- which included: ‘longitudinal’, ‘longitudinally’, ‘pre-
cidal behaviors may be much stronger than originally dicts’, ‘prediction’, ‘prospective’, ‘prospectively’, ‘fu-
anticipated (Asarnow et al. 2011; Wilkinson et al. 2011). ture’, ‘later’, and ‘self-injury’, ‘suicidality’, ‘self-harm’,
The effects of indirect experiences with suicidal ‘suicide’, ‘suicidal behavior’, ‘suicide attempt’, ‘suicide
thoughts and behavior, such as a family history of sui- death’, ‘suicide plan’, ‘suicide thoughts’, ‘suicide idea-
cidal thoughts and behaviors and exposure to the sui- tion’, ‘suicide gesture’, ‘suicide threat’, ‘nonsuicidal
cidal thoughts and behaviors of others (e.g. family, self-injury’, ‘NSSI’, ‘self-mutilation’, ‘deliberate self-
peers, etc.), also are unclear. Several studies report that harm’, ‘DSH’, ‘self-cutting’, ‘cutting’, ‘self-burning’,
family history of suicidal behavior is associated with a and ‘self-poisoning’.
>10-fold increase in the likelihood of future suicidal be- A total of 2179 unique papers were identified. Based
havior (Dahlsgaard et al. 1998; Soloff & Chiappetta, on abstracts, 1578 studies did not meet inclusion cri-
2012; Chan et al. 2014); however, many others have failed teria. Inclusion required that the paper include at
to find any effect (Valtonen et al. 2006; Soloff & Fabio, least one longitudinal analysis predicting suicide idea-
2008; Dennehy et al. 2011). Similar discrepancies exist tion, attempts or death using any SITB variable in any
in the literature examining the effects of exposure to population, any year, and any geographic location.
others’ SITBs (Lewinsohn et al. 2001; Swanson & Published peer-reviewed studies were excluded on
Colman, 2013), raising questions about suicide contagion the basis of three criteria: (1) analyses that were not
and clustering as well as best practices for postvention. longitudinal; (2) analyses that did not examine discrete
Prior SITBs as risk factors 227

Fig. 1. PRISMA diagram.

suicide-relevant outcomes; and (3) analyses that were intent), parasuicide (i.e. self-directed injury with
conducted in the context of a primary treatment unclear suicidal intent), etc.] were not examined as out-
study. After reading the remaining articles in full, a come variables. Second, we were interested in under-
total of 172 studies were retained (see Fig. 1 for standing the specificity of effects on discrete suicide
PRISMA flowchart). Supplementary Table S1 includes outcomes. As such, we required that outcome variables
details regarding each eligible study; Supplement S2 did not combine discrete forms of suicidal thoughts
includes a complete reference list for all eligible and behaviors. Of note, however, these variables (e.g.
studies. combined forms of SITBs, deliberate self-harm, para-
We elected to focus on suicidal ideation, attempts, suicide, etc.) were examined as predictors of suicide
and death as outcomes for two reasons. First, we ideation, attempts, and death.
were primarily interested in determining the effects To ensure case independence, duplicate cases were
of prior SITBs on suicidal outcomes.1† Accordingly, it removed (n = 8). This occurred when either the same
was necessary that outcomes only include self- data were re-analyzed across multiple publications
injurious thought or behavior outcomes that involved and/or multiple follow-up assessments using the
some level of suicidal intent. In other words, the same predictors were included in a single study. In
thought or behavior must involve two key elements: the former case, the most inclusive study was retained;
(1) it is self-directed and (2) involves some non-zero in the latter, only estimates at the final assessment were
level of intent to die. Therefore, variables that were retained.
not specific to suicidal SITBs [e.g. deliberate self-harm
(i.e. self-directed injury with or without suicidal
Data extraction
All statistical tests were examined for each study. Any
† The notes appear after the main text. statistical test where a SITB variable was used to
228 J. D. Ribeiro et al.

predict suicide ideation, attempt or death outcome Statistical analyses

within a study was termed a ‘prediction case’ and
retained for analysis. There were a total of 494 unique Meta-analyses were performed with Comprehensive
prediction cases. Meta-Analysis, version 2 (CMA, 2014); diagnostic
Data extracted from each eligible study included: accuracy statistics were analyzed with MetaDiSc,
authors, publication year, follow-up length, number version 1.4 (Zamora et al. 2014). When available, un-
of SITB participants2, sample type (i.e. general popula- adjusted estimates were used.3 When odds ratios
tion, clinical, self-injurious), sample age group (i.e. (ORs) were not reported, they were calculated based
adult, adolescent, mixed), predictor variable, outcome on correlations, independent group means, risk ratios,
type, and any statistics relevant to any longitudinal and 2 × 2 contingency tables. Hazard ratios (HRs)
analyses using SITB to predict suicide ideation, were analyzed independently.4
attempts, or death. Regarding sample type, general Between-study heterogeneity was quantified by I2
population samples included participants not selected tests. As high levels of between-study heterogeneity
for a history of SITB or psychopathology; clinical sam- were expected, a random-effects model was used for
ples included participants selected based on psycho- all meta-analyses. Fixed-effects models assume that
pathology; and SITB samples included participants the underlying (i.e. true) effect size is identical across
selected based on SITB history. Category and subcat- studies; any observed variance is assumed to be a
egory codes were assigned to each predictor. result of chance. In contrast, random-effects models as-
Agreement was reached on all category assignments sume a distribution of similar (but not identical) effects
for each predictor by lead and co-authors. across studies. Accordingly, the combined effect esti-
We also considered the issue of study quality. mated by a random-effect model represents the mean
Assessments of study quality are indicated when of a distribution of true effects rather than a single
there is a substantial degree of methodological vari- true effect. Whereas fixed-effects models only estimate
ability that may influence the accuracy of results. In within-study variance random-effects models estimate
particular, meta-analyses of treatment studies often both within- and between-study variance. Given that
warrant quality assessments as methodological differ- systematic between-study variance is common and
ences among treatment studies are common. For in- expected across studies (e.g. due to differences in
stance, treatment studies can vary considerably with population, methodology, etc.), random-effects models
respect to design type (e.g. case-control, randomiza- are typically more appropriate than fixed-effects
tion, double-blinding), sample (e.g. severity, represen- models in meta-analyses. Systematic between-study
tativeness), and treatment provision (e.g. fidelity, variance (i.e. heterogeneity) is accounted for in
adherence, compliance), among many other factors. random-effects models in the weighting and calcula-
These common methodological differences across tion of each prediction case.
treatment studies can substantially influence the Moderator analyses were used to test potential mod-
accuracy of results. However, in contrast to many erating effects of sample age groups, sample severity,
treatment meta-analyses, the present meta-analysis or study follow-up length. Slightly diverging from
includes studies that are highly uniform. This is be- moderation analyses in primary studies, moderation
cause inclusion criteria in the present meta-analysis analyses in meta-analyses test whether variation in ef-
constrained the study pool by requiring that eligible fect size among studies is associated with differences in
studies share a common core design (i.e. longitudinal) selected covariates (i.e. moderators). To test the effects
and outcome (i.e. suicidal ideation, attempts, or death). of moderators on effect estimates, we employed
Although finer-grained methodological differences still meta-regression using a random-effects model using
exist (e.g. length of follow-up, population severity, etc.), unrestricted maximum likelihood. For sake of inter-
there are no established objective criteria that could in- pretability, we provide means and confidence intervals
form a priori hypotheses about how these differences for each analysis involving a categorical moderator (i.e.
may relate to study quality. For instance, there is no object- sample age groups, sample severity) and beta coeffi-
ive precedence for determining how the specific length of cients and slopes for analyses using a continuous mod-
follow-up (e.g. shorter or longer) or type of sample erator (i.e. follow-up length).
(e.g. general community, clinical, or self-injurious) Publication bias was quantified using multiple indi-
impacts accuracy of prediction. To explore possible ces, including classic fail-safe N, Orwin’s fail-safe N,
influences of these differences on meta-analytic results, Begg & Mazumdar’s rank correlation test, and Egger’s
moderator analyses were conducted. Heterogeneity regression test, funnel plot symmetry, and Duval &
across studies was also accounted for by using random- Tweedie’s trim-and-fill test. Diagnostic accuracy was
effects models in analyses. Both moderator analyses and evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood
random-effects models are described in detail below. ratios (LR+, LR−), pooled diagnostic OR, and area
Prior SITBs as risk factors 229

under the curve (AUC) using receiver-operated charac- type, on the outcome of interest. A total of 54 predic-
teristic (ROC) curves. Estimates >3 standard deviations tion cases were included, resulting in a weighted
(S.D.) from the mean (n = 13; 2.63%) were omitted as mean OR of 2.07 [95% confidence interval (CI)
outliers, resulting in a total of 481 unique prediction 1.76–2.43]. Between-study heterogeneity was extreme
cases included in analyses. Of note, when outliers (I2 = 93.56%) and there was consistent evidence of pub-
were included in analyses, results were highly consist- lication bias. Accounting for publication bias, the effect
ent with those when outliers were excluded. would be reduced to an overall weighted mean OR of
1.33 (95% CI 1.10–1.61). See Table 1 and Fig. 2 for
detailed publication bias statistics and funnel plots.
Results No cases were available for diagnostic accuracy
Data description analyses.

Studies spanned 1965–2014. Suicide attempt was the

most common outcome (47.80%), followed by death
(40.50%) and ideation (11.60%). Nine cases (1.90%) For OR analyses, 189 prediction cases were included,
were classified as ‘protective factors’ rather than risk generating a weighted mean OR of 2.16 (95% CI
factors; as such, they were excluded from further ana- 2.01–2.33). Heterogeneity was high (I2 = 90.76%).
lysis. The median number of SITB participants across Multiple indices indicated significant publication
studies was 79 (mean = 710.53, S.D. = 4441.78, range = bias. Accounting for publication bias would reduce
4–48 649); however, 4.65% of studies failed to provide the weighted mean OR to 1.68 (95% CI 1.57–1.81).
clear information about number of SITB participants. See Table 1 and Fig. 2.
Adolescent-only samples comprised 19.50% of all A total of 57 cases included sufficient information for
cases, most of which examined attempt (58.50%) and diagnostic accuracy analyses. Overall accuracy was
ideation (35.10%). slightly better than chance (AUC = 0.60). Sensitivity
The median follow-up length across all studies was 26% (95% CI 24–27), indicating extremely limited
was 52 months (mean = 82.52, S.D. = 102.29, range = 1 ability to identify true positive cases. Specificity was
week–648 months). The most frequent follow-up inter- 87% (95% CI 87–88), suggesting the ability to identify
val was 25–60 months (21.40%). Approximately 20% true negative cases was acceptable; however, this is
had follow-up intervals of 121 months or longer. Less likely a statistical artifact resulting from the low-base
than 6% had follow-ups shorter than 6 months and rates of the outcome and predictors, which necessarily
<1% had a follow-up shorter than 1 month. Death out- generate a high number of true negatives and low
come cases were associated with the longest follow-up number of false negatives. The LR+ was 1.77 (95% CI
(median = 120, mean = 138.99 months, S.D. = 128.94, 1.57–2.04), LR- was 0.84 (95% CI 0.80–0.88), and the
range = 1–648), followed by attempt (median = 24, pooled diagnostic OR was 2.25 (95% CI 1.85–2.73).
mean = 49.53 months, S.D. = 55.34, range = 1–360) and
ideation (median = 24 months, mean = 47.16 months, Death
S.D. = 53.52, range = 1–168).
OR analyses included 144 cases. Heterogeneity was
With respect to sample severity, the majority of cases
high (I2 = 75.49%). Publication bias was indicated
involved either self-injurious (42.60%) or clinical
across multiple indices. The weighted mean OR was
(38.00%) samples; only 19.30% involved general popu-
1.54 (95% CI 1.39–1.71), and decreased to 1.51 (95%
lation samples. Death outcomes most commonly
CI 1.36–1.68) when publication bias was considered.
involved self-injurious samples (75.90%), followed by
See Table 1 and Fig. 2.
clinical (18.97%) and general population (5.13%) sam-
Diagnostic accuracy analyses included 52 cases.
ples. Clinical samples were most common for attempt
Overall accuracy was poor (AUC = 0.62). This likely
(56.52%); self-injurious (22.17%) and general popula-
was a result of extremely poor sensitivity (10%, 95%
tion (21.30%) samples were equally represented. For
CI 10-11). Specificity was acceptable (86%, 95% CI 86-
ideation, general population samples were the most
86); however, this again is likely in part a statistical
common (60.71%) followed by clinical (28.57%) and
artifact. The LR+ was 1.57 (95% CI 1.37–1.81), LR-
self-injurious (10.71%) samples.
was 0.96 (95% CI 0.90–0.99) and pooled diagnostic
OR was 1.76 (95% CI 1.45–2.15).
Overall prediction and publication bias

Ideation Prediction trends across years of research

For overall prediction analyses, the estimate reflects the The first studies using prior SITBs to predict ideation,
pooled effect of all prior SITBs, regardless of category attempts, or death were published in 1983 (Adam
230 J. D. Ribeiro et al.

Table 1. Publication bias

Fail-safe N Duval and Tweedie’s trim & fill

Begg & Mazumdar’s Egger’s test
Classic Orwin’s rank correlation of the intercept Missing cases Adjusted OR

Suicidal ideation 9230 22 τ = 0.13, p = 0.09 B0 = 0.94, p = 0.10 17 1.33 (1.10–1.61)

Suicide attempt 7391 177 τ = −0.27, p < 0.001 B0 = 2.34, p < 0.001 41 1.68 (1.57–1.81)
Suicide death 8871 74 τ = 0.13, p < 0.01 B0 = −0.17, p = 0.26 4 1.51 (1.36–1.68)

OR, Weighted mean odds ratio.

Classic and Orwin’s fail-safe N values represent the number of studies required to nullify the observed effects; Begg &
Mazumdar’s rank correlation test computes the rank order correlation between effect estimates and standard error; Egger’s
test of the intercept uses precision (i.e. the inverse of the standard error) to predict the standardized effect (i.e. effect size
divided by the standard error). The size of the effect is reflected in the slope and bias is reflected in the intercept (B0); Missing
cases under Duval & Tweedie’s trim & fill are the number of cases estimated as missing below the mean.

et al. 1983), 1971 (Bagley & Greer, 1971), and 1965 mean OR 1.60) and death (weighted mean OR 1.30)
(Motto, 1965), respectively. Meta-regressions based but not ideation (weighted mean OR 0.79).
on 1-year intervals indicated no significant change in The effects of specific features also were tested. Only
predictive ability across time for suicidal ideation estimates for attempts and death are presented as there
(b = −0.05, p = 0.08), attempts (b = −0.006, p = 0.50), or were too few ideation cases. In the prediction of suicide
death (b = 0.007, p = 0.15). attempts, number (weighted mean OR 1.92), recency
(weighted mean OR 2.51), maximum lethality
Risk factor category analyses (weighted mean OR 1.54) and maximum intent
(weighted mean OR 1.23) of past attempts were signifi-
Suicidal ideation cant. General (rather than maximum) lethality and
The full results of the risk factor category analyses are intent were not significant. Too few cases were avail-
presented in Table 2. As shown, prior suicide ideation able to provide reliable estimates for the remaining fea-
significantly increases the likelihood of all outcomes, tures [i.e. level of preparations (n = 2), onset of first
with the strongest estimate for subsequent ideation attempt (n = 1), history of a violent attempt (n = 2),
(weighted mean OR 3.12). Effects were weaker in the and concerning reactions following attempts (n = 3)].
prediction of attempts (weighted mean OR 1.88) and In the prediction of suicide death, only history of a
death (weighted mean OR 1.95). violent attempt (weighted mean OR 1.89) and intent
(weighted mean OR 1.20) were significant. Number,
lethality, level of preparations, degree of intoxication,
Suicide plans and having a concerning reaction following an attempt
A history of suicide plans was associated with signifi- were not. Reliable estimates could not be provided for
cantly increased odds of suicide death (weighted mean attempt recency (n = 1), reason for past attempt (n = 3),
OR 1.44). There were an insufficient number of cases to and history of interrupted attempt (n = 1).
produce reliable estimates for other suicide-relevant
outcomes. NSSI

A prior history of NSSI was associated with signifi-

Suicide attempt
cantly increased odds of suicide attempt (weight
A history of suicide attempt (presence or absence) was mean OR 4.27). There were insufficient cases to test
associated with significantly increased odds of all out- associations with suicide ideation or death.
comes, with the strongest effects for attempt (weighted
mean OR 3.61) and weakest for suicide ideation SITB and deliberate self-harm (DSH)
(weighted mean OR 1.58).
Several studies included more general predictors of
SITB or DSH that did not specify what type of thought
Suicide attempt features
or behavior was present. A prior history of SITB was
When considered as a single construct, the weighted associated with significantly increased odds of suicide
mean ORs were significant for attempt (weighted attempt (weighted mean OR 2.26) and death (weighted
Prior SITBs as risk factors 231

Fig. 2. Funnel plots. Open circles represent observed estimates; shaded circles represent imputed values estimated to be
missing to the left of the mean (due to publication bias). Open diamond indicates unadjusted weighted mean odds ratio;
shaded diamond indicates weighted mean odds ratio adjusted for publication bias.
232 J. D. Ribeiro et al.

Table 2. Longitudinal risk factor category analyses

Suicide ideation Suicide attempt Suicide death

Risk factor categories n OR 95% CI p n OR 95% CI p n OR 95% CI p

Suicidal ideation 26 3.12 (2.42–4.02) <0.001 37 1.89 (1.65–2.16) <0.001 6 1.95 (1.31–2.90) <0.001
Suicide plans – – – – 2a – – – 7 1.44 (1.11–1.86) <0.01
Suicide attempt 9 1.58 (1.02–2.43) <0.05 44 3.61 (2.75–4.73) <0.001 21 2.03 (1.61–2.57) <0.001
Suicide attempt features 6 0.79 (0.46–1.38) 0.42 59 1.60 (1.42–1.81) <0.001 61 1.30 (1.18–1.43) <0.001
Ambivalence 1a – – – – – – – – – – –
Concerning reaction – – – – 3a – – – 4 1.86 (0.99–3.50) 0.06
Intoxication – – – – – – – – 4 0.92 (0.58–1.46) 0.71
Intent – – – – 4 1.63 (0.62–4.34) 0.93 16 1.20 (1.09–1.31) <0.001
Maximum intent – – – – 4 1.23 (1.15–1.32) <0.001 – – – –
Interrupted attempt – – – – – – – – 1a – – –
Lethality 1a – – – 4 0.84 (0.57–1.25) 0.39 9 1.17 (0.91–1.50) 0.24
Maximum lethality – – – – 5 1.54 (1.27–1.86) <0.001 – – – –
Number 2a – – – 22 1.92 (1.47–2.48) <0.001 8 1.28 (0.87–1.88) 0.21
Onset of first attempt – – – – 1a – – – – – – –
Preparations – – – – 2a – – – 9 1.28 (0.96–1.71) 0.09
Violent attempt – – – – 2a – – – 4 1.89 (1.21–2.97) <0.01
Recency 2a – – – 9 2.51 (1.80–3.51) <0.001 1a – – –
Reason – – – – – – – – 3a – – –
NSSI 1a – – – 8 4.27 (2.56–7.10) <0.001 1a – – –
SITB 1a – – – 5 2.26 (1.57–3.26) <0.001 4 2.28 (1.68–3.11) <0.001
DSH – – – – 2a – – – 33 1.51 (1.13–3.01) <0.01
Family history of SITB 5 2.13 (1.40–3.24) <0.001 18 1.57 (1.23–1.99) <0.001 8 1.63 (0.93–2.84) 0.08
Exposure to SITB 4 1.56 (1.18–2.05) <0.01 10 2.05 (1.55–2.71) <0.001 – – – –

Estimates are not reported for analyses involving 43 cases, as the small number of cases compromise the reliability of
estimates; risk factor categories with <3 cases across all three outcomes are not listed in the table.
n, number of prediction cases; OR, weighted mean odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; dashes (i.e. ‘–’) indicate that
information was not available; suicide attempt, history (yes/no) of suicide attempt; ambivalence, endorsing an equivalent wish
to die v. wish to live during a suicide attempt; concerning reaction, regret of not dying as a result of a suicide attempt or
expressing continued wishes to die by suicide following a suicide attempt; maximum intent, highest level of intent preceding
any suicide attempt; maximum lethality, highest level of lethality associated with any suicide attempt; number, number of past
attempts; preparations, evidence of preparatory behaviors preceding attempt; violent attempt, suicide attempt using a highly
fatal method (e.g. firearm, jumping from height, hanging); recency, time elapsed since prior attempt; reason, reason attributed
for attempting suicide; NSSI, non-suicidal self-injury; SITB, self-injurious thoughts and behaviors; DSH, deliberate self-harm.

mean OR 2.04). DSH was associated with increased significantly increased odds of suicide ideation
odds of suicide death (weighted mean OR 1.51). (weighted mean OR 1.56) and attempt (weighted
There were insufficient cases to test the other associa- mean OR 2.05). There were too few cases available to
tions in this domain. provide reliable estimates for more specific forms of
Family history of SITB
Moderator analyses
Family history of SITB was associated with significantly
increased odds of suicide ideation (OR 2.13) and attempt Sample severity
(OR 1.57) but not death. Given the small number of pre-
Across all outcomes, weighted mean ORs were statis-
diction cases, results were not reliable for specific forms
tically equivalent across clinical (ideation: OR 2.81,
of family history (e.g. history of death v. attempt, etc.).
95% CI 1.98–4.00; attempts: OR 2.45, 95% CI 2.20–
2.71; death: OR 2.10, 95% CI 1.49–2.94) and general
SITB exposure
population samples (ideation: OR 2.17, 95% CI 1.82–
Exposure to SITB of others (e.g. friends, family mem- 2.59; attempts: OR 2.27, 95% CI 1.98–2.60; death: OR
bers, schoolmates, etc.) was associated with 2.82, 95% CI 1.65–4.81). Estimates were substantially
Prior SITBs as risk factors 233

weaker among self-injurious samples (ideation: OR risk for later suicide ideation or attempts and had no
0.84, 95% CI 0.17–4.17; attempts: OR 1.46, 95% CI significant effect on suicide death. Exposure to SITBs
1.14–1.86; death: OR 1.42, 95% CI 1.31–1.54). was a stronger predictor of suicide attempts than
anticipated with effects comparable to factors like
Sample age prior suicidal ideation and number of past attempts.
Although some predictors did emerge as stronger
Predicting ideation, weighted mean ORs for adult (OR
than others, it is critical to evaluate these results with
2.38, 95% CI 1.26–4.49) and adolescent (OR 1.94, 95%
respect to their clinical utility. We evaluated clinical
CI 1.70–2.20) samples were not significantly different;
utility on two domains. First, we considered the im-
the estimate for mixed samples was not significant
provement of diagnostic accuracy. As noted above,
(OR 1.67, 95% CI 0.02–102.14). Predicting attempts,
knowledge of SITBs offered only slight improvement
adult (OR 2.28, 95% CI 2.05–2.53), mixed (OR 1.96,
above chance. Second, we considered the magnitude
95% CI 1.26–3.05), and adolescent (OR 2.08, 95% CI
of OR estimates in terms of the absolute risk of suicide
1.85–2.33) samples were statistically equivalent. For
ideation, attempts, and death. Suicidal thoughts and
death, the effect was strongest for adolescent samples
behaviors are rare. The likelihood of death by suicide
(OR 2.52, 95% CI 1.74–3.65); adult (OR 1.69, 95% CI
in the United States in a given year is 12.5/1 00 000
1.42–1.99) and mixed (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.21–1.50)
(i.e. 0.000125); attempts are estimated to be 25 times
samples were statistically equivalent.
more likely (i.e. 0.0031). The strongest predictor in
this meta-analysis was NSSI (weighted mean OR
Follow-up length
4.27) predicting future suicide attempts. Based on
There were no significant effects of follow-up length on this estimate, the presence of NSSI would still only in-
the prediction of ideation (b = −0.001, p = 0.59) or death crease the odds of an attempt to 0.013 – a figure still
(b < 0.001, p = 0.79). For attempts, predictive ability nearly zero. Moreover, these calculations are based
significantly worsened as follow-up length increased, on prediction over a 1 year interval; most clinicians
though the effect was small (b = −0.002, p < 0.001). are tasked with determining risk over a period of
days or weeks.
The present findings suggest that, in terms of abso-
lute (rather than relative) odds, prior SITBs are weak
Our findings indicate that prior SITBs are statistically risk factors for future suicide ideation, attempts, and
significant risk factors for suicide ideation, attempts, death at least within the narrow methodological confi-
and death; however, effects were considerably weaker nes in which they have been studied to date. It is
than anticipated. Overall weighted mean ORs for idea- possible, however, that prior SITBs are powerful pre-
tion and attempts were only slightly above 2.0; for dictors when considered in the context of other risk
death the estimate was near 1.5. Adjusting for publica- factors (e.g. psychopathology). Results from sample se-
tion bias further reduced estimates. Effects were con- verity moderation analyses offer some insight into this
sistent regardless of sample severity, sample age issue. Studies of self-injurious and clinical samples typ-
groups or study follow-up lengths. Diagnostic accur- ically involve more stringent comparison groups,
acy analyses were in line with these findings, with thereby controlling for a host of risk factors not
prior SITBs being characterized by acceptable specifi- accounted for in general samples. If prior SITB were in-
city (i.e. true negative rate), extremely poor sensitivity deed stronger in the context of other risk factors, we
(i.e. true positive rate), and AUCs marginally above would expect that effects of prior SITB would be
chance. We emphasize that these findings reflect the substantially stronger in general samples. However,
effects of prior SITBs when studied within the narrow sample severity moderation analyses generated only
methodological constraints of the existing literature. small effects, suggesting that, even in the context of
Beyond overall predictive power, we also evaluated other risk factors, prior SITBs remain weak risk factors
the effects of specific risk factor categories. Prior sui- in an absolute sense. Results of these analyses were
cide ideation was the strongest predictor of later idea- surprising as we had anticipated more pronounced dif-
tion; NSSI and suicide attempt history conferred the ferences between sample severity groups; however, we
most risk for later suicide attempts; and suicide at- note again that these results only reflect the evidence of
tempt history and suicide ideation were among the the existing literature and should therefore be inter-
strongest predictors of suicide death. Surprisingly, fea- preted within the narrow methodological constraints
tures of past attempts were relatively weak predictors, of researched published to date. Studies that assess
with most features producing estimates close to 1.5 this issue more directly and extend beyond existing
and several others generating non-significant effects. methodological confines are needed. For instance,
Family history of SITBs also conferred relatively little approaches that involve machine learning algorithms
234 J. D. Ribeiro et al.

to combine large number of risk factors over a short in order to make significant progress in the prevention
follow up period may be particularly promising of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
(Kessler et al. 2015).
Based on the present meta-analysis, we recommend Supplementary material
four primary directions for future research. First, fea-
tures of prior attempts, family history of SITB, and For supplementary material accompanying this paper
exposure to SITB have received very little empirical visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0033291715001804.
attention. Widespread consensus exists in the field
that prior attempt features (e.g. lethality, number, in- Acknowledgements
tent, etc.) in particular are extremely important risk
factors (Joiner et al. 1999; Peruzzi & Bongar, 1999). This work was supported in part by funding from
Our findings are inconsistent with this belief; however, the Military Suicide Research Consortium (MSRC),
we caution that results are based on remarkably few an effort supported by the Office of the Assistant
prediction cases within each specific feature category. Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (Award No.
As such, we strongly recommend prioritizing longitu- W81XWH-10-2-0181). This work was supported in
dinal studies of prior attempt features. part through a training grant (T32MH18921) from the
Second, there is a need for improved assessments, National Institute of Mental Health. Opinions, inter-
particularly for the assessment of intent and plans. pretations, conclusions and recommendations are
The majority of intent cases used the Suicide Intent those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed
Scale (SIS; Beck et al. 1974); the majority of planning by the MSRC or the Department of Defense.
cases used the planning subscale of the same scale.
The inclusion of planning within the SIS necessarily Declaration of Interest
conflates these constructs, raising questions about the
true effects of these features considered independently.
Efforts focused on improving the understanding and
measurement of specific features of attempts, particu- Notes
larly intent and planning, are critical. 1
Historically, debate about nomenclature has been common
Third, studies focused on acute or short-term predic- in the fields of suicidal and non-suicidal self-injury re-
tion are needed. Presently, the average follow-up is near- search. For the purposes of this meta-analysis, we drew
ly 7 years; yet, clinicians are tasked with determining from the terminology proposed by Nock (2010), as it
risk over the period of hours or days. Our findings indi- could provide the most fine-grained information about
cated that longer follow-ups did not improve predictive specific self-injurious behaviors.
power and, in some cases, significantly weakened it. Of note, we elected to report number of SITB participants
(i.e. the number of participants who reported any SITBs
Moving forward, studies would benefit from incorporat-
during the study) instead of sample size. This is because
ing shorter follow-ups with strong potential for produ-
sample statistics were highly skewed given that some sam-
cing clinically useful results (Glenn & Nock, 2014).
ples included population level data whereas others were
Fourth, clarifying the mechanisms underlying the substantially smaller. Number of SITB participants pro-
relations between prior SITBs and future suicidal vides a less biased estimate and is also highly relevant to
thoughts and behaviors would be informative. Viable the aims of this study.
mechanisms must account for the present pattern of 3
Only 12.5% of cases involved adjusted estimates. Results
findings. This includes (1) why prior SITB are generally from adjusted estimates were in line with the results
weak predictors of future suicidal SITB and (2) why from analyses using unadjusted estimates.
suicidal and non-suicidal SITBs confer statistically HR results were highly consistent with those of OR
equivalent risk for future suicidal behaviors. analyses; however, due to space limitations, HR results
In sum, prior SITBs do confer risk for future suicidal are reported in the Supplementary Material (see
Supplement S3).
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stantially weaker than anticipated. When considered in
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