Cost Data 2024 Dated 08022024 - 240209 - 144302

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Present: Sri T.K Jose, Chairman

Adv A.J Wilson, Member
Sri B Pradeep, Member

OP No 36/2023
In the matter of : Approval of Cost Data and per KVA rates
for Distribution Works
Petitioner : Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
(KSEB Limited)
Petitioner represented by : 1) Rajan M.P, Dy CE, TRAC
2) Rajesh R, AEE, TRAC

Date of Hearing : 13.12.2023

Order dated 08-02-2024

1. Kerala State Electricity Board Limited (herein after referred to as the petitioner or
KSEB Limited) has filed a petition on 21.03.2023 as per the provisions of Kerala
Electricity Supply Code 2014 for the approval of the cost data for the distribution
works for the year 2023-24 for the recovery of expenditure under Section 46 of the
Electricity Act 2003. The summary of the petition filed by petitioner is as hereunder.

(a) As per the Regulation 33(1) of the Supply Code, 2014, KSEB Ltd shall annually
obtain approval of the Commission for cost data of materials and work for
recovery of expenditure under Section 46 of Electricity Act 2003. The
Commission vide order dated 27.04.2018 in OA No. 17 of 2017 had approved the
cost data for the FY 2018-19 based on DSR 2016. The Government of Kerala
vide order dated 22.12.2019 had decided that the estimates for all public works
being executed through all Engineering Departments, PSU’s and Accredited
Agencies shall be prepared based on DSR 2018 rates of each item plus
applicable cost indices effective from 1.4.2020 onwards. Thereafter, the
Government vide GO dated 26.6.2020 deferred the implementation of DSR 2018
and ordered to continue with DSR 2016. Later on, Public Works Department of
Kerala vide Circular dated 09.09.2021 has published the cost indices to be
applied while preparing estimates based on DSR 2018 and informed that DSR

2018 would be mandatory for all estimates with effect from 15/08/2021 based on
Government order dated 13/08/2021.

(b) The inflationary trend in the economy does have its impact in the cost of labour
and materials in the Electricity Sector. In accordance with the Government order,
the labour rates of distribution works were revised in accordance with DSR 2018
applying revised cost index. The methodology followed in estimation of cost data
approved by KSERC on 27.04.2018 is generally followed this time also.
However, standardization of works and materials under distribution sector had
been undertaken this time. The methodology followed by the KSEB Ltd in arriving
at the cost data is as follows

Uniform Labour Data -2022 is used for estimation of Probable Amount of

Contract of various works under the distribution wing. The Uniform Labour Data
2022 is prepared based on DSR 2018 applying average cost index computed by
taking the average cost indices of District headquarters as per the latest cost
index published by Chief Engineer (Administration), PWD on 9.9.2021. The cost
index thus calculated comes to 1.3662. Since the contractor’s profit was taken as
15% in PRICE software and DSR 2018, the Uniform labour Data was also
calculated by providing 15% contractor’s profit. The ULD-2022 includes certain
new works as part of standardization and rates for HT and LT ABC works. The
ULD-2022 had been approved by the Board for submission before the

Standard Rate of Distribution Materials: In the prevailing cost data 2018, the rate
of materials had been taken as the rate arrived based on the centrally procured
items of the Board for the year 2015-16 duly certified by the Chief Internal
Auditor. In the case of items not purchased internally, the rate approved the
Commission in the earlier order dated 20.05.2016 was taken for estimation. In
the present case, the Board had constituted a Material Rates Determination
Committee to formulate a guideline for arriving at standard material rates and to
review and update the material rates based on suggested methodology. The
committee had suggested to take the weighted average of purchases made by
different offices and to provide priority on purchases depending upon the
procurement authority as well as year of delivery. The rates arrived by the
committee have been taken for preparation of the cost data. For transformers
and RMU’s, latest rates of purchase of these items had been taken for
preparation of the cost data.

Transportation charges: In cases where basic data is not available, transportation
cost is arrived by applying inflation in the earlier approved transportation charges
of the prevailing cost data. In other cases, transportation charge had been
arrived based on the rates taken from DSR 2018.

(c) Per KVA Rates: As per clause 4(13) of Electricity (Right of Consumers) Rules
2020 notified by the Central Government, for electrified areas up to 150 KW or
such other higher load as the Commission may specify, connection charges shall
be fixed on the basis of load, category of connection sought and average cost of
connection of the distribution licensee. In compliance to the above, a
methodology for arriving at the per KVA rates had been formulated. The
methodology was to use the past actuals to average out the costs applicable.
Accordingly, details of service connections/services provided during the period
from 01.06.2018 to 31.03.2020 were considered for assessing the nominal
values. The percentage of connections with weather proof alone, with support
pole, with pole insertion, stay, strut, OH line etc had been taken and the presently
arrived cost data values had been applied on the same for arriving at the per
KVA rates.

(2) The Commission admitted the petition as OP No. 36/2023. After detailed scrutiny
of the petition, the Commission vide letter dated 22.06.2023 directed KSEB Ltd to
submit certain clarifications/additional documents.

(3) In response this, the petitioner has submitted an additional submission and a
reply on the observations of the Commission on 14/07/2023. The transportation
charges for most of the items have been reduced in the revised submission. The
estimates for drawing High Tension Aerial Bunched Cables (HT ABC) and Low-
Tension Aerial Bunched Cables (LT ABC) have been revised considering the
latest purchase order costs of the HT & LT ABC. The per KVA rates were also

(4) The petitioner has prayed the Hon. Commission to kindly approve the revised
cost data and the per kVA rates for recovery of expenditure under section 46 of
Electricity Act, 2003. It was also requested to authorize them to collect the
applicable GST from consumers based on the orders issued by the Government
in this behalf from time to time.

(5) Copy of the petition was made available in the website of the Commission and
also in the website of KSEB Ltd. Further an abstract of the petition was published
in dailies for the information to the public. The public hearing on the petition was
conducted at Commissions headquarters on 13/12/2023 on hybrid mode.

(6) Comments/views expressed by the Stake holders during the public hearing
List of stake holders who participated in the public hearing is appended as
Annexure I. Gist of comments/views expressed by stakeholders relevant to the
Cost Data is given below

(a) Sri K Mohammed Rafeek, representing AKLWSCA (All Kerala Licensed

Wireman, Supervisors and Contractors Association) requested to exclude the
item "estimate for shifting energy meter" from the estimates for giving service
connections as it may lead to the misunderstanding that the customer has to pay
for the cost of energy meter. He also requested to remove the polycarbonate
seals from the estimate as the item is supplied by the meter manufacturer. It was
also suggested to change the minimum size of weatherproof wire from 2.5 to 10 as specified in the National Electrical Code 2023 for
aluminium conductors. He also pointed out some discrepancies in the estimates
with respect to standards specified in CEA (Measures relating to Safety &
Electric Supply) Regulations 2023. For service connections with loads in the
range of 10 KW to 50 KW, 50 sq mm cable is proposed. It is costly and that much
size is not required for the load range. Moreover, such cables cannot be
connected to the terminals of whole current energy meters. He also pointed out
the inappropriateness in collecting additional estimated cost for connecting even
small loads in the range of 2 KW to an existing consumer having a connected
load of 24 KW even though the Licensee does not require any additional
materials for connecting up the additional load. He also requested to issue
itemized GST invoice to the consumers and also to refund the expenditure for the
works not carried out as envisaged in Regulation 83(3) of supply code 2014.
Energization charges should be included in the Cost Data.

(b) Sri. Rajan M Menon representing KLECWA submitted the discrepancies in

collecting and remitting GST by KSEB Ltd for the deposit works undertaken by it.

(c) Sri. Sajjad PK representing contractors of distribution wing in Kozhikode region

submitted that DSR 2018 has not been implemented in distribution sector of
KSEB Ltd even though the same was implemented in other wings of KSEB
months back. He also suggested for replacing the GI weather proof support wire
with polymeric wires supplied by KSEB Ltd to ensure safety

(d) Sri. Shihabudheen P, a consumer pointed out that the GI support wire included in
the cost data is not supplied by KSEB Ltd. He requested to exempt the item from
the cost data or to refund the cost of unused items to the consumers. He also
requested to issue GST invoices to claim input tax credit from the GST
Department for eligible consumers.

(e) Sri Jose T S, Electrical Engineer, TCED submitted that for service connections
with loads above 50 KVA, installation of new Distribution Transformers or
uprating of existing Transformers is required. TCED requested to introduce per
KVA rates for these types of connections factoring the cost of transformers also.

(f) Sri. Saji Mathew, Vice President HT & EHT Association submitted the prevailing
cost data was approved 5 years back and reasonable increase in rates can be
allowed taking into account the present cost of materials as well as labour rates.
But he pointed out that for some of the items the proposed costs are seen
increased beyond 100%. He has cited an example for installation of RMUs (item
66 of cost data) wherein the estimated costs have increased by 112%. He
requested the Commission to thoroughly examine the estimates with increase of
more than 30 % and to approve the estimates only after prudent scrutiny. He also
requested to install energy efficient transformers with IS 1180 Indian Standard
specifications for reducing the losses considerably.

(g) Sri. Satheesan P N (KSEB Petty contractors and line workers association) & Sri
Arumughan K requested for the Implementation of labour rates as per DSR 2018
in the cost data as soon as possible. Sri Manoj Manoharan representing Contract
Workers Association (CITU) submitted that there is considerable increase in the
cost of various consumables and labour during the last 5 years and requested to
implement revised cost data immediately
(h) Sri. Nithin Das, a street light contractor under Kozhikode Corporation pointed out
the difficulties in carrying out the street light works with the existing cost data and
requested to take inputs from field engineers while preparing the labour/cost data
for avoiding such difficulties. He also requested to include span wise rates for
drawing street mains in the cost data.
(i) Sri Dijo Kappen submitted that there is exorbitant increase in the costs for
providing various type of service connections citing the increase in costs for
service connections involving posts. He requested to allow applicants/consumers
to procure and supply materials to reduce the costs as well as to avoid delay in
getting various services. He requested the Commission to prudently examine the
estimates and allow only reasonable increase in costs.
(j) Sri Mohammed Ashraf Ambadi submitted that there is considerable increase in
labour costs for providing Single-Phase Weather-Proof connections and
requested to refund the costs of unused materials after the work completion.
(7) Analysis and Decision of the Commission

(a) Section 46 of the Electricity Act, 2003 empowers the distribution licensee to
charge from a person requiring supply of electricity, any expenses reasonably
incurred in providing any electric line or electrical plant used for the purpose of
giving that supply. Regulation 33 of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014
stipulates that the licensee shall obtain from the Commission annually, approval

of the schedule of rates for recovery of such expenditure. The Regulation 33 of
the Kerala Electricity Supply Code, 2014 is extracted below.
“33. Approval of Cost Data by the Commission: (1) The licensee shall submit
once in a year, a proposal to the Commission for approval of the cost data of the
rates of materials and work at which the expenses as per Section 46 of the Act is
to be recovered by the licensee. (2) The licensee shall publish such proposal in
its web site and publish an extract in one Malayalam daily and one English daily
having wide circulation in the State, as directed by the Commission. (3) The
Commission shall, after conducting a public hearing on such proposal, scrutinize
the proposal, determine the reasonable rates of material and labour and approve
cost data with or without modification. (4) The cost data approved by the
Commission shall be published in the web site of the licensee and it shall be valid
for at least one year from the date of its issue. Provided that the Commission
may, on the request of the licensee, enlarge the period of validity of the cost

(b) The Commission made detailed scrutiny of the revised proposal submitted by
KSEB Limited, comments/views expressed by various stake holders during the
public hearing on 13/12/2023, written comments of various stake holders and the
various representations received to the Commission. The observations of the
Commission are summarized below

(c) The Commission has approved the rates of drawing of different types of Aerial
Bunched Conductors vide order dated 1.7.2015 in O.P No 4/2015 and the Cost
Data of other works vide order dated 27.04.2018 in O.A No 17 of 2017. The
Commission noted that the Cost Data for drawing Ariel Bunched Cables were
released 8 years back and the Cost Data of other works 5 years back.

(d) In the approved Cost Data for 2018-19, the rates of materials were arrived based
on the rates of materials centrally procured by KSEB Limited during 2015-16
certified by the Chief Internal Auditor, KSEB Limited and the labour rates were
arrived based on Delhi Schedule of Rates 2016 multiplied by the Cost Index
prevailing then published by Chief Engineer (Administration), Kerala Public Works
Department. In the present petition filed for approval of Cost Data, KSEB Limited
has adopted the standard rates of distribution materials arrived by a committee
constituted for the purpose. Standard rates were arrived by taking the weighted
average of different purchases made at various levels of KSEB Limited giving
priority for purchases depending upon the procurement authority as well as the
year of purchase. The labour rate for the present petition is arrived based on Delhi
Schedule of Rates 2018 multiplied by the latest Cost Index published by the Chief
Engineer (Administration), Kerala Public Works Department.

(e) The Commission has observed that there is considerable inflation during the
period from April 2018 to December 2023. The All-India Consumer Price Index
has increased by 38% during the period. Commission has verified the rates of
high value items of materials in the proposal with the Purchase Orders issued by
KSEB Limited and noted that there is considerable increase in the prices of
certain materials used for distribution works. The price of one 8 metre poles has
increased by around 24 %, prices of ACSR conductors has increased by 21% to
26%, prices of Distribution transformers has increased by 45% to 91% and Ring
Main Units by 110 % to 132%. The increase in prices is due to inflation as well as
change in specifications of certain materials. KSEB Limited is now procuring
Energy Efficient Transformers as per BEE standards. The Ring Main Units
presently procured by KSEB Ltd are SCADA compatible. The labour rates were
also increased by 44% on comparison with the rates of 2018 (labour rates of DSR
2018 with applicable cost index with respect to the labour rates of DSR 2016 with
applicable cost index). Further instead of the 10% allowed earlier, now KSEB Ltd
has proposed 15% as Contractor’s profit and Overhead charges following CPWD
norms. These factors have contributed to increase in rates of materials and

(f) The Commission has examined the estimates in the present Cost Data proposal
with respect to estimated cost data of distribution materials approved by the
Commission during 2018. Detailed scrutiny has been done on estimates where
there is considerable increase. The comments of stake holders have been
appropriately considered wherever applicable. Commission has observed that
there is increase in the estimate costs due to additional cost of materials and
labour for standard construction practices in addition to increase in cost of
materials and labour due to inflation. Standard construction practices improve
quality of work, easy of workmanship and ensure safety to employees as well as
to public. Also, the number of poles used for drawing HT lines and LT lines as per
the proposal have increased compared to the earlier approved Cost Data. KSEB
Limited has substantiated the increase in number of HT poles, citing the fact that
since LT network penetration is very high in recent times, many HT lines are now
being drawn along the Right of Way of these LT lines and hence all posts need to
be changed. Also, the LT lines are mostly drawn along the roads, not necessarily
straight roads, with short span lengths and hence greater number of poles are
required. Since the reason furnished by the KSEB Limited is reasonable,
Commission decides to approve the increase in poles.

(g) The Commission has also analyzed the per KVA rates proposed by KSEB Limited
for service connections. In the proposal, KSEB Limited has proposed rates per

service connection for loads up to 10 KW and per KVA rates for connections with
loads beyond 10 KW. In the proposal, there is no distinction in the rates on the
basis of load or category of connections. As per rule 4(13) of Electricity (Right of
Consumers) Rules 2020 notified by the Government of India,” for electrified areas
up to 150 kW or such higher load as the Commission may specify the connection
charges for new connection shall be fixed on the basis of the load, category of
connection sought and average cost of connection of the distribution licensee
so as to avoid site inspection and estimation of demand charges for each and
every case individually”. As per the draft of the Kerala Electricity Supply (Fifth
Amendment) Code published by the Commission, the following amendment is
proposed to Regulation 32(2) of Supply Code 2014. “Provided that, for
consumers/ applicants availing supply at LT and 11kV, excluding those
consumers under Regulation 36 of this Code and consumers/ applicants whose
premises is at a distance of over 200m from the existing distributing main at the
applicable voltage level, the licensee shall recover the expenditure based on the
per kVA/ kW rate approved by the Commission. The per kVA/ kW rates shall be
differentiated based on the load factor, power factor, category of connection,
voltage, total consumption of electricity during any specified period of time,
geographical position etc. of the consumers”. The draft implies that per
KVA/KW rates have to be implemented to all LT connections and HT connections
excluding those consumers coming under Regulation 36 of Supply Code. In the
present proposal, KSEB Ltd has proposed per KVA rates only for LT consumers
with loads up to 100 KW. Further in the proposal, there is no differentiation in the
rates based on load, category of connection sought etc as envisaged under
Electricity (Right of Consumers) Rules 2020. Also, on analyzing the rate per
service connection proposed by KSEB Limited, the Commission noted that there
is considerable increase in costs for applicants/consumers, who require lesser
line lengths for the weather proof and overhead service connections with load up
to 10 KW, compared to the existing rates. In the light of the above, the
Commission decided not to implement the per KVA rates presently proposed by
KSEB Limited. KSEB Limited shall file a separate petition for approval of per
KVA/KW rates after notification of Kerala Electricity Supply Code (Fifth
Amendment), 2024 , taking into consideration of all the points mentioned above.

(h) The Commission decided to approve other items of Cost Data (excluding service
connections for which per KVA/KW rates are proposed) with certain modifications
and the abstract of the Cost Data is appended to this order. Detailed estimates
are given in Annexures 1 to Annexures 42. For individual consumers located
inside colonies, high rise buildings or commercial/industrial/residential complexes
developed by promoters/builders wherein all internal distribution network including
installation of energy meter is already carried by the developer, energization
charge of Rs.300/- per consumer shall be collected as ordered in OP No 4 of
(i) Commission also decided to allow an interim increase of 10% (Ten percent only)
over the rates for items in Annexures 1 to 5, Annexures 7 to 14 and Annexures 21
to 30 of the Commission’s Order in O.A No 17 of 2017 dated 27.04.2018 (Cost

Data items relating to effecting the service connections for which KVA/KW rates
are to be determined) or the proposed rates, whichever is lower, for a period of 6
months or till the approval of per KVA/KW rates, whichever is earlier.

(8) Order of the Commission

Duly considering the provisions in the Electricity Act, 2003, Rules and
Regulations made thereunder, petition filed by KSEB Limited and the objections
and comments of various stakeholders, the Commission hereby orders that,
(1) KSEB Limited is authorised to recover from a person requiring supply of
electricity in pursuance of Section 46 of Electricity Act 2003, the expenditure
incurred by it for various works in connection with providing electric lines or
electrical plant required for giving the supply at the rates given in the Abstract of
Approved Cost Data of Distribution Works appended to this order. Detailed
estimates are given in Annexures 1 to 42.
(2) KSEB Limited is authorised to collect energisation charges at the rates of Rs.
300/- per consumer for consumers located in colonies, high rise buildings or
commercial/industrial/residential complexes developed by promoters/builders etc.
as ordered in OP No 4 of 2015.

(3) KSEB Limited shall file a separate petition for approval of per KVA/KW rates
taking into consideration of all the points in paragraph 7(g) of this order within
three months from the date of notification of Kerala Electricity Supply (Fifth
Amendment) Code by the Commission.

(4) KSEB Limited is authorised to collect a rate of 10% (Ten percent only) over the
rates for items in Annexures 1 to 5, Annexures 7 to 14 and Annexures 21 to 30 of
the Order in O.A No 17 of 2017 dated 27.04.2018 or at the rates proposed in the
present petition, whichever is lower, for a period of 6 months from the date of this
order or till the approval of per KVA/KW rates for the items, whichever is earlier.

(5) KSEB Limited is also authorised to collect the GST applicable as per orders
issued by the Central Government and State Government from time to time.

(6) The order has prospective effect only.

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

T K Jose Adv. A J Wilson B Pradeep
Chairman Member Member
Approved for issue

C R Satheesh Chandran


List of persons present at the Court Hall of Commission, Thiruvananthapuram

1. Shri. K. Mohammed Rafeek, AKLWSCA

2. Shri. Narayanankutty, KSEB Consumer
3. Shri. Sunilkumar M M, AKLWSCA
4. Shri. Shihabudheen P, KSEB Consumer
5. Shri. C S. Girishkumar, AKWA
6. Shri. K. Omanakuttan, Palakkad
7. Shri. Baburaj. K, Kasargod
8. Shri. K. Jagan Mohan, Kozhikode
9. Shri. Anwar T.M, Kasargod
10. Shri. V.V. Vinod Kumar, Kasargod
11. Shri. Mohammed Kunju, Kasargod
12. Shri. Ramith. K. Rajan, Kottayam
13. Shri. Jagatheesh K.T, Kannur
14. Shri. Dileep. I, Kannur
15. Shri. Shaji R, Thiruvananthapuram
16. Shri. Jayaram. R, Thiruvananthapuram
17. Shri. Kiran, Thiruvananthapuram
18. Shri. Sumesh Soman, Ernakulam
19. Shri. Riyas K. H, Ernakulam
20. Shri. Baby Paul, Ernakulam
21. Shri. Abdul Majeed O.P, Malappuram
22. Shri. Mujeeb Rahiman, Malappuram
23. Shri. Abdul Nazer, Malappuram
24. Shri. Cletus Antony, DECA
25. Shri. Khalid. P, AE, KSEB Ltd
26. Shri. Manoj. B. Nair, AEE Planning, KSEB Ltd
27. Smt. Archana. M, AE, TRAC, KSEB Ltd
28. Shri. Ajith Kumar. K.N, EE, TRAC, KSEB Ltd
29. Shri. Er. Rajan. M. Menon, President KLECWA
30. Shri. Sunil Kumar V.V, DCE, IT, KSEB Ltd
31. Shri. Rajan M. P, DCE, TRAC, KSEB Ltd
32. Shri. Rajesh R, AEE, TRAC, KSEB Ltd
33. Shri. Manu Senan V, AEE, TRAC, KSEB Ltd
34. Shri. Sajjad. P. K, KSEBL Contractors Association, Kozhikode

List of persons participated in the public hearing on online mode

1. Shri. T. S Jose, EE, TCED

2. Shri. Saji Mathew, Vice President, HT & EHT Association, MRF Ltd – Kottayam
3. Shri. P.N Satheesan, KSEB Petty contractors and line workers association
4. Shri. Mohammed Ashraf Ambadi
5. Shri. Nithin Das
6. Shri. Dileep
7. Shri. Arumughan. K
8. Shri. Kaladharan. K
9. Shri. Jayesh
10. Shri. Manoj Manoharan
11. Shri. Soman Madakkimala
12. Shri. Ramkumar. S
13. Shri. Janeesh
14. Shri. Thoufeeq V. A
15. Shri. Jiril. G. Palath
16. Shri. Aboobacker
17. Shri. Nazeer, Noor Associates
18. Shri. Ranjith Rajamani
19. Shri. Pradeep. K
20. Shri. Dijo Kappen

ORDER IN OP No 36/2023 dated 8/2/2024
Approved Cost Data of distribution works for KSEB Limited


Rate approved by the

Sl.No Description of the work
Commission in Rupees

Providing support pole for weather proof service

1 7547
Post insertion for LT single phase overhead line
2 8563
(without stay)
Post insertion for LT single phase overhead line
3 (with stay) 11706

Post insertion for LT single phase overhead line

4 16455
(with strut)
Post insertion for LT three phase overhead line
5 9365
(without stay)

Post insertion for LT three phase overhead line (with

6 12508

Post insertion for LT three phase overhead line (with

7 17257

8 Shifting Single Phase Energy Meters 909

9 Shifting Three Phase Energy Meters 1195

10 Shifting Three Phase CT Meters 1792

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

T K Jose Adv. A J Wilson B Pradeep
Chairman Member Member

Approved for issue

C R Satheesh Chandran

11 HT pole insertion in HT/LT line (with stay) 18608

12 HT pole insertion in HT/LT line (with strut using 8m pole) 22208

13 Providing strut using LT pole 7892

14 Providing strut using HT pole 10154

15 Providing LT stay 3143

16 Providing HT stay 4293

Adding one conductor (ACSR Rabbit) on the existing

17 poles (where cross arm is not available) inclusive of cost 82 (per metre)
of pin, insulator etc.

Conversion of 1km LT single phase 2 wire line to LT

18 180 (per metre)
Three phase 4 wire line

Conversion of 1km LT single phase 2 wire line to LT

19 258 (per metre)
Three phase 5 wire line

Conversion of 1km LT single phase 3 wire line to LT

20 188 (per metre)
Three phase 5 wire line

Drawing 1km LT OH Line on existing poles 2 wire ACSR

21 156 (per metre)

Drawing 1km LT OH Line on existing poles 3 wire ACSR

22 229 (per metre)

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

T K Jose Adv. A J Wilson B Pradeep
Chairman Member Member

Approved for issue

C R Satheesh Chandran

Drawing 1km LT OH Line on existing poles 4 wire ACSR

23 287 (per metre)

Drawing 1km LT OH Line on existing poles 5 wire ACSR

24 377 (per metre)

Constructing 1km LT OH Line 2 wire with Rabbit using

25 487 (per metre)
PSC Poles

Constructing 1km LT OH Line 3 wire with Rabbit using

26 562 (per metre)
PSC Poles

Constructing 1km LT OH Line 4 wire with Rabbit using

27 634 (per metre)
PSC Poles

Constructing 1km LT OH Line 5 wire with Rabbit using

28 718 (per metre)
PSC Poles

Constructing 1km 11kV OH Line with ACSR Raccoon

29 966 (per metre)
using PSC Poles
Constructing 1km 11kV line with UG Cable 300 sqmm by
30 2657 (per metre)
open trench
Constructing 1km 11kV OH Line with ACSR Raccoon
31 1500 (per metre)
using A type Poles

Installation of 1 No. 11 KV/ 433 V, 100 KVA Transformer

32 *490575
without stay (pole mounted)
Installation of 1 No. 11 KV/ 433 V, 160 KVA Transformer
33 without stay (pole mounted) *624092

*Estimated cost does not include cost of fencing and construction of yard

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

T K Jose Adv. A J Wilson B Pradeep
Chairman Member Member

Approved for issue

C R Satheesh Chandran

Installation of 1 No.11 KV/ 433V, 250 KVA

34 *810265
Installation of Data Acquisition compatible
35 Extensible type Ring Main Unit without VCB -CCC *847800
(E) (Cable -Cable -Cable)
Installation of Data Acquisition compatible
36 Extensible type Ring Main Unit with VCB -CTC (E) *891215
(Cable -Transformer -Cable)
Installation of Data Acquisition compatible
37 Extensible add-on type Ring Main Unit without 429904
VCB (Single Switch C-Extension)
Installation of Data Acquisition compatible,
38 Extensible, add-on type Ring Main Unit with VCB 561411
(Single Switch T-Extension)
Installation of Data Acquisition compatible
39 Extensible type Ring Main Unit with provision for *536546
isolation and earthing facility on both sides (gCCg)
Drawing 1km of HT ABC of size 3X150 + 1X120 sq
40 2188 (per metre)
mm using 9 M PSC Poles

Drawing 1km of HT ABC of size 3X120 + 1X95 sq

41 2005 (per metre)
mm using 9 M PSC Poles

Drawing 1km of LT ABC of size 3X70 + 1X50

42 819 (per metre)
+1X16 sq mm using 8 M PSC Poles

* Estimated cost does not include cost of fencing and construction of yard

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

T K Jose Adv. A J Wilson B Pradeep
Chairman Member Member

Approved for issue

C R Satheesh Chandran
Annexure 1


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B Ltd

Providing support pole for weather proof service connection.

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 1 3364.18

2 Service Clamp 100.00 E 1 100.00

(a) Cost of material 3464.18

(b) Centage charges @16% 554.27

Expenditure on material 4018.45

(c) Cost of labour 2422.32

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 3207.89

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 320.79

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 7547.13

Expenditure to be recovered 7547.13
Rounded to 7547.00
(Rupees Seven thousand five hundred and forty seven only)
Annexure 2


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Post insertion for LT single phase over head line (without stay)
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 1 3364.18
2 Pin Insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 Set 1 61.00
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
3 54.00 E 2 108.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 2 Line (2 Line Channel
4 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 520.91 Set 1 520.91
5 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

(a) Cost of material 4092.09

(b) Centage charges @16% 654.73

Expenditure on material 4746.82

(c) Cost of labour 2683.68

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 3469.25

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 346.93

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 8563.00

Expenditure to be recovered 8563.00
Rounded to 8563.00
(Rupees Eight thousand five hundred and sixty three only)
Annexure 3


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B Ltd

Post insertion for LT single phase over head line (with stay)
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 1 3364.18
2 Pin Insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 Set 1 61.00
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
3 54.00 E 2 108.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 2 Line (2 Line Channel
4 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 520.91 Set 1 520.91
5 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

6 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 1 15.00

7 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 1 240.99

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
8 228.00 E 1 228.00
9 Stay Tightner LT 251.00 E 1 251.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
10 284.00 E 1 284.00
11 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 2.5 200.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
12 30.00 E 4 120.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
13 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 6 480.00

(a) Cost of material 5911.08

(b) Centage charges @16% 945.77
Expenditure on material 6856.85

(c) Cost of labour 3622.50

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 4408.07

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 440.81

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 11705.73

Expenditure to be recovered 11705.73
Rounded to 11706.00
(Rupees Eleven thousand seven hundred and six only)
Annexure 4


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Post insertion for LT single phase over head line (with strut)

Sl No. Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8M 3364.18 E 2 6728.36

2 Pin Insulator 415V Set (with pin) 61.00 Set 1 61.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
3 54.00 E 2 108.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 2 Line (2 Line Channel
4 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 520.91 Set 1 520.91
5 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

6 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Pole) 103.25 E 2 206.50

7 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 Kg 0.33 37.95

8 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Strut) 103.25 No 2 206.50

(a) Cost of material 7907.22

(b) Centage charges @16% 1265.16

Expenditure on material 9172.38

(c) Cost of labour 5049.55

(d) Cost of Transportation 1571.13

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 6620.68

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 662.07

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 16455.13

Expenditure to be recovered 16455.13
Rounded to 16455.00
(Rupees Sixteen thousand four hundred and fifty five only)
Annexure 5


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Post insertion for LT three phase overhead line (without stay)

SL Quant
Description Rate UoM Amount
No. ity
1 Pole PSC 8M 3364.18 E 1 3364.18
2 Pin Insulator 415V Set (with pin) 61.00 Set 3 183.00
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
3 54.00 E 4 216.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 4Line (4 Line Channel
4 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 1 824.74
5 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

(a) Cost of material 4625.92

(b) Centage charges @16% 740.15

Expenditure on material 5366.07

(c) Cost of labour 2849.91

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 3635.48

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 363.55

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 9365.10

Expenditure to be recovered 9365.10
Rounded to 9365.00
(Rupees Nine thousand three hundred and sixty five only)
Annexure 6


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Post insertion for LT three phase overhead line (with stay)

Sl. No. Description Rate UoM Amount

1 Pole PSC 8M 3364.18 E 1 3364.18

2 Pin Insulator 415V Set(with pin) 61.00 Set 3 183.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
3 54.00 E 4 216.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 4 Line (4 Line Channel
4 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 1 824.74
5 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

6 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 1 15.00

7 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 1 240.99

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
8 228.00 E 1 228.00
9 Stay Tightner LT 251.00 E 1 251.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
10 284.00 E 1 284.00
11 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 2.5 200.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
12 30.00 E 4 120.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
13 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 6 480.00

(a) Cost of material 6444.91

(b) Centage charges @16% 1031.19

Expenditure on material 7476.10

(c) Cost of labour 3788.73

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 4574.30

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 457.43

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 12507.83

Expenditure to be recovered 12507.83
Rounded to 12508.00
(Rupees Twelve thousand five hundred and eight only)
Annexure 7


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Post insertion for LT three phase overhead line (with strut)

Sl No. Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8M 3364.18 E 2 6728.36

2 Pin Insulator 415V Set (with pin) 61.00 Set 3 183.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
3 54.00 E 4 216.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 4 Line(4 Line Channel
4 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 1 824.74
5 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

6 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Pole) 103.25 E 2 206.50

7 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 Kg 0.33 37.95

8 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Strut) 103.25 No 2 206.50

(a) Cost of material 8441.05

(b) Centage charges @16% 1350.57
Expenditure on material 9791.62

(c) Cost of labour 5215.78

(d) Cost of Transportation 1571.13

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 6786.91

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 678.69

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 17257.22

Expenditure to be recovered 17257.22
Rounded to 17257.00
(Rupees Seventeen thousand two hundred and fifty seven only)
Annexure 8


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Shifting Single Phase Energy Meters

Sl No. Description Rate UoM Amount
Shifting one no. single phase service connection
metering equipment with all fittings including
lowering down the WP service wire, dismantling
1 Each 1 825.91
meter board without making damage and refitting
the same at a new location and redoing the WP
service wire with all fittings.
Add 10% overhead charges 82.59
Total 908.50
Expenditure to be recovered 908.50
Rounded to 909.00
(Rupees Nine hundred and nine only)
Annexure 9


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Shifting Single Phase Energy Meters

Sl No. Description Rate UoM Amount
Shifting one no.three phase service connection
metering equipment with all fittings including
lowering down the WP service wire, dismantling
1 Each 1 1086.23
meter board without making damage and refitting
the same at a new location and redoing the WP
service wire with all fittings.
Add 10% overhead charges 108.62
Total 1194.85
Expenditure to be recovered 1194.85
Rounded to 1195.00

(Rupees One thousand one hundred and ninety five only)

Annexure 10
Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd
Shifting Three Phase CT Meters
Sl No. Description Rate UoM Amount
Shifting one no.three phase service connection
metering equipment (CT Connected)with all fittings
including lowering down the WP service wire,
1 Each 1 1628.82
dismantling meter board without making damage
and refitting the same at a new location and
redoing the WP service wire with all fittings.
Add 10% overhead charges 162.88
Total 1791.70
Expenditure to be recovered 1791.70

Rounded to 1792.00

(Rupees One thousand seven hundred and ninety two only)

Annexure 11


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

HT Pole insertion in HT/LT line (with stay)

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 9M 3908.00 E 1 3908.00

2 Composite Pin Insulator 11kV with pin 156.00 Set 3 468.00

3 GI wire 6mm Dia 4 SWG 93.00 kg 4 372.00

4 V Cross Arm GI 11kV 1211.44 E 1 1211.44

5 Clamp GI for 11kV Line V Cross Arm 190.94 E 1 190.94

6 Pole top bracket -F type GI -11kV 154.00 E 1 154.00

7 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12×150 (6”×1/2”) 115.00 kg 0.4 46.00

8 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 16×75 115.00 kg 0.42 48.30

Helically formed fitting -Distribution top tie for
9 36.00 E 3 108.00
ACSR Raccoon
10 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11kV 40.00 E 1 40.00

11 Anchor Plate 200×200×8mm GI (HT Stay Plate GI) 572.00 E 1 572.00

12 Stay Tightener HT 395.00 E 1 395.00

13 Stay wire 7/8(7/3.15mm) GI (HT stay wire) 80.00 Kg 4 320.00

14 Stay rod (Anchor rod) GI 20mm dia (HT stay rod) 405.00 E 1 405.00

15 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 6 546.00

Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
16 30.00 E 4 120.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
17 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 Set 3 183.00
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
18 54.00 E 4 216.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 4line (4line channel cross
19 arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 1 824.74
20 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

(a) Cost of material 10166.42

(b) Centage charges @16% 1626.63

Expenditure on material 11793.05

(c) Cost of labour 5410.23

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

Annexure 11 contd.

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 6195.80

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 619.58

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 18608.43

Expenditure to be recovered 18608.43
Rounded to 18608.00
(Rupees Eighteen thousand six hundred and eight only)
Annexure 12


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

HT pole insertion in HT /LT line (with strut using 8m pole)

Sl No. Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 9M 3908.00 E 1 3908.00

2 Composite Pin Insulator 11kV with pin 156.00 Set 3 468.00

3 GI wire 6mm Dia 4 SWG 93.00 kg 4 372.00

4 V Cross Arm GI 11kV 1211.44 E 1 1211.44

5 Clamp GI for 11kV Line V Cross Arm 190.94 E 1 190.94

6 Pole top bracket -F type GI -11kV 154.00 E 1 154.00

7 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12×150 (6”×1/2”) 115.00 kg 0.4 46.00

8 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 16×75 115.00 kg 0.42 48.30

Helically formed fitting -Distribution top tie for
9 36.00 E 3 108.00
ACSR Raccoon

10 Pole PSC 8M 3364.18 E 1 3364.18

11 Clamp GI For 8mt strut pole (for pole) 103.25 E 2 206.50

12 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 Kg 0.33 37.95

13 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Strut) 103.25 No 2 206.50

14 Pin insulator 415V Set (With Pin) 61.00 Set 3 183.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
15 54.00 E 4 216.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cross Arm GI Channel 4 Line (4 Line Channel
16 Cross Arm) with clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 1 824.74
17 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 1 38.00

(a) Cost of material 11583.55

(b) Centage charges @16% 1853.37

Expenditure on material 13436.92

(c) Cost of labour 6402.37

(d) Cost of Transportation 1571.13

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 7973.50

Annexure 12 contd.

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 797.35

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 22207.77

Expenditure to be recovered 22207.77
Rounded to 22208.00
(Rupees Twenty two thousand two hundred and eight only)
Annexure 13


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Providing strut using LT Pole

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8M 3364.18 E 1 3364.18

2 Clamp GI for 8 mt strut pole (for pole) 103.25 E 2 206.50

3 Bolt & Nut GI M 12 × 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 Kg 0.33 37.95

4 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Strut) 103.25 No 2 206.50

(a) Cost of material 3815.13

(b) Centage charges @16% 610.42

Expenditure on material 4425.55

(c) Cost of labour 2365.87

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 3151.44

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 315.14

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 7892.13

Expenditure to be recovered 7892.13
Rounded to 7892.00
(Rupees Seven thousand eight hundred and ninety two only)
Annexure 14


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Providing strut using HT pole

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 1 3908.00

2 Bolt & Nut GI M 12 × 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 0.33 37.95

3 Clamp GI for 9 mt strut pole(for pole) 110.55 E 2 221.10

4 Clamp GI For 9 mt Strut Pole (For Strut) 110.00 E 2 220.00

(a) Cost of material 4387.05

(b) Centage charges @16% 701.93

Expenditure on material 5088.98

(c) Cost of labour 3819.05

(d) Cost of Transportation 785.57

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 4604.62

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 460.46

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 10154.06

Expenditure to be recovered 10154.06
Rounded to 10154.00
(Rupees Ten thousand one hundred and fifty four only)
Annexure 15


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Providing LT Stay
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 1 15.00

2 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 1 240.99

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
3 228.00 E 1 228.00
4 Stay Tightener 251.00 E 1 251.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
5 284.00 E 1 284.00
6 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 2.5 200.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
7 30.00 E 4 120.00
Thickness (For HTand LT)
8 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 6 480.00

(a) Cost of material 1818.99

(b) Centage charges @16% 291.04

Expenditure on material 2110.03

(c) Cost of labour 938.82

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 93.88

(e) Total (a +b +c +d) 3142.73

Expenditure to be recovered 3142.73
Rounded to 3143.00
(Rupees Three thousand one hundred and forty three only)
Annexure 16


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Providing HT Stay
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11k V 40.00 E 1 40.00
Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 8 mm GI (HT Stay Plate
2 572.00 E 1 572.00
3 Stay Tightener HT 39500.00 E 1 395.00

4 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 4 320.00

Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 20 mm dia (HT Stay
5 405.00 E 1 405.00
6 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 6 546.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
7 30.00 E 4 120.00
Thickness (For HTand LT)
(a) Cost of material 2398.00

(b) Centage charges @16% 383.68

Expenditure on material 2781.68
(c) Cost of labour 1373.73
(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 137.37

(e) Total (a +b +c +d) 4292.78

Expenditure to be recovered 4292.78

Rounded to 4293.00

(Rupees Four thousand two hundred and ninety three only)

Annexure 17


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Adding one conductor (ACSR Rabbit) on the existing poles(where cross arm is not available)
inclusive of cost of pin, insulator etc.

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount

1 Shackle insulator 415V set( with strap bolt & nut) 62.00 set 14 868.00

Cross arm GI channel 2line (2 line channel cross

2 520.91 set 31 16148.21
arm) with clamp, bolt&nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

3 Pin insulator 415V set( with pin ) 61.00 set 23 1403.00

Helically formed fitting -distribution side tie for
4 54.00 E 23 1242.00
ACSR Rabbit
5 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 1050 44100.00

(a) Cost of material 63761.21

(b) Centage charges @16% 10201.79

Expenditure on material 73963.00

(c) Cost of labour 7665.27

(d) Overhead charges on (c)above @10% 766.53

(e) Total (a +b +c +d) 82394.80

Expenditure to be recovered 82394.80

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 82.39
Rounded to 82.00

(Rupees Eighty two per metre only)

Annexure 18


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Conversion of 1 km LT single phase 2 wire line to LT three phase 4 wire line

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 2100 88200.00

2 Shackle insulator 415V set(with strap bolt& nut ) 62.00 set 26 1612.00

3 Cross arm 2 line set(with clamp bolt & nut) 260.46 set -30 -7813.66

Cross arm GI channel 4 line (4 line channel cross

4 824.74 set 30 24742.20
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

5 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 set 46 2806.00

Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c x 120 sq mm(Un
6 99.00 m 48 4752.00
Crimping socket palm type 120 sq mm - AI (Cable
7 15.00 E 8 120.00
8 Fuse unit 415V 100A porcelain 414.00 E 3 1242.00
Base frame SMC for LT section fuse with neutral
9 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
10 Spacer LT 4 line composite (for cable tray) 125.00 E 4 860.00

(a) Cost of material 118042.54

(b) Centage charges @16% 18886.81

Expenditure on material 136929.35

(c) Cost of labour 39203.48

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 3920.35

(e) Total (a +b +c +d ) 180053.17

Expenditure to be recovered 180053.17

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 180.05
Rounded to 180.00

(Rupees One hundred and eighty per metre only)

Annexure 19


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Conversion of 1 km LT single phase 2 wire line to LT three phase 5 wire line

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 3150 132300.00

2 Shackle insulator 415V set(with strap bolt& nut ) 62.00 set 39 2418.00

Cross arm GI channel 4 line (4 line channel cross

3 824.74 set 30 24742.20
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

4 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 set 69 4209.00

Helically formed fitting-distribution side tie for
5 54.00 E 115 6210.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c x 120 sq mm(Un
6 99.00 m 48 4752.00
Crimping socket palm type 120 sq mm - AI (Cable
7 15.00 E 8 120.00
8 Fuse unit 415V 100A porcelain 414.00 E 3 1242.00
Base frame SMC for LT section fuse with neutral
9 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
10 Spacer LT 4 line composite (for cable tray) 215.00 E 4 860.00

(a) Cost of material 178375.20

(b) Centage charges @16% 28540.03
Expenditure on material 206915.23

(c) Cost of labour 46868.75

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 4686.88

(e) Total (a +b +c +d ) 258470.86

Expenditure to be recovered 258470.86
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 258.47

Rounded to 258.00

(Rupees Two hundred and fifty eight per metre only)

Annexure 20


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Conversion of 1 km LT single phase 3 wire line to LT three phase 5 wire line

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 set 46 2806.00

Cross arm GI channel 4 line (4 line channel cross

2 824.74 set 30 24742.20
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

3 Cross arm 2 line set (with clamp bolt & nut) 260.46 set -30 -7813.66

4 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 2100 88200.00

5 Shackle insulator 415V set( with strap bolt & nut) 62.00 set 26 1612.00
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c x 120 sq mm(Un
6 99.00 m 48 4752.00
Crimping socket palm type 120 sq mm - AI (Cable
7 15.00 E 8 120.00
8 Fuse unit 415V 100A porcelain 414.00 E 3 1242.00
Base frame SMC for LT section fuse with neutral
9 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
10 Spacer LT 4 line composite (for cable tray) 215.00 E 4 860.00

(a) Cost of material 118042.54

(b) Centage charges @16% 18886.81
Expenditure on material 136929.35

(c) Cost of labour 46539.44

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 4653.94

(e) Total (a +b +c +d ) 188122.73

Expenditure to be recovered 188122.73
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 188.12
Rounded to 188.00
(Rupees One hundred and eighty eight per metre only)
Annexure 21


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Drawing 1 km LT OH line on existing poles 2 wire ACSR Rabbit

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 2100 88200.00

2 Shackle insulator 415V set(with strap bolt& nut ) 62.00 set 27 1674.00

Cross arm GI channel 2 line (2 line channel cross

3 520.91 set 30 15627.30
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

4 Ferrules 5 sq mm (GI) 12.00 E 7 84.00

5 Earthing coil GI 115 turns 50 mm internal dia 208.00 E 7 1456.00

6 Earth knob (Aluminium) for LT line 124.00 E 7 868.00

Helically formed fitting-distribution side tie for
7 54.00 E 52 2808.00
ACSR Rabbit
8 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 set 23 1403.00

9 Reel insulator porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 23 874.00

Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c x 120 sq mm (Un
10 99.00 m 24 2376.00
Crimping socket palm type 120 sq mm - AI(Cable
11 15.00 E 4 60.00
Base frame SMC for LT section fuse with neutral
12 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
13 Spacer LT 4 line composite (for cable tray) 215.00 E 2 430.00

14 Fuse unit 415 V 100A porcelain 414.00 E 1 414.00

(a) Cost of material 117796.30

(b) Centage charges @16% 18847.41

Expenditure on material 136643.71

(c) Cost of labour 17448.63

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 1744.86

(e) Total (a +b +c +d ) 155837.20

Expenditure to be recovered 155837.20

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 155.83
Rounded to 156.00
(Rupees One hundred and fifty six per metre only)
Annexure 22


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Drawing 1 km LT OH line on existing poles 3 wire ACSR Rabbit

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 3150 132300.00

2 Shackle insulator 415V set(with strap bolt& nut ) 62.00 set 41 2542.00

Cross arm GI channel 4 line (4 line channel cross

3 824.74 set 30 24742.20
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

4 Ferrules 5 sq mm (GI) 12.00 E 7 84.00

5 Earthing coil GI 115 turns 50 mm internal dia 208.00 E 7 1456.00

6 Earth knob (Aluminium) for LT line 124.00 E 7 868.00

7 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 set 46 2806.00

8 Reel insulator porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 23 874.00

Helically formed fitting-distribution side tie for
9 54.00 E 69 3726.00
ACSR Rabbit
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c x 120 sq mm (Un
10 99.00 m 24 2376.00
Crimping socket palm type 120 sq mm - AI(Cable
11 15.00 E 4 60.00
Base frame SMC for LT section fuse with neutral
12 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
13 Spacer LT 4 line composite (for cable tray) 215.00 E 2 430.00

14 Fuse unit 415 V 100A porcelain 414.00 E 1 414.00

(a) Cost of material 174200.20

(b) Centage charges @16% 27872.03
Expenditure on material 202072.23

(c) Cost of labour 24245.13

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 2424.51

(e) Total (a +b +c +d) 228741.88

Expenditure to be recovered 228741.88

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 228.74
Rounded to 229.00
(Rupees Two hundred and twenty nine per metre only)
Annexure 23


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Drawing 1 km LT OH line on existing poles 4 wire ACSR Rabbit

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Shackle insulator 415V set(with strap bolt& nut ) 62.00 set 52 3224.00

Cross arm GI channel 4 line (4 line channel cross

2 824.74 set 30 24742.20
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

3 Ferrules 5 sq mm (GI) 12.00 E 7 84.00

4 Earthing coil GI 115 turns 50 mm internal dia 208.00 E 7 1456.00

5 Earth knob (Aluminium) for LT line 124.00 E 7 868.00

6 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 set 69 4209.00

Helically formed fitting-distribution side tie for
7 54.00 E 92 4968.00
ACSR Rabbit
8 Reel insulator porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 23 874.00

9 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 4200 176400.00

(a) Cost of material 216825.20

(b) Centage charges @16% 34692.03

Expenditure on material 251517.23

(c) Cost of labour 31957.45

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 3195.75

(e) Total (a +b +c +d ) 286670.43

Expenditure to be recovered 286670.43

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 286.67

Rounded to 287.00
(Rupees Two hundred and eighty seven per metre only)
Annexure 24


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Drawing 1 km LT OH line on existing poles 5 wire ACSR Rabbit

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Shackle insulator 415V set(with strap bolt& nut ) 62.00 set 65 4030.00

Cross arm GI channel 4 line (4 line channel cross

2 824.74 set 30 24742.20
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

Cross arm GI channel 2 line (2 line channel cross

3 520.91 set 30 15627.30
arm) with clamp, bolt & nut for PSC pole 8M/200kg

4 Ferrules 5 sq mm (GI) 12.00 E 7 84.00

5 Earthing coil GI 115 turns 50 mm internal dia 208.00 E 7 1456.00

6 Earth knob (Aluminium) for LT line 124.00 E 7 868.00

7 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 set 92 5612.00

8 Reel insulator porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 23 874.00

Helically formed fitting-distribution side tie for
9 54.00 E 92 4968.00
ACSR Rabbit
10 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 5250 220500.00
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c x 120 sq mm (Un
11 99.00 m 48 4752.00
Crimping socket palm type 120 sq mm - AI(Cable
12 15.00 E 8 120.00
13 Fuse unit 415 V 100A porcelain 414.00 E 3 1242.00
Base frame SMC for LT section fuse with neutral
14 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
15 Spacer LT 4 line composite(for Cable tray) 215.00 E 4 860.00

(a) Cost of material 287257.50

(b) Centage charges @16% 45961.20
Expenditure on material 333218.70

(c) Cost of labour 39715.75

(d) Overhead charges on (c) above @10% 3971.58

(e) Total (a +b +c +d) 376906.03

Annexure 24 contd.

Expenditure to be recovered 376906.03

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 376.90
Rounded to 377.00
(Rupees Three hundred and seventy seven per metre only)
Annexure 25


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Constructing 1 km LT OH line 2 wire with Rabbit using PSC Poles

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 33 111017.94

2 Shackle insulator 415V SET(With Strap Bolt&Nut) 62.00 Set 32 1984.00

3 Earth Knob (Aluminium) for LT Line 124.00 E 8 992.00

4 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia 208.00 E 8 1664.00

Cross arm GI channel 2 line (2 Line Channel Cross
5 Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 520.91 Set 41 21357.31
6 Ferrules 5 12.00 E 7 84.00

7 GI Wire 8 SWG 67.00 kg 1 67.00

8 Pin insulator 415V set (with pin) 61.00 Set 25 1525.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
9 54.00 E 50 2700.00
ACSR Rabbit
10 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 25 950.00

11 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 2100 88200.00

12 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 24 360.00

13 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 24 5783.76

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
14 228.00 E 24 5472.00
15 Stay Tightner LT 251.00 E 24 6024.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
16 284.00 E 24 6816.00
17 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 60 4800.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
18 30.00 E 96 2880.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
19 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 144 11520.00
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c X 120 sq mm (Un
20 99.00 m 24 2376.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 120 -Al (Cable
21 15.00 E 4 60.00
Base Frame SMC for LT Section Fuse with neutral
22 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
23 Spacer LT 4 line Composit (For Cable Tray) 215.00 E 2 430.00

24 Fuse Unit 415 V 100 A Porcelain 414.00 E 1 414.00

Annexure 25 contd.

(a) Cost of material 278999.01

(b) Centage charges @16% 44639.84
Expenditure on material 323638.85

(c) Cost of labour 123066.71

(d) Cost of Transportation 25138.08

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 148204.79

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 14820.48

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 486664.12

Expenditure to be recovered 486664.12

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 486.66
Rounded to 487.00
(Rupees Four hundred and eighty seven per metre only)
Annexure 26


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Constructing 1 km LT OH line 3 wire with Rabbit using PSC Poles

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 33 111017.94

2 Shackle Insulator 415V Set (With Strap Bolt&Nut) 62.00 Set 47 2914.00
Cross Arm GI Channel 4 Line (4 Line Channel
3 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 37 30515.38
4 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia 208.00 E 8 1664.00

5 Earth Knob (Aluminium) for LT Line 124.00 E 8 992.00

6 GI Wire 8 SWG 67.00 kg 1 67.00

7 Pin Insulator 415V Set(With Pin) 61.00 Set 75 4575.00

8 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 25 950.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for

9 54.00 E 75 4050.00
ACSR Rabbit
10 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 3150 132300.00

11 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 24 360.00

12 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 24 5783.76

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
13 228.00 E 24 5472.00
14 Stay Tightner LT 251.00 E 24 6024.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
15 284.00 E 24 6816.00
16 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 60 4800.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
17 30.00 E 96 2880.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
18 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 144 11520.00
Clamp for 2/4 line channel Cross Arm for PSC
19 78.80 E 1 78.80
Poles 200kg
20 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 0.22 25.30
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c X 120 sq mm (Un
21 99.00 m 24 2376.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 120 -Al (Cable
22 15.00 E 4 60.00
Base Frame SMC for LT Section Fuse with neutral
23 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
Annexure 26 contd.

24 Spacer LT 4 line Composit (For Cable Tray) 215.00 E 2 430.00

25 Fuse Unit 415 V 100 A Porcelain 414.00 E 1 414.00

(a) Cost of material 337607.18

(b) Centage charges @16% 54017.15
Expenditure on material 391624.33

(c) Cost of labour 129863.41

(d) Cost of Transportation 25138.08

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 155001.49

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 15500.15

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 562125.97

Expenditure to be recovered 562125.97
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 562.12
Rounded to 562.00
(Rupees Five hundred and sixty two per metre only)
Annexure 27


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Constructing 1 km LT OH line 4 wire with Rabbit using PSC Poles

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount

1 Shackle Insulator 415V Set (with strap bolt & nut) 62.00 Set 64 3968.00
Cross Arm GI Channel 4 Line (4 Line Channel
2 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 41 33814.34
3 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 33 111017.94
4 Earth Knob (Aluminium) for LT Line 124.00 E 8 992.00
5 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia 208.00 E 8 1664.00
6 GI Wire 8 SWG 67.00 kg 1 67.00
7 Pin Insulator 415V Set(With Pin) 61.00 Set 75 4575.00

8 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 25 950.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
9 54.00 E 100 5400.00
ACSR Rabbit
10 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 4200 176400.00

11 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 24 360.00

12 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 24 5783.76

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
13 228.00 E 24 5472.00
14 Stay Tightner LT 251.00 E 24 6024.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
15 284.00 E 24 6816.00
16 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 60 4800.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
17 30.00 E 96 2880.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
18 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 144 11520.00
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c X 120 sq mm (Un
19 99.00 m 48 4752.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 120 -Al (Cable
20 15.00 E 8 120.00
21 Fuse Unit 415 V 100 A Porcelain 414.00 E 3 1242.00
Base Frame SMC for LT Section Fuse with neutral
22 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
23 Spacer LT 4 line Composite (For Cable Tray) 215.00 E 4 860.00

(a) Cost of material 391000.04

(b) Centage charges @16% 62560.01

Annexure 27 contd.

Expenditure on material 453560.05

(c) Cost of labour 138887.78

(d) Cost of Transportation 25138.08

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 164025.86

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 16402.59

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 633988.49
Expenditure to be recovered 633988.49
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 633.98
Rounded to 634.00
(Rupees Six hundred and thirty four per metre only)
Annexure 28


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Constructing 1 km LT OH line 5 wire with Rabbit using PSC Poles

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 33 111017.94

2 Shackle Insulator 415V Set (with strap bolt & nut) 62.00 Set 80 4960.00
Cross Arm GI Channel 4 Line (4 Line Channel
3 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 824.74 Set 38 31340.12
Cross Arm GI Channel 2 Line (2 Line Channel
4 Cross Arm) with Clamp, Bolt & Nut for PSC Pole 520.91 Set 38 19794.58
5 Earth Knob (Aluminium) for LT Line 124.00 E 8 992.00

6 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia 208.00 E 8 1664.00

7 GI Wire 8 SWG 67.00 kg 1 67.00
8 Reel Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 38.00 No 25 950.00
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Side Tie for
9 54.00 E 125 6750.00
ACSR Rabbit
10 Pin Insulator 415V Set(With Pin) 61.00 Set 100 6100.00

11 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 5250 220500.00

12 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 24 360.00

13 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 24 5783.76

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
14 228.00 E 24 5472.00
15 Stay Tightner LT 251.00 E 24 6024.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
16 284.00 E 24 6816.00
17 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 60 4800.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
18 30.00 E 96 2880.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
19 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 144 11520.00
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c X 120 sq mm (Un
20 99.00 m 48 4752.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 120 -Al (Cable
21 15.00 E 8 120.00
22 Fuse Unit 415 V 100 A Porcelain 414.00 E 3 1242.00
Base Frame SMC for LT Section Fuse with neutral
23 1522.00 E 1 1522.00
Annexure 28 contd.

24 Spacer LT 4 line Composit (For Cable Tray) 215.00 E 4 860.00

25 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 0.22 25.30

(a) Cost of material 456312.70

(b) Centage charges @16% 73010.03

Expenditure on material 529322.73

(c) Cost of labour 146734.98

(d) Cost of Transportation 25138.08

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 171873.06

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 17187.31

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 718383.10

Expenditure to be recovered 718383.10

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 718.38
Rounded to 718.00
(Rupees Seven hundred and eighteen per metre only)
Annexure 29


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Constructing 1 km 11kV OH line with ACSR Raccoon using PSC Poles

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 29 113332.00
2 Hardware Fittings 11kV B&S Type 197.00 E 36 7092.00

3 Disc insulator 11kV Composite Polymeric 119.00 E 36 4284.00

4 Knee bracing for HT Cantiliver cross arm 720.00 E 6 4320.00

5 Channel cross arm GI 75x40x6mm 1.8M 1191.93 E 12 14303.16

6 Cleat GI for 11kV Disc insulator 97.07 E 36 3494.52

7 Pole Top Bracket -F Type GI -11 kV 154.00 E 23 3542.00

8 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 10.7 1230.50

9 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 31.5 3622.50

10 Bolt& Nut GI FT M 16 x 75 115.00 kg 10.92 1255.80

11 Composite Pin Insulator 11 kV with Pin 156.00 Set 75 11700.00
Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
12 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
13 GI Wire 6MM DIA 4 SWG 93.00 kg 96 8928.00

14 Channel cross arm GI 75 x 40 x 6 mm 2.4 mt 1589.35 E 12 19072.20

Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
15 407.61 E 3 1222.83
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
16 Bolt & Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 10.08 1159.20
17 Clamp GI for HT Cross Arm 173.65 E 6 1041.90
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Top Tie for
18 36.00 E 66 2376.00
ACSR Raccoon
19 Fish Plate GI (GI Flat 260 x 50 x 8 mm) 209.00 E 12 2508.00

20 V cross arm GI 11 kV 1211.44 E 21 25440.24

21 Clamp GI for 11kV line V cross arm 190.94 E 21 4009.74

22 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11k V 40.00 E 27 1080.00

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 8 mm GI (HT Stay Plate
23 572.00 E 27 15444.00
24 Stay Tightner HT 395.00 E 27 10665.00

25 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 108 8640.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 20 mm dia (HT Stay
26 405.00 E 27 10935.00
Annexure 29 contd.

27 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 162 14742.00

Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
28 30.00 E 108 3240.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
29 Conductor ACSR Raccoon 65.00 m 3150 204750.00

30 G.I.WIRE. 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 39 3159.00

31 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 8 8448.00

32 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 8 8072.00

33 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 8 728.00

34 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.96 110.40

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
35 6.00 E 8 48.00
36 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia dia 208.00 E 23 4784.00

37 Ferrules 5 12.00 E 23 276.00

Stainless Steel Buckle Slot width 10.5 mm x 1.5
38 10.00 E 184 1840.00
mm,Thickness 1.2 mm.
39 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 92 3312.00

(a) Cost of material 550913.99

(b) Centage charges @16% 88146.24

Expenditure on material 639060.23

(c) Cost of labour 271806.88

(d) Cost of transportation 25138.08

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 296944.96

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 29694.50

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 965699.68

Expenditure to be recovered 965699.68
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 965.69

Rounded to 966.00

(Rupees Nine hundred and sixty six per metre only)

1 Amount for PTCC clearance, if any, shall be collected extra.

2 Tree cutting compensation based on actual expenditure shall be collected extra.
Annexure 30


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Constructing 1 km 11 kV Line with UG Cable 300 sq mm by open trench

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
Cable 11kV XLPE AL UG 3c X300 sq mm
1 1316.00 m 1058 1392328.00
Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
2 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
3 GI Wire 6MM Dia 4 SWG 93.00 kg 4 372.00
4 Channel cross arm GI 75 x 40 x 6 mm 2.4 mt 1589.35 E 3 4768.05
Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
5 407.61 E 3 1222.83
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
6 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 1.5 172.50
7 Bolt & Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 8.04 924.60
8 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 6.75 776.25

9 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11k V 40.00 E 2 80.00

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 8 mm GI (HT Stay Plate
10 572.00 E 2 1144.00
11 Stay Tightner HT 395.00 E 2 790.00
12 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 8 640.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 20 mm dia (HT Stay
13 405.00 E 2 810.00
14 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 12 1092.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
15 30.00 E 8 240.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
16 G.I.Wire. 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 2 162.00

17 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 1 1056.00

18 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 1 1009.00

19 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 1 91.00

20 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.12 13.80

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
21 6.00 E 1 6.00
Cable End Termination Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 300
22 2565.00 E 4 10260.00 -Heat Shrinkable (Outdoor)
Cable Straight Joint Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 300
23 5522.00 E 2 11044.00 -Heat Shrinkable (Outdoor)
24 UG Cable Route Marker HT 173.00 E 20 3460.00

25 Pipe HDPE 110 mm 366.00 m 12 4392.00

Annexure 30 contd.

26 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 3 11724.00

Clamp for 2/4 line channel Cross Arm for PSC
27 78.80 E 6 472.80
Poles 200kg
28 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 1.32 151.80

29 Cross Arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 2.4 M 2005.66 E 3 6016.98

30 Clamp GI for HT Cross Arm 173.65 E 2 347.30

(a) Cost of material 1472272.91

(b) Centage charges @16% 235563.67

Expenditure on material 1707836.58

(c) Cost of labour 844975.29

(d) Cost of transportation 17828.00

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 862803.29

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 86280.33

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 2656920.19

Expenditure to be recovered 2656920.19
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 2656.92
Rounded to 2657.00
(Rupees Two thousand six hundred and fifty seven per metre only)

Road cutting, Restoration, PTCC Clearance and other charges extra.

Annexure 31


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Constructing 1 km 11 kV OH Line with ACSR Raccoon using A type Poles

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 Pole A Type 12 M 18665.39 E 29 541296.31

2 Hardware Fittings 11kV B&S Type 197.00 E 36 7092.00

3 Disc Insulator 11 kV Composite Polymeric 119.00 E 36 4284.00
4 Composite Pin Insulator 11 kV with Pin 156.00 Set 69 10764.00
5 Channel cross arm GI 75x40x6mm 1.8M 1191.93 E 12 14303.16
6 Cleat GI for 11kV Disc insulator 97.07 E 36 3494.52
7 Clamp GI for 11kV line V cross arm 190.94 E 23 4391.62
8 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 2.3 264.50
9 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 31.5 3622.50

10 Bolt& Nut GI FT M 16 x 75 115.00 kg 10.08 1159.20

11 V cross arm GI 11 kV 1211.44 E 23 27863.12

12 Cantiliver Cross arm HT 1589.35 E 6 9536.10
13 Clamp GI for HT Cantiliver Cross arm 173.65 E 6 1041.90
Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
14 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
15 GI Wire 6MM DIA 4 SWG 93.00 kg 96 8928.00
16 Channel cross arm GI 75 x 40 x 6 mm 2.4 mt 1589.35 E 12 19072.20
Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
17 407.61 E 3 1222.83
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
18 Bolt & Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 10.08 1159.20
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Top Tie for
19 36.00 E 69 2484.00
ACSR Raccoon
20 Clamp GI for HT Cross Arm 173.65 E 6 1041.90
21 Fish Plate GI (GI Flat 260 x 50 x 8 mm) 209.00 E 6 1254.00

22 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11k V 40.00 E 27 1080.00

Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 8 mm GI (HT Stay Plate
23 572.00 E 27 15444.00
24 Stay Tightner HT 395.00 E 27 10665.00
25 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 108 8640.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 20 mm dia (HT Stay
26 405.00 E 27 10935.00
27 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 162 14742.00
Annexure 31 contd.
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
28 30.00 E 108 3240.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
29 Conductor ACSR Raccoon 65.00 m 3150 204750.00

30 G.I.Wire. 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 39 3159.00

31 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 8 8448.00

32 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 8 8072.00

33 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 8 728.00

34 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.96 110.40

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
35 6.00 E 8 48.00
36 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia dia 208.00 E 23 4784.00

37 Ferrules 5 12.00 E 23 276.00

Stainless Steel Buckle Slot width 10.5 mm x 1.5
38 10.00 E 184 1840.00
mm,Thickness 1.2 mm.
39 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 92 3312.00

(a) Cost of material 981254.46

(b) Centage charges @16% 157000.71
Expenditure on material 1138255.17

(c) Cost of labour 303113.07

(d) Cost of transportation 25138.08

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 328251.15

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 32825.12

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 1499331.44

Expenditure to be recovered 1499331.44

Expenditure to be recovered per metre 1499.33
Rounded to 1500.00
(Rupees One thousand five hundred per metre only)

1 Amount for PTCC clearance, if any, shall be collected extra.

2 Tree cutting compensation based on actual expenditure shall be collected extra.
Annexure 32


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Installation of 1 No. 11 KV/ 433 V , 100 KVA Transformer without stay (pole mounted )

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
Distribution Transformer 3 Phase 100 kVA
1 227681.00 E 1 227681.00
11kV/433 V ONAN
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c X 120 sq mm (Un
2 99.00 m 35 3465.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 120 -Al (Cable
3 15.00 E 12 180.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 95 -Al (Cable
4 11.00 E 3 33.00
5 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 2 7816.00

6 Hardware Fittings 11kV B&S Type 197.00 E 3 591.00

Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
7 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
8 Disc Insulator 11 kV Composite Polymeric 119.00 E 3 357.00

9 Composite Pin Insulator 11 kV with Pin 156.00 Set 3 468.00

10 G.I.Wire 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 30 2430.00

11 Channel cross arm GI 75x40x6mm 1.8M 1191.93 E 2 2383.86

12 Cross Arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 7 20900.25

13 V cross arm GI 11 kV 1211.44 E 2 2422.88

14 Cleat GI for 11kV Disc insulator 97.07 E 3 291.21

15 Clamp GI for HT Cross Arm 173.65 E 6 1041.90

16 Clamp GI for 11kV line V cross arm 190.94 E 2 381.88

17 Pole Top Bracket -F Type GI -11 kV 154.00 E 1 154.00

Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
18 407.61 E 4 1630.44
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
19 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 2 230.00

20 Fuse Drop Out 11 kV 1057.00 E 3 3171.00

21 Fuse Wire 200A 874.00 kg 0.1 87.40

22 Bolt& Nut GI 40mm x 16mm (1 1/2 x 5/8) 115.00 kg 0.12 13.80

23 Bolt& Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 5.04 579.60

24 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 10.5 1207.50

25 Bolt& Nut GI FT M 16 x 75 115.00 kg 0.84 96.60

26 Bolt& Nut GI HT 300mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 5 575.00

Annexure 32 contd.

27 Clamp GI For Transformer Side Belting Angle 198.95 No 2 397.90

28 Plate washer GI M16 115.00 kg 0.2 23.00

29 Distribution Box LT Outdoor 2 Way 200 A 23666.00 E 1 23666.00

Cable Tray GI (Perforated) 300 x 30 x 1.6mm-2.5
30 1633.00 E 2 3266.00
31 Cable Tray GI 300mmX1.6 mm 1167.00 m 1 1167.00

32 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 90 (3 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 0.976 112.24

33 Plate Washer SS M12 115.00 kg 0.16 18.40

34 Copper Flat Strip 40 x 3 mm length 115mm 125.00 E 4 500.00

35 GI Flat Strip 40 x 6 mm 80.00 kg 14 1120.00

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al (Cable
36 6.00 E 15 90.00
37 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 10 360.00

38 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 20 840.00

39 Earth Wire GI 7/9 73.00 kg 5 365.00

40 Bolt & Nut GI M 10 x 25 (1"x 3/8") 115.00 kg 0.08 9.20

41 Square Washer GI M10 16.67 No 1 16.67
42 Alkathene Pipe 50 mm 70.80 m 30 2124.00

43 Transformer Side Belting Angle 2873.00 No 2 5746.00

44 Spacer LT 4 line Composit (For Cable Tray) 215.00 E 15 3225.00

45 Clamp GI for Danger Board (HT) 93.00 No 1 93.00
46 Bolt & Nut GI M 6 x 25 (1"x 1/4") 115.00 kg 3 345.00
47 Danger Board 250 x 200 mm (11000 V) 92.00 E 1 92.00
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Top Tie for
48 36.00 E 3 108.00
ACSR Raccoon
49 GI Flat Strip 25 x 3 mm 98.00 m 2.4 235.20

50 LA Supporting Plate GI 500 x 300 x 3 mm 112.00 kg 3 336.00

51 Angle cross arm GI 35 x 35 x 6 mm 0.5 mt 685.00 E 6 4110.00

Lightning Arrester 9 kV,10 KA (Station class)
52 2028.00 E 3 6084.00
Composite Polymer Housing
Stainless steel Buckles [20.5 mm x 1.5 mm;
53 6.00 E 20 120.00
thickness 1.2 mm]
54 Clamp GI for Cable Tray in Transformer DP 472.00 E 6 2832.00

55 CT Resin Cast 0.415KV 10VA Class 0.5 200/5A 0.00 E 4 0.00

EM 3X 230V CLASS 0.5S --/5A LCD(DTR /LT CT
56 0.00 E 1 0.00
Annexure 32 contd.

Meter Box For Distribution Transformer With

57 2953.00 E 1 2953.00
Clamps (FRP)
58 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 5 5280.00

59 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 5 5045.00

60 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 5 455.00

61 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.6 69.00

(a) Cost of material 366097.93
(b) Centage charges @16% 58575.67
Expenditure on material 424673.60

(c) Cost of labour 55196.94

(d) Cost of transportation 4713.39

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 59910.33

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 5991.03

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 490574.96

Expenditure to be recovered 490574.96
Rounded to 490575.00
(Rupees Four lakh ninety thousand five hundred and seventy five only)
Note 1: If transformer fencing as per standards is provided, an amount of Rs.38153/- can be collected
Note 2: If transformer yard is constructed as per standards, an amount of Rs.23075/- can be collected
Annexure 33


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Installation of 1 No. 11 KV/ 433 V , 160 KVA Transformer without stay (pole mounted)

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
Distribution Transformer 3 Phase 160 kVA
1 342554.00 E 1 342554.00
11kV/433 V ONAN (1 Star Rated)
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c X 120 sq mm (Un
2 99.00 m 35 3465.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 120 -Al (Cable
3 15.00 E 12 180.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 95 -Al (Cable
4 11.00 E 3 33.00
5 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 2 7816.00

6 Hardware Fittings 11kV B&S Type 197.00 E 3 591.00

Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
7 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
8 Disc Insulator 11 kV Composite Polymeric 119.00 E 3 357.00

9 Composite Pin Insulator 11 kV with Pin 156.00 Set 3 468.00

10 G.I.WIRE. 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 30 2430.00

11 Channel cross arm GI 75x40x6mm 1.8M 1191.93 E 2 2383.86

12 Cross Arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 7 20900.25

13 V cross arm GI 11 kV 1211.44 E 2 2422.88

14 Cleat GI for 11kV Disc insulator 97.07 E 3 291.21

15 Clamp GI for HT Cross arm 173.65 E 6 1041.90

16 Clamp GI for 11kV line V cross arm 190.94 E 2 381.88

17 Pole Top Bracket -F Type GI -11 kV 154.00 E 1 154.00

Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
18 407.61 E 4 1630.44
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
19 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 2 230.00

20 Fuse Drop out 11 kV 1057.00 E 3 3171.00

21 Fuse Wire 200A 874.00 kg 0.1 87.40

22 Bolt& Nut GI 40mm x 16mm (1 1/2 x 5/8) 115.00 kg 0.12 13.80

23 Bolt& Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 5.04 579.60

24 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 10.5 1207.50

25 Bolt& Nut GI FT M 16 x 75 115.00 kg 0.84 96.60

26 Bolt& Nut GI HT 300mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 5 575.00

Annexure 33 contd.

27 Clamp GI For Transformer Side Belting Angle 198.95 No 2 397.90

28 Plate washer GI M16 115.00 kg 0.2 23.00

29 Distribution Box LT Outdoor 2 Way 200 A 23666.00 E 1 23666.00

Cable Tray GI (Perforated) 300 x 30 x 1.6mm-2.5
30 1633.00 E 2 3266.00
31 Cable Tray GI 300mmX1.6 mm 1167.00 m 1 1167.00

32 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 90 (3 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 0.976 112.24

33 Plate Washer SS M12 115.00 kg 0.16 18.40

34 Copper Flat Strip 40 x 3 mm length 115mm 125.00 E 4 500.00

35 GI Flat Strip 40 x 6 mm 80.00 kg 14 1120.00

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
36 6.00 E 15 90.00

37 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 10 360.00

38 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 20 840.00

39 Earth Wire GI 7/9 73.00 kg 5 365.00

40 Bolt & Nut GI M 10 x 25 (1"x 3/8") 115.00 kg 0.08 9.20

41 Square Washer GI M10 16.67 No 1 16.67

42 Alkathene Pipe 50 mm 70.80 m 30 2124.00

43 Transformer Side Belting Angle 2873.00 No 2 5746.00

44 Spacer LT 4 line Composit (For Cable Tray) 215.00 E 15 3225.00

45 Clamp GI for Danger Board (HT) 93.00 No 1 93.00
46 Bolt & Nut GI M 6 x 25 (1"x 1/4") 115.00 kg 3 345.00
47 Danger Board 250 x 200 mm (11000 V) 92.00 E 1 92.00
Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Top Tie for
48 36.00 E 3 108.00
ACSR Raccoon
49 GI Flat Strip 25 x 3 mm 98.00 m 2.4 235.20

50 LA Supporting Plate GI 500 x 300 x 3 mm 112.00 kg 3 336.00

51 Angle cross arm GI 35 x 35 x 6 mm 0.5 mt 685.00 E 6 4110.00

Lightning Arrester 9 kV,10 KA (Station class)
52 2028.00 E 3 6084.00
Composite Polymer Housing
Stainless steel Buckles [20.5 mm x 1.5 mm;
53 6.00 E 20 120.00
thickness 1.2 mm]
54 Clamp GI for Cable Tray in Transformer DP 472.00 E 6 2832.00

55 CT Resin Cast 0.415KV 15VA Class 0.5 300/5A 0.00 E 4 0.00

EM 3X 230V CLASS 0.5S --/5A LCD(DTR /LT CT
56 0.00 E 1 0.00
Annexure 33 contd.

Meter Box For Distribution Transformer With

57 2953.00 E 1 2953.00
Clamps (FRP)
58 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 5 5280.00

59 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 5 5045.00

60 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 5 455.00

61 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.6 69.00

(a) Cost of material 480970.93

(b) Centage charges @16% 76955.35

Expenditure on material 557926.28
(c) Cost of labour 55437.39
(d) Cost of transportation 4713.39

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 60150.78

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 6015.08

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 624092.14

Expenditure to be recovered 624092.14

Rounded to 624092.00
(Rupees Six lakh twenty four thousand and ninety two only)
Note 1: If transformer fencing as per standards is provided, an amount of Rs.38153/- can be collected
Note 2: If transformer yard is constructed as per standards, an amount of Rs.23075/- can be collected
Annexure 34


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Installation of 1 No. 11KV/ 433V 250 KVA Transformer

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
Distribution Transformer 3 Phase 250 kVA
1 453592.00 E 1 453592.00
11kV/433 V ONAN
Cable 1.1kV XLPE AL 1c X 120 sq mm (Un
2 99.00 m 35 3465.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 120 -Al (Cable
3 15.00 E 12 180.00
Crimping Socket Palm Type 95 -Al (Cable
4 11.00 E 3 33.00
5 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 2 7816.00

6 Hardware Fittings 11kV B&S Type 197.00 E 3 591.00

Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
7 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
8 Disc Insulator 11 kV Composite Polymeric 119.00 E 3 357.00

9 Composite Pin Insulator 11 kV with Pin 156.00 Set 3 468.00

10 G.I.Wire. 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 30 2430.00

11 Channel cross arm GI 75x40x6mm 1.8M 1191.93 E 2 2383.86

12 Cross Arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 7 20900.25

13 V cross arm GI 11 kV 1211.44 E 2 2422.88

14 Cleat GI for 11kV Disc insulator 97.07 E 3 291.21

15 Clamp GI for HT Cross arm 173.65 E 6 1041.90

16 Clamp GI for 11kV line V cross arm 190.94 E 2 381.88

17 Pole Top Bracket -F Type GI -11 kV 154.00 E 1 154.00

Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
18 407.61 E 4 1630.44
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
19 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 2 230.00

20 Fuse drop out 11 kV 1057.00 E 3 3171.00

21 Fuse Wire 200A 874.00 kg 0.1 87.40

22 Bolt& Nut GI 40mm x 16mm (1 1/2 x 5/8) 115.00 kg 0.12 13.80

23 Bolt& Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 5.04 579.60

24 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 10.5 1207.50

25 Bolt& Nut GI FT M 16 x 75 115.00 kg 0.84 96.60

26 Bolt& Nut GI HT 300mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 5 575.00

Annexure 34 contd.

27 Clamp GI For Transformer Side Belting Angle 198.95 No 2 397.90

28 Plate washer GI M16 115.00 kg 0.2 23.00

29 Distribution Box LT Outdoor 2 Way 200 A 23666.00 E 1 23666.00

Cable Tray GI (Perforated) 300 x 30 x 1.6mm-2.5
30 1633.00 E 2 3266.00
31 Cable Tray GI 300mmX1.6 mm 1167.00 m 1 1167.00

32 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 90 (3 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 0.976 112.24

33 Plate Washer SS M12 115.00 kg 0.16 18.40

34 Copper Flat Strip 40 x 3 mm length 115mm 125.00 E 4 500.00

35 GI Flat Strip 40 x 6 mm 80.00 kg 14 1120.00

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
36 6.00 E 15 90.00
37 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 10 360.00

38 Conductor ACSR Rabbit 42.00 m 20 840.00

39 Earth Wire GI 7/9 73.00 kg 5 365.00

40 Bolt & Nut GI M 10 x 25 (1"x 3/8") 115.00 kg 0.08 9.20

41 Square Washer GI M10 16.67 No 1 16.67
42 Alkathene Pipe 50 mm 70.80 m 30 2124.00
43 Transformer Side Belting Angle 2873.00 No 2 5746.00

44 Spacer LT 4 line Composit (For Cable Tray) 215.00 E 15 3225.00

45 Clamp GI for Danger Board (HT) 93.00 No 1 93.00

46 Bolt & Nut GI M 6 x 25 (1"x 1/4") 115.00 kg 3 345.00

47 Danger Board 250 x 200 mm (11000 V) 92.00 E 1 92.00

Helically Formed Fitting -Distribution Top Tie for
48 36.00 E 3 108.00
ACSR Raccoon
49 GI Flat Strip 25 x 3 mm 98.00 m 2.4 235.20

50 LA Supporting Plate GI 500 x 300 x 3 mm 112.00 kg 3 336.00

51 Angle cross arm GI 35 x 35 x 6 mm 0.5 mt 685.00 E 6 4110.00

Lightning Arrester 9 kV,10 KA (Station class)
52 2028.00 E 3 6084.00
Composite Polymer Housing
Stainless steel Buckles [20.5 mm x 1.5 mm;
53 6.00 E 20 120.00
thickness 1.2 mm]
54 Clamp GI for Cable Tray in Transformer DP 472.00 E 6 2832.00

55 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11k V 40.00 E 4 160.00

56 Stay Tightner HT 395.00 E 2 790.00

Annexure 34 contd

57 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 14 1120.00

Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 20 mm dia (HT Stay
58 405.00 E 2 810.00
59 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 16 1456.00
Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 8 mm GI (HT Stay Plate
60 572.00 E 2 1144.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
61 30.00 E 8 240.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
62 CT Resin Cast 0.415kV 15VA Class 0.5 400/5A 0.00 E 4 0.00
EM 3X 230V CLASS 0.5S --/5A LCD(DTR /LT CT
63 0.00 E 1 0.00
Meter Box For Distribution Transformer With
64 2953.00 E 1 2953.00
Clamps (FRP)
65 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 5 5280.00

66 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 5 5045.00

67 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 5 455.00

68 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.6 69.00

(a) Cost of material 597728.93
(b) Centage charges @16% 95636.63
Expenditure on material 693365.56
(c) Cost of labour 103129.60
(d) Cost of transportation 3142.26

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 106271.86

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 10627.19

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 810264.60

Expenditure to be recovered 810264.60
Rounded to 810265.00
(Rupees Eight lakh ten thousand two hundred and sixty five only)

Note 1:If transformer fencing as per standards is provided, an amount of Rs.38153/- can be collected
Note 2:If transformer yard is constructed as per standards, an amount of Rs.23075/- can be collected
Annexure 35
Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd
Installation of Data Acquisition compatible Extensible type Ring Main Unit without VCB -CCC
(E) (Cable -Cable -Cable )
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount

1 RMU 11kV 630 A CCC(E) -(CCC+) or (RRR+) 621860.00 E 1 621860.00

2 CROSS ARM GI CHANNEL 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 1 2985.75

Cable 11kV XLPE AL UG 3c X300 sq mm
3 1316.00 m 15 19740.00
4 GI STRIP 32X6 91.00 kg 16 1456.00

5 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 2 2112.00

6 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 2 2018.00

7 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.24 27.60

Cable End Termination Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 300
8 1599.00 E 3 4797.00 -Heat Shrinkable (In door)
(a) Cost of material 654996.35
(b) Centage charges @16% 104799.42
Expenditure on material 759795.77
(c) Cost of labour 76861.56
(d) Cost of transportation 3142.26
(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 80003.82
(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 8000.38
(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 847799.97
Expenditure to be recovered 847799.97
Rounded to 847800.00
(Rupees Eight lakh forty seven thousand eight hundred only)

Note 1: If RMU fencing as per standards is provided, an amount of Rs.38153/- can be collected extra
Note 2: If RMU yard is constructed as per standards, an amount of Rs.11538/- can be collected extra
Annexure 36


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Installation of Data Acquisition compatible Extensible type Ring Main Unit with VCB -CTC (E)
(Cable -Transformer -Cable )
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
RMU 11kV 630 A CTC(E) + DA-(CCV+ +DA) or
1 678500.00 E 1 678500.00
(RRL + +DA)
2 Cross arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 1 2985.75
Cable End Termination Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 185
3 2714.00 E 2 5428.00 -Heat Shrinkable (Outdoor)
Cable 11kV XLPE AL UG 3c X185 sq mm
4 1298.00 m 5 6490.00
5 GI Strip 32X6 91.00 kg 16 1456.00
6 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 2 2112.00
7 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 2 2018.00
8 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.24 27.60
Cable End Termination Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 300
9 1599.00 E 3 4797.00 -Heat Shrinkable (In door)
(a) Cost of material 703814.35
(b) Centage charges @16% 112610.30
Expenditure on material 816424.65
(c) Cost of labour 64849.41
(d) Cost of transportation 3142.26
(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 67991.67
(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 6799.17

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 891215.48

Expenditure to be recovered 891215.48
Rounded to 891215.00
(Rupees Eight lakh ninety one thousand two hundred and fifteen only)

Note 1: If RMU fencing as per standards is provided, an amount of Rs.38153/- can be collected extra
Note 2: If RMU yard is constructed as per standards, an amount of Rs.11538/- can be collected extra
Annexure 37


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Installation of Data Acquisition compatible Extensible add-on type Ring Main Unit without VCB
(Single Switch C-Extension)
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 RMU 11kV 630 A C(E) + DA-(C+DA) or (R+DA) 341632.00 E 1 341632.00
2 Cross arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 1 2985.75
3 GI Strip 32X6 91.00 kg 8 728.00
4 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 1 1056.00
5 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 1 1009.00
6 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.12 13.80
Cable End Termination Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 300
7 1599.00 E 1 1599.00 -Heat Shrinkable (In door)
(a) Cost of material 349023.55

(b) Centage charges @16% 55843.77

Expenditure on material 404867.32
(c) Cost of labour 19617.95
(d) Cost of transportation 3142.26
(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 22760.21
(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 2276.02
(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 429903.55
Expenditure to be recovered 429903.55
Rounded to 429904.00
(Rupees Four lakh twenty nine thousand nine hundred and four only)
Annexure 38


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Installation of Data Acquisition compatible, Extensible, add-on type Ring Main Unit with VCB
(Single Switch T-Extension)
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 RMU 11kV 630 A T (E) + DA-(V+DA) or (L+DA) 437849.00 E 1 437849.00

2 Cross arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 1 2985.75

Cable End Termination Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 185
3 2714.00 E 2 5428.00 -Heat Shrinkable (Outdoor)
Cable 11kV XLPE AL UG 3c X185 sq mm
4 1298.00 m 5 6490.00
5 GI Strip 32X6 91.00 kg 16 1456.00

6 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 2 2112.00

7 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 2 2018.00

8 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.24 27.60

(a) Cost of material 458366.35

(b) Centage charges @16% 73338.62
Expenditure on material 531704.97
(c) Cost of labour 23863.54
(d) Cost of transportation 3142.26
(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 27005.80
(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 2700.58
(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 561411.35
Expenditure to be recovered 561411.35
Rounded to 561411.00
(Rupees Five lakh sixty one thousand four hundred and eleven only)
Annexure 39


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Installation of Data Acquisition compatible Extensible type Ring Main Unit with provision for
isolation and earthing facility on both sides (gCCg)
Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 RMU 11kV 630 A gCg -SCADA Compatible 402648.00 E 1 402648.00
2 Cross arm GI Channel 100X50 mm 3 M 2985.75 E 1 2985.75
3 GI Strip 32X6 91.00 kg 16 1456.00
4 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 2 2112.00
5 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 2 2018.00
6 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.24 27.60
Cable End Termination Kit 11 kV XLPE 3c x 300
7 1599.00 E 3 4797.00 -Heat Shrinkable (In door)
(a) Cost of material 416044.35
(b) Centage charges @16% 66567.10
Expenditure on material 482611.45

(c) Cost of labour 45889.18

(d) Cost of transportation 3142.26

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 49031.44

(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 4903.14

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 536546.03
Expenditure to be recovered 536546.03
Rounded to 536546.00
Rupees Five lakh thirty six thousand five hundred and forty six

Note 1: If RMU fencing as per standards is provided, an amount of Rs.38153/- can be collected extra
Note 2: If RMU yard is constructed as per standards, an amount of Rs.11538/- can be collected extra
Annexure 40


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Drawing 1 km of HT ABC of size 3X150 + 1X120 sqmm using 9 M PSC Pole

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
1 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
2 GI Wire 6MM DIA 4 SWG 93.00 kg 12 1116.00
3 Channel cross arm GI 75 x 40 x 6 mm 2.4 mt 1589.35 E 9 14304.15
Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
4 407.61 E 3 1222.83
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
5 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 1.5 172.50
6 Bolt& Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 7.56 869.40
7 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 10.5 1207.50
8 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 38 148504.00
9 Clamp GI for HT Cross arm 173.65 E 4 694.60

10 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11k V 40.00 E 29 1160.00

11 Stay tightner HT 395.00 E 28 11060.00
12 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 113.6 9088.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 20 mm dia (HT Stay
13 405.00 E 28 11340.00
14 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 168 15288.00

Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
15 30.00 E 112 3360.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 8 mm GI (HT Stay Plate
16 572.00 E 27 15444.00
17 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia dia 208.00 E 33 6864.00
18 Ferrules 5 12.00 E 33 396.00
19 G.I.WIRE. 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 41 3321.00
Stainless Steel Buckle Slot width 10.5 mm x 1.5
20 10.00 E 264 2640.00
mm,Thickness 1.2 mm.
21 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 132 4752.00
22 Termination Kit(3 Nos) for HT ABC 150 1878.00 Set 6 11268.00
23 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 4 4224.00
24 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 4 4036.00
25 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 4 364.00
26 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.48 55.20
Annexure 40 contd.
Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
27 6.00 E 4 24.00
Aerial Bunched Cable HT 3x150 + 1x120
28 1117.77 m 1106 1236253.62
(Insulated Messenger)
Lightning Arrester 9 kV,10 KA (Station class)
29 2028.00 E 6 12168.00
Composite Polymer Housing
30 Cable Tie UV Plastic Heavy Duty 500 mm Length 4.00 No 20 80.00

31 Stainless Steel Strap [20 mm x 0.7 mm] 36.00 m 43 1548.00

Stainless steel Buckles [20.5 mm x 1.5 mm;
32 6.00 E 86 516.00
thickness 1.2 mm]
Suspension Clamp Assembly for HT AB Cables up
33 416.00 E 27 11232.00
to 150
Anchoring /Dead end Clamp Assembly for HT AB
34 571.00 E 16 9136.00
Cables up to 150
(a) Cost of material 1560414.80
(b) Centage charges @16% 249666.37
Expenditure on material 1810081.17

(c) Cost of labour 315670.13

(d) Cost of transportation 27494.78

(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 343164.91
(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 34316.49

(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 2187562.57

Expenditure to be recovered 2187562.57
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 2187.56
Rounded to 2188.00
(Rupees Two thousand one hundred and eighty eight only)
Annexure 41


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Drawing 1 km of HT ABC of size 3X120 + 1X95 sqmm using 9 M PSC Pole

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
Air Break Switch (AB Switch) 11kV 400 A ,
1 16706.00 E 1 16706.00
Composite Polymer Housing
2 GI WIRE 6MM DIA 4 SWG 93.00 kg 12 1116.00
3 Channel cross arm GI 75 x 40 x 6 mm 2.4 mt 1589.35 E 9 14304.15
Channel Cross arm for LT 2 Pin -GI 75 x 40 x 6
4 407.61 E 3 1222.83
mm-0.510 mt (2 line Cross arm)
5 Bolt & Nut GI FT M 12 x 150 (6"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 1.5 172.50
6 Bolt & Nut GI HT 200mm x 19mm 115.00 kg 7.56 869.40
7 Bolt& Nut GI M 20 x 250 (9 3/4"x3/4") 115.00 kg 10.5 1207.50
8 Pole PSC 9 M 3908.00 E 38 148504.00
9 Clamp GI for HT Cross arm 173.65 E 4 694.60
10 Stay Insulator Porcelain 11k V 40.00 E 29 1160.00
Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 8 mm GI (HT Stay Plate
11 572.00 E 27 15444.00
12 Stay Tightner HT 395.00 E 28 11060.00
13 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 113.6 9088.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 20 mm dia (HT Stay
14 405.00 E 28 11340.00
15 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 168 15288.00
Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
16 30.00 E 112 3360.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
Aerial Bunched Cable HT 3x120 + 1x95
17 1000.21 m 1105 1105232.05
(Insulated Messenger)
18 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia dia 208.00 E 33 6864.00

19 Ferrules 5 12.00 E 33 396.00

20 G.I.WIRE. 4MM (8 SWG) 81.00 kg 41 3321.00

Stainless Steel Buckle Slot width 10.5 mm x 1.5
21 10.00 E 264 2640.00
mm,Thickness 1.2 mm.
22 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 132 4752.00
23 MVT Kit For HT ABC 3852.00 E 1 3852.00
Heat Shrinkable Termination Kit (3 Nos) for 120
24 1009.00 Set 4 4036.00 Three phase Aerial Bunched Cable
25 Stainless Steel Strap [20 mm x 0.7 mm] 36.00 m 43 1548.00
Stainless steel Buckles [20.5 mm x 1.5 mm;
26 6.00 E 86 516.00
thickness 1.2 mm]
Annexure 41 contd.

Anchoring /Dead end Clamp Assembly for HT AB

27 468.00 E 16 7488.00
Cables up to 120
28 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 4 4224.00

29 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 4 4036.00

30 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 4 364.00

31 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.48 55.20

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
32 6.00 E 4 24.00
33 Cable Tie UV Plastic Heavy Duty 500 mm Length 4.00 No 20 80.00
Suspension Clamp Assembly for HT AB Cables up
34 316.00 E 27 8532.00
to 120
(a) Cost of material 1409497.23
(b) Centage charges @16% 225519.56
Expenditure on material 1635016.79
(c) Cost of labour 308644.13
(d) Cost of transportation 27494.78
(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 336138.91
(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 33613.89
(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 2004769.59
Expenditure to be recovered 2004769.59
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 2004.76
Rounded to 2005.00

(Rupees Two thousand and five only)

Annexure 42


Cost Data of Distribution works for K.S.E.B.Ltd

Drawing 1 km of LT ABC of size 3X70 + 1X50 +1X16 sqmm using 8 M PSC Pole

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
1 End Cap for ABC 50 Sq mm 7.00 E 2 14.00
2 End Cap for ABC 16 Sq mm 5.00 E 2 10.00
Anchoring /Dead end Clamp Assembly for LT AB
3 281.00 E 18 5058.00
Cables up to 70
4 End Cap for ABC 70 Sq mm 5.00 E 6 30.00
Stainless Steel Buckle Slot width 20.5 mm x 1.5
5 9.00 E 68 612.00
mm,Thickness 1.2 mm.
6 Stainless Steel Strap 20 mm x 0.7 mm 31.00 m 26 806.00

7 Cable Tie UV Plastic Heavy Duty 500 mm Length 4.00 E 20 80.00

8 Pole PSC 8 M 3364.18 E 37 124474.66

9 Stay Insulator Porcelain 415/240 V 15.00 E 35 525.00
10 Clamp GI for LT Stay for Angular location 240.99 E 34 8193.66
Anchor Plate 200 x 200 x 6 mm GI (LT Stay Plate
11 228.00 E 34 7752.00
12 Stay Tightner LT 251.00 E 34 8534.00
Stay Rod (Anchor Rod) GI 16 mm dia (LT Stay
13 284.00 E 34 9656.00
14 Stay Wire 7/8 (7/3.15mm) GI (HT Stay Wire) 80.00 kg 88 7040.00

15 Helically formed Guy-Grip HT 91.00 E 6 546.00

16 Helically formed Guy-Grip LT 80.00 E 204 16320.00

Thimble GI 75 mm x 22 mm x 40 mm ,1.5 mm
17 30.00 E 136 4080.00
Thickness (For HT and LT)
18 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Pole) 103.25 E 6 619.50
19 Bolt& Nut GI M 12 x 65 (2 1/2"x 1/2") 115.00 kg 0.99 113.85
20 Clamp GI For 8 mt Strut Pole (For Strut) 103.25 No 6 619.50

21 Earthing Coil GI 115 Turns 50 mm internal Dia dia 208.00 E 8 1664.00

22 Ferrules 5 12.00 E 8 96.00
23 G.I.wire 4 mm(8 SWG) 81.00 kg 12 972.00
Stainless Steel Buckle Slot width 10.5 mm x 1.5
24 10.00 E 64 640.00
mm,Thickness 1.2 mm.
25 SS strap for clamping earth wire 36.00 m 32 1152.00
Aerial Bunched Cable LT 3x70 + 1x50 + 1x16
26 280.00 m 1100 308000.00 (Insulated Messenger)
Annexure 42 contd.

Suspension Clamp Assembly for LT AB Cables up

27 222.00 E 24 5328.00
to 70
Pre-Insulated Midspan Joints and Terminal Lugs
28 93.00 E 3 279.00
Pre-Insulated Midspan Joints and Terminal Lugs
29 91.00 E 3 273.00
Pre-Insulated Midspan Joints and Terminal Lugs
30 77.00 E 12 924.00
31 Pipe GI 40 mm dia -2.5 m Length( Earth Pipe) 1056.00 E 2 2112.00

32 Earth Chamber (PVC) With RCC Covering Slab 1009.00 E 2 2018.00

33 Earth Connector 95 Sqmm 91.00 E 2 182.00

34 Bolt & Nut GI M 16 x 40 (1 1/2"x 5/8") 115.00 kg 0.24 27.60

Crimping Socket Palm Type 50 -Al(Cable
35 6.00 E 2 12.00
Insulation Piercing Connector (IPC Connector)
36 Main 16 sq mm to 95 sq mm; Tap 4 to 50 64.00 E 8 512.00
(a) Cost of material 519275.77

(b) Centage charges @16% 83084.12

Expenditure on material 602359.89
(c) Cost of labour 190818.84
(d) Cost of transportation 5784.62
(e) Cost of labour & transportation sub- total (c &d) 196603.46
(f) Overhead charges on (c) &(d) above @10% 19660.35
(g) Total (a +b +c +d +f) 818623.70
Expenditure to be recovered 818623.70
Expenditure to be recovered per metre 818.62
Rounded to 819.00
(Rupees Eight hundred and ninteen only)
Specification and estimate for fencing and construction of yard for Transformers and RMUs

Sl No Description Rate UoM Amount
Fencing for transformers and RMUs
Providing Transformer/RMU fencing to a height of
1.8 m above ground level using MS Angle frames
of size ISA 50x50x6mm for outer frame, 2 runs of
40x6 MS flat for horizontal bracing and grills with
MS rods 8 mm Dia @ 10cm c/c for verticals,
1 1589.72 sq.m 24 38153.00
providing gate with locking arrangements, providing
danger board & name board, embeding the legs in
cement concrete 1:2:4, footing of size
30cmx30cmx50cm, painting with synthetic enamel
paint two coats over one coat of iron primer etc
complete, incl cost of transportation
Construction of yard for transformers
Cleaning and levelling of transformer yard,
spreading 40 mm broken stone in yard for a
thickness of 10 cm above bed of 10 cm thick 6 mm
2 769.18 sq.m 30 23075.00
broken stone, after constructing a curb wall of
height 20cm above ground and 10cm below level
including cost of all materials and charges for
conveying, spreading, consolidating etc.
Construction of yard for RMUs
Cleaning and levelling of RMU yard, spreading 40
mm broken stone in yard for a thickness of 10 cm
above bed of 10 cm thick 6 mm broken stone, after
3 769.18 sq.m 15 11538.00
constructing a curb wall of height 20cm above
ground and 10cm below level including cost of all
materials and charges for conveying, spreading,
consolidating etc.

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