RL1450 Module1
RL1450 Module1
RL1450 Module1
assignment we are going to look closely at how Islam is shown in Western news. It is essential to
understand how the media shapes our views on this topic and how these portrayals affect society.
The rise of radical Islam and events like 9/11, the media plays a vital role in shaping what people
think about Islam. The goal is to figure out how this affects what people think and how it can
The main idea is that how Islam is shown in Western media is not simple. It is influenced by
many things, like politics and society. Instead of just criticizing, we want to really understand
why these portrayals happen. We are looking at the bigger picture to see how media affects what
We have been learning about how the media talks about different stuff. Now, we are taking a
closer look at how they talk about Islam. We have talked about stereotypes and common themes
that keep popping up. There have been readings and discussions about how certain events, like
the 9/11 attacks, bombings in different cities and lack of knowledge about female head coverings
have influenced the way Islam is shown in the media. These conclusions help guide us in this
assignment as we explore deeper into why these portrayals exist and what impact they have on
According to Rezaei and Salami(2019) the way Islam is shown in Western news is a big topic.
News websites, especially online ones, have a strong influence on what people think. After
events like 9/11, how Islam is talked about in the news became a big deal. People worry that the
news might create stereotypes or treat all Muslims the same way. The words and stories in news
headlines can shape how people see Islam and Muslims. They want to find hidden biases,
stereotypes and how Islam is described in different situations. Even though news should be fair,
sometimes the way Islam is shown can be influenced by powerful ideas, politics and what people
in society already think. The challenge is to tell the truth without making all Muslims look the
same. This is important for understanding each other better in our connected world.
After 9/11, life for Muslims changed a lot. They faced more suspicion and discrimination,
especially in Western countries. Governments introduced strict security measures, and Muslims
were often treated unfairly. This made many Muslims feel like they were being watched and
judged just because of their religion. The government actions, like the USA PATRIOT Act,
allowed for more surveillance, which affected people's privacy. Muslims had to deal with
negative stereotypes and it created a sense of not belonging. Even today, Muslims and their
advocates are working hard to fight against discrimination and promote fairness. The period after
9/11 reminds us of the importance of treating everyone with respect, no matter their background.
Bullock and Jafri's article highlights a problem faced by Muslim women in Canada. They feel
left out when people talk about "women" in the country. The issue is that they are often
compared to a stereotypical image of women from less wealthy countries, which gives a limited
idea of what a "Canadian woman" is. The authors argue that this viewpoint wrongly sees Muslim
women as bringing "backward" values to Canada and ignores the uniqueness of their Canadian
In critically analyzing Bullock and Jafri's article, it becomes evident that the media plays a
significant role in reinforcing stereotypes about Muslim women in Canada, particularly through
the lens of Islam. The authors argue that the portrayal of Muslim women in the media contributes
One common stereotype highlighted by Bullock and Jafri is the portrayal of Muslim women as
carriers of "backward" values, especially in the context of practices like wearing a headscarf. A
significant news story illustrating this stereotype is the reporting on discussions about Quebec's
Bill 21. This legislation limits the display of religious symbols by public sector workers,
including Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab. The media coverage often frames the
headscarf as a symbol of resistance to the so-called "secular" values of the province, reinforcing
the notion that these women are somehow incompatible with modern, progressive Canadian
society. This narrative not only perpetuates stereotypes but also influences public opinion,
potentially shaping a divisive discourse around religious freedom and cultural diversity.
Furthermore, the media tends to oversimplify the meaning of headscarves, primarily presenting
them as symbols of oppression. This oversimplification was evident in the coverage of a high-
profile legal case involving a Muslim woman in Canada who was asked to remove her niqab
while testifying in court. The media's focus on the niqab as a barrier to justice overshadowed the
nuanced discussion about religious freedom and personal choice. By portraying the niqab
exclusively as oppressive, the media strengthened stereotypes about Muslim women. This
shaping of narratives may impact public opinions and could potentially play a role in sidelining
the voices and experiences of these women.The issue with these stereotypes is their ability to
mold public perceptions and impact policy choices. When the media consistently portrays
Muslim women as outsiders bringing "backward" values to Canada, it not only strengthens a
limited view of Canadian identity but also sustains damaging biases. This critical analysis
underscores the importance of media literacy and the need for a more nuanced, inclusive
portrayal of Muslim women in Canada to challenge stereotypes and foster a better understanding
In summary, the depiction of Islam in Western media is a nuanced and intricate matter that
extends beyond simple criticism. This assignment has explored the intricate ways in which media
shapes our perceptions of Islam, underscoring the significance of comprehending the broader
context from which these portrayals arise. The analysis of stereotypes and recurring themes,
especially in the aftermath of events like 9/11, underscores the substantial influence that media
can hold in shaping public opinion. The insights provided by Rezaei and Salami (2019)
underscore the power of news websites, especially online platforms, in shaping people's thoughts
on Islam. The difficulty lies in maintaining fairness and accuracy while steering clear of creating
Bullock , K. H., & Jafri, G. J. (n.d.). Media (mis) representations: Muslim women in the
Canadian nation. https://cws.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cwshttps://
Kashan, S. (2010). The USA PATRIOT Act: Impact on Freedoms and Civil Liberties. https://
Rukavina, S. (2022). New research shows Bill 21 having “devastating” impact on religious
minorities in Quebec | CBC news. CBCnews. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/
Rezael, S., & Salami, A. (2019, June). The portrayal of Islam and Muslims in Western media: A
critical ... https://www.researchgate.net/publication/