Pratibha 30 03 2023
Pratibha 30 03 2023
Pratibha 30 03 2023
net 17
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Reading Comprehension
All the major banking and other clerical
level exam candidates have to face Reading
Comprehension section. Around 10-15
questions are based on this topic. To ace
What is the meaning of Misnomer?
this section, a student is expected to have
Statement II is correct since it has been stated
good reading skills because questions are
asked from a variety of fields like Politics, Bank Exams in the passage that the decision taken unilateral-
literature, history, science, Economics etc. English ly by the Indian government is actually going to
hurt the sentiment of the people of Jammu and
You need to have a basic understanding of
comprehending a comprehension that is not
Special Kashmir. The separatists there will take this
opportunity to brainwash the people there against
from the area of your interest or else you Simultaneously, the State has been carved the interests of the valley people. Refer to, "It
2. Which among the following is correct legitimises a pan-Indian sentiment in the Valley
will not understand anything. up into two Union Territories with J&K having a
regarding Scotland and Wales as stated in where the secessionists would like to portray
legislature and Ladakh without it. The unprece-
Direction (Qs. 1 - 6): Read the following passage the passage? India as a mere occupational force. ‘Statement III’
dented step of reorganizing a State and divest-
carefully and answer the questions that follow. ing it of its legislative authority without even a A) The area comes under the supervision is not correct since there are references that the
semblance of consultation with the stakehold- of India whereas the rest of the country government has not done it in the correct manner
The passage of a statutory resolution and a
ers sets a dangerous precedent underlined by does not come here. but it cannot be said that there have been appli-
Bill in Parliament - "abrogating" Article 370
which confers special political status on Jammu several regional groups and political parties, B) The area is within suspension by the cations already in the Supreme Court. Therefore
and Kashmir, and bifurcating the State into two particularly the DMK and the MDMK. It is pos- international territory though other it cannot be considered as correct.
Union Territories - has robbed the Kashmir sible that the BJP would reap rich political divi- areas are also accepting it. Ans: A
Valley of its political autonomy, or whatever dends for this muscular policy. But the Centre C) The area enjoys similar status just like 5. Which among the following is SIMILAR in
remains of it after all these years. It may deep- would be responsible for escalation of violence Jammu and Kashmir in India and there 4. Which among the following is/ are correct meaning to the word Misnomer as used in
en the State's trust deficit vis-a-vis the Centre. in the Valley where all doors for political are several other areas also like this. regarding the decision taken by the the passage?
The "abrogation" of Article 370, being hailed as engagement and democratic exchange seem D) This area has been in the storm of dis- Government of India to revoke Article 370 of A) Understanding B) Utilization
a "glorious" move, is itself a misnomer. to have been closed down for good. Without pute between various countries the Indian Constitution?
C) Misleading statement D) Mutual
"Amending" or "abrogating" Article 370 is a meaningful participation of the people, any because there are so many problems. I. Jammu and Kashmir will be a Union
E) None of the above
Constitutional improbability; the amending pro- such unilateral integration can remain at best E) None of the above Territory with a legislature whereas Ladakh
vision of Article 368 says no Constitutional territorial. will not have the same.
Explanation: The word misnomer has been
Explanation: Refer to, "This asymmetric used in the passage in the sense that the image
amendments have effect in relation to J&K form of federalism has its global parallels in II. This decision will help the separatists in the
unless applied by Order of the President under 1. Which among the following is correct that is being created of abrogation of Section
the substantial autonomy enjoyed by valley to portray India as a force working
Article 370 that requires the concurrence of the regarding the Article 368 in the Constitution 370 being a bold decision is actually wrong
Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland against the interests of the valley people.
State's legislature and ratification by its of India, as stated in the passage? since the government has not done it in the cor-
within Great Britain." III. This decision will not stand in the court of rect manner. It should have consulted the local
Constituent Assembly. The moves on Monday A) It should not go unattended if there is
It is stated in the passage that the area of law and there has already been petition in political leaders before taking such a decision.
can be seen as an exercise in political optics, something within the purview of the
Scotland and Wales are within the jurisdic- the Supreme Court against it.
pandering to a certain majoritarian sentiment. state and the centre. This will have long lasting impact on the area
tion of Great Britain and the areas are gov- A) Both I and II B) Both II and III and its people. Among the given options, it is
What the Centre has done is to shred even the B) It should be noted that there are so
erned by the autonomous bodies. This is C) Both I and III D) Only III easy to point out C as the correct meaning of
garb of democracy and spirit of dialogue that many issues in the offing so that the
actually similar to the status of Jammu and E) All I, II and III the given word.
successive governments felt was important to central government can come.
Kashmir in India because till now Jammu and
engage the people of Kashmir. Through as C) Any law can be implemented in Jammu Explanation: Statement I is correct since it has Other words are not correct and can be elim-
Kashmir also enjoyed similar autonomy in
many as 45 Presidential Orders, the most criti- and Kashmir only if there is support been stated in the passage that J&K will not be inated. Ans: C
India. Among the given options, we can
cal being the Order of 1954, Article 370 has from the state legislature. a state anymore and it will only be a UT. Apart
choose Option C since it provides us the cor-
already been divested of its spirit. Secessionist D) The state of Jammu and Kashmir from that, Ladakh will also be a UT but there will
rect information regarding similarity between 6. Which among the following is SIMILAR in
elements and some Indian Constitutional should note that India will not remain not be any legislative assembly there unlike
Jammu and Kashmir and Scotland and meaning to the word Pandering as used in
experts have cited this gradual advance of the spectators in the whole thing. Jammu and Kashmir. Refer to,
Wales. Other options can be eliminated since the passage?
Union as the conquest of the Valley by stealth. "Simultaneously, the State has been carved up
E) None of the above they do not follow from the passage. A) Pondering B) Figuring
What even this controversial process of assimi- into two Union Territories with J&K having a leg-
Explanation: Refer to, "the amending provi- Ans: C islature and Ladakh without it." C) Terming D) Satisfying
lation, with Article 370 in place, has done is to
sion of Article 368 says no Constitutional E) None of the above
achieve the growth of local political engage-
amendments have effect in relation to J&K Explanation: The word Pandering has been
ment. It legitimises a pan-Indian sentiment in 3. Which among the following is correct regard- Explanation: It is clear from the passage that
unless applied by Order of the President used in the passage in the sense that the
the Valley where the secessionists would like to ing the possible consequence of the decision the decision by the government to revoke
under Article 370 that requires the concur- government has taken the decision to abro-
portray India as a mere occupational force. taken by the centre to abrogate Section 370? Section 370 without discussing anything with
rence of the State's legislature and ratifica- gate Article 370 in order to please the major-
Indeed, there are several other provisions in the A) The people of the area will not under- the local political parties will have far reaching
tion by its Constituent Assembly. ity community of the country. The objective of
Constitution such as Article 371(A), 371(G), stand the importance of autonomy and impact on the relationship between India and
371(B), 371(C) that validate indigenous political "It is stated in the passage that the Article the government is to improve the political
they will come to India. Jammu & Kashmir. Therefore the people in
forces in States like Nagaland, Mizoram, 368 of the Indian Constitution is regarding muscle of the party without going to the
B) The people of the area will have more the area will not feel that Indian government is
Assam, Manipur etc. This asymmetric form of the amendment of any law in the country. grassroots of the problem at hand. Among
Any law will only be applicable in Jammu and trust deficit with the mainland govern- working to fulfill their interests but they are only
federalism has its global parallels in the sub- ment of India since they will feel things the given words, we can choose the word
Kashmir if the state legislature also accepts working in the interests of the mainland coun-
stantial autonomy enjoyed by Scotland and are not being in their interests. satisfying as the synonym to the given word.
the same. The Presidential Order should also try. It will definitely increase the trust deficit
Wales and Northern Ireland within Great Pondering means thinking about something
be in force regarding this. Among the given C) The people in the area will not be within between the people in India and the state of
Britain. The protests in Hong Kong affirm the carefully.
options, we can see that Option C gives us the jurisdiction of the police and the army Jammu and Kashmir. Among the given
relevance of democratic processes inherent in Ans: D
the correct information regarding the Article of the central government. options, we can easily choose Option B since
the one country-two systems followed even by
368 of the Indian Constitution whereas the D) It will have no impact on the population of it provides us the correct information whereas
China. By robbing Article 370 of its special pro- These model questions were prepared by
rest can be eliminated from consideration as Jammu and Kashmir though they are yet the rest can be eliminated from consideration
visions, the BJP has undermined these
they do not follow from the passage. to know the fact. since they do not follow from the passage. subject experts of Career Power,
nuanced and extremely critical democratic
processes. Ans: C E) None of the above Ans: B Hyderabad
Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù ÷«Ja 30, 2023 n 17
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Reading Comprehension
All the major banking and other clerical
level exam candidates have to face Reading
Comprehension section. Around 10-15
questions are based on this topic. To ace
What is the meaning of Misnomer?
this section, a student is expected to have
Statement II is correct since it has been stated
good reading skills because questions are
asked from a variety of fields like Politics, Bank Exams in the passage that the decision taken unilateral-
literature, history, science, Economics etc. English ly by the Indian government is actually going to
hurt the sentiment of the people of Jammu and
You need to have a basic understanding of
comprehending a comprehension that is not
Special Kashmir. The separatists there will take this
opportunity to brainwash the people there against
from the area of your interest or else you Simultaneously, the State has been carved the interests of the valley people. Refer to, "It
2. Which among the following is correct legitimises a pan-Indian sentiment in the Valley
will not understand anything. up into two Union Territories with J&K having a
regarding Scotland and Wales as stated in where the secessionists would like to portray
legislature and Ladakh without it. The unprece-
Direction (Qs. 1 - 6): Read the following passage the passage? India as a mere occupational force. ‘Statement III’
dented step of reorganizing a State and divest-
carefully and answer the questions that follow. ing it of its legislative authority without even a A) The area comes under the supervision is not correct since there are references that the
semblance of consultation with the stakehold- of India whereas the rest of the country government has not done it in the correct manner
The passage of a statutory resolution and a
ers sets a dangerous precedent underlined by does not come here. but it cannot be said that there have been appli-
Bill in Parliament - "abrogating" Article 370
which confers special political status on Jammu several regional groups and political parties, B) The area is within suspension by the cations already in the Supreme Court. Therefore
and Kashmir, and bifurcating the State into two particularly the DMK and the MDMK. It is pos- international territory though other it cannot be considered as correct.
Union Territories - has robbed the Kashmir sible that the BJP would reap rich political divi- areas are also accepting it. Ans: A
Valley of its political autonomy, or whatever dends for this muscular policy. But the Centre C) The area enjoys similar status just like 5. Which among the following is SIMILAR in
remains of it after all these years. It may deep- would be responsible for escalation of violence Jammu and Kashmir in India and there 4. Which among the following is/ are correct meaning to the word Misnomer as used in
en the State's trust deficit vis-a-vis the Centre. in the Valley where all doors for political are several other areas also like this. regarding the decision taken by the the passage?
The "abrogation" of Article 370, being hailed as engagement and democratic exchange seem D) This area has been in the storm of dis- Government of India to revoke Article 370 of A) Understanding B) Utilization
a "glorious" move, is itself a misnomer. to have been closed down for good. Without pute between various countries the Indian Constitution?
C) Misleading statement D) Mutual
"Amending" or "abrogating" Article 370 is a meaningful participation of the people, any because there are so many problems. I. Jammu and Kashmir will be a Union
E) None of the above
Constitutional improbability; the amending pro- such unilateral integration can remain at best E) None of the above Territory with a legislature whereas Ladakh
vision of Article 368 says no Constitutional territorial. will not have the same.
Explanation: The word misnomer has been
Explanation: Refer to, "This asymmetric used in the passage in the sense that the image
amendments have effect in relation to J&K form of federalism has its global parallels in II. This decision will help the separatists in the
unless applied by Order of the President under 1. Which among the following is correct that is being created of abrogation of Section
the substantial autonomy enjoyed by valley to portray India as a force working
Article 370 that requires the concurrence of the regarding the Article 368 in the Constitution 370 being a bold decision is actually wrong
Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland against the interests of the valley people.
State's legislature and ratification by its of India, as stated in the passage? since the government has not done it in the cor-
within Great Britain." III. This decision will not stand in the court of rect manner. It should have consulted the local
Constituent Assembly. The moves on Monday A) It should not go unattended if there is
It is stated in the passage that the area of law and there has already been petition in political leaders before taking such a decision.
can be seen as an exercise in political optics, something within the purview of the
Scotland and Wales are within the jurisdic- the Supreme Court against it.
pandering to a certain majoritarian sentiment. state and the centre. This will have long lasting impact on the area
tion of Great Britain and the areas are gov- A) Both I and II B) Both II and III and its people. Among the given options, it is
What the Centre has done is to shred even the B) It should be noted that there are so
erned by the autonomous bodies. This is C) Both I and III D) Only III easy to point out C as the correct meaning of
garb of democracy and spirit of dialogue that many issues in the offing so that the
actually similar to the status of Jammu and E) All I, II and III the given word.
successive governments felt was important to central government can come.
Kashmir in India because till now Jammu and
engage the people of Kashmir. Through as C) Any law can be implemented in Jammu Explanation: Statement I is correct since it has Other words are not correct and can be elim-
Kashmir also enjoyed similar autonomy in
many as 45 Presidential Orders, the most criti- and Kashmir only if there is support been stated in the passage that J&K will not be inated. Ans: C
India. Among the given options, we can
cal being the Order of 1954, Article 370 has from the state legislature. a state anymore and it will only be a UT. Apart
choose Option C since it provides us the cor-
already been divested of its spirit. Secessionist D) The state of Jammu and Kashmir from that, Ladakh will also be a UT but there will
rect information regarding similarity between 6. Which among the following is SIMILAR in
elements and some Indian Constitutional should note that India will not remain not be any legislative assembly there unlike
Jammu and Kashmir and Scotland and meaning to the word Pandering as used in
experts have cited this gradual advance of the spectators in the whole thing. Jammu and Kashmir. Refer to,
Wales. Other options can be eliminated since the passage?
Union as the conquest of the Valley by stealth. "Simultaneously, the State has been carved up
E) None of the above they do not follow from the passage. A) Pondering B) Figuring
What even this controversial process of assimi- into two Union Territories with J&K having a leg-
Explanation: Refer to, "the amending provi- Ans: C islature and Ladakh without it." C) Terming D) Satisfying
lation, with Article 370 in place, has done is to
sion of Article 368 says no Constitutional E) None of the above
achieve the growth of local political engage-
amendments have effect in relation to J&K Explanation: The word Pandering has been
ment. It legitimises a pan-Indian sentiment in 3. Which among the following is correct regard- Explanation: It is clear from the passage that
unless applied by Order of the President used in the passage in the sense that the
the Valley where the secessionists would like to ing the possible consequence of the decision the decision by the government to revoke
under Article 370 that requires the concur- government has taken the decision to abro-
portray India as a mere occupational force. taken by the centre to abrogate Section 370? Section 370 without discussing anything with
rence of the State's legislature and ratifica- gate Article 370 in order to please the major-
Indeed, there are several other provisions in the A) The people of the area will not under- the local political parties will have far reaching
tion by its Constituent Assembly. ity community of the country. The objective of
Constitution such as Article 371(A), 371(G), stand the importance of autonomy and impact on the relationship between India and
371(B), 371(C) that validate indigenous political "It is stated in the passage that the Article the government is to improve the political
they will come to India. Jammu & Kashmir. Therefore the people in
forces in States like Nagaland, Mizoram, 368 of the Indian Constitution is regarding muscle of the party without going to the
B) The people of the area will have more the area will not feel that Indian government is
Assam, Manipur etc. This asymmetric form of the amendment of any law in the country. grassroots of the problem at hand. Among
Any law will only be applicable in Jammu and trust deficit with the mainland govern- working to fulfill their interests but they are only
federalism has its global parallels in the sub- ment of India since they will feel things the given words, we can choose the word
Kashmir if the state legislature also accepts working in the interests of the mainland coun-
stantial autonomy enjoyed by Scotland and are not being in their interests. satisfying as the synonym to the given word.
the same. The Presidential Order should also try. It will definitely increase the trust deficit
Wales and Northern Ireland within Great Pondering means thinking about something
be in force regarding this. Among the given C) The people in the area will not be within between the people in India and the state of
Britain. The protests in Hong Kong affirm the carefully.
options, we can see that Option C gives us the jurisdiction of the police and the army Jammu and Kashmir. Among the given
relevance of democratic processes inherent in Ans: D
the correct information regarding the Article of the central government. options, we can easily choose Option B since
the one country-two systems followed even by
368 of the Indian Constitution whereas the D) It will have no impact on the population of it provides us the correct information whereas
China. By robbing Article 370 of its special pro- These model questions were prepared by
rest can be eliminated from consideration as Jammu and Kashmir though they are yet the rest can be eliminated from consideration
visions, the BJP has undermined these
they do not follow from the passage. to know the fact. since they do not follow from the passage. subject experts of Career Power,
nuanced and extremely critical democratic
processes. Ans: C E) None of the above Ans: B Hyderabad