Unit 07 Agriculture - Highlighted
Unit 07 Agriculture - Highlighted
Unit 07 Agriculture - Highlighted
Agriculture is a primary industry concerned with A. Small-scale Subsistence
obtaining raw material from the ground for immediate
consumption or for further processing. All types of
b) Describe subsistence farming. [4]
agriculture can be viewed as a system with inputs, A Small-scale subsistence farms produce food and
processes and outputs. raw materials mainly for the people who work on
The inputs fall into two groups. them. Any surplus for sale is a bonus, not an
expectation. Many of the farms in all the provinces
i. Natural (Physical):
are small-scale subsistence holdings. The size 01
The factors of nature that affect the possibilities
34% of all the farms is much smaller than the
for different crops and animals.
normal subsistence holding which is taken to be
ii. Human (Economic):
5 hectares. This indicates that most farmers have
The money involved, e.g. the cost of investing,
difficulty earning a living from small-holdings and
equipment, machinery and so on. It also includes
they have to supplement their income from other
the number, skills and attitude of the available
sources, e.g. they may work as a carpenter or
blacksmith or cobbler etc.
The inputs determine the type of processes on the c) Why subsistence farmer produces low yield? [3]
farms. The result of what the farmer does is the A small-scale subsistence farm depends on nature.
output. There are three main types of farming Some of the human (economic) inputs are obtained
practised in Pakistan. during the process of farming, e.g. natural manure,
A. Small-scale subsistence farming. seeds etc. Other economic inputs like animals
B. Cash crop farming. (offspring), wooden plough, are transferred from
C. Livestock farming. one generation to the other along with the land.
d) What is work of women and children on a subsistence farm? [3]
The processes in
Inputs Processes Outputs For subsistence farming are
Natural Crops, Food and Use completed with the manual
(Physical) e.g. Raw Material e.g. labour of family members.
• Land • Ploughing • Wheat For
• Sowing Sale Men folk work on the farm.
• Soil • Rice
• Climate • Irrigati ng • Cotton Women may collect water
• Water • Fertilizing • Vegetables from the well for irrigation
• Weeding • Flowers Profit
• Harvesting
and bring meals for the
(Economic) Animals & husbands. At the time of
• Threshing
• Capital Products e.g.
• Milking For harvesting the whole family
• Machines • Breeding Sale
• Milk works in the field.
• Fertilizers etc.
• Meat
• Labour
• Eggs For
• Knowledge Sometimes unskilled
• Land ownership Use labourers are also employed
• Traditions
• Irrigation
on low wages. Women and
• Pesticides Waste Products children also take care of
for preparation
the animals on the farm,
of animal feed
L-- --j and manure e.g preparing feed for the
husk, cotton seed
and molasses
animals, by mixing chopped
fodder, pulses and wheat,
Profit invested back into farm
milking buffaloes, cows and
goats and by collecting
Fig. 7.1 Explains agriculture as a system with inputs, processes and outputs. eggs. Output from the farm
When wheat is grown on a subsistence farm,
Inputs Processes Outputs
traditional methods of cultivation and irrigation are
e.g. e.g.
used. The inputs on the farm are traditional e.g.
Land • Ploughing Rice
Soil Sowing • Wheat crops mainly depend upon rainwater in some areas
T Climate • Irrigating Maize home e.g. Potwar Plateau. However, lift irrigation from
U Water from ~ • Fertilizing
~ Vegetables ~ use
a well may also be used. Animals provide draught
• Weeding Meat
and from power and traditional implements are used for
Threshing Milk
• Milking •. Eggs ploughing. The farm is owned by two or three
• Breeding families who consume the wheat produced on the
Manure farm. (Fig. 7.4)
bullocks Surplus products
A small-scale
are sold to the subsistence
systems market for profit. farm
Desi varieties
of seeds
Waste Products & By-products
wooden plough Cow-dung as natural manure
is kept in a conical shape and
The whole
family including covered by mud.
women and • Chaff mixed with water and
on the farm mud to make storage rooms.
• Seeds from the grains.
about farming
Profit and waste products
I invested back into the farm. ~
1 I
Fig.7.4 The illustration shows the cultivation of wheat on a small-
scale subsistence farm.
Fig. 7.5
Cash crop farming as a system. Fig. 7.6 (Economic Survey of Pakistan 2011-12).
The relative percentage share by value of the major from October - May (see the temperature
crops grown is given in Fig. 7.7. requirements given on page 111). The soil is rich
in alluvium and the land is flat or undulating.
Percentage However, the waterlogged areas of the Indus Plain
share by value are not suitable for the cultivation of wheat.
1) Wheat 39.22
2) Cotton 24.61
3) Rice 15.37
4) Sugar-cane 11.68
5) Maize 5.39
6) Oilseeds 1.29
7) Tobacco 0.42
8) Others 2.02
TOTAL 100.00
Fig. 7.7 Percentage share of Major Agricultural Crops (2011-12).
Main Crops
Wheat N KEY
farming. [6]
• Only Potwar Plateau and some parts of Khyber
Cash crop farm Pakhtunkhwa are rain-fed regions.
subsistence farm
Explain what factors make those areas for major producers of wheat. [4]
• Mild temperature 10°C - 20°C at the time of
growing and warm 25°C - 30°C for ripening.
• Needs at least 90 days and preferably, for
better varieties, 120 days growing period with
mild, moist weather.
• Moderate rainfall. A little rain just before the
harvest swells the grain and ensures a better
• Mostly depends on irrigation.
Fig.7.15 Wheat is grown on commercial farms in Sindh & Punjab.
Many of the commercial farmers get loans from the
government to buy tractors. The tractor shown here is
operating a combine harvester. The threshed wheat falls
into the sacks by the man who is standing.
Varieties of Wheat
At present 90% of the area under wheat cultivation
is given to high-yielding varieties. The yield per
hectare of these is about twice that of local or Desi
varieties. Maxi Pak is one of the most widely used
varieties in Pakistan.
Production of Rice
Fig.7.17 A flooded rice field in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Preparing the
Rice is important as foreign exchange is earned rice field by using animal power is a tiring job for old farmers.
Secondary regions ,~
1" .••"- .•••••
Provincial boundary
,-, I
,, used for making clothes, furnishing fabrics,
I, I'
bed linen and industrial fabrics. Cotton ;s
7'" a kharif crop sown in April - May and
,) harvested in October - November.
Cultivation of Cotton
/ o) Describe how cotton is processed from a farm to factory. [6]
Rainfall N
D Main regions
D Secondary regions
• Heavy rainfall of at least 1270mm
but over 2000mm is ideal.
• Irrigation bridges the rainfall gap.
i D Minor regions
, Provincial boundary
• Requires plenty of rain during the I
4-6 months growing period and a
sunny harvesting time.
Human inputs
• Requires cheap and abundant
labour or adequate machinery
for field preparation, sowing,
transplanting and harvesting.
• Irrigation Fig. 7.20 Cotton Regions.
• Rain at picking spoils the boll from which the q) Why some times cotton yield is not sufficient? [2]
lint is extracted. What harms the Cotton Crop?
Soil The cotton boll is sensitive as it nears harvesting.
• Medium loam is best. It is greatly affected by the rise in day and night
• Needs natural manure or chemical fertilizer to temperatures and susceptible to leaf-curl virus
maintain the fertility of the soil, otherwise crop and fruit shedding. In 1999, the Agricultural
rotation must be practised. Department, Punjab, came up with a cotton-breeding
programme emphasizing medium to tall plants,
resistant to the leaf-curl virus which has been the
• Level land is required.
major cotton disease over the past few years.
) the
4 ,0 0 cotton
bales produced
and in Bal chistan
By Our Staff Reporter
• Old varieties: (Pak Upland, Desi ) Cutting sugar-cane requires manual labour. After
• High-yielding varieties; (Nayyab 78, B-557, cutting the crop, it is immediately transported to
149-F) the sugar mills located near the sugar-cane field.
Cultivation of Sugar-cane
q) What happens to sugarcane from field to factory? [6]
Sugar-cane stalks 30 cm high are planted in
April - May. A distance of 30 cm is kept between
~. each stalk. The quality and height of sugar-
'1t cane depends on the frequency of irrigation
'S and application of fertilizers, especially potash. If
31 the land is well irrigated then the plants rise up to
g the height of 6-7.3 feet and the crop can be
;, rattooned and so harvested for 2 - 3 successive
e years. After the sugar-cane is harvested it sends
Fig.7.25 Sugar-cane Regions.
up new shoots called ratoons and these are left
Geographical Requirements
I~ every year.
0 Secondary regions
,-- Provincial boundary
r o 100
L---...J N KEY
0 Main regions
0 Secondary regions
Temperature Tobacco
• 30 C- 35 C
Tobacco is grown mainly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
Rainfall which accounts for about 65% of the total production.
• Does not require much rain; is drought resistant. Mardan and Peshawar are the main tobacco-
growing regions. The balance is cultivated between
Soil Sialkot, Gujranwala and Multan.
• Can be grown on poorer sandy soils.
Why are fruit crops grown in Why are fruit crops grown
mountain valleys? [2] mainly for local use? [2]
Tobacco can be grown in a variety of climatic c. Livestock Farming in i
conditions but its export varieties are grown on
fertile soil with irrigation facilities.
u) Name main fruits grown in Pakistan. [2] Rearing animals is one of the oldest and most
Fruit Farming common occupations in Pakistan. Normally every
v) Describe the main fruit growing regions. [4] village has its grazing field, or 'Shamilat', where
Fruits are grown in many areas in Pakistan and are
cattle, goats and sheep are allowed to graze.
sold in the market places of villages, towns and
cities as well as being important in the diet as a Farmers who own bullocks, cattle, buffaloes or
subsistence food. In addition to areas devoted to sheep are considered as respectable people in the
fruit, it is common to see fruit trees in and around traditional village set up. Livestock constitutes an
fields of other crops. A wide variety of fruits are important part of rural life (Fig. 7.29).
grown according, especially, to climatic conditions.
Dates are important in oases settlements like Miri
and Sharak near Turbat in the Kech valley of the
Makran where they not only provide vital nutritious
food but also provide shelter to crops growing in
the small karez-fed fields they surround. In Khairpur
District large areas are devoted to dates.
Explain the ideal natural growing conditions needed to grow bananas in Pakistan. You should develop your answer. [4]
Bananas are also an important and nourishing food
crop. There are many farms in the region to the
south and east of Hyderabad which devote areas
to the crop. This region in Sindh and the south-east
of Punjab are well known for growing Pakistan's
favourite fruit, the mango. Festivals celebrate the
mango harvest in many places. Fig.7.29 Livestock subsistence farming by settled people. The family
owns two animals that work as draught power on the farm.
The man is washing the bull with some water from a bucket.
Oranges and other citrus fruits are grown in many A structure made of reeds and bushes can be seen which
provides shade to the animals.
parts of central and eastern Punjab. Favoured areas
within the valleys of northern Balochistan, where
temperatures are lower, grow almonds, apples, Livestock farming is also considered as a system
apricots and grapes, notably the Pishin and with inputs, processes and outputs either as
Mastung valleys. Apples and apricots are important subsistence or commercial farming. In subsistence
to the people of Swat, Hunza, the scattered farming, animals are reared to be consumed by
settlements of Baltistan and other parts of the the people who rear them. In commercial farming,
Northern Mountains. Other than Swat almonds are animals are reared for sale. There are three types
also grown. of subsistence livestock farming.
i) Nomadic
Describe 'nomadic' farming. [4]
Nomadic people in Balochistan and the desert areas
of Punjab and Sindh practise subsistence livestock
farming. They move from place to place along with
their animals in search of food and water. Normally
they rear sheep, goats and camels. Sheep and
goats provide them with food in the form of milk
and meat and camels carry their loads for long
distances. If they find any grazing ground or water
source, they settle down for weeks to allow their
animals to get fodder and water.
ii) Transhumance iii) Settled
Transhumance is the system of livestock farming Subsistence livestock farming is also practised
in which the animals are kept on pastures high up in the villages of Punjab and Sindh. Cows and
in the mountains in summer and brought down to hens are kept for milk and eggs to be consumed
lower pastures in winter. In areas with severe winters by the family. Excess milk is processed to make
at lower levels, the animals are often kept in sheds. butter or ghee, which are important components
This system is common in the Northern Mountains of their diet.
but is also practised in some parts of the Western
Mountains as well. Goats, sheep and cattle are the
main animals farmed in this way. To use the highest
Inputs Processes Outputs
pastures in the Karakoram and Himalayas yak and
dzu (a cross between yak and cattle) are reared. · Natural
grazing fields · Natural
breeding · Milk
Meat, dairy products and wool are the main outputs for fodder.
· Meat
Feeding For the
all of which may be sold if there is any excess over
subsistence needs.
· Water from
ponds &
· Milking
I~ • Wool use of
lakes. manually
· Eggs
· Open land
· Slaughtering
· Labour-
women &
children of the
· Shearing
wool from
With increasing urbanization and the high rate 01 M
Inputs Processes Outputs population growth, the importance of livestock is
· Farms with
· Feeding
· Milk no longer limited to the rural areas. The urban
rooms · Breeding
· Meat
population also depends on the livestock sector for
their food and other requirements. Fig. 7.35 points
· Processed · Milking by
!) · Wool
Sale out the general importance of livestock farming.
fodder with
· Eggs
· Extracting
hides & wool · Hides
· Preserving
· Storage and
facilities for ·
Packing (on
some farms)
animal Draught power / Contributes
products in the I 10% to Gross
t traditional / Domestic
fields Product
Profit invested back into farm
Fig. 7.33 Commercial livestock farming as a system with improved
Supply of nutritious Contribution to
inputs, processes and outputs.
food for the people Raw material for exports of
(milk, ghee, butter, domestic industry livestock
cheese, eggs, meat) of processed
milk, leather
circular cakes plastered on any convenient wall manufactures,
and sold to the market to be used as manure or processed meat &
milk products
domestic fuel.
Fig. 7.35 Importance of livestock farming.
However, there are some notable exceptions such
Explain why livestock is an important part of the agricultural sector. To what
as Australian designed dairy farms for Islamabad extent is it possible to develop livestock farming further in Pakistan? [6]
and Karachi, the Government Dairy Farm for Quetta
Importance of Livestock
and many other military farms. To boost livestock
production, scientific breeding methods, such as Livestock is an important agricultural sector:
cross-breeding to increase fertility rates, and better 1. Animals are used as draught power in the
nutritional diets are in use on many of the farming process. They help in ploughing,
government farms. Early weaning diets have also threshing and harvesting the crops. They also
been introduced for rearing buffalo and cow calves transport materials from one place to another
to save milk for human consumption. To improve and are used for turning the Persian wheel.
veterinary facilities, personnels are trained and new 2. Livestock is a source of food. Cows and
methods (Fig. 7.34) are used on selected farms. A-2
buffaloes provide milk which is also processed
into butter and ghee. Goats and cattle are
slaughtered to provide meat and their dung is
used both as manure and as domestic fuel.
Eggs and chickens are also considered as high
quality food.
3. The livestock sector provides raw material to
domestic industries such as hides, skins, wool,
animal hair and bones which are used in
industries like carpet, leather products, footwear
A-2 and rugs.
4. Some of these products, especially those
associated with cottage industries have a good
demand in international markets. Their
percentage share of exports is around 13%.
5. Livestock contributes about 10% to the GDP.
Few veterinary N
How can livestock
hospitals & Key
farming be improved in
Pakistan? [6] 1 - - - --
Main cattle areas
District boundary
Grazing unirrigated
t Lack of grazing
International boundary
Fig. 7.38 N
• Programmes to fatten cows for milk and meat. 1 Main sheep areas
- - - - - District boundary
• Control of diseases and better animal husbandry International boundary
practices. Provincial boundary
I _
health. Fig. 7.41 Main Sheep Areas.
Provincial boundary
(' -- / .. - - - •..
\ _:angha~
I \
<> :'
"~ Tharparkar
I I I km
50 100 150 Mountainous regions are far more difficult for farming than
the plain areas because the land has to be levelled to make
Fig.7.43 Main Goat Areas. terraced fields.
for farming. The more valuable crops like wheat, Water including Rainfall
cotton and sugar-cane are successfully cultivated
on these flat lands. Large commercial farms are The areas located to the north, including the Potwar
Plateau, receive adequate rainfall. For most of the
rare in the mountainous regions and large areas of
year this area tends to produce crops without
such farms there are non-existent. Output tends to
irrigation and has good grazing for animals. The
decline as the land get steeper and higher (Fig. 7.45).
drier areas towards the south and east are only
suited to arable farming with the help of irrigation.
Water for irrigation comes from the snow-fed and
monsoon-fed rivers flowing from the Northern
Mountains or from groundwater, sometimes from
deep underground.
In the northern areas, the length of the growing
season is limited from April to September whereas,
in the sunnier south, cereals and fruit can ripen
throughout the year.
Explain how climatic hazards
Pests and Diseases may destroy or reduce the yield
of cotton on farms. [4]
Pests and diseases are likely to attack crops if
preventative and curative measures are not taken.
What is alluvial soil?Explain why
Soils alluvial soil is good for crop growth. [4]
This problem is more common for small-scale
subsistence farmers than for the large cash crop
Rich soils produce high farming output. Alluvial farmers. The small-scale subsistence farmers
and Loess (fine soil deposited by wind) are best cannot afford to buy pesticides and insecticides.
suited for farming. An attack by pests and diseases reduces agricultural
output. Sometimes a farmer's whole crop may be
The River Indus and its tributaries spread alluvium destroyed, leaving him in distress.
on their banks making the soil rich and fertile. Since
the building of the dams and barrages this does Human Factors
not happen so often. Soils that are rich in humus
are also best for farming. Although Pakistan's soil
Irrigation Facilities
lacks organic matter this deficiency can be met If rainfall is not sufficient or reliable, farming can
by using nitrogenous fertilizers. These are making still thrive with irrigation. Even in humid regions,
soils suitable for cultivation of many crops. irrigation is used to improve yields. The development
The modern tractor plough has a number
of blades, or shares. In a typical plough,
the share cuts a furrow through the soil; ~
the mould board then turns the soil and Early ploughs
breaks it up. There are also disc and rotary
ploughs. The first ploughs
were stick-plouqhs,
pulled and pushed by the 1
farmers themselves.
Fig. 7.47
$~ Now do Skills Book page 24.
of irrigation systems is discussed in Unit 3. Here it also generated non-farm employment. As a part of
is just emphasized that, with the extension of agricultural support, the Government provides a
irrigation facilities, crops can be grown twice or scheme of Green Tractors and tubewells to be
thrice a year and the cultivable area increases. financed through the Agricultural Development Bank
Some vegetable and salad crops can even be grown of Pakistan (ADBP), to provide tractors at
up to ten times in a year. Even the deserts of Sindh concessionary rates and in installments.
(Thar) and Punjab (Thai) have been reclaimed and
made productive. Recently, some areas of
Balochistan have also been provided with irrigation
facilities e.g. Lasbela district.
I own a tractor. One of my sons If I get a loan for buying a
However, canal irrigation can also cause problems, is needed for the farm while the rest
of them are working in a workshop
tractor, my four sons will
have nothing to do!
for example those of waterlogging and salinity which after a polytechnic course.
Fertilizers ~
The application of fertilizers (traditional manure
or chemical fertilizers) has increased output.
Nitrogeneous fertilizers are used extensively. They
are 75% of the total fertilizers used, as the soils Fig.7.48 Mechanization Dialogue.
are deficient in organic matters. Phosphate and
potash constitute the remaining 25%. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this machine? [4]
High-yielding Varieties Of Seeds (HYVs) The solution lies in consolidation of holdings. The
government has fixed the minimum holding at 5.0
The use of high-yielding varieties also increases hectares of irrigated land at the present level 01
output by 10 - 20%, if fertilizer is applied and technology (Holding Act 1960).
sufficient water is supplied. The HYVs are
extensively used on commercial farms. Some Plant Protection Programmes
important HYVs are:
Pests and insects inflict heavy losses on crops.
Plant protection programmes can be preventative
and curative. Preventative measures prepare
Wheat Maxipak, Shahkhan 95 treated seeds to be resistant to diseases and
Wadnak 95, Kohson 95 etc. protection measures include aerial and ground
Rice Basmati super, Irri 6 Rechna, Pajhal spraying with insecticides against pests and
diseases. (Fig. 7.50).
Sugar-cane IN - 88 - 1 to 3 Thatta - 10
2. Exemptions (a) All exemptions withdrawn except There were no exemptions. Owners
(a) 60 hectares of orchards for recognized educational with tractors or tubewells were allowed
institutions. an addition at 2000 PIUs (Per Index
(b) 200 hectares can be given as gift Units)
to heirs. (b) Shikargahs or hunting grounds
(historical) were taken by the state.
(c) Gift to female dependents of 67
3. Compensation to Landlords. • No compensation for the land acquired • Compensation at a fixed value of Rs.
from landlords. 30 PIU (Per Index Unit).
• The recipient to pay the price of land
in installments at different slab rates.
4. Relations between landlord and (a) Resumed land distributed to • Land was distributed amongst the
tenants. tenants without making any tenants free of cost.
(a) The occupying tenants to get payment.
ownership of the resumed land
(lands taken over by the (b) No landlord could eject the
government from landlords) on tenant at his own will.
payment of the price of land
in installments. (c) The tenant was given first right
of purchase if the landlord sold
(b) The landlord could not eject the the land.
tenant as long as he fulfilled the
required conditions of tenancy.
5. Consolidation of holding • Consolidation of holdings, less than • Consolidation of holdings less than the
the minimum size continued. minimum size continued.
• A programme in different areas was
announced for consolidation of holdings
less than the minimum size.
There were three major land reforms introduced in The land transferred under various land reforms
1959,1972 and 1977. Land Reforms have had was simply a paper exercise. In real terms, the
more impact on agricultural
production. same landlords are still the owners of their lands
Effects of Land Reforms so the desired aims of the land reforms could not
be achieved.
The land reforms introduced by several governments
were aimed at increasing productivity by breaking These were:
the hold of the few landlords and by re-organizing • breaking the hold of the large landlords
the size of holdings to an economic level. • equitable distribution of land
Unfortunately, the desired results could not be • protection of the rights of tenants
achieved because of the half-hearted implementation • consolidation of holdings.
and the lack of political will. Many of the barani lands
in Pakistan have incomplete land records. In the Farming and the Environment
past they were transferred from one generation to
Although modern methods of farming have brought
the next without proper documentation. The big
great benefits to the people by increasing crop
landlords could easily manipulate the agencies
yield, unfortunately continuous and careless use
which were assigned the responsibility of
of these methods may damage our physical
implementing land reforms.
environment in many different ways.
Evaluate the extent to which different strategies used to increase agricultural production in Pakistan have
been successful. Give reasons to support your judgment and refer to examples you have studied. You should
consider different points of view in your answer. [6]
The use of Fertilizers and Pesticides on the river bed use up oxygen leaving insufficient
oxygen for fish life. (Fig. 7.53). The water in cities
The use of fertilizers has had
Fertilizers more impacts on agriculture may also be supplied from rivers. The toxic element
production. in water gradually affects human health and that
Chemical fertilizers are used to increase agricultural of livestock.
production by increasing soil fertility. In Pakistan,
the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is Pesticides, a Hazard for Human Health
becoming increasingly popular among the farmers
as our soils lack nitrogenous matter. However, when Research has shown that the use of pesticides has
these chemicals drain into rivers, the river water weakened the human immune system. This can
gets polluted. The growth of algae and other plants happen if the pesticides remain in the crop which
is then eaten, or if farm workers come into contact
with the
when using
them. The use
of pesticides
has opened a
way for
diseases like
gastro-i ntesti na I
Plants limit
light to
river beds
In order to have sustainable agriculture, organic farming techniques should
be used rather than using chemical fertilizers.
Which statement do you agree with more? Give reasons for your answer and refer to places or
examples you have studied in Pakistan to support your answer.
How can education and training help a small-scale farmer to
increase his output? You should develop your answer.[4]
Moreover the environmental problems, which are soil and plants could playa significant role in en
a result of modern farming practices, are not reversing the trend of using agro-chemicals. o
addressed and result in resource depletion and This technique can improve soil productivity and ~
pollution. quality and enhance crop production. This will w
eventually help to conserve natural resources =>
There are many ways of reducing rural poverty and and ultimately will create a more sustainable
raising agricultural productivity, while minimizing agriculture.
environmental damage. In order to develop • Reclamation of deserts with the help of irrigation
agriculture on a sustainable basis, a number of techniques.
steps could be taken e.g. • The avoidance of poor farming practices.
• The government and private institutions Subsistence farmers living in different
must develop new, highly productive and topographical regions have acquired
environmentally sustainable production invaluable traditional knowledge and
technologies and systems. cultivating techniques. If these are linked with
• The problems of waterlogging and salinity must modern technology they can contribute to
be addressed promptly to protect the cultivable developing sustainable farming systems. The
land through various schemes. key to further advances lies in coordination
• Soil management through afforestation projects between farmers and research services. This
is another measure to maintain the fertility of will help to discover environment-friendly
the soil by improving its organic contents. techniques for sustainable agriculture.
Moreover, to avoid soil erosion, the forests Connecting rural people to knowledge networks,
should not be cut down from the slopes of the particularly when allowing them to learn from
hills. Overcropping or multi-cropping should not each other, is essential for the development of
be allowed if it is leading to exhaustion of soil sustainable farming systems.
• There are many possible alternatives for the Sustainable agriculture is increasingly viewed as a
development of agricultural systems, such as long-term goal that seeks to supply maximum
organic farming, which stimulates bacteria in agricultural products to people on long-term basis
the soil to act as natural nutrients for the while protecting the environment.
fertilization of soil. Apparently, biological
techniques that use organic materials to improve ~ Now do Skills Book page 27.