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Signal Flow Graphs Syllabus Topic : Signal Flow Graph 4.1 Introduction ee Signl Flow Graphs (SEG) are an altemative to Mock diagram Redo sie in the previews chapter, ehe Block diagrams which consist of Hock, signal, point an ake pins, signal how graph consis aly ranches © Definition of signa flow graph A signa low graph 4 prophical representation of the rclatoship.tetween variables of a scl of near alge coation We hl irs earn howto dra signa ow raps fom Sheqation and then se thet for contol systems. 44d = Fvery Tinear algebraic independent variables. ‘These sanall circles called as nodes. = The relationship between node line between two nodes, Su Let us consider a simple eq n= Ay ALD Here x, and x, ane two variables, x, is obtained by How to Draw a Signal Flow Graph ? on consists of dependent and ables ae represent represented by ines are called br hn tha cont A (Gin hil Hw pogo Patent Ison in ip AL bron ad cca t vo voto Wig Au es the dicetion of flow of w Draw the signal ow graph (SFG) of tho given two equations OVsIRG@ tevin Soln : Hoth these equations represent the Qh’ la. W) Voak 0 q v Wh PAL ‘Mere ae two varios, V aml 1 Re Hea constant. Voltage bs ‘equal to tho cutrent wulipied by the ws int va Fig. Atay he current i equal to voltae divided hy th © £.'Mhe SHG is shown in Fig, PA.) Weould als be caw as shovwa in Vig PAL. oy wn Wigs P1100) Method to Draw SFG from System Equations 42 na system equation, we comer each variable as a tale, Coetfcients of th Het us lea the signal flow g Ex, 424 Considor a system rop SFG of tho Soln. : Wi fies and thew ray tee (ay Oxy hts hee are variables Nyy Xp ie I * Ps We waite the above equal my # 6% Scanned with CamScanner (Make sure you have followed this step) 8 % ¥ om 3 Fig. P4240) 0) ay = 14, +54, +28, 5k, y= 2K Fig. P. 4.2.10) Q) xy 224,43, ‘There are 3 varia 2 hy Jae a sand xy Fig. P.4.2.1(6) xy ells, ‘There are 2 variables xy and xy. u xg % Fig. P. 42.100) Combining Fig. P. 4.2.1(a), Fig. P. 4.2.1(b), Fig. P. 4.2.10) and Fig. P. 4.2.1(d) we got the following SG. Note there are 5 Variables, tye 4). Xp. ad xy. Fig. P.4.2.1(€) ‘The given signal flow graph represents the given set of 4 uations Ex, Consider a system represented by the equations. Draw tho SFG. Hy = M2 K+ MD %+MEK + MDS Hy = ayy, HF ayy Xa 4 MX Me Ones Horo a tho input variablo and x the output vara, Wen aw Soln. : There are 5 vatabls. Pach one of the § ya, represented by anode. z From Equation (1) 7 9 b, va From Equation (2) ° — ° ° ” % Xs x % 4.2.20b) From Equation (3 ° . _» (2. . Fig. P.4.2.2(c) From Equation (4) os Fin P4220 Combining the 4 figures, we get the fina signal flow gr ~~ Scanned with CamScanner 4.3 Method to Draw SFG from Block Diagrams We have scen how to draw signal flow graphs from system ‘equations. We shall now lean how to draw signal flow graphs from Block diagrams. ‘Though Block diagrams are useful in representing. control systems, for complicated systems, block diagram reduction is rather tedious and time consuming, Signal flow graph offers a much easier way 10 obtain the transfer function of the entire system, _ 'Note: The objective of Signal flow graph is the samo as. that of Block diagram reduction which is to obtain | the transfer function of the entire systom. As statod, earior in most of the cases SFG's aro easior than ‘block diagram reduction, hence we noed to know how to convert a Block diagram to a signal flow graph. Signal Flow Graphs Bo go) ay Fig. P.43.1(b) Note: inco thoro fa a nogativo foodback, wo al Ha Ex. 43.2 Represent the block diagram as a signal flow graph. Ro. a a [ o Pr] oe ceo) Step (1) Represent each summing block and take off point as a separate node, ‘Connect them by branches instead of blocks. ‘The block transfer function is represented as the Step) Step (3) branch gain, ‘Show input and output nodes separately with branch ainas 1, Let us take two simple examples. Step (4) Fig. P2432 Soln. : We identify the nodes summing points and the takeoff poi of the SFG by labelling the Fe a; ei) Ex 43t ‘Convert the given block diagram to a signal flow graph. Ro) 0) > c() His), iz S =e Ris) 3) Fig. PAS Soln.: Inthe above block diagram, thee i one summing point = (ue call it s)) and one take off point (we call itt). MGs connected a a negative feedback. via r.4a.209 We represent the summing block and the take-off point as odes, The ansfer function blocks are writen as banch gains. | 4,4 Some Important Signal Flow Graph Rte) Gt) C10) To) Fig. P. 43.100) We add a branch from R(3) to 5, and t, to C(s), We keep their ain as 1. Terms |, Explain tho torms referred in the signal flow graphs (1) Source Node (2) Sink Node (8) Chain Node (Loops) (4) Self Loop. In this section we will study some important terms related to SFG. Scanned with CamScanner equation, rin or eonrer nae 5 pes |S. The gain of SFG is given by Mason’ -=avene wn be represented by Bonet ee WG tvery bck digeram but the nd aon! converse is not true. Soule nate nt ne fee Gan 4.5.1. Comparison of Block Diagram and srg Seen Methods [inode matnas cay evra tarcres!| Avon nunc cote ee tet SIS SAAR RS : oben mae ‘Compare between the Block Mason's Gain formula. rm Block Diagram ‘Tre nado has ony nema ame No. Method | 1. | Every element is represent bya block, by anode. ‘Transfer function of an | Transfer funetion i sh clement is shown inside the along the corresponding es | : cxvme |] SES EE HY ovrat wanaterfncton of stern ats JA rate tres tom rena wd upon inn system is obtained, by | system is obtained by using netenennaw™]|sraeusrateceesettaes HT | ising block diagram pons pain orm Sestinesnacre ween - in Touching pam] |] 4. | ttis atime consuming Mis not time const = method, because ateach [using Mao's gai oneuty . Stage of redecton itis | the overall wanser ncn | necessary to aw te block. | obiained deny Isnt a diagram. necessary to draw the eran retrtagasoacct we eI diagrams at eal stage, — entirety Surming points and Swing points and take-off {ake-off points are present. | points are not used but nodes are used to draw the SFG. Self loops Tag ae Syllabus Topic ‘Mason's Gain Rule for Determining Overall Transfer Function of Single Input, Single Output Systems 4.6 Mason's Gain Formula > (wu - Dec. 2014, May. 2015) [@. Explain the Mason's Gain formula with reference tol signal Flow Graph Technique. (Dee. 2014, 4 Marks) J@. Describe the Mason's gain formula with an example. ect ea tranctePhacasn af yen Kemer ta ee es ed (May 2015, 5 Marks)| Sty afi a out nos6. They cannes bo ah baton Bs ct hae ‘The objective of signal flow graph is the same as that of the Block reduction tec is t0 find the overall transfer 4.5 Properties of SFG function of the system. We have studied the Block diagram reduction techniques the earlier chapter. We have seen that of the Block diagram reduction ules are the overall transfer fu 1Q. List the properties of SFG. 1. Ieapplies only to time-invariant linear systems. see e Beaph on the other hand uses a single formula rection of arrows. fed by SJ. Mason in 1953) ‘The signal flow is only alonj ‘The value of variable at each node is equal to the algebraic sum of all signals entering at that node. is of a system can be written ‘much easier method to obtain the transfer fu © control system. We shall now understand the Mason’s gai formula tion of the ent 4. Since the system equi Scanned with CamScanner ELEX) 45 (ir conte tan Se 4.6.1 Mason's Gain Equation al flow graph is obiained, overall transfer is calculated using the Mason's gain Once the si function of the system formula which is given below, Overall ansfer funtion = TF Aa, os (464) Signal Flow Graphs “The vale of is ven by, = (ly thay that edyy Hag tt by) Lig lgg thay tag) “Take Fy, ind ay by Bunion (47.1. Repent step 6 fr a at pot Fy fed By iy Fray +Foay ed T8.byT = EERO [steps + thm) AT) Isteps lstep7 + TR =A) 7 “The Mason's function has several components that need to be evaluated, Here i = Number of forward paths F, = Gain of forward path |3. = System determinant which s caleusted as follows 3. = 1-(sum ofall indvida! loop gains inluing ef loop eins) ‘(sum ofall gain products of two non touching loops) (cum ofall gain products of three non-toaching loops) + yy Hat) + aa haa tha) esis ie jie 13, = The vale of forthe pa of gph not touching to the i® forward path. ie. 3, = (1-Allthe loops that donot touch the i® forward path.) “This procedure wil be clea after solving few examples. 47 Steps for Solving S.F.G. using Mason's Gain Formula (4.6.2) Find out all possible forward paths. [Step = F,, and their gains (Here m forward Fy, Fay yp paths are taken). ‘Step 2. : Find out all single loops. jie: Lys Ly os Ly and their gains. Lyy stands for first single loop I, stands for second single loop, Ls, stands for third single loop. (Here m single loops are taken). ‘ind out all two non-touching loops out of step 2, Tyg and their gains if any. (Here Istep3: ile. Ly gg gps 1p two non-touching loops are taken). Ly is first product of 2 non-touching loop and Lo, is second ‘product of 2 non-touching Hoop ete. Step4 : Fi loops out of step 2. if| any, bee by ns (Here «three Wout all thee non-tou Igy and their ¢ taken). Similarly find for othe ‘non-touching loops a higher number of non-touching loops if any © Subscript notation for L [Note that in two subscript notation, first letter stands for serial umber of loop and second stands for mumber of loops nen-ovching. Loran Lay Lay Lr stands for 1,2", 3". of single loops. stands for 1,24, 3% of the two ‘non-touching loops. y Ly Ly stands for 11,24, 394, of three non-touching loops and so on. 47.1 Solved Examples E474 Refer Fig. P. 4.7.1. Obtain the transfer function. Rot — S$ ¢ 3 ¢ 4 Fig. PAA Soin. : Step 1 Obtain total number of forward paths Here there is only one forward path as shown in Fig. P.4.7.1(a) Path 1: Fy=G 4 fee 1G eee) a c NG Path 1 « ree wi Fig P4710) Step2 + Obtain total numberof singe loops ‘here is one loop only. (Refer Fig. P4.7.10). - —S pei owt tect al ot Lys GH Fig. P. 4.7.10) Scanned with CamScanner 7 Ses 1 di=1-cometecn Ive of Ay Fig. P. 4.7.21) r Step7 : Obtain transfer function Son. : Flay + Foy Step1 = Obtain {otal number of forward paths ‘There are two forward paths. [ReferFig Pts 2) Step4 Step 5 : Find out value of 8 A= 1 dy thay tla thy yy 4 = 1-66, 6,H,-6,6;1, ~ GH + G5 Hy Hy) +(G, GG, 4, Hy) 2 8 = 146) 6; H5+6)658 +6,n, ~ Gs Hy Hy +G, Gy Gy Hy Hy Step 6 + Find out value of y ,Ay (1) Take Fy. Loops Ly, Lay. Ly. L4y touch it 2 My = 1-(=1 (2) Take Fy. All loops above touch path Fy Scanned with CamScanner Signal Flow Graphs Ex. 47.3 Obtain transfor function using Mason's gain formula for the following signal flow graph. Soin. : ‘Step 1: Obtain the forward paths ‘There are two forward paths as shower Path 1: F, = G, G; Gy Step 2: Number of loops n= ~Gy Ly = -GG)Hy. Refer Fig. P.4.7.3(0) Step 3: Number of 2 non-touching loops “There are no 2 non-touching loops. Step-4: Obtaining & B= L(y tly tly tba) Loop 3 A = 146,4+G,H,+G,G,,+ 6,1, tar =-GaSath Step $: Obtaining 6, and A Fig. P4700) ‘All Joops touch both the forward paths F, and F 2 & eh oat Ex ATA pw EibFaty | __ Gia Gre Ge Obtain transfor function for the following signal flow graph = TG GH GH, +, Soln.: Step 1: Obtain forward path, There are wo forward paths. P= 1p 2 Obtain total number of loops an ‘There are $ loops in total Fig. P.47.300) Ly = G,G,G,, = GG, Scanned with CamScanner iy Fiz. P4742) SteP 3: Obtain total eumber of 2 nom-touching oops La = Lyxty=6,6,6, Step 4: There are no 3-n0m touching loops ‘Step 5 : Find out value of A 4 = 1-Gy¢ 1g +ly thy tl, 40) )Os+G,G,+ Gy +0:6,6,+6,6,6,6,)+6,6,6, Step 6 : Find out value of 4, and, All Toops touch the forward path F, en Loop 1, doesnot touch the forward path F,. a = I-bj=-6) c 2 7=€ F,Ay+Fe de oom RS G,6,6,6,+6,6,6,-6) (G, G, G, + G,G, + G, + G,G, G, + G, G,G,G,) +! Path 15, =, 6:06, Fig P4740H) ©. 47.40) DIRRIIDE TT Using Mason's gain formula, find Cs), o Sr Py Sotn. : SteP 1: Obtain total number of forward paths F = 6.6,6,6, oe Fig. A7-(ANay Path 2s 6 Scanned with CamScanner om a Hig ATH ANDY ‘Step 2: Odtaln number of single hops Ly = GGG ly = 6 ly = 6 i ATHANO Obtain total number of 2 nontouching ops Laz * Lytla=6,G,6,6, Br = LNA 0,66, Ly = Lysty=G,G,G0G,0, ‘Step 4: There are no 3-non touching loops. Step $: Obtain vatoe of 4 A= dy stysly sty edyttatty = 1-6,6,6,-6,6,6,,-6,6,-6, +6, 6, GG, +6,G6,6,.6, +G,G,G9G6, Step 6 Since there ae two forwant paths, we find out 4 amd is Tate F, and conser all Hoops that do not touch the fooward path . a= 1-G, Take F and consider all loops that do not touch the I* forward path =t ‘Step: Obtain transfer function Using Masoa’s gain formula, we have, ~G,-G,+6, GGG, $6.6, Gy G+ G6, Gy GG, Sywi how EATS For the signal flow gph, find the transfer function uty Mason's gain formula, He a & \s Ree ce) sy Ss oy Se Sy Marans Soln,: ‘Step: Obtain total mamber of forwand paths ‘There are two forward paths F) ant BL (Refer Fg. P. nN Path 1 F,=G,G.G,S,0y Step2 + Obtain total namber of single ops There are two loops Ly and Ly) a8 shown ia Fig. PLATS) ‘Step3. : Obtain total number of two nos-towching loops ‘These two loops are non-teaching Ops, Scanned with CamScanner “WL GG ‘here. son toon pe, £ Vinteatsaacar 8 sastg “MG tyson 4G, 3M +g gt hy Step6 ; Find out value of 4, Ay oN a) ae 100 (Ly) does not touch i 4, 2 Taker, (ap=14+6\1, oop (L,) does not touch, 82 = ICL yet +66 My Obtain Transfer function so Ans, toro 1103) Lyn -Oahy Fig. P.4.7.5(0) Ex.4.76 For the diagram given below, obtain transt ‘Mason's gain and formula. fer function using Rl) Fig. P.A2.6 Soin. : Step 1: Obtaining the forward paths Patt Fy=0,0;050,0,05 Patho F y= G,6,0,6,6, my Git) Fig. P.47.6¢a) ‘Step 2: Number of individual loops. Refer Fig P.47.4b) 1 = 6,6,6,6,6,6,H,, Ly = GH, ie 6,6, 6,6, Step 3: Number of 2-nontouching laops La = Ly Step 4: Obtaining 4 G, isH,G, GG) Ga, B= Lays aad Ly thy Hay that ba H,-G.H,-G,6,Me GG GH, GG, H, +6, 4,6, 6,6. Scanned with CamScanner ar Control System (MU = Som 4 - ELEX.) ant Signal Flow Graph an a oe Path 1 Fy 00,05 LAO ay se tecott * tay Oy tooo ta ERB aaeac eo & yy & Pig. P.4.7.7(0) ‘ast Step 2. + Obtain total number of single loops Wr ex000% ‘There are four loops. (Refer Fig. P.4.7.70). Lay Lap Lay and egy Fig. P.47.60) Step 3+ Obtain total number of two non-towching loops Step S: Obtaining A, and A Lyandly, 3 Lyyand, ‘Take F snd find 8, ;All oops touch Fs. = 1 yan Lay 11 amd Ly Take Fandfind A, O,21-Ly d;=1-GyH Lyyand Lyy + Lyyand Ly) Take Fand Find 4, Allloops touch Fs. y= 1 fe Lyg = Lay Lg) =G, 65H My _ FSP A+R, Lyp = Ly Lg, =G Gs Hy My moe G,6,6,6,6,+6,6,6,G, (I~ G11) +6, 6, 0,046, = G, G,G,G,G, GH, ~ G,H,~ Gs GM, ~ Gy Hy ,G; G; G1, ~G, GG, G, Gy, #611, GG, Gy yp = Lay XLgy =G3 Gy Hy My Lap = Lar Xba =) G55 Hy Step: Obtain otal numberof three non-ouching loops Out of above loops Ly. L3y. Egy are non-touching. E477 Gy G5 Hy Hy Hy ce) de yy = yy xtgy Xlgy == Ha) StepS : Find out value of A eta Chyy thay Hh thay) (lan than th tha) bas se. Ae L4G) 1, #031, + Gy My 4G 5H, +6, Gy Hy Hy +6, G51 My Gy Gy Hy Hy + Gs Gy My Hy + Gy G Gy Hy Hy Hy eter Fig. P. 4.7.7. Obtain Step 6 : Find out value of 4, Ay Take Fy and find Ay, y= 1—(~ Gs Hy) = 1465 H, rie r.t12 1 wy is Hy) is Hy ‘al CF Ly does not touch F, forward path) In. : Ags 1+) ly +G, Hy Step 1 : Obtain total number of forward paths ‘There are two forward paths, F1=G) G, Gy and F, = Gy Gs Gy as shown in Lyand L, do not touch F, forward path) ig. P. A714). Paw Scanned with CamScanner “He Loop 2 (Lay Lays -O,4,, Lar GH, # Loop 4 (Lay wed bars -GyHy, Lys yy Loy =-GoHy Fig. P.4.7.70) Step7 + Obtain transfer function Ca) _ Asha, Step 3: Obtain total mumber of 2 non-touching loops RG) = een ‘There ate no 2 non-touching loops 6, GG; (1465 Hy +6565 G6 (1+G, Hy +651) 1+G) Hy +G,7hp+G Hy Gs iy +G,G3H)Hy +6, G5 HH, +2 Gs Hy Hy + GOSH Hy + Gy Gy Gy Hy Hy Hy Path sosAns, Pan ened MU = Deci2009, 4 Marks F,=0,0,9, Obtain the transfer function using Mason's gain formula for the following SFG, Pate F220, Fig. P48 Soln. ‘Step 1: Obtain the total number of forward path Pans F, = G,6,G, ae F, = GG, F, = G,G, as shown in Fig. P. 4.7.8(a) iy Step 2 : Obtain total number of single loops Ly = G25, Fig. P.47.84a) Ly, = Gy Refer Fig. P.4.7.8(b) _ Scanned with CamScanner i) Lote Lae t / L Loop bt rey Steps Pind out value of A Ley Had Ae 1G, GG, Step $1 Plo out yale OF yy Vor ANE Hoops tout 1 Konan pathy wae Vor Atl oops toc fora ah ae or Fy. 1aj does not touch 1 fovwva path ody @ b-byet-O, BACH AEN A me ee 6,0,6, 10,0, 10, 0,00) rag Ex. 4, For the following signal flow graph shown in Fig. P. 4.7.0. cs) X foln. Neem EON ‘eve a aby fran eo) ley 2 1 Otol fatal nnnaber oF sate fone There ae Vn ho, (Her Hie AEM {itn bab tat Hyp int yy hes By tty ley a 1 Here fen three nant Ino, te 1 Wl ont valve oF A, A Ey yy at A Ey Mh eC, Gyigtty tty Ost hy stepo i th value oF Ags Age ye Age Ag dy Vio Uy wa Hd Ay Aye Ee Ggtty Hoke Hiya Hl Ny, Loop Fear cy 2 fen eae te path whit Aye EAM or 1 10a poe nT a te for wal paty Ay © Aye Ay Step 7 «Obtain (rwnsfer fnetion Co) MA NALA AL ay Wo My GGA, MY) HAAG EAM EGG, Xo HUM, GHC QC 8,01 Ry GH A, Gantt, Gti, Scanned with CamScanner areeeeeeeeeenrnes a neat Contd 19001 Fig ce mn rca, Path? Fe QO w 4 " 4, 0 Pana Fy aa,a, ~ nn ™ PANO Fy = BOC 0,0, Scanned with CamScanner Signal Flow Graphs Loop (Lt) Fig. P.4.7.9(0) Ex. 47.10 Dorivo transtor function for given system shown in Fig. P. 4.7.10 using Mason's gain formula. cis) Fig, P.A710 Soln. : Step L Obtain total number of forward paths There are four forward paths. Their gains are as Fp Fe shown in Fig. P. 4.7.10). F, Scanned with CamScanner a J Lives yaa Fa BBD Fes Ogg, h, ow wn Vig P4700) SHP2 + Obtain unal nomber of side Yoga There se five looge. Geeter Fig B47. 1005), 41* ODM, Lemp (5) ad bes Hy bey OBB Fie P.4.7.100b) Scanned with CamScanner 4 ELEN. 3 Obtain total umber of two non-touching loops Out of these five loops 2 now touching loops are Ga) Lypandhgy OYE g and gy Lg, amt sy ‘Their gains are: yz = baxtst a Gy Hy) (=H) = Gy Hy Hy = Ly xls Gy HY (=H) = Gy Hy Hy, Lys bs 3 = Gs Gy Hy) (Hy) =G, Gy Hy Hy Step4 ¢ Thereare no three non-touching loops. Step $+ Find out value of A Thus A= PH(Ly tly thy thay ths (ly tly tha * A= L4G) Hy + Gp Hy #5 Gy My Hy + Gy Hy Hy + GIy + Gy) Step 6 : Find out value of Ay. Ap Ay Ay Consider forward path Fy = Gy Gy Gy Gq. All loops in step 2 touch it. : ' Gy G56, Consider forward pth, Loop Lg doesnot touch = Lys tty G,G3 Gy Gy, All oops touch it Consider forward path, Consider forward path, Gs Gy H(lg)= 1+ Hy Step 7: Obtain Transfer function ci FravtFo dst FsAs + Feds Ra) > 2 G, 6,66, +6, G;G, +H) cu +G,G,G Gy + G, GsG (1+ Hy) RG) TTEG Hy + Gy Hy Gy Gy Fy + Gy Gy G, H+ #6, Hy Hy + Gt, +G, Gs Hy Hy Ex 47.41 Find out transfer function. 47 Signal Flow Graph Soln. : Step: Obtain the forwant path Fe GG, FG, Gas shown in Vig. 4.7.1 1a) : eae co ane 7n0,9,0,0, Pig. P47. Step 2: Number of loops Ty = -G,G, 0,1 Ly = GM bay GNM Refer Fig, PAT.) Looott — re 025 Fig. P.47.1100) Stcp.3: Number of 20m toaching loops Lys = by Xt) = 6, G:11,6,1 Step4:Thereare no.3- non touching los. Step $: Find out value of 8 Tally ely th J = 146,G,1 66 6,14, 1, +6, Step 6: Find out value of 8, and A; All oop touch F, and F, Scanned with CamScanner All loops touch F, and F, Tr Fas 1+G,G i= 6G.6,+6, Paina pent Ras GGG Gy Ler By Fig. P4720) (Obtain ranster function using Mason's gain formula forthe folowing SFG. 1 So G&G & a & , SAAS * Fig. P4713 Sotn.: Step 1: Obtain the forwand paths as shown in Fig. P.471Nal, F, = 6,G,6,6,G, Pant Fig. P.47.18a) Scanned with CamScanner [FP tinear control System (Mt Sem LEX, Step 2: Obtain numberof oops : There ae five loops. Ly = -GH, La = Gil Ly = GM Ly = -6,6,6,H, Ly = GN, Refer Fi 13b)) Number of2-non touching loops Ly = byxtay=G, HGH, Ly = Linx =G, Hy Gs Hy Luxly=G, H, G, G, G, Hy Ly Xba Gy Hy Gy Hy Le = LaxLa=G) Hy Gy Hy Step 3: Step4: Number of 3-non touching loops Ly = LyX LyX Ly =-G, Hy G, Gy Hy Step$: Find out value of A= L(y lath tha ths) +ytlathatbat lly 3 = 146,1,+6,1,+6,1, 46,1, $6, 6; 6,11, +G, H, GH, +6, 6,1, 46,6, 1H, +6,6,6,6,1,H, +6,6,6,14, HH, Step6: Find value of A, Since all loops touch Fy, Ay = 1 WH, +G,H, +G,11,+G,H,+G, 6, G, i, +6, H, GH, +6, 6,1, H, +6, G,H, Hy +6, G,G,G,H,H,+G,6,G,H, yi, fis 10) 12 Ose 0p Gre cent Fig. P.4.7.13(b) a Signal Flow Graphs Bx A714 Find C/A for the following system using Mason's gain formula. Refer Fig. P. 4.7.14, Fig. P4714 Sotn. Step 1 : Obtain total number of forward paths “There are five forward paths. (Refer Fig. P. 4.7.14). Step 2: Obtain otal number of single loops Thee single loops ae as shown in Fig P. 4.7.14). Step3: Obtain total number of two non-tovching loops Li and Ly, are two non touching loops as shown in Fig. P4740). Lin = GG, Step4_ + ‘There are no three touching loops. StepS + Find out value of & a= yet tiyp+tiy A = 1-G)-6,G5-G3 +6365 Step 6 : Find out value of Ay, Ay, Aye Ay As ‘Take F, and find Ay Take ul find Ay Take F and find Ay “Take Fad find Ay "Take Fs and find As dy = 1-6; Step 7: Obtain transfer function C0) _ FR Ay + Og + Fads + Feds Ro = a ~ GGAUl ~Gy) + GjG46 Ans. Scanned with CamScanner Path2: Fy =0,0,, Scanned with CamScanner (P tinoar Control Systom (MU - Sem 4~ELEX) 421 Signal Flow Graphs Loop 1 (Lt) tee Gey 12 4S5 Go Loop 2(L2) T) ter 8:65 Loop 3 (L3) a Fig. P7140) ex. 47.15 EERE Using Mason's gain formula, find the gain of tho system shownin Fig P.47.15. Fig. P4715 Soln. Step 1: Obtain total number of forward paths “There are total 6 forward paths as shown in Fig, P-4.7.15(0) Step2. + Obtain total numberof single loops Single loops are 1, py and Ly (Refer Fig, P. 4.71540). Step3: Obtain total number of two non-touching loops ‘Two non-touching loops are Ly and Ly je yy = hyp X11 = 6265 My Step4 + Theres no three non-touching loops. Step : Find out value of A (Ly +1 ty + a) A = 14GgHy + GH, ~GyGglhly + G:GsHyy Step6 + Find out value of 4y.42.43 +4445. ‘Take Fy andfind 4, ay = 1+ Gah, Take Fy andfind dp dy =1+G3H, toall forward paths. Flow F; to Fg all loops are tou dy = 442 452 a= 1 Step7 + Obtain transfer funetion Cy Fd t Fada +Pydy + Fay +s + Fede Ris) A 646,641 + 63h) +6600 +051) + 6,056, ce + 66,0 GyOsN,Or05~6yOr6411)0 Rls) = Te Gall + Gall - GpOgTh T+ OHH ons, Scanned with CamScanner — HM Bo ALES PAN srry Hae hoc aynyiy W % \ ‘ AP A \ 1,7 \m, % a CTs fe) Heethinn, h w Yaa es 4 pi 4 % 2 = Hal \ Hema, q Cnn + AOA, x ‘ ay ” , i. mA, ba Shes agar Scanned with CamScanner Loop (Lt) Lye Oty Loop 2 (12) Lay" -Oatly Loop (3) La OH OgMy gy gh 4, ane Oole Lar GM Oghy ' Wh, PATS) Wx A10 For tho signal low graph ahown In Fig. P, 7.16, Find tho umber of forward paths and the number of non-towching oops. ae Why PATNG Soln,: ly 11 Obtal the forward paths ‘he ro te forward pats a shown in ip 47.160) Step 2; Obtaln numberof loops hy O00 By GOGO, Hy = GGG), Mloter 1.47.14 Pra) 5 - 7 - ~ Scanned with CamScanner Pama F=9,0.0,0,0, wy Gy Ee LE ans Find the value of Cie), cis) Ws) Fig. P. 47.164) Soln, : ‘The sem as 3 inpats vz. RO), Us) and We) Since we linear systems. we consider one input a> time and finally ad all the results. Input = Ris). Vis) = Wis) =0 “The signal flow grap Ro) Fig. P.AT.16(A)(a) Forward path ; Fy =G,G, Individual oop Ly = G, G, Hy, Ly 21-66, 1,1, Ayet (The loop touches the forward pay 1s 4 Sy Ris) cw) “ opt The sig ig P.A7.16(AND) Forward path, B, G Individual loop ; Ly GG, -G,6,1, 1, (C2 The loop touches the forwand pas Ups) &, a Gs) IN i Hy Fig, P.4.7.16(Ab) ow Sy tis) “TaGi, G, Ci) = Tae, Ue AM tepur= Wis), RI) = UG) =0 1 sens low graphs redrawn as shown in Fi. P4710 Ae) nf) HG, MOE iy Hy Fis P47.1644Ve) Fonvanl path : F, =G, 6, Hy a op Ly, =, 08 Myst. (© The loop touches the forward pts) Ka GG,H, a 6G; S.6.n, Tea M..0) At Eaton (1), (2) and (3) we bila 2 O49) 2 SGP) Ms) GG, Wi) GGT Tag gee + SGM “GG, ta Thi, POO Scanned with CamScanner x. AAT Obtain transfor function using Mason's gain formula tor following SFG, Fig. Pea Sotn. Step 1 Obtaining the forward paths P= G,G,G,as shown in Fig, 4.7.17) 1a) [Number of individual loops = -G,G)H,. Ly = -GHh Ly = -GMy Ly = -GHy Ly = 66,61, Ly = ~G,6,6.1, Refer Fig. P.A7.170) ‘Number of 2 non touching loops Ly = Ly Ly *G, GH, Gy Hy Lg = Lay XL #6, 1) Gs Hy = Ly XLy #6, 6, Hy GM, Ly = Ly Xba =G, 1 G.My- “There are no 3-non touching loops. ‘Step 5: Find out value of & B= L(y thay thy thay +h +h) + (Lytle thy the) A = 146,6,H, +6,H) +6, + 6,1, 46,6, GH, +6,G6,6,H, +6, GHG) Hy, 46,6, 6,1, Hy +G, GH, Hy +G, Gy MyM Step 2: Step3: L Lea Step: tep or Aye, rr x. 47, Wind out A, and A, ‘Since all loops touch F nen tao, wl Flow Gap toh 90,004 lg, Pe A.1700) Verity by signal flow graph. Rofor Fig. P. 4.7.18. Fig. P.4.7.18(0). Sy R: a} Hc Fig. P.4.7.18 Soln. : Comresponding signal flow graph is as shown in Fig. P..7.18(a) Scanned with CamScanner 2 (Refer Fig. P.4.7.18(0). Ly = Osh First top gain Path 1: Fy = 0,004 Ly = ~G)G:G,H Second loop gain Ly) = -G,6,6,1, ‘Thin! loop pain, Step 3,4: There are no twolthree non-touching loops, Find out value of A= 1-0 tly tly (1+ Gy, +G,GGyH, + G, ind out value of Ay Ay ‘Steps Step: A ops touch fist forward path. AW all tope ogy, second forward path, a =k ‘Step 7: Obtain transfer function Coy Fiat F yy Ris) = a ce 66,6; +6,6,6, RO © TG +665) + Goh which gives same answer, as by block diagram reduction, sn, Fis. 47.180) ‘G1G3G3 = First forward path pain, Ge. 2G = Second forward path gain, Loop! (L1) Liy=-G3H, Loop2 (12) Lay =-G,0,04H, Loops (La) Li =-6,6,0,4, Scanned with CamScanner Feary ‘Ovenin he signal ow graph arnt cain the everal gain using Mason's gain formu me QA Ae Go Fig. P.47.1%a) ‘Sep 1: Obtaining forward paths as shown in Fis. P4719) Fig P.4.7.1900) Step2: Number ofinivideal oops (Refer Fig P. 47.19%) La e-GH. ty #6, 1, -G,6,n, Step3: Number of 2 non-touching oops x1 =G,6,1,H, Step4: Number of 3 non-touching loops ‘There ate n0 3-non-touching loops, StepS: Obtaining A $= 1-dy+lysLyely 45 146)H,+6,1:+6,6,1,+6,6,4,1, Step: Obtalalng Ay AMF oop toe vay Ws et x 5 Find the SFG and find Loop La bye Os, Loop La Lyi -0,0), 1 Fig. 47.190) at Using Mason's gain formula, Soln. : “There ae 7 nodes, ig. BA7.20 Fig. P7200) Scanned with CamScanner "1 fexseand ptt ax showed Ve B4,7 2040 0 Fatal number af single Joop 8 sawn in Fp, PAT.2046) SOG My. by GH GM hove ate ise singe to Mt WOO. by ay, fouchlng. loops in touching Step 4: Vind the vatue ot A May bay tay 6 hag 4 ay 8168.6) 6,6, 66,0,6, 60, 66,6, 1h th NWP S1 Stace there are two forward pathe, we need fo fed Ay and A, 19) All oops toxch the 1 forward path At (60 AI oop tome the 2" forwan 2 Ayal, Step 6: ry BELA a . 6,6,6,+6, Loop Lo -G,0,H1y Loop Lt Ly -G,05M, by VOGT, Gia 1 G,6,40, 00,0, Th Th, “He bay = O4H,0,4, a Loop ta Ly =-6,0,0, at he Scanned with CamScanner [VF iscastanld sy fait foi ULE { oy CSU NEM AHORA HE tat ake fs Watt a a uk ANU Hetngg cent pte Het rab Wl wl yy Vs] | WW cin Lyte in| : Wha avain, «WW auanb ab: etttntae atid Fk AF ite iti I Nh ) ae (ty 8 wind (a a hd ) . iy My EAM Pegs bat tt lon oF Hor oli Viet Hi tatty " tht Ho th venelantnaenen late fat hata al Nef Nn nenl as Whe HAA + tole Sone Hye GM Hye OOOO Vy OM J 4 Ly , 4 * , vid 7 fi j Vip Haat | dhe f hit ) 4 tye Wdidell We Kd Mey WW A+ ald tied ie 4 ene Wouobeng lee AML we Wry Month Ba Tehen Mae bond ane We 4 foun he Mud + Prd aad edie Ae tb Wytlattyl HA My Tay LOM HUW Mind wih veluend hy he ha Ba Why A age mention wo mont hy AM bege wh he Horr poh el hy AM age tame 8 Va week ot had hy 5 AM ae tel ee tone oe Mat fie 1 ital teaneden fonetioe Hyp NG Ay Hy hgh Mylg ‘ Iti thy HG ligha ligt Ui ligli, Bibi h HE dian | Ay till, htt M, hae beatin Yoni hi tl Aopen Hen Geog oe Htor Fi HA 12 " : wn oA Mh fo Zod Wie VA ohn, | th example tnd Ne ahh to ern oe at Ae, Scanned with CamScanner Fig. P. 4.7224) Step: Obtain total umber of single oops Sinele oops ar as shown in Fig, Ps 4.7.20) SteP 3.4: There are no twathecenon-touching| loops. StePS = Find out valueota 4 = 1-day tty tty) 4 = 1-6, 134656514 -Gy thy Sten 6 + Find out vatue of 4,83 Take F; and find 4, FAL = IAL sty stg BAL = 1-6, 6,4; ~G) 1h +6 6, Take Fy and find dy 4 = 1-0 Step7 + Obtain Transfer function Co) _ Fa+F ay Ro) = = CO _ Gel 6, 62-6, 14.6, G51) 40,656 Re = 1-6, Gly + Gh, & = we ES Lay = G,GaHy w Fig. 47.2210) Scanned with CamScanner Ee cee eR Se) aa oes DISET y ave Be SoA FW CERN ot NG A AESK Dagan at Soom Re HAT RNY The NENT AY ALASONE Gil Bess Wig. PL ATANDY ime Step 2. + Obtain total mumber of single oops Uy = -G,8,6, las we MER ane ‘sommatiag Movs an take off paints ag | Step 2 Obtain total number of 2 noa-towching loops “There are m9 2 motos KON Step t Pind oat value of A Se Leta etgy tay ea 4G) GG, HGGAU, GSU +6, G46 Step Find oat value of Ayand ay AY 8. 5 AMUhps touch thet fea path want GWA sAtttopstouct the 2 foewant pth at Rare Me Step: Obtain transfer funtion Seep + Odeaia total mamber of forward paths atk R= GGG, re x R= GGG G&S thy Lay -G.63Hy Liy=-8:6.0 Se ate Sora \ Xe “ 5 Lan =-6,046 Fig. 47.280) Scanned with CamScanner (MU - Som 4- ELEX) Ce Potermin Ft sor th aye tom shown in Fig. P, 4.7.24, (94 a re cis) Fig. P4704 Soln. : Naming all the summing and tke off 66,6, its es) fs Fig. P4240) Step: Obtaining the forward paths as shown in 2c). ai Fig. P. 47.240) Step 2: Number of individual loops Refer Fig. P.4.7.24(4) by = -G.G,H, ly = -6,6,H, Ly = -6,6.6, La = -G,H, G, = -6,6, Step3: Number of 2-nom touching oops There are no 2- non touching loops, Step4: Obtaining & Ms Lady tly tly thy Ly) = 146, GH, +6,6,1,+6,6,6,+6,11,+6,6, StepS: Obtaining 4, and 4, All oops touch both P, and P, Scanned with CamScanner Cortes Syste MU - Sem &-ELEX) 433 Signal Flow Graphs 1% 1 @ G 4 1 4 oy b Loop Lt Lip = -G,G2H; Loop L2 Ln =-.03¢2 sop L3 L1=-010:03 's Loopts Lars -GuHe Loop LS Lar 0,04 Ler=-0104 eran) Ex. 4.7.25 COED EE Oran ne signal fom graph and find anstrfuncion Stor | ne toa} 5 ‘spam hom. ea] cs) Fa] ra] a] em Fig. P.4.7.28(0) We lable all the take off points and the summing block, Fig, P.47.25 Soin, : We redraw the block diagram so that it looks simple. Fig. P.4.7.25(0) RPT 1 caer aaammarv nena Scanned with CamScanner Swett lider (Mah the sl mane of tread putin Mer ret forwaed pat on sherun in Vin BAT IMG) An. Mep 2: OMAN tah numero sual ber : Ther te : ‘te np, by = Gan, ty = aH, 1 © 0,61 tteter ig v4.25 MeO: Obtain the tat number ot ty om tsi os here aren each gs, Wot manne % gece % 3.0. 4 oats % Leng 48 1-66,1,-Gn coon, neous ick BMPS! Pad ou aac 8, and fy For : Since att oops emct the F, forward path fy, = 1. Her Fs Now fe hatch te rary En a726 Ay 9 Inty ety ot, Free 2a! t0M OM SoM Bode vance, EA 126.4, +0,0,1, Lett tetoning S106: Ottat transfer tuneton Tro CO FA +R, La Fig. P.4.7.25(e) Fig, P.4.7.26 Soin, : We draw the signal flow raph by labelling the sm blocks and take off points, Fig. P.47.26¢a) Obtain forward paths ‘here are two forward paths ag shown in Fig, P. 4.7.20) S25 Obtain totat umber of single loops : There ae Single loops. Refer, P.4.7.206)) SO Scanned with CamScanner Ly = Sty Lg = GN ST Step: Obtain total umber of two now-touching loops oop Ly ant Loop Ly ae nontouching Ly = Ly Xtyy #6, 4, GM ‘step4: Obtain total number of 3-non touching toops “There are no such Loops. Step S2 Find the value of & Ae Telly tly thy tla ths A= 1-6, Hy~G,H;=G,Hy~G, 1H, Hh) 46,168, 6: Find out value of 8, and 8s (Take F;, All oops touch F, forward path, (a) Take F,, Loop La, does not touch F, a Sy = 1oly = 146, Fass z ATR G,G,6,+G,(1+G, 1) TR= Signal Flow Graphs Lowy b3 Oy Fig, P. 47.2646) Ex. 47.27 From tho block diagram shown in Fig, P. 4.7.27, draw the corresponding signal flow graph and evaluate closed-loop transfor function using Mason's gain formula, T7G,H,+G,H;+ GH +G, 11,4, +O), Gy, Path 1 w Fig. P,4.7.26(b) Re) 75) 9] i Corresponding signal flow graph is as shown in Fig. P.47.27(0). 3, Hy Fig. P4727 Soln. : Fig. P.4.7.27(0) Step 1 Obtain total number of forward paths “There are two forward paths F, = G,Gy and F, = G,Gy,s shown in Fig. P. 47.270), wares ~~ Scanned with CamScanner Fig. P.4.7.270b) Obtain total number of single loops Step 2 ‘Ther is only one single loop Ly as horn in Fig. 4.72110). Fig. 4.7276) Step 3,4: There are no two/three ‘non-touching loops, Step 5: Find out value of A: 4 = 1ly) = 1+6yH, Step 6 Find out value of yy Take Fy and find 4, Take F, and find bo, Step 7 : Obtain transfer function 4 = 1-21 4) = 1-021 Coy Fis +P Re) = ~~ a Draw @ signal flow graph and evaluate tho closed loop, Hanstor function of a system whose block diagram ie ‘given in Fig. P. 4.7.28, G RO) 665 Sy [%] +c) i My Le Fig, P.4.7.28 oN Signay Naming all summing 3d ake-o pega Sow Soln. : % = & eye oH ‘ 2 ley “ Pe oe Fig. P.4.7.28(a) Corresponding signal low graphs given ty, “Sy Fig. P.4.7.28(6) Step 1: Obtain total number of forward path ‘There are four forward paths as shown in Fig Poa r2H Step 2 Obtain total number of singe loops ‘There are 2 He loops. (Refer Fig. P. 4.7.28), Step 3,4 Steps £ There are no two-three noa-touching loops Find out value of 4 a= dy tip 4 = 146,651) 1-6, i Hy Hy S106 = Find out valu of 4.43, dy ‘A Toops toutes Forward path FF Fy and Fy =Ayst Sep7 Obtain transfer function ALFA) +P dy ey Ay x 3G, Gr +6 Gy Gy Hy -G, Gy Gythy "6G, GST Th, =G, Gy, Th Scanned with CamScanner ton (MM Hone ELE. fa Liat ah Fy = Oy Hand bye tly 4, 4 Qs 2 + 1g) 1h tera AN Hyena, ae 0 m" Aye GOP, % Why — ls My 1 8,| 4 Loop (Lay Lye G,o)1\H, Len (2) bys 0H, tye QOyKH, Why Prana) Scanned with CamScanner When equations ane Thon ing tare eae be onthe Hs sep ew fn SC ‘orate obtain the taster nto, 481 Solved Examples fx 402 en Equations aro | Oe ose! ow yp tr lowing sto Mone X¥ Mas Xs #9 Xa #0 Xy "ten, Xp aus Xe Xi nay Xp ua Xe Xa Mh Xa Man Xe Soin. Teed: Given a raw SHG for dividual egg Nem am equation form the SIV, The variables fom We shall draw § Watony 9 een ‘he raat fame | pin et ; ey (Xap Xy tay 8s Hag Xray xy A XAG + AGN Nem AGN AQN, 7 Sotn, ne ‘ets draw signa ow graph of nv equation (WON = An X ean yy : Xe x X i Fig. P.48.200) OX = ayXyrauXy 2 x x % Fig. P.48.2(0) XS = agXy tay Xy @ XS Ag Xt Fin. P4.10) Combining the 3 figures, we get a signal Now graph that represents all the 3 equations Fig. P.A8.10) . X% Xe Xs Fig. P.4.8.2(0) Combining all the SPGs we get Fig. P.48.2(¢) ——____ Fa. P. 4.8.2 Ex.483 Draw signal low graph forthe following equations : Ove Ew y= Hy, Scanned with CamScanner [VSrason ono pation Att ont PLES ‘ igual Pherh nh, ‘Bath tabi Lagan enon a ae ean a ya NO ay Yad | EYEE OD NO) Signa 000 YN MH AON ATOMS Fe ge SBN re NANA i ‘ teat en vans +) - Aquat td Wavatton th Wig BAR tied SEOTATO consti the signal Mow graph FOE ANA following, wot of equate Nes 18) Vey HOY) wh Using Mason's ln foil tind the tanater funtion of tha system ‘Sol, ¢ Using the above equations, We got spa hae gah on shown in Fig. BASAL % 10 Y, fa tho output, We mow fin the transfer funtion Step 1: Obtain total mnber of oywant pale Forwant paths Moy Ai a aod te hee in ‘ uo om ety Gi, Hy Bata (he Soy 4 Catal tot eg Ea stn ng ge (ta 8 9 A ey CHa yale of Ae bth thy NOAA, ry WN EEO, Oy, New 8 Olan vale ot Ayal Ay (et oral pa ie Hap tt ny el (4) Pe fr pth Ly hos wt ta SA = Pte ty Ay 6 1 vat futon ag Ma's pl xy, Ue Hons WAAL GG, .0 0b Gy se LA ih " i iad, Gy. 4.9 Uso of Mason’ Electrical Notwork Galn Formula for ‘Typed 1 SIG oF naive ‘ro fltows the ep Step 1 Draw the Lape dln epee Step Vv equatons for cts wl volo, Step. Dray °C tom gen Hqathns Step 1 Solve SECLAy apn Aton ln Horan Tranafer Fanetion for the Heotioal Network | tx ant Rotor Fig. P. 4.0.1, All capital foter for voltage and cur la domain vahio, Hi AML Scanned with CamScanner rT ERED 5.) Step: Draw the Laplace domain representation Refer Fig. P 4.9.1) shows Laplace domain representation. Ry Fig. P.A9.10) Step 2. Find equation for current and voltages Yo a = RR Vol) = Ry) The variables are V, (9), Vj (9.1 (9) From Equation (1) Refer Fig. P. 49.100). From Ea Refer Fig. P. 49.10). Combining, Reter Fig. P.49.100) 1 io) @ 2 Fe R Vis} + ois) 1y(s)e—#—0V4'9) © 1 AR, A, V(slo—4 2» Fo V445) Te @ Fig. P49. a Vi) = +R ‘This example shows how V,,(s) and V; (s) are expressed open loop bringing a feedback, by modifying Equation (1). straight away, e 0) By orysy) Ye Re Vals) vi) \ J Ver he 7 i “Ry Ry © 0) Step3 + Draw SFG from equations ‘The total SFG is as shown in Fig. P.4.9.1(). in formula ‘Step4 + Solve SFG using Mason's Here Fy RoR oR RRs yy ink between Vand Vis “Thus the feedback i oO ISR 8 hong Fig. P4910. Ex. 4.9.2 RotorFig.P.492 oy Fig. P.49.2 Soln. Step 1: Draw Laplace domain representation ‘The Laplace transform is as shown in Fig. P. 4.9.24) R Fig. P.49.21a) Step 2. : Find equations for current and voltages o 1) = ——> Resktce (se) 1 0 Step3 Draw SFG from equations Equations (1) and (2) gives following SFG as shown in P.4.9.2(b) Vo - ~~ Scanned with CamScanner soln, Novo the oye hon BAO Rotor Fig. PAO, Hi RAI soln: ‘Stop 1 &Obtaln Laplace dona representation A. sail WIRE 8 My age sent % ind equations for enrrent and voles y, ew N 7 A ¢ 12 8m Oy TERT Vo YR) +0 Yoke By PROC PTD RY FI FACT Ry = RI 4 a, (a) ech +t Tyr Ry CR R; yo i. a vp A 0) Hig. P98 Step 3: Draw SFG from equations ‘The SHG is as shown in Fig. P.4.9.Mb). vy ROR) +1) Vo* Reka sy sol qual Be fA Hotor ig Awa. i a] foln.: Sey 11 Laplace dom vepreertion ln given Un Vg, BAA ‘Nop 21 equations for current nnd volte tinny etente mesh equations yin Yio) Tyr = PE ac uyyar Yio “ a Vy de ty o ” ty = Wy Vane Vy sti “ 214 Dray SG from equations “Tho cownbined EC Hs oy aber J VPA. A, Step 4. Solve SHG aslo, Mase ero the forward path i Hye ACR CR, & PRRLC YC “There ato Hoop, Hayy ACI Lay Rye hyp Ay Loops Lani 3 o not touch, Lag byy ote # PC\CR Ry Ae be(lyy Hay Hyg Flay A Day, FAC ACR HPCE YI All oops toch forward path, oY, “ a as refed Ae fv SCT aA, THAR, HER, HCY HC Ex, 408 flow For tho notwork shown In Fig. P. 4.0.5, draw the sign {graph and obtain the transfor function using Mavon's rule, ~~ Scanned with CamScanner (MU atin in, Soln, : Ay mvs Varo as shown, He voltares and current lens we pet Hin P.4.9.544), " oa Fy POOKY Vy Ay tetca 19.S(a) ve¥y Ry Toot! 7) Wet yet 54, ch =, ih 2 sx 0x 106 ty» MMe Mey a = R, 0 by = p 2 Tx 4 ioe =e 11800 «40 Fquatven ©), Hquation (4) Pig. P.A9.8(b) Fig? Step t Obtaln total number of forward path "There is one forward pth F a8 shorn in Hp 49, Paint Pye tid — et ty ast0s10" vy tee Py Wow artort0 iw Wig, PAI. ( Step 2 Obtaln total number of single ops ‘There are total 3 single loops. (Refer Fig. P.4.9 5), Step.S Obtain total number of (90 non-touching py Out of these single loops 1.4 and 1.44 loops ate nom toning loops. 4 Lig lq = Step4 + There are no three non touching loops, Step S + Find out value of Ae Uy tly Hh) +h) 401 14 tat 5 LossOle ton P2101 e ¢ + Find out value of Ay a = 1-021 ae + Oblain transfer funetion coy PA We Kos) Pais i Scanned with CamScanner 1 Flow Graphs Conta! System (Att Som 4 ELEN) 4.49 Syl tye tis eee eee Pay setOrtO™ Vy tat ty ante to™ Looe (U1) Ex 496 Draw a signal flow graph for the following electrical network, (Roter Fig. P. 42.6). - hy Curent sourco @ a VyehR a) From above equations we can draw the diagram as shown ia Fis. P.4 9.60). & & | aa, q a Fig. P.4.96 ® @ Soin. : Assuming various current node voltages shown in Fig. P.49.61) co) ® i) Fig. P.49.60) noe, final signal flow graph will Kecoms, oA) 2 Fig. P.49.046) Scanned with CamScanner he (he 4.10 Exam Pack Omerbe fe Mass Gane ea pS eter section & 6) ($ Marts (University and Review Questions) a i Mote, Or Ex. &.7A(A) (10 Mares) Pr a ° Syllabus Tople ; Signat Flow Graph Ex. 4.7.8 (4 Marks) aad me a, Explain th torma rterted inthe signal tow grag: Ex. 4.7.15 (10 Marts; Mey 25 (1) Source Nos (2) Sink Note Ex. 47.1644) (19 Marts} Moy 2 (3) Chain Node (Loops) (4) Se Laon Eeeet aaa Mra, (Rlor sacion 4 4) coum wee. Q, List the properties of SFG, (Roter section 4.5) £2. 47.2310 By a, Compare between the Block Diagram algebra ard | ex. 4.7.28 (10 Mares} Px am Mason's Gain orn (Rater section 45 1) Ex. £7:25(10 Marts) (Mey ay - ‘Syllabus Topic : Mason's Gain Rule for Determining Ex. 424 (10 Marks) Mery Overall Transter Function of Single input, Single Output Systems, Explain the Mason's Gain tormadta with eatecerca to ‘Signal Flow Graph Technique, —(Roler voction 4.6) (4 vtacis) (Dee. 2914) Scanned with CamScanner

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