3 Community Immersion

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Learning Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:

a. define community immersion

b. identify the benefits of community immersion
c. assess community needs
d. provide a plan that will be beneficial to the community.

Let’s Read

Community immersion is an intensive study on campus and field experience on becoming a

future leader, community organizer or even a future educator. It would help individuals learn some life
skills that helps them meet others, helps them socially and most importantly to help other community
members see them as people with worth.

zurcriminologist.wordpress.com projectpearls.org

Community Immersion Program – a social strategy in education and training designed to bridge the
gap between theoretical instruction and the realities of community work through experiential learning.


To help the students to become better person on having relation to the needy – to whom much is
given and much is required. It helps the youth on how to make people more active in the environment and
lead the country to change and solve problems encounter on our communities. By the youth, we
encouraged people to speak up and looking forward on how young generation will work for us.

Community immersion is a version of service learning that is more integrated with a student's
passions and interests, is longer-term and is related to the on-going development of community and social
justice issues. Whereas pulling debris from a river would be classified as community service. Community
immersion learning fulfills many of the school's goals for students – becoming involved citizens, learning
through worthwhile tasks, and developing leadership, advocacy and problem-solving skills.

It provides another avenue for students to discover new interests and become potential CWTS-
LTS Mentors. Community Immersion (Service) learning is defined as a method:

 Under which young people learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully
organized experiences that meet actual community needs that are coordinated with the school and
 That is integrated with specific learning objectives and provides structured time for youth to
think, talk, or write about what they did and saw during the actual service activity;
 That provides young people with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in
real-life situations in their own communities;
 That enhances what is taught in school by extending student learning beyond the classroom and
into the community;
 That is related to community development and social justice;
 Helps foster a sense of caring for others through direct involvement; and
 That is supported by regular assessment to provide feedback and guide improvement


Once you have applied and been selected for an Immersion trip you will meet with your
immersion group. Participants commit to attending all the meetings. During these meetings the group
will get to know one another, you will learn more about the community you will be visiting, the
current issues facing the community, history, and culture, and you will be given details on travel,
packing lists, etc.
The Immersion
On your immersion you will be accompanied by a student Immersion Facilitator and NSTP
Faculty. Your immersion group will be hosted by a local organization that will take care of the
logistics for your stay. Each immersion varies in terms of what activities you will participate in so
please be open and flexible. During your immersion you will have the opportunity engage in the local
community and issues, as well as connect with the other immersion participants and reflect on the
Post Immersion
While the community immersion experience has ended, the full experience is a journey that
never truly ends. We see the immersion experience itself as just one aspect, and more as a starting
point then the end goal.
ACTIVITY | Community Immersion

I. Answer the following questions

1. How will you help in conducting community immersion program?


2. What kind of immersion program do you think your community would benefit from? How will it
help your community?

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