M4M - Body Weight - Kelcie Heron FINAL

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Progressive Body Weight Workout

Warm-Up - complete before each workout Cool-Down - complete after each workout OR complete Progressive Flexibility Workout
Arm Circles 10 forward, 10 backwards Cardio 5min Walk
Glute Raises 10-20 repetitions Hip Flexor Stretch 20-60 second hold
Inchworm 10-20 repetitions Quads Stretch 20-60 second hold
Hip Rotations 10 each side Hamstrings Stretch 20-60 second hold
Jumping Jacks 10-20 repetitions Calf Stretch 20-60 second hold
Chest Stretch 20-30 second hold Lateral Spine 20-60 second hold
Calf Stretch 20-20 second hold Core Rotation 20-60 second hold

Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Complete Total Repetitions in as many sets as desired. Perform pullups OR rows. Pullups have custom repetition number

Pushups Pullups (10)/Rows Pushups Pullups (10)/Rows Pushups

Dips Bentover YTA's Dips Bentover YTA's Dips
Squats Lunges Squats Lunges Squats
Week 1: 20 total reps each Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Stretch and Rest Stretch and Rest
Crunches Glute Raise Crunches Glute Raise Crunches
Core rotations Superman Core rotations Superman Core rotations
Burpees Mountain Climbers Burpees Mountain Climbers Burpees

Pullups (15)/Rows Pushups Pullups (15)/Rows Pushups Pullups (15)/Rows

Bentover YTA's Dips Bentover YTA's Dips Bentover YTA's
Lunges Squats Lunges Squats Lunges
Week 2: 30 total reps each Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Stretch and Rest Stretch and Rest
Glute Raise Crunches Glute Raise Crunches Glute Raise
Superman Core rotations Superman Core rotations Superman
Mountain Climbers Burpees Mountain Climbers Burpees Mountain Climbers

Pushups Pullups (20)/Rows Pushups Pullups (20)/Rows Pushups

Dips Bentover YTA's Dips Bentover YTA's Dips
Squats Lunges Squats Lunges Squats
Week 3: 40 total reps each Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Stretch and Rest Stretch and Rest
Crunches Glute Raise Crunches Glute Raise Crunches
Core rotations Superman Core rotations Superman Core rotations
Burpees Mountain Climbers Burpees Mountain Climbers Burpees

Pullups (25)/Rows Pushups Pullups (25)/Rows Pushups Pullups (25)/Rows

Bentover YTA's Dips Bentover YTA's Dips Bentover YTA's
Lunges Squats Lunges Squats Lunges
Week 4: 50 total reps each Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Good Mornings Single leg deadlifts Stretch and Rest Stretch and Rest
Glute Raise Crunches Glute Raise Crunches Glute Raise
Superman Core rotations Superman Core rotations Superman
Mountain Climbers Burpees Mountain Climbers Burpees Mountain Climbers
For more information regarding this workout, please contact Kelcie Heron, Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, at heronkm@gmail.com, AND copy fitness@uab.edu.

Warm-Up Exercise Descriptions

Exercise Link
Arm Circles https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Other/ArmCircle#:~:text=Stand%20with%20feet%20shoulder%20width,out%20to%20each%20side%20horizontally.&text=Rotate%20arms%20together%20in%20small,rotating%20in
Glute Raises https://www.coachmag.co.uk/glute-exercises/2333/glute-bridge-how-to-do-it-benefits-and-variations#:~:text=Lie%20face%20up%20on%20the,feet%20flat%20on%20the%20ground.&text=Lift%20your%20hips%20o
Inchworm https://www.verywellfit.com/how-to-do-the-inchworm-exercise-4685855
Jumping Jacks https://exrx.net/Aerobic/Exercises/JumpingJack
Chest Stretch https://exrx.net/Stretches/ChestGeneral/StraightArm
Calf Stretch https://exrx.net/Stretches/Gastrocnemius/Wall

Workout Exercise Descriptions

Exercise Link
Pushups https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/BWPushup
Dips https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Triceps/BWBenchDip
Squats https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/BWSquat
Good Mornings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_kxfjJhB4I
Crunches https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/RectusAbdominis/BWCrunch
Core Rotations https://myrehabconnection.com/simple-trunk-rotation-exercise-progression/
Burpees https://exrx.net/Aerobic/Exercises/Burpee
Pullups https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/LatissimusDorsi/BWPullup
Rows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rloXYB8M3vU
Bentover YTA's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4_Omfrx4NU
Lunges https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/BWLunge
Single Leg Deadlifts https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/GluteusMaximus/DBSingleLegStiffLegDeadlift
Glute Raise https://www.coachmag.co.uk/glute-exercises/2333/glute-bridge-how-to-do-it-benefits-and-variations#:~:text=Lie%20face%20up%20on%20the,feet%20flat%20on%20the%20ground.&text=Lift%20your%20hips%20o
Superman https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/Superman
Mountain Climbers https://exrx.net/Aerobic/Exercises/MountainClimber

Cool-Down Exercise Descriptions

Exercise Link
Cardio Any form of cardio - preferably low intensity
Hip Flexor Stretch (Standing) https://exrx.net/Stretches/HipFlexors/Standing
Hip Flexor Stretch (Kneeling) https://exrx.net/Stretches/HipFlexors/KneelingHipFlexor
Quads Stretch https://exrx.net/Stretches/Quadriceps/Standing#:~:text=Grasp%20top%20ankle%20or%20forefoot,or%20forefoot%20to%20rear%20end.&text=Straighten%20hip%20by%20moving%20knee,Hold%20stretch.
Hamstring Stretch https://exrx.net/Stretches/Hamstrings/Standing
Calf Stretch https://exrx.net/Stretches/Gastrocnemius/Wall
Lateral Spine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlKdX4TUtQg
Core Rotation https://myrehabconnection.com/simple-trunk-rotation-exercise-progression/

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