J 1417-Information Security (2014 Admn Onwards
J 1417-Information Security (2014 Admn Onwards
J 1417-Information Security (2014 Admn Onwards
Remarks on Scrutin
1. An active attack is the one in which the intruder may transmit messages, replay old
messages, modify messages in transit.
2. What you are allowed to do.
3. Digital Signature Standard
4. The software which intends to damage the computer system.
■ 5. Who you are. ,
Set 1 Page No. 2 Number
11. Information security is concerned with the control and treats related to the use of
information. The security to the information system can be provided by using external
and internal approach.
12. If both sender and receiver use the same key, the system is referred to as symmetric,
single key, secret key, or conventional encryption. If the sender and receiver each use a
different key, the system is referred to as asymmetric, two-key, or public-key
13. Confidentiality using encryption, authentication, integrity using message digest, replay
attack protection, limited traffic flow confidentially
14. Trojan horses are a class of malware that take their name from the way they infect
computers. Just like the classical story of the Trojan horse, Trojans hide themselves
within seemingly harmless programs or try to trick you into installing them.
15. The Caesar cipher involves replacing each letter of the alphabet with the letter standing
three places further down the alphabet.
For example : Plain : meet me after the toga party
16. In asymmetric encryption, two different keys are used, one for encryption and another
for decryption. Public key is publically available so that not only sender; and recipient
but anybody may know the key. Private key which is a secret key known to the owner of
the key.
17. S/MIME is useful for transmitting the data securely through e-mail. Companies use it for
securely exchange their data. In software companies part of code is securely transmitted
through this. Government organizations and stock market data can be securely
transmitted. Hospital also uses this.
18. Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization
without their knowledge and that may send such information to another entity without
Set! Page No. 3 Number
IPv4 addresses are 32 bit length. IPv6 addresses are 128 bit length.
IPv4 addresses are binary numbers IPv6. addresses are binary numbers
represented in decimals. . . represented in hexadecimals.
IPSec support is only optional. Inbuilt IPSec support, i ________
Fragmentation is done by sender and Fragmentation is done only by sender. .
forwarding routers.
No packet flow identification. Packet flow identification is available
within the IPv6 header using the Flow
Label field.
Checksum field is available in IPv4 header No checksum field in IPy6 header.
27. E-mail worm. Instant messaging worm, Internet worm, Internet Relay Chat(IRC) worm,
file-sharing networks worm, Payloads, Worms with good intent.
>v 'l
Standard IETF
29. In transposition cipher, the letters are written in a row under the key and then arrange the
column as per alphabetical order. ^
Single columnar and double columnar transposition ciphers j
30. Adjudicating officer. Digital signature, Affixing digital signature,; Appropriate
Government, Certifying Authority, Cyber Appellate Tribunal, Electronic; form, Secure
system, Electronic Gazette
31. Convergence has been defined as the ability of one or different networks to carry
different services. Or the bringing together of industries in the communications area,
which were previously viewed as separate and distinct in both the commercial and-the
technological sense.
Examples are the provision of Internet access and TV to mobiles and triple or quad play
services offered by ISPs or Cable TV Operators.
Triple DES
33. Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a protocol suite for secure Internet Protocol (IP)
communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a communication
IP security architecture : - strengths of IPsec, Applications of IPsec, Benefits of IPsec,
Overview of IPsec, Working of IPsec
IPv4, IPv6
34. A public encryption method that relies on a public encryption algorithm, a public
decryption algorithm, and a public encryption key.
Using the public key and encryption algorithm, everyone can encrypt a message.
The decryption key is known only to authorized parties. ' |
The RSA (1978) method is based on some principles from number theory.:
The use of Rivest-Shamir-Adleman(RSA) method is as follows
1. Choose two large primes, p and q (typically 1024 bits).
2. Compute n = p x q and z = (p -1) x (q -1).
3. Choose a number relatively prime to z and call it d.
4. Find e such that e x d =1 mod z. ,
Its major disadvantage is that it requires keys of at least 1024 bits for good security.
35. Email security refers to the collective measures used to secure the access and: content of
an email account or service. It allows an individual or organization to protect the overall
access to one or more email addresses/accounts.
Pretty Good Privacy:- need of PGP, working of PGP, PGP encryption applications
MIME:- MIME headers, MIME transfer -encoding header field
S/MIME History of S/MIME, working of S/MIME, Applications of S/MIME