Nutritional Genomics
Nutritional Genomics
Nutritional Genomics
between human genome, human nutrition and health. It is the study of the interactions
between our genetic makeup and the foods, we consume, and the health outcomes that may occur.
It was first expressed in 2001. The nutritional genomics focuses on the bioactive substances lound in
regular food and how those substances affect the balance between health and disease via the
interaction with the individual's genome.
The term nutritional genomics includes several subcategories, such as nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics,
and nutritional epigenetics. Each of these subcategories explains some aspect of how genes react to
nutrients and express specific phenotypes, like disease risk.
The influence of nutrients on genes expression is called Nutrigenomics, while the heterogenous
response of gene variants to nutrients, dietary components and developing nutraceuticals is called
Nutrigenomics involves studying the impact of foods on genes, how genes can be switched on and
off. Nutrigenomics provides a genetic understanding for how common dietary components affect the
balance between health and discase by altering the expression and/or structure of an individual's
genetic makeup. For e.g.: gluten from wheat is known to trigger excessive inflammation in some
individuals genetically susceptible to it. Hence avoiding gluten is important for such people.
Nutrigenetics is the science where identifying which nutrients one could be deficient in. It is done
based on the genetic information. Nutrigenetics describes that the genetic profile has an impact on
the response of body to bioactive food components by influencing their absorption, metabolism. and
site of action. Hence, it helps in understanding the nutrient requirement based on genes. In this way,
considering different aspects of gene-nutrient interaction and designing appropriate diet for every
specific genotype that optimize 04 individual health, diagnosis and nutritional treatment of genome
instability., we could prevent and control conversion of healthy phenotype to diseases. For e.g. some
individuals have a genetic variation in some vitamin B9 genes which makes them prone to deficiency
and hence increases the requirement of such vitamins.
Nutritional Genomics is newly emerging multidisciplinary field of medical science and practice. The
knowledge of nutrigenomics is increasingly becoming a powerful tool for the medical professionals to
maintain human health and prevent/control common chronic disease.
The first and second sessions of the International Nutrigenomics Conference held in Netherlands
generalize nutrigenomics as a science focusing the influence of nutrients and phytochemicals on
body gone transcription, translation, expression and metabolic mechanisms. Nutrigenomics is mainly
based on molecular biology technique to clarify the interaction between nutrients and gene, applied
the technology of DNA microarray, proteomics etc
• Substances contained in the food (micronutrients and macronutrients) can directly or indirectly
affect the human genome through changes in its structure and gene
• Under certain circumstances and in some individuals the diet can be an important risk factor for
the development of number of discuses.
• Some genes regulated by active substances in the diet probably play a crucial role in the onset,
incidence, progression and severity of the disease.
The degree to which diet influences the balance between health and disease may
• Nutritional intervention is based on the knowledge of individual's nutritional status and needs as
well as genotype (Individualised nutrition) and can be used for prevention, mitigation or healing the
chronic diseases.
The applications of nutritional genomics are multiple. With personalized assessment some disorders
(diabetes, metabolic syndrome) can be identified. Nutrigenomics can help with personalized health
and nutrition intake by assessing individuals and make specific nutritional requirements. The focus is
in the prevention and the correction of specific genetic disorders. Examples of genetic related
disorders that improve with nutritional correction are obesity, coronary heart disease (CHD),
hypertension and type1 diabetes mellitus. Genetic disorders that can often be prevented by proper
nutritional intake of parents include spina bifida, alcoholism und phenylketouria.
Coronary heart disease - Genes tied to nutrition manifest themselves through the body's sensitivity
to food. In studies about CHD, there is a relationship between the disease and the presence of two
alleles found at E and B apolipoprotein loci.
These loci differences result in individualized reactions to the consumption of lipids. Some people
experience increased weight gain and greater risk of CHD whereas others with different loci do not.
Research has shown a direct correlation between the decreased risk of CHD and the decrease
consumption of lipids across all populations.
Obesity - Obesity is one of the most widely studied topics in nutritional genomics. Due to genetic
variations among individuals, each person could respond to diet differently. By exploring the
interaction between dietary pattern and genetic factors, the field aims to suggest dietary changes that
could prevent or reduce obesity.
There appear to be some single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that make it more likely that a
person will gain weight from a high fat diet; for people with AA genotype in the FTO gene showed a
higher BMI compared those with TT genotype when having high fat or low carbohydrate dietary
Recent studies showed that 80% of the differences observed in the body mass index (BMI) of twins
are related to genetic factors. As obesity causes a chronic process of inflammation, the use of
Nutrigenomics to modulate this manner is highly promising. Some foods contain anti-inflammatory
bio actives, such as tyrosol (found in olive oil), quercetin (present in fruits and greeneries). and
lycopene (present in tomatoes, guavas, and watermelon). These molecules act inhibiting the
expression of COX2 and INOS genes through the reducing the translocation of the Kappa-B nuclear
factor from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.
There are several other ways where bioactive compounds from food can interfere on genes. One of
the primary mechanisms for gene expression modulation is during transcription, where the synthesis
of inflammatory mediators occurs and has a fundamental role on numerous chronic illnesses,
including obesity. Hence, interleukin-l, is one of these mediators, which. after activation, stimulates
the production of many other molecules during the inflammation cascade. The bioactive compound α
-tocoferol, found in green tea, acts by decreasing the level of this chronic inflammatory process that
occurs in obese individuals. Therefore. studies indicate that this component can assist on the
treatment of obesity.
Cancer - The need for certain micronutrients by the organism depends on the person's age, genetic
background. and physical state. Earlier studies showed that the deficiency of micronutrients. such as
folic acid. vitamins B12, 36. C. and E, selenium, niacin, and zine can cause changes into the DNA similar
to what is seen after radiation exposure. These alterations can lead to the rupture of the DNA double
strand, oxidative lesions, or both.
Moreover. molecules present in contaminated food can produce toxic metabolites that may interact
with DNA, modifying its structure and inducing mutations. It is the case of aflatoxin B1. which forms
an adding compound able to bind to the N-7 position of guanine residue, generating a new product.
This new molecule cleaves, then, the interaction between one sugar and one nitrogenous base of a
nucleotide, leading to the formation of an apurinic site. The mutation can, thus, cause severe damages
on the liver, including necrosis, cirrhosis, and carcinoma
During the metabolism of folate, the folic acid found in food sources, is absorbed by the intestine and.
through many chemical processes of catabolism and synthesis, it is transformed into 5-
methshetrahydrofolate. This chemical component is necessary for the synthesis of methionine. which
in turn is used during the process of DNA replication. Thus, a diet poor in folie acid can alter this
process and interfere on DNA replication, leading also to an increased risk of cancer development.
Various minerals work as protectors against cancer development. Among them, there are (i) selenium.
which stimulates the production of glutathione peroxidase enzyme that acts on the reduction of
hydrogen peroxide and maintain the integrity of cell membranes; (ii) prostacyclins, which decrease
the oxidative damage of important molecules, such as DNA, lipids. and lipoproteins; (iii) zinc, which
act on processes for the maintenance of genomic stability. genetic expression, and apoptosis
Type Il Diabetes - Type II Diabetes is a multifactorial pathogenesis that involves the interaction
between genetics and environmental factors. Genomics studies showed that there are 65 SNs
associated with the risk of developing type Il Diabetes.
With the advances of genome sequencing and the decoding of the human genome, tests for the
detection of SNPs related to Type II diabetes became available to the public. In these tests, the patient
is able to know if there is a genetic predisposition to develop the disease.
However. caution must be taken on applying this test for clinical practice, once that studies have
shown that patients that had negative results on this exam for the presence of Type II Diabetes SNPs
felt so secure about it that they stopped taking care of their food diets.
Consequently. some later developed Diabetes due to food income and insulin tolerance may occur.
Nevertheless. patients who received a positive result for the presence of type Il Diabetes change their
lifestyle, especially in their food intake, which later decreased the development of the disease by this
In PKU. restriction of phenylalanine and protein is needed as the main part of the nutritional